首页 海底总动员英文台词(字幕版)



海底总动员英文台词(字幕版)海底总动员、字幕版、方便对应视频查找,另有剧本版, [00:33.77]-Wow, -Mmm, [00:37.01]-Wow, -Mm-hmm, [00:40.14]-Wow, -Yes, Marlin, [00:42.31]No, I see it. It's beautiful. [00:44.45]So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view... [00:47.02]you didn't think you'd get the whole oc...

海底总动员、字幕版、方便对应视频查找,另有剧本版, [00:33.77]-Wow, -Mmm, [00:37.01]-Wow, -Mm-hmm, [00:40.14]-Wow, -Yes, Marlin, [00:42.31]No, I see it. It's beautiful. [00:44.45]So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view... [00:47.02]you didn't think you'd get the whole ocean, did you? [00:51.22]Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here. [00:56.06]Did your man deliver, or did he deliver? [00:58.03]-My man delivered. -And it wasn't so easy. [01:00.36]Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. [01:03.70]You better believe they did-- every single one of them. [01:06.17]Mm-hmm. You did good. [01:08.24]And the neighborhood is awesome. [01:20.88]So, you do like it, don't you? [01:22.59]No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. [01:26.09]But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable... [01:29.06]with the great schools and the amazing view... [01:31.36]but do we really need so much space? [01:33.13]but do we really need so much space? [01:33.46]Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. [01:36.30]They deserve the best. Look, look, look. [01:38.50]They'll wake up, poke their little heads out... [01:40.77]and they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. [01:41.64]and they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. [01:43.87]Shh. You'll wake the kids. [01:46.21]Oh, right, right. [01:51.75]Aw, look. They're dreaming. [01:56.55]We still have to name them. [01:58.76]You want to name all of them right now? [02:00.56]All right, we'll name this half Marlin Junior... [02:03.86]and this half Coral Junior. [02:06.03]-OK, we're done. -I like Nemo. [02:08.63]Nemo. We'll name one Nemo... [02:11.44]but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Junior. [02:14.04]Just think, in a couple of days... [02:15.44]-we're going to be parents. -Yeah. [02:18.98]What if they don't like me? [02:20.64]-Marlin. -No, really. [02:22.21]There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one will like you. [02:30.36]What? [02:31.56]-You remember how we met? -I try not to. [02:35.23]Well, I remember. "Excuse me, miss... [02:36.73]"can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip?" [02:39.23]You got a little closer because it was wiggling. [02:41.63]-Get away, get away! -Here he is. Cutie's here. [02:46.64]Where did everybody go? [02:55.51]Coral, get inside the house. [02:59.15]No, Coral, don't. They'll be fine. [03:01.59]Just get inside-- You, right now. [03:06.96]No! Ow! [03:08.86]Oh! [03:10.80]Ooh! Ooh! [03:27.35]Coral! [03:34.12]Coral? [03:38.26]Coral? [03:46.47]Coral? [03:50.17]Coral? [03:57.51]Coral? [04:12.76]Oh! [04:17.93]Ohh. [04:21.94]There, there, there. [04:23.80]It's OK. Daddy's here. [04:27.54]Daddy's got you. [04:32.05]I promise, I will never let anything happen to you... [04:36.62]Nemo. [05:14.86]NEMO: First day of school! [05:17.29]Wake up, wake up! First day of school. [05:20.13]I don't want to go to school-- five more minutes. [05:22.66]Not you, Dad, me. [05:23.97]-OK. Huh? -Get up, get up. [05:25.40]It's time for school, time for school. [05:28.14]All right, I'm up. [05:29.74]Whoa! [05:31.44]-Nemo! -First day of school! [05:33.21]-Nemo, don't move. -Unh! Unh! [05:35.41]You'll never get out of there yourself. [05:36.85]I'll do it. Unh! [05:39.05]-You feel a break? -No. [05:41.05]Sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid rushes to the area. [05:42.82]-Are you woozy? -No. [05:45.05]-How many stripes do I have? -I'm fine. [05:47.36]-Answer the stripe question. -Three. [05:49.19]No! See? Something's wrong with you. [05:50.69]I have one, two, three-- That's all I have? [05:53.53]You're OK. How's the lucky fin? [05:56.47]-Lucky. -Let's see. [06:00.74]Are you sure you want to go to school this year? [06:02.27]There's no problem if you don't. You can wait 5 or 6 years. [06:05.21]Come on, Dad, it's time for school. [06:07.11]-Forgot to brush. -Ohh. [06:09.81]Do you want this anemone to sting you? [06:11.85]-Yes. -Brush. [06:14.28]-OK, I'm done. -You missed a spot. [06:15.99]-Where? -There. [06:16.29]-Where? -There. [06:17.99]Ha ha! Right there. And here and here. [06:29.73]All right, we're excited. [06:29.93]All right, we're excited. [06:31.13]The first day of school. Here we go. [06:32.94]We're ready to learn to get some knowledge. [06:34.94]What's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? [06:37.38]-It's not safe. -That's my boy. [06:39.84]First, we check to see that the coast is clear. [06:42.15]We go out...and back in. [06:44.58]And then we go out... and back in. [06:46.92]And then one more time-- out and back in. [06:49.99]And sometimes, if you want to do it four times-- [06:51.86]-Dad... -All right, come on, boy. [06:56.93]Maybe while I'm at school, I'll see a shark. [07:00.06]-I highly doubt that. -Have you ever met a shark? [07:02.77]No, and I don't plan to. [07:04.47]-How old are sea turtles? -I don't know. [07:07.71]Sandy Plankton from next door... [07:09.44]he says that sea turtles live to be about 1 00 years old. [07:12.34]he says that sea turtles live to be about 1 00 years old. [07:14.81]If I ever meet a sea turtle, I'll ask him. [07:17.12]After I'm done talking to the shark, OK? [07:19.08]Whoa! Hold on. Wait to cross. [07:20.65]Whoa! Hold on. Wait to cross. [07:22.72]Hold my fin. [07:24.96]Dad, you're not going to freak out... [07:26.33]Iike you did at the petting zoo, are you? [07:28.36]MARLlN: That snail was about to charge. [07:31.16]Hmm. I wonder where we're supposed to go. [07:33.63]ALL: Bye, Mom! [07:35.17]I'll pick you up after school. [07:37.30]Ha ha! [07:39.04]Come on, you guys, stop it! Give it back! [07:42.14]Come on, we'll try over there. [07:46.48]Excuse me, is this where we meet his teacher? [07:48.58]Well, look who's out of the anemone. [07:51.15]Yes. Shocking, I know. [07:51.85]Yes. Shocking, I know. [07:52.39]-Marty, right? -Marlin. [07:54.19]-Bob. -Ted. [07:55.39]Bill. Hey, you're a clownfish. [07:57.42]You're funny, right? Tell us a joke. [08:00.03]-Yeah. -Yeah. [08:01.36]Well, actually, that's a common misconception. [08:04.30]Clownfish are no funnier than any other fish. [08:06.87]-Come on, clownie. -Do something funny. [08:08.90]All right, I know one joke. [08:11.40]There's a mollusk, see? And he walks up to a sea-- [08:15.51]He doesn't walk up, he swims up. [08:17.61]Actually, the mollusk isn't moving. [08:19.51]He's in one place, and then the sea cucumber... [08:23.12]Well, they--I'm mixed up. [08:24.62]There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. [08:27.39]None of them were walking, so forget that l-- [08:28.39]None of them were walking, so forget that l-- [08:28.99]Sheldon! Get out of Mr. Johannsen's yard now! [08:32.26]-Whoa! -All right, you kids! [08:34.66]Ooh, where'd you go? [08:37.77]Dad, can I go play, too? Can l? [08:39.97]I would feel better if you'd play on the sponge beds. [08:47.54]That's where I would play. [08:51.15]-What's wrong with his fin? -He looks funny. [08:53.61]Ow! Hey, what'd I do? [08:56.02]Be nice. It's his first time at school. [08:58.02]He was born with it. We call it his lucky fin. [09:00.82]-Dad... -See this tentacle? [09:03.06]It's actually shorter than all my other tentacles... [09:05.23]but you can't really tell. [09:07.40]Especially when I twirl them like this. [09:09.87]I'm H-2-O intolerant. [09:11.97]-Ah-choo! -I'm obnoxious. [09:13.97]## Oh ## [09:15.57]## Let's name the zones, the zones, the zones ## [09:18.44]## Let's name the zones of the open sea ## [09:21.64]KlDS: Mr. Ray! [09:22.88]-Come on, Nemo. -You better stay with me. [09:25.81]## Mesopelagic, bathyal, abyssalpelagic ## [09:27.72]## All the rest are too deep for you and me to see ## [09:31.19]Huh. I wonder where my class has gone? [09:34.56]ALL: We're under here! [09:36.32]Oh, there you are. [09:38.23]Climb aboard, explorers. [09:39.83]## Oh, knowledge exploring ## [09:41.16]## Is, oh, so lyrical ## [09:42.70]## When you think thoughts that are empirical ## [09:45.17]Dad, you can go now. [09:46.37]-Hello. Who is this? -I'm Nemo. [09:49.51]Nemo, all new explorers must answer a science question. [09:53.21]-OK. -You live in what kind of home? [09:56.05]An anemon-none. [09:57.78]A nemenem-menome. [09:59.82]OK, don't hurt yourself. Welcome aboard, explorers. [10:02.89]Just so you know, he's got a little fin. [10:04.85]I find if he's having trouble swimming... [10:06.56]I let him take a break, 10, 15 minutes. [10:08.56]NEMO: Dad, it's time for you to go now. [10:11.03]Don't worry. We're gonna stay together as a group. [10:13.13]OK, class, optical orbits up front. [10:15.57]And remember, we keep our supraesophogeal ganglion... [10:18.60]to ourselves. That means you, Jimmy. [10:21.07]JlMMY: Aw, man! [10:21.17]JlMMY: Aw, man! [10:23.07]Bye, Nemo! [10:25.14]Bye, Dad! [10:26.58]Bye, son! [10:30.45]Be safe. [10:32.28]You're doing pretty well for a first-timer. [10:34.89]You can't hold on to them forever, can you? [10:37.25]I had a tough time with my oldest out at the drop off. [10:39.52]They got to grow up-- The drop off? [10:41.83]They're going to the drop off? What are you, insane? [10:44.73]Why don't we fry them up now and serve them with chips? [10:48.07]Hey, Marty, calm down. [10:49.37]Don't tell me to be calm, pony boy. [10:51.67]Pony boy? [10:54.01]For a clownfish, he really isn't that funny. [10:56.91]Pity. [10:58.38]## Oh ## [11:00.25]## Let's name the species, the species, the species ## [11:02.85]## Let's name the species that live in the sea ## [11:04.18]NEMO: Whoa. [11:05.38]## There's ## [11:07.22]## Porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, scyphozoa ## [11:09.32]## Anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three ## [11:11.42]## Gastropoda, arthropoda, echinoderma ## [11:14.13]## And some fish like you and me ## [11:15.46]Come on, sing with me. [11:16.83]## Oh ## [11:24.04]Just the girls this time, [11:25.94]## Oh, seaweed is cool ## [11:27.94]## Seaweed is fun ## [11:29.24]## It makes its food ## [11:34.01]OK, the drop off. [11:36.08]All right, kids, feel free to explore... [11:38.38]but stay close. [11:39.59]Stromalitic cyanobacteria! Gather. [11:43.12]An entire ecosystem contained in one infinitesimal speck. [11:45.89]There are as many protein pairs contained in this,,, [11:47.59]Come on, let's go. [11:50.06]Come on, sing with me! [11:51.46]## There's porifera, coelenterata ## [11:53.77]## Hydrozoa, scyphozoa ## [11:55.27]## Anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three ## [11:56.84]Hey, guys, wait up! [11:59.94]Whoa. [12:04.84]Cool. [12:08.62]Saved your life! [12:10.28]Aw, you guys made me ink. [12:14.05]What's that? [12:16.92]TAD: I know what that is, Sandy Plankton saw one, [12:19.99]He said it was called a butt. [12:23.13]-Whoa. -Wow. [12:24.60]That's a pretty big butt, [12:28.37]Oh, look at me. I'm going to touch the butt. [12:31.60]-Ah-choo! Whoa! -Ha ha ha! [12:34.11]Oh, yeah? Let's see you get closer. [12:36.94]OK. [12:38.61]Beat that. [12:41.15]Come on, Nemo. How far can you go? [12:43.72]My dad says it's not safe. [12:46.22]-Nemo! No! -Dad? [12:49.19]You were about to swim into open water. [12:50.66]No, I wasn't-- [12:51.93]Good thing I was here. If I hadn't shown up-- [12:53.79]-He wasn't going to go. -He was too afraid. [12:56.10]No, I wasn't. [12:57.43]This does not concern you, kids... [12:58.90]and you're lucky I don't tell your parents. [13:01.30]You know you can't swim well. [13:02.64]I can swim fine, Dad, OK? [13:04.61]No, it's not OK. You shouldn't be near here. [13:07.54]OK, I was right. You'll start school in a year or two. [13:09.98]No, Dad! Just because you're scared of the ocean-- [13:12.75]Clearly, you're not ready... [13:13.21]Clearly, you're not ready... [13:13.95]and you're not coming back until you are. [13:15.15]You think you can do these things... [13:16.45]but you just can't, Nemo! [13:19.69]I hate you. [13:22.49]## There's ## [13:25.16]Nothing to see. Gather. Over there. [13:27.03]Excuse me. Is there anything I can do? [13:28.33]I am a scientist, sir. Is there any problem? [13:30.43]I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt things. [13:32.57]He isn't a good swimmer, and it's a little too soon... [13:35.44]for him to be out here unsupervised, [13:37.21]MR, RAY: I can assure you, he's quite safe with me, [13:39.01]MARLlN: I'm sure he is, but you have a large class... [13:42.01]and he can get lost from sight if you're not looking. [13:44.88]I'm not saying you're not looking, [13:45.08]I'm not saying you're not looking, [13:46.11]Oh, my gosh! Nemo's swimming out to sea! [13:50.85]Nemo! [13:53.52]What do you think you're doing? [13:55.26]You'll get stuck out there... [13:58.09]and I'll have to get you before another fish does. [14:01.70]Get back here! [14:03.57]I said get back here now! [14:06.60]Stop! You take one more move, mister... [14:11.47]Don't you dare! [14:13.38]If you put one fin on that boat... [14:15.48]Are you listening to me? [14:17.01]Don't touch the bo--Nemo! [14:20.68]He touched the butt. [14:22.35]You paddle your little tail right back here, Nemo. [14:25.12]That's right. [14:26.32]You are in big trouble, young man. [14:28.06]Do you hear me? Big,,, [14:31.66]-Big... -Aah! [14:35.00]Aah! [14:36.87]Daddy! Help me! [14:38.97]I'm coming, Nemo! [14:43.24]-Aah! -Get under me, kids! [14:45.21]Aah! Oh! No! [14:46.64]Dad! [14:48.38]Daddy! [14:54.02]Oh! Nemo! [14:59.32]Unh. Nemo! [15:01.36]Nemo, no! Nemo! [15:05.03]Nemo! Nemo! No! [15:09.90]No! [15:12.44]Aah! [15:16.67]Uhh. [15:21.35]Nemo! Nemo! [15:33.09]Whoa! Hold on. [15:47.14]Oh, no. [15:48.41]No, No, it's gone, It's gone, [15:51.04]No, no, it can't be gone. [15:52.38]No, no! Nemo! [15:54.75]Nemo! Nemo! [15:56.35]Nemo! Nemo! [15:57.98]No! [16:00.32]Nemo! Nemo! [16:02.96]No! No, please, no! [16:08.56]No, no! [16:11.70]Has anybody seen a boat? [16:13.73]Please! A white boat! [16:15.60]They took my son! [16:17.30]My son! Help me, please. [16:19.81]-Look out! -What? [16:21.74]Ooh. Ohh. [16:24.18]Ohh. Oh, oh. Sorry. I didn't see you. [16:27.81]-Sir? Are you OK? -He's gone, he's gone. [16:31.15]There, there. It's all right. [16:32.62]-He's gone. -lt'll be OK. [16:33.92]No, no. They took him away. I have to find the boat. [16:37.52]A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat. [16:39.63]-You have? -lt passed by not too long ago. [16:41.96]-A white one? -Hi. I'm Dory. [16:44.36]Where? Which way? [16:45.60]Oh, oh, oh. It went this way. [16:47.80]It went this way. Follow me. [16:49.24]Thank you. Thank you, thank you so much. [16:52.64]No problem. [17:18.77]MARLlN: Hey... [17:20.40]Wait! [17:27.91]-Will you quit it? -What? [17:30.05]I'm trying to swim here. Ocean isn't big enough for you? [17:32.85]You got a problem, buddy? Huh? Huh? [17:33.18]You got a problem, buddy? Huh? Huh? [17:35.08]Do you? Do you? You want a piece of me? [17:37.82]Ooh, I'm scared now. What? [17:39.72]-Wait a minute. -Stop following me, OK? [17:42.36]What? You're showing me where the boat went. [17:45.53]A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat. [17:47.13]A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat. [17:47.36]It passed by not too long ago. It went this way. [17:50.60]It went this way. Follow me. [17:52.03]Wait a minute. What is going on? [17:54.20]You already told me which way the boat was going. [17:56.54]I did? Oh, no. [17:59.78]If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny. [18:02.11]And I know funny. I'm a clownfish. [18:04.45]No, it's not. I know it's not. I'm so sorry. [18:07.88]See, I suffer from short-term memory loss. [18:10.89]Short-term memory loss. I don't believe this. [18:14.76]No, it's true. I forget things almost instantly. [18:16.66]It runs in my family. At least, I think it does. [18:20.66]Um, hmm. Where are they? [18:29.44]Can I help you? [18:30.87]Something's wrong with you--really. [18:33.58]You're wasting my time. [18:35.48]I have to find my son. [18:40.82]Hello. [18:42.39]-Ohh. -Well, hi! [18:44.42]Name's Bruce. [18:47.49]It's all right. I understand. [18:49.29]Why trust a shark, right? [19:00.10]So, what's a couple of bites like you... [19:03.24]doing out so late, eh? [19:04.94]We're not doing anything. We're not even out. [19:07.01]Great! Then how'd you morsels... [19:09.28]Iike to come to a little get-together I'm having? [19:12.58]You mean, like a party? [19:13.82]Yeah, right. A party. What do you say? [19:17.92]I love parties. That sounds like fun. [19:20.13]Parties are fun, and it's tempting, but-- [19:22.56]Oh, come on, I insist. [19:26.50]MARLlN: OK. That's all that matters. [19:32.34]DORY: Hey, look, balloons, It is a party, [19:34.54]BRUCE: Ha ha ha ha! Mind your distance, though. [19:36.91]Those balloons can be a bit dodgy. [19:39.61]You wouldn't want one of them to pop. [19:50.96]MARLlN: Oh. [19:53.66]Ohh, [19:55.86]Anchor! Chum! [19:58.53]There you are, Bruce. Finally. [20:01.37]-We got company. -It's about time, mate. [20:04.07]We've already gone through the snacks... [20:04.94]We've already gone through the snacks... [20:05.57]and I'm still starving, [20:07.17]We almost had a feeding frenzy. [20:09.41]Come on, let's get this over with. [20:12.38]BRUCE: Right, then, [20:14.01]The meeting has officially come to order. [20:16.35]Let us all say the pledge. [20:17.88]I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. [20:22.42]If I am to change this image... [20:25.09]I must first change myself, [20:27.56]Fish are friends, not food. [20:30.33]Except stinkin' dolphins. [20:31.70]Dolphins. Yeah. They think they're so cute. [20:34.77]"Look at me. I'm a flippin' little dolphin. [20:36.54]"Let me flip for you. Ain't I something?" [20:38.24]Right, then. Today's meeting is Step 5-- [20:40.87]Bring a Fish Friend. [20:42.58]Do you all have your friends? [20:44.11]Got mine. [20:47.18]-Hey, there. -How about you, Chum? [20:49.32]Oh, l...seem to have misplaced my friend. [20:55.46]BRUCE: That's all right, Chum, [20:56.86]I had a feeling this would be a difficult step, [20:58.43]You can help yourself to one of my friends, [20:59.99]Thanks, mate. A little chum for Chum, eh? [21:03.50]BRUCE: I'll start the testimonies, [21:05.20]Hello. My name is Bruce. [21:07.47]BOTH: Hello, Bruce. [21:08.77]It has been three weeks since my last fish. [21:10.97]On my honor, or may I be chopped up and made into soup. [21:14.44]-You're an inspiration! -Amen. [21:18.45]Right, then. Who's next? [21:19.91]DORY: Pick me, pick me. [21:21.25]Yes. The little Sheila down the front. [21:23.15]-Whoo! -Come on up here. [21:26.19]Hi. I'm Dory. [21:28.09]-Hello, Dory. -And, uh, well... [21:30.53]I don't think I've ever eaten a fish. [21:33.73]-That's incredible. -Good on you, mate. [21:37.33]I'm glad I got that off my chest. [21:39.40]All right, anyone else? [21:40.77]How about you, mate? What's your problem? [21:43.41]MARLlN: Me? I don't have a problem. [21:45.67]Oh, OK. [21:47.08]-Denial. -Aah! [21:48.71]BRUCE: Just start with your name, [21:50.58]OK. Uh, hello. [21:53.32]My name is Marlin. I'm a clownfish. [21:56.45]-A clownfish? Really? -Tell us a joke. [21:59.52]I love jokes. [22:01.29]I actually do know one that's pretty good. [22:04.33]There was this mollusk... [22:06.40]and he walks up to a sea cucumber. [22:08.76]Normally, they don't talk, sea cucumbers... [22:10.63]but in a joke, everyone talks... [22:12.63]so the sea mollusk says to the cucumber... [22:17.41]NEMO: Daddy! [22:20.04]Nemo! [22:21.41]Nemo! Ha ha! Nemo! I don't get it. [22:24.48]For a clownfish, he's not that funny. [22:26.42]No, no, no, no. He's my son. [22:28.28]He was taken by these divers. [22:30.39]DORY: