首页 2012重庆市计算机二级(C语言)非计算机A卷



2012重庆市计算机二级(C语言)非计算机A卷2012重庆市计算机二级(C语言)非计算机A卷 试题编号: 重庆邮电大学2011~2012学年2学期 C语言程序设计试卷(期末)(A卷)(闭卷) 题 号 一 二 三 四 总 分 得 分 评卷人 注意:所有试题的答案必须写在答题纸上。 一、基础知识测试题(本大题共16小题, 24,24学时的学生请完成第1,15题,32,16学时的学生请完成第2,16题。每小题4分,共60分) 1 请写出输出结果。 printf("%d, %d, %d, %d \n", 5%3, -5%3, -5%-3, 5%-3)...

2012重庆市计算机二级(C语言)非计算机A卷 试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 编号: 重庆邮电大学2011~2012学年2学期 C语言程序 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 试卷(期末)(A卷)(闭卷) 题 号 一 二 三 四 总 分 得 分 评卷人 注意:所有 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 必须写在答题纸上。 一、基础知识测试题(本大题共16小题, 24,24学时的学生请完成第1,15题,32,16学时的学生请完成第2,16题。每小题4分,共60分) 1 请写出输出结果。 printf("%d, %d, %d, %d \n", 5%3, -5%3, -5%-3, 5%-3); 2 读程序,回答问题: #include #include void main() { float a,b,c,s,area; //问题(1):sizeof(float)的值是多少, printf(" Please input a,b,c: "); scanf(“%f,%f,%f”,&a, &b, &c); s=1.0/2*(a+b+c); // 问题(2):将1.0改为1,s的值会发生变化吗, area= sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)); printf("area = %f\n", area); } 3 读程序,回答问题: #include void main() { char cl,c2; printf(“请输入一个字符:”); cl=getchar(); //问题(1):getchar()函数的功能是什么, f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select if(c1>=’a’&&c1<=’z’) c2=cl-32; //问题(2):c1>=’a’&&c1<=’z’与’a’<=c1<=’z’是否等价, printf(″%c,%d\n″,c2,c2); } 4 请写出输出结果。 printf(“%d %c\n”, „5?-„0?, „5?-5); 5 读程序,回答问题: #include void main() { char grade; printf(“请输入一个字符:”); grade=getchar(); switch(grade) { case „A?: printf(“85~100\n”); break;//问题(1):break的作用是什么? case „B?: printf (“70~84\n”); break; case „C?: printf (“60~69\n”); break; case „D?: printf (“<60\n”); break; default: printf(“error\n”); break; } }//问题(2):输入A,程序的输出结果是什么,输入a,输出结果又是什么, 6 读程序,回答问题: #include void main() { int i; for(i=1;i<=6;i++) { if(i%2) {printf(“#”);continue;}//问题(1):continue的含义是什么, printf(“*”); } printf(“\n”); }//问题(2):程序的输出结果是什么, 7 读程序,回答问题: #include -() (more topics) [Please select 1 in hastechnology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes maand ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern ical agement thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought polithuman capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources man ue ofnt objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the valresources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource manageme ecological value of intellectual flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the-ue of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximizationeconomic tree resources management staff to maximize the val--elopment master slavery resources to maximize client value managements Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought devwide human resource-D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method2icipate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select10 years 50. you part-8 years d. teaching 9-5 years C. teaching 6-2 years b. teaching 3-period most need training () a,. teaching 1General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what d b. d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is goo ecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment classand lother school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, . school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c.() a, ely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities isd training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rar3 items] a,. studentslearning an-st expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you mo of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the -main motivation or power is () [Please select 1 titude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional at void main()//问题(1):程序的输出结果是什么, { int i, j , s ; //问题(2):将下边的s=0移至此行,程序的输出结果又是什么, for(i=1;i<3;i++) { s=0; for (j=i;j<6;j++) s+=j; } printf(“%d\n” ,s); } 8 读程序,回答问题: void inv(int x[ ],int n) { int temp,i,j,m=(n-1)/2; for(i=0, j=n-1-i; i<=m; i++,j--) { temp=x[i]; x[i]=x[j]; x[j]=temp; } //问题(1):循环体里的语句的含义是什么, }//问题(2):函数的功能是什么, 9 读程序,回答问题: #include void Inc_x( ) { int x=0; printf(“ x=%d ”,++x); } void Inc_y( ) { static int y=0; //问题(1):static的含义是什么, printf(“ y=%d ”,++y); } void main() { Inc_x( ); Inc_y( ); Inc_x( ); Inc_y( ); }//问题(2):程序的输出结果是什么, 10 读程序,回答问题: #include C10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select-8 years d. teaching 9-5 years C. teaching 6-2 years b. teaching 3-a,. teaching 1g () not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need trainin tice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d.prac compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. ssessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. youand a d outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures,two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside ana,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past 3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training -d get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1in anprovides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate ing practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teach-er is () [Please select 1nal attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or pow3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professio-se select 1ial science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Pleaes soceducation d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanitind humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation e 4, ant. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: peoplout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital managemehroughman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run tent social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuflat market economy structure Know what resource managem-my enterprise value maximizationeconomic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family econo--rces to maximize client value managementchapter thought development master slavery resouwide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management -expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company D. by taught subject of f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method语言程序设计试卷第3页(共8页) #include double S(double x, int n) {if(n= =1) return x; else return S(x,n-1)+pow(x,n); } void main() { printf(“%f”, S(2,3)); } //问题(1):程序的输出结果是什么, //问题(2):S函数被调用了几回, 11 读程序,回答问题: void fun(char s[]) //问题(1):形参char s[]用来存储什么, { int n=0,i; for(i=0;s[i]!=?\0?;i++) if(s[i]>=?0? && s[i]>=?9?) s[n++]=s[i]; s[n]=‘\0’ ;//问题(2):该语句的含义是什么, } 12 假设有如下两个定义: char x[]=”abcdefg”; char y[]={„a?,?b?,?c?,?d?,?e?,?f?,?g?