
汉语口语水平测试HKC(HANYUKOUYUSHUIPINGCESHI)HKC报考汉语口语水平测试HKC(HANYUKOUYUSHUIPINGCESHI)HKC报考 汉语口语水平测试 HKC (HANYU KOUYU SHUIPING CESHI) HKC报考指南 Guide to HKC 报考等级建议 初等水平:学习汉语时间在4个月至1年(含1年); 中等水平:学习汉语时间1年至3年(含3年); 高等水平:学习汉语时间3年以上。 考生亦可根据自己水平选择报考等级,每次准报1个等级。 Suggestion for levels: Elementary Level: no mo...

汉语口语水平测试HKC(HANYUKOUYUSHUIPINGCESHI)HKC报考 汉语口语水平测试 HKC (HANYU KOUYU SHUIPING CESHI) HKC报考 指南 验证指南下载验证指南下载验证指南下载星度指南下载审查指南PDF Guide to HKC 报考等级建议 初等水平:学习汉语时间在4个月至1年(含1年); 中等水平:学习汉语时间1年至3年(含3年); 高等水平:学习汉语时间3年以上。 考生亦可根据自己水平选择报考等级,每次准报1个等级。 Suggestion for levels: Elementary Level: no more than a year of Chinese-learning experience. Secondary Level: 1 to 3 years of Chinese-learning experience. Advanced Level: More than 3 years of Chinese-learning experience. Examinees can choose one level each time according to their ability. HKC测试时间 Time of examination 每年上、下半年各考一次。具体时间以网站公告的形式周知。 Twice a year. Each exam is at the first and second half of the year. Specific date will be put on the website. HKC测试 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 Training Material 《说汉语通中国》是“汉语口语水平测试”指定教材。 “Mandarin,Gateway to China” is the appointed training material for HKC. HKC报考方式 Registration 国内考区:北京、上海、天津、重庆、山东、江苏、广西、福建、云南、广东、武汉等专设 的HKC考点报考。 国外考区:各大洲、国家或地区专设的HKC报名点报考。 HKC examination places A) At home: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Shandong, Jiangsu, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan, Guangdong, Wuhan, etc. B) Abroad: Any official exam center in any state, country or continent. HKC考试委员会办公室 国家汉语口语水平测试考试委员会办公室 1 中国天津市南开区水上公园北道50号 邮编:300074 Office Address: Office of HKC Test Committee, Tianjin, China No. 50, North Water Park Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, China Code: 300074 HKC证书的权威性 HKC证书是中国国家语言文字工作委员会颁发的国家级考试证书。 HKC证书可作为进入中国各大高校各院、系学习或报考研究生所要求的实际汉语口语水平 的权威证明。 HKC证书可作为汉语口语水平达到某种等级或免修相应级别汉语课程的有效证明,作为高 等院校在学或毕业时替代与汉语相关学科学分的依据。 HKC证书是您在中国找工作的最佳法宝,中国工作单位把HKC作为衡量求职者汉语口语水 平的重要依据。 Certification of authority The certification of HKC is issued by State Language Commission. HKC certification can be the only spoken Chinese certification in applying for higher education in China. The certification can also be a proof of exemption for some corresponding Chinese courses, and of accomplishing credit requirement. HKC certification is the best asset for job-hunting in China. Most Chinese companies will take the HKC performance into consideration during the interview. 什么是HKC,What is HKC? 中国国家汉语口语水平测试(HKC)是教育部、国家语委为构建中国全方位、立体化 语言文字测试体系,顺应国际汉语学习交流的需要,针对母语非汉语人群及海外华人华侨, 推出的一项国家级语言类标准化水平测试。2010年10月19日,汉语口语水平等级标准及 测试大纲作为国家语言文字 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 标准发布(GF0016-2010),标志着HKC成为唯一拥有国家 语言文字规范标准的汉语口语测试。 2 HKC (ZHONGGUO HANYU KOUYU SHUIPING CESHI) is an officially conducted and standardized language test. It is a response of the Chinese Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission to the demand of building a language testing system in multiplicity and depth and to the needs of Chinese learning and communication for non-native speakers and overseas Chinese. The Spoken Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards and Testing Guideline (GF0016-2010), namely the Standard of National Language and Character Standard, were published on May 19th, 2010. This means that HKC has become the only official test with a national standard for spoken Chinese. 测试实现考用统一,采用人机对话的口试方式,从生活领域层次不同、交际能力的大小、 文化认知水平的高低三个维度考查应试人汉语口语水平。该测试借助“全球汉语服务平台”, 采用远程网络与局域网相结合的方式,考查应试人汉语口语水平。 