首页 计生局全员人口信息管理系统(4期)



计生局全员人口信息管理系统(4期)计生局全员人口信息管理系统(4期) 全员人口信息管理系统 网络版运行情况 [2011]第4期 壶关县人口和计划生育局 2010年4月1日 目 录 ?全员人口信息管理系统网络版运行情况通报 ,2011.1.16-2011.3.15, transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve f...

计生局全员人口信息管理系统(4期) 全员人口信息管理系统 网络版运行情况 [2011]第4期 壶关县人口和 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 生育局 2010年4月1日 目 录 ?全员人口信息管理系统网络版运行情况通报 ,2011.1.16-2011.3.15, transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 全员人口信息管理系统网络版运行情况通报 (2011年第4期) 截止2011年3月15日~壶关县人口和计划生育局对全县13个乡镇区基础信息核查、村级反馈执行及信息回录、流动人口有效信息处理、跨省流动人口信息协查处理、身份证号码录入审核、数据审核、流动人口信息处理、重复人口信息、流向不明人数、直报系统信息直报等网络版运行情况做了全面汇总~现将各乡镇,区,运行情况通报如下: 一、2011年1月16日至3月15日基础信息核查及操作人员上线操作情况 汇总全县2011年1月16日至2011年3月15日基本信息核查情况如下: 本期新增总人口1003人,本期新增2000年以来出生人口294人~累计新增出生人口数4580人。本月新增核查出的2000年以来出生人口较多的乡镇为龙泉镇,93人,、晋庄镇,75人,、开发区,63人,。见附表1. 目前全县13个乡镇区2011年1月16日至2011年3月15日~全县上线率为100%。 -friendly and resource-fficult, "environmentore dik and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment mbehind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of worgging dustrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lalent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural inexceleconomic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not . While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solvedefense reserve forces work was strengthenedtransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-development and stability," four riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform,nity, he key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportund adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is tems aapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problcadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not ad d, social stability and stress; Six is one of the fewterm efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate-saving" society still needs long2 基础信息核查情况 表1 单位:人 2000年以来出生人口数 名称 新增总人口 2011.1.16—3.15新增 核查以来累计新增 全 市 9150 1467 62873 1003 全 县 294 4580 262 93 1204 龙泉镇 79 4 261 百尺镇 61 8 461 店上镇 146 75 281 晋庄镇 23 1 312 树掌镇 92 7 337 集店乡 42 3 392 黄山乡 58 3 323 东井岭 20 4 221 石坡乡 41 6 190 五龙山 2 0 257 鹅屋乡 47 27 249 桥上乡 开发区 130 63 92 二、村级反馈执行及信息回录情况 2011年1月16日—2011年3月15日全县村级反馈执行率,“每月执行条件”汇总,为100%~13个乡镇区反馈执行率达100%。 汇总2011年1月16日—2011年3月15日应服务信息回录情况~全县回录率94.47%。比上期,91.09%,提高了3.38个百分点。 其中晋庄、五龙山、黄山和桥上四个乡镇回录率达到100%~低于90%的乡镇是东井岭,80.82%,。附表2。 nt and stability," fourelopmeMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, devrural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskey to dopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the kthe currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and ad to es and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adaptebind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadr term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability,-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-ult, "environment; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficd debtnd; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work anation management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behirializ, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industand social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellentnomic hile affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve econg ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. Wtransformation of government functions, increasione work to implement and pay more-in-3 截止3月15日各乡镇,区,反馈执行及信息回录情况表 表2 单位:位、条、个、% 应服务 已服务 回录率 名 称 总村数 反馈村数 排队 条数 条数 ,?85%, 全 市 4238 4230 210788 194790 92.41 —— 全 县 405 405 18214 17206 94.47 —— 38 38 187 187 100.00 1 晋庄镇 36 36 3133 3133 100.00 1 黄山乡 25 25 71 71 100.00 1 五龙山 23 23 338 338 100.00 1 桥上乡 496 493 99.40 2 龙泉镇 42 42 11 11 1357 1345 99.12 3 开发区 26 26 1216 1205 99.10 4 树掌镇 50 50 195 192 98.46 5 百尺镇 53 53 4531 4453 98.28 6 店上镇 31 31 719 703 97.77 7 石坡乡 20 20 4498 4239 94.24 8 集店乡 19 19 60 55 91.67 9 鹅屋乡 31 31 1413 1142 80.82 10 东井岭 三、流动人口有效信息处理情况 ,一,、省内流动人口信息处理情况 据统计~2011年1月15日至2011年3月15日~涉及到我县的移入应处理信息28条~移出应处理信息110条。 