首页 大班数学认识人民币教案



大班数学认识人民币教案大班数学认识人民币教案 幼儿园大班数学活动:认识人民币 妈咪爱婴网 www.baby611.com 2013年05月17日 23:15:26 活动目标: 1.认识10以内为计量的人民币,能说出它们的单位名称。 2(知道人民币有纸 币和硬币,并有不同的面值。 3(通过游戏买文具,初步学习钱币的换算。 活动准备: 学具: 人手一份买文具的作业单。 活动过程: 一、认识人民币。 小朋友这是什么,你们认识它吗,(钱、 钞„„ 活动目标: 1.认识10以内为计量的人民币,能说出它们的单位名称。 2(知道人民币有...

大班数学认识人民币 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 幼儿园大班数学活动:认识人民币 妈咪爱婴网 www.baby611.com 2013年05月17日 23:15:26 活动目标: 1.认识10以内为计量的人民币,能说出它们的单位名称。 2(知道人民币有纸 币和硬币,并有不同的面值。 3(通过游戏买文具,初步学习钱币的换算。 活动准备: 学具: 人手一份买文具的作业单。 活动过程: 一、认识人民币。 小朋友这是什么,你们认识它吗,(钱、 钞„„ 活动目标: 1.认识10以内为计量的人民币,能说出它们的单位名称。 2(知道人民币有纸币和硬币,并有不同的面值。 3(通过游戏"买文具",初步学习"钱币"的换算。 活动准备: 学具:人手一份买文具的作业单。 活动过程: 一、认识人民币。 "小朋友这是什么,你们认识它吗,"(钱、钞票)"我们熟称的钱,也可以称为人民币,它分为纸钞和硬币。""请小朋友仔细观察一下,它们有什么不一样," 你是从哪里看出来的,"(通过观察人民币上的数字让幼儿认识它们不同的面值)幼儿 " 依次认识l角、2角、5角、1元、2元、5元、10元。 二、游戏"买文具"。 "今天我们要去文具小超市逛一逛,请小朋友注意观察,文具超市里都有哪些文具," (1)幼儿逛文具超市。 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: (2)幼儿用完整地语句讲述文具超市里文具用品。 "今天我们要来买文具,大家看一看这些文具需要多少钱," 先引导幼儿观察物品的价格(了解小数点前面数字和后面数字所 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示的意思。 3)幼儿操作。 三、小组活动。 "今天老师为每个小朋友都准备了一张买文具的作业单,我们也来做一次小顾客,也来买文具。买的时候请小朋友看清楚文具的价格和人民币的面值,然后用线把它们连起来。" 幼儿操作,教师指导。 四、活动评价。 大班数学《认识人民币》教学设计 作者:祝蕊 时间:2012-10-22 15:06:04 科学领域 大班数学 《认识人民币》教学设计 一、设计思路: 数学来源于生活,在日常生活中,幼儿已经开始接触到人民币,比如过年时收到压岁钱,跟随大 人去超市购物等。设计这一课题,目的在于让幼儿能够更好地认识、区分不同面值的人民币,了 解一些常识,会简单地使用人民币购物,提供给幼儿更大地探索空间。同时,也将品德教育渗透 于其中,正好符合《纲要》中的“各科教学要相互渗透。” 二、教学目标: 1、认识人民币,了解其颜色、图案、种类及用途;能熟练、准确地辨别不同面值的人民币。 2、学会简单使用人民币,锻炼幼儿的观察力、操作能力等。 3、教育幼儿爱护人民币,从小养成不乱花钱的好习惯。通过活动对幼儿渗透爱祖国、爱家乡的教 育。 三、教学重、难点 1、重点:认识100元、50元、20元、10元等八种不同面值的纸币和1元、1角的硬币,了解它 们的颜色、图案。 2、难点:练习正确使用人民币,购买家乡特产,。 四、教学准备: 多媒体 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 、不同面值的人民币、幼儿人民币学具若干套、压岁包一个。 五、课时安排: loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 共两课时(本节为第1课时) 六、教学过程: 1、安静律动 《请你像我这样做》。 2、谈话,揭题。 (师出示压岁包)小朋友们,请猜一猜这是什么,我们再来一起看看里面有什么,这么多的钱、钞票,我们给它取个好听的名字叫“人民币”。 