This test is a computer-based test that takes both testing and application into consideration. It tests the spoken Chinese level from three dimensions—real life, communication ability, and culture acquisition. With the help of the Global Service Platform for Chinese Language, HKC tests examinees’ spoken Chinese level via both the remote network and local area network. HKC突破了因汉字认读障碍导致的应试人群局限,适用于更广泛的测试人群。尤其对非 汉字文化圈的汉语学习者,大大降低了其学习难度,也更适应不同层次应试人准确衡量自身 汉语口语水平的需要。测试体现理念国际化、手段现代化、内容生活化、形式中国化。HKC 等级证书是中国国家语委颁发的国家级考试证书,是汉语交际能力的最有效证明,将成为母 语非汉语人士及华人华侨在中国留学、求职、晋升、发展的重要条件。 Avoiding the limitation of examinees due to the difficulty of learning Chinese characters, HKC meets the need of more people, especially the ones who are non-native speakers. Thus, there will be fewer difficulties while learning; and HKC caters the needs to test their actual level of oral Chinese for different people. HKC features the characteristics of internationalize concept, modern means, close to life content and Chinese-style form. HKC certification, issued by State Language Commission, is the best proof of fluent Chinese communication, and will become the crucial factor for non-native speakers and overseas Chinese if they want to stay in China for study, work and future development. 目前,全国十一个省(直辖市、自治区、市)成为汉语口语水平测试试点地区;美国、 加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、德国、西班牙等十余个国家也已合作开展汉语口语水平测 试工作。 Up to now, exam centers have been established in 11 provinces (municipalities, autonomous regions and big cities) in China. There are also beta tests collaborated with more than ten countries, such as U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Germany and Spain. 2012年起,借助“全球汉语测试学习网络服务平台”,将面向世界各个国家和地区开展 远程汉语培训及汉语口语水平测试。用更便捷和灵活的方式,解决汉语教学中存在的各种问 题,做到学习无处不在,测试随时随地。让中国文化更顺利地走向世界。 From 2012, with the help of the global web service platform for testing and learning Chinese, HKC and long-distance training will be introduced to all countries and regions around the world. In a more convenient and swift way, problems during 3 the learning course will be decreased. In this way, one can learn Chinese everywhere and take Chinese tests anytime. Chinese culture will be made better known to the whole world. HKC的形式是什么,Forms of HKC 词语朗读:朗读词语 语句朗读:朗读句子、朗读一段话 问 答:看画面回答问题、根据任务提出问题 复 述:将听到的内容重复说一遍 描 述:根据提示说出看到的画面内容 论 述:根据完成任务的内容说明理由、看录像说说看法 说 话:根据命题说一段话 Phrase reading Sentence or passage reading Q & A: answer the following questions or ask questions according to the pictures Repeat: repeat what you have heard Description: describe what you see in the pictures under instruction Stating: relate your reason for the way you accomplish your task, state your opinion about a video Speaking: make a speech according to the given topic 1. 3. HKC分数及等级 Scores and levels 高 等:9级 8级 7级 可以轻松理解听到或读到的汉语信息,能够流利地表达自己的见解,精通中国政治、 经济、文化等多方面知识,具备成为“中国通”的汉语口语交际能力。 Advanced: Level 9, 8 & 7 (Easily understand what you hear and see; fluently express yourself; know extensively about Chinese politics, economy and culture, capable of being a Chinese Expert in terms of oral Chinese communication) 中 等:6级 5级 4级 可以用汉语就较广泛领域的话题进行谈论,如理财、旅游、交友等,能够较流利地与 母语为汉语者进行交流。 Secondary: Level 6, 5 & 4 (being able to communicate with native Chinese speakers about financial management, travel and social activities) 初 等:3级 2级 1级 可以用汉语就熟悉的日常话题进行简单的交流,具备在中国生活、学习等最基本的汉语口语 交际能力。 4 Elementary: Level 3, 2 & 1 (just being able to communicate in Chinese about daily life, manage to master the basic ability of Chinese communication) 4. 唯一国标测试 唯一拥有国家语言文字规范标准的汉语口语测试 The only GB test. The only official test with a national standard for oral Chinese. 两大统一原则 学习和测试相统一 测试和应用相统一 Two United Principles Learning united with testing, testing united with application 三大能力层级 “说汉语通中国”:通向中国 通行中国 通晓中国 Three levels “Mandarin,Gateway to China”: Make a trip to China, move around China, and understand China 四大 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 特色 理念国际化:任务型考试。 