首页 托业考试_ 多益听力攻略 关于听力 看不懂听不懂道

托业考试_ 多益听力攻略 关于听力 看不懂听不懂道


托业考试_ 多益听力攻略 关于听力 看不懂听不懂道托业考试_ 多益听力攻略 关于听力 看不懂听不懂道 多益听力攻略 关于听力 看不懂听不懂 许多参加TOEIC测验的考生就有这种体验拿起TOEIC测验的听力原文来看几乎所有内容都可以看懂。可是一听测验的录音带播放却有许多听不懂的地方。所以TOEIC的听力测验成了考生最怕和最弱的部份。 有听没有懂 同样的事情也发生在日常生活当中。比方去电影院看电影大家看着萤幕听英文看字幕都没问题但如果将眼睛闭起来只听剧中人物对话或是一只手遮住字幕相信很多人立即会顿失安全感一下子过去所学的英文都忘光光耳朵只听的见国中学的最基本的对话与...

托业考试_ 多益听力攻略 关于听力 看不懂听不懂道
托业考试_ 多益听力攻略 关于听力 看不懂听不懂道 多益听力攻略 关于听力 看不懂听不懂 许多参加TOEIC测验的考生就有这种体验拿起TOEIC测验的听力原文来看几乎所有 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 都可以看懂。可是一听测验的录音带播放却有许多听不懂的地方。所以TOEIC的听力测验成了考生最怕和最弱的部份。 有听没有懂 同样的事情也发生在日常生活当中。比方去电影院看电影大家看着萤幕听英文看字幕都没问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 但如果将眼睛闭起来只听剧中人物对话或是一只手遮住字幕相信很多人立即会顿失安全感一下子过去所学的英文都忘光光耳朵只听的见国中学的最基本的对话与单字片语。或者说在家里打开新买的会话教材如果仅仅看文字叙述会觉得很简单且一目了然可是一听语言带却听了半天不知所云。不是觉得对方说话太快来不及理解字意就是眼睛要随着语言带中人物的节奏「追字母」才知道他在说什么。 也就是说只要将眼睛所见的字母抽去大家在失去凭依的情况下缺乏自信也不信任过去所下的苦功三年苦读一夕白费。 曾在坊间翻阅过一本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 书名叫作「如何听懂XXXX」是教人如何去「听」懂电台的英文广播节目。结果书中既没有音的观念连音、弱音、省略音…的解说也没有录音带或录影带的配合学习书中列了许多政治、经济、社会、科技等各方面的语汇也节录了几段电台的英文播报内容倒像是教人如何「看」懂XXXX。编者把「听力」当成「阅读」解说真令人啼笑皆非。其实那本书真的就是让读者「看懂」电台底的播报员在讲些什么而以又与一般日常生活中会遇见的对话不太有交集自然对听力没有多大帮助。 习惯与聆听 就上面所说的一切笔者认为可以归纳出一个结论听力有问题是「听」不懂而非「看」不懂。那么听力的问题自然牵扯到对「音」的了解的问题。任何一种语言在一般正常的说话速度之下常会有连音和省略音的现象英文尤其明显这是学习者最吃不消的部份。举例来说吧一一 Tell him what you want. 这句话逐字念我想没有人听不懂或是看不懂。但是在正常的说话速度下tell him是说成tellim省略了“h”音。同时what you want连音的结果变成wa cha want。所以Tell him what you want说出来就成了Tell im wa cha want。 至于“tell her”说成teller是省略了“h”音。 “some of them”听来像summer them是弱化了“of”的音又加上连音的结果。 这些省略的过程与惯性如果不是让自己习惯这种语调或经常使用的话许多考生在临场时绝对会误会句中意思。 解决对音的了解 总之要解决听力的问题就要解决音的问题。笔者认为想加强听力可以从以下几点着手 ?正确发音 首先初学者和发音不准确的人应该先了解正确的发音和正音并且勤加练习务必让自己习惯正确发音方式语音调。因为自己的发音不准对别人所发的正确的音常会听不懂。 例如well-read man博学的人如果你发音错误把这儿的read念成【rid】那么别人发出正确的音【rεd】时你就听不懂well-【rεd】 man因为你只听得懂well-【rid】 man。因此先纠正自己的发音尽可能让发音正确这自然是第一要务。 ?广泛聆听教材或广播 其次进一步去多听一些不同种类的录音教材或收听广播教学节目。有些语言教学专家主张要训练听力应尽快听满2400小时的语言带或在自己的工作、读书和起居环境里把英文当背景音乐播放而终日沉浸在英文的「薰陶」之中…这一切无非是要你不停地听英文熟习语音。 ?多听、多读俚语 若想进一步提升听力要听得懂电影和电视影集的对白就必须对口语俚语有所了解要听得懂电视新闻和电台新闻播报那么就得要记一些新闻语汇否则只能「鸭子听雷」了。 现在看看下列的语音你可知道原来是在说些什么 1 Ya know I think yer brother quotnquot my sister wanna get married. 2 Somathemar gud frenz. 3 WellI hope ya find wa cher lookin for. 原文 1 You know I think your brother and my sister want to get married. 2 Some of them are good friends. 3 Well I hope you find what you are looking for. 希望所有英语 学习者都能够get a feel for English. 跟英文作一辈子的朋友吧祝福您 TOEIC verbal word list Improving Vocabulary: English Adjective Noun Adverb Verb 1.adj. obvious a staying in a particular place not migratory intrinsic existing b confined usually by illness c available on a regular basis employed to handle merchandise or goods d clear unmistakable apparent evident plain 2.n. category a favor liking fondness priority superior status b host performer comedian c sheet of paper on which information has been printed flyer d class division section segment 3.adv. smoothly a in every during b four times a year once every three months c gently without roughness or projections evenly calmly d progressively 4.v. cost a to make level to smooth to balance b to spring back c to have a price to require payment to set a price d to claim to require to request strongly 5.n. current a conditional conveyance of property as for security on a loan pledging lien b act of deriving speculation drawing of a conclusion c flow of water electricity etc. process tendency direction d person who installs or maintains wiring systems 6.n. supplement a one fourth neighborhood coin worth 25 cents period of three months district b defect imperfection crack strong gust or wind c brining in of goods from another country opposite of export meaning significance d something which makes up for a deficiency addition extra added part 7.n. furniture a software program written request formal letter implementation b appointment proposal of a candidate for an office or an honor c container devoid of contents d movable articles for use in a home or office i.e. chairs desks cabinets closets etc. 8.n. guarantee a security warranty pledge assurance b petition instance of asking for something something that is asked for object of a petition c list record regulator gauge d ingredient single piece which forms part of a larger unit part constituent element 9.v. wrench a to be able to pay for to supply to provide b to request the presence of to solicit to attract to encourage to promote c to pull by force to twist to cut off to distort to pervert d to fit to match to satisfy to please to clothe 10.v. harvest a to reap to gather in ripe crops to catch to gather b to capture to assume control c to visit a store and purchase