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人人都是通风员心得体会2人人都是通风员心得体会2 关于开展“人人都是通风员”活动的心得体会 在煤矿~安全工作先于一切、重于一切~抓主要矛盾就是要抓安全~把安全工作摆在比天还大的位置~这就是抓住了煤矿生产的主要矛盾。瓦斯事故是煤矿的“第一杀手”~通风工作处于重中之重的地位~是主要矛盾的核心问题。而人是煤矿安全的“第一要素”~是煤矿安全的根本~因此~“人人都是通风员”就是抓住了矛盾的主要方面~抓住了安全工作的核心和根本。 落实人人都是通风员必须把握好“五个关键点” 一、落实“人人都是通风员”~必须领会其思想内涵和精神实质 “人人都是...

人人都是通风员心得体会2 关于开展“人人都是通风员”活动的心得体会 在煤矿~安全工作先于一切、重于一切~抓主要矛盾就是要抓安全~把安全工作摆在比天还大的位置~这就是抓住了煤矿生产的主要矛盾。瓦斯事故是煤矿的“第一杀手”~通风工作处于重中之重的地位~是主要矛盾的核心问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。而人是煤矿安全的“第一要素”~是煤矿安全的根本~因此~“人人都是通风员”就是抓住了矛盾的主要方面~抓住了安全工作的核心和根本。 落实人人都是通风员必须把握好“五个关键点” 一、落实“人人都是通风员”~必须领会其思想内涵和精神实质 “人人都是通风员”是推进企业改革发展的必然要求。 “人人都是通风员”实现了安全思想的发展和创新。是落实以人为本的科学发展观的具体体现~是对安全理念的又一次丰富~并富于了“人人都是安全员”全新的内涵~是今后抓好安全工作必须坚持的根本方针。 “人人都是通风员”明确“一通三防”工作的行为主体是井下全体员工。并要求井下员工人人都来抓通风~人人都负通风责。其根本目的是动员全体员工~群策群力~齐抓共管~最大限度地预防和控制事故~进一步维护好员工的根本利益~实现企业安全健康发展。 把握好理念的精神实质~就必须在实际工作中~始终坚持把“一通三防”摆在首要突出的位置~任何时候都不能有丝毫麻痹放松。在安全与生产发生矛盾时~必须坚持安全第一。把握好理念的精神实质~of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 就必须进一步提高员工对“一通三防”工作重要性、危害性、长期性、复杂性和艰巨性的认识~增强员工的安全思想观念~增强超前预防的主动意识~彻底消除麻痹心理~居安思危~防微杜渐~从思想上做到防患于未然。 二、落实“人人都是通风员”~首要任务是提高员工的安全素质 井下员工是“人人都是通风员”的具体落实者和执行者~只有把每一名员工的安全素质提高了~才能保证新理念真正得到有效落实。具体在工作实践中~应着力抓好三个方面:一是要扎实搞好理念的学习宣传。把学习“人人都是通风员”理念作为一项重要工作~列入日程~制定 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ~创新方法~常抓不懈~大力营造一个学理念、用理念的良好氛围~使每一名井下员工都能充分认识落实理念的重要意义和必要性~为理念落实创造先决条件。二是要抓好多种形式的安全培训。通过培训~让每一名井下员工明确认识为什么要当通风员~通风员所享有的权利和应履行的义务及应掌握的基础知识有哪些~努力提高员工 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 问题~判断问题和解决问题的能力~不断增强用“三懂、三会、三做到”岗位标准约束工作行为的自觉性~促进员工的安全素质的提高。三是要抓好专业队伍建设。“一通三防”专业队伍人员承担着重要角色~他们不仅要干好本职工作~而且担负着指导、检查井下每一名员工日常行为的重要职责。必须增强每一名专职人员的工作责任心和业务素质~使专职人员不仅能够干好通风员~更要自觉做到“人人都是通风管理员”~促进提高“一通三防”的队伍素质的整体工作水平~为“人人都是通风员”工作的开展造就一支素质过硬的专业队伍。 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 三、落实“人人都是通风员”~关键在于建立长效的工作机制。 落实“人人都是通风员”绝不能“雷声大~雨点小”~必须要坚持长期抓。这就要求我们必须建立有效的工作机制~有计划、有步骤地稳步推进。