}; 问题(1):两个数组所需要的内存字节数是否相同, 问题(2):puts(x+2)和putchar(x[2])的输出结果分别是什么, 13 读程序,回答问题: #include void main( ) { int x[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; //问题(1):该语句的含义是什么, int s=0,i,*p=x; for(i=1;i<9;i+=2) s+=*(p+i); printf(“s=%d\n”,s); //问题(2):程序的输出结果是什么, } ical agement thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought polithuman capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources man ue ofnt objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the valresources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource manageme ecological value of intellectual flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the-ue of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximizationeconomic tree resources management staff to maximize the val--elopment master slavery resources to maximize client value managements Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought devwide human resource-D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method4icipate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select10 years 50. you part-8 years d. teaching 9-5 years C. teaching 6-2 years b. teaching 3-period most need training () a,. teaching 1General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what d b. d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is goo ecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment classand lother school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, . school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c.() a, ely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities isd training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rar3 items] a,. studentslearning an-st expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you mo of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the -main motivation or power is () [Please select 1 titude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional at-() (more topics) [Please select 1 in hastechnology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes maand ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern 14 读程序,回答问题: int *f(int *x,int *y) //问题(1):返回值是指针类型还是整数类型, { if(*x<*y) //问题(2):此行中,*的含义是什么, return x; else return y; } 15 假设有定义:int m[3][3]={1,4,7,2,5,8,3,6,9}; ):m[1][2]的值是多少, 问题(1 问题(2):m[1]的含义是什么, 16 假设有定义如下: struct student { int number; char name[20]; int score; }; 读下列程序,并回答问题。 void Fun(struct student a[],int n, char filename[]) { int i = 0; FILE *fp; if((fp=fopen(filename,"w+"))==NULL) //问题(1):函数fopen的功能是什么, { printf("Cannot open %s\n",filename); exit(1); } for(i=0;i void main() { void my_strcpy(char *s1, char *s2); char str1[30],str2[30]; puts("Input the fist string:\n"); gets(str1); puts("Input the second string:\n"); gets(str2); my_strcpy(str1,str2); puts(str1); } void my_strcpy(char *s1, char *s2) { while(*s2!='\0') *s1++=*s2++; *s1='\0'; } 3 (12分) #include void main() { int a[21],i; a[1]=1; for(i=2;i<21;i++) if(i%2==0) a[i]=2*a[i-1]; else a[i]=2*a[i-1]+1; C10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select-8 years d. teaching 9-5 years C. teaching 6-2 years b. teaching 3-a,. teaching 1g () not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need trainin tice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d.prac compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. ssessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. youand a d outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures,two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside ana,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past 3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training -d get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1in anprovides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate ing practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teach-er is () [Please select 1nal attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or pow3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professio-se select 1ial science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Pleaes soceducation d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanitind humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation e 4, ant. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: peoplout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital managemehroughman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run tent social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuflat market economy structure Know what resource managem-my enterprise value maximizationeconomic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family econo--rces to maximize client value managementchapter thought development master slavery resouwide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management -expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company D. by taught subject of f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method语言程序设计试卷第7页(共8页) for(i=1;i<21;i++) printf("%d ",a[i]); } nt objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the valresources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource manageme ecological value of intellectual flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the-ue of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximizationeconomic tree resources management staff to maximize the val--elopment master slavery resources to maximize client value managements Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought devwide human resource-D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method8icipate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select10 years 50. you part-8 years d. teaching 9-5 years C. teaching 6-2 years b. teaching 3-period most need training () a,. teaching 1General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what d b. d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is goo ecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment classand lother school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, . school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c.() a, ely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities isd training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rar3 items] a,. studentslearning an-st expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you mo of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the -main motivation or power is () [Please select 1 titude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional at-() (more topics) [Please select 1 in hastechnology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes maand ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern ical agement thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought polithuman capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources man ue of
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