Oh, my. You poor fish. [22:33.12]Humans--think they own everything. [22:35.12]Probably American. [22:36.43]Now, there is a father-- Looking for his little boy. [22:37.43]Now, there is a father-- Looking for his little boy. [22:40.60]MARLlN: What do these markings mean? [22:43.13]I never knew my father! [22:45.50]-Group hug. -We're all mates here, mate. [22:47.94]I can't read human. [22:49.21]DORY: We got to find a fish that can read this. [22:50.51]-Hey, look, sharks. -No, no, no, Dory! [22:52.51]-Guys, guys. -No, Dory. [22:54.68]That's mine. Give it to me. [22:56.05]Gimme! Ow! [22:57.55]Oh, I'm sorry. Are you OK? [22:59.62]-Ow, ow, ow. -I'm so sorry. [23:00.99]You really clocked me there. Am I bleeding? [23:03.15]-Ohh. -Ow, ow, ow. [23:05.09]Dory, are you OK--Ohh. [23:08.69]Ohh, that's good. [23:09.49]Ohh, that's good. [23:12.26]BOTH: lntervention! [23:14.20]-Just a bite. -Hold it together, mate! [23:16.83]Remember, Bruce, fish are friends, not food! [23:19.50]-Food! -Dory, look out! [23:21.61]-Food! -Dory, look out! [23:22.44]-Aah! -I'm having fish tonight! [23:26.04]Remember the steps, mate! [23:27.68]MARLlN: Aah! [23:30.25]-Aah! Whoa! -Aah! [23:33.45]-Just one bite! -Aah! [23:38.79]G'day. Grr! [23:43.60]There's no way out! [23:44.90]There's got to be a way to escape! [23:48.87]Who is it? [23:50.20]Dory, help me find a way out! [23:51.60]Sorry. Come back later. We're trying to escape. [23:55.37]-There's got to be a way out! -Here's something. [23:58.78]"Es-cap-e." I wonder what that means. [24:01.55]Funny. It's spelled just like "escape." [24:03.11]-Let's go. -Aah! [24:04.42]Here's Brucey! [24:07.55]Wait a minute. You can read? [24:09.29]I can read? That's right. I can read! [24:11.32]Well, then, here. Read this now. [24:13.49]-Aah! -Ohh! [24:15.49]He really doesn't mean it. He never even knew his father. [24:18.30]CHUM: Don't fall off the wagon! [24:19.57]-Aah! -Aah! [24:23.60]Oh, no, it's blocked! [24:26.04]Oh, no, it's blocked! [24:30.28]No, Bruce, focus. [24:31.61]Sorry about Bruce, mate. [24:33.78]He's really a nice guy. [24:36.48]I need to get that mask. [24:37.75]You want that mask? OK. [24:39.39]No, no, no, no, no, no! [24:42.19]Quick, grab the mask! [24:49.10]Oh, no. Bruce? [24:51.47]What? [24:54.40]Swim away! Swim away! [24:57.70]DORY: Aw, is the party over? [25:08.78]Nice. [25:13.81]Dad? [25:17.82]Daddy? [25:21.25]Huh? [25:23.79]Aah! Uhh! [25:29.33]Uhh! [25:41.87]-Barbara, -Uh-huh? [25:43.84]Prep for his anterior crown, would you, please? [25:45.71]And I'm going to need a few more cotton rolls, [25:48.18]BARBARA: OK, [25:51.55]Hello, little fella. [25:53.32]Aah! [25:54.55]Heh heh heh! Beauty, isn't he? [25:55.76]I found that guy struggling for life... [25:57.12]out on the reef, and I saved him. [25:58.86]So, has that Novocaine kicked in yet? [26:00.99]PATIENT: I think so, We're ready to roll, [26:05.43]Bubbles! [26:09.94]My bubbles. [26:11.57]He likes bubbles. [26:12.97]Aah! Ohh! No! Uhh! [26:24.45]-Bonjour. -Aah! [26:25.72]Slow down, little fella. There's nothing to worry about. [26:29.56]-He's scared to death. -I want to go home. [26:32.83]Do you know where my dad is? [26:34.90]Honey, your dad's probably back at the pet store. [26:37.70]Pet store? [26:38.90]Yeah, you know, like, I'm from Bob's Fish Mart. [26:41.64]-Pet Palace. -Fish-O-Rama. [26:43.24]-Mail order. -Ebay. [26:44.74]-So, which one is it? -I'm from the ocean. [26:47.47]Ah, the ocean. The ocean? [26:49.44]Aah! Aah! Aah! [26:51.38]He hasn't been decontaminated. Jacques! [26:54.11]-Oui, -Clean him! [26:55.48]Oui, [26:57.05]-Ocean. -Ooh, la mer. Bon. [27:01.32]Voila. He is clean. [27:05.93]Wow. The big blue. What's it like? [27:09.23]-Big and blue? -I knew it. [27:13.30]If there's anything you need, just ask your Auntie Deb. [27:16.54]Or if I'm not around, you can talk to my sister Flo. [27:19.67]Hi. How are you? [27:21.48]Don't listen to anything my sister says. [27:23.04]She's nuts. Ha ha ha ha! [27:24.91]We got a live one. [27:26.05]-Can't hear you, Peach. -I said we got a live one. [27:29.12]-Boy, oh, boy. -What do we got? [27:31.12]Root canal--and by the looks of those x-rays... [27:32.69]it's not going to be pretty. [27:34.19]Ow! [27:35.92]-Dam and clamp installed? -Yep. [27:37.39]-What did he use to open? -Gator-Glidden drill. [27:39.23]He seems to favor that one lately, [27:40.93]I can't see, Flo. [27:43.90]You're getting a little too--Aah! [27:46.07]PEACH: Now he's doing the Schilder technique. [27:47.30]BLOAT: He's using a Hedstrom file. [27:48.74]That's not a Hedstrom file. That's a K-Flex. [27:50.97]It has a teardrop cross-section. Clearly a Hedstrom. [27:53.64]-No, no, K-Flex. -Hedstrom. [27:55.18]-K-Flex! -Hedstrom! [27:56.91]There I go. A little help, over here. [27:59.08]DEB: I'll go deflate him. [28:03.32]DENTlST: All right. Go ahead and rinse. [28:05.52]Oh, the human mouth is a disgusting place. [28:11.29]-Hey, Nigel. -What did I miss? [28:13.26]PEACH: Root canal--a doozy. [28:14.46]Root canal? What did he use to open? [28:16.13]-Gator-Glidden drill. -He's favoring that one. [28:18.20]Hope he doesn't get surplus sealer at the portal terminus. [28:21.24]-Hello. Who's this? -New guy. Ha ha ha! [28:24.37]The dentist took him off the reef. [28:25.74]An outie. From my neck of the woods, eh? [28:28.15]Sorry if I ever took a snap at you. [28:29.68]Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat. [28:31.11]Hey! No, no, no, no! [28:32.85]They're not your fish. They're my fish. [28:34.48]Come on, go. Go on, shoo! [28:38.62]Aw, the picture broke. [28:40.32]This here's Darla. She's my niece. [28:42.43]She's going to be eight this week. [28:43.93]Hey, little fella. [28:45.43]Say hello to your new mummy, [28:47.23]She'll be here Friday to pick you up. [28:49.73]You're her present. Shh, shh, shh. [28:51.60]It's our little secret, [28:53.70]Well, Mr. Tucker, while that sets up... [28:55.27]I'm going to see a man about a wallaby. [28:59.08]Oh, Darla. [29:01.01]What? What's wrong with her? [29:02.91]GURGLE: She wouldn't stop shaking the bag, [29:05.65]-Poor Chuckles. -He was her present last year. [29:09.45]BLOAT: Hitched a ride on the porcelain express, [29:13.69]PEACH: She's a fish killer, [29:15.93]I can't go with that girl. [29:18.23]I have to get back to my dad. [29:20.03]Aah! Daddy! Help me! [29:23.97]Oh, he's stuck. [29:25.17]GILL: Nobody touch him, [29:29.64]Nobody touch him. [29:37.35]Can you help me? [29:38.82]No. You got yourself in there. [29:39.18]No. You got yourself in there. [29:40.85]You can get yourself out. [29:42.55]-Gill-- -I want to see him do it. [29:44.86]Calm down. Alternate wiggling your fins and your tail. [29:48.73]I can't. I have a bad fin. [29:51.56]Never stopped me. [29:57.80]Just think about what you need to do. [30:04.34]Come on. [30:10.08]Perfect. [30:11.32]-Yay! -You did it! [30:12.72]Good squirming. Ha ha ha! [30:14.52]Wow. From the ocean-- just like you, Gill. [30:18.16]Yeah. [30:19.36]I've seen that look before. [30:21.76]What are you thinking about? [30:23.46]I'm thinking... [30:25.27]tonight, we give the kid a proper reception. [30:28.87]So, kid, you got a name or what? [30:30.57]Nemo. I'm Nemo. [30:35.41]Nemo. Nemo. [30:43.08]DORY: Are you gonna eat that? [30:56.33]-Careful with that hammer. -Huh? [31:02.50]No, no. [31:05.31]What does it say? Dory! [31:07.57]DORY: A sea monkey has my money. [31:09.24]Wake up. Get up. Come on. [31:11.55]Come on! [31:12.55]-Yes, I'm a natural blue. -Get up! [31:14.82]DORY: Look out! Sharks eat fish! Aah! [31:22.19]-Aah! -Aah! [31:30.23]Aah! [31:40.14]DORY: Wow. Dusty. [31:42.24]MARLlN: The mask. Where's the mask? [31:45.45]No! No, not the mask! [31:47.38]Get it! Get the mask! Get the mask! Get it! [31:54.09]DORY: ## Hoo doot doo doot doot doo doot ## [31:56.63]Whoo-hoo! [31:58.06]## La la la la la la ## [31:59.66]It just keeps going on, doesn't it? [32:01.43]Echo! Echo! [32:03.87]Hey, what you doing? [32:05.13]It's gone. I've lost the mask. [32:06.44]-Did you drop it? -You dropped it! [32:08.50]That was my only chance of finding my son. [32:10.14]Now it's gone. [32:15.04]Hey, Mr. Grumpy Gills... [32:18.95]when life gets you down, know what you got to do? [32:20.58]-I don't want to know. -Just keep swimming. [32:23.05]## Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming ## [32:26.52]## What do we do? We swim, swim ## [32:28.79]Dory, no singing. [32:30.06]## Ho ho ho ho ho ho ## [32:31.89]## I love to swim ## [32:34.53]## When you want to swim ## [32:37.00]See, I'm going to get stuck now with that song. [32:39.04]-Now it's in my head. -Sorry. [32:43.27]Dory, do you see anything? [32:44.74]-Aah! Something's got me. -That was me. I'm sorry. [32:46.51]-Who's that? -Who could it be? It's me. [32:49.91]DORY: Are you my conscience? [32:53.22]MARLlN: Yeah, yeah. I'm your conscience. [32:55.89]We haven't spoken for a while. How are you? [32:58.82]-Can't complain. -Yeah? Good. [33:01.12]Now, Dory, I want you to tell me-- [33:02.89]Do you see anything? [33:04.66]I see a...I see a light. [33:08.30]-A light? -Yeah. Over there. [33:10.90]-Hey, conscience, am I dead? -No. I see it, too. [33:22.05]What is it? [33:24.08]It's so pretty. [33:28.92]I'm feeling...happy... [33:33.76]which is a big deal for me. [33:37.30]I want to touch it. [33:38.83]-Oh. -Ooh. [33:40.40]Hey, come back. Come on back here. [33:42.83]## I'm gonna get you ## [33:44.44]I'm gonna get you. [33:46.24]## I'm gonna swim with you ## [33:47.54]I'm gonna get you. [33:48.94]## I'm gonna be your best friend ## [33:51.84]Good feeling's gone. [33:55.65]-Whoa! -Waah! [33:59.85]MARLlN: I can't see! I don't know where I'm going! [34:02.65]DORY: Haah! [34:03.62]DORY: Haah! [34:04.52]-The mask! -What mask? [34:06.53]OK, I can't see a thing. [34:10.23]-Oh, gee. -Hey, look, a mask. [34:12.56]Read it! [34:14.27]DORY: I'm sorry, but if you could just,,, [34:15.93]bring it a little closer, I kind of need the light, [34:17.47]bring it a little closer, I kind of need the light, [34:17.90]That's great. Keep it right there. [34:20.87]-Just read it! -OK, OK. [34:23.64]Mr. Bossy. Uh, "P '." [34:26.71]OK, "P, Sher,,, " [34:29.72]"Sher--P. Sher--" P. Shirley? P.