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The planet Kassira exists on the outskirts of the main ...


The planet Kassira exists on the outskirts of the main ...The planet Kassira exists on the outskirts of the main ... The Last Jedi By Alexander Julien for LUCASFILM Ltd. May 2006 Page 2 of 29 FADE IN: EXT. THE PLANET KASSIRA - DAY The planet Kassira exists on the outskirts of the main populated systems or wha...

The planet Kassira exists on the outskirts of the main ...
The planet Kassira exists on the outskirts of the main ... The Last Jedi By Alexander Julien for LUCASFILM Ltd. May 2006 Page 2 of 29 FADE IN: EXT. THE PLANET KASSIRA - DAY The planet Kassira exists on the outskirts of the main populated systems or what is better known as the outer rim territories. Only adventurous mineral ore miners, or those who choose to live a hidden existence, brave the harsh environment of this formidable planet. Still, if one can endure the unrelenting environment, one can achieve riches beyond the laws and stern regulations put forth by the new Galactic Empire. EXT. MINING OUTPOST, CREW COMPLEX - DAY The mining complex has been here for decades. Built by miners for miners, it has endured the years only due to its sturdy titanium bases. A small mining outpost lies on the crust of a massive terraformed valley that is home to a small contingent of families that keep to themselves. One such family, is the custodial presence that keeps the operation running smoothly, when the miners leave to transport their goods across the galaxy. Chofa Fayde, late 50’s, brought his wife (41), and two sons’ to Kassira. Chofas’ two Page 3 of 29 sons, (Calem, 17, Toren, 12) often play on the hillside overlooking the mining complex below. EXT. HILLSIDE, BESIDE MINING COMPLEX - DAY Calem and Toren are on the hillside, a ship ROARS overhead and lands on the platform leading to the central complex. Calem stops to watch the ship, Toren notices the look on his brother’s face has changed. TOREN What is it? CALEM Not what…(turns to Toren)who? Calem puts his hand on Toren’s shoulder. CALEM Wait here, I’ll be right back. Toren watches as his older brother runs down the hill toward the complex. After a few nervous minutes pass, Toren runs down to the complex and sneaks through a seldom used service door that leads directly under the family habitat section of the complex. It’s a crawl space only he can fit into. INT. CRAWL SPACE - NIGHT When Calem and Toren would play “Mandalorian Page 4 of 29 Hunter” games, Toren would use this secret crawlspace to evade Calem. Toren could hide here for days. INT. FAMILY HABITAT - DAY Toren is watching as a hooded dark figure sits across from his father, it is very quiet until the stranger speaks in a whispered voice. DARK FIGURE You are Chofa Fayde… Jedi Knight and servant to the Republic. CHOFA FAYDE I was a Jedi, (pause) a very long time ago. The dark figure glances over at the mother who is holding Calem close to her side. The dark figure raises an arm and Calem reluctantly walks towards the figure. The dark figure holds a gloved hand up to Calem’s chin, and then looks at Chofa once again. DARK FIGURE They are so innocent. Unaware of the tremendous power they possess. If not controlled, they could destroy everything we create for them.” Page 5 of 29 Chofa moves nervously in his seat, he knows the stranger has come with a purpose. CHOFA FAYDE How do you know who I am? DARK FIGURE I know you, because I was once a part of you. I am here to save you from yourself. The dark figure slowly rises from the chair and lifts his hand towards the mother. Her throat starts to tighten. She drops to the floor gasping for air. Chofa rises. DARK FIGURE When you took an oath to the Jedi Order, you swore not to fall prey to your desires. The mother lies motionless on the floor, Calem is frozen with fear behind the dark figure. With a tear rolling down his cheek, Chofa Fayde reaches in his cloak and pulls out an old tarnished lightsaber. He looks up at the dark figure and ignites. (WHOOOOOM) Page 6 of 29 CHOFA FAYDE I am Jedi, and servant to the Republic DARK FIGURE I am Sith, slayer of Jedi. CHOFA FAYDE For the Republic. In a blinding move Chofa Fayde leaps across the table towards the Dark