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榴花节宣传片材料榴花节宣传片材料 烈山欢迎你 烈山以山形大裂而名~更因炎帝的名字“烈山氏”而名~她的名字可以追溯到上古舜时代~春秋《列国志》载:“大禹治水、烈山焚泽”。即烈山之火日夜在汪洋大海中燃烧。烈山海拔182米~南北长400余米~山体从中间裂开~分东西两部分~中间宽120多米~山体陡峭~气势磅礴~因此而得名烈山。这里资源丰富~景观美丽。这里山水相依~风光迷人~国家级南湖湿地公园、华家湖、龙脊山森林公园以及奇石、古树、古刹构成一幅多彩的画卷~让人们在碧水青山之间领略着一份诗情画意的和谐。 烈山区历史悠久~文运兴盛~文化底...

榴花节宣传片材料 烈山欢迎你 烈山以山形大裂而名~更因炎帝的名字“烈山氏”而名~她的名字可以追溯到上古舜时代~春秋《列国志》载:“大禹治水、烈山焚泽”。即烈山之火日夜在汪洋大海中燃烧。烈山海拔182米~南北长400余米~山体从中间裂开~分东西两部分~中间宽120多米~山体陡峭~气势磅礴~因此而得名烈山。这里资源丰富~景观美丽。这里山水相依~风光迷人~国家级南湖湿地公园、华家湖、龙脊山森林公园以及奇石、古树、古刹构成一幅多彩的画卷~让人们在碧水青山之间领略着一份诗情画意的和谐。 烈山区历史悠久~文运兴盛~文化底蕴深厚~辖区内有石山孜新石器早期文化遗址、华家湖新石器中期文化遗址~汉墓群等。烈山是淮北市的南大门~总面积388平方公里~人口37万~是一个具有丰富电力、矿产、旅游、特色农业等优势的充满投资机遇的现代化工业区~也是皖北地区著名的水果、蔬菜、水产基地。快速发展的烈山孕育着巨大的商机~全面开放的烈山为您的发展提供了广阔的舞台。我们将以真诚的友谊和优质的服务~广邀四方客商~诚待天下宾朋。 区位优势 烈山区地理位置优越~交通便利。辖区内铁路北接陇海线~东接京沪线~西入京九线~ 连霍、京福高速公路在此交汇。这里距徐州观音机场仅60公里~距连云港深水码头仅260公里~境内有四处大型铁运货场和青龙山港口。烈山居苏鲁豫皖四省之要冲、卧淮海经济区之腹心~处长三角之腹地~位于中部地区的前沿~具有承东启西~连接南北的区位优势~是资本进入内地市场的黄lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management section engineering code for construction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliant construction to 金地区。 资源优势 丰富的矿产资源。现已探明储量和可供开发资源有:煤、铁、铜、铝、高岭土、石灰石等近20种~其中以煤炭资源储量丰富而著称。已探明储量84亿吨~远景储量350亿吨~拥有淮北矿业集团、皖北煤电集团两大国有大型企业集团~地方所属矿井28对~年产原煤3700万吨,洗精煤1100万吨,~居全国第四位~是全国少有的具备发展煤化工条件的煤产区之一。 瓷石及煤系硬质高岭土资源丰富~现已探明储量4亿吨~且层次稳定、品质优良、易于开发~具有广阔的市场前景和发展空间。可供开发利用的石灰石储量2.8亿吨。烈山区是安徽省较大的资源县区。 丰富的电力资源。淮北是华东动力之乡~总装机容量为210万千瓦~2010年将达到500万千瓦。目前国安电力二期及正在建设的大唐虎山电厂和平山电厂均处烈山辖区~建成后~更加彰显烈山的电力优势。 丰富的人力资源 我市现有普通高校2所~各类职业学校31所~有工业、煤炭等科研所8个~民营科研所28个~科技人员2.5万人。这里拥有20多万熟练的产业工人~劳动力价格低廉~素质较高。能够为企业的发展提供必要的人才和技术支持。 环境优势 烈山区自然资源优越。龙脊山自然风景区面积达40平方公里~其中原始森林植被万余亩~山体海拔363米~为淮北地区最高峰~山势绵延起伏~雄奇险峻~树林浓郁~湖泊清泉~风光宜人~空气清新~是一个天然氧吧。景区以"花艳、石怪、树奇、泉清、洞险"而名扬四方~是"观光、旅游、休闲、避暑"的理想境地。景区 construction toiant construction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brill deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management section engineering code forthird cylinder -thirds; bath of one-lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two lth apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin,he heahen filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all tdone before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and tto be py height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs er test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canon watopen, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water draiand automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage tartsdebug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump s he water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 waterlifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting t2 内有自然风光优美的龙脊山~钟灵神秀的张果老升仙地~美丽的化家湖~有世人尊崇的古代“二十四孝子“之一——蔡顺故里~东汉佛教圣地大方寺~千年古檀等名胜古迹。南湖湿地公园是淮北市 规划 污水管网监理规划下载职业规划大学生职业规划个人职业规划职业规划论文 建设中的城中湖~占地面积约6平方公里~其中水面近4平方公里。公园内蓝天碧水~绿地成荫~泳场、网球场、垂钓中心分布其中~住宿、餐饮、休闲服务等基础设施齐全~是皖北地区规划面积最大的水上娱乐、旅游休闲度假景区。2005年被建设部命名为国家级城市湿地公园。南湖湿地公园是淮北市“两山一水”风景区的重要组成部分~这里地产资源丰富~湖面水质良好~适宜水上运动。淮北仅存的两座古寺之一——泰山居士林~有悠久的历史文化。还有市域主要公路通过~地理条件优越。华家湖位于淮北市东部新城区~总占地10000亩~蓄水量1500万立方米~终年碧波粼粼~湖岸四周风景旖旎~树林茂盛~四季长青~大雁、白鹭等珍禽在此栖息。目前~华家湖已被列为国家级重点开发项目。塔山石榴大观园~位于龙脊山北部~占地6万余亩~其中明清石榴古园2000多亩。塔山石榴已有千余年历史~石榴品种优良~粒大籽软~味甜爽口~富含维生素和多种微量元素。塔山是全国石榴六大主产区之一、国家软籽石榴基地~俗称中国石榴第一村。2007年~“塔仙”牌软籽石榴荣获国家农产品博览会金奖。集餐饮、休闲、旅游于一体的塔山农家乐吸引着各方来客。 工业园区 烈山区工业园区总规划面积达25平方公里~园区已实现“五通一平”~可以满足现代化工业生产的要求。园区根据功能布局划分为新蔡项目区、吴山口项目区、雷山项目区、刘庄项目区、宋疃食品项目区五大项目区。