--" [34:34.72]Oh. The first line's "P. Sherman." [34:37.06]"P. Sherman" doesn't make any sense! [34:39.29]DORY: OK. Second line. "42." [34:41.56]MARLlN: Don't eat me. Don't eat me. Aah! [34:45.27]DORY: Light, please! [34:48.23]DORY: "Walla--walla--" [34:50.84]MARLlN: Waah! Waah! Waah! [34:53.77]DORY: The second line's "42 Wallaby Way." [34:55.58]MARLlN: That's great. Speed read. Take a guess. [34:58.41]No pressure, No problem, There's a lot of pressure, [35:00.08]Pressure! T ake a guess now with pressure! [35:02.65]-"Sydney"! It's "Sydney"! -Duck! [35:05.79]DORY: Aah! [35:07.76]MARLlN: I'm dead. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead. [35:11.19]I died. I'm dead. [35:19.57]Whoo-hoo! [35:20.94]## We did it, we did it ## [35:22.77]## Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah ## [35:24.51]## No eating here tonight, whoo! ## [35:26.37]BOTH: ## Eating here tonight ## [35:27.78]## No, no, no, eating here tonight ## [35:29.11]-Dory. -## You on a diet ## [35:30.61]Dory! What did the mask say? [35:33.48]P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. [35:35.35]I remembered what it said! [35:37.52]I usually forget things, but I remembered it! [35:40.06]Whoa, whoa, wait. Where is that? [35:41.76]I don't know. But who cares? I remembered. [35:44.23]-Raar! -Aah! [35:45.46]DORY: P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. [35:47.73]I remembered it again! [36:16.46]JACQUES: Psst, Nemo, [36:19.50]NEMO: Mmm... [36:21.13]## Nemo ## [36:23.87]-Huh? -Suivez-moi. [36:28.87]Follow me. [36:40.92]FISH: ## Ha hwa ha ## [36:43.09]## Ha hwa ha ## [36:46.06]## Ha hwa ha ## [36:47.96]## Ha hwa ha ## [36:50.26]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [36:53.10]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [36:54.00]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [36:55.23]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [36:57.77]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [36:59.77]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [37:02.24]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [37:04.44]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [37:06.88]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [37:09.15]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [37:11.52]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [37:13.88]## Ha hwa ho ha ## [37:16.39]## Hahoo wahoo yahoo ho ## [37:18.02]## Hahoo wahoo yahoo ho ## [37:20.42]## Hahoo ho ho wahoo ha hee ## [37:22.56]## Ha ho wahee ha ho ho ho ## [37:24.80]## Hoo! ## [37:28.00]State your name. [37:29.77]Nemo. [37:31.90]Brother Bloat, proceed. [37:35.37]Nemo, newcomer of orange and white... [37:39.31]you have been called forth... [37:40.71]to the summit of Mount Wannahockaloogie... [37:43.31]to join with us in the fraternal bonds of tankhood. [37:48.65]-Huh? -We want you in our club, kid. [37:51.59]-Really? -lf... [37:52.82]you are able to swim through... [37:56.13]the Ring of Fire! [38:04.10]Turn on the Ring of Fire! [38:05.97]You said you could do it, [38:07.64]The Ring of Fire! [38:11.61]Bubbles, let me--Oh! [38:13.78]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [38:16.58]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [38:18.95]## Ha hwa ha ho ho ho ## [38:21.32]Isn't there another way? He's just a boy! [38:34.80]From this moment on, you will be known as Sharkbait. [38:39.94]Sharkbait, oo-ha-ha! [38:41.31]Welcome, Brother Sharkbait. [38:43.11]Sharkbait, oo-ha-ha! [38:44.38]-Enough with the Sharkbait. -Sharkbait! [38:46.45]Ooh...ba-ba-do. [38:48.35]Sharkbait's one of us now, agreed? [38:49.95]-Agreed. -We can't send him to his death. [38:52.05]Darla's coming in five days. [38:54.19]So, what are we going to do? [38:55.79]I'll tell you what we're gonna do-- [38:58.39]we're gonna get him out of here. [38:59.99]-We'll help him escape. -Escape? Really? [39:02.56]We're all gonna escape. [39:04.06]Gill, please. Not another escape plan. [39:06.73]Sorry, but they just never work. [39:08.80]Why should this be any different? [39:09.94]Why should this be any different? [39:10.37]-Because we've got him. -Me? [39:13.87]-You see that filter? -Yeah. [39:15.64]You're the only one who can get in and out of that thing, [39:19.11]We need you to take a pebble inside there,,, [39:22.32]and jam the gears, [39:23.58]You do that, and this tank's gonna get,,, [39:25.59]filthier and filthier by the minute, [39:27.59]Pretty soon, the dentist'll have to clean the tank,,, [39:29.96]and when he does, he'll take us out of the tank,,, [39:32.89]put us in individual baggies,,, [39:34.50]then we'll roll ourselves down the counter,,, [39:36.33]out the window, off the awning,,, [39:38.03]into the bushes, across the street,,, [39:39.73]and into the harbor! [39:42.24]It's foolproof. Who's with me? [39:45.21]-Aye! -Aye! [39:46.64]I think you're nuts. [39:49.24]No offense, kid, but you're not the best swimmer. [39:52.11]He's fine. He can do this. [39:54.55]So, Sharkbait, what do you think? [39:58.05]Let's do it. [40:02.99]DORY: I'm going to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. [40:05.99]Where are you going? [40:07.33]I'm going to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. [40:09.03]If you ask where I'm going... [40:10.70]I'll tell you that's where I'm going. [40:12.47]It's P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. [40:13.97]Where? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. [40:15.77]P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. [40:17.37]MARLlN: Excuse me. [40:20.21]Hi. Do you know how to get-- [40:22.04]Hello? Whoa. Wait. Can you tell me-- [40:25.05]Hey! Hold it! I'm trying to talk to you! [40:29.42]Fellas, come back here. One quick question. [40:32.82]I need to-- And they're gone again. [40:37.26]DORY: P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. [40:39.06]Why do I have to tell you over and over again? [40:40.76]I'll tell you again. I don't get tired of it-- [40:42.80]-OK, all right. -Huh? [40:44.00]-Here's the thing. -Uh-huh. [40:45.74]I think it's best if I carry on from here by... [40:51.27]by myself. [40:52.68]OK. [40:53.91]-You know, alone. -Uh-huh. [40:55.65]Without--without-- I mean, not without you. [40:57.71]But I don't want you...with me. [41:01.12]-Huh? -Am l... [41:03.49]I don't want to hurt your feelings. [41:04.69]-You want me to leave? -I mean, not--Yes. [41:07.52]I just can't afford any more delays... [41:09.99]and you're one of those fish that cause delays. [41:13.23]Sometimes it's a good thing. [41:14.90]There's a whole group of fish. They're delay fish. [41:17.97]You mean... [41:19.57]You mean you don't like me? [41:21.27]No, of course I like you. [41:23.11]It's because I like you I don't want to be with you. [41:25.84]It's a complicated emotion. [41:28.05]-Ohh! -Don't cry. I like you. [41:31.78]Hey, you! Lady, is this guy bothering you? [41:36.19]Um...I don't remember. Were you? [41:38.16]No, no, no, no, no. We're just-- [41:40.09]Do you guys know how I can get to-- [41:41.89]Look, pal, we're talking to the lady, not you. [41:44.26]Hey, hey. You like impressions? [41:45.90]Mm-hmm. [41:47.97]Just like in rehearsals, gentlemen. [41:50.34]So what are we? Take a guess. [41:51.94]DORY: Oh, oh. I've seen one of those. [41:53.27]I'm a fish with a nose like a sword. [41:55.51]-Wait, wait, um-- -It's a swordfish! [41:57.51]LEADER: Hey, clown boy, let the lady guess. [41:59.28]LEADER: Hey, clown boy, let the lady guess. [42:00.58]Where's the butter? [42:02.18]Ooh! It's on the tip of my tongue! [42:03.62]-Lobster. -Saw that! [42:05.65]Lots of legs! Live in the ocean. [42:07.52]-Clam! -Close enough! [42:08.95]## Oh, it's a whale of a tale ## [42:10.49]## I'll tell you, lad,,, ## [42:11.99]They're good. [42:13.03]Will somebody please give me directions?! [42:14.36]"Will somebody please give me directions?!" [42:16.76]-Ha ha ha ha ha! -I'm serious! [42:18.83]"Blah blah blah, me, me, blah! [42:20.87]"Blah blah blah, me, me, me!" [42:22.10]Thank you. [42:23.64]Oh, dear. Hey! Hey, come back! [42:26.17]-Hey, what's the matter? -What's the matter? [42:28.31]-Hey, what's the matter? -What's the matter? [42:28.87]While they're doing their silly little impressions... [42:30.88]I am miles from home with a fish that can't remember her name! [42:35.05]I bet that's frustrating. [42:36.38]Meanwhile, my son is out there. [42:37.85]-Your son Chico? -Nemo? [42:39.89]But it doesn't matter because no fish... [42:41.32]in this entire ocean is going to help me. [42:43.32]Well, I'm helping you. [42:47.13]Wait right here. [42:49.70]-Guys! -ls he bothering you again? [42:52.33]No, no. He's a good guy. [42:53.90]Go easy on him. He's lost his son Fabio. [42:54.90]Go easy on him. He's lost his son Fabio. [42:56.17]Any of you heard of P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney? [42:59.14]Sydney? Oh, sure! [43:01.81]Ted here's got relatives in Sydney. [43:03.58]-Don't you, Ted? -Sure do! [43:05.25]Oh! Hey! They know Sydney! [43:07.98]You wouldn't know how to get there, would you? [43:09.52]You want to follow the E.A.C. [43:11.52]That's the East Australian Current. [43:14.25]Big current. Can't miss it. [43:15.92]It's in...that direction. [43:18.93]And then you follow that for about... [43:20.86]I don't know. What do you guys think? [43:22.66]About three leagues? [43:23.86]That little baby will put you right past Sydney. [43:26.87]-Ta-da! -That's great! [43:29.34]Dory, you did it! [43:30.57]Oh, please, I'm just your little helper. [43:32.44]-Helping along. That's me. -Fellas, thank you. [43:34.81]LEADER: Don't mention it! Just loosen up, OK, buddy? [43:38.48]DORY: Oh, you guys. You really nailed him. Bye. [43:41.52]LEADER: Oh, hey, ma'am. One more thing. [43:43.38]When you