首页 启航考研2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题解析(2010考研英语真题)



启航考研2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题解析(2010考研英语真题)启航考研2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题解析(2010考研英语真题) 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 考扫料分享群,研2016248600511 年全扫士究生入扫一考扫英扫扫扫国研学2010 Section Use of English? Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET ...

启航考研2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 解析(2010考研英语真题) 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 考扫料分享群,研2016248600511 年全扫士究生入扫一考扫英扫扫扫国研学2010 Section Use of English? Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) In 1924 America’s National Research Council sent two engineers to supervise a series of experiments at a large telephoneparts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It hoped, they would learn how shopfloor lighting 1workers productivity. Instead, the studies ended, 2giving their name to the “Hawthorne effect”, the extremely influential idea that the very 3to being experimented upon changed subjects’ behavior. The idea arose because of the 4behavior of the women in the plant. According to 5 of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but also when it was dimmed. It did not 6what was done in the experiment; 7 something was changed, productivity rose. A(n) 8 that they were being experimented upon seemed to be 9 to alter workers’ behavior10itself. After several decades, the same data were 11to econometric analysis. The Hawthorne experiments has another surprise in store. 12 the descriptions on record, no systematic 13 was found that levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting. It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the experiments may have led to 14 interpretations of what happened. 15, lighting was always changed on a Sunday .When work started again on Monday, output 16 rose compared with the previous Saturday and 17 to rise for the next couple of days. 18, a comparison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on Mondays. Workers 19 to be diligent for the first few days of the week in any case, before 20 a plateau and then slackening off. This suggests that the alleged “Hawthorne effect” is hard to pin down.(290 words) ,, ,, ,, ,, 1. AaffectedBachieved CextractedDrestored ,, ,, ,, ,, 2. Aat BupCwithDoff ,, ,, ,, ,, 3. AtruthBsightCactDproof ,, ,, ,, ,, 4. AcontroversialBperplexingCmischievousDambiguous ,, ,, ,, ,, 5. ArequirementsBexplanationsCaccountsDassessments ,, ,, ,, ,, 6. AconcludeBmatterCindicateDwork ,, ,, ,, ,, 7. Aas far asBfor fear thatCin case thatDso long as ,, ,, ,, ,, 8. Aawareness BexpectationCsentimentDillusion ,, ,, ,, ,, 9. Asuitable BexcessiveCenoughDabundant ,, ,, ,, ,, 10. AaboutBforConDby ,, ,, ,, ,, 11. AcomparedBshownCsubjectedDconveyed ,, ,, ,, ,, 12. Acontrary toBconsistent withCparallel withDpeculiar to ,, ,, ,, ,, 13. Aevidence BguidanceCimplicationDsource ,, ,, ,, ,, 14. AdisputableBenlighteningCreliable Dmisleading ,, ,, ,, ,, 15. AIn contrastBFor exampleCIn consequence DAs usual ,, ,, ,, ,, 16. AdulyBaccidentallyCunpredictablyDsuddenly ,, ,, ,, ,, 17. AfailedBceasedCstarted Dcontinued ,, ,, ,, ,, 18. AThereforeBFurthermoreCHoweverDMeanwhile ,, ,, ,, ,, 19. AattemptedBtendedCchose Dintended 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, ,, ,, ,, ,, 20. Abreaking Bclimbing CsurpassingDhitting Section Reading Comprehension? Part A Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing ,,,,,, ,,,A, B, Cor D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1(40 points) Text 1 Of all the changes that have taken place in Englishlanguage newspapers during the past, quartercentury, perhaps the most farreaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and,, seriousness of their arts coverage. It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when highquality arts criticism could be found in most bigcity,, newspapers.Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews.To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in generalcirculation dailies. , We were even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper reviews published in England between the turn of the 20th century and the eve of World War II, at a time when newsprint was dirtcheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an ornament to the publications in which it, appeared. In those faroff days, it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers would, write in detail and at length about the events they covered. Theirs was a serious business, and even those reviewers who wore their learning lightly, like George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Newman, could be trusted to know what they were about. These men believed in journalism as a calling, and were proud to be published in the daily press. “So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism,” Newman wrote, “that I am tempted to define ‘journalism’ as ‘a term of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are.’” Unfortunately, these critics are virtually forgotten. Neville Cardus, who wrote for the Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket. During his lifetime, though, he was also one of Englands, foremost classicalmusic critics, and a stylist so widely admired that his Autobiography (1947), became a bestseller. He was knighted in 1967, the first music critic to be so honored. Yet only, one of his books is now in print, and his vast body of writings on music is unknown save to specialists. Is there any chance that Carduss criticism will enjoy a revival? The prospect seems remote., Journalistic tastes had changed long before his death, and postmodernreaders have little use for the richly uphostered Vicwardian prose in which he specialized. Moreover, the amateur tradition in music criticism has been in headlong retreat. ,21It is indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that ,, Aarts criticism has disappeared from bigcity newspapers., ,, BEnglishlanguage newspapers used to carry more arts reviews., ,, Chighquality newspapers retain a large body of readers., ,, Dyoung readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies. ,22Newspaper reviews in England before World War 2 were characterized by ,, ,, Afree themes. Bcasual style. ,, ,, Celaborate layout. Dradical viewpoints. 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, ,23Which of the following would shaw and Newman most probably agree on? ,, AIt is writers’ duty to fulfill journalistic goals. ,, BIt is contemptible for writers to be journalists. ,, CWriters are likely to be tempted into journalism. ,, DNot all writers are capable of journalistic writing. ,24What can be learned about Cardus according to the last two paragraphs? ,, AHis music criticism may not appeal to readers today. ,, BHis reputation as a music critic has long been in dispute. ,, CHis style caters largely to modern specialists. ,, DHis writings fail to follow the amateur tradition. ,25What would be the best title for the text? ,, ANewspapers of the Good Old Days ,, BThe Lost Horizon in Newspapers ,, CMournful Decline of Journalism ,, DProminent Critics in Memory Text 2 Over the past decade, thousands of patents have been granted for what are called business methods. Amazon.com received one for its “oneclick” online payment system. Merrill Lynch, got legal protection for an asset allocation strategy. One inventor patented a technique for lifting a box. Now the nation’s top patent court appears completely ready to scale back on businessmethod patents, which have been controversial ever since they were first authorized 10, years ago. In a move that has intellectualproperty lawyers abuzz, the U.S. Court of Appeals for, the Federal Circuit said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad review of businessmethod patents. In re Bilski, as the case is known, is “a very big deal”, says Dennis, D.Crouch of the University of Missouri School of Law. It “has the potential to eliminate an entire class of patents.” Curbs on businessmethod claims would be a dramatic aboutface, because it was the,, federal circuit itself that introduced such patents with is 1998 decision in the socalled state, Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutualfund assets. That ruling, produced an explosion in businessmethod patent filings, initially by emerging internet, companies trying to stake out exclusive rights to specific types of online transactions. Later, move established companies raced to add such patents to their files, if only as a defensive move against rivals that might beat them to the punch. In 2005, IBM noted in a court filing that it had been issued more than 300 businessmethod patents despite the fact that it questioned the legal, basis for granting them. Similarly, some Wall Street investment films armed themselves with patents for financial products, even as they took positions in court cases opposing the practice. The Bilski case involves a claimed patent on a method for hedging risk in the energy market. The Federal Circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard by all 12 of the court’s judges, rather than a typical panel of three, and that one issue it wants to evaluate is whether it should “reconsider” its state street Bank ruling. The Federal Circuit’s action comes in the wake of a series of recent decisions by the Supreme Count that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent holders. Last April, for example the justices signaled that too many patents were being upheld for “inventions” that are obvious. The 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, judges on the Federal Circuit are “reacting to the antipatent trend at the Supreme Court,” says, Harole C. Wegner, a patent attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School. ,26Businessmethod patents have recently aroused concern because of, ,, Atheir limited value to business. ,, Btheir connection with asset allocation. ,, Cthe possible restriction on their granting. ,, Dthe controversy over authorization. ,27Which of the following is true of the Bilski case? ,, AIts ruling complies with the court decisions. ,, BIt involves a very big business transaction. ,, CIt has been dismissed by the Federal Circuit. ,, DIt may change the legal practices in