首页 2012年贵阳市南明区小学一年级招生工作指引



2012年贵阳市南明区小学一年级招生工作指引2012年贵阳市南明区小学一年级招生工作指引 2012年贵阳市南明区小学一年级招生工作指引 各位家长: 一年一度的小学新生招生工作即将开始啦: 为使您的孩子顺利申请到相应的学位~请您在百忙中仔细阅读以下内容。 感谢您对我们工作的支持和配合: 请您先记住下列几个重要时间: 1. 学校门口及相应街道发布招生简章时间:6月29日(星期五) 2. 本地户籍适龄儿童到片区小学报名时间: 7月5日、6日、7日,星期四、五、六, 进城务工人员随迁子女登记及领取报名申请表时间: 7月5日、6日、7日,星期四、五...

2012年贵阳市南明区 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 一年级招生工作指引 2012年贵阳市南明区小学一年级招生工作指引 各位家长: 一年一度的小学新生招生工作即将开始啦: 为使您的孩子顺利申请到相应的学位~请您在百忙中仔细阅读以下内容。 感谢您对我们工作的支持和配合: 请您先记住下列几个重要时间: 1. 学校门口及相应街道发布招生简章时间:6月29日(星期五) 2. 本地户籍适龄儿童到片区小学报名时间: 7月5日、6日、7日,星期四、五、六, 进城务工人员随迁子女登记及领取报名 申请表 食品经营许可证新办申请表下载调动申请表下载出差申请表下载就业申请表下载数据下载申请表 时间: 7月5日、6日、7日,星期四、五、六, 3. 学校发放新生入学通知书时间:8月24日,星期五, 4.进城务工人员随迁子女提交报名材料审验报名资格时间: 7月13日,星期五, 请家长带齐报名材料原件与小孩一起在规定时间内前往片区小学报名登记,区教育局不受理报名登记等相关工作。 一、入学儿童在年龄上有什么要求, 《中华人民共和国义务教育法》规定“凡年满六周岁的儿童~其父母或者其他法定监护人应当送其入学接受并完成义务教育,” 凡年满6周岁的儿童不分性别、民族、种族~应当入学接受义务教育。今年招生对象为2006年8月31日,含,前出生的适龄儿童~未 and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 满6周岁的儿童不属于今年招生范围。 二、报名时需要提供哪些证件材料, 全区小学一年级招生报名时间是2012年7月5日至7日三天。 南明区户籍的家长请带齐以下手续原件及复印件 ,1,适龄儿童与父母或其他法定监护人同住户口本原件 ,2,接种证原件 ,3,保健手册原件 ,4,适龄儿童户籍首页及适龄儿童信息页复印件,用A4纸复印,及1寸照片两张 学校还可以进一步查验与户口地址一致的房产手续和出生证原件。 进城务工人员随迁的适龄儿童的家长请带齐以下手续原件: ,1,户口本 ,2,父,母,一方或法定监护人在南明区有固定住所且连续居住 三年及以上,截止日期为2012年8月31日,并取得公安部 门的IC卡居住证。 学校可对其实际居住地与居住证地址是否一致进行核实。 ,3,由居住地社区出具的与IC居住证居住地址一致的在我区实际居住证明。 ,4,本区 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 生育部门出具的该生父母遵守计划生育政策的证明及相关证件。,无计划外生育, and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling ,4,父,母,一方或法定监护人属外来务工人员属务工人员~需提供与用人单位签订的劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 。 ,5,父,母,或法定监护人经商的人员应出具工商部门办理的营业执照,或者出具从事其他稳定职业的有效证件,~经商人员应提供依法纳税的印证材料。 ,6,南明区社保中心出具的截止2012年8月31日止依法缴纳社会保险满三年的证明及缴费凭据。 ,7,适龄儿童户籍首页及适龄儿童信息页及居住证复印件,用A4纸复印,及1寸照片两张。 ,8,接种证原件 ,9,保健手册原件 请家长带齐户口本等证件原件与小孩一起前往片区小学报名登记~区教育局不受理报名登记等相关工作。 三、什么是就近入学, “就近入学”是指相对就近入学。根据原国家教委《关于制定义务教育办学条件 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、义务教育实施步骤和规划统计指标问题的几点意见》规定~学生居住地与学校距离原则上应在3公里以内。在这个范围内~教育行政部门可根据学校的分布及生源情况~统筹划分服务地段~合理分配学位。 按相对就近、调剂分配结合的原则安排适龄进城务工人员随迁子女就and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 学~适龄进城务工人员随迁子女一般安排在其临时居住地片区学校就读~若其片区学校学位紧张~由教育局调剂到学位不紧张的学校就读,含经政府批准的民办学校,。 四、什么是空挂户, 以下四种人户分离的情况属空挂户:1、户籍与实际居住地不相一致的,2、户籍空挂在已永久性拆除的街、巷、楼房~并已作安臵的,如地铁、内环路、房地产开发等,永久性的拆迁户,3、把户籍挂在诸如办公楼、商铺等不符合居住条件的地方的,4、将户口挂在亲戚、朋友、同事家的。 凡属因主观原因造成人户分离或空挂户的适龄儿童~家长必须在报名前把户口迁移到小孩的父,母,或法定监护人实际居住所在地~使人户一致~并到实际居住地的片区学校办理报名手续~确保适龄儿童真正能够就近入学。因客观原因造成人户分离的~需由应迁入地所属的派出所出具不得迁移户口的证明。 五、南明区户籍残疾儿童如何办理入学手续, 年龄在6周岁以上的轻度残疾、生活可以自理的特殊儿童~可到片区学校办理入学手续。中重度智力残疾等适龄儿童应到贵阳市南明区启智学校入学就读。 六、可否提前或延缓入学, and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 今年招生对象为2006年8月31日,含,前出生的适龄儿童。未满6周岁的儿童不能提前报名入学,因疾病或特殊情况~需要延缓入学或免予入学的~由其父,母,或其他合法监护人向居住地片区小学提出书面申请~附上区级以上医院证明~并报区教育局基础教育科审核批准。延缓入学期满~应即入学。 七、户口在云岩区(小河、金阳),孩子能否在南明区上学 为杜绝择校~贵阳市云岩、南明、小河、金阳四城区的适龄儿童入学必须按户口所在地就近入学。如有父母一方户口在南明区~但孩子户口在其他城区,云岩、小河、金阳,~依然不能到南明区入学~只能在户口所在地就近读书。另外~孩子的户口准备近期迁入南明区的~户口本上除了迁入小孩本人外~还应有其监护人如父母。 温馨提醒 1、家长必须对所提供的报名材料的真实性负责。经查实提供虚假材料的~将被追究相应的法律责任, 2、请家长根据招生工作指引备齐材料前往片区学校报名~材料不齐全会影响录取, 3、请家长尽量不要到学位特别紧张的学区内临时买房、租房、挂靠户口~因学位原因~此类学生很有可能被统筹到其它公办学校就读, 4、为了节省您的宝贵时间~建议家长先在南明区教育局网站,, “小学招生”专栏查看一年级招生工作相关and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 安排。 6、有下列情况的~公办学校将不予录取:A、经查实入学材料不真实的,B、在公办学校重复申请学位的,C、无特殊情况不按时申请学位的, 7、已被学校录取~无故不按时注册~校方已通过电话催促~三天内仍不注册的~视为放弃该学位, 8、如果家长对学校招生工作有意见~可以向校长反映~若校长的解释或解决办法仍无法让您满意时~可以寻求下列帮助: 南明区教育局基础教育科咨询电话:5813139 地址:南明区博爱路24号 南明区教育局纪检监察科投诉电话:5860991 地址:南明区博爱路24号 and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling
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