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基础教育改革课程论文基础教育改革课程论文 教学管理探析 姓名 西南大学化学化工学院 一、以质量为中心实行全面管理 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - 1 - 二、教的管理??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - ...

基础教育改革课程论文 教学管理探析 姓名 西南大学化学化工学院 一、以质量为中心实行全面管理 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - 1 - 二、教的管理??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - 1 - 1、教师素质提高 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - 2 - 2、教学环节的管理??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - 2 - 三、学的管理??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - 3 - 1、培养学生学习的兴趣???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - 3 - 2、被动不如主动 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - 4 - 参考文献?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - 5 - 摘要:教学工作是有目的有计划的活动~要提高质量必须靠管理~教学工作是个系统工 程~它由多个要素构成~要发挥教学的整体功能也要靠管理。教学是一个动态过程~要对教 和学的众多环节实行控制~取得效益还要靠管理。管理是一门科学~要想搞好教学管理~必 须认真探索教学管理的科学化之路~几年来我们在教学管理的科学化道路上进行探索和实 践~积累了一定的经验~形成了自己的一整套管理 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ~它们概括起来有四条:一是以质量 为中心实行全面管理,二是以规范化为内容实行 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 化管理,三是健全检查、评价、激励机 制~实行效率管理,四是以民主和科研为手段实行科学管理。 关键词:全面管理、教的管理、学的管理 一、以质量为中心实行全面管理 在教学管理中必须树立质量中心观念和全面管理观念,因为提高质量是教学 管理的目的,也是教学管理追求的目标,还是检验教学管理效果的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,所以质 量应该成为管理的中心。而质量的提高又必须通过全面管理来实现。质量是教学 各项工作的综合效果的表现,离开了全面的管理,就不可能有质量的提高。因此, 以质量为中心实行全面管理应该成为教学管理的一大原则。 什么叫全面管理,教师和学生是教学系统的两大要素,教和学是教学工作的 两个基本方面,教学质量由教的质量和学的质量决定,因此,全面管理就是既要 抓教的管理,又要抓学的管理,并把二者有机地结合起来。 二、教的管理 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 决定教的质量的因素有三方面,即教师素质(包括思想素质、业务素质、身体素质)、教学环节质量和教学研究。所以,我们在教的管理上就紧紧抓住了教师素质提高,教学环节和教研工作三个方面。 1、教师素质提高 重点学校的教师队伍应该具有深厚的文化素养,扎实的业 务功,较高的教学水平和现代教学的理论修养,并且应该有一批高水平的学科带头人。为了实现这一目标,我们做了三方面的努力,一是抓中青年教师的业务进修和继续教育,以便更新知识提高素养,使他们的知识层次和业务水平都上一个新台阶,以适应现代化教学高要求的需要。我们特别重视骨干教师的外出考察和参加高层次的研讨交流活动。我们认为这是培养高水平教师的重要途径。二是进行现代教育理论的学习,提高教师的理论修养。教育理论贫乏,教育思想陈旧是我校教师中普遍存在的问 题,也是阻碍教学质量提高的重要因素,因此,教育理论的再学习就具有特别的重要意义。我们把教育理论的学习规定为教研组工作的一项重要任务,指定学习书目,安排时间,并制定了检查措施。为了推动教育理论学习,更新教育观念,我们还请教育科研部门专家开设系列讲座,举行专题研讨,集中解决一些教育思想的突出问题。另外还请各方面的人士来校传递科技方面、改革开放方面、教学改革方面国内外的各种信息,活跃了思想,开阔了眼界,提高了认识,促进了思想观念的更新。三是开展教学经验总结活动。对实践经验进行总结是自我提高的重要方式,实践是认识的来源, 总结是提高的途径。因此,我们把总结规定为教学工作的一个环节,把每人每学年撰写一篇论文作为制度贯彻执行,并把论文作为教师教学成果的组成部分,认真评选、奖励并记入本人的教学档案,同教学成绩一样成为教师职务评定、评选和提干的依据。对教师队伍的提高产生了巨大的促进作用。 2、教学环节的管理 教学诸环节的管理中我们突出了课堂教学的环节。对课堂效益起决定作用的是教师的能力和水平,课堂教学能力和水平的提高来自教学的研讨活动,通过研讨深化对教学规律的认识、探讨共同问题的解决,探索旧的教学方法 的改革,开辟新的教学途径。