手段现代化:人机互动的测试形式。 内容生活化:从最基本、较广泛、更广泛三类生活领域入手,解决生存、生活问题并满足人 生发展的精神文化需求。 形式中国化:融入中国文化精髓,以大量的中国元素面对各类应测人群。 Four features Internationalizes concept: task-oriented test Modern means: human-machine interaction Close-to-life content: start from the basic, more extensive to the most extensive areas of life to solve the different problems of living in China and meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the life development Chinese-style form: integrate many Chinese elements in all testing questions and let the candidates experience Chinese cultural essence 五大支持系统 网上报名系统 信息管理系统 测试系统 测试评分系统 质量 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 系统 Five support systems On-line registration system; information management system; testing system; scoring system; quality analysis system 5 5. HKC考生反响 Feedbacks of examinees (1) 马来西亚教育部副部长 拿督 魏家祥 汉语口语水平测试(HKC)是一个设计很专业的测试,感觉很亲切生动,是很实用的, 未来发展的潜力是巨大的。 (1) Y.B. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong, Deputy Minister of Education of Malaysia HKC is a professionally designed test, user-friendly, interactive and practical; the potential of development in the future is huge. (2) 潘氏相 来自越南 38岁 我是一名来自越南的佛学研究生,HKC测试对我日后的讲学、研究和交流都 很有帮助。 (2) Shixiang Pan, age 38, Vietnamese I’m a graduate student on Buddhism; HKC helps me a lot on further lecturing, study and communication. (3) 金忠良 来自哥伦比亚 33岁 我来自哥伦比亚,2010年11月,我在上海参加了HKC考试。记得刚来中国的时候, 买东西不会讲价,去医院不会挂号,吃饭不会点菜,是HKC给我提供了大量的汉语交流机 会,在整个学习过程中我感到自己就像一个真正的中国人,在现实生活中学习汉语,我的汉 语口语水平也提高得非常快,感谢HKC~ (3) Zhongliang Jin, age 33, Columbian I’m Columbian. I took HKC in Shanghai in November 2010. I still remembered the first time that I came to China. I didn’t know how to bargain, how to register at hospital or how to order at restaurants. It is HKC who gave me the opportunity to massively communicate in Chinese. Through the whole learning process, I feel like I am a Chinese through and through. Learning in real life makes my Chinese take great leap. Thanks, HKC! (4) 李秀真 来自韩国 20岁 从小我就热爱中国文化,说一口流利的中文一直是我的梦想,可我总是找不到最好的 汉语口语学习方法,于是,我的中文老师给我推荐了HKC,让我从一个全新的角度认识了 中国,也让我体会到口语学习是这么轻松简单~HKC真棒~ (4) Xiuzhen Li, age 20, Korean I love Chinese culture so much ever since I was a little girl. My dream is to speak Chinese flawlessly like a native speaker. But somehow I just can't find a proper way to learn Chinese. Then my Chinese teacher told me about HKC. It gives me a whole new view of knowing China and makes me realize that learning Chinese could be so easy. HKC is really great. (5) 杰理 来自法国 22岁 我参加了很多汉语培训班,也学习了很多汉语培训的书籍,但效果并不好,在接触中国 朋友时依然无法顺畅地交流。2010年我尝试了HKC学习,仅一个月的时间,我的汉语口语 能力就提高了,我的中国朋友都说我的发音越来越好,汉语越说越地道~ (5) Jerry, age 22, French I took many training lessons and bought many books, but the results are no good. When facing my Chinese friends, I still cannot communicate with them. In 2010, I tried HKC. And only after a month, my spoken Chinese was dramatically enhanced. 6 All my Chinese friends said that my pronunciation was better and better and my Chinese sounded more native. (6) 王海洋 来自尼日利亚 22岁 我出生在尼日利亚,非常想学习中文,但一直没有语言环境。在朋友的介绍下,2010 年我认识了HKC。这是一种我从未见过的学习方式,不用走出家门,就可以进入真实的华 人生活场景和交流情境。我的汉语口语提高很大。 (6) Haiyang Wang, age 22, Nigerian I was born in Nigeria. I wanted to learn Chinese but I knew no Chinese speakers. With my friends’ recommendation, I knew about HKC in 2010. It was a way of learning Chinese that I had never seen before. Don’t have to walk out and you can get into the scenario of real life and communication. HKC promotes my Chinese level greatly. 7
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