首页 LNG点亮船舶燃供市场前程



LNG点亮船舶燃供市场前程LNG点亮船舶燃供市场前程 在全球航运业竞争激烈、油价高企以及节能减排呼声高涨的影响下,船东出于成本和社会责任,纷纷将目光投向燃油耗能较低的绿色环保型船舶。 记者 包志明 去年12月坎昆会议之后,全球减少碳排放的呼声日益高涨。为了控制运输船舶对海洋的污染,国际海事组织已出台规定,即重质燃料油平均含硫量将从目前的4.5%降到2020年的0.5%,轻质燃料油平均含硫量将从目前的1%降到2015年的0.1%。这将对整个航运业带来深刻的变革,同样也对全球船舶燃供市场带来了新的机遇和挑战。 在本次航运科技国际会议上,...

LNG点亮船舶燃供市场前程 在全球航运业竞争激烈、油价高企以及节能减排呼声高涨的影响下,船东出于成本和社会责任,纷纷将目光投向燃油耗能较低的绿色环保型船舶。 记者 包志明 去年12月坎昆会议之后,全球减少碳排放的呼声日益高涨。为了控制运输船舶对海洋的污染,国际海事组织已出台规定,即重质燃料油平均含硫量将从目前的4.5%降到2020年的0.5%,轻质燃料油平均含硫量将从目前的1%降到2015年的0.1%。这将对整个航运业带来深刻的变革,同样也对全球船舶燃供市场带来了新的机遇和挑战。 在本次航运科技国际会议上,中国船舶燃料有限公司(中燃)副总经理王鲁军,针对未来LNG等新兴能源在船舶燃供市场的应用做了阐述。 LNG:最理想的船动燃料 众所周知,在目前全球航运业竞争激烈、油价高企以及节能减排呼声高涨的影响下,船东出于成本和社会责任,纷纷将目光投向燃油耗能较低的绿色环保型船舶。在目前的技术条件下,主要有7种减排方案。 低硫燃油。低硫燃油具有发热值较高、能直接减少细小颗粒物和二氧化硫排放的特点,欧盟去年1月1日推出的“低硫法令”就是推广船舶使用低硫燃油。但目前,高品质的低硫燃油供应非常紧张,而且油价昂贵,不符合船东降低成本的要求。 废气洗涤器。这是利用化学品或海水除去发动机废气中的硫,这一工艺需要对船舶进行大规模的改造,不仅费用较高,也很难在运输过程中找到专门的污水排放所。 核能。目前很多军舰已经安装了核反应炉驱动,但核能利用始终是个太过敏感的政治话题,且在核安全问题上争议较多。 生物燃料。生物柴油或许可以代替部分船用燃油,但也面临蜡质堵塞和水分凝析等问题,且生物燃料大多由玉米、小麦、甘蔗等经济作物提炼,加工成本远高于传统石化燃料,还会造成全球粮食供应短缺。 可再生能源。主要是利用风能、太阳能等可再生能源提供船舶航行时所需要的动力,但这些新能源在技术上依然没有较大突破,制造成本高昂。 燃料电池。它是一种将燃料所具有的化学能直接变为电能的发电装置。挪威船级社在2003年就开始研发大中型燃料电池,之后韩国大宇造船也开始研发,但目前该技术仍处于测试阶段,距离应用还较为遥远。 液化天然气(LNG)。LNG具有资源丰富、使用方便和排放清洁等特点,它基本不含硫化物和微小颗粒等有害物质,能有效降低90%的氮氧化物和25%的二氧化碳排放量。而且经过60多年的发展,LNG已经形成了从开采、存储、运输be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 到终端的一整套完整工艺流程,在提供相同热值情况下,使用LNG可减少近30%的成本支出。在安全性方面,LNG具有无色、无味、无毒、无腐蚀性等特点,密度也比空气轻,发生泄漏事故时会很快自然气化,不会对水体产生污染。 综上所述,相比其他方案,LNG成本优势明显,安全环保,且使用方便,是未来作为石油替代能源的最理想的燃料。 LNG船燃的实践与瓶颈 目前全球航行船舶每年排放近12亿吨的二氧化碳,占全球总排放量的6%,硫化物和氮化物的排放量更是分别占到了全球总排放量的20%和30%,船用燃料已经成为对海洋和大气污染的重要成因。越来越多的国家和地区已经意识到这个问题的严重性,并迅速开展了以LNG作为船舶燃料的探索和尝试。 在LNG船用燃料方面走的最早的无疑是挪威,挪威船级社(DNV)早在2001年就已率先开发出LNG动力船的规范。根据DNV数据,目前全球已有的20艘LNG燃料动力船全部在DNV入级并运营。 目前,挪威已有部分集装箱船、游船、渡轮和滚装船开始采用LNG或双燃料作为动力。在挪威海峡,部分客滚船已经改造成LNG和采油混合动力船,并在沿岸建设了加气站,运营情况良好。挪威船舶运营商安德斯维克集团则耗资7120万美元建造5艘以“LNG—电力”为动力装置的“平台供应船”(PSV),预计在2012年全部交付。 