come to this trench, swim through it, not over it. [43:46.99]DORY: Trench... through it, not over it. [43:48.92]I'll remember. Hey, hey! [43:53.06]Hey, wait up, partner! Hold on! [43:55.36]Wait, wait, wait! I gotta tell you something. [43:58.13]Whoa. [44:00.87]DORY: Nice trench, [44:04.91]DORY: Hello! [44:10.61]-OK, let's go. -No, no. Bad trench. [44:13.28]Come on, we'll swim over this thing. [44:14.98]Whoa, partner. Little red flag going up. [44:17.15]Something's telling me to swim through it, not over it. [44:20.82]Are you looking at this thing? [44:22.49]It's got death written all over it. [44:24.03]I really, really, really think we should swim through. [44:26.90]And I'm really, really done talking about this. Over we go. [44:29.16]-Trust me on this. -Trust you? [44:31.17]Yes, trust. It's what friends do. [44:33.07]Look! Something shiny! [44:35.00]-Where? -lt just swam over the trench. [44:36.81]-Come on, we'll follow it! -OK! [44:42.51]Boy, it sure is clear up here. [44:45.21]Exactly. And look at that-- there's the current. [44:48.72]We should be there in no time. [44:51.35]Hey, little guy. [44:53.19]You wanted to go through the trench. [44:54.99]I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine. [44:57.06]And he shall be my Squishy. Come here, Squishy. [44:59.33]Come here, little Squishy. [45:02.57]Ow! [45:03.83]-That's a jellyfish! -Bad Squishy! [45:06.74]Shoo, shoo! Get away! [45:08.57]-Let me see that. -Don't touch it. [45:10.91]I won't touch it. I just want to look. [45:13.28]Hey! How come it didn't sting you? [45:15.35]It did. It's just that-- [45:16.91]-Ow! Ow! Ow! -Hold still. , [45:18.65]I live in this a, nemone... [45:20.15]and I'm used to these kind of stings. [45:22.05]Ow! Ow! Ow! [45:23.25]It doesn't look bad. You'll be fine. [45:25.29]But now we know, don't we... [45:27.06]that we don't want to touch these again. [45:29.29]Let's be thankful this time it was just a little one. [45:32.36]-Aah! -Aah! [45:34.80]Don't move. [45:37.90]-This is bad, Dory. -Hey, watch this! [45:38.70]-This is bad, Dory. -Hey, watch this! [45:40.84]Boing! Boing! [45:42.54]Dory! [45:43.81]## You can't catch me ## [45:46.18]Don't bounce on the tops! [45:47.68]They will...not sting you! [45:50.85]-The tops don't sting you! -Two in a row! Beat that! [45:53.55]Dory, listen to me. I have an idea--a game. [45:56.52]-A game? -Yes. [45:58.09]-I love games! Pick me! -Here's the game. [46:00.79]Whoever can hop the fastest out of these jellyfish wins! [46:04.30]-OK. -Rules, rules, rules! [46:05.96]You can't touch the tentacles. Only the tops. [46:08.57]Something about tentacles. Got it. Go! [46:10.47]Wait! Not something about 'em, it's all about 'em! [46:13.44]-Whee! -Wait, Dory! [46:14.67]Gotta go faster if you want to win! [46:15.37]Gotta go faster if you want to win! [46:16.81]Whoa! Dory! [46:18.01]Boing, boing, boing! [46:20.01]Wait a minute! Whoa! Dory! [46:22.91]Whee! [46:24.48]We're cheating death now. That's what we're doing. [46:27.79]But we're having fun at the same time. [46:29.49]I can do this. Just be careful. [46:30.96]Yeah, careful I don't make you cry when I win! [46:32.89]I don't think so! [46:34.09]Ha ha ha ha! [46:35.66]Whoa! [46:37.50]Give it up, old man. [46:38.70]You can't fight evolution. I was built for speed. [46:41.00]The question is, Dory, are you hungry? [46:43.00]-Hungry? -Yeah. [46:44.37]'Cause you're about to eat my bubbles! [46:47.14]Duck to the left! Right there! [46:51.68]The clownfish is the winner! [46:54.15]Whoo-hoo! We did it! Look at us! [46:57.25]Dory? [46:58.78]Dory? [47:01.01]Oh, no. [47:03.48]Dory! Dory! [47:05.82]Dory! [47:09.89]Dory! [47:12.16]Ohh! [47:16.29]DORY: Am I disqualified? [47:19.06]MARLlN: No, you're doing fine! You're actually winning! [47:21.07]But you gotta stay awake. Where does P. Sherman live? [47:24.24]DORY: P. Sherman... Wallaby Way, Sydney... [47:27.17]MARLlN: That's it! [47:28.97]Uhh! [47:30.18]-Wallaby Way... -Uhh! Stay awake! [47:32.91]Stay awake! Ooh! Stay awake! [47:35.25]Stay...awake! [47:41.55]-Awake. -P. Sherman. [47:44.86]-Awake. -42 Wallaby Way. [47:47.89]Wake up. Nemo... [47:51.46]Wake up. Nemo... [48:06.58]You miss your dad, don't you, Sharkbait? [48:08.98]Yeah. [48:09.85]Yeah. [48:10.38]You're lucky to have someone out there looking for you. [48:14.42]He's not looking for me. [48:16.62]He's scared of the ocean. [48:20.03]Peach, any movement? [48:21.66]He's had four cups of coffee. It's gotta be soon. [48:24.60]Keep on him. [48:28.54]My first escape-- landed on dental tools. [48:31.40]I was aiming for the toilet. [48:32.87]Toilet? [48:34.11]All drains lead to the ocean, kid. [48:36.74]Wow. How many times have you tried to get out? [48:40.05]Ah, I've lost count. [48:41.68]Fish aren't meant to be in a box, kid. [48:43.65]It does things to you. [48:45.35]Bubbles! Bubbles! [48:47.52]Potty break! He grabbed the "Reader's Digest." [48:49.92]-We have 4.2 minutes! -That's your cue, Sharkbait. [48:53.36]-You can do it, kid. -We gotta be quick. [48:55.70]Once you get in, swim to the bottom of the chamber... [48:55.90]Once you get in, swim to the bottom of the chamber... [48:58.37]and I'll talk you through the rest. [49:00.17]-OK. -lt'll be a piece of kelp. [49:11.41]Nicely done! [49:12.81]-Can you hear me? -Yeah! [49:14.58]Here comes the pebble. [49:18.35]Ptoo. [49:22.02]Now, do you see a small opening? [49:24.86]Uh-huh! [49:26.33]Inside it, you'll see a rotating fan, [49:29.53]Wedge that pebble into the fan to stop it turning, [49:37.47]Aah! [49:38.81]-Careful, Sharkbait! -I can't do it! [49:41.14]Gill, this isn't a good idea. [49:42.71]He'll be fine. Try again! [49:44.51]OK. [49:47.25]GILL: That's it, Sharkbait, [49:49.75]Nice and steady, [49:54.52]I got it! I got it! [49:56.12]-He did it! -That's great, kid! [49:58.89]Now swim up the tube and out, [50:18.38]Oh, no! Gill! [50:21.15]-Sharkbait! -Oh, my gosh! [50:22.39]Get him outta there! [50:23.65]-What do we do? -Oh, no! [50:26.22]Stay calm, kid. Just don't panic! [50:29.23]Help me! [50:30.66]Sharkbait, grab hold of this! [50:36.53]-No! No! No! -Feed me more! [50:38.53]-That's it! -Sharkbait! Grab it! [50:41.51]I got it! [50:44.24]Pull! [50:52.72]PEACH: Gill, don't make him go back in there. [50:56.65]No. We're done. [51:13.74]CRUSH: Dude, [51:15.47]-Uhh. -Dude. [51:18.58]Focus, dude. Dude. [51:23.11]Ohh. [51:24.78]Oh, he lives. Hey, dude! [51:26.42]MARLlN: Ohh. What happened? [51:29.82]Saw the whole thing, dude. [51:31.92]First, you were all, like, "Whoa!"... [51:33.83]and then we were all, like, "Whoa!"... [51:35.49]and then you were, like, "Whoa." [51:37.43]MARLlN: What are you talking about? [51:38.90]You, mini-man. Takin' on the jellies. [51:42.37]You got serious thrill issues, dude. [51:45.24]-Ohh. -Awesome. [51:46.54]Uhh. Oh, my stomach. Ohh! [51:49.77]Oh, man. No hurlin' on the shell, dude, OK? [51:51.78]Just waxed it. [51:53.01]So, Mr. Turtle-- [51:55.28]Whoa, dude. Mr. Turtle is my father. [51:57.68]The name's Crush. [51:59.15]Crush? Really? [52:01.52]OK, Crush. I need to the East Australian Current. [52:06.23]E.A.C.? [52:07.49]Oh, dude. [52:09.46]You're ridin' it, dude! [52:11.86]Check it out! cd2 [00:21.15]OK, grab shell, dude! [00:23.06]Grab wh-a-a-at?! [00:24.82]Grab wh-a-a-at?! [00:34.20]Ha ha! Righteous! Righteous! [00:36.90]-Yeah! -Stop! [00:41.64]So... [00:44.14]What brings you on this fine day to the E.A.C.? [00:47.71]Dory and I need to get to Sydney. [00:50.35]Dory! Is she all right? [00:52.62]Huh? Oh, little blue. [00:55.52]She is sub-level, dude. [01:01.26]Dory! Dory! Dory! [01:03.86]Dory. [01:07.33]I'm so sorry. [01:10.20]This is all my fault. It's my fault. [01:13.57]Twenty-nine, thirty! Ready or not, here I come! [01:18.55]There you are! [01:21.85]Catch me if you can! [01:24.75]Dory? [01:27.16]KID: Nice wave! [01:29.02]Oh, wow! [01:31.09]Heh heh. [01:32.79]Up you go! [01:33.23]Up you go! [01:34.66]Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! [01:37.70]Whoa! Whoa! [01:40.44]Whoa-oh-oh-oh! [01:44.67]-Oh, my goodness! -Kill the motor, dude. [01:47.31]Let us see what Squirt does flying solo. [01:56.38]Whoa! [01:59.12]Whoa! That was so cool! [02:02.16]Hey, Dad, did you see that? [02:03.99]Did you see me? Did you see what I did? [02:06.36]You so totally rock, Squirt! [02:09.37]So give me some fin. [02:10.93]Noggin. [02:12.37]-Dude. -Dude. [02:13.77]Oh...intro. [02:15.20]Jellyman, offspring. [02:17.14]Offspring, Jellyman. [02:19.24]-Jellies?! Sweet. -Totally. [02:22.81]Apparently, I must've done something you liked...dudes. [02:26.08]-You rock, dude! -Ow. [02:28.55]Curl away, my son. It's awesome, Jellyman. [02:33.32]The little dudes are just eggs, [02:35.02]We leave 'em on a beach to hatch,,, [02:36.83]and then, coo-coo-cachoo... [02:38.13]they find their way back to the big ol' blue. [02:40.56]-All by themselves? -Yeah. [02:42.93]But, dude, how do you know when they're ready? [02:45.97]Well, you never really know. [02:47.24]But when they know, you'll know, you know? Ha. [02:54.88]Hey, look, everybody. [02:56.35]I know that dude! It's the Jellyman! [02:59.08]DORY: Go on. Jump on him! [03:01.15]-Turtle pile! -Wait, wait, wait! [03:04.39]-Are you funny? -Where's your shell? [03:06.49]-I need to breathe! -Are you running away? [03:08.59]Did you really cross the jellyfish forest? [03:10.29]-Did they sting you? -One at a time! [03:12.30]Mr. Fish, did you die? [03:14.00]DORY: Sorry, I was a little vague on the details. [03:16.57]So, where are you going? [03:17.77]You see, my son was taken. [03:19.67]My son was taken away from me. [03:22.54]-No way. -What happened? [03:24.84]No, no, kids. I don't want to talk about it. [03:27.05]ALL: Aww! Please? [03:29.41]Please? [03:30.78]Well, OK. [03:33.52]I live on this reef a long, long way from here. [03:37.39]This is gonna be good. I can tell. [03:39.46]And my son Nemo... [03:41.89]See, he was mad at me. [03:43.90]And maybe he wouldn't have done it... [03:45.56]if I hadn't been