首页 14个广东清远特产(中英文版)



14个广东清远特产(中英文版)清远特色产品 1、 清远鸡 特色功效:肉质鲜香,食后喉甘润,回味香醇。美国前总统尼克松访华招待用鸡、日本前首相田中角荣访华指定品尝清远鸡。清远鸡可补气血,养阴清热,调经健脾等。 产区:清城区 1. Qingyuan Chicken Featured efficacies: Delicious meat with the sweetness and savoury taste after the swallowing is the main feature of Qingyuan chicken. It was u...

清远特色产品 1、 清远鸡 特色功效:肉质鲜香,食后喉甘润,回味香醇。美国前总统尼克松访华招待用鸡、日本前首相田中角荣访华指定品尝清远鸡。清远鸡可补气血,养阴清热,调经健脾等。 产区:清城区 1. Qingyuan Chicken Featured efficacies: Delicious meat with the sweetness and savoury taste after the swallowing is the main feature of Qingyuan chicken. It was used to serve the former US President Richard Nixon when he visited China. It is also the Japan's former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka’s designated dish when he visited China. Qingyuan chicken can supplement qi and blood, replenish yin and remove the heat as well as regulate the menstrual and improve the performance of the spleen, etc. Producing area: Qingcheng District,Qingyuan 2、 乌鬃鹅 特色功效:骨细肉嫩,富含蛋白质,胸肌和皮下脂肪较少,食而不腻。清远乌鬃鹅享誉海内外,是出口港澳和东南亚的主要鹅种。它养胃止渴、补气、能解五脏之热,补阴益气,暖胃开津和缓解铅毒之功效。 产区:清新县 2. Black Mane Goose Featured efficacies: With very slim bones and tender meat, Black Mane Goose is rich in protein and has less chest meat and subcutaneous fat, which makes it delicious but not greasy. Qingyuan Black Mane Goose is famous both at home and abroad and is the major goose species to export to Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asia. It can nourish the stomach, quench one’s thirst, supplement yin and qi, remove heat from the organs, increase one’s appetite and ease the lead poison. Producing area: Qingxin County, Qingyuan 3、 竹笋 特色功效:竹笋自古被当作“菜中珍品”,富含维生素和胡萝卜素及富含人体必需的赖氨酸、色氨酸、苏氨酸、苯丙氨酸等,为优良的保健蔬菜。具有清热化痰、益气和胃等功效。 产区:英德、清新 3. Bamboo Shoots Featured efficacies: Bamboo shoots has been recognized as “a treasure dish”. It is rich in vitamin, carotene and various amino acids which are necessary to human bodies such as lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine and threonine. It can remove the heat, clear the phlegm, replenish qi and stomach and so on. Producing areas: Yingde, Qingyuan & Qingxin, Qingyuan 4、 九龙豆腐 特色功效:九龙豆腐是九龙镇特产,以当地特有山水磨豆制成,吃来口感嫩滑、豆香盈口,在英德人人皆知。有高蛋白,低脂肪,降血压,降血脂,降胆固醇的功效。是生熟皆可,老幼皆宜,养生摄生、益寿延年的美食佳品。 产区:英德九龙镇 4. Jiulong Tofu Featured efficacies: Jiulong Tofu is the special local product of Jiulong Town. It is made of local characteristic beans and is very smooth and flavoury, which is famous in Yingde, Qingyuan. It contains abundant proteins and can low the blood pressure, blood lipid and cholesterol. It can be served either cooked or uncooked and is very popular among people from a wide age range. It also helps to preserve one’s health and prolong life. Producing area: Yingde Jiulong Town, Qingyuan 5、 九龙腐竹 特色功效:制作无污染、无杂质,有一定韧性,豆香盈口,用水浸泡后不烂,有黄豆香味的腐竹。腐竹营养丰富,含铁量较高,是非常健康的保健食品。具有良好的健脑作用,能预防老年痴呆症的发生。 产区:九龙镇 5. Jiulong Bean Curd Stick Featured efficacies: The processing is pollution-free and inclusion-free. The bean curd stick food material tastes resilient with a soya bean fragrance. Jiulong bean curd stick won’t become tender after soaked in water. It contains rich nutrition and high iron content. As an excellent health care food, Jiulong bean curd stick does good to brain and can prevent Alzheimer. Producing area: Jiulong Town, Qingyuan 6、 黑山羊肉 特色功效:黑山羊羊肌纤维细,硬度小,肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,膻味极小,营养价值高、含人体必需氨基酸15种以上。具有滋阴壮阳、补虚强体、提高人体免疫力、延年益寿和美容之功效。 产区:清新县 6. Black Goat Meat Featured efficacies:Black goat has thin muscle fiber, hence the meat is soft and smooth with little mutton dodur and very tasty flavor. It is rich in nutrition and contains more than 15 amino acids that are essential to human body. It can nourish yin, tonify yang, reinforce deficiency, strengthen the body, improve the performance of the immune system, prolong life and make the ladies more glowing. 7、黄牛肉 特色功效:黄牛肉属于温热性质的肉食,擅长补气,是气虚之人进行食养食疗的首选肉食,《韩氏医通》说“黄牛肉补气,与绵黄芪同功。”就补养的脏腑来说,黄牛肉重在补养脾胃,从而滋养其他脏腑。 主要产地:清远 7. Cattle Beef Featured efficacies: Cattle beef is warm in nature, which is good for tonifying qi and the first choice for people who are carrying out food therapy. It is said in Asaps Medical Tong that Cattle meat supplements qi and has the same effect with continous astragalus. When it comes to the organs that cattle beef does good to, cattle meat can nourish the spleen and stomach, thus tonifying other organs. Producing area: Qingyuan 8.