首页 国家基本公共卫生服务项目试题2



国家基本公共卫生服务项目试题2国家基本公共卫生服务项目试题2 国家基本公共卫生服务项目考试试题 姓名: 单位: 成绩: 一、填空题(20分) 1(城乡居民健康档案管理服务的对象是辖区内 常住 居民。 2(新版基本公共卫生服务规范规定居民健康档案的编码采用 17 位编码,将建档居民的 身份证号 作为身份识别码。 3(基层医疗卫生机构对0—6岁儿童共需开展 13 次健康管理。 4(孕产妇在孕12周前需由乡镇卫生院建立 孕产妇保健手册 。 (孕产妇健康管理的时间一般从 孕12周前 至 产后42天 。 5 6(老年人健康管理服务包括 16 项...

国家基本公共卫生服务项目试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 2 国家基本公共卫生服务项目 考试试题 高中音乐教师业务考试试题学前班考试试题docoffice办公软件考试试题班组级安全教育考试试题及答案银行业从业资格考试试题 姓名: 单位: 成绩: 一、填空题(20分) 1(城乡居民健康 档案管理 财务及档案管理制度档案管理制度培训安全生产档案管理制度人事档案管理制度人事档案管理制度范本 服务的对象是辖区内 常住 居民。 2(新版基本公共卫生服务规范规定居民健康档案的编码采用 17 位编码,将建档居民的 身份证号 作为身份识别码。 3(基层医疗卫生机构对0—6岁儿童共需开展 13 次健康管理。 4(孕产妇在孕12周前需由乡镇卫生院建立 孕产妇保健 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 。 (孕产妇健康管理的时间一般从 孕12周前 至 产后42天 。 5 6(老年人健康管理服务包括 16 项免费体格检查和 7 项免费辅助检查项目。 7(对首次发现收缩压? 140 mmHg和(或)舒张压? 90 mmHg的居民,在去除可能引起血压升高的因素后预约其复查, 非同日三 次血压高于正常,可初步诊断为高血压。 8(对确诊的2型糖尿病患者每年提供 4 次免费空腹血糖检测,至少进行 4 次面对面随访。 二、判断题(15分) 1(所有居民均可免费享受健康体检中的辅助检查项目。 ( × ) 2(发现脊髓灰质炎、非典型肺炎应按要求于2小时内报告,乙丙类传染病于24小时内上报。 ( ? ) 3(对应管理的重性精神疾病患者每年至少随访4次,进行危险性评估1次。 ( × ) 4(高血压患者健康管理的对象为辖区内35岁及以上原发性高血压患者。 ( ? ) ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 5(基层医疗卫生机构每季度至少更换1次健康教育宣传栏内容。 ( × ) 6(首针麻疹疫苗在接种对象满8月龄时,在其上臂外侧三角肌肌肉注射0(5ml。( × ) 7(每一次孕期随防服务时需对孕妇进行包括B超检查在内的免费辅助检查项目。 ( × ) 8(重性精神疾病患者危险性评估共分5个等级。 ( × ) 9(糖尿病患者健康管理的对象为辖区内所有2型糖尿病患者。 ( × ) 三、单项选择题(35分) 1(老年人健康管理的服务对象是 ( B ) A(辖区内60岁以上的常住居民 B(辖区内65岁以上的常住居民 C(辖区内55岁以上的常住居民 D(户籍区内60岁以上的常住居民 2(乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗的免疫程序第一次接种年龄为 (B ) A(6月龄 B(8月龄 C(1周岁 D(2周岁 3(填写传染病疫情报告卡的人员是 ( A) A(首诊医生 B(疾病预防控制机构人员 C(病人 D(县级以上卫生机构 4(为防止传染病的传播,医疗废物必须做到 ( A ) A(无害化处理 B(集中存放 C(市场流通 D(有偿处置 5(以下选项不属于重点人群健康管理记录表的是 ( B ) A(重性精神疾病患者管理记录表 B(居民健康档案信息卡 C(孕产妇健康管理记录表 D(0~36个月儿童健康管理记录表 6(居民健康档案编码中最后5位编码为 ( D ) A(居民家庭序号编码 B(乡镇(街道)编码 C(村委会或居委会编码 D(居民个人序号编码 truments spectrophotometer.orm + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, inshlorofsolution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add cves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron ure mode (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperat/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxi(1.0g storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron?issolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water drage sto?ssolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, di errousrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Fid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hyddard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acred ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with stan-ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange 2 7( 2011年国家基本公共卫生服务项目人均补助 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 是 ( C ) A(15元 B(20元 C(25元 D(50元 8(以下不属于乙类传染病的是 ( B ) A(艾滋病 B(鼠疫 C(狂犬病 D(麻疹 9(对原发性高血压患者,乡镇卫生院、村卫生室、社区卫生服务中心(站)每年要提供 ( D ) A(至少1次面对面的随访 B(至少2次面对面的随访 C(至少3次面对面的随访 D(至少4次面对面的随访 10( 基层医疗卫生机构每年至少开展公共健康咨询活动的次数是 ( C ) A(4 B(6 C(9 D(12 11(下列不属于个人基本信息表填写内容的是 ( A ) A(月收入 B(家族史 C(既往史 D(药物过敏史 12(对老年人健康管理管理服务要求描述错误的是 ( B ) A(加强宣传,告知服务内容,使更多的老年居民愿意接受服务 B(预约55岁及以上居民到乡镇卫生院、村卫生室、接受健康管理 C(对行动不便、卧床居民可提供预约上门健康检查 D(每次健康检查后及时将相关信息记入健康档案 13(新生儿出生后应接种的疫苗是 ( B ) A(卡介苗、脊髓灰质炎糖丸 B(卡介苗、乙肝疫苗 C(脊髓灰质炎糖丸、乙肝疫苗 D(肺炎疫苗、脊髓灰质炎糖丸 14(健康档案数据不一致的主要表现为 ( D ) A(数据表示不一致 B(数据名称不一致 C(数据含义不一致 D(以上均是 s spectrophotometer.rumentrm + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instn (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chlorofoolutioes into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron s) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature move (30%L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxid storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/?s to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ssolvetability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water di storage s?s, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ssolvechloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dieroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous ogen pd solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acired ferric thiocyanate complexes. determ-ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange 3 15(对于原发性高血压紧急转诊者,乡镇卫生院、村卫生室、社区卫生服务中心(站)应在 ( B ) A(1周内主动随访转诊情况 B(2周内主动随访转诊情况 C(4周内主动随访转诊情况 D(6周内主动随访转诊情况 16(对工作中发现的2型糖尿病高危人群 ( D ) A(建议其每半年至少测量1次空腹血糖 B(建议其每半年至少测量1次餐后2小时血糖 C(建议其每年至少测量1次空腹血糖和1次餐后2小时血糖 D(建议其每年至少测量1次空腹血糖 17(乙型肝炎疫苗全程免疫的时间是 ( A ) A(出生、1、6个月 B(1、2、6个月 C(1、2、5个月 D(2、3、6个月 18(发生突发公共卫生事件初次报告时,非必须报告的信息是 ( B ) A(波及人群 B(原因 C(发生地点 D(潜在的威胁和影响 19(以下关于甲乙丙类传染病数量说法正确的是 ( A ) A(甲类2种、乙类26种、丙类11种 B(甲类3种、乙类25种、丙类10种 C(甲类2种、乙类25种、丙类10种 D(甲类3种、乙类26种、丙类11种 20(麻疹疫苗的初种年龄是 ( D ) A(6个月 B(3个月 C(18个月 D(8个月 21(糖尿病典型症状不包括 ( D ) truments spectrophotometer.orm + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, inshlorofsolution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add cves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron ure mode (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperat/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxi(1.0g storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron?issolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water drage sto?ssolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, di errousrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Fid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hyddard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acred ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with stan-ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange 4 A(多饮 B(多尿 C(多食 D(眩晕 22(母亲是HIV感染患者时应 ( D ) A(提倡人工喂养 B(提倡母乳喂养 C(避免母乳喂养 D(避免人工喂养 23(对重性精神疾病患者病情稳定描述,错误的是 ( C ) A(精神症状基本消失 B(自知力基本恢复 C(社会功能处于较差状态 D(无严重药物不良反应 24(甲肝的传播途径主要为 ( A ) A(粪?口传播 B(血液传播 C(母婴传播 D(空气飞沫传播 25(重性精神疾病危险性评估分级1级为 ( A ) A(口头威胁,喊叫,但没有打砸行为 B(打砸行为,局限在家里,针对财物,能被劝说制止 C(明显打砸行为,不分场合,针对财物,不能接受劝说而停止 D(持续的打砸行为,不分场合,针对财物或人,不能接受劝说而停止 26(重性精神病患者健康管理服务的服务对象是 ( C ) A(户籍区内诊断明确、在家居住的重性精神疾病患者 B(户籍区内诊断明确的重性精神疾病患者 C(辖区内诊断明确、在家居住的重性精神疾病患者 D(辖区内诊断明确的重性精神疾病患者 27(以下重点人群居民健康档案表单内容需要年度更新的是 ( B ) A(高血压患者随访服务记录表 B(健康体检表 C(孕产妇健康管理记录表 D(0~36个月儿童健康管理记录表 28(丙类传染病不包括 ( D ) s spectrophotometer.rumentrm + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instn (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chlorofoolutioes into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron s) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature move (30%L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxid storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/?s to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ssolvetability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water di storage s?s, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ssolvechloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dieroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous ogen pd solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acired ferric thiocyanate complexes. determ-ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange 5 A(急性出血性结膜炎 B(流行性腮腺炎 C(风疹 D(梅毒 29(传染病人留观的隔离原则是 ( D ) A(传染病人可多人同室 B(传染病人和非传染病人可同住一室 C(传染病人必须单间隔离 D(疑似患者和临床诊断患者收住在单独房间,确诊病例可同室安置 30(以下选项不属于建立居民健康档案重点人群的是 ( B ) A(0,36个月儿童 B(青年人 C(孕产妇 D(老年人 31(不属于国家基本公共卫生服务项目的是 ( D ) A(定期为65岁以上老年人做健康检查 