so tough on him. [03:47.10]I don't know. [03:48.37]Anyway, he swam out in the open water to this boat... [03:50.40]and when he was out there, these divers appeared... [03:53.31]and I tried to stop them, but the boat was too fast. [03:55.97]So, we swam out in the ocean to follow them... [03:57.78]They couldn't stop 'em. And then Nemo's dad... [04:00.15]he swims out to the ocean, and they bump into... [04:02.95]...three ferocious sharks. [04:04.28]He scares away the sharks by blowing 'em up! [04:06.42]Golly, that's amazing. [04:07.79]And then dives thousands of feet... [04:09.46]...straight down into the dark. [04:11.22]It's wicked dark down there. [04:12.72]You can't see a thing. How's it going, Bob? [04:14.46]And the only thing they can see down there... [04:16.16]...is the light from this big, horrible creature... [04:17.93]with razor-sharp teeth. Nice parry, old man. [04:19.93]And then he has to blast his way... [04:21.33]So, these two little fish have been... [04:23.00]searching the ocean for days on the East Australian Current. [04:26.54]Which means that he may be on his way here right now. [04:28.91]That should put him in Sydney Harbor... [04:30.48]...in a matter of days. I mean, it sounds like... [04:31.81]this guy is gonna stop at nothing... [04:33.85]...till he finds his son. I sure hope he makes it. [04:36.65]That's one dedicated father, if you ask me. [04:45.26]GULLS: Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! [04:47.23]Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! [04:52.57]Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! [04:54.30]Would you just shut up?! [04:57.74]You're rats with wings! [04:59.24]Bloke's been looking for his boy Nemo. [05:00.77]-Nemo?! -He was taken off the reef... [05:03.14]-Take it! You happy? -Mine! Mine! Mine! [05:06.21]Hey, say that again! Something about Nemo. [05:09.05]Mine! Mine! Mine! [05:10.25]Whoooa.... [05:11.79]Hyah! [05:12.99]Mine? [05:14.59]Last I heard, he's heading towards the harbor. [05:16.86]Ho ho! Brilliant! [05:32.17]Is he doing OK? [05:33.67]Is he doing OK? [05:34.24]Whatever you do, Don't mention D-a-r-- [05:37.48]It's OK. I know who you're talking about. [05:48.36]Gill? [05:52.16]Gill? [05:53.93]Hey, Sharkbait. [05:56.63]I'm sorry I couldn't stop the-- [05:58.90]No, I'm the one who should be sorry, [06:01.10]I was so ready to get out... [06:03.77]so ready to taste that ocean... [06:06.58]I was willing to put you in harm's way to get there, [06:10.05]Nothing should be worth that. [06:14.05]I'm sorry I couldn't get you back to your father, kid. [06:20.99]All right. Hey, hey, hey-- [06:23.93]-What the-- -Aaah! [06:25.60]That's one way to pull a tooth. [06:29.37]Huh. Darn kids. [06:31.50]Good thing I pulled the right one, eh, Prime Minister? [06:34.54]NlGEL: Hey, psst! [06:36.14]PEACH: Oh, Nigel! You just missed an extraction. [06:38.17]Has he loosened the periodontal ligament yet? [06:40.84]What am I talking about? Where's Nemo? [06:43.01]-I've got to speak with him. -What is it? [06:45.31]Your dad's been fighting the entire ocean... [06:47.45]-looking for you. -My father? Really? [06:50.12]He's traveled hundreds of miles, battling sharks and jellyfish-- [06:54.29]Sharks? That can't be him. [06:56.83]What was his name? Some sort of sport fish. [06:59.46]-Tuna? Trout? -Marlin? [07:01.67]Marlin! The little clownfish from the reef. [07:03.53]It's my dad! He took on a shark! [07:06.17]I heard he took on three. [07:08.54]-Three sharks? -That's 4,800 teeth! [07:11.41]Ater you were taken by Diver Dan over there... [07:13.54]your dad followed the boat like a maniac. [07:15.81]Really? [07:17.21]He's swimming, giving it all he's got... [07:19.05]and then three gigantic sharks capture him... [07:21.15]and he blows them up and dives thousands of feet... [07:23.45]and gets chased by a monster with huge teeth! [07:26.32]He ties this demon to a rock, and what's his reward? [07:28.99]He gets to battle an entire jellyfish forest! [07:31.40]Now he's with a bunch of sea turtles on the E.A.C... [07:34.63]and the word is he's headed this way right now...to Sydney! [07:38.17]-Wow! -What a good daddy! [07:39.57]He was looking for you after all, Sharkbait. [07:45.64]GURGLE: He's swimming to the filter! [07:47.31]-Sharkbait! -Not again! [07:50.35]Sharkbait! [07:53.32]No! [07:54.72]You got your whole life ahead of you! [07:55.95]-We'll help you, kid! -Get him out! [08:02.66]Get him out of there! [08:04.36]Come on, kid! Grab the end! [08:06.03]Sharkbait! [08:08.67]-No! -Can you hear me? [08:10.74]Nemo! Can you hear me? [08:12.27]Yeah, I can hear you. [08:14.34]Sharkbait, you did it! [08:16.31]Sharkbait, you're... covered with germs! Aah! [08:20.15]Ha ha! That took guts, kid. [08:22.21]All right, gang, we have less than 48 hours... [08:24.75]before Darla gets here. [08:26.09]This tank'll get plenty dirty in that time... [08:27.82]but we have to help it along any way we can. [08:30.69]-Jacques? No cleaning. -I shall resist. [08:32.99]Everybody else, be as gross as possible, [08:35.69]Think dirty thoughts, [08:36.96]We're gonna make this tank so filthy,,, [08:39.20]the dentist will have to clean it, [08:41.77]-Good work! -Ha ha ha! [08:50.41]All right, we're here, dudes! [08:52.98]Get ready! Your exit's coming up, man! [08:56.22]MARLlN: Where? I don't see it! [08:57.75]DORY: Right there! I see it! I see it! [09:00.22]MARLlN: The swirling vortex of terror? [09:03.39]-That's it, dude. -Of course it is. [09:05.73]OK, first, find your exit buddy. [09:09.80]Do you have your exit buddy? [09:12.33]Yes! [09:13.60]Squirt give you a rundown of proper exiting technique. [09:18.37]Good afternoon! We'll have a great jump today! [09:21.94]OK, crank a hard cutback as you hit the wall. [09:25.68]There's a screaming bottom turn, so watch out! [09:28.65]Remember-- rip it, roll it, and punch it! [09:31.95]He's trying to speak to me, I know it! [09:35.12]You're really cute, but I don't know what you're saying! [09:38.39]Say the first thing again. [09:39.69]OK, Jellyman! Go, go, go! [09:47.47]-Whoa! -Wahoo! [09:51.04]-Whoa! -Whoa! [09:55.14]Whoo! [09:56.58]That was...fun! [09:59.21]I actually enjoyed that. [10:01.52]Hey, look, turtles! [10:03.19]CRUSH: Ha ha! Most excellent! [10:06.15]Now turn your fishy tails around... [10:07.96]and swim straight on through to Sydney! [10:11.19]No worries, man! [10:13.40]No worries! Thank you, dude Crush! [10:15.50]-Bye! -Bye, Jellyman! [10:18.10]You tell your little dude I said hi, OK? [10:20.44]SQUlRT: See ya later, dudes! [10:21.64]DORY: Bye, everyone! [10:23.41]Nemo would have loved this. [10:25.77]Ooh! Hey! Crush, I forgot! [10:29.15]How old are you? [10:30.75]CRUSH: 150, dude! And still young! Rock on! [10:34.98]1 50! 1 50! I gotta remember that. [10:39.06]Whoa. [10:45.06]-We going in there? -Yep. [10:47.73]P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney? [10:49.83]Yep. We're gonna just swim straight. [10:55.51]## Just keep swimming, just keep swimming ## [10:58.31]Dory... [11:08.25]MARLlN: Boy, this is taking awhile. [11:10.92]DORY: How about we play a game? [11:12.66]MARLlN: OK. [11:13.96]DORY: OK, I'm thinking of something orange... [11:17.06]and it's small-- [11:18.60]-It's me. -Right! [11:20.93]It's orange and small-- [11:24.54]It's me. [11:25.87]All righty, Mr. Smartypants. [11:27.80]And it's orange and small and white stripes-- [11:28.67]And it's orange and small and white stripes-- [11:31.01]Me. And the next one, just a guess, me. [11:33.28]-That's just scary. -Wait, wait, wait. [11:35.85]I have definitely seen this floating speck before. [11:37.71]That means we've passed it before... [11:39.28]and that means we're going in circles... [11:40.68]and that means we're not going straight! [11:42.35]-Hey, hey! -Get to the surface. [11:44.49]We'll figure it out up there. Let's go! [11:46.12]-Hey! Relax. -What? [11:48.36]Take a deep breath. [11:52.90]Now, let's ask somebody for directions. [11:53.40]Now, let's ask somebody for directions. [11:55.23]Fine. Who do you want to ask, the speck? [11:57.30]-There's nobody here! -There has to be someone. [11:59.70]It's the ocean, silly. We're not the only two in here. [12:02.61]Let's see. OK, no one there. [12:04.98]Nope. Nada. [12:10.85]There's somebody. Hey! Excuse-- [12:12.68]Dory, Dory, Dory! Now it's my turn. [12:14.55]I'm thinking of something dark and mysterious. [12:16.19]It's a fish we don't know. If we ask it directions... [12:18.59]it could ingest us and spit out our bones! [12:20.66]What is it with men and asking for directions? [12:23.16]I don't want to play the gender card right now. [12:25.00]Let's play the "Let's Not Die" card. [12:26.97]-You want to get out of here? -Of course I do. [12:28.90]How are we gonna do that unless we give it a shot? [12:32.20]Dory, you don't fully understand-- [12:34.24]Come on. Trust me on this. [12:44.32]All right. [12:48.15]Excuse me! Whoo-hoo! Little fella? [12:51.46]Hello! Don't be rude. Say hi. [12:54.29]Hello! Don't be rude. Say hi. [12:55.43]Ha. Hello. [12:57.50]-His son Bingo-- -Nemo. [12:59.07]-Nemo was taken to-- -Sydney. [13:02.14]Sydney! And it's really, really important... [13:05.37]that we get there as fast as we can... [13:07.34]so can you help us out? [13:09.48]Come on, little fella. Come on. [13:13.05]Dory, I'm a little fella. [13:16.32]I don't think that's a little fella. [13:19.82]DORY: Oh! Big fella, Whale, OK, [13:23.76]Maybe he only speaks whale. [13:26.26]Mooo! Weee neeed... [13:29.53]-Dory? -Tooo fiind his son. [13:33.67]What are you doing? Are you sure you speak whale? [13:36.37]Can youuuu give us diiirectionsss? [13:37.64]Can youuuu give us diiirectionsss? [13:39.81]Dory! Heaven knows what you're saying! [13:42.18]-See, he's swimming away. -Cooome baaack. [13:45.81]He's not coming back. You offended him. [13:48.12]-Maybe a different dialect. [13:49.35]-Moooohhhmmooo... -Dory! [13:52.59]This is not whale. You're speaking upset stomach. [13:55.89]-Maybe I should