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导游之星主持稿导游之星主持稿 2010第九届“城市脚步,世博心声”导游之星大赛主持稿 新闻播报:各位观众晚上好~今天是2010年5月19日,欢迎收看本次新闻联播节目。今天节目的主要内容有:继2010年4月14日7点49分青海省玉树藏族自治区发生了7.1级地震。2010年5月1日开始的上海世博会,在开园19天中,中国馆受到了所有来客的一致青睐。好的,以上就是我台的所有详细内容,接下来我们将实况转播由湖南女子学院旅游管理系主办的第九届“城市脚步,世博心声”导游之星大赛。 开头语:尊敬的各位领导,敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们以及现场...

导游之星主持稿 2010第九届“城市脚步,世博心声”导游之星大赛主持稿 新闻播报:各位观众晚上好~今天是2010年5月19日,欢迎收看本次新闻联播节目。今天节目的主要内容有:继2010年4月14日7点49分青海省玉树藏族自治区发生了7.1级地震。2010年5月1日开始的上海世博会,在开园19天中,中国馆受到了所有来客的一致青睐。好的,以上就是我台的所有详细内容,接下来我们将实况转播由湖南女子学院旅游管理系主办的第九届“城市脚步,世博心声”导游之星大赛。 开头语:尊敬的各位领导,敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们以及现场的各位观众朋友,大家晚上好~ A:世博会,集人类文明之成,代表着科技与人类文明最高层次的融合,是人类智慧与创造的结晶。 B:它所展现的创造精神更是我们每个人应该秉承与发扬的。在这历史纪念性的时刻,我们不得不承认我们的学习,生活发生了多么巨大的变化。 C:自古以来,中国城市就是各种宗教、习俗、文艺等融合的场所。以“厚德载物”为价值观的城市精神,吸纳了大量的外来文化元素。 D:是的,这个部分通过璀璨辉煌的城市文明成果,展现了中华城市的持久魅力。在上海世博园中中国馆以“东方之冠”的构思主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,脱颖而出。 A:顺应时代的潮流,奠定文化底蕴的厚重。同时在晚会拉开帷幕之if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers 前,让我们一热烈的掌声欢迎到场的各位领导、老师及兄弟院校的朋友们。接下来请允许我为大家介绍我们的领导老师,他们是…… C:现在我宣布由湖南女子学院旅游管理系举办的第九届“城市脚步,世博心声”导游之星大赛正式开始。 D:XX。你知道小燕子吗, A:当然啦~那可是伴随我们成长的电视剧《还珠格格》的灵魂人物啊~ B:是啊~她可是琼瑶笔下的传奇格格啊~ A:今天也有八个省来的格格到达了我们的现场啊~我们将带领我们畅游世博园。 B:接下来就有请我们的格格们为我们做做自我介绍吧~ 介绍结束后: A:果然不愧是各省来的优秀格格啊~从自我介绍上就让我看到了她们不一样的一面啊。同时也让观众们越来越期待她们接下来的表现了,你们说是吗, B:那就让我们可爱的格格们下去换换装,一会儿带领我们大家去上海游世博园吧。 外校节目穿插: A:刚刚我们领略到了格格们的古典气息,接下来就让我们来感受一下动感十足的现代街舞吧。 B:下面请大家以热烈的掌声有请湖南工程学院FBI街舞团为我们带来精彩的街舞《FB free》 if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers 导游词环节 A:听见飞机下降的声音了吗,我们的格格已经到达上海世博园。 B:下面就有请我们的格格们上台来吧。大家应该都知道,世博中国馆是由国家馆、地区馆、港澳台馆组成的。 C:是的,接下来就请8个省来的格格们带领我们参观福建、广东、广西、上海、四川、西藏、深圳、香港八个地方。 导游词结束后: A:听了我们八位格格的介绍,中国真的是一个地大物博得大国。你说是吗, B:没错啊~而且我还觉得格格们除了琴棋书画样样精通之外,还有做导游的潜质啊~让我们有一种身临世博的感觉,让人激动人心。 