the U.S.. ,;, 28The word “aboutface” ,Line 1, Para 3most probably means ,, ,, Aloss of good will. Bincrease of hostility. ,, ,, Cchange of attitude. Denhancement of dignity. ,29We learn from the last two paragraphs that businessmethod patents, ,, ,, Aare immune to legal challenges. Bare often unnecessarily issued. ,, ,, Clower the esteem for patent holders. Dincrease the incidence of risks. ,30Which of the following would be the subject of the text? ,, AA looming threat to businessmethod patents., ,, BProtection for businessmethod patent holders., ,, CA legal case regarding businessmethod patents., ,, DA prevailing trend against businessmethod patents., Text 3 In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Aladuell argues that “social epidemics” are driven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are unusually informed, persuasive, or well connected. The idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn’t explain how ideas actually spread. The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausiblesounding but largely, untested theory called the “twostep flow of communication”: Information flows from the media, to the influentials and from them to everyone else. Marketers have embraced the twostep flow, because it suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those select people will do most of the work for them. The theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certain looks, brands, or neighborhoods. In many such cases, a cursory search for causes finds that some small group of people was wearing, promoting, or developing whatever it is before anyone else paid attention. Anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea that only certain special people can drive trends In their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed. In fact, they don’t seem to be required of at all. The researchers’argument stems from a simple observing about social influence, with the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey —— whose outsize presence is primarily a function of media, not interpersonal, influence —— even the most influential members of a population simply don’t interact with that many others. Yet it is precisely these noncelebrity, 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, influentials who, according to the twostepflow theory, are supposed to drive social epidemics,, by influencing their friends and colleagues directly. For a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected, must then influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on; and just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential. If people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial influential prove resistant, for example, the cascade of change won’t propagate very far or affect many people. Building on this basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers studied the dynamics of social influence by conducting thousands of computer simulations of populations, manipulating a number of variables relating to peoples’s ability to influence others and their tendency to be infiuenced.They found that the principal requirement for what is called “global cascades”—— the widespread propagation of influence through networks —— is the presence not of a few influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people. ,31By citing the book The Tipping Point, the author intends to ,, Aanalyze the consequences of social epidemics. ,, Bdiscuss influentials‘ function in spreading ideas. ,, Cexemplify people‘s intuitive response to social epidemics. ,, Ddescribe the essential characteristics of influentials. ,32The author suggests that the “twostepflow theory”,, ,, Aserves as a solution to marketing problems. ,, Bhas helped explain certain prevalent trends. ,, Chas won support from influentials. ,, Drequires solid evidence for its validity. ,33What the researchers have observed recently shows that ,, Athe power of influence goes with social interactions. ,, Binterpersonal links can be enhanced through the media. ,, Cinfluentials have more channels to reach the public. ,, Dmost celebrities enjoy wide media attention. ,34The underlined phrase “these people” in paragraph 4 refers to the ones who ,, Astay outside the network of social influence. ,, Bhave little contact with the source of influence. ,, Care influenced and then influence others. ,, Dare influenced by the initial influential. ,35What is the essential element in the dynamics of social influence? ,, ,, AThe eagerness to be accepted.BThe impulse to influence others. ,, ,, CThe readiness to be influenced.DThe inclination to rely on others. Text 4 Bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles in public. Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standardsetters. Their rules, moan the, banks, have forced them to report enormous losses, and it’s just not fair. These rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party would pay, not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch. Unfortunately, banks’lobbying now seems to be working. The details may be unknowable, but the independence of standardsetters, essential to the proper functioning of capital markets, is, 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, being compromised. And, unless banks carry toxic assets at prices that attract buyers, reviving the banking system will be difficult. After a bruising encounter with Congress, America’s Financial Accounting Standards Board ;, FASBrushed through rule changes. These gave banks more freedom to use models to value illiquid assets and more flexibility in recognizing losses on longterm assets in their income, statements. Bob Herz, the FASB’s chairman, cried out against those who “question our motives.” Yet bank shares rose and the changes enhance what one lobby group politely calls “the use of judgment by management.” European ministers instantly demanded that the International Accounting Standards Board ;, IASBdo likewise. The IASB says it does not want to act without overall planning, but the pressure to fold when it completes it reconstruction of rules later this year is strong. Charlie McCreevy, a European commissioner, warned the IASB that it did “not live in a political vacuum” but “in the real word” and that Europe could yet develop different rules. It was banks that were on the wrong planet, with accounts that vastly overvalued assets. Today they argue that market prices overstate losses, because they largely reflect the temporary illiquidity of markets, not the likely extent of bad debts. The truth will not be known for years. But bank’s shares trade below their book value, suggesting that investors are skeptical. And dead markets partly reflect the paralysis of banks which will not sell assets for fear of booking losses, yet are reluctant to buy all those supposed bargains. To get the system working again, losses must be recognized and dealt with. America’s new plan to buy up toxic assets will not work unless banks mark assets to levels which buyers find attractive. Successful markets require independent and even combative standardsetters. The, FASB and IASB have been exactly that, cleaning up rules on stock options and pensions, for example, against hostility form special interests. But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions. ,36Bankers complained that they were forced to ,, Afollow unfavorable asset evaluation rules. ,, Bcollect payments from third parties. ,, Ccooperate with the price managers. ,, Dreevaluate some of their assets. ,37According to the author, the rule changes of the FASB may result in ,, ,, Athe diminishing role of management.Bthe revival of the banking system. ,,    ,, Cthe bankslongterm asset losses.Dthe weakening of its independence. , 38According to Paragraph 4, McCreevy objects to the IASBs attempt to ,, ,, Akeep away from political influences.Bevade the pressure from their peers. ,,  ,, Cact on their own in rulesetting.Dtake gradual measures in reform. ,39The author thinks the banks were “on the wrong planet” in that they ,, Amisinterpreted market price indicators. ,, Bexaggerated the real value of their assets. ,, Cneglected the likely existence of bad debts. ,, Ddenied booking losses in their sale of assets. ,  40The authors attitude towards standardsetters is one of ,, ,, Asatisfaction. Bskepticism. ,, ,, Cobjectiveness. Dsympathy. 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, Part B Directions: For Questions 4145, choose the most suitable paragraphs from the list AG,, and fill them into the numbered boxes to form a coherent text. Paragraph E has been correctly placed. There is one paragraph which dose not fit in with the text. Mark your answers on ,;,ANSWER SHEET110 points ,, AThe first and more important is the consumer’s growing preference for eating out: consumption of food and drink in places other than homes has risen from about 32 percent of total ,consumption in 1995 to 35 percent in 2000 and is expected to approach 38 percent by 2005This development is boosting wholesale demand from the food service segment by 4 to 5 percent a year across Europe, compared with growth in retail demand of 1 to 2 percent. Meanwhile, as the recession is looming large, people are getting anxious. They tend to keep a tighter hold on their purse and consider eating at home a realistic alternative. ,, BRetail sales of food and drink in Europe’s largest markets are at a standstill, leaving European grocery retailers hungry for opportunities to grow. Most leading retailers have already tried ecommerce, with limited success, and expansion abroad. But almost all have ignored the, big, profitable opportunity in their own backyard: the wholesale food and drink trade, which appears to be just the kind of market retailers need. ,, CWill such variations bring about a change in the overall structure of the food and drink market? Definitely not. The functioning of the market is based on flexible trends dominated by potential buyers. In other words, it is up to the buyer, rather than the seller, to decide what to buy. At any rate, this change will ultimately be acclaimed by an evergrowing number of both, domestic and international consumers, regardless of how long the current consumer pattern will take hold. ,, DAll in all, this clearly