首页 斯佳丽:“旧”时代的“新”女性



斯佳丽:“旧”时代的“新”女性斯佳丽:“旧”时代的“新”女性 斯佳丽:―旧‖时代的―新‖女性 AbstractThis paper mainly discusses Scarlett O′ Hara’s particular characters, her secret of survival, her relations with other roles and why she is always criticized. Scarlett, who’s clever, coquettish, stubborn and diligen...

斯佳丽:“旧”时代的“新”女性 斯佳丽:―旧‖时代的―新‖女性 AbstractThis paper mainly discusses Scarlett O′ Hara’s particular characters, her secret of survival, her relations with other roles and why she is always criticized. Scarlett, who’s clever, coquettish, stubborn and diligent, is different from other aristocratic woman. She has been married for three times and killed a thieving Yankee soldier; then buys sawmills, peddles timbering herself and earns money openly. The worst thing is she business while other gentlemen lead poor lives. She is different, and also succeeds in damned. But she is judged as a new woman in the old time.Undoubtedly, if Scarlett were in our society, she would live fortably. Meanwhile, she is a good example of survival. But we can not imitate Scarlett in all her ways. On the other hand, critics nowadays should criticize Scarlett in a new way, the way of how to survive in modern society.That is to say, ―be different〞is not equal to〝be damned〞.Key WordsRebellious; different; new woman摘 要这篇文章主要描述了文学名着《飘》中的女主人公—斯佳丽?奥哈拉,她独特的个性,与小说中其他人物 的关系,以及她总是被批判)谴责的原因。斯佳丽不同于其他贵族妇女,她聪明) 迷人)勤勉并且倔强而坚定。她共有三次婚姻,枪杀了一名正在家中行窃的北方士 兵;后来买下锯木厂,自己为卖木材而四处奔波,最后公然地赚取了很多钱。在许 多绅士还过着贫困潦倒的生活时,她却获得了成功,这是人们认为最不能接受的事 情。她与众不同,因此被谴责,但却是―旧‖时代的―新‖女性。毫无疑问,如果斯佳 丽生活在当今社会,她会很幸福,同时也是我们学习的好榜样。当然,我们不能效 仿她的一切;另一方面,当今的评判家应该从怎样在现代社会生存的角度,来对她 作出全新的评价。与众不同,并不意味着该被批判。关键词反叛;与众不同;新女 性IntroductionKatie Scarlett O′Hara, the leading role of Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, always gets mixed reception. However, no matter how selfish, indifferent and cunning or strong, able and clever she is judged as, she is a new woman in the old time. Scarlett O′Hara, the daughter of a well–bred South Carolina mother and a rich self–made planter father, beautiful and charming, has many beaux. But she only ―loves‖Ashley Wilkes, ―Since that day two years ago when Ashley, newly home from his three years Grand Tour in Europe, had called to pay his respects, she had loved him. It was as simple as that‖ (Margaret, 27). At that day, in Scarlett’s eyes, Ashley’s ―drowsy grey eyes wide with a smile and the sun so bright in his blond hair that it seemed like a cap of shining silver‖(Margaret, 27). From then on, the aureole on Ashley’s head shining all along in her heart until she finally realizes that what she has really loved and pursued for such long time is not Ashley himself but the aureole on his head. Because of the ―love‖ to Ashley, Scarlett has ―hated‖ Melanie Hamilton, the wife of Ashley Wilkes, for many years. Simultaneously, because of the ―love‖ to Ashley, Scarlett has neglected and refused Rhett Butler’s genuine love. And not until Melanie’s death does she realize whom her close friend, firm partner is and whom her real lover, stable supporter is and also whom she truly and steadfastly loves.Through the war and during the reconstruction Scarlett acts as a heroine. ―She survives trial by fire and hunger‖ (Dawson, 10). But unlike other epic heroes, Scarlett loses, she misses the best friend and lost the best husband in her world. However, Scarlett is Scarlett, a stubborn woman who always says, ―Anyway, tomorrow is another day‖ to herself and then solves the problems. This time, ―with the spirit of her people who would not know defeat, even when it stared them in the face. She raised her chin. She could get Rhett back. She knew she could. There had never been a man she could not get, once she set her mind upon him‖ (Margaret, 1011). This is Scarlett, rebel, willful and stubborn, different from other aristocratic woman; she is self-confident, independent, sagacious and candid. These characters make Scarlett be scolded much by critics, ―be different and be damned‖(Margaret, 663).?.Description of Scarlett’s Special Characters and StylesBefore the Civil War, Scarlett lives in a nearly perfect family. A gentle mother, a rich father, and a black mummy look after her well, and they make her a beautiful but spoiled girl. On the other hand, she’s clever, diligent, brave and stubborn. Owing to these characters, her actions make her very wele in gentlemen but unwele in ladies.A. The Background of Scarlett’s Family Scarlett shows her difference at the right opening of the novel. She has a ―gently bred Creole mother from the seacoast‖ (John, 253). Ellen O′Hara, has never been seen ―stirred from her austere placidity nor her personal appointments anything but perfect, no mater what the hour of day or night‖ (Margaret, 42). ―There was a steely quality under her stately gentleness that awed the whole household‖ (Margaret, 43). Scarlett regards her mother as ―something holy and apart from all the rest of humankind‖ and ―the embodiment of justice, truth, loving tenderness and profound wisdom—a great lady.