首页 机械密封各个类型的英文表达方式.doc



机械密封各个类型的英文表达方式.doc机械密封各个类型的英文表达方式.doc 机械密封各个类型的英文表达方式 我这里列出了34个机械密封分类术语... 1.机械端面密封-mechanical face seal 2.流体动压式机械密封-hydrodynamic mechanical seal 3.切向作用流体动压式机械密封-tangential acting hydrodynamic mechanical seal 4.径向作用流体动压式机械密封-radial acting hydrodynamic mechanical seal 5.流...

机械密封各个类型的英文 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达方式.doc 机械密封各个类型的英文表达方式 我这里列出了34个机械密封分类术语... 1.机械端面密封-mechanical face seal 2.流体动压式机械密封-hydrodynamic mechanical seal 3.切向作用流体动压式机械密封-tangential acting hydrodynamic mechanical seal 4.径向作用流体动压式机械密封-radial acting hydrodynamic mechanical seal 5.流体静压式机械密封-hydrostatic mechanical seal 6.外加压流体静压式机械密封-outside pressurized hydrostatic mechanical seal 7.自加压流体静压式机械密封-self pressurized hydrostatic mechanical seal 8.非接触式密封-non contacting (free contacting) mechanical seal 9.内装式机械密封-internally mounted mechanical seal 10.外装式机械密封-externally mounted mechanical seal 11.弹簧内置式机械密封-mechanical seal with inside mounted spring 12.弹簧外置式机械密封-mechanical seal with outside mounted spring 13.背面高压式机械密封-mecanical seal with high back pressure 14.背面低压式机械密封-mechanical seal with low back pressure 15.内流式机械密封-mechanical seal with inward leakage 16.外流式机械密封-mechanical seal with outward leakage 17.弹簧旋转式机械密封-spring rotating mechanical seal 18.弹簧静止式机械密封-spring standing mechanical seal 19.单弹簧式机械密封-single-spring mechanical seal 20.多弹簧式机械密封-multiple-spring mechanical seal 21.非平衡式机械密封-unbalanced mechanical seal 22.平衡式机械密封-balanced mechanical seal 23.单端面机械密封-single mechanical seal 24.双端面机械密封-double mechanical seal 25.轴向双端机械密封-axial double mechanical seal 26.径向双端面机械密封-radial double mechanical seal 27.串联机械密封-tandem mechanical seal 28.橡胶波纹管机械密封-rubber-bellows mechanical seal 29.聚四氟乙烯波纹管机械密封-PTFE-bellows mechanical seal 30.金属波纹管机械密封-l bellows mechanical seal 31.焊接金属波纹管机械密封-welded l bellows mechanical seal 32.压力成型金属波纹管机械密封-formed l bellows mechanic al seal 33.带浮动间隔环的机械密封-mechanical seal with floating i ntermediate ring 34.磁力机械密封-magnetic mechanical seal 机械密封零件术语的常用词汇.... 1.sealing ring --密封环 2.seal face--密封端面 3.seal interface--密封界面 4.rotating ring--动环/旋转环 5.stationary ring--静环/静止环 6.compensated ring--补偿环 7. un-compensated ring--非补偿环 8. seal head--补偿环组件 9.primary seal--主密封 10.secondary seal--副密封 11.auxiliary seal--辅助密封 12.auxiliary seal ring--辅助密封圈 13.bellows--波纹管 14.pushing out ring--撑环 15.back-up ring--挡圈 16.compensated ring adaptor--补偿环座 17.un-compensated ring adaptor--非补偿环座 18.spring adaptor--弹簧座 19.seal adaptor--波纹管座 20.retainer--传动座 21.driving screw--传动螺钉 22.set screw--紧定螺钉 23.snap ring--卡环 24.clamp ring--夹紧环 25.anti-rotating pin--防转销 26.annular seal