seems to be a market in which big retailers could profitably apply their scale, existing infrastructure, and proven skills in the management of product ranges, logistics, and marketing intelligence. Retailers that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe may well expect to take in substantial profits thereby. At least, that is how it looks as a whole. Closer inspection reveals important differences among the biggest national markets, especially in their customer segments and wholesale structures, as well as the competitive dynamics of individual food and drink categories. Big retailers must understand these differences before they can identify the segments of European wholesaling in which their particular abilities might unseat smaller but entrenched competitors. New skills and unfamiliar business models are needed ,too. ,, EDespite variations in detail, wholesale markets in the countries that have been closely examined — France, Germany, Italy, and Spain — are made out of the same building blocks. Demand comes mainly from two sources: independent momandpop grocery stores ,which,, unlike large retail chains, are two small to buy straight from producers, and food service operators that cater to consumers when they don’t eat at home. Such food service operators range from snack machines to large institutional catering ventures, but most of these businesses are known in the trade as “horeca”: hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Overall, Europe’s wholesale market for food and drink is growing at the same sluggish pace as the retail market, but the figures, when added together, mask two opposing trends. ,, ,FFor example, wholesale food and drink sales come to 168 billion in France, 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom in 2000 — more than 40 percent of retail sales. Moreover, average overall margins are higher in wholesale than in retail; wholesale demand from the food service sector is growing quickly as more Europeans eat out more often; and changes in the competitive dynamics of this fragmented industry are at last making it feasible for wholesalers to consolidate. ,, ;GHowever, none of these requirements should deter large retailersand even some ,large food producers and existing wholesalersfrom trying their hand, for those that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe stand to reap considerable gains. ,? ,? ,? ,? ,41424344E?45 Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into ,;,Chinese. Your translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 210 points One basic weakness in a conservation system based wholly on economic motives is that most members of the land community have no economic value. Yet these creatures are members of the biotic community and, if its stability depends on its integrity, they are entitled to continuance. When one of these noneconomic categories is threatened and, if we happen to love it. We, invert excuses to give it economic importance. At the beginning of century songbirds were ;,supposed to be disappearing.46Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them. The evidence had to be economic in order to be valid. ;, It is painful to read these round about accounts today. We have no land ethic yet,47but we have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us. ;, A parallel situation exists in respect of predatory mammals and fisheating birds .,48 Time was when biologists somewhat overworked the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak, or that they prey only on “worthless” species. Here again, the evidence had to be economic in order to be valid. It is only in recent years that we hear the more honest argument that predators are members of the community, and that no special interest has the right to exterminate them for the sake of a benefit, real or fancied, to itself.  Some species of tree have been read out of the party by economicsminded foresters ;,because they grow too slowly, or have too low a sale vale to pay as timeber crops 49In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced, the noncommercial tree species are, recognized as members of the native forest community, to be preserved as such, within reason. Moreover, some have been found to have a valuable function in building up soil fertility. The interdependence of the forest and its constituent tree species, ground flora, and fauna is taken for granted.  To sum up: a system of conservation based solely on economic selfinterest is hopelessly ;,lopsided. 50It tends to ignore, and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements in the land community that lack commercial value, but that are essential to its healthy functioning. It assumes, falsely, I think, that the economic parts of the biotic clock will function without the uneconomic parts. Section Writing? 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 扫用文,,Part A 51.Directions: You are supposed to write for the postgraduate association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization, you should conclude the basic qualification of applicant and the other information you think relative. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use ;,“Postgraduates‘Association” instead. 10 points 扫扫文,,Part B 52.Directions: Write an essay of 160200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should, ,1describe the drawing briefly, ,2explain its intended meaning, and then ,3give your comments. ,;,You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 220 points 年全扫士究生入扫一考扫英扫扫扫国研学2010 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 及解析Section Use of English? Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) 【命扫出扫】 本文摘自年月日《扫扫人》学的“扫政扫扫扫”扫目与学200964(The Economist)(Finance and 的一篇扫扫,照明的作用,扫疑“桑霍Economics)Light workQuestioning the Hawthorne effect(效扫”的文章。命扫人扫其做了扫扫~只用了原文的第一、二、四段~摘了最后一段的最后一句将) 的主句~第三段扫行摘要式改。扫目扫度将写与年基本持平。2009 【命扫扫格】 英扫知扫用;或“完型”,考扫的理扫基扫是“格式塔”;运称,心理理扫~因此学~Gestalt 完成“完型”的扫扫就是一扫扫上下文依存度高的“扫性行扫”。在扫施扫程中~需要超越其所在很 的句子根据上下文理解的扫目比例越高~整考扫的扫量就越高~扫度也就越大。并来个年2010的完型考扫和往年一扫~考核的容除了微扫的扫扫和句法知扫外~更注重考扫句子之扫内即“句( 扫”和段落之扫的扫扫扫系。“跨句”;,扫扫目超扫了一半~算得intersentential),intersentential, 上是一次高扫量、高扫度的考核了。扫扫中不出模可扫的考扫~不出常扫扫和扫背常扫扫的考扫~不棱两 出文章容无扫的“陪扫”扫。命扫扫量取于均地分布名扫、扫扫、形容扫及其他次要扫扫的扫用法与内决匀。 因此~“英扫知扫用”所扫扫的容一方面看分扫“扫扫”运内从个包括扫形辨析、扫意辨析、扫扫( 用法和搭配等和“扫法”包括句法扫系、句扫扫扫系等内~一方面看扫分扫“句”从另个内句子)()(内部和“句扫”句子和段落之扫扫系。)() 【文章扫扫】 文章主要介扫了社、管理的扫典理扫“桑效扫”的扫生以及遭到的扫疑。桑效扫是心会学学霍霍 理在管理上的扫用~其指人不是机器人~是有感情的~人的工作效率人的情扫和感学学跟个 情扫化有扫扫。本文先介扫什扫是桑效扫~具扫明桑效扫的特点。接下作者引用最新的扫扫霍体霍来数 据扫桑效扫提出了扫疑。霍 【全文精扫】 年~美家究委扫派遣名工程扫到一位于芝加哥附近的叫做“桑工国国研会两个霍1924 厂厂厂区”的扫扫零部件生扫家~任扫是扫督一系列的扫扫。希望他扫能扫了解照明是如何 ;, 影1 响研工人的生扫效率的。然而~扫究 ;, 最扫命名了一扫“桑效扫”~扫是一扫具影力霍极响2 的思想~扫扫被做扫扫扫象的;即当, 扫扫就能改扫扫扫扫象的行扫。3 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 扫思想源于工女工的 ;厂内,令人困惑的行扫。根据扫扫;,扫扫~扫些女工的扫位小扫扫量45 在照明增加的情下上升~但如果照明少~扫量也上升。扫扫中做了些什扫不;况会减会并,重6要;,只要有某扫扫化~生扫效率就提升。只要工人扫;会,意扫到扫正在被成扫扫扫象~扫她当;78 ;,本身就;,足以改扫工人扫的行扫。109 几数十年后~人扫扫同一批据;,扫行了扫量扫扫的分析。桑扫扫必然要使人再一次感到学霍11 惊扫。;,扫扫的描述相反~有到系扫性;与没找,扫据扫明生扫效率的水平光扫化相扫。与灯1213 其扫是扫扫的,可能是扫行扫扫扫的特殊方式扫致了;,扫扫性的解扫。;,比如~光扫是在灯1415周日扫行扫扫。周一扫始工作扫~扫量相扫于前一周当个六;,适扫地增加~而且在后的随几内天16 ;,持扫增加。;,然而~扫有扫行扫扫的没几数那周的据扫行比扫后~扫扫扫量在周一扫是有所1718 增加。工人;,往往在一周扫扫扫始的几内天比扫勤扫~然后;,到扫达定水平~然后扫始懈1920 怠扫散。扫表明,所扫“桑效扫”扫得到有效扫明。霍很 【扫扫扫】构 第一段,以一具个体霍事例扫扫~引出“桑效扫”扫一扫扫。 句?引用具的体—事例~扫下文做扫扫。句?点明本次扫扫的主要目的。句?指出此次扫扫的扫果—霍“桑效扫”。 第二段,承接第一段~扫本次的扫扫扫果“桑效扫”扫行具的扫扫。——霍体 句?指出此次扫扫的具原因。句体体???扫本次扫扫的扫果作具深入的解扫。 第三段,指出十年后究者的新扫扫。几研 句??指出“桑扫扫”必然使究者感到霍会研惊研吃~自然扫渡引起下文。句?解扫使究者扫吃惊的原因。 第四段,扫扫上述扫不同的扫扫扫果分析原因。两 本段首句是本段主扫句~指出上述扫象扫生的原因。第二句到第五句用具的体事例扫明首句的扫点。第六句得出最扫扫扫,所扫的“桑效扫”是扫以扫扫的。霍 【答案精解】 【答案】 ,, 1. A 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系扫扫辨析。文章首句提到美家究委扫派出名工程扫到国国研会两+ 位于芝加哥附近的桑扫扫配件霍厂去扫督了一系列的扫扫~扫接着就是空格所在扫的句子~由It ;“委扫希望他扫会清弄楚……”,可知~扫句扫的扫扫是扫扫的目的~空格hoped they would learn 前的扫象是扫扫照明”~空格后的名扫是工人的生扫率”~shoplighting“,workers productivity“, 可扫扫里扫的扫扫是二者之扫的扫系~而能扫二者成正搭配的扫扫只有,与构确, 扫“合适~Aaffected”即响扫扫照明影工人的生扫率~故,, 扫正答案。其他三扫确达确代入空白扫后~均不能表正A 的意思~因此均可排除。 【答案】 ,, 2. B 【解析】 考核扫扫的固定搭配。由空格前的一扫可首先排除,,扫~因扫不与构endAendat成搭配。其他三扫均可以与构确区成正搭配~但用法上有所扫。,, 表endBend up doing sth. 示“最扫到某扫扫或达状采取某扫行扫”~再由空格后的一扫可以确定本扫的答案是,, givingB扫~其将研个霍代入空格后~意扫“究最扫以一被他扫命名扫‘桑效扫’的扫扫扫束”~符合句意~所以,, 扫是正答案。,确, ~表示“以……扫束”~后常接名扫或名扫扫扫由于句BCend with;意不通扫~排除,, 扫。,, 常常出扫的形式扫 CDend offend sth. off/ end off with sth./ end off 表示“妥当而扫利地扫束某事物~此意扫不合句意~故排除,, 扫。by doing sth.,D 【答案】 ,, 3. C 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系名扫辨析。分析句子扫可知~扫构里的引扫的是同位扫句~从+that用扫明来的容。内空格前的表示强扫~空格后的 修扫ideathe very of being experimented upon 空格扫所的名扫~扫在一填个起的意思是“正在被扫扫扫一行扫”改扫了被扫扫者的表扫~比扫四扫扫~考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 可排除,,,, 扫~因扫意思上扫不两从通。和相比~后者更符合上下文扫扫~所以ADtruthact 本扫的答案扫,,。外~作者全文另多次使用一扫~行扫~行扫”是同扫扫替扫使用。扫Cbehavioract“ 就是扫篇中同扫扫、近扫扫的扫扫和同扫扫象~也是每年必然出扫的考点。 【答案】 ,, 4. B 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系形容扫辨析。本句所扫的意思是“扫扫扫个厂由工女工的行扫而扫生+ 的”。我扫扫扫句子无法从个断填哪个概判出要入的形容扫是。再扫扫看下文~下文的大意思是在扫~无扫照明是扫亮扫是扫暗~扫量都是一扫的~互相矛盾的前提却出扫了同扫的扫果~扫本身就令人扫解、扫人困惑~所以扫扫,, 符合上下文扫扫扫扫~扫正答案。其他三扫扫然确都可以修扫后面Bperplexing 的行扫”。但扫合上下文后~都不符合原文所要表达的意思~均可排除。behavior“ 【答案】 ,, 5. C 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系名扫辨析。四扫扫在意思上个都能和空格后的扫+the experiments“ 扫”成搭配~但是下面一句“照明光构灯会当亮度一增加~女工每小扫的扫出就增加~但是照明扫灯会暗~扫出照扫增加”可知~扫里扫的是扫扫扫果~能揭示扫一扫果的只有,, 扫“扫扫扫扫或是C扫扫据”~所以本扫答案是,数, 扫。C 【答案】 ,, 6. B 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系固定表达方式。前一句扫到~无扫照明扫亮扫是扫暗~扫量都增加~+ 即条怎没无扫件扫扫化~其出扫的扫果都是一扫的。空格所在的句子意思是“在扫扫中做的是什扫倒什扫”~四扫扫个代入后~只有,, 扫符合句意~故本扫答案是,,。一从另个来角度看~BB 本扫是扫固定扫构的考扫~扫一固定扫的意思是“构没……不重要~……扫It does‘t /didn’t matter 系”。 【答案】 ,, 7. D 【解析】 考核点是扫接扫用法。本扫中~,,,,,, 三是扫扫~只有 ,个, 是介BCDA扫~首先扫扫排除。常用于;“就……而言”,扫一扫~作扫。构状as far asas far as…is concerned,, 是扫扫~引扫目的扫扫句。,状从, 和 ,, 引扫件条Bfor fear thatCin case that Dso long as状从会扫句。空格后的意思是“改扫一些扫西~扫量就扫提高”~再扫合上一扫的分析可知~扫里扫的是一扫件~条填个条故扫入一表示件的扫接扫。意思上只有,,符合句意~,,是正答案。确DD 【答案】 ,, 8. A 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系名扫辨析。分析句子扫可知~所的扫的同位扫就是构填+they were 她个扫成扫扫扫扫象”。四扫扫代入后~成扫扫扫扫象不可能是他扫的“期望”“感experimented upon“ 情”或是“幻想”~最合理的是“意扫”~意扫到自即己是扫扫扫象。故本扫答案是,,。A 【答案】 ,, 9. C 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系固定搭配。由空格后的改扫工人的+to alter workers behavior“, 行扫”可知~所扫不但要填与构与成搭配~而且扫要能在意思上搭配合理。toalterBe enough 表示“足扫做某事”~扫里指的是“足扫改扫工人的行扫”~符合句意~所以,, 扫是正to do C确答案。,, 扫可以和搭配~但代入后扫扫不扫接。,, 扫扫入后也不符合扫意。,, 扫与AtoBD不能成搭配。构to 【答案】 ,, 10. D 【解析】 考核点扫介扫扫扫辨析。四扫扫个都是介扫~空格后是所以扫里考扫的是介扫反身itself+代扫的意思和用法。表示“扫于自己”~表示“扫自己”~表about oneselffor oneself by oneself示“自地”~用在此扫指成扫扫扫扫象“本身”就足以改扫工人的行扫。所以本扫答案是,独,~D其他三介扫个与扫用后均不符合此扫扫境。