Figure with a killing attempt. The Dark Figure ignites two stunning black light, light sabers. With a sweeping move, it cuts Chofa Fayde in half. The Dark figure kneels beside the fallen Jedi and places its hand on the temples. Sporadic light envelops the Dark Figure and then it’s over. The Dark Figure stand. DARK FIGURE The Republic is dead. The figure turns to Calem and waves its hand across Calem’s face. Calem falls to the ground, unconscious. The figure picks up Calem’s body and walks to the waiting ship. The ship fires up its engines and then disappears into the night sky. INT. CRAWL SPACE – DAY Toren emerges from the dark crawlspace and Page 7 of 29 into the home. He looks at his mother and father. He kneels down and picks up his father’s lightsaber and places it in a wooden box. He closes the lid. (SLAM!) EXT. THE PLANET ORRATTAN - NIGHT CARD: 10 years later… The planet Orrattan is a hot bed for the galaxies biggest gamblers. It is also home to the largest underworld crime syndicate in the galaxy. EXT. SPACEPORT,ORRATTAN - NIGHT After inconspicuously landing on a trans-galactic transport in a remote spaceport some miles away from the major populated areas, Toren makes his way to The Cauldron. EXT. THE CAULDRON - NIGHT The Cauldron is a huge gambling den where a gangly looking alien from the moon Brentaal 4, rules the underworld with a gang of alien thugs. His name is Roda Kon. Roda is frequently seen in his private section. No one dare approach him unless he wants you to. Page 8 of 29 INT. THE CAULDRON - NIGHT As Toren enters the seedy bar he notices Roda Kon sitting at a table. Several other smugglers sit at his table beside him, smoke perforates the air. Toren makes his way around for a better look. Suddenly Toren his flattened by a huge alien. He is Jark, a Gorgan. He is Roda Kon’s personal bodyguard. Jark doesn’t even notice Toren, he is busy throwing somebody across the room towards the door. Toren walks around the establishment eyeing up Roda and company. Just then a hand lands on Toren’s shoulder and pulls him back. Toren turns quickly to see who it is. PERSON I wouldn’t do that if I were you. TOREN Well you’re not me, so let go. PERSON Suit yourself, but you won’t live to see your brother again. Toren’s eyes widen to the stranger. TOREN You know my brother? How? Page 9 of 29 The stranger grabs Toren’s shoulder and leads him outside and around the corner. EXT. STREET ALLEYWAY - NIGHT PERSON Listen to me. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. You are not prepared for what awaits you. TOREN I don’t care. I’ve got to find him. PERSON You did… but he is not your brother anymore. The stranger motions for Toren to follow him. The two walk to a small village outside the city. EXT. VILLAGE - NIGHT The stranger leads Toren through the villa where nothing seems to be alive or growing. The two of them stop at a small villa. INT. VILLA - NIGHT The stranger open’s a door that leads to a dimly lit room. The stranger lights a few candles and removes his cloak to reveal a Jedi’s tunic and utility belt. A light saber Page 10 of 29 hangs on the side. Toren sits down. The stranger sits across from him. TOREN Who are you, and how do you know who I am? PERSON You look just like your father did… a long time ago. TOREN You knew my father? PERSON Your father and I served the Republic… we are Jedi. Toren stands and starts to pace around the room, he turns. TOREN You mean you were, Jedi. JEDI Just because we are no longer in the service of freedom, doesn’t mean we are not Jedi. (beat) One does not choose to become something and then discard it simply because we are confronted with evil. The Jedi stands and walks towards Toren. Page 11 of 29 JEDI (cont’d) Your father was a Jedi to the day he was killed by that Sith Lord, but you know this because, you were there. Toren sits back down and slumps in his chair. TOREN So why are you here? JEDI I am here to make sure that it is Jedi, not Sith, who are standing at the end. TOREN You are but one man? What can you possibly do? The old Jedi turns to Toren. JEDI Now, we are two. TOREN You said that my brother wasn’t my brother anymore, what did you mean by that?” The Jedi rises from his chair and walks over to a mantle where a beautiful