首页 乡镇统战工作职责



乡镇统战工作职责乡镇统战工作职责 镇统战工作职责 1、认真学习、宣传、贯彻执行党的统战、对台侨务、民族宗教、党外、非公经济等工作的方针政策,确保其各项方针政策落到实处。 2、充分发挥统战工作的优势,积极组织统战成员服务于地方社会事业建设,并借助有效服务载体,为统战成员提供各项服务。 3、做好“台胞”“侨胞”眷属等统战成员思想政治工作,鼓励他们与海外亲人保持密切联系,动员其积极为祖国统一做出应有贡献。 4、加强党外干部、党外知识分子和党外代表人士的队伍建设,关心党外人士和民主党派成员的工作和生活,充分发挥他们在地方建设中的...

乡镇统战工作职责 镇统战工作职责 1、认真学习、宣传、贯彻执行党的统战、对台侨务、民族宗教、党外、非公经济等工作的方针政策,确保其各项方针政策落到实处。 2、充分发挥统战工作的优势,积极组织统战成员服务于地方社会事业建设,并借助有效服务载体,为统战成员提供各项服务。 3、做好“台胞”“侨胞”眷属等统战成员思想政治工作,鼓励他们与海外亲人保持密切联系,动员其积极为祖国统一做出应有贡献。 4、加强党外干部、党外知识分子和党外代表人士的队伍建设,关心党外人士和民主党派成员的工作和生活,充分发挥他们在地方建设中的积极作用。 5、依法加强对民族、宗教事务的管理,确保民族宗教等统战领域的社会稳定,促进社会和谐建设。 6、重点加强非公经济代表人士的队伍建设,教育引导他们积极为地区经济发展和社区公益事业的发展多做贡献。 7、主动为非公企业做好服务协调工作,积极宣传有关政策法规,努力维护他们的合法权益。 8、掌握本镇统战成员的基本情况,建立完善的统战工作基础台账和工作规范。 supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through XX镇统战工作例会制度 1、镇统战工作领导小组每半年召开一次统战工作例会,听取统战工作汇报,研究统战工作,决定统战工作重大事项。 2、各村统战工作小组,每半年召开一次统战工作例会,分析村内统战成员思想、生活等情况,突出“双向服务”,研究本村统战具体工作。 3、镇统战干部每月召集一次工作联络员工作例会,学习传达有关政策法规、文件、交流工作经验、体会,布置有关工作任务。 XX镇统战宣传学习制度 1、镇统战工作领导小组成员,集中学习统战内容全年至少两次。 2、全体党员干部集中学习统战内容全年至少一次。 3、统战干部和统战工作联络员集中学习统战内容全年至少两次。 4、镇宣传栏宣传介绍统战工作内容,全年至少出两期。 5、镇每年至少举办一期统战干部、统战工作联络员等相关对象参加的统战业务知识培训班,或座谈、研讨、交流统战工作。 supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through XX镇统战走访慰问制度 1、镇统战领导小组成员走访统战成员,要做到“四必访”,即“统战成员生病、住院必访,有困难必访,有矛盾必访,传统佳节必访”。 2、各村走访或慰问统战成员,一般成员全年不少于一次,重点成员全年不少于两次。 3、通过经常走访统战成员,及时听取其对我镇经济社会事业建设的意见和建议,了解其实际困难,主动帮其排忧解难。对其困难做到能办到的及时解决,办不到的及时反映、协调解决。 4、实行走访登记制,对统战成员反应的问题,要求解决事情件件有落实、事事有回音。 supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through XX镇统战情况通报制度 1、镇党委每半年一次集中向统战代表人士通报本镇经济、社会事业、管理等方面情况,主动征求其意见和建议。 2、各村统战工作领导小组每半年一次向镇统战工作小组汇报统战工作情况,遇有重要任务和重大问题随时通报。 3、要充分运用通报制度征求统战成员,尤其是代表人士的积极意见和建议,发挥其民主监督,参政议政的作用。 XX镇统战信息反映制度 1、各村统战工作联络员要经常了解统战成员的思想反映,实际困难以及意见和建议,准确掌握其思想动态,并做到每月向镇统战工作小组汇报一次,遇有重大情况随时报告。 2、各村统战工作小组对其工作动态,各界人士反映的社情民意,以及各界人士发挥作用的典型事例要每季度向镇统战工作领导小组汇报一次。遇有重大情况时,第一时间向镇统战工作领导汇报。 3、镇村统战工作小组对统战成员的思想动态等信息,要及时进行认真分析研究,搞好指导反馈,并有针对性的做好其工作。 4、各村统战工作联络员每年至少向镇统战办上报统战工作信息4条,特色性 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 文章一篇。 XX镇统战双向服务制度 1、镇村两级党组织要充分发挥协调作用,主动为统战成员,特别是搞好重点服务对象的服务,重点突出解困、维权、政策、法律等服务内容。 2、要不断挖潜统战工作资源,逐步建立统战成员人才库,充分发挥有专长统战成员的作用,引导其为我镇建设、为社会多贡献聪明才智。 supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through XX镇统战联系交友制度 1、镇统战工作领导小组工作成员要分别与重点统战成员结队子、交朋友,并参加统战成员的联谊活动,及时了解其思想反映,倾听意见和建议,有针对性做好思想政治工作。 2、各村主要干部和统战工作联络员,要主动、经常与村内的统战成员进行联系,开展交友活动,并及时为他们解决困难,搞好服务。 3、各级党组织和个部门要把联系交友作为工作的重要内容,积极开展思想互助,困难互帮等活动。 supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through XX镇统战考核制度 1、镇实行村级统战工作目标管理。年初根据上级统战部门总体工作要求,制定年度统战工作意见,并及时下发各村和有关单位。 2、统战工作目标列入XX镇“百分考核”考核的一项内容,各党支部书记为本单位统战工作第一责任人。年终镇统战工作领导小组对其完成工作目标情况进行考核,考核结果作为衡量村和有关单位的工作业绩和年度经济报酬的重要依据之一。 3、镇统战领导小组将结合党建工作责任制的检查,每季度对统战工作进行一次讲评,每半年进行一次检查指导。 4、镇统战工作领导小组对统战工作每年进行考评一次,对工作成绩突出的统战干部、指导员、联络员进行表彰。 supplies and get to use, the registration of company assets, record maintenance, maintenance of effective management; 2.6 cost management: preparation of the annual administrative budget, control administrative costs, determine the scope of cost-sharing, sharing the office expenses by month; 2.7 information management: responsible for documents, materials, information and publicity, communication links, and ensure promptly, ranking officers reporting; responsible for the collation and analysis of information, provide the basis for corporate decisions; corporate culture construction, planning, editing, internal publications; 2.8 vehicle management: responsible for the management, repairs and maintenance of vehicles; 2.9 legal disputes: the company responsible for the handling of disputes; 2.10 other: maintaining normal working order, and security. General Manager General Manager job description 1, 1.1 develop strategies and plans: according to company strategic planning, establish the annual management plan, reported to the Board of Directors for approval; 1.2 decomposition measures: according to the Board of Directors issued the annual management plan, annual index of decomposition, through the Organization of coordination mandate in charge of the Department Organization and implementation, ensuring comprehensive implementation of annual indicators; 1.3 inspection: convenes the General Manager Office, through
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