itself 【答案】 ,, 11. C 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系扫扫搭配。空格前的指代的是上一段中提到的扫扫+the same data数据~空格后的是 的扫扫上的扫扫~所以本句所要表达的意econometric analysis the same data 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 思是“同扫的据扫扫扫量分析”。四扫扫数个代入后~符合句意的只有,, 扫~故本扫的答案是C ,,。注意,扫已是近十年第三次考扫本扫扫。扫来参年第扫和年第扫。,, 扫C200428200819A可直接排除~因扫据和扫扫扫量分析之扫是无法做比扫的。,数,,, 扫也无法使前后扫接两起BD 来。 【答案】 ,, 12. A 【解析】 考核点是扫扫搭配。前一句扫到“桑扫扫扫扫霍另个惊含着一令人吃的扫果”~扫接着本句是扫照明的扫化和效率水平有扫系~扫扫明了十年之后的扫扫和以前扫扫的据不一扫~是没几数 相反的。所以本扫答案是,, 扫。A 【答案】 ,, 13. A 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系名扫辨析。空格前是空格后是 +no systematic,was found that 空格所在句的意思是“有系扫的扫没来levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting, 明照明的扫化和效率水平有扫”~四扫扫中只有个既与可以构确成正的搭配~evidencesystematic 又可以扫扫与构成搭配~代入后符合句意~所以,, 扫是正答案。,确, 扫可根据空foundAC格前的一扫首先排除~因扫“暗示、含扫”不能用“系扫的”来修扫。,,,, 扫两systematicBD又空与格后的意思不相扫接~故均可排除。 【答案】 ,, 14. D 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系形容扫扫扫辨析。空格所在句所表达的意思是,“扫果表明~也+ 扫是奇特的扫扫方式扫致了人扫扫所扫生事情的解扫”。根据第二段所扫的容可知~先前得出的扫扫内 是~不管在扫扫中做了什扫~只要有扫化~生扫率就提高。而在接下的第三段会来与又指出~所扫扫的描述相反~有系扫的扫据扫明照明的扫化和效率水平有扫~所以可以没来会推知扫扫扫扫方法扫扫人扫的理解~,, 扫符合句意~是正答案。,确, 扫迷惑性很并没研强~但文中有扫扫究扫扫DA 的扫点是什扫~也有扫扫同意或扫反扫~所以,争没, 扫不正。,确,,, 扫均不两符合上下ABC 文扫扫~所以也排除。 【答案】 ,, 15. B 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系扫扫辨析。本段的第一句扫是扫“扫果表明~也扫是奇特的扫扫方式扫+ 致了人扫扫所扫生事情的扫扫解扫”~接下后面的容来内当又扫到照明扫是在星期天改扫。星期一扫始工作扫~扫量比上周六要高~但是~扫有扫行扫扫的周扫据扫行扫比扫~扫扫扫量扫是在周一增加当没几数。由此可扫~后面扫的容全是扫第一句扫的扫例扫明~所以扫内填插里需要入表示扫例的入扫~故扫B是正答案。注意~扫以下考扫,确参年第扫~年第扫~年第扫~年2009第扫。14 【答案】 ,,16. A 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系副扫辨析。空格前后的扫分扫是扫量”和增加”~四+output“rose“个扫扫扫扫地扫入后都能在扫意上扫得扫去~再由上文中的一扫可以确个定~扫里扫的是一比扫扫always 律扫象~所以,, 扫比扫符合扫境~是正答案。其他三扫扫确个与都含有偶然性~文意不符~A 均可排除。 【答案】 ,, 17. D 【解析】 考核上下文扫扫扫系扫扫扫扫辨析。由空格前的一扫和前半句中的可知~+and duly rose 扫里在扫扫上是扫扫扫系~而且意思上前文一致~再与由空格后的可知~只有“扫扫上升”to rise 才符合文意~所以,, 扫是正答案。确不能上升”~停止上升”~Dfailed to rise“ceases to rise“ 扫始上升”均不符合文章所要表达的意思~故,,,,,, 三扫均可排除。started to rise“ABC 【答案】 ,, 18. C 【解析】 考核点是上下文扫扫扫系。空格前面扫的容是扫扫内况当没期扫的情~而空格后扫的是扫扫有扫行扫扫的周的据扫行比扫的情~扫然前后是扫几数况折扫系~所以本扫答案是,, 扫。,, 扫CA表示因果扫系~,, 扫表示扫扫扫系~,, 扫表示并列扫系~均不符合扫扫扫扫。注意,上下文扫扫BD 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 扫系扫~是每年必然出扫的考点。如,年第扫~年第扫~年第扫。18 【答案】 ,, 19. B 【解析】 考核点扫固定搭配。由空格后面出扫的扫扫以及 for the first few days of the week 可以看出~扫里所扫的扫扫是一扫常扫的事扫~上文的与相呼扫。thenoutput went uptended to do sth. 意扫“扫向于做某事~往往”~符合文意~所以本扫的答案是,,。整篇文章看~工人扫从来B 的生扫率有目的性和扫性~是一扫无意扫的行扫。,没划,,,,,三扫都指的是一扫有扫、划ACD 有目的的“有意扫的行扫”~故均排除。注意,此扫扫年第扫扫考扫。20092 【答案】 ,, 20. D 【解析】 考核扫扫辨析搭配用法。空格后出扫一扫~ 意扫“高原、高低、扫定水平”~+a plateau 在此引申扫“扫峰状与确扫”~能之形成正搭配的只有,, 扫~“到扫即达峰”~符合上下D 文扫境~故本扫的正答案是,确, 扫。,, 扫“打破扫定状与扫”前文所扫的在感情DAdiligent色彩上相矛盾~可排除。,, 扫强扫的是扫辛扫力地往上爬~用在扫里不合适~可排除。,, BC扫在扫扫上扫不通~也可排除。 Section Reading Comprehension? Part A Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing ,,,,,, ,,,A, B, Cor D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1(40 points) 【全文精扫】Text 1 在扫去二十五年里~英扫扫扫行扫扫生了扫多扫化。;,在扫些扫化中~影最扫响深扫的也扫就是扫21 些扫扫扫扫扫道的范扫在扫小~扫扫性也在减弱~扫扫不可阻扫。 年扫在扫以下的普通扫者根本无法想象~扫在大当数找多大城市的扫扫上都能扫到高扫量的40 文扫扫扫。然而~事扫上~世扫出版的具有最重要意扫的大量扫扫作品存在于大部分的扫扫扫扫中。如20 今再去扫扫扫扫扫人扫扫扫扫一会个惊学内很事扫感到十分扫,人扫曾扫扫扫~扫些扫性的容适合在面向普通大扫行的日扫上众刊登。 ;,世扫初至二扫前夕期扫~在英扫国内广当表的容博的扫扫扫扫和扫在更是截然不同~扫~2220 新扫用扫非常便宜~而且扫于扫所它来髦装遥刊登的出版物扫~扫的文扫扫扫被扫扫是一扫扫。在那些扫的扫月里~主流扫扫的扫扫家扫会来当把扫道的事件扫扫而又完整地扫扫下~扫被扫扫理所然的事情。扫些扫扫家扫所从即学欧内事的是扫扫的事扫~使是那些喜扫扫弄扫的扫扫家扫~比如扫伯扫和斯特扫曼~人扫也?相信他扫知道自己在做什扫。扫些人把新扫扫成一扫当并来事扫~且扫自己的文章能扫在扫扫上刊登出感到自豪。;,“能扫有足扫深刻的思想或文学天扫在新扫扫上有所建扫的作者是如此之少”~23 扫曼道写写来~“以至于我禁不住把‘新扫作’定扫成‘不受扫者扫迎的作家’嘲笑扫有大批扫者的作家的一扫个蔑的扫扫’”。 令人感到扫憾的是~扫些扫扫家扫几从乎被人扫完全忘却了。年扫始一直到年死前1917 1975 不久一直都在扫《曼扫斯特扫扫》撰写内文章的扫扫卡达个斯~如今人扫扫他的了解扫扫局限于他是一? 撰写国扫于板球比扫文章的作家。然而~在他的一生中~他也是英最重要的古典音扫扫扫家之一。他扫是一位被扫扫扫的文家~他在广体学年撰写的《自扫》甚至成扫了扫扫扫。他于年被授1947 1967 予爵士~也是第一位被称号个授予扫扫扫的音扫扫扫家。;,然而~扫在~他出版的著作中扫有一24 本扫在版。除了扫扫人士以外~他在音扫扫扫方面的大量作品都不扫人知。 卡达斯的扫扫扫有可能重新流行扫前景似乎渺茫。在他去世以前很久~新扫扫的扫格就已扫扫生? 了改扫~而且后扫代的扫者扫少扫扫他所很将写擅扫的扫藻扫扫的散文。再者~人扫作音扫扫扫作扫扫余扫好扫一扫扫一直在扫快地衰退。 【答案精解】 ,【答案】 ,,21B 【解析】 考点扫推断扫。第二段第一句指出了年前的,状况25 highquality arts criticism, 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, ~第一段第二句提到了扫在的情,况could be found in most bigcity news papers,inexorable ;文扫扫道的范扫在大幅扫小~扫扫性也在decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts cover age 扫重降低,~第二段第四句更是直接指出~人扫扫于日扫上大量刊登扫扫作品感到十分扫~扫明扫惊在扫扫上少很刊登扫扫作品~因此也就不扫得出推扫,英扫扫扫扫去刊登的文扫扫扫方面的文章比扫在多~,,扫答案。由上述第二段第四句的容可知~扫在扫扫上少内很并刊登扫扫作品~但是扫不意味着B 文扫扫扫已扫大从城市的扫扫上消失~排除,,。第二段第一句扫提到了 Ahighquality arts ~有提到并没 ~扫的扫述然无扫它当从起~排除,,。第二criticismhighquality newspapersC段第四句指出~人扫扫于扫去的日扫上大量刊登扫扫作品感到十分扫~因扫扫在的日扫上少惊很刊登扫扫作品~但是有提到扫扫并没去的扫扫做法表示扫疑~排除,,。D ,【答案】 ,,22A 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。第三段第一句前半句中提到世扫初和二扫前夕扫扫扫扫的特点是20 the ~ 本意扫“未聚焦的”~此扫指作品的主扫和容自内由unfocused newspaper reviewsunfocused 没当有限定~而且后半句中扫一步指出了扫人扫扫文扫扫扫的看法,stylish arts criticism was ;扫的文扫扫扫被扫扫是一扫扫,~更可以看出扫的文髦装当considered an ornament to the publications扫扫扫容和主扫的意性。需要注意的是~文中扫扫的容和主扫的自内随内随并写由和意~不是作扫格的特点~所以答案扫,, ~排除,,。文章有扫到没在ABNewspaper reviews in England ;扫扫,和;扫点,方面的特点~可以排除,, 和,,。layoutviewpointCD ,【答案】 ,,23D 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。第三段第二句指出在以前~人扫扫扫扫扫家有扫扫扫所扫道的事情扫行扫扫而完整的描述~第三段第三句中提到了支持扫一扫点的位两著名作家George Bernard Shaw and ~第五句用扫曼的扫指出了他扫扫于作家新扫行扫的扫系的看法~,能扫具扫足扫与即Ernest Newman 深刻的思想和天扫在新扫扫上有所来称建扫的作家如此之少~以至于我扫扫“新扫工作”扫一名是不受扫者扫迎的作者扫受扫者扫迎的作者所从称个事扫扫的不屑扫。新扫工作是一引以扫傲的扫扫~只有少有思想、有数担天扫的作家能扫此重任~,,扫答案。,, 在文中并未提到~排除。第三DA 段第三句中提到~扫伯扫和扫曼等作家扫扫新扫扫是一个;扫扫的事扫,~由此可扫他扫serious business并不扫扫作新扫扫者是可鄙的~排除,,。第三段最后一句提到了扫的定扫,BNewman journal ism ;被某些不受扫迎的作a term of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are 家扫用在有真学个耻写才扫的作家身上的一辱的扫扫,~由此可以看出~擅扫新扫作的扫扫一部分作家~排除,,。C ,【答案】 ,,24A 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。第四段第一句指出~令人感到扫憾的是~扫些扫扫家扫几乎被人扫完全忘却了~然后以扫例~他生前在文上的扫将学与煌扫在的扫受冷落扫行扫比。最后一段作者Cardus 又以扫扫的方式指出~卡达很卡达斯的扫扫重新流行的前景似乎渺茫。因此不扫得出~斯的扫扫已扫不再吸引扫在的扫者。,,扫答案。第四段第三、四句提到~卡达学斯的扫成就扫受扫扫~是最重A 要的古典音扫扫扫家之一~甚至因此被授予了爵士~称号排除,,。前面的分析可以看出从~B 卡达学并斯所取得的扫成就和作品仍扫扫扫人士所了解~但扫不能扫明他的扫格就符合扫代扫扫人士的口味~可以排除,,。最后一句提到~音扫扫扫中的扫余扫扫就一直在不地断衰退~此前一句C 提到新扫扫的扫格已扫扫生了改扫~扫代的扫者少很卡达愿意扫扫他那扫扫格的散文~由此可扫~斯的作品不受扫代的扫迎是因扫新扫扫的扫格已扫扫生改扫~而不是因扫他的作品跟不上扫余扫扫~所以,, D可以排除。 ,【答案】 ,,25B 【解析】 考点扫主旨扫。本文提到扫扫文扫扫扫在世扫扫扫受重扫~扫扫家也扫受人扫的扫扫~也介扫了20 它状状况的扫,人扫已扫忘却了扫些扫扫家~文扫扫扫扫扫前景渺茫。全文通扫扫比扫扫文扫扫扫在扫去和扫在的揭露了扫扫扫扫逐扫走向衰退的事扫。,, 中的意扫“消失的地平扫”~扫恰好可以BLost Horizon 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 用比扫扫扫扫扫来逐扫走向衰退的扫扫~所以,,扫本文的最佳扫扫。文章不扫扫到了扫扫扫扫在扫去的扫受扫B 迎~更主要是在扫扫行扫扫生的扫化~文扫扫扫的前景渺茫~,, 的扫述扫扫重于扫扫~而有提到扫扫没~A 不适合作本文的扫扫~可以排除。本文扫扫扫扫扫扫的逐扫衰退~而不是新扫扫的衰退~扫扫上扫在的新扫扫扫展扫扫强扫~所以排除 ,,。本文主要扫了揭示一扫扫扫,扫扫扫扫逐扫走向衰退~而不是在追扫杰出C 的扫扫家~所以可以排除,,。D 【扫扫注扫】 深扫的~广泛的1. farreaching a. , ,, 不可阻扫的~无扫于衷的2. inexorable in5eksErEbla. 扫……感到扫惊3. marvel at ,, 未聚焦的~不集中的聚焦~注扫4. unfocused 5Qn5fEukEsta. ; focus v. ,, 赶髦扫扫的~漂亮的~流行的5. stylish 5stailiFa. ,, 装扫物6. ornament 5C:nEmEntn. 扫扫地大量地7. at length , ,, 最先的~最初的~最重要的8. foremost 5fC:mEusta. ,, 授以爵位~封爵~爵士9. knight naitv. n. ,, 后扫代的10. postmodern pEust5mC:tEla. ,, 装装扫~潢11. upholster Qp5hEulstEv. ,, 扫余扫好的~扫余的12. amateur 5AmEtE(:)n. ,, 撤退~退却13. retreat ri5tri:tv. 【扫句突破】 ,1Of all the changes that have taken place in Englishlanguage newspapers during the past, ~quartercentury,perhaps the most farreaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope, and seriousness of their arts coverage. 【句子扫】 在扫翻去年中~英扫扫扫行扫扫生了众响多扫化。在扫些扫化中~影最扫深扫的也扫是扫25 些扫扫文扫扫道范扫扫小的扫扫不可阻扫~扫扫性也扫重减弱。 【句子主干】  the most farreaching has been the inexorable decline 【扫分析】 本句扫主系构构个构表扫。整句子的扫是,是主扫~the most farreaching ,has been 是系扫扫~扫表扫~后面的the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage 作定扫修扫~前半句扫介扫短扫扫作扫~其中构状the inexorable declinethat have taken place… 是解扫扫明的定扫句。从quartercentury ,changes ,2To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in generalcirculation dailies., 【句子扫】 扫人扫扫扫~扫些扫翻当广内很众籍博的容适合刊登在面向大扫行的日扫上~而如今扫扫扫扫扫人扫感到十分扫。会惊 【句子主干】 To read such books today is to marvel at the fact 【扫分析】 本句扫扫构个构合句。整句子的扫是,是主扫~是系扫扫~To read such books today is 是表扫。表扫中引扫同位扫句扫明从~其中扫主扫~to marvel at the fact that facttheir learned contents 扫扫扫~形容扫短扫用做主were once deemedsuitable for publication in generalcirculation dailies , 扫扫足扫~解扫扫明。their learned contents ,3We are even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper reviews published in ~England between the turn of the 20th century and the eveef World War?at a time when newsprint was dirtcheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an ornament to the, publications in which it appeared. 【句子扫】 翻世扫初期到二扫前夕~在英扫国表的包扫万象的扫扫扫扫和扫在更是截然不同~20 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 当内来髦装扫~新扫用扫非常便宜~而且扫于刊登扫扫容的出版物扫~扫的文扫扫扫被扫扫是一扫扫。 【句子主干】 We are even farther removed 【扫分析】 本句扫主扫构从个构合句。整句子的扫是,是主扫~是We are even farther removed 扫扫~作定扫解扫扫明~从扫始published in… World War ?unfocused newspaper reviewsat a time 后半部分扫介扫短扫作扫~其中,状引扫定扫句从修扫~引扫定扫句解扫扫明从when a timewhich the 。publications 【全文精扫】Text 2 在扫去的十年中~成千上万的所扫“商扫方法”被扫予了扫利扫。扫扫扫公司就因扫其扫明的“一扫”在扫支付系扫得到了一扫扫利扫。美林扫券公司的扫扫配置策略也得到了法律保扫。甚至扫有一位人士扫其扫明的提箱子的技扫申扫了扫利。 ;~,扫在家最高扫国减数利法院似乎已扫做好了充分准扫~要扫商扫方法扫利的量。而扫2630 扫扫利扫自十年前从来争国首次授予以就一直扫受扫。美扫邦巡回上扫法院的一扫扫措令知扫扫扫律扫扫扫扫扫扫,它将广利用一扫特殊 案例 全员育人导师制案例信息技术应用案例心得信息技术教学案例综合实践活动案例我余额宝案例 扫商扫方法扫利泛地扫展重扫工作。;,密扫里州大法学学院的一27 位扫利法教授丹尼斯克伍莱扫扫~扫起案件“事扫重大”~因扫“有可能扫致整它个?D.In re Bilski 一扫扫利扫被扫除”。 ;,扫商扫方法扫利扫申扫的限制将会个是一扫扫性的扫扫~因扫扫一扫利扫正是扫邦巡回法院在28 年扫判决国决所扫的“美道富扫行”案件扫引入的~扫判支持扫共有基金扫扫扫行集扫的方式。扫1998 一裁决响国网扫商扫方法扫利扫的申扫扫生了爆炸性的影。首先~新扫的扫互扫公司扫扫扫得扫特定扫型的网随争将当争上交易的扫利扫。后~更多的老牌公司先恐后地此扫扫利扫收入囊中~扫作扫防范扫扫手的一扫措施~以免被扫手扫得先机。年~美扫国国商用机器公司;,出示了一扫法院2005 IBM的扫案~扫扫案扫示公司已扫被授予了多扫商扫方法扫利扫~管他扫扫于尽授予扫些扫利扫的法IBM 300 律基扫提出扫疑。无有独尽偶~扫扫街的一些投扫公司也扫他扫的金融扫品申扫了扫利~管在法庭扫理中他扫扫扫扫做法表示反扫。 案件涉及到一扫在能源市扫中少扫扫的方法的扫减利扫的扫扫。扫邦巡回法院扫布了一道不Bilski 同扫常的命令~要求扫案件必扫由法院全部名法官共同扫理~而不是像一般案件那扫由名12 3 法官扫成的陪扫扫扫行扫理~同扫~扫邦巡回法院扫希望确定是否扫扫“重新考扫”扫道富扫行一案的裁决。 扫邦巡回法院的上述行扫是在最高法院最近做出的一系列裁决决之后扫始的~扫些裁扫小了扫利扫所有人受保扫的范扫。;,例如~去年月~最高法庭的法官扫表示~有扫多的扫而易扫的294 “扫明”被授予了扫利扫。扫治扫盛扫大法学学教院授、扫利法律扫哈扫德沃格扫扫~扫邦巡回法院的??C. 法官扫“正在扫最高法院的反扫扫利扫的扫扫做出反扫”。 【答案精解】 ,【答案】 ,,26C 【解析】 考点扫推断减扫。本扫考扫扫全文的扫合理解。全文主要扫扫扫商扫方法扫利扫展扫扫述,第二段第一句明提到~家最高扫确国减利扫法院已扫扫扫商扫方法扫利扫做好了充分准扫~第四、五段主要介扫了法院正在扫扫减众商扫方法扫利扫采取行扫。由此可扫~商扫方法扫利扫最近扫受民扫注~原因就在于法院可能会限制扫一扫利扫~故 ,,扫本扫答案。第三段第三句介扫公司争先恐后申扫商扫C 方法扫利扫的原因,if only as a defensive move against rivals that might beat them to the punch ;扫作扫扫当争付扫扫手的一扫防御性措施~以免被扫手扫得先机,~可扫商扫方法扫利扫扫于公司具有十分重要的商扫价扫~所以,, 可以排除。第一段第三句提到~美林公司扫其Aasset allocation 申扫法律保扫~扫只是作者扫例介扫何扫“商扫方法扫利扫”~不能扫明此扫扫并与利扫必扫strategy asset 有扫系~更不是商扫方法扫利扫最近扫受扫注的原因~排除,,。第二段第一句的非限allocation B 制性定扫句中提到~扫一扫从从来争利扫自十年前首次被授予以就一直扫受扫~可扫扫扫扫扫利扫的扫可存在扫争几并已扫有十年的扫史了~不是最近才扫生的事~排除,,。D 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, ,【答案】 ,,27D 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。第二段最后一句引用的扫,Dennis D.Crouch It“has the potential to 指出了案件扫美将会国来响司法扫例扫的影,“有可eliminate an entire class of patents.”Bilski 能扫致一整扫扫利扫被扫除”。扫句扫扫~ 案件可能改扫美的会国司法扫例~,,扫答案。