北江河鲜石岩虾 特色功效:北江河水水质纯净,河湾众多,是藏鱼卧虾之所。石岩虾,由于北江江水流动较急,石岩虾的前脚只能一只抓着石头,另一只找食物,因此也就形成了大小不一的两只虾钳。它肉质结实、清甜鲜滑。 主要产地:北江 8. Beijiang River Rock Shrimp Featured efficacies: Due to the possession of good water quality and numerous branches, Beijiang River is home to many fish and shrimps. Because of fast river flows, rock shrimps can only grab the stone with one of their clamp to keep balance and look for food with the other clamp, as a consequence of which rock shrimps has two clamps of different sizes. It tastes chewy, sweet, fresh and smooth. Producing area: Beijing River, Qingyuan 9、连州菜心 特色功效:连州,由于秋冬季节连州昼夜温差大的特殊气候,使种植出来的菜心比其它地区菜心更清甜、更细嫩、更爽口汁多,多年来远近驰名。经霜打后的菜心,味道更是爽甜,深受粤港澳食客的喜爱。 产区:连州 9. Lianzhou Flowering Cabbage Featured efficacies: Due to huge temperature difference between day and night in Lianzhou, the flowering cabbage produced here tastes sweeter, smoother, juicier and is renowned for many years. The flowering cabbage after frost tastes even sweeter and is very popular among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Producing area: Lianzhou, Qingyuan 10、猴头菇 特色功效:猴头菇是一种药食两用真菌,猴头菌性平,味甘能利五脏、利血液循环、助消化、滋补、抗癌、治疗神经衰弱,可提高肌体免疫力的功能,可延缓衰老。国内已广泛应用于医治消化不良,胃溃疡,十二指肠溃疡、食道癌、胃癌等消化系统疾病。 产区:清远市连南瑶族自治县 10. Hericium Erinaceus Featured efficacies: Hericium erinaceus is neutral in nature, sweet in taste and can be adopted as both food and medicine. It does merit to the five internal organs and can improve the blood circulation, digestion, and immune system, help fight against cancer and neurasthenia, and delay senescence. In china Hericium Erinaceus has been widely adopted to treat digestive system diseases such as indigestion, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer esophageal and gastric cancer. Producing area: South Yao Autonomous County, Qingyuan 11、英德红茶 特色功效:英德红茶中的儿茶素能显著提高SOD的活性,清除自由基。因为人体新陈代谢的过程,如果过氧化,会产生大量自由基,容易老化,也会使细胞受伤。SOD(超氧化物歧化)是自由基清除剂,能有效清除过剩自由基,阻止自由基对人体的损伤,防衰老。 产区:英德 11. Yingde Black Tea Featured efficacies: Catechins can significantly improve the activity of SOD and scavenge free radicals. If the process of metabolism proxidates, a large amount of free radicals will be generated, thus causing aging and damage to the cells. SOD (superoxide dismutase) is a free radical remover which can eliminate excessive free radicals and prevent them from harming and aging the human body. Producing area: Yingde, Qingyuan 12、七拱大米 特色功效:七拱米米质洁白、长细、饭味浓香可口软滑。以七拱晚造米煲的粥绵滑细致,而且稻香馥郁,加上当地的鲜淮山、芋头粒以及深山野螺肉,口感更加清甜美味。如此超群的粥品被师傅们冠以“河南第一粥”的美誉。 产区:阳山七拱镇 12. Qigong Rice Featured efficacies: Qigong rice is white, long, thin and has a savoury and smooth taste. The soup made from Qigong rice tastes smooth, delicate and fragrant. Combined with local fresh Chinese yam, taro grains wild mountain snails, the taste is sweeter and more delicious. This excellent soup has been acknowledged as “Henan No.1 Porridge” by cooks. Producing area: Yangshan Qigong Town, Qingyuan 13、连南茶油 特色功效:连南瑶山茶油是一种纯天然高级木本食用植物油,色微清香甘甜,无苦涩味,具有消炎、祛毒、除斑积、预防高血脂、动脉硬化等医药价值。连南瑶山茶油单不饱和脂肪酸含量高达78%以上,有“东方橄榄油”之美誉。 产区:连南瑶山 品牌及生产企业:益生源山茶油有限公司 13. Liannan Camellia Oil Featured efficacies: Liannan Yaoshan camellia oil is pure natural high-level woody edible vegetable oil. It has fair color, light fragrance, sweet taste and can diminish inflammation, remove poison, stains and prevent hyperlipidemia as well as atherosclerosis. Liannan camellia oil contains more than 78% of monounsaturated fatty acid and is appreciated as “the eastern olive oil”. Producing area: Yaoshan, Liannan, Qingyuan Brand and producing enterprise: YiShengYuan Camellia Oil Co., LTD 14、秋葵 特色功效:秋葵原产于非洲,20世纪初由印度引入我国。目前黄秋葵已成为人们所热追高档营养保健蔬菜,风靡全球。其脆嫩多汁,可榨油,滑润不腻,香味独特,秋葵为低能量食物,是很好的减肥食品之一。对胃炎、癌症、胃溃疡、贫血、消化不良有良好的功效。 产区:清远市清新县太平镇 14. Okra Featured efficacies: Okra is originated from Africa and was introduced to China from India. Currently okra has become a high-grade nutritious healthy vegetable which is popular around the world. It is crispy, juicy and smooth while not greasy and can be used in oil manufacture. With a unique fragrance, okra is a low-energy food which can help lose weight. It is also a great treat measure for gastritis, cancer, gastric ulcer, anemia, indigestion and so on. Producing area: Taiping Town, Qingxin County, Qingyuan.
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