‖ Young Scarlett, or Scarlett antebellum, wants very much to emulate Ellen, but in order to avoid missing joys of life, she will follow her mother only on condition that ―some day when she was married to Ashley and old, some day when she had time for it‖(Margaret, 62). Nevertheless, Ellen does influence Scarlett much.On the other hand, Scarlett’s father, Gerald O′Hara, a little, hard-headed and blustering Irish man, is not well educated, he believes that a man who wants to be rich should be strong and unafraid of work. And Gerald is hardy. ―When Gerald wanted something, he gains it by taking the most direct route‖ (Margaret, 48). This conclusion seemed to fit for Scarlett, too.B. Scarlett’s Different Attitudes to the Social Life and Her Happiness AntebellumAs for Scarlett, in her face ―were too sharply blended the delicate feature of her mother, a coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father‖ (Margaret, 1). At the age of sixteen, thanks to Mammy and Ellen, ―she looked sweet, charming and giddy, but she was, in reality, self-willed, vain and obstinate. She had the easily stirred passions of her Irish father and nothing except the thinnest veneer of her mother’s unselfish and forbearing nature‖ (Margaret, 61). she is high hearted, vivacious and charming, different from other ladies’ elegance. She is beautiful that she has made almost all the young men in the neighborhood court her; she has her own view that she always tries her best to gain what she wants—Ashley, or Tara, then Rhett. She will never know, and she would be pleased but unbelieving if she has been told, that her own personality, frighteningly vital though it was, was more attractive than any masquerade she might adopt. Because ―the civilization of which she was a part would have been unbelieving too, for at no time, before or since, had so low a premium been placed on feminine naturalness‖ (Margaret, 82). undoubtedly, she is different, and because of this differences, Scarlett is destined to be damned—―No girl in the county, really liked Scarlett‖(Margaret, 87). C. Scarlett’s Rebellious Activities in Atlanta during the Civil WarThen es the Civil War. After her impulse (marry Charles Hamilton to ―retaliate‖ Ashley Wilkes’ marriage to Melanie Hamilton) Scarlett is soon widowed, to her dismay, motherhood follows. Of course Scarlett can not fell contented in her widow life, she still wants to dance, laugh and be courted as Scarlett O′Hara, not Scarlett Hamilton. And so, with the help of Rhett Butler, Scarlett begins to search for another paradise in her life. When she is still in mourning, Scarlett ―tossed her head and sped out of booth‖ (Margaret, 189), hurriedly steps into the dancing floor, and begins her another rebel life. She begins to think for herself instead of letting others think for her again. At that very time, she forgets herself and her rearing neglects the look on the chaperons’ faces, cares not what she will be criticized, she just wants to dance, to release her partly from mourning.D.Scarlett’s Pursuit of Freedom and HappinessOne whole year after Charles Hamilton’s death, Scarlett is partly liberated. Despite wearing mourning, she is back again where she has been before she marries Charles, as if she were Scarlett O′Hara again, the belle of the county. Careless of the disapproval of others, ―she behaved as she had behaved before her marriage—went to parties, danced, went riding with soldiers, flirted…‖(Margaret, 215). Life is still attractive, like she is. She enjoys her normal-like life again. She, Scarlett, energetic and animated, how can she be defined forever? Much less, the man she married has never gained her love at all! So that Scarlett, who is willing to, and destined to, pursue a passional life. Obviously, she is different, and still is scolded for being different from the social code. However, in modern society, no one has the right of obstructing a widowed lady from pursuing happiness, especially remarriage.Scarlett’s emotion, as the Christmas season of 1863 ing, is surged up because Ashley Wilkes will e home on furlough. When Scarlett looks at Ashley, she ―knew her feeling of that long-past night were those of a spoiled child thwarted of a toy‖ (Margaret, 259). But unfortunately, she still looks upon her feeling to Ashley as ―love‖, even more than before. According to such deep feeling, or love, at least she thinks so, Scarlett promises Ashley that she will look after Melanie for him.E.Scarlett’s Bravery and Stubbornness Not long later Ashley goes back to team, he is captured. Meanwhile, Melanie finds herself pregnant. As the battlefield situation gets worse, the residents of Atlanta begin to flee away. Same as the others, Scarlett wants to go back to Tara, too. But Melanie’s dangerous health condition retains her at Atlanta to acpany, protect and help her. Originally, Scarlett fears Yankees, fears bombs and misses Tara, especially her mother terribly. She has planned to leave to Tara, but when Melanie refers to her promise to Ashley, and praises her for her bravery and sturdiness, and begs her to stay there, Scarlett nods. Then during the siege, Scarlett is fidgety to live in Atlanta City with the homesick biting her heart. In those days, she can leave Melanie with other madams and she herself goes back home with her son. In fact, Scarlett does think it over, but because of various reasons, the chief one of which is her promise to Ashley that she will take care of Melanie for him, she stays with Melanie, whose time is approaching during the shelling. Is it a kind of foolish chivalry? Certainly not! It is the