space--密封腔 27.seal chamber--密封腔体 28.end cover--密封端盖 29.elastic component--弹性元件 30.a pair of friction components--摩擦副 个人常用机械密封专有词汇 inner circulation--内循环 outer circulation--外循环 self circulation--自循环 flush--冲洗 flush fluid--冲洗流体 quench--阻封 quench fluid--阻封流体 buffer fluid--隔离流体 temperature adjustable fluid--调温流体 coolant--冷却流体 heating fluid--加热流体 sealed medium--被密封介质 sealant--密封流体 pv --pv值(密封流体压力P与密封端面平均滑动速度V的乘积) limiting pv --密封达到失效时的PV值.它表示密封的水平 working pv --极限PV值除以安全系数 PcV--端面比压Pc与密封端面平均滑动速度V的乘积 limiting PcV --密封达到失效时的PcV值.它表示密封 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 的工作 能力 working PcV --许用PcV值.极限PcV值除以 安全系数 leakage rate-- 泄漏量 run out--跳动 wear rate--磨损率 operating life--工作寿命 operating period--使用期 abortive failure--早期失效 Operating limits:工作参数 Speed/velocity:转速 Combination of material:材料组合 Halted ring:弹簧挡圈 Bellows:波纹管 Retainer:传动套,传动座 Drive ring:压圈 Cup gasket:静环套 Spring retainer:弹簧座 O-ring: O形圈 Tension spring:拉簧 Stationary seat:静环形式/静环基座 Rotary seat:动环座 Drive screw:传动螺钉 Wave spring/Bellow spring:波形弹簧 Rotary o-ring:动环O形圈 Stationary o-ring:静环O形圈 Collar:定位套 Snap ring/clamp ring:卡环 Disc/thrust ring:止推环 Wedge ring:楔形环 Mating ring:静止环/静环 Primary ring:动止环/动环 Inventory:存货 Agitator:搅拌器 Cryogenics:低温学 Mixer:搅拌机 Refinery:炼油 Petrochemical:石化 Pulp:纸浆 Paramecia:配药 Desalination:脱盐 Wastewater:污水 Impeller:叶轮 Fit:安装 Lead:石墨,铅 Edge:边缘 Grade:等级 Secondary sealing element:辅助密封材质 Hydrostatic:流体静力学的 Cross-section:横截面 Material code:材料代码 Seal size:密封轴径尺寸 Assembly number:装配代码 Sulphuric:硫酸 Nitric acid:销酸 Phosphoric acid:磷酸 Hydrochloric:盐酸 PV—pressure/velocity:压力与转速 RS—rotating seat:动环座 Multiplier:增效器 TC—tungsten carbide:硬质合金 Pin:销 Engage:接合,啮合 Pro剖面/侧面 Adapter:适配器 Titled:倾斜的 Weld/welt:焊接 Nested:嵌套的,镶装的 Configuration:配置,构造 Axial:轴向的,轴的 Working height/length:工作高度 Tolerance:公差,容差 Operating pressure:工作压力 FIM—full indicator movement: Lubricity:光滑 Gravity:重力 Face material:密封面材料 Insert/shrink-fitted:镶装的 Primary ring adapter:动环座 Mating ring adapter:静环座 Delivery period:交货期 Set screw:固定螺钉 Cap screw:帽螺钉 Gland:填料函盖 Drive retainer:传动套 Plate:镀金 Gland plate:密封座 Mean time:平均时 Durability:耐用性 Thrust ring:推环 Clamp ring:卡环 Eccentricity:偏心率/度,偏心距 Deflection:偏斜,偏差 Runout:偏转,溢流 Pilot pins: 定位销 Bolt:螺栓 Screw:螺钉 Nut:螺母 Washer:垫圈 Pin:销 Rivet:铆钉 Anchor:壁虎 Machine screw:机械螺钉 Wooden screw:木螺钉 Threaded rod螺杆 Wire rope clamps:玛卡 Hex head pipe plugs:六角形螺塞 Phillip:十字槽 Spring-loaded pluger: 弹簧销 Hex head:六角形头 Flange:法兰 Seal component materials:密封材料成分 Secondary sealing element:辅助密封材料 Primary ring:动环 Mating ring:静环 Hardware:结构件 Mechanical loading device (spring):弹簧材料 Ovality:椭圆 Letter of intent:意向书 Rotary ring is whole