首页 高中数列知识点总结



高中数列知识点总结高中数列知识点总结 数列知识点总结 第一部分 等差数列 一 定义式: aad,,nn,1 ,,,anmd(),ma二 通项公式: ,n,,,and(1),1 a一个数列是等差数列的等价条件:(a,b为常数),即是关于n的一次函数,因a,an,bnn anZ,为,所以关于n的图像是一次函数图像的分点表示形式。 n 三 前n项和公式: naa(),nn(1),1nS,,na,,nad n1中间项22 2一个数列是等差数列的另一个充要条件:(a,b为常数,a?0),即是关于SS,an,bnnn nZ,n的二次函数...

高中数列知识点 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 数列知识点总结 第一部分 等差数列 一 定义式: aad,,nn,1 ,,,anmd(),ma二 通项公式: ,n,,,and(1),1 a一个数列是等差数列的等价条件:(a,b为常数),即是关于n的一次函数,因a,an,bnn anZ,为,所以关于n的图像是一次函数图像的分点 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示形式。 n 三 前n项和公式: naa(),nn(1),1nS,,na,,nad n1中间项22 2一个数列是等差数列的另一个充要条件:(a,b为常数,a?0),即是关于SS,an,bnnn nZ,n的二次函数,因为,所以关于n的图像是二次函数图像的分点表示形式。 Sn 四 性质结论 1.3或4个数成等差数列求数值时应按对称性原则设置, 如:3个数a-d,a,a+d; 4个数a-3d,a-d,a+d,a+3d ab,b2.与的等差中项; aA,2 mnpq,,,在等差数列a中,若,则 ,,n aaaa,,,;若,则aaa,,2; mnp,,2mnpqmnp ,S,S,nd,,,nn,N3.若等差数列的项数为2,则 偶奇Sa奇n,; San,1偶 Sn奇,,,S,2n,1a,S,S,a若等差数列的项数为,则,且, ,,2n,1n,N2n,1nn奇偶Sn,1偶 Aaaa,,,?,4.凡按一定规律和次序选出的一组等差数列的和仍然成等差数列。设,12,n Baaa,,,?,, nnn,,122 2B,A,CCaaa,,,?,,则有; 21223nnn,, a,0SS,SS 5.,,则前(m+n为偶数)或(m+n为奇数)最大 1mn,mn,,1mn22 第二部分 等比数列 an,,,,,(2,0,0){}qnaqa一 定义:成等比数列。 nna,1n n,1nm,a,aqaaq,二 通项公式:, n1nm 数列{a}是等比数列的一个等价条件是: nnSSabab,,,,(1),(0,01,)当q,0且q,0时,关于n的图像是指数函数图像的分点nn 表示形式。 naq(1),,1,nS,aaq,aq(1),三 前n项和:;(注意对公比的讨论) ,n,n111,,(1)q,11,,qq, knowledge, Zhuang Shaozhen said pro-democracy work, lecturing is in charge of the underground. In addition, singing revolutionary songs of the Taihang mountains and the Yan ' an ode. Underground activism attracted the attention of reactionary forces, one day, Dong Ling Yuanpei (head of the Youth League of the Wujiang), suddenly the field "inspection", then in establishing the Middle circuit Education Office Wujiang, anti-communist activities 四 性质结论: 2bG1.与的等比中项(同号); ,,,,,GabGabaab,2.在等比数列中,若,则aaaa,,,; mnpq,,,a,,mnpqn 2若,则; aaa,,mnp,,2mnp3.设,, Aaaa,,,?,Baaa,,,?,12,nnnn,,122 2, 则有 BAC,,Caaa,,,?,21223nnn,, 第三部分 求杂数列通项公式 an一( 构造等差数列:递推式不能构造等比时,构造等差数列。 第一类:凡是出现分式递推式都可以构造等差数列来求通项公式, a,1n,1例如:, ,a,1n2a,1n,1 111两边取倒数是公差为2的等差数列,,,,2{}a,a,a,111n,1nn 11,从而求出。 a,,,2(n,1)na,1a,1n1 第二类: 22 (1)(1)nanann,,,,,nn,1 nn,1n,1,,是公差为1的等差数列 aa,,,1a,,nn,1nnn,1n,, nn,,1112 ,,,,aaann1nn11, 二。递推:即按照后项和前项的对应规律,再往前项推写对应式。 anaannaana,,,,,,,,,,1!例如 ,,nnnnn,,121 【注: 】 nnnn!(1)(2)1,,,? 求通项公式的题,不能够利用构造等比或者构造等差求的时候,一般通过递推来求。 