在中国,政府主管部门和部分企业已经开始进入LNG船用燃料研发领域,并取得阶段性成果。去年9月,北京油路集团、江苏科技大学等8家单位共同研发的LNG—柴油混合动力船“苏宿货1260”号满载3000吨黄沙顺利从宿迁驶入淮安,并显示出良好的经济性和环保性。在此之前,湖北西蓝天然气有限公司已经在长江上进行了“武轮拖302”号的改造和试运行。 3月份,北京中兴恒和与长航凤凰合作改造的3000吨级散货船“长讯三号”在重庆进行了LNG—柴油混合动力试航试验,并取得成功。 目前,中国已经实现了拖轮、散货船、游船和渔政船四种船型的LNG改装试验。虽然前景美好,但作为新兴绿色能源,LNG船用燃料的应用和推广依然有很多问题亟待解决。 首先,续航能力弱。以LNG为燃料的船舶续航能力较低,目前还达不到远洋运输的要求。同时,LNG储存罐系统复杂,布局困难,为船舶的设计和改造带来很大难度。 其次,补给配套设施不足。目前全球LNG接收站仅有73个,远没有实现大规模的覆盖,无法有效满足航行船舶的加气需求。 第三,加气技术难题。由于船舶受涨潮落潮的影响,无法确定停泊位置,而LNG输送管道均为低温管道,不易延展和伸缩。进行船对船加气,依然面临许多有待攻克的技术难题。 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 第四,缺失统一 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 规范。虽然德国劳氏、DNV、法国必维和中国船级社均发布了天然气用作船用燃料的临时指南和规范,但目前大多数船厂和船东还很难认可这些规范。 LNG在中国发展前景 随着进出口贸易的繁荣,中国建成了世界规模最大的港口集群,每年到港船舶数量惊人。去年中国保税油供应量一举突破800万吨大关,成为亚太区仅次于新加坡的第二大船舶燃供市场。而与此同时,中国沿海沿江水域也成为全球水污染和空气污染最严重的区域。根据国家海洋局数据,中国近岸未达清洁水质标准的面积约占海域总面积的60%,25%的海域水质处于中度和严重污染状态。面对如此严峻的海洋污染形势,继续使用重质燃料油作为船用燃料,不管从石油依赖角度,还是从排放角度,都是令人质疑的。重新反思船舶燃供行业的发展模式,努力减少各类有害物质的排放,考虑LNG在船舶燃供市场的应用,成为当务之急。 国家“十二五”规划明确提出,要大力推进船舶节能降耗,加强绿色能源替代石油,重点发展LNG作为主要船用清洁能源的计划。预计到2015年,中国LNG消费总量将达到2600亿立方米,较去年增加一倍以上,LNG在能源消费中的比例由目前的4%提高到8%。 为适应LNG市场在中国的快速发展,国家对LNG接收站的建设也在如火如荼地进行,未来天然气管网将如同公路和铁路网络一样密集。到2015年,中国将建成17条天然气干线管道,新建管道管线长度2.4万公里,建成LNG接收站4座和储气库11座,基本形成“西气东输、北气南下、海气登陆、就近外供”的供应格局,极大提升进口规模。 中燃的LNG发展畅想 作为中国最大的船用燃料供应商和服务商,王鲁军 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示,中燃正在努力探索LNG在船用领域的应用,以期实现绿色发展,减少航运业对海洋和大气的污染。 探讨自有供油船舶改造,引导双燃料混合动力技术在船舶燃供行业的推广。中燃正借鉴国内外成功案例,探讨将传统的燃供船舶改造成以LNG—柴油为动力的双燃料混合动力船舶,经初步测算,中燃目前主力的2000,3000吨级油轮的改造费用在40,50万元之间,投入使用后,按60%,70%的柴油替代率测算,将减少2/3的燃油消耗和1/3的费用支出,同时噪音、烟尘和废油废气的排放也将大为降低。其示范作用和深远的意义也将有利于整个中国船舶燃供行业的变革。 探讨沿海港口开展LNG供应可行性。目前,国家规划的LNG接收站项目基本都与中燃在沿海的众多供油网点比邻而居。面对日益高涨的LNG船用市场,中燃希望能利用中石油、中海油和中石化等石油公司的沿海LNG存储和输送设施,作为中燃稳定的气源供应渠道,研究设计适合过驳作业的LNG供应船舶,为世界各国需要加装LNG燃料的船舶开展供应服务。 与科研机构和航运企业合力培育船用LNG新市场。