wooden box resides. He opens it. Page 12 of 29 He turns to show Toren a glowing blue crystal. TOREN What is that? JEDI This is a Kaber Crystal. It is the heart of the Jedi. Through this crystal, a Jedi channels the living force. Toren holds the crystal and it immediately glows a vivid bluish white. JEDI Your brother was taken by Darth Vile and taught to use the Dark Side of the Force. He is now an agent of evil. Toren backs away. TOREN I don’t believe you. Not my brother. The old Jedi grabs Toren’s hands. JEDI Listen to me young one. Leave this place while you still can. The best you can hope for is a quick death for your brother. Page 13 of 29 TOREN I didn’t come to outer rim to kill my brother, I came to save him? JEDI And I have come here to destroy the Sith, that means apprentices as well. Toren places the crystal back in the box and turns to the old Jedi. He is obviously fatigued to the point of collapse. It has been a long night. JEDI Rest here tonight, you’ll be safe. INT. MINING COMPLEX - NIGHT DREAM SEQUENCE: Toren has a nightmare about his parents and the dark figure. Images of his brother in pain. INT. VILLA - NIGHT Toren wakes up to a bellowing scream. He looks around the room but the old Jedi is no longer sitting in his chair. He runs out the door and down the stairs to an open aired courtyard. Page 14 of 29 EXT. COURTYARD-NIGHT A dark figure in a cloak is just leaving into the shadows. The body of the old Jedi is crumpled on the ground. Toren races over to the barely conscious Jedi Knight. He kneels beside him and lifts his head… TOREN Don’t move, don’t move! I’ll get help. JEDI No. It’s too late… for me. TOREN What should I do? The old Jedi lifts his left hand to his temple and whispers. JEDI Let it flow through you. Suddenly blue lightning and other various energy forces envelop Toren and he is consumed in a bright flash of energy. He collapses beside the fallen Jedi. EXT. DIRT GARDEN - NIGHT Toren is burying the Jedi. Page 15 of 29 INT. VILLA-NIGHT Toren is sitting in a chair. He is staring at the box with the crystal. He sits up and accidently knocks over a lamp. The lamp falls but he somehow manages to prevent it from smashing on the ground by simply reaching for it. The lamp hovers above the ground and then floats into his hand. He reaches across the room for a glass, it floats into his hand. INT. CAULDRON - NIGHT Toren enters the busy establishment and finds Roda sitting at his usual table. Toren approaches Roda Kon’s table. Jark the Gorgan stands up and motions towards Toren. Roda stops Jark from flattening Toren. RODA KON It’s alright Jark, let him through. Jark looks at Toren with the look of a wild animal. Toren sits in a chair across from Roda. There are three other smugglers at the table. They all look at Toren with disdain. RODA KON So, you are Toren Fayde. Toren looks around the table to size up things. Page 16 of 29 RODA KON (cont’d) Don’t look so surprised. I make it my business to know these things. Especially when an unmarked transport ship lands in one of my seldom used spaceports. You were a fool to think the old man would help you. TOREN That old man, was a Jedi Knight, and a friend. Roda takes a long puff from his Nemedian tobacco smoker. RODA KON Yes, yes, yes. This is all very interesting, but now, you’re wasting time. Time that isn’t yours. TOREN I’m looking for my brother. Roda peers up at Toren. RODA KON Your brother is dead. Go home. One of Roda’s guards stands and grabs Toren’s shoulder. Toren ignites his father’s light saber through the guard’s stomach. The guards stand motionless. Page 17 of 29 Toren deactivates the blade and the guard drops to his knees. Toren ignites the light saber once again entering the guards face and coming out the back. He deactivates the blade once again and the guard falls to the floor. TOREN I’ll say this one more time. I’m looking for my brother. Roda Kon starts to laugh. RODA KON So, it has begun. Jark!!! Jark has killed over 200 people and aliens alike. He grabs Toren and throws him across the room. Every body in the bar quickly leave, Toren and Jark have a fierce battle. Toren ignites his light saber and lashes out at Jark but the Gorgan is wearing forearm gauntlets that deflect all energy, even