一是不断适应“一通三防”工作的变化~始终把 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 创新贯穿于 安全管理 企业安全管理考核细则加油站安全管理机构环境和安全管理程序安全管理考核细则外来器械及植入物管理 的全过程~使“一通三防”的每一项工作都能真正做到有制度可依、有制度可循。二是落实目标和责任~本着当前工作与长远工作相结合~日常工作与重点工作相结合的原则~制定工作目标~层层分解落实责任~做到目标明确~分工细致~责任到人~真正做到通风工作事事有人抓~处处有人管~彻底消除“一通三防”管理上的盲区和死角。三是要加强检查和考核。充分发挥好职能部门和群监网络的监管作用~加大日常检查、考核力度~做到严格考核~奖罚分明。四是要注重激励和约束并重。对有贡献的人员必须重奖~对有制度不落实~失职造成的事故~必须按照“四不放过”的原则~严格追究责任。五是要大力开展技术创新。完善以科技人员为主体的创新体系~充分发挥好“一通三防”科技人员的突出作用~扎实推进“一通三防”新技术、新工艺的推广应用~着力解决影响和困扰“一通三防”安全工作中存在的关键性技术难题~为“一通三防”安全工作提供技术保证。通过加强以上五个方面的工作~真正建立起落实“人人都是通风员”的长效机制~使这一理念在实际工作中得到长久地体现和落实。 四、落实“人人都是通风员”~必须依靠全员参与~群策群力 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms “一通三防”工作是一项长期而复杂的系统工程~涉及到矿井的方方面面~贯穿于安全生产的全过程。抓好这项工作仅靠专业部门及人员是远远不够的~必须要动员全员参与~依靠每一个人的力量~共同努力~才能把“一通三防”工作真正抓好抓实。首先必须让每一名员工认识到“一通三防”与自己的生命和利益息息相关~从而使其主动肩负起保护自己和保护他人的重要使命。在实际工作中~我们要注重用细致的思想工作说服人~用细腻的感情感化人~用生动的案例教育人~使员工自觉用“人人都是通风员”的岗位标准要求自己~约束自己~调动起全员参与的积极性。同时~每一位员工都必须努力学习“一通三防”的基础知识~掌握“三懂、三会、三做到”的岗位标准~自觉遵守有关的法律、法规、规章、标准和各项管理制度~按章作业~消除自身的不安全行为~并及时制止他人的不安全行为,努力做到爱护“一通三防”的设备、设施~积极主动地在工作中发现问题~解决问题~及时把各类隐患消灭在萌芽状态。要把“人人都是通风员”的工作不断推向基层、班组~引向深入~动员每一个员工的积极性~切实形成“人人学通风~人人管通风~人人保通风”~齐抓共管的工作氛围。 五、落实“人人都是通风员”~必须在细节和现场管理上狠下功夫。 “一通三防工作无小事”~任何一个细节上的疏忽都会造成灾难性的后果。历史上惨痛的教训比比皆是。所以~抓好“一通三防”工作必须实施超前监控~把住细节关~只有这样才能保证安全上不出问of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 题。要坚持干任何工作都必须以保证“一通三防”安全为前提~坚持做到超前预测~超前管理~将每一项具体工作超前部署~抓好每一个环节~每一道工序~把责任和措施落实到位。在现场“一通三防”管理上~必须坚持做到“四个到位”。一是开工前的通风检查要到位~只要发现现场存在“一通三防”隐患~坚决不能组织生产。二是施工过程中的监管要到位。加强对施工现场瓦斯、粉尘等的监测监控~一旦发现浓度超标~必须坚决停产撤人。三是现场的通风设施管护要到位。必须把通风设施的管理责任落实到人~加强风巷、通风机等重要设施、设备的检查维护~确保通风设施、设备的正常运行。四是现场人员的防护器具和避灾措施要到位。严格要求每一名现场人员必须配戴保护工具~保证现场避灾路线畅通。通过认真抓细节、抓现场~切实把“人人都是通风员”的理念体现落实到实际工作的全过程~确保矿井安全生产。 “人人都是通风员”来源于安全工作实践~针对煤矿安全生产的核心问题~分析总结了导致不安全因素的诱因~提炼了克服、应对的系统策略与基本方法~究其终极目标~即能够利用它的理论特性与功能~服务于煤矿生产事故的避免与减少员工生命健康的保护、企业经济效益的保障、煤矿企业的可持续安全发展。这一目标的实现~需要将安全理论落到实处~而且是一项长期的、复杂的、艰巨的工作。 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms
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