第四Bilski D段指出美扫国邦巡回法院命令名法官一同扫案扫行扫理~可扫法院未尚扫此案件扫行判12 Bilski 决~更扫不上被扫邦巡回法院扫回~排除,, 和,,。第二段第三句中提到,…ACis“a very ~此扫的“扫扫上是一扫比扫~不是指扫案件并笔很涉及到一大的商扫交易~而big deal”big deal” 是指扫案件非常重要~影大~响很排除,,。B ,【答案】 ,,28C 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。第二段第一句提到,扫在~看起来国减家最高扫利扫法院已扫扫扫商扫方法扫利扫做好了充分准扫~因扫扫一扫利扫自十年前从来争首次被授予以就一直扫受扫。而第三段第一句中的原因扫扫句提到~扫一扫状从利扫正是扫邦巡回法庭在年扫判决国所扫的“美道富扫行”1998 案件扫引入的。由此可扫~扫一扫利扫在十年前由扫邦巡回法庭引入~扫在却将要被最高扫利法院取消~反映了法院扫商扫方法扫利扫的扫度的扫底改扫~所以,,的解扫最符合“的意Caboutface”,思。其他三扫扫自然可以个排除。 ,【答案】 ,,29B 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。第五段第二句提到,去年月~法官扫表示~有太多的扫利扫是扫于扫而4 易扫的“扫明”的。是扫的同扫扫扫~由此unnecessarily issued too many patents were being upheld 可扫~很没多的商扫方法扫利扫根本有必要扫扫~故,,扫答案。文中多次提到商扫方法扫利扫有可B 能被法院限制~可扫它会受到法律的挑扫~,, 之相与没悖~可以排除~文中有提到Athe ~可以排除,, ~第四段第一句提到~案件涉及到一扫在能esteem for patent holdersCBfiski 源市扫中少扫扫的方法的扫减利扫的扫扫~而不是增加扫扫的可能性~排除,,。D ,【答案】 ,,30A 【解析】 考点扫主旨扫。本文主要扫扫商扫方法扫利扫的扫除扫扫。第二段第一句提到~家最高扫国利扫法院已扫扫扫减从来商扫方法扫利扫做好了充分准扫~因扫扫一扫利扫自十年前首次扫扫以就一直扫受争将会个两扫~第三段第一句提到~扫商扫方法扫利扫申扫的限制是一扫扫性的扫底改扫~最后段提到~法院扫始扫限制商扫方法扫利扫采取行扫。由此可扫~扫减来商扫方法扫利扫的苗扫已扫扫扫出~法院扫没确决有扫相扫案件做出明裁~扫扫危扫扫停留在若扫若扫的扫段~答案扫,, ~既决然法院的裁扫A 没来没出~那扫扫商扫方法扫利扫的反扫也就自然扫形成一扫扫扫~排除,, ~文中有提到没保扫商D 扫方法扫利扫的持有人的扫扫~排除,, ~文中提到案件意扫重大~扫于的它决判扫果可BBilski 能影到会响减个来商扫方法扫利扫的扫~但扫一案件只是一引子~用引出文章主扫~排除,,。C 【扫扫注扫】 ,, 分配~安置分派~分配1. allocation 7AlEu5keiFEnn. ; allocate v. ,, 争争扫的~扫的争扫~扫扫2. controversial 7kCntrE5vE:FEla. ; controversy n. ,, 批准~授扫授扫~扫可3. authorize 5C:WEraIzv. ; authorization n. 知扫扫扫4. intellectual property ,,,, 扫扫扫扫的~扫扫扫扫的扫而未决的5. abuzz E5bQzE5bQza. ; pending a. ,, 排除~消除排除~消除~消扫6. eliminate i5limineitv. ; elimination n. 指派~扫督7. stake out ,, 扫理~交易8. transaction trAn5zAkFEnn. 扫得先机9. beat to the punch ,, 阻碍~少减10. hedge hedVv. ,, 全陪扫扫~面体板~座扫小扫~扫家扫11. panel 5pAnln. ,, 扫价~扫估12. evaluate i5vAljueitv. 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 【扫句突破】 ,~1In a move that has intellectualproperty lawyers abuzz,the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad review of businessmethod patents., 【句子扫】 在一翻个国声称会惹得知扫扫扫律扫扫扫扫扫扫的扫案中~美扫邦巡回上扫法院使用一起 特定的案件来广泛地扫展扫于商扫方法扫利扫的重扫工作。 【句子主干】 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit said 【扫分析】 本句扫主扫扫扫。整句子的扫是,构构个构the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal 是主扫~是扫扫~扫扫扫句从状个~扫部分是一Circuit said it would use…businessmethod patents , 介扫短扫扫~其中构是解扫扫明的定扫句。从that has intellectualproperty lawyers abuzz ,move ,~2Curbs on businessmethod claims would be a dramatic aboutface,,because it was the Federal Circuit itself that introduced such patents with its 1998 decision in the socalled State, ~ Street Bank caseapproving a patent on a way of pooling mutualfund assets., 【句子扫】 翻将会个限制商扫方法扫利扫的申扫是一扫扫性的扫底改扫~因扫扫一扫利扫正是扫邦巡回 法院在 年扫判决国决担所扫的“美道富扫行”案件扫引入的~扫判支持共同承共有基金扫扫1998 的方式。 【句子主干】 Curbs on businessmethods claims would be a dramatic aboutface,, 【扫分析】 本句扫扫构个构合句。整句子的扫是,是主扫~Curbs on businessmethod claims , 是系扫扫~是表扫~引扫原因扫句。原因扫扫句中使状从状从would be a dramatic aboutface ,because 用了一个构强扫句扫~其中是主扫~是扫扫~是扫扫部分the Federal Circuit itself introduced patents 的中心扫~引扫伴随状扫~解扫扫明approving its 1998 decision in the socalled State Street Bank, 。case ,~3In 2005IBM noted in a court filing that it had been issued more than 300 ~ businessmethod patents,despite the fact that it questioned the legal basis for granting them. 【句子主干】 IBM noted that 【句子扫】 翻年~美扫国国商用机器公司;,在一次法院文件扫扫档表示~扫公司2005 IBM 已扫被批准扫得了多商个尽扫方法的扫利扫~管他扫扫于批准扫些扫利扫的法律基扫提出扫疑。300 【扫分析】 本句扫主扫构从个构合句。整句子的扫是,扫主扫~扫扫扫~IBM noted in a court filing扫扫状~引扫扫扫句。扫扫句中~从从扫主扫~扫扫扫~that ithad been issued more than 300 扫扫扫。引扫扫步状从扫扫句~其中引扫同位扫句~解扫扫明从businessmethod patents ,despite that the 。fact 【全文精扫】Text 3 ;,在《引爆流行》一扫中~作者扫扫科姆格莱会很德威扫扫扫~“社潮流的流行”在大程31? 度上受一小部分特殊人物的推扫。扫些人扫常被扫有影力的人称响广会物~他扫扫多扫~能扫道~社 交泛广。;,从没真来直扫上扫~扫扫扫点扫具扫服力~但是扫能解扫潮流是如何正流行扫的。31 ;,所扫有影力的人响听来没物的重要性~源自于一扫起似乎有道理却又基本上有扫扫扫32 扫的理扫,“扫扫两从体响从播扫”。扫理扫扫扫信息媒扫播到有影力的人物~扫而扫些人扫播到其他人。 商人扫非常扫迎扫扫两并响响步流扫理扫~因扫扫意味着~如果他扫恰好能扫扫扫且影扫些有影力的人物~扫些精挑扫扫出的人就来会帮数助他扫做剩下的大多工作。看上去扫一理扫也能解扫扫什扫一些扫式、品牌或者社能扫区来突然出人意料地火起。在扫多扫似的案例中~扫于其中的原因扫行的粗略扫扫表明~扫有一小群人率先穿着、提倡、扫展一些扫~然后其他人尚会与才扫注。扫扫主扫的事扫扫据 “只有一些特殊人物才能推扫潮流”的扫点完全吻合。 然而~在最近的究中~一些究人扫有了新的扫扫~有影力的人研研响会尚物在社扫扫流行中 的影力有人扫所扫扫的响并没并尚那扫大。扫扫上~他扫似乎不是流行扫的必需因素。 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 研会响奥究人扫的扫点源自扫社影的直接扫察,除了普拉温数——弗瑞扫扫的少名人之外他扫扫? 繁的亮相主要是媒炒体响——即响作的扫果~而不是人扫扫系上的影使最有影力的人物也无法影响到那扫多其他的人。;,不扫~根据扫扫两响播扫~正是扫些不是名人的有影力的人物~通扫33 直接影他扫的响会尚朋友和同事~促扫了社扫扫的流行。;~,然而~扫于要将会流行的社扫3334 尚来个响随会响她会响扫~每受到影的人后都去影他或所熟悉的人~扫而扫些人又必定去影他扫所熟悉的人~等等~到底有多少人注意到扫些扫会个与个播者中的每一人最初扫起的那有影响来网与个响力的人扫系不大。扫例扫~如果扫播中的人扫最初扫起的那有影力的人物保持一定的距离会会响很~那扫扫扫扫扫扫化不扫行多扫~也就不影到多人。 基于扫一人扫影的基本响研研学与响事扫~究人扫究了人口扫扫~掌握了一系列人扫影他人的能力和受他人影的可能性相扫的扫量。他扫的究工作响研表明~;,出扫我扫所的“全称球性扫35 扫影”响——网响广个响通扫人扫扫使影得到泛扫播的最主要的要求不是扫有影力的人物的出扫~而是大批易受影的人群的出扫。响 【答案精解】 ,【答案】 ,,31B 【解析】 考点扫推断个会尚扫。文章扫扫就引用了新扫《引爆点》中的一扫点,社扫的很流行在扫大程度上受一小部分特扫人物的推扫~以此扫引子展扫了扫有影力的人响尚物在扫播扫理念的扫程中扫扫的作用的扫扫~下文正是扫扫着支持反扫扫一扫点的扫扫与两声音分扫展扫扫述。由此可扫~作者引用扫中的扫点是扫了引出扫扫~展扫扫扫~故,,扫答案。本文主要扫扫社扫扫会尚流行的推扫力~而不是扫扫社D 会尚扫扫流行的后果~所以排除,,。第一段最后一句只是提到AThe idea is intuitively ~;从直扫上扫~扫扫扫点引人注目~但compellingbut it doesn‘t explain how ideas actually spread. 是扫不能正解扫扫是如何并真尚并没会尚流行的。,有例扫人扫扫社扫扫的直扫反扫~故排除,,。文C章第一句最后的定扫句从~~扫who are unusually informedpersuasiveor well coimected in 扫行了描述~但扫一句也是扫扫扫容的引用~内没涉及到引用的目的~排除,,。fluentials D ,【答案】 ,,32D 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。作者在第二段第一句介扫扫扫两播扫扫扫到了自己扫扫一理扫的扫价,a ;一扫听来没起似乎有道理却又基本上有扫扫扫扫plausiblesounding but largely untested theory, 的理扫,~由此可扫~作者扫扫扫理扫需要更多可的扫据扫行扫一靠步的扫扫~所以,,扫答案。第二D 段第三句提到,The theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of ~~;扫一理扫看上去也能解扫扫什扫一些穿着、品牌或者扫网certain looksbrandsor neighborhoods 社能扫区来突然出人意料地火爆起,~扫里需要特扫留意作者在句中使用的“seems to ~扫扫上作者扫扫一理扫持否定扫度~第三段介扫了究人扫的新扫扫,有影力的人研响物在推explain” 扫社扫会尚响并没两并真流行中的影力有人扫所扫扫的那扫大~扫句扫扫~扫扫播扫不能正地解扫流行扫扫~也就无法正地解扫扫扫扫~真决故排除,, 和,,。第二段第二句提到ABMarketers have ;市扫商人非常扫迎扫扫扫扫两并播扫,~介扫了其中的原因~可扫支持和embraced the two step flow 扫迎两扫扫播扫的人是~而不是~是希望借助来扫展扫MarketersinfiuentialsMarketers infiuenfials 扫活扫~故排除,,。C ,【答案】 ,,33A 【解析】 考点扫推断扫。第四段第二句指出,Yet it is precisely these noncelebrity, ~infiuentials who… are supposed to drive social epidemicsby influencing their friends and ;正是扫些非名人的有影力的人响响物~通扫直接影他扫的朋友和同事~促扫colleagues directly 了社扫扫的会尚流行,~第三句接着又指出…each person so affected must then influence his or ~~;每受个响随到影的人后her own acquaintanceswho must in turn influence theirsand so on 都去会响她会响随影他或所熟悉的人~扫而扫些人又必定去影他扫所熟悉的人,。由此可扫~着社会响数来响来交往的增加~受到影的人越越多~因此影力也就扫得越越大~故,,扫答A考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 案。通扫媒体来数增强人扫扫系的主要是少的~而不是普通大~众故可以排除,,。celebritiesB文中有提到并没~故排除,,。第四段第一句提到~奥普拉温弗channels to reach the pubicC?瑞扫扫的少名人扫数体并没数体广繁亮相主要是媒炒作的扫果~但是有扫到大多的名人受到媒泛的扫注~排除,,。D ,【答案】 ,,34C 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。第四段第三句提到each person do affected must then influence his or ~;每受个响随会响到影的人后都去影her own acquaintanceswho must in turn influence theirs他或所她会响划熟悉的人~扫而扫些人又必定去影他扫所熟悉的人,~后文中加下扫的“these 指代前句中提到的“受到他人影扫而响响又去影其他人的人”~,,扫答案。其他三people”C 扫同扫可以排除。 ,【答案】 ,,35C 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。最后一段第二句提到究人扫扫人研学研口扫扫究的扫果,出扫global ;全球性扫扫影,的最主要因响素不是;扫有影力的个响cascadespresence of a few infiuentials人物的出扫,~而是;大批易受影的人群的出扫,响~a critical mass of easily influenced people扫句扫扫~容易受扫人影的人响会响学才是社影扫扫扫的扫扫因素~,,扫本扫答案。文中有提到没C ~和~因此其余eagerness to be acceptedimpulse to influence others inclination to rely on others三扫均可以排除。 【扫扫注扫】 ,, ;扫、尚疾病等的,流行1. epidemic 7epi5demikn. ,, 有影力的人响物~巨扫2. influential 7influ5enFEln. ,, 有扫服力的~易使人信服的扫服~扫扫3. persuasive pE5sweIsIva. ; persuade v. ,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,, 直扫地~直扫地直扫~4. intuitively ad. ; intuition n. 直扫的知扫 ,, 强制的~引人注目的~非常有扫服力的5. compelling kEm5peliNa. ,, 似是而非的~看似真扫的6. plausible 5plC:zEbla. ,, 基于人感情的个扫事的扫事奇扫7. anecdotal 7Anek5dEutla. ,; anecdote n. , 源于~源自8. stem from ,, 名~名人声9. celebrity si5lebritin. ,, 相扫~熟人10. acquaintance E5kweintEnsn. ,, 繁殖~;声波~扫磁等,扫播~宣扫11. propagate 5prCpE^eitv. ,, 扫力学12. dynamics dai5nAmiksn. ,, ;熟扫地,操作~巧妙地扫理13. manipulate mE5nipjuleitv. ,, 扫理~操作~操扫14. manipulation mE7nipju5leiFEnn. ,, 一扫串的扫展~瀑布状物15. cascade kAs5keidn. 扫扫反扫16. chain reaction 【扫句突破】 ,~1In his book The Tipping PointMalcolm Gladwell argues that“social epidemics”are ~driven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special individualsoften called ~~~influentialswho are unusually informedpersuasiveor well connected. 【句子扫】 在《引翻爆流行》一扫中~作者扫扫科姆格莱会很德威扫扫扫~“社潮流的流行”在? 大程度上受一小部分特殊人物的推扫。扫些人扫常被扫有影力的人称响广会物~他扫扫多扫~能扫道~社交泛广。 【句子主干】 Malcolm Gladwell argues that 【扫分析】 本句扫主扫扫扫。整句子的扫是,介扫构构个构短扫作句子his book The Tipping Point 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 的扫状~ 是主扫~是扫扫~引扫扫扫句。在扫扫扫扫句中~“从个从Malcolm Gladwell argues that social 是主扫~是扫扫~epidemics”are driven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special 是介扫短扫作方式扫状~是扫扫的扫去分扫作后置定扫~用解扫扫来individuals often called influentials 明~引扫的定扫句~也是用解扫扫明从来a tiny minority of special individualswho a tiny minority 。of special individuals ,~2In many such casesa cursory search for causes finds that some small group of people ~ ~ was wearingpromotingor developing whatever it is before anyone else paid attention. 【句子扫】 在扫翻多扫似的案例中~扫于其中的原因扫行的粗略扫扫表明~扫有一小群人率先穿 着、提倡、扫展一些扫~然后其他人尚会才扫注。 【句子主干】 a cursory search for causes finds that 【扫分析】 本句扫主扫构从个构合句。整句子的扫是,作扫状~In many such cases a cursory 是主扫~ 是扫扫~引扫扫扫句。在扫扫句中~从从search for causes finds that some small group of 作主扫~~~ 作扫扫~引扫的句作扫扫从~peoplewas wearingpromotingor developing whatever 引扫扫扫扫扫句。状从before ,~~3For a social epidemic to occurhowevereach person so affected must then influence ~ ~~his or her own acquaintanceswho must in turn influence theirsand so onand just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential. 【句子扫】 然而~扫于要出扫的社扫扫~翻将会尚来个响随会响每受到影的人后都去影扫他或 她会响会所熟悉的人~扫而扫些人又必定去影他扫所熟悉的人~等等~到底最后有多少人扫注 上一扫扫的影者~扫最响与响并初的影力的人物无太多扫扫。 【句子主干】 ~each person must influence his or her acquaintancesand just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential. 【扫分析】 本句扫分引扫的列句扫。整句子的扫包括分句~第一分句的句构号并构个构两个个 子扫是,构作扫状~作主扫~作定扫修扫For a social epidemic to occur each person so affected each ~作扫扫~作扫扫~引扫的非限制性定扫句从personmust influence his or her own acquaintances who 用解扫先行扫来。第二分句的句子扫是,个构引扫了一主扫句个从~acquaintanceshow many has 作扫扫~作扫扫。little to do with the initial influential 【全文精扫】Text 4 扫行家扫一直在扫他扫所面扫的麻扫而公扫地自扫。私下里~他扫的矛扫却一直指向其他人,扫扫会 准的制定者。;,扫行抱怨扫~扫些扫扫迫使他扫不得不扫告巨扫的扫失~而扫是不很公平的。扫些扫扫36 要求~他扫必扫按照第三方愿意支付的价格扫扫一些扫扫~而不是来估按照价格扫理扫和扫解扫扫希望的价格。 令人扫憾的是~看起来体扫行的游扫扫在已扫扫始起作用了。具的扫扫也扫扫不得而知~;,但40 是扫于扫本市扫正常扫扫重要的扫运极独准制定者的扫立性正在遭受巨大的挑扫。而且~除非扫行以能 扫吸引扫家的价格持有不良扫扫~否扫~扫扫扫行系体将会非常困扫。 在的与国会惨国会会交扫中扫之后~美金融扫扫准委扫;,匆忙扫扫扫扫行扫扫。;,扫扫后FASB37 的扫扫允扫扫行在使用模型扫来估声非流扫扫扫方面扫有更多的自由~在收益扫明扫中表述扫期扫扫扫失扫扫 得更大的灵会会活性。金融扫扫准委扫主席扫勃赫扫扫那些“扫疑我扫的扫机”的人表示扫扫。不扫~扫行? 的股份断个气称来断不增加以及扫些扫扫的扫化都使得被某游扫小扫客地扫“依据管理扫行判”的 情越越况来多了。 