穿插节目:《世博志愿者》 A:诶,说道激动人心啊~我觉得下面这个小品才是激动人心。 B:xx啊,诶,是什么小品让你这么激动啊。 A:你有没有注意到在我们的世博园总能看到一群穿绿色衣服的人。 B:哦。你说的是我们世博园的志愿者吗, A:没错,她们总是带着最真诚的微笑,给我吗带来最温馨的服务。 B:是啊 ,游走在世博园里,世界仿佛就在我们眼前,而我们的志愿者们也一直在我们的身边。 A:接下来,请欣赏有团总支给我们带来的小品:《世博志愿者》。 A:感谢我们的团总支干部给我们带来的幽默搞笑的小品。让我们又年轻了几岁。 if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers B:接下来有请我们的8位格格回到舞台来。 A:有比赛就有竞争,有竞争就有淘汰。 B:没错,经过自我介绍和“导游词解说”两个环节,现在将会有两名格格将要提前离开我们的舞台。 A:现在我的手上已经拿到了被淘汰格格的名单了,XX啊,我看还是你来宣布结果吧 B:确定要我这么一个谦谦君子来做这么残忍的事吗? (无奈„„)哎。好吧,现在我宣布„„将要提前离开我们舞台的是„„X号格格以及我们的X号格格 A:有请我们的两位格格到舞台中间来 B:有没有什么话想对其他格格以及我们台下的观众说呢, (格格简短发言) A:好了,谢谢我们的两位格格,请我们的两位格格到台下稍作休息,待会儿呢,她们还将有精彩的节目带给我们 B:现实总是残酷的,但比赛还是要继续的 A:没错,接下来呢,就是我们非常紧张又刺激的“限时问答”环节,我们的每位格格都将会有一分钟的时间来回答我们主持人提出的问题,如果知道 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 呢,就准确快速的回答,不知道的就说“过”,主持人将会直接问下一个问题,明白了吗? B:一分钟的时间看谁能够准确快速的回答出更多的问题,各位美女,准备好了吗? A:好了,首先由请我们的X号格格 (按剩下格格的序号提问) if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers (限时回答环节由主持人自由发挥) 问答完毕后: A:谢谢我们的6位格格,请我们的6位格格到下面稍作休息。 B:接下来我们把舞台交给即将离开舞台的两位格格。 (节目介绍) A:谢谢我们的2位格格,谢谢你们的精彩表演。 B:离开这个舞台,梦想依然存在,只要努力、只要坚持,就一定能放飞梦想,展翅翱翔。 A:接下来,我们将看到一场才艺的角逐,我们的6位格格将给我们带来丰富多彩的节目。 A:感谢我们的6位格格带给我们的精彩纷呈的表演。 B:可是精彩过后又是一轮残酷的淘汰。 A:没错,经过这一轮的才艺比拼,很遗憾又将会有1名格格要淘汰出局了。这个光荣的使命还是交给你吧。(顺手把结果交给男主持) B:为什么伤害人的总是我呢,(无奈状) 很遗憾,即将离开这个舞台的是„„XX号„„ A:有请我们的x号的格格到舞台中间来。 B:有什么要说的吗? (简短发言) A:谢谢我们的X号格格,感谢你这一路带给我们的精彩。 B:请我们X号格格到下面休息一下 if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers A:现在,我们的场上还剩下5位格格,她们能走到现在非常不容易 B:大家一起把掌声送给她们,给她们鼓励,给她们力量。好吗, A:通过层层角逐,今天我们这场导游的竞技盛宴马上就要接近尾声了 B:没错,现在我们的最后结果也在紧张的统计中。 A:在结果出来之前,我们有请到来自XXX的XX对今天的比赛进行点评。 B:大家掌声欢迎,欢迎XX, (嘉宾点评) A:非常感谢XX对今天晚上这场比赛的点评,我相信我们所有的选手都受益匪浅 B:是啊,现在我的手上已经拿到了最终的比赛结果了,说实话,我的心情很激动很激动 A:你为什么激动啊, B:因为现场所有的人都在等待着这份结果,所有的焦点都在我手上的这份结果上,被这么多人注视,你说我能不激动吗, A:好了,你就别再自恋了,再不公布结果,就会引起公愤了。 B:OK,接下来就让我们为大家揭晓这场盛会的最终评比结果。 (主持人由 最佳才艺奖、最佳讲解奖?季军?亚军?