part or shrink-fitted:动环是整体还是 镶装的 Leaf:金属薄片 End play:轴向间隙 Pad:衬垫 Asymmetric:不对称的 Seal adapter:密封座 Tandem:前后的,串联的 Inlet:进口 Outlet:出口 Inboard:内侧/介质端 Outboard:外侧/大气端 Convection:传送,对流 Port:端口, Slot:狭槽 Reducing agent:还原剂 Notch:槽口,凹口 Band:镶边 Clogging:堵塞 Tune:(弹簧)圈数 Foul:淤塞 Flatness:平面度 Downtime:检修时间 Alternative methods:替代方法 Wear ring:磨损环 Torsion:扭距 Cast:铸件 Confining:狭窄的 Spring seat:弹簧座 Plug-proof:防转销 Drive ring:推环 Push ring: 推环 Halted ring: 挡圈 Cup gasket: 静环套 Rotary ring holder/adapter/carrier: 动环座 Axial pipe:轴套 Drive ring/plunger collar:压圈 Spring retainer/seat: 弹簧座 Impeller:叶轮 Outside cup gasket: 静环外套 Inside cup gasket: 动环内套 Spring holder:弹簧垫 Seal ring:密封环 work:骨架 Square ring:方型圈 Wave spring:波形弹簧 Cylinder spring:圆柱弹簧 Coil spring:锥形弹簧 Integral seal case:整体密封盒 Purity:纯度 Density:密度 HS—hardness:硬度 Tensile strength:抗拉强度 Bending strength:抗弯强度 Compression strength:抗压强度 Thermal conductivity:传热导系数 Coefficient of thermal expansion:热膨胀系数 Heat resistance:耐热 Thermal impact coefficient:热冲击系数 Acid resistance:耐酸 Medium:介质 Porosity:显气孔率 Rockwell hardness:洛式硬度 Breaking strength:抗析强度 Stability of thermal vibration: 抗震稳定性 Optical flatness:工作面平整度 Roughness:粗糙度 Lightbrand:光带 Classification:分类 Model:型号 Thore hardness: 肖氏硬度 Feature:特性 Stamping:冲压 Lobe pump:凸轮泵 Step:台阶 Crevice:裂缝 Crack:裂纹 Anticlockwise:逆时针 Clockwise: 顺时针 Labyrinth seals:迷宫式密封 Torque:扭矩 Throttle:节流圈/节流阀 Bushing:轴衬 Bearing:轴承 Sealant:密封剂 Pitch:螺距,节距 Depth:深度 Stuffing:填塞料 BDC-bolt circle pitch diameter 中心距 EMS:express mail service 邮政快递 Thrust plate:止推板 Surface finish:表面抛光 End-fittings:端面安装 Spare pats:配件 Split seals:剖分式密封 Running account:往来帐户 NPT:normal pressure and temperature 常温常压 Thread:螺纹 Cushion:衬垫 Pneumatics:气体力学 GmbH—Gesellschaftmit beschrankter Hafltung 股份有限 公司(德国) Electropolish 电解法抛光 CAM—computer aided manufacturing 计算机辅助设计 c/w: complete with 包括;caution/warning 小心与警告 ASTM:American society of testing material 美国试验材料 协会 Squareness: 垂直度 Concentric circle :同心圆 Credit note/debit note/payment slip:银行水单 EDGE: electronic data gathering equipment 电子数据采集 设备 Cavity:凹口/槽 Proprietary design:专有设计 TIR—total indicator reading 指针读数 TIR—temperature indicator recorder 温度指示记录器 Abutment:邻接,接合齿 Melting point:熔点 Boiling point:沸点 Automatic lathes:车床 Groove: 凹槽,开槽于 Chamfer:倒角 Bottom chamfer背倒角: CC: center line 中心线 Thru: 穿过 Wire DIA: 丝径 Free length:自由高度 Type of ends—close ground: 拼圈 Conversion sheet:换算表 General speaking: stationary seat should be harder tha n the rotary face Polypropylene:聚丙烯 Polyethylene:聚乙烯 PTFE—polytetrafluoroethylene聚四氟乙稀 PVC:聚氯乙稀 PVDF-polyvinylidene fluoride 聚偏氟乙稀 CTFE-chlorotrifluor ethylene 三氟氯乙稀 Consolidated shipment:合并装运 