而举行各种公开课是开展这种研讨和探索的极好形式。通过几年的实践我校逐渐形成了系列公开课的制度。这些公开课按档次、目的和内容manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 教学管理探析 形式的不同分为三类。一类叫观摩课,这是最高层次的公开课,请高水平的教师担任,在全校范围内举行。目的和作用有三:一是展示特色,鼓励创造特色;二是展示教改成果,推动教学改革;三是树立典型,指导教学。这类课每学期文、理科各举行一次。另一类叫研究课。由教研组安排,推荐本学科专题研究承担者或由较高水平的教师担任,目的是开展专题研究或成为本学科存在问题的解决进行探索。这类课在教研组范 围举行,每学期2-3次。对这类课要求是,要选择有价值的课题,对课堂教学要进行集体 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ,课后对实践情况进行 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 和总结。第三类叫试验课。这类课在备课组内举行,每学期每人一课,目的是实现课堂教学研究的群众化,把全体教师都吸引到教学改革的研究中来。这三个层次的公开课均实行一课一研讨的办法,就是每次公开课后要有不同形式的研讨会。这样就形成了每学期的公开课系列和研讨系列,每学期全校仅校级和学科级的公开课就有20多个,要举办20多次研讨,这一系列的教学活动有力地推动了教学质量和教师水平的提高。 三、学的管理 也是教育哲学、学习哲学的学习自由是教育工作者和学习者追求的应然境界, 热点话题,是“主体性教育理念的体现,让学生主动学习,自由表现是新的教纲要以人为本的教育理念,使学生体智德美健康和谐发展。在课堂上学生能够于教师能够平等的相处,自由的发表自己的见解。 1、培养学生学习的兴趣 “学习是生活中最有趣的和最伟大的游戏。所有的孩子生来就这样认为,并且将继续这样认为,直到我们使他们相信学习是非常艰难和讨厌的工作。有一些孩子则从来没有真正的遇到这个麻烦,并且终其一生,他们都相信学习是唯一值得玩的有趣的游戏。我们给这样的人一个名字,我们叫他们天才。”的确,一个刚出生的孩子会认为学习是有趣的。他们经常会摆弄着一些东西,他们很好动。孩子们认为这是很有趣的事情,他们在这个过程中逐步地认识这个世界,他们在学习着。但对于许多孩子来说,这种对学习的兴趣最长将持续到上学前。上学后,许多孩子都会逐渐地对学习、在学校的学习产生厌恶感,他们认为在学校学的知 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and m- 3 - easuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 识很枯燥,没有意思。现在,我们应该转变自己的观念,重新寻找并发现学习中的乐趣,要学生树立起学习的兴趣。 为什么要把趣味归还给学习呢,因为如果一个人对一件事感兴趣,他就会努力把这件事做好。学习也是一样,如果对学习感兴趣,就会学得更快、更好。许多伟大的科学家如牛顿、爱因斯坦等,小时候都没有上过学校,但他们都取得了很高的科研成果。这并不是因为他们天生就聪明,而是因为他们没有受到学校教育的影响,始终保持着对学习的兴趣。在学校学习那么没意思,哪有什么乐趣呀,那可不一定。如果你去寻找,就会发现乐趣是无处不在的。关键是要去想这个东西是多么的有趣,而不是去想它多么枯燥。遇事都去想它的好处,这样就会发现学习以及很多其他事情都是有趣的。学会发现学习中的乐趣,这样就会学得更好。 2、被动不如主动 不要强迫学生,给学生更多的空间 也许是因为教师和家长对学生有很高的期望,也许是因为当前社会上的竞争更加激烈,假如这些压力真的来源于日趋发展的世界,我们无可厚非。然而,事实并非如此。许多压力是教师和家长所造成的,这时我们需要说的是:不要总是强迫学生,给学生更多自己的空间吧。 我们可能都会知道,主观上情愿做的事情往往会做得更好。学习也是如此。被动的、不自觉的学习是不会取得很好的效果的。而且这种被动和不自觉也会让学生丧失对学习的兴趣,认为学习是一件很枯燥的事情,这也是在看管下的学生“贪玩”的原因。然而,学习本来应该是很有趣的,那么,怎样才能让学生主动地学习呢,首先,一个重要的条件就是,不要过多地“管”学生,让他们做自己想做的事情。要想让学生主动学习,首先必须让学生得到“自由”。 在学生们“自由”的基础上,老师和家长应该注意启发学生对学习的兴趣。也许你也已经发现那些学习上比较好的学生往往都是很少有人看管的。不过,你可能会认为是因为他们学得好才不用别人管。但我想,正因为很少有人管他们,他们才会学得好。而那些学习上有些差的人如果总是被别人看管着,也许就永远也不能学好了。当然,我们要给学生更多自己的空间并不是说就再也不跟学生沟通了。当学生在学习上确实有困难或者有一些错误的想法时,应该多与他们沟通,这种沟通不应该是训斥,而应该是像朋友一样帮助他们解决问题。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 教学管理探析 参考文献: 王柱国.学习自由与参与平等[M].中国民主法制出版社,2009.7 范蔚. 基础教育改革[M ].重庆出版社,2006.9 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and m- 5 - easuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding
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