冠军 依次揭晓) 结束语: A:美好的时光总是短暂的,但留下的会议是永恒的,朋友们,今晚if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers 我们的“城市脚步,世博心声”导游之星大赛即将落下帷幕,在这里特别感谢我们在座的老师、同学们,还有给我们带来精彩表演的格格们,当然还是要特别特别干血我们的辛苦的幕后工作者们,谢谢你们,辛苦啦~ B:今晚的女大,载歌载舞,星光闪闪 今日的女大,阔步向前,自信满满。 A:今晚的女大 ,一颗颗导游之星已冉冉升起。 今日的女大,一批批社会精英正悄然诞生。 B:城市,让生活更美好,让我们一起祝愿世博取得圆满成功,祝愿我们伟大的祖国更加繁荣富强。 A:女大,让社会更经精彩,让我们一起祝福女大的明天更加辉煌,祝福我们女大学子的前程更加灿烂,早日成为社会的栋梁之材。 节目串词: 1号 陈淑芳《大双簧》 A:提起我们湖南相声界有名的一对相声演员,大家会想到谁呢, B:我们很多同学已经猜出来了,对,他们就是奇志大兵,说起奇志大兵我们就不得不想到双簧了。 A:今天我们的?号格格陈淑芳和她的搭档一起给我们带来了一个双簧表演《大双簧》~ 2号 张晋《永远的十一位教师》 B:“蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”,这是使人对教师永恒的赞颂。 if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers A:教师,是祖国栋梁的培育者;教师,是人类灵魂的工程师。 B:教师,关系的不仅仅是个人的前途命运,他们肩负的是一个国家,一个民族兴旺发达的历史使命~让我们把最热烈的掌声送给我们可亲可敬的老师们,送给这份太阳底下最光辉的职业~ A:下面请欣赏由?号格格张晋带来的 朗诵 朗诵比赛活动流程诗朗诵英雄英雄碑颂朗诵稿听听秋的声音配乐朗诵载着使命前行朗诵稿 《永远的十一位教师》。 3号 向丽丹《竹林深处》 B:傣族舞是傣族古老的民间舞,也是傣族人民最喜爱的舞蹈。 A:现在请我们在座的同学们都闭上眼睛,静静的冥想一下,一个美丽的傣族女子在竹林深处快乐的玩耍,翩翩起舞,曼妙的身姿,唯美的曲线,音乐随着阳光慢慢地倾泻下来,慢慢地洒满了竹林的每一个角落„„ B:停,停„„你催眠呢~我看你待会儿把我们观众都哄入梦乡了怎么办~ A:你知道啥~你不觉得刚才那情景很美吗, B:再美那也是虚幻的,今天呀我们要欣赏实实在在的美~有请我们的?号格格向丽丹,看看她在竹林深处将会怎样起舞,掌声欢迎~ 4号 武玉环《欲水》 A:XX,今天来到女大,让你用一个字来比喻一下我们的女孩子,怎麽样, B:都说女子是水做的,我觉得用水来形容女孩子最恰当不过了,水乃至柔之物,却又有着无坚不摧的力量,不正象征这女孩子外表柔弱但内心刚强的性格吗, if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers A:的确,柔中带刚,刚柔并济,是水的特性,同时也是对女孩子个性的一种很好的诠释。接下来就让我们一起来欣赏?号格格武玉环给我们带来的现代舞表演《欲水》。 5号 陈亚群《唱脸谱》 A:大家都知道啊~京剧乃中华之国粹。称为国粹自然有它深厚的文化底蕴。 B:是的。一幅幅鲜明的画面,一张张奇特的脸谱,诠释着中国的文化精髓。 A:接下来由五号选手给我们带来一首脍炙人口的《唱脸谱》 6号 肖湘雨 《特务J》 A:诶。XX。我刚看到了一群特务潜伏在我们的舞台。 B:啊,是吗,长什么样, A:她们是一群热辣激情似火的美女特务。下面就有请6号选手,肖湘雨为我们带来歌舞《特务J》 7号 向佳雯 《嘘》 A:飞扬的青春,舞动的奇迹,用舞蹈诠释今夜的缤纷灿烂。下面有请7号选手向佳雯为我们带来舞蹈《嘘》 8号 《最美的太阳》 A:给我翅膀,给我力量,让我不会受伤。 B:是的,在我们受伤无助的时候。我们的内心需要温暖。每个人的心中都有一个最美的太阳。 A:下面有请8号选手为我们带来《最美的太阳》 if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers
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