首页 永寿县三创工作领导小组办公室关于单位、企业、社区和学校卫生整治工作的实施方案



永寿县三创工作领导小组办公室关于单位、企业、社区和学校卫生整治工作的实施方案永寿县三创工作领导小组办公室关于单位、企业、社区和学校卫生整治工作的实施方案 关于转发《永寿县三创工作领导小组办公室 关于单位、企业、社区和学校卫生整治 工作的实施方案》的通知 各镇,区,初中、教育组~直属各有关单位: 现将永三创办发[2012]5号《永寿县三创工作领导小组办公室关于单位、企业、社区和学校卫生整治工作的实施方案》转发给你们~请遵照执行。 要求: 1、各相关单位、学校、幼儿园领导要高度重视~尽快按照要求组织实施。 2、要实施“三创”工作一把手全面抓、分管领导具体抓、所有同志共同抓的局面...

永寿县三创工作领导小组办公室关于单位、企业、社区和学校卫生整治工作的实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 关于转发《永寿县三创工作领导小组办公室 关于单位、企业、社区和学校卫生整治 工作的实施方案》的通知 各镇,区,初中、教育组~直属各有关单位: 现将永三创办发[2012]5号《永寿县三创工作领导小组办公室关于单位、企业、社区和学校卫生整治工作的实施方案》转发给你们~请遵照执行。 要求: 1、各相关单位、学校、幼儿园领导要高度重视~尽快按照要求组织实施。 2、要实施“三创”工作一把手全面抓、分管领导具体抓、所有同志共同抓的局面。将具体工作量化、细化到人~采取定期与不定期检查相结合的方式进行督查。 3、要结合学校常规管理工作~加大环境卫生工作整治的力度~并及时做好相关资料的收集、整理与归档工作。 4、定期开展学校健康教育知识的宣传~同时还要做好师生“两率”的巩固与提高。 5、各单位、学校、幼儿园要结合“创园”、“创模”的要求~及时制定本单位的“三创” 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 、规划~实施重点工作完成情况问责制。 永寿县教育局 二?一二年三月一日 national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange 永寿县三创工作领导小组办公室 关于单位、企业、社区和学校卫生整治工作的 实施方案 各有关单位: 为了巩固提高创卫成果~认真贯彻落实全县环境卫生综合整治暨信访稳定工作会议精神~根据中共永寿县县委办公室、永寿县人民政府办公室《关于开展城乡环境卫生综合整治活动的通知》,永办字[2012]8号,的要求~进一步搞好单位、企业、社区和学校的环境卫生~使各项工作落到实处~特制定本实施方案。 一、工作目标 按照《陕西省卫生县城标准》~针对单位、企业、社区和学校卫生存在的突出问题及薄弱环节~通过督促检查、整顿治理~努力巩固创卫成果~为人民群众营造一个良好的生活、工作环境。 二、工作标准及任务 1、 有卫生管理组织和 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~定期开展健康教育宣传 和卫生检查评比活动~记录详细、资料完整。 2、 环境整治~果皮箱、垃圾箱等环境卫生设施完善~清 洁卫生~室内外厕所符合标准和卫生要求~下水道畅通~有专 人负责日常保洁~绿地、院落等外环境无暴露垃圾、无卫生死 角~生活垃圾收集清运密闭化~日产日清。 3、 道路硬化好~路面平整、无坑洼、无破损~院内无违 章建筑~车辆摆放整齐。 national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange 4、 室内卫生状况良好~楼道内整洁~无乱堆乱放、乱贴 乱画现象~门窗无破损~会议室有禁烟标志。 5、 职工、学生食堂有有效的卫生许可证~各项设施、工 具符合卫生要求,从业人员体检、 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 合格后上岗~卫生知识 应答正确~个人卫生良好。 6、 积极开展除“四害”活动~放灭 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 落实~“四害”密 度符合国家规定标准。 7、 居民楼阳台、屋顶整洁~无乱堆乱放~乱搭乱挂。 三、工作步骤 第一阶段:宣传发动、调查摸底阶段,2月20日----2月21日, 制定具体工作方案~抽调精干力量~对各单位、企业、社区和学校卫生状况进行摸底清查~登记造册~并将治理任务分解~责任到人。 第二阶段:整改阶段,2月22日----2月26日, 针对存在问题的单位、企业、社区和学校拿出具体的整改措施~明确人员目标责任~攻坚克难~不放过一个难点和问题~确保卫生整治工作取得实实在在的成果。 第三阶段:巩固提高阶段,2月26日----3月12日, 县三创办逐一对每一个单位、企业、社区和学校进行检查~对不符合要求的社区、单位提出整改要求~限期整改到位。 第四阶段:检查验收阶段,3月13日----3月19日, national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange 县三创办按照《陕西省卫生县城标准》。对全县的单位、企业、 社区和学校卫生进行全面检查和评比~并上报县委县政府进行通 报。 四、工作要求 1、 提高认识~加强领导。单位、企业、社区和学校卫生整治工作即是难点~更是重点~要全力以赴~集中时间、集中精力~按照“定领导、定任务、定责任、定奖惩”办法狠抓整治工作。要攻难点、找重点~对照标准逐一解决存在的问题。各单位负责人要认真组织~亲自挂帅~督促检查。保证卫生整治工作取得实实在在的成果。 2、 配合协调~强化责任。单位、企业、社区和学校卫生整治工作是一项系统工程~涉及面广~情况复杂~需要各部门整体联动~尤其要发动居民积极参与~形成合力~不扯皮~不推诿。要牢固树立全局观念~履行各自的职责~加强协调配合~保证该项工作有序进行。 3、 加大督查~快速推进。为确保卫生整治工作按时达标~三创办要加大协调、督查和指导力度~制定专人负责包干。要突击薄弱环节~务必把督查中提出的问题逐处加以整改落实~逐个解决~直至达标。要善于发现新情况、新问题~对发现的问题要抓住不放~督促落实整改。 4、 实行责任追究制。对在政治工作中不履行职责的部分和单位及工作人员~以及相互扯皮、推诿~导致影响卫生整治 national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange 工作任务不能按时完成~要进行通报批评~并依据有关规定追 究责任。 永寿县三创工作领导小组办公室 二O一二年二月二十日 主题词:卫生 整治 实施方案 送: 县级各领导 永寿县三创工作领导小组办公室 2012年2月20日印发 共印150份 national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange
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