3、了解人民币的用途,并引导幼儿用已有的生活经验辨别不同面值的人民币。 小朋友们,你们知道人民币是用来干什么的呢,什么情况下用到它,你能说出它们是多少吗, 师小结:看数字可以判断人民币的面值,其实在我的数学奇妙屋里还有很多的方法,快跟我来一起看看吧~ 4、认识不同面值的人民币,了解其颜色、图案及种类。 ?、认识不同面值人民币的正面、背面图案、颜色及数字。 100 元 红 色 正面:国徽 毛主席头像 背面:人民大会堂 50 元 绿 色 正面:国徽 毛主席头像 背面:布达拉宫 20 元 棕 色 正面:国徽 毛主席头像 背面:桂林山水 10 元 蓝黑色 正面:国徽 毛主席头像 背面:长江三峡 5 元 紫 色 正面:国徽 毛主席头像 背面:泰山 1 元 橄榄绿 正面:国徽 毛主席头像 背面:西湖 5 角 紫 色 正面:国徽 苗族壮族人物头像 背面:国徽 1 角 棕 色 正面:高山族满族人物头像 背面:国徽 ?、了解人民币的种类。 长方形,像纸张一样的人民币叫纸币;圆圆的、硬硬的、金属材料做成的叫硬币。 ?、教育幼儿爱护人民币。 5、游戏:看谁说得快又准。 师手里拿着不同面值的人民币,从中随便抽出一张,让幼儿快速、准确地说出人民币的面值。 6、赞家乡,买特产。 刚才大家在看到人民币上那些美丽的风景时都很激动,其实我们的家乡洋县也是一个风景优美、物产丰富的好地方。不信,就快快坐上我的“快乐大巴”一起去瞧瞧吧~注意,今天还有一位特殊的小客人哦~Let’s go! ?、 逐一了解家乡的各个景点。 梨园景区--------开明寺宝塔---------蔡伦墓---------华阳 ?、了解家乡的特产。 黄金梨、香菇、紫薯、五彩米、土蜂蜜、枣糕馍等。 ?、帮助外国小朋友购物,正确使用人民币。 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 幼儿每人一套人民币学具,按照每种特产的价格快速地找出相应的人民币。 7、小结幼儿的收获,并教育幼儿不但要爱护人民币,更要节约开支, 不乱花钱。 七、教学反思: 通过这节活动的教学,使我对《幼儿园教育指导纲要》有了进一步的理解和认识,下面我结合《纲要》谈一下教学后的感受。 始终将游戏贯穿整堂活动,充分发挥了幼儿的主体性。教师以可爱的形象、饱满的热情、夸张的肢体语言与幼儿互动,从他们的笑声中我感受到了成功。多媒体辅助为整堂活动增添了光彩。在“赞家乡,买特产”环节中利用多媒体课件为孩子创设了去旅游的场景,动听的音乐,漂亮的画面迎来了幼儿的阵阵掌声和欢呼声。组织的操作活动也很好地锻炼了幼儿动手能力。教师驾驭课堂的能力是整堂活动的脉搏,幼儿年龄小,在活动中会有一些意想不到的事情,与教师的预设完全不同,这就需要适时地调控,这点上自己还有待于提高。 大班数学教案《认识人民币》 闻喜县苗圃幼儿园 李文霞 一、活动目标: 1、感知、认识10元以内的人民币~能说出它们的单元名称:元、角~学习简单的人民币兑换。 2、积极参与活动~了解人民币与人类生活的密切关系。 3、知道人民币上有我国的国徽~要爱护人民币。教学重点、难点 二、活动重点: 感知、认识10元以内的人民币~并能说出它们的单元名称:元、角。 三、活动难点: loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 能进行简单的人民币兑换。 四、活动准备: 1、教具:面值为1角、5角、1元、5元、10元的纸币~1角、5角、1元的硬币一套,放映幻灯片, 2、学具:仿真人民币每人一套~各种各样的书若干,上面标有价格, 五、活动过程: ,一,、谈话活动~导入主题。 师:小朋友每天吃早点、坐公交车、买铅笔、橡皮时~我们要用到什么, 幼:钱,人民币,。师:生活中还有什么地方要用到人民币,幼:玩游戏、逛超市、买衣服等。师:你们在买东西时遇到过什么困难吗,幼:不知道该怎样付钱,需要找回多少钱等。师:今天这节活动我们主要来学习人民币~学了之后希望可以帮大家解决困惑。 ,二,、认识各种面值的人民币。 1、放映幻灯片~出示各种面值的人民币。 提问:这些钱一样吗,什么地方不一样, loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 师小结:形状不同~有的是长方形~有的是圆形~我们把长方形的钱叫纸币~把圆圆、硬硬的钱叫硬币。 