B(定期为3岁以下婴幼儿做生长发育检查 C(定期为孕产妇做产前检查和产后访视 D(免费为精神疾病患者提供治疗服务 32(发现或怀疑有食物中毒、食源性疾病、食品污染等对人体健康造成危害或可能造成危害的线索和事件,应当及时报告并协助调查的机构是 ( A ) A(卫生监督机构 B(卫生行政部门 C(疾病预防控制机构 D(上级医疗机构 33(以下关于重性精神疾病患者管理率描述正确的是 ( A ) A(所有登记的确诊重性精神疾病患者数/(辖区内15岁以上人口数×患病率)×100% B(规范管理的重性精神疾病患者数/(辖区总人口数×患病率)×100% C(所有登记的确诊重性精神疾病患者数/辖区内15岁以上人口数×100% D(规范管理的重性精神疾病患者数/辖区总人口数×100% 四、多项选择题(30分) 1(2011年版国家基本公共卫生服务规范较2009年版增加了哪些专项规范 ( BD ) truments spectrophotometer.orm + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, inshlorofsolution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add cves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron ure mode (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperat/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxi(1.0g storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron?issolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water drage sto?ssolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, di errousrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Fid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hyddard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acred ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with stan-ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange 6 A(电子健康档案管理规范 B(突发公共卫生事件报告和处理规范 C(预防接种服务规范 D(卫生监督协管服务规范 2(以下属于非重点人群健康体检常规检查项目的是 ( AD ) A(身高 B(体质指数(BMI) C(眼底 D(皮肤 3(以下哪些是老年人健康体检的免费辅助检查项目 ( ABCD ) A(血常规 B(心电图 C(空腹血糖 D(肝功 4(健康教育的考核指标有哪些 ( ABCD ) A(印刷资料的种类和数量 B(音像资料的种类、次数和时间 C(宣传栏设置和更新情况 D(举办健康教育讨论和咨询活动的次数和参加人数 5(以下属于乙类传染病的有 ( AD ) A(麻疹 B(手足口 C(流感 D(乙肝 6(以下属于一类疫苗的有 ( ABC ) A(卡介苗 B(流脑 C(乙脑 D(肺炎 7(以下属于3,6岁儿童健康检查内容的有 ( BCD ) A(脉率 B(体重 C(视力 D(血红蛋白值 8(以下属于孕产妇健康管理考核指标的有 ( BCD ) A(高危妊娠管理率 B(早孕建册率 C(孕妇健康管理率 D(产后访视率 9(以下不属于重性精神疾病患者健康体检内容的是 ( BC ) A(血压 B(肾功能 C(尿常规 D(血糖 10(基本公共卫生服务项目考核的内容包括 ( ABCD ) A(组织管理 B(资金管理 C(项目实施情况 D(社会效益和综合情况 s spectrophotometer.rumentrm + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instn (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chlorofoolutioes into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron s) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature move (30%L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxid storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/?s to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ssolvetability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water di storage s?s, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ssolvechloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dieroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous ogen pd solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acired ferric thiocyanate complexes. determ-ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange 7 truments spectrophotometer.orm + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, inshlorofsolution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add cves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron ure mode (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperat/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxi(1.0g storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron?issolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water drage sto?ssolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, di errousrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Fid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hyddard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acred ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with stan-ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange 8
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