首页 甘肃庆阳香包民俗文化产业发展研究



甘肃庆阳香包民俗文化产业发展研究甘肃庆阳香包民俗文化产业发展研究 贺海波 指导教师:沈滨 内容摘要:在文化产业大发展大繁荣的大好形势下,本文在界定文化产业概念、特征、分类的基础上,指出了庆阳文化产业目前存在的问题及其原因,重点分析了庆阳文化产业发展现状,从而提出了庆阳文化产业发展的战略性思考和具体可行的对策建议。 关键词:民俗文化产业; 庆阳香包; 发展对策 十七大报告提出,要推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣;要推动文化创新,增加文化发展活力;要深化文化体制改革,完善发展文化产业、鼓励文化创新的政策,营造有利于出精品、出人才、出效益的环境;要...

甘肃庆阳香包民俗文化产业发展研究 贺海波 指导教师:沈滨 内容摘要:在文化产业大发展大繁荣的大好形势下,本文在界定文化产业概念、特征、分类的基础上,指出了庆阳文化产业目前存在的问题及其原因,重点分析了庆阳文化产业发展现状,从而提出了庆阳文化产业发展的战略性思考和具体可行的对策建议。 关键词:民俗文化产业; 庆阳香包; 发展对策 十七大报告提出,要推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣;要推动文化创新,增加文化发展活力;要深化文化体制改革,完善发展文化产业、鼓励文化创新的政策,营造有利于出精品、出人才、出效益的环境;要大力发展文化产业,繁荣文化市场,增加国际竞争力。文化产业已成为现代经济的重要支柱,成为一国综合国力的重要标志,成为国民经济的新增长点。 庆阳文化资源丰富,但由于地理位置、交通等因素又处于欠发达地区,如何大力发展文化产业,发展文化产业有何意义,怎样发展,这些问题制约着庆阳香包民俗文化产业的发展。 一、文化产业及其特征 (一)、文化产业的界定 “文化产业”概念的提出起源于德国的阿多诺(TheodorAdono)署,霍克海默 (MaxHorkheimer)在1947出版的《启蒙的辩证法》中的“eulturalindustry”,用来批判资本主义制度下复制技术使文化产品批量化、 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 化、 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化,违背了文化的“个性的、一次性的、独一无二的存在的本质”。在这一语境中,“文化产业” 一词具有强烈的批判性和否定性意味。随着历史的发展和语境的扩展,“文化产业”逐渐演变为一种中性概念,用以指一种客观的历史文化现象。“文化产业”概念属于 “文化”和“产业”两个社会科学范畴的交叉领域。基于历史与逻辑一致的方法, 可以认为文化产业的概念就是文化产业的历史发展逻辑的概念化。从经济发展的逻辑出发,我们能够理解为什么今天要发展文化产业;而从文化发展的逻辑出发,我们就能够理解现代文化产业的整体面貌。一般认为:就所提供产品的性质而言,文化产业可以被理解为向消费者提供精神产品或服务的行业,联合国教科文组织曾把文化产业定义为:“按照工业标准生产、再生产、储存以及分配文化产品和服务的一系列活动。”按照联合国教科文组织多次会议的归纳,它至少包括以下行业:摄影、摄像、影视、音像、广告、信息、咨询、电子计算机、出版、大众传媒、流行音乐等。 since defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase statistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking management system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settings in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verification. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management personnel can timely triggered alarm device, will 首先,从概念的内涵和外延看,文化产业是一个产业概念,而不是一个文化概念。其次,从文化产业和文化事业的划分看,文化产业更侧重于经济方面。再次,从文化产业自身发展历程看,文化产业表现出经济性逐步增强,不断走向完善的特征。最后,从国际文化产业理论发展过程看,对文化产业的产业运行研究逐步占据主导地位。 (二)文化产业的本质特征 文化产业的本质特征揭示了文化产业与其它经济部门的根本差别。文化产业与一般经济部门明显的不同之处有四: 1、文化产业的双重属性 文化产业最明显的特征莫过于它的意识形态和经济生产的双重属性,是指其商品属性和意识形态属性,它是讨论文化产业的基本起点。 2、文化产业的行业特殊性 一般的生产部门作为生产物质产品的行业只具有产业属性,是以低投入高产出获取利润最大化为目标的,而文化产业既具有产业属性,同时又具有强烈的政治属性。 3、文化产业的知识性与原创性 知识是文化产业增长主要贡献因素。人的精神、智慧与思想是文化产业的内核,是财富的直接来源。在文化产业的产业链条中,内容的创意是文化产业的起点,其余所有的环节一生产、再生产和交换都是围绕知识和创意展开的。文化产业的知识性主要体现在必须要运用新思想、新观念和新方法去整合、发展产业,创造财富。每一项文化产品,不论是文学的还是艺术的,都不能雷同都必须具有原创性。文化产业的核心就在于“原创性”。伟大的文化艺术作品总是唯一的,文化产品之间都具有不可复制性、不可替代性和不可再生性。没有一个产业像文化产业这样依赖原创性而存在。 4、文化产品的可复制性 文化产业的核心虽然在于“原创性”,但是文化产品主要是通过对原创文化符号大批量复制生产出来的。复制的含来是将一个产品重新编码,然后作为自己的内容去反复再现。因此,文化产品的复制一方面是复制文化内容的载体(如光盘),另一方面是将文化产品的内容加上自己的理解进行解码。文化产业的标准化生产指的就是复制品的“逼真性”和无差异性,就其生产了大批的科技载体而言,文化产业是在进行制造;就其产品所负载的文化内容来说,文化产业是在进行复制现代文化产业正是随着复制技术的发展而迅速崛起的。 (三)文化产业的行业分类 目前,文化产业的行业大致可以分成10类:旅游文化产业、艺术文化产业、娱乐文化产业、教育文化产业、体育文化产业 、民俗文化产业、信息文化产业、出版文化产业、高智力文化服务产业、心理文化产业。本文着重介绍的是民俗文化产业。 ication. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site managverifres confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictu e cardm, vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to thform a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison systether, ensive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each ot settings in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehfferenand integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, diagement system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control ng manent systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parkinually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot managems, mastatistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tablepersonnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase pport parameter automatically Xia biography, andsince defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, su2ement personnel can timely triggered alarm device, will 民俗文化产业:我国的民族众多、历史悠久,我们的民俗文化对世界而言应该说是一个强项民俗文化产业主要以旅游为依托,并且具有低投入高产出的特点。民俗文化产业主要包括:饮食、庙会和游园会、特产、传统节庆、民居和民间艺术等等。 二、甘肃庆阳香包民俗文化简介 (一)香包产地 庆阳市位于甘肃省东部,陕甘宁三省区的交会处,系黄河中下游黄土高原沟壑区。习称“陇东”,素有“陇东粮仓”之称。全市总土地面积27119平方公里,总人口261万,其中农业人口223.29万。辖西峰区和环县、华池、庆城、镇原、宁县、正宁、合水7个县,146个乡镇。庆阳东接陕西省的宜君、黄陵、富县、甘泉、志丹等县;北邻陕西省吴起、定边及宁夏回族自治区的盐池县;西与宁夏的同心、固原县接壤;南与本省的泾川及陕西的长武、彬县、旬邑县相连。庆阳是光荣的革命老区,为陕甘宁边区的重要组成部分。石油和天然气蕴藏丰富,年产油180多万吨。 (二)制作工艺 庆阳香包是一种立体造型和平面刺绣兼容的纯手工艺制品,构型简单质朴,按制作技艺分有“绌绌”类、线盘类、立体刺绣类、平面刺绣类四大类型。“绌绌”又名藏针绣,其特点是把针线藏起来,以造型状物、形神兼备而不见针线为佳境,其工艺流程包括创意、选料、剪裁、状物等环节。线盘类香包是用各色线条盘成五角菱形的“粽子”,其技艺包括折壳子、配色线、盘线成型、成果(即将线盘成品连缀,吊上彩穗)等,如此制成的香包可以随身佩戴,可以挂在门庭,也可以馈赠他人,以寓示祥和平安。立体刺绣类香包内容庞杂,形式繁多,有单面挂、佩件,双面挂、佩件,立体挂件和摆件等近四百种样式,其制作过程分构图、刺绣、彩染、缝合、成果等环节,有过样子、打样子、扩背子、上样子、绣花、状物、成果、打扮等工艺步骤,制品讲究神似而不求形似。平面刺绣类香包风格敦厚凝重,厚实中流露出隽永,其制作有破线绣、合线绣、掇绣及齐针、辫针、缉针、掺针、抢针、挽针、盘金、点金、圈金等方法。 (三)类型 庆阳香包大体有五种类型:头戴型、肩卧型、胸挂型、背负型、脚蹬型。庆阳香包以其古拙质朴、富有原始文化遗存和手法奇特而区别于国内其他香包。 (四)特点 1、原始生态文化味浓 庆阳位于黄河流域,是华夏民族最早繁衍生息的地方,远古文化积淀深厚,很少受外来文化的影响。民间工艺刺绣中,大量蕴藏着人类童年期的多神崇拜和以"龙蛇虎鹿"等为图腾的原始文化痕迹,很多香包中渗透着巫神文化和古代阴阳平衡的哲学观念。 2、表现手法奇异多样 ent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verification. Parkingt prevcally from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures confirm thaegress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card number automatis and sive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehicle accesg security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a comprehenuildine import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive medical bmanagement in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settings in thystem s a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and integrated son Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking management system ilitation Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management systemRehabing buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually consumptifilli atically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase statistics, andPOS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personnel automsince defined. support system management server and consumption 3mely triggered alarm device, willan tiout entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management personnel c 庆阳香包刺绣手法多变,不讲透视,不求比例;不讲形象,只求神似;夸张变形,突出头身。各种动物香包,或大头小身、有头无尾,或有头无足、有头有身无腿,或身长蹄短,以爪代腿等。 3、比喻象征,托物言志 祛邪祈福,是庆阳民俗文化的永久主题。以比喻象征的手法,托物言志则是庆阳香包的主要表现手法。比如借老虎狮子的勇猛威武,祛除邪恶之气,保护自身安全;借鱼儿钻莲喻男女爱情;借葫芦、石榴多籽,盼望多子多福;借大枣、花生、桂圆、莲子之名,取其谐音,寓早(枣)生贵(桂)子之义。 4、审美观点独特 它不从物质生活着眼,而从意念出发,采用意象手法夸张造型,幻化姿态,多变视点,随意创作,与专业美术有天壤之别。很多专业美术家认为无法理喻的东西,在庆阳民间艺术家眼中是合情合理的。庆阳妇女对生活、对环境,观察相当熟稔。她们把身边最常见的、最丰富的素材,比如花卉树木、虫鱼鸟兽、日月风云,比如楼台亭榭、几何图案,以及人物,都作为自己绣制的范畴。通过一针一线一把剪刀,活灵活现的龙、凤、金鱼、胖娃娃、小老虎、狮子、老鼠、蛇、青蛙、螃蟹等常见的图案,就飘摇在我们无比温馨的世界里了。