goods to browse in a store to inform on to betray British Slang d to cite to state a price to offer a price answer: 1.adj. obvious Correct meaning: d clear unmistakable apparent evident plain 2.n. category Correct meaning: d class division section segment 3.adv. smoothly Correct meaning: c gently without roughness or projections evenly calmly 4.v. cost Correct meaning: c to have a price to require payment to set a price 5.n. current Correct meaning: c flow of water electricity etc. process tendency direction 6.n. supplement Correct meaning: d something which makes up for a deficiency addition extra added part 7.n. furniture Correct meaning: d movable articles for use in a home or office i.e. chairs desks cabinets closets etc. 8.n. guarantee Correct meaning: a security warranty pledge assurance 9.v. wrench Correct meaning: c to pull by force to twist to cut off to distort to pervert 10.v. harvest Correct meaning: a to reap to gather in ripe crops to catch to gather 一、托业常识 托业考试共分两个部分听力和阅 读共两个小时其中听力占_____分钟阅读占_____分钟。 二、托业词汇: duplicate punctuality monitor directory overtime work force appointment strike staff partition 1.If Im supposed to be there by 2:00 P.M.Im going to need you to postpone all of my afternoon_______ until tomorrow. 2.I think that the_____at this branch are the most enthusiastic and competent of all around the state. 3.Only her strict _____and her attention to detail rivaled Susans professional courtesy. 4.There is such a saturated _______here that its easy to find people to fill all of the temporary positions. 5.Several years ago a nation-wide _____of UPS drivers crippled the companys ability to ship freight across the country. 答案 一、托业常识 45 75 托业考试分为听力理解和阅读 两个部分听力包括图片20题一问一答30题简短对话30题简短发言20题共计100题45 分钟阅读包括补全句子40题辨析错误20题阅读理解40题共计100题75分钟。题量较大 难度不是很大考查考生对英语掌握的熟练程度。 二、托业词汇 1.appointments 约 会约定 An arrangement to do something or meet someone at a particular time and place. 2.staff 全体雇员为特定的企事业工作的人员 The personnel who carry out a specific enterprise. 3.punctuality 准时守时 the quality or state ofobserving an appointed or regular time. 4.work force 劳动力受雇于一个特定的事业或活动的工人 The workers employed in a specific project or activity. 劳动大军劳动人口所有正在工作或可以用 于工作人的如在国家、公司、工厂或项目中 All the people working or available to work as in a nation a company an industry or on a project. 5.strike 罢工雇工为支持对雇 主提出要求如提高工资改善待遇等举行的罢工 A cessation of work by employees in support of demands made on their employer as for higher pay or improved conditions. 1. Because of the generous new salary scheme we find that part time staff do not need to be replaced----- as in the past. A as often B most often C more often D often 2. Our candidate realizes that his position on free trade is complicated and he would ----- the opportunity to explain it to your group. A assess B welcome C size D lend 3. Even when he is short of money he keeps 20 in the bottom of his shoe ----- there is an emergency. A although B in spite of C since D in case 4. We should promote the fact that our return and refund policy is much better than ----- of any of our competitors. A that B this C those D these 5. The downward trend in technology stocks started three months ago ----- is expected to continue until the European economy improves. A then B however C and D thus 6. If you had told us that your guest was interested in Native American Art we certainly ----- for a trip to the museum. A had arranged B would have arranged C will arrange D arranged 7. Until we installed the new insulation heating was the ----- largest overhead expense we had. A solitary B unique C single D exclusively 8. All employment ----- must include the names and telephone numbers of at least two personal references. A applicants B applying C applied D applications 9. If the elevator cannot ----- a load of more than 13 people we will have to install a second one. A offer B make C bring D support 10. Some African countries have a death penalty for poachers who hunt animals that are in danger of -----. A dissipation B instinct C abduction D extinction 托业考试词 汇练习模拟试题三来源青年人Qnr.Cn 2010-1-14 18:56:58 【青年人中国教育考试第 一门户】 资料 下载 课程表模板下载资产负债表下载英语单词下载学习机资料下载励志文章下载 教材购买 - 11. Of the three options for foreign distribution the licensing proposal from that British company was considered -----. A most feasible B more feasibly C most feasibly D more feasible 12. After years of scepticism many western physicians are beginning to acknowledge the health ----- of green tea. A would benefit B benefitting C is benefited D benefits 13. While many recognize the need for strong environmental legislation ----- people are willing to reduce their own consumption and waste. A less B much C few D another 