aaannn communist activities-ng), suddenly the field "inspection", then in establishing the Middle circuit Education Office Wujiang, antiWujia derground activism attracted the attention of reactionary forces, one day, Dong Ling Yuanpei (head of the Youth League of theg is in charge of the underground. In addition, singing revolutionary songs of the Taihang mountains and the Yan ' an ode. Undemocracy work, lecturin-knowledge, Zhuang Shaozhen said pro2 communist activities-hing the Middle circuit Education Office Wujiang, antitablisary forces, one day, Dong Ling Yuanpei (head of the Youth League of the Wujiang), suddenly the field "inspection", then in esg revolutionary songs of the Taihang mountains and the Yan ' an ode. Underground activism attracted the attention of reactiondemocracy work, lecturing is in charge of the underground. In addition, singin-knowledge, Zhuang Shaozhen said pro3 communist activities-ng), suddenly the field "inspection", then in establishing the Middle circuit Education Office Wujiang, antiWujia derground activism attracted the attention of reactionary forces, one day, Dong Ling Yuanpei (head of the Youth League of theg is in charge of the underground. In addition, singing revolutionary songs of the Taihang mountains and the Yan ' an ode. Undemocracy work, lecturin-knowledge, Zhuang Shaozhen said pro4 communist activities-hing the Middle circuit Education Office Wujiang, antitablisary forces, one day, Dong Ling Yuanpei (head of the Youth League of the Wujiang), suddenly the field "inspection", then in esg revolutionary songs of the Taihang mountains and the Yan ' an ode. Underground activism attracted the attention of reactiondemocracy work, lecturing is in charge of the underground. In addition, singin-knowledge, Zhuang Shaozhen said pro5 communist activities-ng), suddenly the field "inspection", then in establishing the Middle circuit Education Office Wujiang, antiWujia derground activism attracted the attention of reactionary forces, one day, Dong Ling Yuanpei (head of the Youth League of theg is in charge of the underground. In addition, singing revolutionary songs of the Taihang mountains and the Yan ' an ode. Undemocracy work, lecturin-knowledge, Zhuang Shaozhen said pro6 第四部分 求前n项和 Sn 1111,,,,,?1223341,,,,()nn 11111111一 裂项相消法: ()()()(),,,,,,,,?1223341nn, 11n,,,111nn,, 11111,2,3,4,n?的前和是:392781 1111(++++)+(+++)1234??,392781 二 错位相减法:凡等差数列和等比数列对应项的乘积构成的数列求和时用此方法, 求: 23n-2n-1S=x3x5x(2n-5)x(2n-3)x,,,,,?n n,,(2n-1)x (x1) 23n-2n-1n? S=x3x5x(2n-5)x(2n-3)x(2n-1)x (x1),,,,,,,?n234n-1nn+1? xS=x3x5x(2n-5)x(2n-3)x(2n-1)x (x1),,,,,,?n ?