在庆阳,华池县双塔寺出土的“千岁香包”,选用变形的梅花、荷花及缠枝花为刺绣纹饰图案,是按照佛教净土的教义设计的,其寓意是把这件小香包看作“西方净土”,因为变形梅花从唐代起就作为佛胸前的吉祥标志。 (五)传承 综观庆阳香包,传统色彩浓重,工艺精湛,立体感强,动静互补,民俗意识深厚,均有其美好的象征性,是民间艺术瑰宝。作为端午节的民间传统饰物,庆阳香包寄托着人们心灵深处的美好诉求,渗透着“祈福避邪”的象征意义,件件都被赋予展现生命、活力,表达思想、信仰,揭示人性、欲望的民俗文化内涵,充分反映了劳动人民纯朴、健康、向上的精神风貌,蕴含着华夏古老文明博大、雄奇、阳刚的民族魂魄。 庆阳香包是一门传统工艺,现在主要的传承人有李秀娥、贺梅英等。目前庆阳香包绣制面临着手工产品被现代复制品取代的局面,刺绣工艺渐已失传,具备民俗文化知识的极少数工作者多半退休,研究人才奇缺,后继乏人,亟待抢救、保护。近年来,庆阳市以香包为名片,大力开发独具地方特色的民俗文化,并以此作为庆阳经济社会发展的宣传名片,大踏步迈向全国,迈出国门。从2002年开始,庆阳市每年在端阳节期间都要举办“中国?庆阳香包民俗文化节”,吸引了大批海内外的客商云集庆阳。目前,庆阳已被命名为“中国香包刺绣之乡”。千家万户的香包生产基地,遍布城乡的香包开发公司,使庆阳香包名片传遍了大江南北和世界各地。 三、庆阳香包民俗文化产业发展进程 (一)庆阳香包文化产业发展现状 e cardm, vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to thform a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison systether, ensive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each ot settings in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehfferenand integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, diagement system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control ng manent systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parkinually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot managems, mastatistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tablepersonnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase pport parameter automatically Xia biography, andsince defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, su4ement personnel can timely triggered alarm device, willication. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site managverifres confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictu 1、产业发展效益明显 经过多年的精心培育和大力开发,特别是2002年以来,连续10年中国庆阳香包民俗文化节的成功举办,全市香包民俗文化产业生产队伍不断壮大,产业效益日趋明显。目前,全市已形成了110多家企业、39个基地、86个营销公司、15万多人的香包、陇绣生产大军,产品达20多个大类5000多个品种,年生产900多万件,远销全国56个大中城市及美国、日本、欧盟、东南亚、港澳台等20多个国家和地区,年销售收入3亿元。文化产业作为“红、黑、绿、黄”四大支柱产业之一,已成长为庆阳市经济增长的强劲一极。 2、产业构成特色鲜明 庆阳文化产业开发,以挖掘庆阳特色民俗文化资源为核心,以促进文化资源向产业发展转变为重点,使全市民俗文化产业以香包、皮影、刺绣、剪纸、石刻为主体,竞相发展。庆阳香包分为时尚生活挂件系列,特色民俗大件系列,精品工艺中、小件系列等生产类型。目前,市场上以开发中、小挂件、岐黄养生保健品系列为主,倍受消费者青睐。刺绣以四屏、屏风、绣花拖鞋、枕垫为主,剪纸以红色革命体裁,传统节令文化体裁、民间故事体裁为主,皮影以道情戏剧体裁、红色革命文化体裁、周祖农耕文化体裁为主体,呈现特色显著,共同开发,相互映射的新格局。 3、产品创新亮点增多 促进文化产业发展的关键是加强文化产业创意,设计开发新产品。各县区根据各自的区域特色不同程度的予以创意开发。例如宁县以“龙”文化为中心,开发出“九龙腾飞迎盛世”大型刺绣屏风、“锦绣牡丹”四扇屏等精品和农耕文化布塑生活场景工艺精品。 4、生产加工精益求精 庆阳香包民俗文化产业生产销售大体来说有以下四种类型:一是“公司加农户模式”。二是“能人带动农户模式”。三是“零售运销模式”。四是“团体会展模式”。各县区都在生产加工方面,精益求精,以质量品牌求生存。 5、品牌推广效果良好 据统计,近年来全市外出参加上海、深圳、成都、北京、厦门、法国巴黎等地文化产业博览会以及青海、甘肃、宁夏、唐山、潍坊等地民俗艺术节、洽谈会多达4000多人(次)。销售各类民俗文化产品362万件,实现销售收入3840多万元,有力的推介了全市香包民俗文化产业品牌,取得良好的社会效益和经济效益。 (二)产业发展中面临的问题 1、资金投入少 多数生产企业和营销公司资金匮乏,又争取不到银行贷款和政府投资,只能维持小打小闹的现状,生产规模难以扩大。 5mely triggered alarm device, willan tiout entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management personnel c ent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verification. Parkingt prevcally from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures confirm thaegress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card number automatis and sive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehicle accesg security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a comprehenuildine import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive medical bmanagement in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settings