blaster fire and light sabers. Jark has his way with Toren. Toren gets thrown into a wall and he falls to the ground. The light saber lands beside him and deactivates. In a last ditch effort to avoid death, Toren throws the deactivated light saber at Jark. Jark catches it in mid air and laughs at Page 18 of 29 Toren. He turns the handle to look at it. At that precise moment Toren uses the force to activate the blade. It penetrates Jark's forehead and the giant alien falls backwards to the ground. Roda looks at Toren from his seat. He stands to reveal a sickly thin body that barely looks like it is able to support his weight. He approaches Toren. Toren pulls the blade from Jark’s head and stands ready. RODA KON I’m impressed. Jark’s not an easy Gorgan to kill, believe me, many have tried. TOREN Where is my brother? Suddenly a voice comes from behind Toren. VOICE I am here. Toren quickly turns to see who it is when suddenly he is knocked unconscious. His body falls to the floor. VOICE Bring him. Page 19 of 29 INT. ANCIENT SITH TEMPLE-MIDDAY Toren awakes in an ancient temple. The room he is in is lit by moonlight careening through holes in the ceiling. Toren slowly rises to the seated position to notice his father’s light saber is on a thin table next to him. The moonlight flickers across the beautiful instrument to reveal its true magnificence. He reaches for it when a dark, yet familiar voice speaks. VOICE I always wondered, if you had kept it all this time. Toren looks around the room and notices a hooded figure standing against the wall. TOREN Who are you? The dark figure walks slowly towards Toren. He stops a few feet away and pulls back the hood. VOICE Don’t you know your own brother. Toren rises to his feet and gasps. Page 20 of 29 TOREN Calem!? The two embrace each other, then part. CALEM What are you doing here Toren? TOREN I came to find you, what happened? Calem turns and walks slowly towards another room. CALEM You shouldn’t be here. Toren follows Calem into the next room that reveals a beautiful altar in the middle of six pillars. INT. ALTAR ROOM - MIDDAY TOREN What are you talking about? I came here to save you. Calem turns to face his brother. CALEM Save me? I don’t need you to save me. Toren notices that there is another presence in the room. Page 21 of 29 TOREN What happened to you? Calem approaches Toren. CALEM After father and mother were killed, I was brought here, by a Lord of the Sith. Immersed, in the dark side of the Force. Calem starts to pace. CALEM Did you know father was a Jedi Knight? TOREN Yes, I know, now. CALEM But did you know, that our father had an affair before he married our mother. He was in love with a senator, and when he discovered that she was carrying his child, he took them to a remote planet and abandoned them there. Never to be seen or heard from again. TOREN That’s not true. Father would never have done that. Page 22 of 29 Calem turns quickly away from Toren. CALEM You know nothing of our father! He knew that if the Jedi Council found out that he had broken the code, they would banish him from the order and he would have nothing! Toren walks towards Calem. TOREN What does this have to do with why you’re here? CALEM Don’t you understand? The Sith Lord who killed our father, was his own daughter…our half sister. Toren backs away slowly. TOREN What are you talking about? Suddenly a whispered voice speaks… FEMININE VOICE He is talking about… me. Toren turns around to see a hooded figure gliding towards him. Pulling back the hood to reveal a beautiful young woman. Page 23 of 29 FEMININE VOICE Welcome Toren, I am Korin… we are family. Toren is in awe of such beauty. Calem walks over beside Korin. CALEM You see brother, father deserved to die, as do all the Jedi. Korin walks to Toren and walks hand in hand to the center of the temple altar. A vibrant red crystal emerges from the floor. As Korin walks towards the crystal, it immediately glows a bright red. KOREN You see Toren, I taught your brother the ways of the Force. Our father would never have taught us what we needed to survive. Now, we will take back what is ours. Korin starts to wave her arms slowly over the crystal and it envelops her and Toren. Calem watches on. Toren starts to see