减?得: 23n-1nn+1(1x)S=x2x2x2x2x2n1x,,,,,,,,?,,,,n 2n-1 2x1x,,,n+1,,,,x2n1x,,1x, S从而求出。 n 错位相减法的步骤: (1)将要求和的杂数列前后各写出三项,列出?式 (2)将?式左右两边都乘以公比q,得到?式 , (3)用??,错位相减 (4)化简计算 三 倒序相加法:前两种方法不行时考虑倒序相加法 例:等差数列求和: S=aaaaaa,,,,,,?n123n2n1n,, S=aaaaaa,,,,,,?nnn1n2321,, 两式相加可得: communist activities-hing the Middle circuit Education Office Wujiang, antitablisary forces, one day, Dong Ling Yuanpei (head of the Youth League of the Wujiang), suddenly the field "inspection", then in esg revolutionary songs of the Taihang mountains and the Yan ' an ode. Underground activism attracted the attention of reactiondemocracy work, lecturing is in charge of the underground. In addition, singin-knowledge, Zhuang Shaozhen said pro7 2S=aaaaaaaa,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,n1n2n13n23n2,,, ,,,,,,,,aaaa 2n11n, ,,,,,naaS1nn 总结:求数列 前N项和的常用方法 核心提示:求数列的前n项和要借助于通项公式,即先有通项公式,再在分析数列通项公式的基础上,或分解为基本数列求和,或转化为基本数列求和。当遇到具体问题时,要注意观察数列的特点和规律,找到适合的方法解题。 一.用倒序相加法求数列的前n项和 如果一个数列{a},与首末项等距的两项之和等于首末两项之和,可采用把正着写与倒着写的两n 个和式相加,就得到一个常数列的和,这一求和方法称为倒序相加法。我们在学知识时,不但要知其果,更要索其因,知识的得出过程是知识的源头,也是研究同一类知识的工具,例如:等差数列前n项和公式的推导,用的就是“倒序相加法”。 例题1:设等差数列{a},公差为d,求证:{a}的前n项和S=n(a+a)/2 nnn1n 解:S=a+a+a+...+a ? n123n 倒序得:S=a+a+a+…+a ? nnn-1n-21 ?+?得:2S=(a+a)+(a+a)+(a+a)+…+(a+a) n1n2n-13n-2n1 又?a+a=a+a=a+a=…=a+a 1n2n-13n-2n1 ?2S=n(a+a) S=n(a+a)/2 n2nn1n 点拨:由推导过程可看出,倒序相加法得以应用的原因是借助a+a=a+a=a+a=…=a+a即与1n2n-13n-2n1首末项等距的两项之和等于首末两项之和的这一等差数列的重要性质来实现的。 二.用公式法求数列的前n项和 对等差数列、等比数列,求前n项和S可直接用等差、等比数列的前n项和公式进行求解。运n 用公式求解的注意事项:首先要注意公式的应用范围,确定公式适用于这个数列之后,再计算。 例题2:求数列的前n项和S n 解: 点拨:这道题只要经过简单整理,就可以很明显的看出:这个数列可以分解成两个数列,一个等差数列,一个等比数列,再分别运用公式求和,最后把两个数列的和再求和。 三.用裂项相消法求数列的前n项和 裂项相消法是将数列的一项拆成两项或多项,使得前后项相抵消,留下有限项,从而求出数列的前n项和。 *例题3:求数列(n?N)的和 communist activities-ng), suddenly the field "inspection", then in establishing the Middle circuit Education Office Wujiang, antiWujia derground activism attracted the attention of reactionary forces, one day, Dong Ling Yuanpei (head of the Youth League of theg is in charge of the underground. In addition, singing revolutionary songs of the Taihang mountains and the Yan ' an ode. Undemocracy work, lecturin-knowledge, Zhuang Shaozhen said pro8 解: 点拨:此题先通过求数列的通项找到可以裂项的规律,再把数列的每一项拆开之后,中间部分的项相互抵消,再把剩下的项整理成最后的结果即可。 四.用错位相减法求数列的前n项和 错位相减法是一种常用的数列求和方法,应用于等比数列与等差数列相乘的形式。