船用LNG动力技术目前be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 在中国还处于试验阶段,由于续航能力弱,暂时不适合远洋航线运营,但沿海和内河短途航线却可以为该项技术应用提供广阔的发展空间。据统计,中国内贸水上燃油年需求量高达900万吨,如果将一半左右的船舶改造使用LNG—柴油混合动力,可节约燃油消耗270万吨,减少燃油费用70亿元。面对如此广阔的商业前景,中燃除了自身早打算、早布局、早谋划外,也呼吁广大航运企业立即行动起来,与交通运输部等国家部委密切沟通,与油气供应商及科研机构紧密配合,积极改造固定行线上的运营船舶,铺点建设水上加气基站,共同推动LNG在航运市场的应用。 补充阅读 绿色能源新技术 在本届航运科技国际会议上,除了航运企业畅言未来绿色能源构想外,日本商船三井、瓦锡兰(中国)公司、韩国STX造船、德国SkySails航运技术公司等也推出了它们各自在绿色能源领域的新技术。 商船三井的ISHIN系列新能源船 商船三井首席技术执行官横田健二向与会者介绍了未来新一代绿色能源船舶——ISHIN(维新)系列,其包括ISHIN-?、ISHIN-?和ISHIN-?三种船型。 ISHIN-?主要应用于客滚船领域,它在港内航行或停泊时,不使用主发动机和船用发电机,利用岸上设备向船舶供电,实现零排放。另外,该船舶全甲板涂装隔热涂料,船体顶部铺设1000平方米的太阳能集光板,所有船室窗户贴设有透光性太阳能的发电薄膜,减少射入室内太阳光的同时,可进行太阳能发电,最多可确保200千瓦的发电量。在优化推进效率方面,ISHIN-?采用传统柴油机和电动机相结合的方式驱动双向反转设置的推进器,前方的回转力可被后方推进器吸收,大幅提高了推进效率。此外,该船舶还使用船底超光滑涂料、大幅改进水下船体形状等技术来减小船舶在航行时所受到的摩擦阻力。所有这些创新技术能使ISHIN-?在航行时减少50%的二氧化碳排放量。 ISHIN-?是ISHIN-?的第二型,主要应用于客渡轮,其除了拥有所有ISHIN-?具有的节能减排技术外,还采用LNG燃料,与现今渡轮广泛使用的重油相比,可减少20%的二氧化碳、90%的氮化物、98%的硫化物和颗粒物的排放,大幅降低对环境造成的影响。而其主机的燃料供给,是由电子系统根据航行时的海洋气象对主机产生的负荷变动影响进行自动控制,提高运行效率,排气中的热能还可被回收再利用。ISHIN-?还采用了船底空气层润滑系统,从船艏底部释放覆盖船底的空气泡以减少船底摩擦阻力(释放出的空气泡可被船尾底部的切槽回收再利用)。 ISHIN-?是商船三井为未来的能源运输开发的大型环保铁矿石运输船。在ISHIN-?和ISHIN-?先进环保技术的基础上,采用新一代环保技术以降低船舶对环境的影响。其中,最主要的技术是通过废热能再利用技术和涡轮增压器,辅以商be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 船三井技术研究中心和大凤工材株式会社共同开发的燃料添加剂,能使该船舶在ISHIN-?的基础上再减少11.5%的二氧化碳排放量。 瓦锡兰的燃气发动机 瓦锡兰(中国)公司高级销售经理刘立武介绍了瓦锡兰在燃气发动机领域的新进展。其中包括有4冲程和2冲程燃气发动机,以及SCR油改气燃气发动机。目前使用LNG的瓦锡兰4冲程燃气发动机DF50、DF34已经推向市场,2冲程燃气发动机DF20预计下半年投入使用。而瓦锡兰的另一拳头产品——SCR油改气燃气发动机是在普通柴油机的基础上加装一个SCR催化装置,使之成为能使用LNG的燃气发动机。目前,SCR油改气燃气发动机已经能满足IMO严格的Tier?排放标准,并已投入运营。 除此之外,韩国STX造船也在会上推出了17.4万立方米LNG—柴油混合动力LNG船,全球首款符合EEDI排放标准的1.3万TEU型集装箱船,装有ECO—TG系统的32万吨VLCC,装有PBCF系统、能节省3%能耗的18.1万吨散货船。其中17.4万立方米LNG—柴油混合动力LNG船还具有电力推进与废热回收系统。 德国SkySails航运技术公司则推出了船用自动风帆牵引系统,该系统可以根据风力情况的不同,将船舶燃料消耗量和排放量降低10%,35%。如果是在最佳风力条件下,燃料消耗量最多可以降低50%。 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly
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