kindhearted aspect of her nature. That is to say, Scarlett has not only bravery and stubbornness, but also sense of responsibility in her characters. This time, she is still different, but this is the only time she is not scolded for the difference. Maybe it is because she is nursing a generally acknowledged lady—Melanie.Soon es the first―the end of the world‖ in Scarlett’s life. That’s a sultry day, from the very morning has she known that Melanie’s pains are getting harder and she surely will have a hard time. At this emergent moment, the doctor can not e because he has to deal with hundreds of wounded soldiers. And at that very nasty day, the Yankees will take the city in no time. Nevertheless, the worst thing is, she has to face the reality, she will deliver the baby by herself!Till the night falls, Scarlett succeeds to have Melanie’s baby bathed the first time. Melanie too, succeeds to fall asleep. ―Now that the excruciating ordeal of helping Melanie through childbirth is over, Scarleet’s self control collapses.‖ Fear overwhelms her, turns her into a hysterical child who wants ―to bury her head in her mother’s lap。.If only she was home! Home with mother‖ (Blanche, 7). Again with the help of Rhett and his hard–earned stolen horse, Scarlett is led through the burning city and the dangerous countryside until she can go on safely alone—at least in Rhett’s view she can. rest distance is lightless, bumpy and endless to her, and there might be North and The South Armies on her way home. Due to her bravery and stubbornness once again, after a day and night’s painful journey, Scarlett and others, safely arrives at Tara, her home.F. Scarlett’s Wisdom and Diligence in the ReconstructionOut of Scarlett’s expectation, the more terrible disaster occurs—Ellen O′Hara, her gentle, amiable mother, has died; her father has turned to a terribly old man with schizophrenia. Now he is like a child, no longer a strong man, the backbone of Tara. Both of her sisters are ill in bed; slaves have run away, with only three darkies still remaining. There remains not enough food, and all their cotton has been burnt to ashes. Meanwhile, their lot of Confederate cash bees worthless. The most important is that she, Scarlettt Hamilton, will continue to carry her burdens.The long road from Atlanta to Tara has ended, ―in a black wall, the road that was to end in Ellen’s arms‖ (Margaret, 409). Never again can Scarlett lie down, as a child, secure beneath her father’s roof with the protection of her mother’s love wrapped about her like an eiderdown quilt. ―There was no security or heaven to which she could turn now‖ (Margaret, 410); there is no one on whose shoulders she can rest her burdens. Now Scarlett is seeing things with new eyes, for somewhere along the long road to Tara, she has left her girlhood behind her. She is a woman now and youth is gone. The O′Hara’s do not take charity. The O′Haras look after themselves. Her burdens are her own and they are for shoulders strong enough to bear them. She can not desert Tara, ―She belonged to the red acres far more than they could ever belong to her. Her roots went deep into the blood–colored soil and sucked up life, as did the cotton‖ (Margaret, 411).The next morning Scarlett forces her to endure body’s stiffness and sore, goes out to search for some food. In the Negroes’ garden patches of Wilkes’ plantation, she is licked down by hunger and tiredness. When she arises at last and sees again the black ruins of the plantation, her head is raised high and something that is ―youth and beauty and potential tenderness‖ has gone out of her face forever. The lazy luxury of the old days is gone, never to return. ―There was no going back and she was going forward throughout the South for fifty years there would be bitter–eyed woman who looked backward… But Scarlett was never to look back‖ At that moment hunger grows at her empty stomach again and Scarlett says aloud: ―As god is my witness。the Yankees aren’t going to lick me. I’m going to live through this, and when it’s over I’m never going to be hunger again. No, nor any of my folks. If I have to steal or kill—as God is my witness, I’m never going to be hunger again‖ (Margaret, 419). This is her dauntlessness.What an announcement of struggle! Indeed it is a day that is worthy of celebration. That symbolizes the birth of a pletely new woman, a heroine in the old time. From then on, the shell of hardness, which has begun to form about her heart when she lies in the slave garden, is slowly thickening. Scarlett, who is more advanced than others, firstly realizes that her mother’s ordered world is gone and a brutal world has taken its place. ―She sees, or she thinks she sees that her mother has been wrong, and she changes swiftly to meet this new world for which she is not prepared‖ (Margaret, 425). This is her perceptivity.Both of Scarlett’s two sisters and the slaves all refuse, or do not dare, to face the reality. Melanie, who can face the situation, but only endures and suffers passively, and she is not willing to, or can not, struggle against the bad luck positively and energetically. That is to say, once again, Scarlett is different and plained by everyone except Melanie—why does she bee so cool, so chilly?。
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