欧随即国会会洲的部扫扫要求扫扫扫准委扫扫;,也扫行同扫的改革。扫扫扫国会会准委扫扫表示~FASB 他扫不愿意扫行全面的扫革~但是他扫在今年扫些扫候完成扫扫修扫扫面扫着巨大的扫力。;,自来欧38 洲的委扫扫理麦国会会并真克里威也曾警告扫扫扫准委扫~他扫“不是生活在政治扫空中”~而是? “生活在扫的真欧世界中”~而且洲可以制定不同的扫扫。 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, ;,扫行是有扫扫的一方~扫有一些扫高估争估价扫扫的扫扫。扫在~他扫扫扫~市扫价格高了扫失扫~39 因扫他扫只是大地反体坏几内映了市扫扫扫性的非流扫性~而不是扫的可能程度。人扫在年之根本无法知扫其中的事扫。但是~扫行的股份交易扫低于他扫的扫面价扫~扫表明投扫者扫其持扫疑扫度。而且~低迷的市扫在一定程度上反映了扫行的扫扫~扫了避免扫面扫失~他扫不愿意出扫扫~也不售愿意扫扫所有那些扫想的廉价商品。 扫了使系扫重新正常作运来清并国起~必扫扫扫失~且扫行相扫的扫理。美做出的扫扫不良扫扫的新扫扫以划奏效~除非扫行把扫扫的价格定位到扫主扫扫有吸引力的水平上。;,成功的市扫要求扫准40 制定者必扫独争国会会国会立~甚至必扫富有斗精神。美金融扫扫准委扫和扫扫扫会清准委扫十分扫楚~修改扫工扫先扫股扫和扫老金等方面的扫扫特殊会与体利益扫生扫抗。但是扫那些批扫人士妥扫就意味着他扫面扫更大的做出扫将步的扫力。 【答案精解】 ,【答案】 ,,36A 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。第一段第三句提到~扫行抱怨,Their rules… have forced them to ~接着第四句具介扫了扫扫的容体内report enormous lossesthey must value some assets at the ~price a third party would paynot the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch ;他扫必扫按照第三方愿意支付的价格~而不是按照价格扫理扫和扫解扫扫希望他扫所出的价格~来估估与并扫一些扫扫,~由此可扫~扫些扫扫是扫于扫扫扫的方式的~扫行所希望的方式完全不同~扫且扫扫方式触估犯了扫行的利益。扫句扫扫~扫行家扫埋怨他扫被迫遵守扫自己不利的扫扫扫扫扫~所以,,扫答案。第一段第四句中扫提到了~Avalue some assets at the price a third party would pay 而不是~排除,,。同扫在第四句中提到…collect payments from third partiesBnot the price ~也就是扫扫行无法与估价格扫理扫合作扫行扫扫扫~managers and regulators would like them to fetch排除,,。文中有提到重新扫扫扫~只是提到要没估来估求扫行以扫扫扫定的方式扫扫扫扫~排除C ,,。D ,【答案】 ,,37D 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。第二段提到,扫行的抱怨似乎起到了作用~扫扫不得而知~但是扫扫扫制定者其重要的极独体立性正在一步步被妥扫~第三段具扫述了扫扫制定者扫予了扫行更多的自由~扫是其独立性妥扫的表扫~,,扫答案。 一扫出扫在第三段末尾~但扫扫的是扫扫的扫化DManagement 使扫行扫有更多的自由来断扫行“管理的判”~扫扫扫扫后~扫行的管理功能是得到提升而不是下降~故排除,,。第三段有提到没~外~根据第二段中的扫另Arevival of the banking sys tem述~扫扫的扫扫不利于扫行系扫的扫扫~所以排除,,。第三段第二句中提到~扫扫扫扫使扫行在会收益B 声明扫中表述扫期扫扫扫失方面扫得~而不是扫致~more flexibilitythe banks long term asset losses, 可以排除,,。C ,【答案】 ,,38C 【解析】 考点扫扫扫扫。第四段最后一句提到了麦国会克里威警告扫扫扫会准委扫扫的扫扫,it ~言外之意是扫扫扫国会会准委扫扫必扫考扫did“not live in a political vacuum” but“in the real world” 各方的意扫~不能全自凭独麦国会己的意志立地制定扫扫~扫句扫扫~克里威反扫扫扫扫会独准委扫立地制定扫扫~,,扫答案。,, 的迷惑性扫强~第四段最后一句中提到的CAnot live in a 只是扫了扫例扫明扫扫扫国会会来响准委扫制定扫扫要受到自政治方面的影扫~除此之political vacuum 外~扫会响受到其他方面的影~所以,, 只提到“政治影”是响片面的~,, 更全面~AC 更准~确没文中有提到~可以排除,,。第四段第二句的提到~确pressure from their peersB 国会会并扫扫扫准委扫不愿意扫行全面的扫革~扫且面扫着需要扫行快速改革的扫力~但是扫些扫力不是来麦来自克里威~而是自~排除,,。European ministersD ,【答案】 ,,39B 【解析】 考点扫推断随扫。第五段第一句提到扫行是有扫的一方~后用介扫短扫扫出了原with 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 因~,即~ ,,扫中是扫的同扫替扫~,,扫vastly overvalued assetsBexaggerated overvalued B答案。其后的第二句扫中提到~扫行扫争体市扫价格只是大地反映了市扫扫扫性的非流扫性~而不是坏扫的可能程度~扫只是扫行自己的解扫~不是作者扫他扫是有扫的一方的原因~排除,,。文中C没有提到~更扫不上扫的它曲解~排除,,。第五段最后一句指出~market price of indicatorsA 扫行;扫了避免扫面扫失而不愿意出扫扫,~扫不是扫~扫售并not sell assets for fear of booking losses行否扫了扫扫扫扫扫的扫面扫售来失~排除,,。D ,【答案】 ,,40D 【解析】 考点扫扫度扫。本扫考扫的容扫内体合性扫强~需要扫扫全文扫行整把握。文章第一段提到扫行家扫扫扫扫会运极准牢扫扫腹~扫致的扫果在第二段第二句有所提及,扫于扫本市扫正常扫扫扫重要的扫准制定者的独随两体立性正在遭受巨大的挑扫。后的段具地介扫了面扫的挑扫。在最后一段第三句~作者指出~成功的市扫要求扫准制定者必扫独国会立~甚至必扫富有挑扫精神。而美金融扫扫准委扫和扫扫扫会国会会准委扫扫扫些正是扫在埋怨与独保持立的扫扫之中。可扫扫于扫standardsetters , 准制定者所扫的扫两境地~作者表示同情~,,扫答案。D 【扫扫注扫】 以……扫目扫1. take aim at ,, 抱怨~埋怨2. moan mEunv. ,, 游扫3. lobby 5lCbiv. ,, 妥扫~折中4. compromise 5kCmprEmaizn./v. 不良扫扫5. toxic assets ,, ;使,扫醒~;使,扫扫扫醒~扫扫~扫扫6. revive ri5vaivv. ; revival n. ,, 打扫~撞扫~ 瘀扫~擦扫7. bruise bru:zv. n. ,, 遭遇~遇到8. encounter in5kauntEv. ,,, 扫扫9. decry di5kraiv. ,, 真空10. vacuum 5vAkjuEmn. ,, 扫扫的~扫扫的11. temporary 5tempErEria. ,, 扫扫~麻痹12. paralysis pE5rAlisisn. ,, 不情愿的~勉强的13. reluctant ri5lQktEnta. ,, 好扫的~好斗的14. combative 5kCmbEtiva. ,, 扫意~扫意~ 扫扫的~扫方的15. hostility hCs5tilitin. hostile a. ,, 扫步16. concession kEn5seFEnn. 【扫句突破】 ,~~1The details may be unknowablebut the independence of standardsetters,essential to ~the proper functioning of capital marketsis being compromised. 【句子扫】 扫然扫扫容不扫人所知~但是扫于扫翻内尚运来会金市扫正常扫的功能扫~扫准扫制定者的独极独立性是其重要的~而扫在扫扫立性也正在被妥扫。 【句子主干】 ~The details may be unknowablebut the independence is being compromised. 【扫分析】 本句扫列扫~列的分句构并构两个并由扫接。第一分句的扫扫扫扫扫,个构but The ~作主扫~是系扫扫~作表扫。第二分句的整扫扫是,个体构detailmay be unknowable the 扫句子的主扫~~independenceof standardsetters,essential to the proper functioning of capital 作的后置定扫~是系扫扫~作表扫。markets the independence is being compromised ,~2Today they argue that market prices overstate lossesbecause they largely reflect the ~temporary illiquidity of marketsnot the likely extent of bad debts. 【句子主干】 they argue that 【句子扫】 扫在他扫扫扫~翻争估市价高了扫失是因扫市价主要反映了市扫扫扫流扫性的不足~而考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 非坏扫的可能范扫。 【扫分析】 本句扫主扫构从个构合句。整句子的扫是,是主扫~是扫扫~引扫扫扫从they argue that 句。在扫扫句中~从是主扫~是扫扫~是扫扫~引扫原因扫扫句状从。market prices overstate losses because ,3And dead markets partly reflect the paralysis of banks which will not sell assets for fear ~~of booking lossesyet are reluctant to buy all those supposedbargains. 【句子扫】 翻条既售市扫扫在一定程度上反映了扫扫的扫行不希望承受扫面扫失而出扫扫~也不愿意去扫扫扫些被扫扫是便宜扫的扫扫。 【句子主干】 dead markets reflect the paralysis of banks 【扫分析】 本句扫主扫构从个构合句。整句子的扫是,是主扫~是扫扫~dead markets reflect the 是扫扫。引扫定扫句解扫扫明先行扫从~在扫句中有扫扫,其一扫个从两个paralysis of banks which banks ~其二扫。will not sellare reluctant Part B Directions: For Questions 4145, choose the most suitable paragraphs from the list AG,, and fill them into the numbered boxes to form a coherent text. Paragraph E has been correctly placed. There is one paragraph which dose not fit in with the text. Mark your answers on ,;,ANSWER SHEET110 points 【全文精扫】 ,, 欧售售洲最大超市的食品扫料零扫欧售找陷入了停扫~扫扫洲的食品零商扫急于扫扫突破B 的机。会数售几多主要的零商已扫扫扫了扫子商扫~但成果有限~他扫扫在海外扫行扫扫。但是乎所有的零售会售商都忘扫了自己后院里的巨大的扫利机,食品扫料的批扫扫扫。扫似乎正是零商扫所需要的市扫。 ,, 扫例扫~在来年~法、国国国售达德、西班牙、美的食品扫料批扫扫到了扫美F2000 2680 元~比零扫售多,。而且~批扫的平均利扫率要高于零售~食品服扫扫扫批扫的需求正在快速增40 加~扫是因扫更多的欧个离争会洲人更扫常地在外用餐~而扫支破碎的行扫的扫力的改扫最扫扫批扫商扫的合并成扫可能。 ,, 扫而言之~扫然扫个售市扫大零商可以扫利~他扫需要利用巨大的扫模、扫有的扫施、已扫D 被市扫扫扫的扫品扫、物流以及扫扫等方面的管理能力。那些掌握了在欧售洲扫扫的批扫流程的零商因而有望扫得巨大利扫。至少~整而体来个国内言看起是扫扫的。扫一步的考察表明了扫最大的市扫中存在的重大差异构争异欧~特扫是每扫食品和扫料在扫客群、批扫扫以及扫力方面的差。在洲批扫市扫中~扫些大零售会很争商特有的能力可能淘汰一些比他扫扫模小但牌子却老的扫者~但在他扫扫清欧售清异洲批扫市扫的分割模式之扫~扫些大零商必扫楚扫些差。他扫扫需要掌握新的技扫~熟悉新的扫扫方式。 ,, 但是~扫些要求都不会售阻止大型零商扫;甚或一些大的食品生扫商和扫有的批扫G 商扫,扫行扫扫~因扫扫些掌握了欧洲扫扫批扫流程的商人扫扫持扫得巨大利扫。 ,, 管扫扫有所不同~法、尽国国国德、意大利、西班牙扫些家的批扫市扫都扫扫仔扫扫扫~店扫扫E 构来两个独售相同。需求主要源有,立的家庭式食品店~不同于大型零扫扫店的是~扫些食品百扫店扫模太小~人扫不在家吃扫扫不能扫一直从从扫些店里扫扫西。扫些食品服扫扫扫者只有小吃机到大型的餐扫企扫都有~但是多数属扫些企扫均于“~即咖啡体集扫扫、餐扫、扫扫一的休扫扫扫扫所。horeca” 扫的扫~来欧与售来数两洲食品扫料批扫市扫的增扫速度零市扫一扫扫慢~但是扫的看~扫些字掩盖了个相反的扫扫。 ,, 第一也是更扫重要的扫扫是越越个来多的扫客喜扫在外用餐,在外面扫行食品扫料的A 消扫从年消扫扫量的,增扫到年的,~到年有望增扫至,~而扫并非扫扫1995 322000 352005 38方面的增扫。扫一扫展扫食品服扫行扫的批扫需求每年增扫,至,~但随着扫扫衰退扫扫有扫大的扫扫~45 人扫扫始扫得焦扫。他扫往往扫扫会捂个袋~考扫在家吃扫是一扫扫的扫扫。 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 【答案精解】 ,【答案】 ,,41B 【解析】 考点是文章起始段。做扫扫“大排序”扫考扫的扫扫在于到找首句。扫不扫因扫首句代表着第一扫~而且相扫而言~首句又是相扫最容易找呢到的。扫什扫扫扫扫,首句自然出扫在文章的一扫始~无扫是背景介扫扫是“扫宗明扫”提出扫点或扫点~其扫上的“构独立性”特征比扫起其他各句都要明扫得多。因此~扫“找独即独立性”最强的句子是解扫的扫扫所在。按照扫一“立性”扫准~我扫就扫扫,,会,扫因扫有前面需要一个已知扫作扫比扫扫象~,,扫因扫有Amore important ——C 不知所指何物~,,扫因扫有肯定是扫前文的such variations ——such DAll in all ——All in all 扫扫~,,扫因扫有所指的Ethe countries that have been closely examined ——that have been 没有前文作扫扫或交代~最主要的是,,扫是作扫“已知扫”扫出的~,,扫closely examined EF因扫有必定是扫前文扫点或扫点提供的例扫~,,扫因扫有For example —— For example G 没来有前文~何扫折均不可能成扫“首句”。只有,,扫However ——BRetail sales of food and drink in Europe’s largest markets are at a standstill, leaving European grocery retailers hungry for 具有相扫明扫的“独立性”~具有成扫首句的“扫格”。故第扫的正答确opportunities to grow,41 案扫,,扫。B ,【答案】 ,,42F 【解析】 考点是上下文的扫接。第一段先是提出了一个欧洲食品市扫止步不前的扫扫~而且主要零售个商扫扫扫改扫扫扫局面的努力收效甚微。但作者扫扫一扫~指出他扫都忽略了一近在咫尺的商机所在,批扫食品扫易;,。扫意味着作者下面要扫扫的肯定the wholesale food and drink trade是扫什扫他扫扫批扫市扫扫易能扫成扫商机。依然是由于有比扫的扫象;没,的扫故~more important,,扫不能成扫正答案~,确,扫不扫指代不明;中的指的什扫,~而且ACsuch variations such 方向相反;,也不能成扫正答案。,确,扫和,,扫在扫扫上均无法前文扫接。与Definitely notDG 只有,,扫中所扫的例扫整上;扫和从体数利扫率等方面,扫明了批扫市扫作扫商机的依据。故第F 扫的正答案扫,确,扫。42 F ,【答案】 ,,43D 【解析】 考点是上下文的扫接。能扫前文所提出的扫点和依据相扫接的是一扫与哪呢,同扫是由于比扫扫象不明和指代不明的原因~,,扫和,,扫都不能成扫正确more important such AC 答案。,,扫里提到的 在前文中有提到~因此也不能成扫正答案。从没确Gthese requirements 只有,,扫中的和从构与扫和扫扫上都扫上文有明扫的承接扫系。故第扫的正答确DAll in all this 43 案扫,,扫。D ,【答案】 ,,44G 【解析】 考点是上下文的扫接。扫扫,, 后面指出批扫零生意之扫有与售很着大的差扫~因D 此意欲扫型的商家必扫新的学会来售从内技能和扫扫模式。扫等于扫原扫扫零的商家提出了要求。容 和扫上看~下面的容必扫扫此有所构内从承接~而扫扫上看~由于作者本身扫于商家“扫型”是持高度肯定扫度的~因此下文一定要有鼓励的扫扫出扫。,,扫的容正内既符合扫一扫准,提到了G ~又明确表示these requirementsnone of these requirements should deter large retailers from ~因扫扫熟此道的人定可以“坐收扫利”; ,。trying their handstand to reap considerable gains故第扫正答案扫,确,扫。44 G ,【答案】 ,,45A 【解析】 考点是上下文的扫接。由于,,扫扫“已知扫”~扫扫的扫度也就降低了。同扫~由于E 第扫是扫接,,扫的~所以扫,懂,扫~特扫是,,扫扫尾部分的容~是第内扫扫扫正答案确5 EEE5 的必要前提。,,扫的最后一句是“欧数两洲的食品批扫市扫也呈扫扫~但累扫的据却扫扫出扫截然E 相反的扫扫”;~OverallEurope’s wholesale market for food and drink is growing at the same sluggish pace as the retail market, but the figures, when added together, mask two opposing 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, ,~下文自然要扫扫扫“扫扫扫“做文章。在两剩下的,,扫和,,扫中~,,扫的trends.ACCsuch 依然是无所指~而,,扫的扫正好与前文相符。故第variations AThe first and more important 扫正答案扫,确,扫。45 A Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into ,;,Chinese. Your translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 210 points 【全文精扫】 一完全个数没建立在扫扫利益扫扫基扫上的生物保扫系扫~其基本缺点是扫地物扫中的多成扫都有扫扫价扫。但是扫些物扫是生物群落的成扫~如果扫生个它物群落的扫定性依扫于自身的完整性的扫~扫些物扫就有扫格存活下去。 当没个个会扫些有扫扫效益的物扫中的某一的生存受到威扫扫~而我扫又恰巧喜扫扫物扫~我扫就找它借口扫予某扫扫扫价扫。在本世扫初~人扫扫扫燕雀就要消失了。;,科学赶家扫扫拿出某些明扫46 站不住脚的扫据来儿虫数虫会挽救局面~大致扫的是如果扫不能控制昆量的扫~昆就把我扫的一切吃光。扫了扫扫据有效~扫扫据必然要同扫扫有扫。个 扫在~看到扫些扫于物扫的各扫扫扫据就扫人感到数没痛苦。如今扫于扫地物扫的生存扫理已扫有了。;,但是我扫至少已扫几儿乎承扫了扫扫一扫扫点,那就是作扫一扫生物物扫~生存是扫固有的扫利~47 不管其存在是否扫我扫有扫扫价扫。 一扫个状况似的出扫在食肉扫物和食扫扫扫身上。;,曾几学儿何扫~生物家有点扫度使用了48 扫扫扫据,扫些生物是扫了扫持食物扫的正常扫运没去捕食弱小的生物~或者扫扫些生物只捕食“有价扫的”物扫。同扫~扫些扫据必扫扫扫相扫以扫得扫有依据。与确几听直到最近年~我扫才到更加扫扫的扫扫,食肉扫物也是扫群落的一扫~不管扫扫个真虚利益是扫的~扫是幻的~任何人都不能因扫自己有利可扫~就消扫扫。它 一些扫扫被一些有扫扫扫扫的扫林人排除在外~原因是扫些扫扫生扫得太扫扫慢或者价扫太低~不扫得作扫木材出。;售,在生扫林扫扫扫扫的达欧没洲~有成扫商扫化扫象的扫扫被扫扫原始森林群落的一49 部分~被适当宝它地加以保扫。此外~人扫扫扫有些扫扫能增强土壤肥沃力~扫扫能力十分扫。扫林和所成的扫扫、地构当表植物群和扫物群的相互依扫性被扫扫是理所然的。 扫扫就是,一只基于扫扫个利益的保扫系扫失衡得扫人感到毫无希望。;,扫系扫容个并易忽扫50 因此而最扫消扫扫地上很个运多不具扫商扫价扫的物扫~然而扫些物扫扫于整生物群落的健康行是至扫重要的。扫扫生扫系扫的扫扫部分~在有它没况运非扫扫部分的情下~依然可以正常行。 【答案精解】 ,46Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them. 【扫准扫文】 科学赶来儿家扫扫拿出某些明扫站不住脚的扫据挽救局面~大致扫的是如果扫不能控制昆虫数虫会量的扫~昆就把我扫的一切吃光。 【本扫考点】 扫扫的扫扫、句子成分的扫扫、扫性扫扫、增扫法。 【扫扫点】 扫句扫主扫翻从合句~主句主干是。介扫短扫Scientists jumpedwith some distinctly 是方式扫状~是的后置定扫~shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up evidence if 引扫件扫扫句。条状从在扫扫扫扫翻将扫扫化~扫成“扫扫赶来赶来救~扫扫救扫”~jumped to the rescue rescue 在句中本是扫~扫了扫文来状流扫~扫里直接扫成扫扫扫系“拿出with some distinctly shaky evidence 某些明扫站不住脚的扫据”。短扫属固定搭配~不能按照的原意扫行扫。翻to the effect that effect 在扫翻扫用增扫法~文意可知~此扫是指从虫数控制昆的量。control them 扫扫上扫得注意的是,扫个达即赶表非常形象化~意扫“立~快”~例如,jump to ~不要急于下扫扫如果直接扫成“翻来与跳起”~扫然前文无扫接扫系~Dont,jump to conclusions.; 因此引申扫“扫”~赶将学匆儿很科家扫提出扫据的忙扫表扫得生扫。本意扫“扫晃的~扫扫的”~shaky 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 扫里后面修扫的是~扫然是指扫据不可~“靠即翻站不住脚”。在扫扫要evidenceto the effect that 考扫后面容前文的扫扫扫接扫系扫行扫~不能内与翻会按照扫扫表面意思直接扫出~那扫造成扫文生硬 不通扫。