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招标文件评审表招标文件评审表 中国建筑 合同管理表格 表格编号 招标文件评审表 CSCEC-CM-0102A 项目名称 评审部门 评审内容 评审指标 评审结论 风险控制级别 建设行政审批手续是否齐全 是? 否? 发包人资信 红 发包主体是否具备法人资格 是? 否? 招标文件完整性 是? 否? 市场管理 部门 风险综合评价 评审人: 年 月 日 注:红色:重大风险,黄色: 重要风险,蓝色:一般风险。 connection, tightening torque value by the correspond...

招标文件评审表 中国建筑 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 管理 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 表格编号 招标文件评审表 CSCEC-CM-0102A 项目名称 评审部门 评审内容 评审指标 评审结论 风险控制级别 建设行政审批手续是否齐全 是? 否? 发包人资信 红 发包主体是否具备法人资格 是? 否? 招标文件完整性 是? 否? 市场管理 部门 风险综合评价 评审人: 年 月 日 注:红色:重大风险,黄色: 重要风险,蓝色:一般风险。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 中国建筑 合同管理表格 表格编号 招标文件评审表 CSCEC-CM-0102B 项目名称 评审部门 评审内容 评审指标 评审结论 风险控制级别 技术风险 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 工期延误的索赔 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 黄 工期顺延条件 是否合理 是? 否? 工期延误的处罚 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 工程质量缺陷责任的承担 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 竣工验收日期的定义 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 是否描述清楚 是? 否? 总承包管理的内容 黄 是否合理 是? 否? 保修期 是否描述清楚 是? 否? 黄 保险购买 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 项目管理 部门 风险综合评价 评审人: 年 月 日 注:红色:重大风险,黄色: 重要风险,蓝色:一般风险。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 中国建筑 合同管理表格 表格编号 招标文件评审表 CSCEC-CM-0102C 项目名称 评审部门 评审内容 评审指标 评审结论 风险控制级别 是否存在 是? 否? 垫资 是否超过企业规定指标 是? 否? 红 是否无限期 是? 否? 工程预付款额度 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 支付比例是否低于企业规定是? 否? 指标 工程进度款支付额度 红 竣工后支付比例是否低于企是? 否? 业规定指标 工程进度款支付时限 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 结算尾款支付时间 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 变更、洽商、签证价款是否合理 是? 否? 黄 支付时间 保修款支付 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 预付款担保额度、时是否合理 是? 否? 黄 间、格式 担保额度是否超过企业规定是? 否? 指标 履约担保 红 财务资金 是否要求用现金担保 是? 否? 部门 农民工工资支付担保额是否合理 是? 否? 黄 度、时间、格式 风险综合评价 评审人: 年 月 日 注:红色:重大风险,黄色: 重要风险,蓝色:一般风险。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested proces第 3 页 共 7 页 s: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 中国建筑 合同管理表格 表格编号 招标文件评审表 CSCEC-CM-0102D 项目名称 评审部门 评审内容 评审指标 评审结论 风险控制级别 对发包人的违约罚则 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 对承包人的违约罚则 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 关于合同生效方式约定 是否存在导致合同失效风险 是? 否? 黄 争议解决方式 是否对我方不利 是? 否? 黄 合同解除条件 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 禁止停工条款 是否存在 是? 否? 红 合同转让 是否合理 是? 否? 黄 不可抗力 是否合理 是? 否? 蓝 优先受偿权 是否放弃或丧失 是? 否? 红 招标文件合法性 是? 否? 法律事务 部门 风险综合评价 评审人: 年 月 日 注:红色:重大风险,黄色: 重要风险,蓝色:一般风险。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 中国建筑 合同管理表格 表格编号 招标文件评审表 CSCEC-CM-0102E 项目名称 评审部门 评审内容 评审指标 评审结论 风险控制级别 工程承包内容和范是否描述清楚 是? 否? 黄 围 发包人供应材料设是否描述清楚 是? 否? 黄 备的相关约定 是否合理 是? 否? 合同管理 部门 风险综合评价 评审人: 年 月 日 注:红色:重大风险,黄色: 重要风险,蓝色:一般风险。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested proces第 5 页 共 7 页 s: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 中国建筑 合同管理表格 表格编号 招标文件评审表 CSCEC-CM-0102F 项目名称 评审部门 评审内容 评审指标 评审结论 风险控制级别 价格条件 是否合理 是? 否? 红 计价方式 是否描述清楚 是? 否? 黄 是否描述清楚 是? 否? 工程量确定方式 黄 是否合理 是? 否? 人工材料价格调整是否描述清楚 是? 否? 黄 方式 是否合理 是? 否? 是否描述清楚 是? 否? 价格中包含的风险黄 范围 是否合理 是? 否? 变更、洽商、签证是否描述清楚 是? 否? 计价方式、确认时黄 是否合理 是? 否? 间 结算审核方式、时是否描述清楚 是? 否? 限及结算尾款支付黄 是否合理 是? 否? 时间 结算准确性要求和是否合理 是? 否? 黄 处罚 专业工程发包 是否合理 是? 否? 蓝 成本管理 部门 风险综合评价 评审人: 年 月 日 注:红色:重大风险,黄色: 重要风险,蓝色:一般风险。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 中国建筑 合同管理表格 表格编号 招标文件评审汇总表 CSCEC-CM-0103 项目名称 市场管理部 门综合意见 签字: 年 月 日 总法律顾问 审核意见 签字: 年 月 日 合同主管领 导审核意见 签字: 年 月 日 授权批准人 审批 (盖公章) 签字: 年 月 日 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested proces第 7 页 共 7 页 s: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate
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