in thystem s a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and integrated son Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking management system ilitation Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management systemRehabing buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually consumptifilli atically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase statistics, andPOS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personnel automsince defined. support system management server and consumption 2、政府重视保护力度不够,思想认识有待提高 当前,庆阳香包文化艺术产业自我发展、自我完善、自我扩张的能力十分脆弱,大量的民间文化艺术企业的组织形式还处于原始状态,规模偏小,经营分散,结构单一,关联度低,在全国范围有影响的优秀民间文化艺术产品少,驰名品牌更是寥寥无几。部分干部和群众也只把香包、剪纸等工艺品当做民间的“耍活子”,对其文化内涵和可观的市场效益,缺乏全面深刻的了解和正确估价,使香包产业的开发工作成效不大,特别是把香包作为一张走向世界的名片,推向市场,提高商品化的力度不大。 3、缺乏对民间文化艺术市场的有序管理,产品质量尚需提高 市场适度竞争、政府有效调控的公开、公正、公平的市场环境还没有形成。没有明确的民间文化艺术产品的管理机构,缺乏有前瞻性、指导性、针对性、可操作性的民间文化艺术产品开发规划。由于利益驱动,一些人将粗制滥造的民间艺术品投放市场,严重损害了传统民间工艺品的形象和声誉。如部分香包产品在设计制作上一味贪图“洋”和“新”,去掉了原汁原味民俗的精华;部分香包做工粗制滥造、填充物低劣,不符合卫生检疫要求,处于自发无序的生产状态中。在销售环节上,压级压价,对民间文化艺术产品的长远发展造成不利影响。 4、经营方式落后,市场潜力还要挖掘 没有形成健全的产品销售信息网络,大多数生产者只靠节会推销产品,市场占有率、巩固率极低;公司加农户的销售模式,目前内部机制不健全,在管理和经营策略上还不成熟。 5、宣传工作仍然滞后 宣传上缺乏大动做、大手笔,使庆阳民俗文化产品仍然停留在小天地,没有形成走向全国、走向全世界、走向市场的良好舆论氛围。 6、生产企业欠缺品牌意识 目前大多数企业没有注册商标,没有自己的品牌产品。 7、庆阳民间文化艺术发展的环境空间日趋弱化 技艺濒临失传,传承体系萎缩。社会调查表明,庆阳民间艺人多为老年农村妇女,人数少且年龄偏高,许多民间文化艺术传统技能濒临失传甚至绝迹。比如,庆阳市白马镇的剪纸艺人杨氏一生留下了无数的精美作品,其影响远近闻名,但其过逝之后,尽没有传人。无数的民间老艺人在无声无息地逝去,作为文化的携带者他们带走的是一种中国民间文化艺术的断绝。民间文化艺术产业的整体队伍素质不高。虽然从业人员具有熟练的传统技艺,但文化水平普遍较低,缺乏系统的专业训练。缺乏各种民间文化艺术延续的专门人才。缺乏经费。民间文化艺术产业经营分散、规模较小、水平偏低,导致投资民间文化艺术资源的回报低、风险大,客观造成民间文化艺术产品开发投入资金的严重不足。 e cardm, vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to thform a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison systether, ensive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each ot settings in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehfferenand integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, diagement system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control ng manent systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parkinually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot managems, mastatistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tablepersonnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase pport parameter automatically Xia biography, andsince defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, su6ement personnel can timely triggered alarm device, willication. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site managverifres confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictu 四、庆阳香包民俗文化产业的发展对策 (一)庆阳香包民俗文化产业的社会支撑条件 1、更新观念,加强领导 民间文化和民间艺术是民族文化的母体,是地方民俗文化艺术的结晶,是“先进文化”的重要组成部分。政府要充分认识到保护庆阳传统文化的重要内容和保护庆阳民间工艺品的重要性。 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 香包民俗文化产品市场秩序,成立质监和市场管理机构,配置人员设施,制定相关政策,加强对香包等民俗文化产品市场的监管。制定相应的质量评价标准、市场准入标准,严把质量价格关。加快香包品牌的注册,确保香包产业与国际国内市场接轨,步入健康、持续的发展轨道。 2、培养人才,开拓创新 庆阳民间文化艺术产业要做大做强,就必须有一批人才来支撑、推动。这里所说的人才,即包括优秀民间文化艺人、传承人,懂得民间文化艺术价值的政府官员,从事民间文化艺术保护和研究的科研人员,从事民间文化艺术周边产品和延伸产品开发的专业技术人员,也包括新一代民间文化艺术的欣赏群体 (1)营造有利于民间文化艺术人才成长的舆论环境、人文环境、生活环境、政策环境 创造条件,促使民间文化艺术进学校、进课堂。努力培养理论联系实际并具有丰富的民间文化艺术底蕴、具有现代科技知识素养和精湛的制作技艺、有创新和创业能力的一专多能的庆阳现代民间文化艺术人才。 成立民间艺术大师、名师工作室。让庆阳民间文化艺术的高技能人才有潜心创作、悉心传技、开展技术交流、技术会诊和技能攻关的场所。