全县及各乡镇区“2011年3月15日前接收信息”目前处理情况为: 全县发出,省内,移入申请信息接收率94.29%~比上期,99.68%,下降了5.39个百分点,发出,省内,移出申请信息接收率99.67%~比上期,93.51%,提高了6.16个百分点。13个乡镇区中发出移入 d, social stability and stress; Six is one of the fewterm efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-fficult, "environmentore dik and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment mbehind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of worgging dustrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lalent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural inexceleconomic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not . While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solvedefense reserve forces work was strengthenedtransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-development and stability," four riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform,nity, he key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportund adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is tems aapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problcadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not ad4 申请接收率达100%的乡镇有集店、黄山和石坡~不达90%的有东井岭,50%,、店上,65.38%,、百尺,85.71%,。13个乡镇区发出移出申请信息接收率达到100%的乡镇有5个~分别是龙泉、店上、晋庄、黄山和石坡~不达90%的乡镇是百尺,84.62%,。 全县接收,省内,移入申请拒绝率为2.43%~比上期,2.17%,多了0.26个百分点~接收,省内,移出申请拒绝率为1.44%~比上期1.36%减少了0.08个百分点。13个乡镇区中接收移入信息申请拒绝率高于15%的乡镇是龙泉,33.33%,~接受移出信息申请拒绝率高于5%的乡镇为开发区,100%,、龙泉,32.43%,。,表3, 截止3月15日各乡镇,区,流动人口有效信息处理情况 表3 单位:条、% 2011.1.15-2011.3.15 2011年3月15日前接收信息目前处理情况 应处理数名称 接收移入申请 接收移出申请 发出移入申请 发出移出申请 移入 移出 拒绝率% 拒绝率% 接收率% 接收率% 262 329 全 市 12.70 2.20 89.41 97.17 28 110 2.43 1.44 94.29 99.67 全 县 14 55 33.33 32.43 94.74 100.00 龙泉镇 1 0 0.00 0.00 85.71 84.62 百尺镇 1 10 0.00 0.00 65.38 100.00 店上镇 4 7 0.54 0.00 98.08 100.00 晋庄镇 —— —— 2 1 0.00 0.00 树掌镇 —— 0 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 集店乡 1 4 0.00 0.00 100.00 100 黄山乡 —— 1 0 0.00 0.00 50.00 东井岭 1 3 0.00 0.00 100.00 100 石坡乡 —— —— 1 24 0.00 0.00 五龙山 —— —— 2 5 0.00 0.00 鹅屋乡 —— —— 0 0 0.00 0.00 桥上乡 —— —— —— 0 1 100.00 开发区 d to es and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adaptebind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadr term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability,-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-ult, "environment; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficd debtnd; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work anation management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behirializ, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industand social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellentnomic hile affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve econg ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. Wtransformation of government functions, increasione work to implement and pay more-in-nt and stability," fourelopmeMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, devrural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskey to dopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the kthe currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and a5 ,二,、跨省流入人口协查信息处理情况 截止2011年3月15日~全县共接收跨省流入人口协查信息67条已按时处理64条~按时处理率为95.52%~比上期,95.24%,提高了0.28个百分点。13个乡镇区中~除开发区,0%,和东井岭,80%,外~其余都达到100%。 截止3月15日各乡镇,区,流动人口协查处理情况 表4 单位:条、个、% 协查回执 协查回执 已处理但 协查回执 处理率 名 称 应处理 按时处理 未按时处理 未处理 ,95% 全 市 1311 1105 206 0 84.29 全 县 67 64 3 0 95.52 7 7 0 0 100.00 龙泉镇 6 6 0 0 100.00 百尺镇 16 16 0 0 100.00 店上镇 9 9 0 0 100.00 晋庄镇 3 3 0 0 100.00 树掌镇 10 10 0 0 100.00 集店乡 1 1 0 0 100.00 黄山乡 10 8 2 0 80.00 东井岭 1 1 0 0 100.00 石坡乡 2 2 0 0 100.00 五龙山 1 1 0 0 100.00 鹅屋乡 0 0 0 0 —— 桥上乡 1 0 1 0 0.00 开发区 四、身份证号码录入工作 截止2011年3月15日~全县身份证准确率达到85.62%~比上期82.62%提高了3个百分点~13个乡镇区准确率高于90%的乡镇有2个~分别是五龙山,91.74%,、百尺,90.83%,,低于85%的乡镇有4个~分别是桥上,83.69%,、东井岭,83.45,、集店,81.48%,、龙泉,80.08%,。详细见附表5。 