images of future events and then past memories. The crystal at first was glowing red but after Toren starts to remember the time when he and his brother Calem, were playing and the look on his parents face during happier times. These feelings of love and happiness start to create disturbances in the Dark Page 24 of 29 Side crystal. Korin notices that the crystal is flickering and sporadically changing to blue. Korin feels the Light Side power and she begins to convulse and her face begins to change. Calem leaps over to her and then turns to Toren. CALEM Stop! Stop what you’re doing! Toren wakes himself from the trance and the crystal begins to shoot all kinds of different colors everywhere. Korin, freed from the Light Side energy, falls to the ground with a shrieking sound. Calem looks at her and sees her for what she really is. Calem turns to Toren… CALEM What did you do? Toren backs away from the altar. CALEM (cont’d) Calem, she is not our family. She killed our parents. Calem ignites his light saber. CALEM (cont’d) She’s the only real family I ever knew. TOREN No…wait! Page 25 of 29 Calem lunges at Toren, Toren backs off and ignites his light saber. TOREN Please brother, you don’t have to do this! Calem and Toren exchange furious blows that lead them around the temple altar. Korin has now transformed into the Sith Lord, Darth Vile. She watches as the two brother’s battle. Calem corners Toren and holds the blade to his neck. CALEM You never should’ve come here. TOREN I had no choice…you are my brother. Toren deflects the blade away and begins a volley of his own. Calem gets forced out on a ledge. CALEM You have great skills brother, to bad you won’t get the chance to enjoy them for long. The fight continues until Toren forces Calem down and pierces his side with his blade. Calem falls to the ground, Toren kneels beside him. Page 26 of 29 TOREN Why brother, why? CALEM I’m sorry Toren…I never had a choice. Calem slumps onto the cold floor and Toren stands up. He turns to face Darth Vile. TOREN I see you’ve taken your mask off. Darth Vile walks around the altar, poised. DARTH VILE Careful young one, join me and rule, or fight me and die…just like your father did. Toren walks over to Vile and lays some serious blows on her but she manages to ward off most of it. She leaps onto a mezzanine and looks down on Toren. DARTH VILE Toren, you don’t need to do this… You can take your brother’s place. Rule the Galaxy! Toren climbs a staircase leading to the mezzanine, he ignites his light saber. TOREN It is Jedi, not Sith who will Page 27 of 29 rule. DARTH VILE So be it… Jedi. Darth Vile then ignites not one, but two red light sabers. Toren braces himself. Vile attacks Toren forcing him back down the stairs until they reach the altar. Toren is tired and he falls under the weight of two blades pounding on him. He collapses beside the altar. Darth Vile stands above him. DARTH VILE You could’ve been a God. Darth Vile raise her two blades and comes down only to be blocked by a bright blue light saber that once belonged to her father. Calem has somehow got to his feet and saved his brother’s life. Darth Vile turns to see Calem, she shrieks. With light sabers locked together she is immobilized. Calem looks at his brother on the ground. CALEM So what are you waiting for… save me. Toren jumps to his feet and plunges his light saber deep into Darth Vile’s chest and through the crystal on the other side. The crystal begins to shake and Darth Vile screams as the crystal explodes sending the two brother’s in opposite directions. Page 28 of 29 The temple starts to crumble while Toren gets to his feet and runs over to his older brother. TOREN Calem…Calem? Calem had sacrificed himself to save his brother. Now Toren will live a life knowing that he has brought peace to his dreams at last. The Fayde family is saved… Fade to Black EPILOGUE: A beautiful light rain falls in a forest as a hooded figure in a cloak moves through the trees, searching. As the figure emerges from the forest, the hood is removed to reveal Toren Fayde. He has found the temple of the Jedi. It was hidden long ago. He starts up the great steps, he is… The Last Jedi. THE END Page 29 of 29
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