2、引导幼儿仔细观察硬币有什么不同,,大小、数字、数字后面的字不一样, 师小结:1后面是“元”的~它是1元钱~1后面是“角”的~它是1角钱~前面数字是5~后面是“角”字的~是多少钱呢,以此巩固认识。 3、引导幼儿仔细观察纸币有什么不同,分别是多少钱,你是怎么知道的, 师小结:这些钱上都有图案和数字~以及我们国家的国徽~它是我们国家的钱~它们有一个共同的名字叫人民币~我们要爱护我们国家的人民币。 ,三,、结合生活实际~引导幼儿学习人民币的不同取法。 小朋友都认识了人民币~现在~我用它买了一些糖葫芦~看看它们值多少钱, 1、放映幻灯片~师读题:1串糖葫芦1元钱~2串多少钱,5串呢,怎样来付钱, loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: ?、幼儿探究不同的取钱方法。 ?、师小结:5元钱~可以是5个1元~也可以是1张5元等。 2、放映幻灯片~我用人民币还买了一些棒棒糖~师读题:一个棒棒糖1元钱~10个棒棒糖多少钱,怎样付钱, ?、幼儿探究不同的取钱方法。 ?、师小结:10元钱~可以是10个1元~也可以是2张5元~还可以是1张5元和5张1元等。 3、思考空间: ,实物演示,:1根铅笔1角钱~5根铅笔多少钱,10根呢, 师幼讨论 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf : 5个1角=5角 10个1角=10角=1元 4、游戏:看谁取得又快又对。 老师说钱数~幼儿练习取钱。 ,四,、情景游戏:图书超市~引导幼儿进一步学习简单的人民币兑换。 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 1、师:某某小朋友有一个困惑:他有1张5元钱~想买1本3元钱的图书~应找回多少钱呢,,幼儿讨论, 2、今天老师就要带大家去逛图书超市~去之前有一个任务分配和要求: 先请2名幼儿做图书超市的管理员~其余幼儿分两组排队去买书~大家要注意:保管好自己钱的前提下~先选好自己喜欢的书~再看清价格~最后付钱。,买完书~回到自己座位上看, 3、幼儿进行游戏~师指导。 4、师小结:今天大家学习了人民币~学会了取钱、兑换、购物~今后不能乱花钱~要把钱花在有用的地方。 ,五,、活动延伸: 最后~还有一个小小的任务:利用假期休息时间~和父母一同去逛商场、超市等地方~详细看一看大人如何购物、如何使用人民币~也可以自己去购买一些物品~把你的想法和同伴交流一下~也可以告诉老师。 ,六,、活动分析、评价与反思: loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 《幼儿园教育纲要,试行,》中明确指出:要将幼儿数学教育的目标定位于:“能从生活和游戏中感受事物的数量关系~并体验到数学的重要和有趣。”依据这一理念~我根据大班幼儿对生活中的各类事物和想象感兴趣~有一定的好奇心和求知欲~他们遇到自己不懂、不理解的事物喜欢问为什么,再结合平时生活中一杯牛奶、一块蛋糕、乘一次公交车、买一次小物品等~幼儿都要接触到人民币~为此选择出的此节活动,让孩子认识一些货币的面值~知道如何简单兑换~并了解使用货币购物的常识~懂得合理消费,~很及时、很必要~活动更体现了数学教育的生活化、游戏化、综合化。 从活动效果来看~活动开始以“买早点”的谈话导入~给幼儿以很真实、很生活化的感受,在让幼儿学习人民币的兑换规律时~通过幼儿自主探索的原则~让幼儿自己动手操作并及时记录,在“超市”游戏中~通过模拟情境再现生活~让幼儿通过游戏在假想的生活情境中学习~感到无比的轻松和自然~使他们能从生活和游戏中感受事物的数量关系并体验到数学的重要和有趣,总的来看~本节活动幼儿动手操作了~探索思考了~主动尝试了~效果不错。不足的方面是:幼儿在图书超市游戏中尝试人民币兑换时~有个别幼儿对于规则、要求有些疏忽~需要老师不断提醒~另外~在玩思考游戏时~采用集体问答的方式会使有的幼儿不加思索~随着大多数幼儿的思路与回 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 答响应~发挥不了幼儿的自主性、独立思考问题的能力~今后 要不断改进课堂提问方式~最大程度的发挥每位幼儿的作用。 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:
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