14. An arbitrator must listen ----- to both parties in a dispute and not allow personal prejudice or opinion to affect his or her decision. A objection B objective C objects D objectively 15. In order to encourage participation several ----- were awarded to competitors who did not do well in their contests. A victories B achievements C prizes D requests 16. You can tell how much they value privacy by how far ----- people sit in movie theaters. A above B off C apart D behind 17. Because the fire damage was mainly cosmetic rather than structural the company looks forward to being fully ----- again within a couple of weeks. A operative B operates C operation D operational 18. ----- local firms are re-locating because of the heavy tax rates in this county. A Approximately B Mostly C Significantly D Increasingly 19. The boxers may have appeared angry in the ring but in fact they have a great deal of respect and admiration for -----. A ones B the others C others D each other 20. We will ----- be implementing a whole range of security measures to curtail petty theft in the office. A recently B soon C just D already 21. You should follow security procedures especially when youre sending confidential documents or files -----. A electrical B electricity C electronic D electronically 22. These figures look promising but I have some ----- concerning how the sales projections were calculated. Aappointments B questions C agreements D assignments 23. ----- an employee has been employed for at least 20 years he is entitled to take an early retirement package. A That B Therefore C Instead D After 24. Special effects and superb choreography made last nights play quite -----. A excited B exciting C excitedly D excitement 25. When they ----- their hotel they will be given a handbook with information about the convention and the sights and facilities of the city. A ride B reach C arrive D go 26. They admitted liability for the property damage to the store but refused ----- that they should pay compensation for lost sales. A to agree B agreeing C agreement D agreed 27. Because the boss has to leave town on an emergency the ----- Friday morning meeting has been rescheduled for Monday. A regular B regularly C regularize D regularity 28. For the fourth year in a row Mr. Henry ----- by the mayor for his community service. A honor B was honored C has honored D to honor 29. The police department has narrowed ----- its list of suspects to those people who own a late model blue mini-van. A by B from C down D into 30. The castle is the ----- setting for the horror story because it is supposedly haunted by ghosts. A perfectly B perfect C perfection D perfected 31. The use of a calculator ----- only on sections A and D of the test. A is permitted B permitted C is permitting D will permit 32. We had a problem with ----- products twice but in both cases Hannibal Soft found a solution within 24 hours. A their B they C theirs D them 33. He has ----- the ability to work well under pressure but still has not shown he can function in a team-oriented environment. A demonstrated B approved C admitted D doubled 34. A backpack full of schoolbooks is ----- heavy for the average elementary school child to carry safely. A too much B much C more too D much too 35. If he is promoted to the management position I will put ----- for a transfer to another office. A in B through C off D up 36. The subtlety of that water color will be lost unless you put it in a ----- delicate frame. A corresponding B corresponded C correspondingly D correspondent 37. Before we install a new phone system we should be sure we cannot make ----- use of the one we already have. A efficient B efficiently C efficiency D more efficiently 38. Smart consumers not only ----- prices but examine service policies before buying a new automobile. A compose B compile C comprise D compare 39. They were fined for holding a boxing match without the official ----- of the state Boxing Commission. A approving B approval C to approve D approved 40. For the purposes of this study the life cycle of the horse can be ----- into three stages infancy adolescence and maturity. A divided B decomposed C developed D deprived Part V Direction : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases marked A B C and D are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then on your answer sheet find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet. 101. For several years now we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences. A increase B increased C increasing D TO increase 102. Make sure that .
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