意扫“不扫固的~不确定的”~例如,shaky Their marriage got off to rather a shaky start.他扫的婚姻一扫始就有些不扫固。意扫“大意是~含扫是”~例如, to the effect that The letter 信的大意是不再需要了。她said something to the effect that she Was no longer needed. ,47but we have at least drawn nearer the point of admitting that birds should —— continue ~as a matter of intrinsic rightregardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us. 【扫准扫文】 但是我扫至少已扫几儿乎承扫了扫扫一扫扫点,那就是作扫一扫物扫~生存是扫固有的扫 利~不管其存在是否扫我扫具有扫扫价扫。 【本扫考点】 省略法、增扫法、扫序扫整。 【扫扫点】 本句扫主扫翻从合句~主句主干扫。 we have drawn nearer the pointbirds should 是的扫扫句从~continue as a matter of intrinsic right admit regardless of the presence or absence 是扫步状扫。句中的不能直扫~只of economic advantage to us draw nearer the point of admitting 能按照意思扫成“几个几个乎承扫了一扫点~乎扫可了一扫点”~扫扫句意比扫通扫。原as a matter of 意扫“按照”~因此的字面含扫就是“按照固有的扫利扫扫continue as a matter of intrinsic right 下去”~扫里可扫化扫“扫的生存是扫儿它固有的扫利”。 扫扫上扫得注意的是,意扫“固有的~在的”~例如,内intrinsic The intrinsic value of a 一枚扫扫的在内属价扫是造扫枚扫扫的金的价扫。coin is the value of the metal it is made of. regardless 意扫“不管~不扫”~例如,~我扫所of All our proposals were rejectedregardless of their merits.有的建扫都遭到拒扫~不管扫些建扫的价扫如何。 意扫“扫近~近”~例如,靠draw near 圣来扫扫越越近了。的意思扫“扫扫~有利条件~利益”~句Christmas is drawing near.advantage 中前面的修扫扫是~根据句意扫扫“扫扫利益”~例如,economicBurns used his family 彭斯利用家庭扫系扫得利益。connections to good advantage. ,48Time was when biologists some what overworked the evidence that these creatures ~preserve the health of game by killing the physically weakor that they prey only on“worthless” species. 【扫准扫文】 曾几学儿何扫~生物家有点扫度使用了扫扫扫据,扫些生物是扫了扫持食物扫的正常 运没扫去捕食弱小的生物~或者扫扫些生物只捕食“有价扫的”物扫。 【本扫考点】 扫扫的扫扫、增扫法、句子成分的扫扫。 【扫扫点】 扫句是主扫翻从构合句~主句主干扫是。biologists overworked the evidencethat 和是these creatures preserve the health of game that they prey only on “worthless” species 的同位扫句从~介扫短扫是方式扫。状是固evidence by killing the physically weak time was when 定搭配~意扫“曾扫有一扫个几候~曾何扫”。句中的意扫“扫持食物扫preserve the health of game 的正常行”。运是指格体弱小者~而指有没价扫的物扫。the physically weak worthless species 扫扫上扫得注意的是,在扫里作副扫~意扫“多少~分”~例如,几somewhat The price was  扫价格比我扫料的稍高一些。在本句中的含扫是“扫somewhat higher than Id expected.game 物”~字面意思是“扫物的健康”~根据句意可以理解扫“食物扫的正常运the health of game 行”。意扫“保持”~例如,我扫扫保持自己的独立preserveI tried to preserve my independence. 性。意扫“扫度工作~扫度操扫”~例如, overwork Selfmake men are very apt to usurp the 全一凭己之力~而成功的人~大有扫扫上prerogative of the almighty and overwork themselves. 帝的大扫之扫而扫度工作。 ,~~49In Europewhere forestry is ecologically more advancedthe noncommercial tree ~species are recognized as members of the native forest communityto be preserved as such, within reason. 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 【扫准扫文】 在生扫林扫扫扫扫的达欧没洲~有成扫商扫化扫象的扫扫被扫扫原始森林群落的一部分~ 被适当地加以保扫。 【本扫考点】 扫扫的扫扫、省略法、定扫句的扫。从翻 【扫扫点】 扫句是主扫翻从构合句~主句主干扫是the noncommercial tree species are 。不定式短扫是recognized as members of the native forest communityto be preserved 的后置定扫。是修扫noncommercial tree specieswhere forestry is ecologically more advanced 的定扫句~不需要从按照句子扫出~直接扫化扫“生扫林扫扫扫先扫的”。本句中的是指Europe such 前面提到的~在扫扫~只扫一翻即遍可。recognized as members of the native forest community 扫扫上扫得注意的是,是固定搭配~意扫“照扫扫~就扫点而扫”~例如 as such :I cant call  我不敢扫我的扫是扫扫扫~但可以扫很受扫迎。my book a best seller as such but its very popular. 也是固定搭配~意扫“适当地”~例如,within reason I want you to have a good time ~愿今你个扫玩痛快~但不要扫分。意扫“森林~林扫”~例如,tonightwithin reason.forestry 如今未扫勘扫的森林是少之又少了。Very little forestry is left unexplored nowadays. forest 意扫“森林群落”~而即是“原始森林群落”之意。community native forest community ,~~50It tends to ignoreand thus eventually to eliminatemany elements in the land ~community that lack commercial valuebut that are essential to its healthy functioning. 【扫准扫文】 扫系扫容个并很易忽扫因此而最扫消扫扫地上多不具扫商扫价扫的物扫~然而扫些物扫扫 于整生个运物群落的健康行是至扫重要的。 【本扫考点】 扫扫的扫扫、定扫句的扫、从翻翻代扫的扫。 【扫扫点】 扫句是主扫翻从构合句~主句主干扫是It tends to ignore and to eliminate many 。和是列的并修扫elementsthat lack commercial value that are essential to its healthy functioning 的定扫句。从是指前一句中提到的~扫了扫文意思更加明确~elements It a system of conservation 扫把其所代的成分扫出~“扫系扫”。而句中的即个是指前面提到的~由上下文可its elements 以判断两个并从翻断~扫里是指“物扫”。由于列的定扫句比扫扫~扫扫不能直接扫成定扫~需做句扫 理。 扫扫上扫得注意的是,意扫“机能~功能”~例如,functioning His brain seems to be 他的大扫看来跟功能正常。前面的在一起可扫成“翻运健康行~functioning normally. healthy 健康运扫”。原意扫“成分~要素”~但前文扫扫的是不同物扫的扫扫~因此扫里的element element 特指“物扫”。意扫“消扫”~例如,扫我扫消eliminate Let us eliminate all uncertainty on thought.除思想上的一切疑扫。 Section Writing? 扫用文,,Part A 【命扫扫格】 年扫用文的扫目要求,以究生的名扫一研会写份告示;,~扫全球化的扫扫扫国研2010 notice 会个你写招募志愿者~扫告示必扫包括申扫者的基本扫格及扫扫相扫的其他信息。个字左右~100 不要在通知末尾写你自己的名字~用“代替。但是~同前年不几Postgraduates‘ Association” 同的命扫扫格是~本次作文有列出扫扫包括的具容~而只提及了没体内确泛指信息~扫考生自己 定志愿者的具件和其他方面的扫扫要体条独求。扫扫扫格扫扫上提高了扫目的扫度~扫考生立思考、扫扫 等方面的能力是一扫新的要求和挑扫。 【扫扫思】构 扫扫思扫扫上要有方面的考扫,容和形式。容构两个内内哪呢没都扫扫包括些,由于有列出具 体内确国会内容~我扫先要定扫“扫扫志愿者”的要求~扫些要求就是作文的扫容。扫些要求扫扫包括 “固定的”和“可扫扫的”部分。扫什扫扫扫两划呢定,因扫里面已扫扫此扫了明的提确示,Directions 扫是一扫于“全个国研会球化”的“扫扫扫扫”~因此志愿者必扫具有全球化方面的一般知扫基扫~同 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 扫英扫水平要扫扫。扫是“两条既内固定的”~是扫志愿者最基本的要求~也是作文不可缺少的容。 除此之外~扫必扫有一系列其他的要求。因扫既然提出了Directions the other information which 的要求~扫自然也就成了作文的扫成部分。;同扫~扫扫可以保扫作文容有内you think is relevant 得。容写内写没写没体属多不完不是大扫扫~扫要比得好多了。,由于有提出具要求~所以于 “可扫扫的”容。内哪呢懂那扫“其他的相扫信息”都包括些,扫就需要我扫有相扫的扫扫或得一般 性常扫。作扫扫扫的国会确懂礼志愿者~相扫的要求扫不少~如,要有一定的交扫能力~要得起扫的扫 扫或礼会区个况貌~要了解扫及周扫地乃至整城市的情~扫止要端庄~要有扫任感~扫人服扫要有 耐心~性格要扫朗~扫要有一定的幽默感~有此扫或扫似的扫扫者扫~等等。所有扫些可能是扫从既 于志愿者的要求~同扫又是作文容的扫扫内内范扫。如果能想到扫些~作文的容肯定是充扫的。注 意扫扫的策略是,上述容除“内写内写固定”部分外无扫全部上~可扫自己最熟悉的容。 那扫~形式方面的要求又有些哪呢份写,首先~扫是一布告~因此要按照布告的格式去。 由于扫去几年扫用文大都是扫信;,~因此要特扫注意不要成扫扫扫写两西中的一扫。如~不需letter 要“扫”。;上抬写等都不扫多余~而且扫扫。,其Dear Sir or Madam, To whom it may concern 次~布告的“信件容”是不能少的。如~扫名和扫系的方式。扫也存在一“周到”和“内个适 当与个网”否的扫扫。我扫生活在一扫子和扫的扫代~扫名方式自然要便利。要提到面扫的扫扫和方式 等等;也可用“待扫一步通知”扫解,。最后~布告扫正式文~其扫体言比一般扫信;非公函, 都略扫正式~尤其是扫布告的是“究生”扫扫一扫“扫扫”。根据以上考扫~研会写我扫就可以出自 己的容正、形式扫重的内确告示了。 【扫准范文】 【】Sample 1 【得分】 分9 Notice Volunteers are needed for the International Conference on Globalization to be held on this Campus in early July. Basic requirements are familiarity with the theme of the conference and proficiency of English. Other requirements include interpersonal communication ~abilityfamiliarity with our city in terms of its tourist attractions and its history, proper ~mannersand sense of responsibility. Priority and preference will be given to those ~experiencedeither in international conferences or in other similar activities. Call 86754321 or send messages to postgr _ass @sohoo.ccc.edu.cn for application and for information on the interview. Enquiries are encouraged but visits declined. Postgraduates’ Association 【】Sample 2 【得分】 分8 Notice Volunteers for the International Conference of Global Integration are wanted. Anyone who is in good command of English and experienced in crosscultural communication are expected to, take part in this activity. The major task for this position are as follows: to begin with, to  propaganda the theme of globalization to people all over the world; in addition, to provide EC interpretation service to those representatives of the international conference, aiming at facilitating the process of the meeting; at last, you should be strictly available according to the time schedule of the conference. Those who are interested in this post are cordially welcome! Postgraduates Association, 【】Sample 3 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 【得分】 分7 Notice Twenty volunteers for the International Conference of Global Integration are wanted among the students in our school. The positions recruited include receptionist, conference guider, transportation guider and English interpreter. The volunteers are requested to speak fluent English and are expected to be active, openminded and conscientious. The Conference falls on, September 23 at China Institute of International Studies, and all the volunteers will be trained for 5 days before the conference and provided with free transportation and meal. For those who are interested in taking part in the activity, please send your resume to the email address: ,postgraduates@zju.cn before September 1 Postgraduates Association, 扫扫文,,Part B 【命扫扫格】 年依是看扫作文。旧国研学按照《全扫士究生入扫一考扫英扫;一,考扫大扫》的要求~扫2010 部分主要考扫考生扫扫某一扫扫系扫、全面、扫扫深入地表达从横况思想的能力。“向”和一般情上看~判断内确构一篇作文的扫量要考扫的依据有,容是否正~中心是否突出~扫是否合理~表述手法是否多扫~知扫、扫扫、扫法、、扫点等的扫扫有拼写多少等~扫于一篇高分作文扫要考扫扫言表述的扫切程度~扫于修辞况研画和文化典故的使用情等。就看扫作文而言~“扫向”扫包括扫扫扫、理解扫扫、展扫扫想、理思清确达体写路、准表扫扫一些基本扫扫或步扫。最后扫在作文上的扫是指令扫所要求的“描扫~画个揭示含扫~扫表扫扫”扫扫三扫成部分。 扫得我扫重扫的是,年以前的作文扫~大画体画都是物、扫物、植物和扫境的扫合面而不2003 是人物~比扫社上正面或扫面的人文扫象。会年扫始重扫扫一“命扫扫格”~扫是我扫必扫扫注的扫扫2010 文命扫扫向。扫里我扫所看到的面上是一只画写火扫~火扫里面有扫多食料~食料上着中西方文化的一些重要名。扫就是称研画通扫“扫扫扫”我扫所能扫得的信息。 【扫扫思】构 在“理解扫扫”扫~扫的名或下面扫注的文画称它字具有非常重要的作用~因扫是命扫者扫于思路方向的提示。文化“火扫”~美既内味又扫扫~扫表明我扫的作文容扫扫扫扫民族文化建扫中的中西文化交融扫一主扫展扫。;面上的容器是画体火扫~我扫可以理解扫扫扫“文化交融”的主和受益者是我扫自己的民族文化。假如面上出扫的容器是一扫比扫扫~画体那扫扫扫“文化交融”的主和受益者是扫恐怕另当既既就扫扫了。,同扫我扫扫扫注意到~然是“美味又扫扫”~我扫扫于“文化火扫”扫一主扫的扫度自然是正面和扫的。极确写定主扫和方向~扫是好任何一篇作文的必要前提~因扫只有扫扫才能保扫不“扫”。中跑极画达西文化交融的正面和扫意扫~就是扫幅扫想要表的意扫;the ,。我扫立即将个要扫表的扫扫也要朝着扫方向展扫,我扫正生活在扫扫全球化的扫代intended meaning 任何一家要想个国教国个求得生存和扫展~就必扫汲取和借扫其他民族文化的扫扫和扫~中扫去半多世扫的扫史成扫扫一命扫十分扫活和令人信服的扫据。扫是扫扫部分必扫要出扫的容。 但扫扫“内交融”是一扫手段~其目的是扫民族文化建扫提供所需的扫扫~“交融”扫扫有目的性、扫性和扫扫性划~作扫“交融”的主~体内清我扫扫扫具有高的立足点、扫扫的心胸和扫野。扫些是扫扫部分可扫扫的容。在理相扫的思路后~我扫下一步要做的就是充分扫扫自己的英扫扫言水平~准确地表述自己的思想了。 【扫准范文】 【】Sample 1 【得分】 分19 Cultural Pot: Delicious and Healthy The cartoon above symbolically illustrates that a hotpot is filled with things regarding culture. As is shown in the picture, cultural essence such as Peking Opera, postmodernism and, 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, the famous inventor in ancient China——Bi Sheng is in the hotpot. We can also see great British drama master, talented Germany scientists and famous Chinese writer in the hotpot. Undoubtedly, this metaphorical and impressive portrayal has subtly conveyed a contemporary social issue in China of common interest and permanent value. The hotpot is naturally associated with our current society. Things in the hotpot serve as cultural products in human civilization. Our current society has absorbed cultural essence from all over the world. And every member of the society benefits from it. As a matter of fact, it has been universally acknowledged that cultural exchanges are increasing since the globalization becomes irresistible. Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take effective measures. First and foremost, our authorities should legislate to protect cultural communication. In addition, we should enhance the awareness of people that cultural exchanges are extremely vital to us, for, as the picture informs us, it is not only tasty but also healthy. Only by doing so, can we make our world dimentional and ;,make our society more harmonious to live in. 211 words 【扫扫】 扫文很内既清画内好地完成了扫扫扫定的任扫~容完整~楚描述了扫容~又指出了其扫 含的意思。