政府要对每个民间文化艺术技能大师、名师工作室予以经费资助,不断提高民间文化艺术家的社会地位和经济待遇,切实解决那些掌握民间绝技的艺人的实际困难,激发他们的创作热情,使他们的绝技、绝艺得以传承。 以科学发展观进行人才 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ,建立庆阳民间文化艺术技能培训基地。打破资历、身份、年龄限制,鼓励庆阳民间艺人参加技师资格培训,努力造就一批民间文化艺术领域的领军人才、民间文化艺术的顶尖人才、掌握民间新工艺的专业人才、民间文化艺术经营管理人才、民间文化艺术的研制开发人才以及既善于传播又懂民间艺术文化的翻译人才。 (2)建立人才激励机制 开展庆阳民间文化艺人文化艺术节、民间文化艺术论坛、民间文化艺术技能竞赛、庆阳民间文化产业品牌创新人物评选等活动,建立保护著名民间文化艺术大师及培养人才的制度,建立民间文化艺术精品和民间文化艺术大师的评审与命名制度,设立“优秀民间文化艺人”、“优秀民间文化艺术传承人”奖项等。在社会上进一步确立尊崇民间文化艺术的人才价值观。 积极向中国民间文化艺术等组织推荐人选,申请命名国家级的“民间文化艺术大师”,积极推荐 cally from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures confirm thaegress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card number automatis and sive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehicle accesg security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a comprehenuildine import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive medical bmanagement in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settings in thystem s a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and integrated son Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking management system ilitation Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management systemRehabing buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually consumptifilli atically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase statistics, andPOS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personnel automsince defined. support system management server and consumption 7mely triggered alarm device, willan tiout entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management personnel c ent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verification. Parkingt prev 农民艺术家申报“民间艺术家”、“民间工艺美术能手”等称号。让所有在民间文化艺术传承、保护、开发、创新诸方面作出贡献者,让热爱民间文化艺术并作出不平凡成绩以及长期从事民间文化艺术有成就者受到尊重,他们的才能得到发挥,成果得到肯定 3、资金支持 群力解决发展庆阳文化民间工艺品资金问题。除政府安排必要的研发启动资金外,建议采取“民办公助”、“谁投资谁受益”的原则进行筹集。还可借助传统的民俗心理,适时组织有关庙会,开发民间文化活动,进行社会募捐,筹措资金。 4、文化支持 利用各种媒体对庆阳民间文化艺术品进行大张旗鼓地宣传,是庆阳民间文化艺术产品开发进程中不可或缺的重要“音符”。这个“音符”的活跃,关键作好以下三点基础工作。 第一,充分发挥庆阳的资源优势、区位优势,举办多种形式的文化节、艺术节、博览会等集群性文化艺术活动,充分展示庆阳灿烂的民间文化艺术,使其民间文化艺术产品在更大领域内找准定位,开阔进一步研制开发和走向市场的思路和视野,为庆阳民间文化艺术产业创造更加巨大的发展空间;吸引更多的文化单位和民间艺人,加入联营平台,逐步形成庆阳民间文化艺术品生产、展销及文化服务一体化的服务体系。组织庆阳民间文化艺术家、民间文化艺术产品到省外、国外举办或参加各类有影响的民间文化艺术集群性活动,通过广泛的交流,把庆阳民间文化艺术产品推向全国,推向世界,提升知名度,提升民间文化艺术产业发展的总体质量。 第二,成立民间文化艺术产业研究中心。认真研究庆阳民间文化艺术产品生产的现状、问题和发展趋势,探索民间文化艺术商品化、市场化规律,及时把握庆阳民间文化艺术产业发展的脉搏,为民间文化艺术产业的发展提供建议;建立庆阳民间文化艺术产品数据库,为民间文化艺术产业决策提供第一手材料。 第三,建立民间文化艺术博物馆。庆阳尚无一家综合性的民间文化艺术博物馆。因此,政府部门应从文化战略的高度出发,将此事纳入文化政策和建设规划之中。着重于收集和宣传具有本地区特色的民间文化艺术品种,尤其是那些本地区特有的民间文化艺术绝技、绝艺。从而全方位、立体化地展现庆阳省民间文化艺术的历史和现状,成为向海内外宣传和展销庆阳民间文化艺术的重要场所。 (二)庆阳香包的营销策略 1、产品策略 主打庆阳民俗文化的精品产品,以香包为主打造品牌带动剪纸、刺绣、皮影等民俗产品的长足发展。要加快新产品的开发,采用新材料,推广新技术,创作新题材,开发新品种、新款式,不断推陈出新等。充分利用庆阳香包和剪纸的艺术人才及庆阳香包和剪纸特色开发中国领袖人物、庆阳 e cardm, vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to thform a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison systether, ensive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each ot settings in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehfferenand integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, diagement system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control ng manent systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parkinually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot managems, mastatistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tablepersonnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase pport parameter automatically Xia biography, andsince defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, su8ement personnel can timely triggered alarm device, willication. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site managverifres confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictu 历史名人及黄土风情系列香包作品和剪纸长卷、册页作为推介庆阳,宣传庆阳的馈赠礼品和纪念品。要在庆阳香包大品牌下,大打陇绣旗号、弘扬陇绣特色、推出陇绣品牌、树立陇绣形象,全面打造陇绣市场,从而把以庆阳香包刺绣为代表的陇绣产品推向全国,推陈出新,产生名牌效应。 2、包装策略 在产品的包装上应该有这样的五条要求:第一,从按消费者的要求出发,不同地区的消费者有不同文化、包装等方面的需求,风俗习惯,宗教习惯等方面的差异也导致了对产品包装上的认知差异;第二,包装的一个重要功能就是保护产品在运输过程中,使其免于变形,保持产品形状的完整;第三,产品的小包装,也就是消费者购买时所看到的包装,这种包装需要新颖美观,体现产品内涵,展现特色文化,吸引眼球;第四,政府的要求。内容要健康向上,包装材料要绿色无害。符合国家的卫生标准,对人体无害;第五, 同一种商品采用不同等级的包装,以适应不同的购买力水平。如送礼商品和自用商品采用不同档次的包装。 (1)高档产品包装策略 庆阳民俗文化产品的包装应跟产品的定位、功能诉求、文化内涵相一致。由于香包,剪纸的材料是布和纸,对于高档的产品包装应选择做工精美的纸盒,盒子里外都为红色和黄色,介于庆阳独有的文化内涵,代表了吉祥如意。内部镶有一层丝绸,用以防止产品受磨,又显示了高档,外部设计要有产品的品牌商标,让顾客有一个统一的品牌认识。由于同一档次的产品体积大小不等,纸盒的大小应根据情况而定。这样的包装适合送礼,收藏,和外宾购买。 (2)中档产品包装策略 中档包装产品在总体设计理念上与高档包装产品相似,产品本身采用纸盒的包装,只不过降低了包装费用,降低了产品的价格,使消费者从中得到了实惠。外部包装采用图案与高档包装产品相同的设计,只是在包装材料上选用价格较低一些的。可以收藏,送礼或家庭装饰。 (3)低档产品包装策略 选择这一档次产品的消费者是非常注重产品实用性与性价比的。因此应尽量在产品包装上节省成本,压低产品的销售价格。对于这一档次的产品采用质地优良,外型精美的塑料袋包装,采用与高,中档产品同样的包装图案,新颖美观,体现了产品的内涵,这样顾客也可以从包装袋外一眼就可以看到产品的样子,这对于一般的消费顾客来说比较容易接受。这样的包装可以进行小型的送礼活动和家庭装饰。 经过产品包装和形象,既可以增加产品的价值,而且良好的包装还有利于消费者选购、携带和收藏。 3、价格策略 (1)由于庆阳地理位置、人文环境、以及特殊的文化背景,庆阳民俗文化产品的价格应相对稳 t prevcally from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures confirm thaegress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card number automatis and sive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehicle accesg security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a comprehenuildine import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive medical bmanagement in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settings in thystem s a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and integrated son Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking management system ilitation Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management systemRehabing buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually consumptifilli atically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase statistics, andPOS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personnel automsince defined. support system management server and consumption 9mely triggered alarm device, willan tiout entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management personnel c ent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verification. Parking 定,使人们感到一种质量稳定的效应。 (2)庆阳民俗产品包括多种产品,价位不等,因此要采取一品牌多价格策略,不同级别的产品有不同的价格,从而扩大顾客群体,树立品牌个性,在原有的市场份额上扩大市场占有率,从而在以后的价格策略中就可以自由发挥。 4、营销渠道策略 (1)在庆阳各县成立营销中心和民俗文化产品公司,属于直营店; (2)在各大城市开分公司和代理,代理渠道,通过大城市代理使民俗产品在全国都有影响度,并且可以达到开拓海外市场贸易; (3)散客,直接到庆阳各县营销中心进货; (4)通过每年的香包节声张盛事,参加深圳“文博会”、西安、北京、上海的一些展会,加深庆阳香包的影响和香包文化传播,增加定单和销售。 5、促销策略 (1)宣传策略 要以民俗文化节为契机,通过文化搭台,经济唱戏的形式,广泛宣传。切实搞好“人类口头与非物质遗产代表作”的项目审报工作。聘请国内外专家、学者考察庆阳民俗文化产品,以召开座谈会、学术交流会、香包等产品的品评会等形式,提高和扩大庆阳民俗文化在外知名度。发动文化界人士创作以香包、剪纸等民俗产品为题材的文艺作品,将庆阳民俗产品搬向舞台,搬上银幕,同时,要充分利用各种新闻媒体和手段以发布各种有关信息、广告、专题片,从文化内涵、艺术价值、经济实用等方面进行高规格、高层次、权威的宣传。 (2)促销策略 ?在庆阳地区成立总营销中心,整合全地区的资源,接待外来投资和定单客户,避免各自执政、层次不一、相互排挤的往常老运作模式(其中政府要起到组织和领导的作用); ?与各个大城市的代理商加强合作和联手,实施全国统一的形象品牌、统一的口径、价格策略和联手合作,实施地区独家代理,发挥代理商的渠道经营和贸易优势; ?推名人和大师出巡演义和公关活动,在各地方造势; ?签定各外国独家代理权,与各国文化界友好交流; ?选文化界名人和中央有关领导做以香包为主的庆阳民俗文化产品的代言人和形象大使,发言具有权威性、科学性和吸引力。 产品虽小,市场之大。在市场经济发展的今天,我们决不能把眼光局限于本地区,显然,不扩大开放,就不能发展。不整合和充分挖掘利用优势资源,就不能加快发展。更重要的是要坚定发展的信念,凡是看准的有利发展的事情,就要克服一切困难不断创新,毫不动摇地坚持做下去,决不能 ement personnel can timely triggered alarm device, willication. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site managverifres confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictu e cardm, vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to thform a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison systether, ensive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each ot settings in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehfferenand integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, diagement system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control ng manent systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parkinually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot managems, mastatistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tablepersonnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase pport parameter automatically Xia biography, andsince defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, su10 半途而废,直到获得最大的成效。庆阳民间工艺品发展的路更长,只要万众一心锲而不舍,庆阳的明天一定会更加美好。 参考文献: [1]孙永生,张彦喜. 庆阳香包民俗文化产业的发展现状及对策研究[J].甘肃农 业,2006(3). [2]庆阳香包、剪纸等民间工艺品的发展对策.百度文库,2011-4-08. [3]薛涛. 蓬勃发展的庆阳香包民俗文化产业. 庆阳市文化产业办公室,2009-5-27. [4]中国庆阳香包文化简介.百度文库,2011-10-23. [5]胡慧琳,王婧.中国文化产业发展指数(CCIDI)研究成果报告. 教育部哲学社会科 学研究重大课题攻关项目《我国文化产业发展战略研究》(08JZD0034)课题组,2012-7-18. [6]李峰.甘肃省文化产业与旅游产业融合发展探析.甘肃日报, 2012-08-21. [7]郭文军. 文化产业发展现状及对策. 中国吉林网,2011-03-28. [8]刘小琰. 关于加快我市文化产业发展对策的建议.鹤岗市政协, 2012-4-13. [9]沈明.《中国文化产业发展指数报告》首次发布 .新浪财经,2012-7-16. [10]郑百灵,周荫祖. 关于我国文化产业发展的若干思考.当代财经,2002(9). [11]王冷一. 以文化产业为平台推进先进民族文化走向世界.探索与争鸣,2001(3). [12]胡惠林.关于我国文化产业发展战略研究的思考.东岳论丛,2009(2). egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card number automatis and sive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehicle accesg security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a comprehenuildine import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive medical bmanagement in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settings in thystem s a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and integrated son Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking management system ilitation Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management systemRehabing buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually consumptifilli atically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase statistics, andPOS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personnel automsince defined. support system management server and consumption 11mely triggered alarm device, willan tiout entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management personnel c ent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verification. Parkingt prevcally from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures confirm tha Gansu Province Qingyang