即若在数列{a?b}中,{a}成等差数列,{b}成等比数列,在和式的两边同乘以公比,再与原式错位相减整理后nnnn 即可以求出前n项和。 n*例题4:求数列{na}(n?N)的和 23n解:设 S = a + 2a + 3a + … + na? n23nn+1则:aS = a + 2a + … + (n-1)a + na? n23nn+1?-?得:(1-a)S = a + a + a + … + a - na? n 若a = 1则:S = 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n = n 若a ? 1则: n点拨:此数列的通项是na,系数数列是:1,2,3……n,是等差数列;含有字母a的数列是: 23na,a,a,……,a,是等比数列,符合错位相减法的数列特点,因此我们通过错位相减得到?式,这 时考虑到题目没有给定a的范围,因此我们要根据a的取值情况分类讨论。我们注意到当a=1时 数列变成等差数列,可以直接运用公式求值;当a?1时,可以把?式的两边同时除以(1-a),即 可得出结果。 五.用迭加法求数列的前n项和 迭加法主要应用于数列{a}满足a=a+f(n),其中f(n)是等差数列或等比数列的条件下,可把这nn+1n 个式子变成a-a=f(n),代入各项,得到一系列式子,把所有的式子加到一起,经过整理,可求出a ,n+1nn从而求出S。 n 例题5:已知数列6,9,14,21,30,……其中相邻两项之差成等差数列,求它的前n项和。 解:?a - a = 3, a - a = 5, a - a = 7 ,…, a - a = 2n-1 213243nn-1 把各项相加得:a - a = 3 + 5 + 7 + … + (2n - 1) = n122?a = n - 1 + a = n + 5 n1 222?S = 1 + 2 + … + n + 5n =+ 5n n 22点拨:本题应用迭加法求出通项公式,并且求前n项和时应用到了1 + 2 + … + 2n=因此问题就容易解决了。 communist activities-hing the Middle circuit Education Office Wujiang, antitablisary forces, one day, Dong Ling Yuanpei (head of the Youth League of the Wujiang), suddenly the field "inspection", then in esg revolutionary songs of the Taihang mountains and the Yan ' an ode. Underground activism attracted the attention of reactiondemocracy work, lecturing is in charge of the underground. In addition, singin-knowledge, Zhuang Shaozhen said pro9 六.用分组求和法求数列的前n项和 所谓分组求和法就是对一类既不是等差数列,也不是等比数列的数列,若将这类数列适当拆开,可分为几个等差、等比或常见的数列,然后分别求和,再将其合并。 2222n-12*例题6:求S = 1 - 2 + 3 - 4 + … + (-1)n(n?N) 222222解:?当n是偶数时:S = (1 - 2) + (3 - 4) + … + [(n - 1) - n] = - (1 + 2 + … + n) = - 2222222?当n是奇数时:S = (1 - 2) + (3 - 4) + … + [(n - 2) - (n - 1)] + n 2= - [1 + 2 + … + (n - 1)] + n = - n+1综上所述:S = (-1)n(n+1) 点拨:分组求和法的实质是:将不能直接求和的数列分解成若干个可以求和的数列,分别求和。 七.用构造法求数列的前n项和 所谓构造法就是先根据数列的结构及特征进行分析,找出数列的通项的特征,构造出我们熟知的基本数列的通项的特征形式,从而求出数列的前n项和。 例题7:求的和 解: 点拨:本题的关键在于如何构造出等差或等比数列的特征的通项,在这道题的解法中巧妙的运用了这一转化,使得数列的通项具备了等比数列的特征,从而为解题找到了突破口。 communist activities-ng), suddenly the field "inspection", then in establishing the Middle circuit Education Office Wujiang, antiWujia derground activism attracted the attention of reactionary forces, one day, Dong Ling Yuanpei (head of the Youth League of theg is in charge of the underground. In addition, singing revolutionary songs of the Taihang mountains and the Yan ' an ode. Undemocracy work, lecturin-knowledge, Zhuang Shaozhen said pro10
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