扫言流扫~措准辞确构内~句型扫有扫化~有效地使用了扫接手段~容扫扫~扫次分明。 文章易于理解~扫有扫扫个数言扫扫~字符合要求。 【】Sample 2 【得分】 分18 ~A Hot Pot of CulturesBoth Delicious and Nutritious In the picture above is a large hot pot. But different from the traditional Chinese hot pot, in ~~which you see beef or lambluncheon meat, mushroomsand a variety of vegetables, in this hot ,pot are various “cultural food stuffs” of both Chinese and foreign origins ~~~~ConfuciusAristotleand ShakespeareTaoismGreek mythology, and the like. ~What lies behind the pictureor “buried” in the hot pot, is clear; for the construction of the ~Chinese culture now and the future materials of both Chinese and foreign features are indispensable. We are living in an age when economic globalization is not only heard over the media but also seen and felt in the reality of our daily life. No nation or country can maintain its wellbeing, by living on and by itself. The history of China in the last half of the 20th century has provided a ~~whale pack of vivid and convincing experiencesboth of successes and failuresin that ~consideration. Only from the various and varied sources of the other nationstogether that of with ~our owncan we obtain sufficient nutriments for a Chinese culture worth her pride and her ;,leadership in the present and the future world. 213 words 【】Sample 3 【得分】 分17 The enlightening picture portrays that a hot pot, with numerous ingredients in it, includes such domestic and alien cultures as literature, moral values and performing arts. It seems that the hot pot tastes very delicious because of the rich nutrition of the multicultures., Obviously, the picture characterizes the status quo of Chinese society in which Chinese and Western culture conflict with each other but also merge into a unique form to a certain degree. Since China has opened its door widely to the outside world, many people from different countries have been deeply fascinated by Chinese culture. They will accept and love the Chinese culture as a 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, whole. In addition, Chinese culture should be well shared with foreign people, who have shown their enthusiasm towards China. Meanwhile, the Chinese people are also exposed to foreign cultures when more foreign people come to this oriental country. In this way people from various nations in the world will be able to acquire better understanding of each other and live peacefully in this world. In my opinion, the culture of any nation is a kind of precious heritage, and belongs to the whole mankind. With economic globalization, the blending of different cultures has become inevitable trend of the time. No country is an isolated island, be it China or the western world. The clearer we grasp the current situation, the more it would be beneficial to the global villagers. ;,236 words 【】Sample 4 【得分】 分16 As is vividly depicted in the drawing, in the middle of the cartoon stands a hot pot, containing many Chinese cultural symbols, such as Beijing operas, Daoism, and some foreign cultural symbols, etc. How impressive the drawing is in describing the common phenomenon that Chinese culture is becoming increasingly integrated into the world. The drawer’s intention seems to be highly selfevident and the meaning causes us to be thoughtprovoking.,, It holds to be apparent that the cartoon is indicative of a pervasive phenomenon with regard to culture. When it comes to culture, its great impacts and benefits can’t be too estimated. As China opens to the outside world, our traditional culture is embracing the foreign culture, thus making our Chinese culture more diversified, colorful and internationalized just like a melting pot. What the picture conveys goes far beyond this. The fact that people from different countries are attracted to each other, indicating that to some extent different cultures can be accepted, respected, appreciated and shared internationally. In other words, Chinese unique culture can become international through worldwide economic and cultural exchanges. Since the trend of globalization become irresistible, cultural integration can effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship among different countries. In my personal sense, Chinese national culture as priceless spiritual treasure should be preserved and cherished. Meanwhile, there are good reasons to embrace foreign cultures on the ground that those ideas from the other cultures can provide a different perspective for us to observe the world in the long run. However, confronted with a different culture, we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and to resist its dark side. Only in this way can we promote cultural integration and development positively, thus making our motherland dimensional, colorful ;,and vigorous. 303 words 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan,下面是泰戈扫 励志 扫典扫扫~扫迎扫扫。不需 要的朋友可以扫扫扫除,,  1. 上帝扫人扫道,“我医你你治~所以要扫害;我扫~所以要扫扫。”你你   2. 如果扫扫太阳你扫泪你流了~那扫扫也要扫扫群星了。   3. 天空中有没翅膀的痕迹~但我已扫扫。   4. 当你真把所有的扫扫都扫在扫外~理也就被拒扫了。   5. 扫扫扫不起失扫~但是理真怕却不失扫。   6. 离遥我扫最近的地方~路程却最扫。我扫最扫卑扫~才最接近扫大。  7. 扫就是充扫了的生命~正如盛扫了酒的酒杯。   8. 月儿她她她把的光明遍照在天上~却留着的黑斑扫自己。  9. 生命因扫付出了扫~而更扫富足。   10. 果扫的事扫是尊重的~花的事扫是美的~但是扫甜叶叶我做的事扫扫~是扫扫地扫心地垂着 扫扫的。   11. 上帝扫人扫道,“我医你你治~所以要扫害;我扫~所以要扫扫。”你你  12. 如果扫扫太阳你扫泪你流了~那扫扫也要扫扫群星了。   13. 天空中有没翅膀的痕迹~但我已扫扫。   14. 当你真把所有的扫扫都扫在扫外~理也就被拒扫了。  15. 扫扫扫不起失扫~但是理真怕却不失扫。   16. 离遥我扫最近的地方~路程却最扫。我扫最扫卑扫~才最接近扫大。  17. 扫就是充扫了的生命~正如盛扫了酒的酒杯。 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan,  18. 月儿她她她把的光明遍照在天上~却留着的黑斑扫自己。  19. 生命因扫付出了扫~而更扫富足。   20. 果扫的事扫是尊重的~花的事扫是美的~但是扫甜叶叶我做的事扫扫~是扫扫地扫心地垂着扫扫的。   21. 失扫可以扫致扫利~死亡可以扫致永生。   22. 任何事物都无法抗拒扫食一切的扫扫。   23. 虚真怕扫的扫~比魔鬼更可。   24. 母扫不扫扫于家属属没庭~而且扫于世界。我扫扫做母扫的痛苦~但却有做母扫的自由。  25. 扫翼系上黄金~扫扫便永扫不能在天上扫翔   26. 真个它理是扫酷的~我喜扫扫扫酷~永不欺扫。   27. 果扫的事扫是尊扫的~花的事扫是美的甜;但是扫我做的叶吧叶事扫~是扫扫地、扫心地垂着扫 扫的。   28. 夜把花悄悄地扫放了~却扫白日去扫受扫扫。   29. 有扫候~不相扫的人的也可能一扫面就扫成了知心的两个从确很朋友。  30. 青啊你狭春~扫道始扫囚禁在小圈子里?你撕网得破老年的扫惑人心的。  31. 全是理智的心~恰如一柄全是扫刃的刀。叫使用的人它它手上流血。  32. 要使生如夏花之扫扫~死如秋叶静之美。   33. 扫力把受害者的百般苦扫看作忘恩扫扫   34. 真从沟理之川他的扫扫的渠中流扫。   35. 虚真怕扫的扫~比魔更可。   36. 休息与与工作的扫系~正如眼扫眼睛的扫系。   37. 抽象概念作扫一扫扫解倒是不扫的~但扫用到人扫身上~就不那扫行得通了  38. 你从来你来个可以外表的美扫扫一扫花或一只蝴蝶~但不能扫扫扫扫一人。考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan,   39. 世界上的一切扫大扫运与都某扫扫大理想有扫。   40. 我扫把世界看扫了~反扫它欺扫我扫   41. 我扫扫的光~同扫扫光扫扫扫的自你阳你由。   42. 扫境也好~逆境也好~人生就是一扫扫扫扫困扫无无尽争众——休的斗~一扫以寡扫的扫斗。 扫扫德拉扫特?泰戈扫   43. 真她很理穿了衣裳扫得事扫太拘束了~在想象中~却扫扫得舒扫。   44. 如果把所有的扫扫都扫在扫外的扫~理也要被扫在扫外了。真   45. 扫操是从丰来富的扫情中生出的扫扫。   46. 有些事情是不能等待的。假如必扫扫你你斗或者在市扫上取得最有利的地位~就不能不扫、冲跑奔和大步行扫。   47. 在哪找哪里到了朋友~我就在里重生。   48. 扫是亘古扫明的塔~灯它定晴望着扫暴却兀不扫扫~扫就是充扫了的生命~正如盛扫了酒的酒杯。   49. 那些扫扫循扫蹈矩扫活的人~不是在使社扫并会会步~只是在使社扫持下去  50. 医确它争治罪扫的正方法是和扫行斗   51. 在任何情之下~况会来天神都不用扫扫束扫他所扫造的人的;他使他扫的生活扫常扫生扫化~从启而得到扫。   52. 只有人扫精神能扫蔑扫一切限制~相信的最后成它将它灯功~的探照照向黑暗的扫方。  53. 不要自从你掏你己的袋里出扫扫借扫的朋友~扫是扫辱他的。   54. 埋在地下的扫子扫生果扫~却并不要求什扫扫酬。   55. 情扫扫扫人和我扫周扫的世界的了   56. 在老年扫~有扫会多扫暇的扫扫~去扫算那扫去的日子~把我扫手里永久扫失了的扫西~在心里扫扫着。   57. 真它来它真真它个理只有用受到的阻力和反扫扫扫是是假……理必扫通扫在各扫扫代受到的反扫和打扫被人重新扫扫。 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan,   58. 生命是永恒不的扫断它内它断造~因扫在部扫含着扫剩的精力~不流溢~越出扫扫和空扫的界限~不它来停地追求~以形形色色的自我表扫的形式表扫出。   59. 我愿宁内要那扫扫然看不扫但表扫出在品扫的美。   60. 静运止便是死亡~只有扫才能敲扫永生的大扫。   61. 我希望照自你歧己的意思去理解自己~不要小看自己~被扫人的意扫引入途。  62. 如果扫扫了太阳你扫泪你流了~那扫扫也要扫扫群星了。   63. 要是童年的日子能重新回来来~那我一定不再浪扫光扫~我要把每分每秒都用扫扫!  64. 月儿她她它把的光明遍照在天上~却留着的黑斑扫自己。   65. 人所追求的~不扫是看到“新事物”以无比扫的壮摧旧姿扫出扫在那毁“事物”的火焰扫上扫了。   66. 我扫的生命是天扫的~我扫惟有出生命~献才能得到生命。   67. 如果扫一你真将将你切扫扫扫上了扫~那扫理也扫在扫外   68. 我扫如海扫与涛涛波相遇似地~遇扫了~走近了。海扫扫去~波扫扫地流扫~我扫也分扫了。  69. 完全按照扫扫方式扫行思扫~就好像是一把两没会面都昌利刃而有把柄的扫刀~割扫使用者的手。   70. 祖国来国的扫大和力量原就蓄存在祖的自己身上   71. 宗派主扫~使人完全忘扫了人就是人扫扫扫明个真白的理   72. 那些扫扫循扫蹈矩的扫活的人~不是在使社扫并会会步~只是在使社得以扫持下去  73. 多和朋扫交游无疑是医治心病的良方。   74. 不要自从你掏你己的袋里出扫章借扫的朋友~扫是侮辱他的。   75. 永恒的身是生命的理。的完美就是献真它我扫生命的完美。   76. 世界上使社扫得扫大的人~正是会气决那些有勇在生活中扫扫和解人生新扫扫的人!  77. 有生命力的理想不能象扫决确它表一扫~精扫算的每一秒扫。 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan,   78. 扫扫生些情会与与清与与儿愿不情愿、知道不知道、醒迷扫的那扫痛苦幸福的事。但如果心里存在虔扫情感~那扫在痛苦中也得到会宁争吵妒叨叨安。否扫~便只能在扫怒、嫉仇恨、扫扫中扫活了。   79. 生活本身就是五花八扫的矛盾集合——有自然的也有人扫的~有想象的也有扫扫的。  80. 超越国国国来界~比家更扫大的扫西~只能通扫家扫示自己   81. 思想以自己的言扫扫自喂它来己~而成扫起扫。   82. 真从它沟理之川~的扫扫之渠中流扫。   83. 附和理~生命真会便得到永生。   84. 蜜蜂花从啜离夸中蜜扫扫扫扫地道扫~浮的蝴蝶却是相信花是扫扫向他道扫的。  85. 有勇气决会在自己生活中扫扫解人生新扫扫的人~正是那些使社臻于扫大的人!那些扫扫循扫蹈矩扫活的人~不是在使社扫并会会步~只是在使社得以扫持下去。   86. 人生扫只有十几它决梦春秋~但不是一般的幻扫~而是有着无扫可歌可扫的深扫意扫的;附和理~生命真会便得到永生。   87. 你她你阳她并她若扫~扫的扫像光一扫包扫~且扫自由。   88. 虚凭它真扫永扫不能借生扫在扫利中而扫成扫。   89. 扫射理想之光~心之吧灵星!把光流注入~未来的暮扫之中。   90. 妥扫扫任何友扫都不是扫固的基扫。   91. 如果因你阳泪你将失去了太而流~那末也失去群星了。   92. 要是扫情不允扫彼此之扫有所差异~那扫扫什扫世界上到扫都有差异呢?  93. 虚凭它真扫永扫不能借生扫在扫力中而扫成扫。   94. 我扫必扫奉献于生命~才能扫得生命。   95. 当内它内形式是容的本身~和容是   96. 全是理智的人~恰如一把全是扫刃的刀~叫使用的人它手上流血   97. 造物主把像你来你担你决扫扫的人派遣到人世扫~是要扫一定的扫任的~所以不扫扫扫扫自己的身。体 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan,  98. 人扫的扫史是很忍耐地等待着被侮辱者的扫利。 (印度)《扫扫集》  99. 学与扫必扫扫干相扫合。   104. 蜜蜂花从啜离夸中蜜~扫扫扫扫的道扫。浮的蝴蝶却相信花是扫扫向他道扫的。  105. 刀鞘它它保扫刀的扫利~自己扫扫足于的扫扫。   106. 知扫是珍扫宝宝来石的扫晶~文化是石放出的光扫。   107. 当我扫是大扫扫卑的扫候~便是我扫最近于扫大的扫候。   108. 如果扫扫了太阳你扫泪你流了~那扫扫也要扫扫群星了。   109. 扫是理解的扫名。   110. 眼睛不能看到~因扫是你你眼睛中的瞳仁;心不能了解~因扫是心灵你你内深扫的秘密。   111. 世界上最扫的遥离与你你——你距不是生死~而是我站在面前~却不知道我扫。  112. 生如当当叶静夏花之扫扫~死如秋之美。   113. 你个微微地笑着~不同我扫什扫扫。而我扫得~扫了扫~我已等待得久了。  114. 使生如夏花之扫扫~死如秋叶静之美。   115. 扫死者有那不朽的名~但扫生者有那不朽的扫。   116. 我扫把世界看扫了~反扫世界欺扫我扫。   117. 你你你看不扫自己~能看扫的只是自己的影子   118. 生如当当叶静夏花之扫扫~死如秋之美。   119. 扫射理想之光吧/心之灵星!把光流注入/未来的暮扫之中。  120. 我扫只有出生命~献才能得到生命。   121. 扫情是理解和扫的扫名。体   122. 相信扫情~使扫扫扫扫即它你来悲哀也要相信扫情。   123. 女人~罪扫把你剥咒你你得赤裸~扫把洗扫~升扫成完善的生命。考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan,   124. 在消除扫困的扫候~我扫扫有自会笔会己的扫富~而扫有扫扫富~我扫却失去多少善心~多少美和多少力量啊!   125. 静运止便是死亡~只有扫才能敲扫永生的大扫。   126. 老是考扫扫怎没去做好事的人~就有扫扫去做好事。   127. 那些扫扭灵僵着家庭的人~命定要永扫扫扫在无魂世界的硬的生活中。  128. 我希望照自你歧己的意思去理解自己~不要小看自己~被扫人的意扫引入途  129. 真从沟理之川他的扫扫的渠中流扫。   148. 当青内个个春的光彩扫扫消逝~永不衰老的在性却在一人的扫上和眼睛上更加明扫地表露出~来好像是在同一地方久住了的扫果。   149. 人的青会春扫期一扫~就出扫名象秋天一扫的扫美成熟扫期~扫扫~生命的果扫象熟稻子似的在美扫的平的中等静气氛待收扫。   150. 知扫是珍扫宝宝石的扫晶~文化是石放出的光扫   151. 在你青你春的无扫无扫的生涯里~屋子里所有的扫扫始扫洞扫着。   152. 一人的个青会春扫期一扫~就出扫像秋天一扫的扫美的成熟扫期~扫扫~生命的果扫像熟稻子似的在美扫的平的中等静气氛待收扫。   153. 果扫的事扫是尊扫的~花的事扫是美的~但是扫甜叶叶我扫做的事扫扫~是扫扫地扫心地垂着扫扫的   154. 天空扫不曾留下痕迹~但我已扫扫   155. 当你阳泪你将扫扫太而流~也扫扫群星了   156. 世界上的一切扫大扫运与都某扫扫大理想有扫。   157. 有生命力的理想不能象扫决确它表一扫~精扫算的每一秒扫。   158. 生命是永恒不的扫断它内它断造~因扫在部扫含着扫剩的精力~不流溢~越出扫扫和空扫的界限~不它来停地追求~以形形色色的自我表扫的形式表扫出。   159. 界上使社扫得扫大的人~正是会气决那些有勇在生活中扫扫和解人生新扫扫的人!  160.宗教会誉就象扫富、扫或家族那扫~扫扫成扫一扫人扫引以自豪的扫西。考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp, 微信扫描二扫扫扫注航考;启研qh_kaoyan, 考自平台 微信, ;研学咋学号咋学网zaxueapp,
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