Polishing:抛光 Smoothness:光滑 Flatness:平面度 Roughness:粗糙度 Impurity:杂质 Bubble:气泡 Defect/flaw:缺陷 Surface:表面 Air hole/pore气孔: Burr:毛刺 Nick:划痕 Thick:厚 Thin:薄 Spot welding:点焊 Fastness:牢固 Distortion/transfiguration:变形 Brightness/lucency polishing:光亮抛光 Matted polishing:暗淡抛光 Rockwell hardness:洛氏硬度 Shaw hardness:肖氏硬度 Luster:光泽 WRT:with regard to Latex paint 乳胶涂料 :England-U.K russian-Ru german-DE French-FR Spanish-ES Greek-GR Italian-IT United states-U.S.A 接的 Welt/brazed:焊 Tandem arrangement:串联式 Back-to-back arrangement:背对背式 Fitting length:安装长度 Tolerance:容差 Axial movement:轴向窜动量 Torque transmission:扭矩传递 Operating limits运行范围: Seal face:动环 Stationary seat:静止环 Drive key:键驱动 Nut:螺母/螺帽 Screw:螺钉 Pin:销 Bolt:螺栓 Operating temperature:运行温度 Right-handed (RH) screw:右旋螺钉 Left-handed (LH) screw:左旋螺钉 Screw thread:螺纹 Screw thread groove:螺纹槽 Screw type:螺纹型 Spiral/helix: 螺旋 Cash remittance:汇款单 Cutaway:剖视图 GB-Guobiao:我国国家标准 Abmessung: dimension Siliziumkarbid: silicon carbide Feder: spring Keramic: ceramic Tack weld:间断焊 Carrier:支座,托架 Keyway:键槽 Undercut:底切 Washer:垫圈 Tooling charge / modeling charge:开模费 RH—rockwell hardness / right hand 洛氏硬度 / 右旋 Pitch of screw:螺距 GP-general purpose:普通箱 CBM-cubic meter:立方米 MT-metric ton公吨 HC-high cubic高箱 Freight prepaid:运费预付 Freight collect:运费到付 House B/L:分提单(由货代开出) Ocean B/L:总提单(般公司开出) SWBL-sea waybill:海运单 AWBL-air waybill:空运单 B/N:货物单 S/O:装运单 D/R:场站收据 CLP:装箱单 D/O:提货单(dispatch/order) Surcharge:附加费 Bunker surcharge::燃油附加费 B.A.F—bunker adjustment factor: 燃油附加费 CY-container yard:集装箱堆场 CFS-container freight station::集装箱货运站(处理拼箱货的 场所) TEU-twenty-feet equivalent unit:集装箱计算单位 FCL-full container load 整箱货 LCL-less than container 拼箱货 Slot number: 箱位号 集装箱0402D1 含义如下: 04-bay number 排号(横号) 02:row number 行号 D1:river number D—在甲板上; H—在舱内 C.C—collect 到付 P.P—prepaid 预付 INCOTERMS 2000-International Rules for the Interpretat ion of trade terms 2000年国际贸易术语解释通则 Carbon steel:碳钢 Rpm: round per minute / revolutions per minute 每分钟 转数 Sliding surface:滑动面积 RA-remedial action 矫正 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 . restricted areas 受限区域性; remittance advice 汇款 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 Ra-Rate of appearance 外观等级 Perpendicularity:垂直度 Clearance:间隙 Counterface:对立面 Retain:护圈,挡板 Nanometer(nm gates 橡胶英语翻译 [color=blue][size=4]纺丝 spinning 干纺 dry spinning 湿纺 wet spinning 干湿法纺丝 dry wet spinning 干喷法纺丝 dry jet wet spinning 溶液纺丝 solution spinning 乳液纺丝 emulsion spinning 乳液闪蒸纺丝法 emulsion spinning 喷射纺丝 jet spinning 喷纺成形 spay spinning 液晶纺丝 liquid crystal spinning 熔纺 melt spinning 共混纺丝 blended spinning 凝胶纺丝 gel spinning 反应纺丝 reaction spinning 静电纺丝 electrostatic