d, social stability and stress; Six is one of the fewterm efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-fficult, "environmentore dik and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment mbehind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of worgging dustrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lalent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural inexceleconomic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not . While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solvedefense reserve forces work was strengthenedtransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-development and stability," four riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform,nity, he key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportund adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is tems aapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problcadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not ad 6 截止3月15日各乡镇,区,身份证录入情况 表5、 单位:人、% 审 核 情 况 总人 错 误 分 类 名 称 准确率 口数 正确的 准确率 出生日期与身证件有误或与位次 份证号不对应 性别不对应 全 市 3508088 35513 266439 3430317 86.49 —— 310571 5119 23076 265919 85.62 —— 全 县 10198 8 435 9356 91.74 1 五龙山 36146 59 1684 32832 90.83 2 百尺镇 10100 17 558 9089 89.99 3 开发区 28211 33 1633 25140 89.11 4 黄山乡 12907 64 836 11418 88.46 5 树掌镇 29071 280 2138 25706 88.42 6 晋庄镇 31729 60 2288 27770 87.52 7 店上镇 9531 89 1262 8144 85.45 8 鹅屋乡 15461 80 1232 13155 85.09 9 石坡乡 9773 6 900 8179 83.69 10 桥上乡 20038 217 1770 16722 83.45 11 东井岭 28894 80 2960 23543 81.48 12 集店乡 68512 4126 5380 54865 80.08 13 龙泉镇 五、审核执行情况 2011年1月16日至2011年3月15日全县及各乡镇区数据审核汇总情况如下: 全县审核执行和差错情况汇总情况如下:全县审核执行率100%~审核差错率为1.88%~比上期2.48%下降了0.6个百分点。13个乡镇区中差错率较低的为五龙山,0%,,差错率高于3%的乡镇是龙泉,4.11%,。详细见表6. 截止3月15日各乡镇,区,审核执行情况 es and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adaptebind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadr term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability,-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-ult, "environment; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficd debtnd; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work anation management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behirializ, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industand social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellentnomic hile affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve econg ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. Wtransformation of government functions, increasione work to implement and pay more-in-nt and stability," fourelopmeMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, devrural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskey to dopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the kthe currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and ad to 7 表6 单位:人、条、% 已审核 信息有误 信息有误 差错率 名 称 总村数 总人数 差错率 村数 人数 条数 排序 全 市 4238 3508088 4210 98142 115757 2.80 —— 全 县 405 310571 405 5829 6700 1.88 —— 25 10198 25 0 0 0.00 1 五龙山 38 29071 38 87 93 0.30 2 晋庄镇 26 12907 26 46 46 0.36 3 树掌镇 50 36146 50 166 178 0.46 4 百尺镇 11 10100 11 59 67 0.58 5 开发区 31 15461 31 140 147 0.91 6 石坡乡 23 9773 23 95 123 0.97 7 桥上乡 19 9531 19 116 148 1.22 8 鹅屋乡 53 31729 53 516 574 1.63 9 店上镇 36 28211 36 575 730 2.04 10 黄山乡 20 28894 20 621 709 2.15 11 集店乡 31 20038 31 593 672 2.96 12 东井岭 42 68512 42 2815 3213 4.11 13 龙泉镇 六、流向不明人员情况 截至2011年3月15日~全员人口信息系统中~全县流向不明 人数为1890人~比上期4910减少了3020人~流向不明人员占总 人口比例为0.61%~比上期1.58%减少了0.97个百分点。 表7 单位:人、% 名 称 流向不明人数 总人数 比 例 排 队 全 市 —— 98370 3508088 2.80 全 县 —— 1890 310571 0.61 东井岭 1 0 20038 0.00 石坡乡 2 0 15461 0.00 开发区 3 0 10100 0.00 龙泉镇 4 1 68512 0.00 晋庄镇 5 2 29071 0.01 五龙山 6 3 10198 0.03 店上镇 7 215 31729 0.68 树掌镇 8 104 12907 0.81 集店乡 9 292 28894 1.01 黄山乡 10 297 28211 1.05 百尺镇 11 490 36146 1.36 鹅屋乡 12 219 9531 2.30 桥上乡 13 267 9773 2.73 friendly and resource-fficult, "environmentore dik and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment mbehind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of worgging dustrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lalent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural inexceleconomic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not . While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solvedefense reserve forces work was strengthenedtransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-development and stability," four riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform,nity, he key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportund adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is tems aapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problcadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not ad d, social stability and stress; Six is one of the fewterm efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate-saving" society still needs long-8 七、重复人口情况 截止2011年3月15日~全县重复人口总数为30523人~其中夫妇姓名重复4271人~身份证号重复26252人~两项重复人数占全员人口比例为9.83%。其中重复人口比例较高的为龙泉镇,14.70%,。 表8 单位:人、% 名 称 夫妇姓名重复 身份证号重复 重复人口合计 全部人口 所占比例 排 队 全 市 88305 348308 436613 3508088 12.45 —— 全 县 4271 26252 30523 310571 9.83 —— 百尺镇 300 1551 1851 36146 5.12 1 黄山乡 244 1398 1642 28211 5.82 2 五龙山 104 514 618 10198 6.06 3 开发区 98 569 667 10100 6.60 4 晋庄镇 250 2000 2250 29071 7.74 5 树掌镇 113 894 1007 12907 7.80 6 97 668 765 9531 8.03 7 鹅屋乡 集店乡 336 2408 2744 28894 9.50 8 桥上乡 131 799 930 9773 9.52 9 石坡乡 155 1616 1771 15461 11.45 10 店上镇 434 3368 3802 31729 11.98 11 东井岭 245 2162 2407 20038 12.01 12 龙泉镇 1764 8305 10069 68512 14.70 13 八、全员人口信息直报系统信息直报情况 2011年1月16日至2010年3月15日~我县全员人口信息直报系统信息直报情况为100%。 九、孕前评估情况 截止2011年3月15日~全县13个乡镇区孕前评估例数为0~各乡镇区都未进行孕前评估。 十、下一步工作及要求 ,一,、各乡镇区要继续将人口和计划生育数据质量作为工作重 es and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adaptebind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadr term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability,-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-ult, "environment; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficd debtnd; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work anation management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behirializ, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industand social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellentnomic hile affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve econg ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. Wtransformation of government functions, increasione work to implement and pay more-in-nt and stability," fourelopmeMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, devrural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskey to dopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the kthe currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and ad to 9 点~坚持抓基础信息核查工作~如实上报核查发现的遗漏人口和漏报出生~各乡镇要继续同公安、卫生等部门积极协作~认真核对全员人口数量~进一步提高全员人口数据质量标准化、规范化。 ,二,、2011年第4期省级通报中~已经增加了各乡镇重复人口和流向不明的详细数据~各乡镇要及时下载《异地核查说明》~做好重复及流向不明的人口信息清理工作。 ,三,、截至2011年3月15日~全县身份证准确率为85.62%~离省市规定的指标还有不少差距~务必对错误、不全的身份证再进行一次搜集整理~努力提高全县的身份证准确率。 ,四,、各乡镇,区,要死看硬守~定期不定期进行网上查看~明确责任人~加强监控~督促指导~确保每月数据的及时准确上报。 -friendly and resource-fficult, "environmentore dik and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment mbehind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of worgging dustrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lalent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural inexceleconomic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not . While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solvedefense reserve forces work was strengthenedtransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-development and stability," four riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform,nity, he key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportund adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is tems aapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problcadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not ad d, social stability and stress; Six is one of the fewterm efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate-saving" society still needs long10
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