try humpback. -Don't. [13:56.19]-Maybe I should try humpback. -Don't. [13:58.13]Wooooooo... [13:59.63]-You actually sound sick. -Maybe louder? [14:02.63]-Rah! Rah! -Don't do that! [14:04.13]Too much orca. Didn't it sound orca-ish? [14:05.90]It doesn't sound orca. [14:07.27]It sounds like nothing I've ever heard. [14:09.10]-Oooooo! -Ohh! [14:11.64]It's just as well. He might be hungry. [14:12.21]It's just as well. He might be hungry. [14:13.61]Whales don't eat clownfish. They eat krill. [14:16.65]-KRlLL: Swim away! -Oh, look, krill! [14:21.58]Move, Dory, move! [14:24.55]Move, Dory, move! [14:25.15]-Aah! -Aah! [14:31.16]Look at that. Would you look at that? [14:33.96]Filthy. Absolutely filthy. [14:37.97]All thanks to you, kid. You made it possible. [14:41.00]Jacques, I said no cleaning. [14:43.14]I am ashamed. [14:44.94]Look! Scum angel! [14:49.65]Ooh! Aaah! [14:51.61]Bubbles! I love the bubbles! [14:55.62]Flo? Has anybody seen Flo? [14:59.29]9:00 and cue dentist. [15:01.96]Hello, Barbara. Sorry I'm late. [15:04.26]OK, here we go. Here we go, OK. [15:07.00]Little Davey Reynolds... [15:08.77]PEACH: Walks to the counter, drops the keys,,, [15:10.40]Bloat, that's disgusting! [15:12.54]Tastes pretty good to me. [15:14.60]-Urrrp! -Eww! [15:16.41]Don't you people realize we are swimming in our own-- [15:19.31]Shh! Here he comes! [15:20.44]NEMO: Aah! [15:22.45]Crikey. What a state. [15:27.22]Ohh. Barbara, what's my earliest appointment tomorrow? [15:31.39]-1 0:00, luv. -Leave it open, would you? [15:34.36]I've gotta clean the fish tank before Darla gets here, [15:36.73]Did you hear that, Sharkbait? [15:38.86]NEMO: Yay! He's gonna clean the tank! [15:42.60]We're gonna be clean! [15:44.40]You ready to see your dad, kid? [15:46.10]-Uh-huh. -Of course you are. [15:48.07]I wouldn't be surprised if he's out there... [15:50.74]in the harbor waiting for you right now. [15:51.31]in the harbor waiting for you right now. [15:54.01]Yeah. [16:56.44]Aaah! [16:59.61]Oof! [17:07.61]Whoo! [17:09.15]Yaahhh! [17:11.38]DORY: Here comes the big one. [17:13.15]Ooh! Come on! You gotta try this! [17:15.72]-Will you just stop it? -Why? What's wrong? [17:19.03]We're in a whale, don't you get it? [17:21.36]-Whale? -A whale! [17:22.56]You had to ask for help! And now we're stuck here! [17:25.33]Wow, a whale. I speak whale. [17:28.13]No, you're insane! You can't speak whale! [17:30.50]I have to get out! I have to find my son! [17:33.74]I have to tell him how old sea turtles are! [17:41.51]Ohhh! [17:45.75]Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! [17:50.16]Hey... [17:53.03]you OK? [18:01.37]There, there. It's all right. [18:04.41]It'll be OK. [18:06.37]No. No, it won't. [18:08.64]Sure it will. You'll see. [18:10.91]No. I promised him I'd never let anything happen to him. [18:17.08]Huh. That's a funny thing to promise. [18:20.52]What? [18:21.92]You can't never let anything happen to him. [18:24.39]Then nothing would ever happen to him. [18:29.86]Not much fun for little Harpo. [18:41.48]-Hmm. -What's going on? [18:43.35]Don't know. I'll ask him. [18:48.18]-Dory... -Whaaat's goooing onnn? [19:00.26]I think he says we've stopped. [19:01.90]Of course we've stopped. Stop trying to speak whale. [19:05.20]You'll make things worse. What is that noise? [19:12.11]Oh, no. Look what you did. [19:14.94]The water's going down. It's going down! [19:23.62]Really? You sure about that? [19:25.09]Look! Already it's half empty! [19:27.19]I'd say it's half full. [19:28.99]Stop that! It's half empty! [19:33.53]OK, that one was a little tougher. [19:36.77]He either said we should go to the back of the throat... [19:39.34]He either said we should go to the back of the throat... [19:39.70]or he wants a root beer float. [19:41.91]Of course he wants us to go there! [19:43.57]That's eating us! [19:45.54]How do I taste, Moby? Do I taste good? [19:48.55]Tell him I'm not interested in being lunch! [19:50.85]-OK. Heee-- -Stop talking to him! [19:56.62]-Aah! -Aah! [19:59.49]What is going on? [20:00.69]I'll check. Whaaat-- [20:03.03]No more whale! You can't speak whale! [20:05.83]-Yes, I can! -No, you can't! [20:08.20]You think you can do these things, but you can't, Nemo! [20:16.77]-OK. -Dory! Oof! [20:22.18]He says it's time to let go. [20:25.82]Everything's gonna be all right. [20:27.82]How do you know? [20:29.52]How do you know something bad isn't gonna happen? [20:32.66]I don't! [20:46.77]-Aah! -Aah! [20:50.08]-Aah! -Aah! [20:51.01]-Aah! -Aah! [20:55.18]Ha ha ha! We're alive! [21:01.02]Look! Sy-d-ney--Sydney! [21:03.92]Sydney! Sydney again! [21:08.36]You were right, Dory! We made it! [21:10.86]We're gonna find my son! [21:16.37]Thaaank yoouuu, sirrr! [21:16.80]Thaaank yoouuu, sirrr! [21:19.91]Wow. I wish I could speak whale. [21:22.41]All we gotta do is find the boat that took him. [21:24.74]-Right! -We can do this! [21:41.46]Morning. [21:43.80]It's morning, everyone! Today's the day! [21:47.10]The sun is shining, the tank is clean... [21:49.30]and we are getting out-- The tank is clean. [21:52.41]The tank is clean! [21:55.01]DEB: But how? [21:56.64]Boss must've installed it while we were sleeping. [21:59.38]-What are we gonna do? -What's it say, Peach? [22:04.22]I can't hear you, Peach. [22:05.59]The Aquascum 2003 is an all-purpose, self-cleaning... [22:08.06]maintenance-free, salt water purifier... [22:10.06]that is guaranteed to extend the life of your aquarium fish. [22:13.09]Stop it! [22:14.36]The Aquascum is programmed to scan... [22:15.90]your tank environment every five minutes?! [22:18.23]Scan? What does that mean? [22:21.57]Aah! [22:24.81]AQUASCUM: Temperature--82 degrees,,, [22:25.21]AQUASCUM: Temperature--82 degrees,,, [22:26.41]PH balance--normal, [22:28.11]-Ooh. -Nice. [22:30.54]Ooh--Oh! Curse you, Aquascum! [22:35.15]That's it for the escape plan. It's ruined. [22:37.29]Then what are we gonna do about-- [22:38.75]ALL: Darla! [22:39.22]ALL: Darla! [22:40.79]Stay down, kid! [22:43.43]-False alarm, -Whew, [22:45.43]My nerves can't take much more of this. [22:47.56]BLOAT: What'll we do when that brat gets here? [22:49.83]-I'm thinking, -Oh! Gill! [22:52.10]-Nemo! I'm coming! -Help me! Help me! [22:55.30]Swim down! Come on, kid! [22:59.24]-Everybody jump in! -Swim down! [23:00.78]-That's it! -What the--? [23:02.11]-Yay! -Ha ha! Good work! [23:05.41]Gill! [23:06.98]-Nemo! -Sharkbait! [23:08.62]-Roll, kid! -Lean! Lean! [23:16.49]DENTlST: Whoops. That would've been a nasty fall. [23:18.96]Gill! Don't let me go belly-up! [23:21.60]Just calm down, Nemo. You won't go belly-up. [23:23.93]I promise. You're gonna be OK. [23:29.31]ALL: Darla! [23:34.81]Do any of these boats look familiar to you? [23:38.58]No, but the boat has to be here somewhere. [23:40.52]Come on, Dory. We're gonna find it. [23:42.69]I'm totally excited. Are you excited? [23:45.45]Dory, wake up. Wake up, come on. [23:47.26]Duck! [23:49.13]That's not a duck. It's a...pelican! [23:52.56]-Whoa! -Aah! [24:00.67]-Whoa! -Aah! [24:01.87]No! I didn't come this far to be breakfast! [24:12.65]Hey, Nigel. Would you look at that? [24:15.15]What? What? [24:16.55]Sun's barely up and Gerald's had more than he can handle. [24:19.46]Yeah. Reckon somebody ought to help the poor guy. [24:22.13]ALL: Yeah, right. Yeah. [24:24.16]Don't everybody fly off at once. [24:30.90]All right, Gerald. Fish got your tongue? [24:33.87]-Aah! -Love a duck! [24:36.47]-Aah! -Love a duck! [24:36.87]I gotta find my son Nemo! [24:38.61]Nemo? He's that fish! [24:41.75]The one that's been fighting the whole ocean! [24:44.35]I know where your son--Huh? [24:48.45]Wait! Come back! Stop! [24:50.19]Dory, keep going! He's crazy! [24:52.46]I got something to tell you! [24:58.56]Mine. [25:04.14]Don't make any sudden moves. [25:07.71]Hop inside my mouth if you want to live. [25:12.01]Hop in your mouth? How does that make me live? [25:15.68]GULL: Mine? [25:16.88]NlGEL: Because I can take you to your son. [25:17.22]NlGEL: Because I can take you to your son. [25:20.55]-Yeah, right. -No. I know your son. [25:23.26]He's orange with a gimpy fin on one side. [25:25.99]-That's Nemo! -Aah! [25:27.19]Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! [25:29.90]DORY: Aah! [25:31.40]Fasten your seat belts! [25:35.04]Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! [25:37.24]Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! [25:39.31]DORY: Whoo! Whoo-hoo! [25:41.47]Ha ha ha ha! [25:46.51]MARLlN: Aah! [25:55.59]Everybody hold on! [25:57.82]-Aah! -Aah! [26:01.16]Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! [26:09.77]BUBBLES: Too loud! Too loud for me! [26:12.44]## Twinkle, twinkle, little star ## [26:14.71]Find a happy place! Find a happy place! [26:17.61]Darla, your uncle will see you now. [26:22.18]All right, let's see those pearly whites. [26:24.75]Raah! I'm a piranha. They're in the Amazon. [26:29.09]And a piranha's a fish, just like your present. [26:33.89]DARLA: ## I get fishy, fishy ## [26:35.70]Oh, no. Poor little guy. [26:38.83]-He's dead. -Sharkbait! [26:40.70]Yay! Fishy, fishy, fishy! [26:41.94]Must've left your present in the car, sweetie. [26:43.57]-Ohh! -I'll go and get it, [26:45.91]-He's still alive! -He's not dead! [26:47.68]What's happening? Why is he playing dead? [26:49.74]GILL: He's gonna get flushed down the toilet, [26:51.65]-He's gonna get out of here! -He's gonna get flushed! [26:54.08]GURGLE: What a smart little guy! [26:55.88]GILL: Oh, no! Not the trash can! [26:57.49]Nemo! No! [26:58.82]-Hey! I found his dad! -Where's Nemo? [27:02.26]-Dentist! -He's over there! [27:03.66]What's a dentist? Nigel, get in there! [27:07.10]-I can't go in there! -Yes, you can! Charge! [27:12.53]-Aah! -What the--? [27:15.34]Darla, sweetie, look out! [27:21.34]-Aah! -Hold still! [27:23.55]-Aah! -Easy! Easy! [27:26.78]-Aah! -Hold still! [27:28.05]Nobody's going to hurt you! Oof! [27:37.29]Nemo. [27:39.73]Oh, my goodness. [27:41.03]Gotcha! Keep down! [27:42.97]MARLlN: Nemo! [27:44.27]Daddy? [27:46.04]Out with you! And stay out! [27:49.91]Daddy? [27:51.27]Fishy? [27:52.71]Fishy! Wake up! [27:55.88]DEB: Oh, no! [27:57.08]GlLL: To the top of Mount Wannahockaloogie! [27:59.65]Why are you sleeping? [28:02.09]-Hurry! -Bloat! [28:07.59]Ring of Fire! [28:10.69]Fishy! Aah! [28:15.73]Crikey! All the animals have gone mad! [28:17.83]Unh! [28:19.60]DARLA: Aaah! Get it out! [28:22.21]-Smack her in the head! -Go, Gill, go! [28:24.81]Fish in my hair! [28:26.84]Gill! [28:28.25]Sharkbait... tell your dad I said hi. [28:32.78]-Unh! -Eww! [28:37.79]Go get 'em! [28:39.09]DENTlST: Ohh... [28:44.06]-He did it! -Yay! [28:45.83]-I'm so happy! -ls he gonna be OK, Gill? [28:48.80]Don't worry. All drains lead to the ocean. [28:51.07]Fishy! [28:54.41]Aah! [28:57.71]Aah! Whoa! Whoa! [29:00.35]Daddy! [29:38.48]I'm so sorry. [29:42.49]Truly, I am, [29:43.96]Truly, I am, [30:02.14]-Hey. -Dory... [30:04.38]if it wasn't for you... [30:06.48]I never would've even made it here. [30:09.32]So, thank you. [30:13.42]Hey, wait a minute. [30:15.19]Wait. Where are you going? [30:17.79]It's over, Dory. We were too late. [30:21.39]Nemo's gone, and I'm going home now. [30:26.20]No. No, you can't. [30:30.54]Stop! [30:33.91]Please don't go away. [30:35.71]Please? [30:37.68]No one's ever stuck with me for so long before. [30:40.48]And if you leave, I just... [30:44.09]I remember things better with you. [30:46.05]I do. Look-- P. Sherman, 42... [30:49.09]42... [30:52.06]I remember it. I do. It's there. [30:54.86]I know it is because when I look at you... [30:57.00]I can feel it. [30:58.47]I look at you and l...I'm home. [31:06.11]Please... [31:07.74]I don't want that to go away. [31:10.41]I don't want to forget. [31:14.12]I'm sorry, Dory, but I do. [31:29.46]-Manna from heaven. -Sweet nectar of life! [31:32.77]BOTH: Hey! Hey! Hey! [31:34.87]-This is our spot! -Get outta here! [31:39.61]BOTH: Hey! Hey! Hey! [31:41.81]Yeah, that's it, fella. [31:43.31]Just keep on swimmin'. You got that. [31:44.98]Too right, mate! [31:47.05]Oh! I got a live one here! [31:48.38]Have you seen my dad? [31:49.85]Gotcha! Hey! Hey! Come back here! [31:52.12]You let him go! [31:53.66]BOTH: Hey! Hey! [31:55.79]Dad! Dad! [32:00.33]Dad! [32:12.91]Ohh! [32:15.35]NEMO: Um, excuse me. [32:18.45]Are you all right? [32:19.72]I don't know where I am. I don't know what's going on. [32:22.39]I think I lost somebody, but I can't remember. [32:25.29]NEMO: It's OK. I'm looking for someone, too. [32:29.43]Hey, we can look together. [32:31.90]I'm Dory. [32:34.26]I'm Nemo. [32:35.47]Nemo? That's a nice name. [32:47.78]-Dad! -Dad! [32:50.75]Wait a minute. Is it your dad or my dad? [32:52.85]-My dad. -Got it. Dad! [32:55.35]-Where are we, anyway? -Dad! Dad! [32:57.66]Oh. Syl--Shi--Sydney. [33:01.59]P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. [33:05.90]Aah! Nemo! [33:07.70]It's you! Aah! You're Nemo! [33:10.10]Yes, yes, I'm Nemo! [33:11.80]You're Nemo! You were dead. I saw you. [33:14.44]And here you are! I found you. [33:16.37]You're not dead. And your father--Your father! [33:19.14]You know my father?! Where is he? [33:21.55]This way! He went this way. Quick! [33:24.42]DORY: Hey, hey, hey! [33:26.09]BOTH: Hey! Hey! [33:27.29]Have you seen an orange fish swim by? [33:28.82]-lt looks just like him! -But bigger! [33:31.22]Yeah, I saw him, bluey. [33:32.49]But I'm not tellin' you where he went... [33:33.99]and there's no way you're gonna make me. [33:39.53]GULL: Mine. [33:40.80]CRAB: Aah! All right! I'll talk! [33:43.60]He went to the fishing grounds! Aah! [33:50.31]Hey, look out! [33:52.21]I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get home. [33:55.75]NEMO, DISTANTLY: Dad! Dad! [33:59.52]Nemo? [34:00.95]-Daddy! -Nemo? [34:03.46]-Dad! -Nemo's alive! [34:05.23]-Dad! -Nemo's alive! [34:05.49]Dory? Nemo! [34:07.53]Daddy! [34:08.76]Nemo! I'm coming, Nemo! [34:11.10]-Dad! -Nemo! Thank goodness. [34:14.80]It's all right, son. It's gonna be OK. [34:17.77]GROUPER: Turn around! You're going the wrong way! [34:23.14]DORY: Aah! Look out! [34:24.54]MARLlN: Oh, my-- [34:43.90]DORY: Help! He-e-elp! [34:47.50]-Dory! -Come on! [34:49.14]DORY: Help! Help! [34:50.57]Help! Get us out! Aah! [34:53.34]No, no, no! Dory! [34:55.18]-Dad, I know what to do! -Nemo! No! [34:58.21]We have to tell all the fish to swim down together! [35:00.98]-Get out of there now! -I know this will work! [35:03.72]No, I am not gonna lose you again! [35:05.69]There's no time! It's the only way to save Dory! [35:10.42]I can do this. [35:13.06]You're right. [35:15.23]I know you can. [35:17.10]-Lucky fin! -Now, go! Hurry! [35:20.04]Tell all the fish to swim down! [35:22.87]Well? You heard my son! Come on! [35:27.74]Dory, you have to tell everybody to... [35:30.41]Swim down together! [35:31.98]Do you understand what I'm saying to you? [35:34.28]Swim down! [35:40.89]Everybody swim down! [35:42.16]Come on, you have to swim down! [35:44.73]Down! Swim down! [35:49.53]MARLlN: Swim down! Swim down! [36:00.88]Don't give up! Keep swimming! [36:03.31]Just keep swimming! [36:09.99]MARLlN: That's it! [36:14.56]It's working! [36:19.00]ALL: Keep swimming! Keep swimming! [36:22.07]MARLlN: Just keep swimming! Keep swimming! [36:24.23]Come on, Dad! [36:25.74]-You're doing great, son! -That's my dad. [36:28.27]Let's get to the bottom! Keep swimming! [36:30.61]## Just keep swimming, just keep swimming ## [36:33.18]Almost there! Keep swimming! [36:38.95]ALL: Keep swimming! [36:42.59]Keep swimming! [36:54.13]-Oof! -Hey! [36:55.63]-Dory! Where's Nemo? -There! [37:00.94]Oh, no. Nemo! [37:09.95]Nemo? [37:13.52]Nemo? [37:15.85]It's OK, Daddy's here, Daddy's got you, [37:24.30]Daddy? [37:25.50]Oh, thank goodness. [37:27.07]Dad...I don't hate you. [37:30.80]Oh, no, no, no. [37:32.67]I'm so sorry, Nemo. [37:44.58]-Hey, guess what? -What? [37:47.49]Sea turtles--I met one. [37:51.02]And he was 150 years old. [37:55.26]-150? -Yep. [37:59.47]Sandy Plankton said they only live to be 100. [38:04.34]Sandy Plankton? [38:05.94]Do you think I would cross the entire ocean... [38:07.97]and not know as much as Sandy Plankton? [38:10.11]-Ha ha ha! -He was 150! Not 100! [38:12.81]Who is this Sandy Plankton who knows everything? [38:18.39]Time for school! Get up! Let's go! [38:18.99]Time for school! Get up! Let's go! [38:22.02]-I'm gonna win! -No, you're not! [38:25.16]-I did it! -Aw, my own son beats me! [38:28.96]Climb aboard, explorers. [38:31.46]The sea cucumber looks over to the mollusk and says... [38:34.63]"With fronds like these, who needs anemones?" [38:39.21]Hello, Nemo. Who's this? [38:41.54]-Exchange student. -I'm from the E.A.C., dude! [38:45.05]-Sweet! -Totally. [38:47.71]Seriously, Marty. [38:49.72]Did you really do all the things you say you did? [38:51.72]BRUCE: Pardon me, [38:53.45]-Hello. -Ohh. [38:56.19]Don't be alarmed. [38:57.89]We wanted to make sure our newest member got home safely. [39:01.70]-Thanks, guys. -See you next week. [39:04.07]-Keep up with the program. -Remember, fish are friends... [39:07.57]Not food! Bye! [39:09.97]MR. RAY: Hold on, here we go! [39:11.87]Next stop--knowledge! [39:13.61]Bye, son! Have fun! [39:16.11]NEMO: Bye, Dad! [39:17.45]Oh! Mr. Ray, wait. I forgot something. [39:25.55]Love you, Dad. [39:28.22]I love you, too, son. [39:32.49]Dad? You can let go now. [39:35.93]Sorry. Go have an adventure. [39:39.70]Good-bye! See ya later, dudes! [39:42.04]-Bye, Elmo! -Nemo. [39:44.51]-Bye, Nemo! -See you after school, Dory! [39:48.01]Bye, Dad! [39:48.41]Bye, Dad! [39:50.91]Bye, son. [40:10.03]DENTlST: Barbara, I don't understand it. [40:13.07]Here this thing has a lifetime guarantee... [40:15.47]and it breaks! [40:16.74]I had to clean the tank myself, take all the fish out... [40:19.08]put 'em in bags, and-- [40:21.48]Where'd the fish go? [40:28.82]-Come on, Peach! -Hurry! [40:30.59]-You can do it! -That's it. [40:32.46]Just a little further. [40:33.92]PEACH: That's the shortest red light I've ever seen! [40:36.19]-Come on, Peach! -Ohh. Aah! [40:47.77]BLOAT: Now what? [40:57.07]## Somewhere ## [41:00.24]## Beyond the sea ## [41:02.44]## Somewhere, waitin' for me ## [41:07.62]## My lover stands on golden sands ## [41:12.59]## And watches the ships ## [41:15.02]## That go sailin' ## [41:19.10]## Somewhere ## [41:22.07]## Beyond the sea ## [41:24.43]## She's there watchin' for me ## [41:29.57]## If I could fly like birds on high ## [41:34.44]## Then straight to her arms ## [41:37.18]## I'll go sailin' ## [41:40.88]## It's far ## [41:43.99]## Beyond the stars ## [41:46.69]## It's near, beyond the moon ## [41:51.63]## I know ## [41:55.10]## Beyond a doubt ## [41:57.27]## My heart ## [41:59.27]## Will lead me there soon ## [42:02.84]## We'll meet ## [42:05.84]## Beyond the shore ## [42:08.41]## We'll kiss just like before ## [42:13.32]## Happy we'll be beyond the sea ## [42:18.19]## And never again ## [42:20.56]## I'll go sailin' ## [42:56.19]## I know ## [43:00.77]## Beyond a doubt ## [43:03.44]## My heart ## [43:05.37]## Will lead me there soon ## [43:09.11]## Oh, we'll meet, I know we'll meet ## [43:11.91]## Beyond the shore ## [43:14.35]## We'll kiss just as before ## [43:19.52]## Happy we will be beyond the sea ## [43:24.52]## And never again ## [43:26.69]## I'll go sailin' ## [43:32.37]## No more sailin' ## [43:36.10]## So long, sailin', sailin' ## [43:39.51]## No more sailin' ## [43:43.41]## Good-bye, farewell, my friend ## [43:47.45]## No more sailin' ## [43:51.32]## So long ## [43:53.12]## Sailin' ## [43:55.29]## No more sailin' ## [44:00.29]## No more ## [44:02.03]## Farewell ## [44:05.83]## Auf wiedersehen ## [44:07.73]## Adieu to you and you ## [44:16.78]## No more sailin' ## [44:20.55]## No more ## [44:22.15]## Ohh, no more sailin' ## [44:28.89]## No more, no more ## [44:34.93]## No more sailin' ## [44:45.97]## No more ## [44:49.64]## One more time ## [44:52.78]## No more sailin' #
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