Perfume Bag Folk Culture Industry Development Research Abstract:Nowadays ,culture industry is developing and boosting deeply .on the bases of defining the concept ,characters and classification of cultural industry ,the paper points out the existing issues , analyzes the reasons , presents the developing situation , puts forward strategic thoughts and proposes concrete and practical suggestions and solutions in developing culture industry in Qing yang Gansu Province . Key words: folk custom industry Qingyang sache development countermeasures e cardm, vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to thform a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison systether, ensive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each ot settings in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehfferenand integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, diagement system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control ng manent systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parkinually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot managems, mastatistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tablepersonnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase pport parameter automatically Xia biography, andsince defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, su12ement personnel can timely triggered alarm device, willication. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site managverifres confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictu 后 记 光阴荏苒,转眼间在西北师范大学经济学院四年的本科学习生涯即将结束,而我的毕业论文也终于完成了。这篇论文的完成凝聚了自己辛勤的劳动,但更离不开良师的指导、关心、帮助和鼓励。 首先,要衷心感谢我的导师沈滨老师。在撰写论文的这一学年的时间里,沈老师在专业知识上给予我谆谆教诲,在实践上给予我锻炼的机会。她淳朴的作风,和蔼的态度,透露出为人师长的伟大人格魅力。从我论文的选题、构思,再到写作、修改,直至最后定稿,无不凝聚着她的智慧与辛劳。每当我在写作过程中出现困难,沈老师都从繁忙的工作中抽出时间为我指导、指正,令我茅塞顿开,拓宽了自己的思路。接着,我还要向在我本科期间给我带过课的老师们一并致谢,诸位老师生动的课堂讲授,扩大了我的视野,更激发了我对经济学的兴趣,让我对经济学从最初的无知到现在有了了解并感兴趣。 最后,我想说四年经济学专业的学习使我认识到经济学是一门博大精深的学科,我们应该在以后的学习中,更加深入的学习这门学科。因为经济学不仅能帮助我们更好的学习课本上的内容,而且也让我们对生活中一些经济现象有所了解。 an tiout entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management personnel c ent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verification. Parkingt prevcally from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures confirm thaegress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card number automatis and sive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehicle accesg security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a comprehenuildine import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive medical bmanagement in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settings in thystem s a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and integrated son Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking management system ilitation Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management systemRehabing buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually consumptifilli atically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase statistics, andPOS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personnel automsince defined. support system management server and consumption 13mely triggered alarm device, will
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