spinning 高压纺丝 high-pressure spinning 复合纺丝 conjugate spinning 无纺布 monofilament/ monofil 单丝 multifilament 全取向丝 fully oriented yarn 中空纤维 hollow fiber 皮芯纤维 sheath core fiber 共纺 cospinning 冷拉伸 cold drawing/ cold stretching 单轴拉伸 uniaxial drwaing/ uniaxial elangation 双轴拉伸 biaxial drawing 皮心效应 skin and core effect 皮层效应 skin effect 防缩 non-shrink 熟成 ripening 垂挂 sag 定型 sizing 起球现象 pilling effect 捻度 twist 旦 denier 特 tex 纱 yarn 股 strand 粘合 adhesion 反应粘合 reaction bonding 压敏粘合 pressure sensitive adhesion 底漆 primer 浸渍 impregnation 浸渍树脂 sovent impregnated resin 基体 matrix 聚合物表面活性剂 polymetic surfactant 高分子絮凝剂 polymeric surfactant 预发颗粒 pre-expanded bead 高分子膜 polymeric membrane H-膜 H-film LB膜 langmuir blodgett film (LB film) 半透膜 semipermeable membrane 反渗透膜 reverse osmosis membrance 多孔膜 anisotropic membrane 各向异性膜 anisotropic membrance 正离子交换膜 cation exchange membrane 负离子交换膜 anionic exchange membrane 吸附树脂 polymeric adsorbent 添加剂 additive 固化剂 curing agent 潜固化剂 latent curing agent 硫化剂 vulcanizing agent 给硫剂 sulfur donor agent/ sulfur donor 硫化促进剂 vulcanization accelerator 硫化活化剂 vulcanization activatior 活化促进剂 activating accelerator 活化剂 activator 防焦剂 scroch retarder 抗硫化返原剂 anti-reversion agent 塑解剂 peptizer 偶联剂 coupling agent 硅烷偶联剂 silane coupling agent 酞酸酯偶联剂 titanate coupling agent 铝酸酯偶联剂 aluminate coupling agent 增强剂 reinforcing agent 增硬剂 hardening agent 惰性填料 inert filler 增塑剂 plasticizer 辅增塑剂 coplasticizer 增粘剂 tackifier 增容剂 compatibilizer 增塑增容剂 plasticizer extender 分散剂 dispersant agent 结构控制剂 constitution controller 色料 colorant 荧光增白剂 optical bleaching agent 抗降解剂 antidegradant 防老剂 anti-aging agent 防臭氧剂 antiozonant 抗龟裂剂 anticracking agent 抗疲劳剂 anti-fatigue agent 抗微生物剂 biocide 防蚀剂 anti-corrosion agent 光致抗蚀剂 photoresist 防霉剂 antiseptic 防腐剂 rot resistor 防潮剂 moisture proof agent 除臭剂 re-odorant 抗氧剂 antioxidant 热稳定剂 heat stabilizer 抗静电添加剂 antistatic additive 抗静电剂 antistatic agent 紫外线稳定剂 antistatic agent 紫外光吸收剂 ultraviolet stabilizer 光稳定剂 light stalibizer/ photostabilizer 光屏蔽剂 light screener 发泡剂 foaming agent 物理发泡剂 physical foaming agent 化学发泡剂 chemical foaming agent 脱模剂 releasing agent 内脱模剂 internal releasing agent 外脱模剂 external releasing agent 阻燃剂 flame retardant 防火剂 fire retardant 烧蚀剂 ablator 润滑剂 lubricant 润湿剂 wetting agent 隔离剂 separant 增韧剂 toughening agent 抗冲改良性剂 impact modifier 消泡剂 antifoaming agent 减阻剂 drag reducer 破乳剂 demulsifier 粘度改进剂 viscosity modifier 增稠剂 thickening agent/ thickener 阻黏剂 abhesive 洗脱剂 eluant 附聚剂 agglomerating agent 后处理剂 after-treating agent 催干剂 driver 防结皮剂 anti-skinning agent 纺织品整理剂 textile finishing agent[/size][/color]
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