园区设立工业园区管理委员会~与区 in, lhealth apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash bas n filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all thed thebe done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, anheight must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to anopywater test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the c pen, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drainnage oarts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for draiebug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump steping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water dlifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seant construction toonstruction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brillieering code for cthird cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management section engin-thirds; bath of one-avatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two3 招商局协同办公~负责园区规划建设、证照办理、入园项目服务园区环境保洁及外部环境协调~做到“围墙以内的事企业做主~围墙以外的事政府包办”~全力为入园企业的发展营造宽松的投资环境。新蔡项目区位于淮北市东郊新城区~京福高速公路入口处~规划面积17.4平方公里。重点发展机械加工与装备制造、商贸物流、纺织服装、生物 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 及电子科技等高新技术产业。吴山口项目区位于宿丁路两侧~京福高速公路入口处~紧接雷山工业项目区~是烈山陶瓷生产基地。该园区利用境内丰富的焦煤气、天然气、电力资源优势~重点发展以陶瓷生产~高岭土深加工等为主的新型建材业。烈山陶瓷生产基地已被列入安徽省“861”行动 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。宋疃项目区紧邻安徽省道101线~距京福高速公路入口处2公里~重点发展农副产品深加工、食品加工、生物工程等相关产业。中国农业产业化龙头企业——天津宝迪科技股份有限公司已入驻该园区~投资总额为8.5亿元~年屠宰200万头生猪、2万吨低温熟食、3600吨血浆血球蛋白粉项目已经投资2.1亿元~年屠宰5000万只肉鸡生产线正在建设之中~总投资5亿元的猪肠衣加工及肝素钠提取等项目即将上马~宋疃项目区的建设有力地拉动了我区物流业、包装印刷业和畜牧业的迅猛发展。 农业产业化发展现状 蓬勃发展的种植业。 烈山区坚持走可持续发展之路~依靠高科技发展生态绿色农业~是皖北地区著名的水果、蔬菜、水产基地~同时还是中国土地复垦示范区、开放性农业示范区和全国经果林建设示范县,区,~适合发展果蔬汁加工等相关项目。近年来~烈山区充分发挥自然资源优势和特色农业优势狠抓农业主导产业的优化升级~形成以生猪为主的畜牧养殖业~以苹果、石榴为主 thirds; bath of one-lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two lth apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin,he heahen filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all tdone before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and tto be py height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs er test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canon watopen, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water draiand automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage tartsdebug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump s he water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 waterlifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting tconstruction toiant construction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brill deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management section engineering code forthird cylinder -4 的林果业~以蔬菜、花卉种植为主的设施农业等三大特色主导产业~农业经济得到长足的发展~呈现出了无限的生机和活力。 阔步前进的畜牧养殖业 大力发展畜牧养殖业是烈山区委区政府加快农业产业结构调整的重要举措。目前全区拥有16家万头养猪场~36家千头养猪场~年出栏生猪60万头~是安徽省重要的商品猪生产基地。同时~烈山区山地及水资源丰富~养牛、养羊、家禽、水产养殖业具有相当规模~产品远销省内外。 产业发展方向 近年来~烈山区依托本区资源、产业和区位优势~全方位、大力度、宽领域地开展招商引资工作。重点发展肉食品加工、机械制造、陶瓷建材、东部新城区开发和旧城改造、南湖、相湖、华家湖、特色农业、龙脊山旅游开发和商贸物流等产业~同时鼓励引进现代服务业及科教文卫体产业。 近年来~烈山区始终坚持以城乡一体化为统揽~强力推进工业化、城镇化、农业产业化三大战略~通过招商引资、园区建设、项目推进、工业经济和城乡统筹“五位一体”抓发展的战术决策来落实“一统三化”的战略部局。区委区政府将进一步优化投资环境~加大基础设施建设力度~切实提高服务效率~紧紧围绕建设"特色工业区~亮丽新城区~高效农业区~生态旅游区"的总体目标~扎实开展招商引资工作。“天时地利觅商机~人事相宜业必成”~ 烈山区诚邀国内外朋友~同携手~共发展~谋双赢~为打造和谐烈山而共同努力: avatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep twoin, lhealth apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash bas n filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all thed thebe done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, anheight must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to anopywater test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the c pen, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drainnage oarts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for draiebug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump steping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water dlifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seant construction toonstruction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brillieering code for cthird cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management section engin-thirds; bath of one-5
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