首页 财满街驰骏网络宽带全电信业务介绍



财满街驰骏网络宽带全电信业务介绍财满街驰骏网络宽带全电信业务介绍 驰骏网络全电信业务介绍 2011年 目 录 公司简介………………………………………………………………..2 业务发展历程…………………………………………………………..3 驰骏网络光纤资源优势………………………………………………..4 驰骏网络城域网结构图………………………………………………..5 驰骏售后服务及品质保障……………………………………………..错误~未定义书签。 驰骏网络的客户………………………………………………………..错误~未定义书签。 i o...

财满街驰骏网络宽带全电信业务介绍 驰骏网络全电信业务介绍 2011年 目 录 公司简介………………………………………………………………..2 业务发展历程…………………………………………………………..3 驰骏网络光纤资源优势………………………………………………..4 驰骏网络城域网结构图………………………………………………..5 驰骏售后服务及品质保障……………………………………………..错误~未定义书签。 驰骏网络的客户………………………………………………………..错误~未定义书签。 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 公司简介 北京驰骏网络咨询服务有限责任公司是一家专业从事计算机软、硬件的研究、开发和生产,网络信息技术、商务技术、数据库技术和通讯技术的开发、应用,系统集成、网络 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 、智能工程的建设等业务的高新技术企业。 北京驰骏网络咨询服务有限责任公司(驰骏网络)创建于1996年,拥有国家信息产业部第一批颁发的“中华人民共和国计算机信息国际联网业务经营许可证”(ISP资质)与北京市通信管理局核准颁发的“中华人民共和国电信与信息服务业务经营许可证”(ICP资质);自1996年8月起,驰骏网络承担了北京旅游局政府网站“北京旅游信息网”的全部创建、管理、运营责任。驰骏网络以其雄厚的技术实力、完善的网站功能、优质的客户服务、合理的服务收费赢得了客户的信任,是国内旅游界知名网站之一。 北京驰骏网络咨询服务有限责任公司(中关村科技园区国际IDC)创建于1999年,是由北京驰骏网络咨询服务有限公司和多家著名投资机构参股的IDC机房。作为电信、数据和信息网络综合服务运营商,我们有无可比拟的宽带优势,始终紧跟网络时代发展步伐。凭借优越的链路和带宽资源及强有利的专业技术支持和完善周全的服务,为ICP、ASP、企业用户等提供全面的互联网应用解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 北京驰骏网络在北京拥有一个软、硬件设施先进的大型专业互联网数据中心,位于北京市海淀区海淀路86号中发电子大厦。该数据中心也是北京驰骏网络华北、东北、华中三大地区网络的总出口,与全国数据主干网接入互联互通,目前北京网络平台与CHINANET, CHINAGBN, CERNET, CSTNet,CNCNET等国内主要互联网通过北京互联中心实现2.5G对等互联,与CHINANET在北京、上海、广州分别实现155M私有互连;(第二级运营商和ISP可通过北京驰骏网络网络实现与电信的互联互通)622M大容量国际出口带宽,即将实现多路由保护;(出国访问速度快)带宽资源极为充裕。 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 业务发展历程 北京驰骏网络北京城域网一期工程建设于2002年8月开始启动,已于2003年5月份正式开通。一期网络结构分为三层,即骨干层、边缘层和接入层。骨干层和边缘层为两个平行的网络,即传输网和IP网。骨干层一期建设四个核心节点,分别设在金融街、中关村、亚运村。边缘层有12个区域节点(其中有4个和骨干节点同址),形成一个4+12+N的网络拓扑构架。北京驰骏网络城域网具有与电信网、联通网、广电网、铁路网、军队网、教育网及电力通信网等互通的能力。 骨骨 干干Internet2.5 G*16全光网Internet2.5 G*16全光网网网 全国骨干节点全国骨干节点 宽宽金融街金融街带带 光光 纤纤中关村(上地)中关村(上地)n*2.5G光纤网络城城MANMAN中心机房中心机房n*2.5G光纤网络域域 网网 2M-155M/2M-155M/光纤光纤东单节点机房东单节点机房 楼宇接入分支机构接入楼宇接入分支机构接入ISPISP接入接入接接 入入 网网 图1-1 北京驰骏网络北京城域网一期SDH网结构 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 驰骏网络光纤资源优势 驰俊网络在北京城区建有地下光纤城域网,在北京城区所有范围内都已解决光纤路由问题。客户已遍布北京市商业区,成为北京市电信服务业最成功的接入商之一,合作方式及服务质量为业界所称道。 光纤资源分布图 高速宽带城域网 驰骏网络咨询服务有限责任公司依托目前北京市场最为完善的北京城域网,我公司与投资方拥有北京市二环路,三环路,四环路及部分联络线8芯光缆管道使用权。并为中国电信,中国网络,中国铁通,中国网通,中国移动多家国家一级电信运营商提供光缆资源。 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 驰俊网络城域网结构图 1×1G1×1G 2×1G皂君庙1×1G2×100M 驰骏售后服务及品质保障 现场响应 客户服务中心介绍 多种应答服务 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化服务流程及售后服务与技术支持 ?调配资源:专业工程技术人员根据需求调配线路端口资源 ?调试线路:专业技术人员对线路及客户端接入设备进行调试 ?线路开通:按时、按质开通线路。 ?售后服务:24小时服务响应,定期回访 投诉故障支持 北京驰骏网络咨询服务有限责任公司设有专门的技术支持部,为用户提供即时咨询、故障排除等全面技术支持。用户如有问题反映,技术支持部会根据用户所反映问题的情况给予相应的支持方式。对于用户的技术支持请求或故障 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 都会及时记录在案,无法立即解决的技术问题将告诉客户预计的答复日期和时间。 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 现场响应 对于技术支持部工程师了解判断,需工程师现场解决问题北京驰骏网络咨询服务有限责任公司将安排支持小组的工程师2小时内赶到现场,并承诺尽最大的能力解决客户的问题。 服务时间 ?24小时人工热线电话服务; ?全天候软件和人工对系统进行监控; ?高水平工程师24小时值班排障。 客户服务中心介绍 为保障及时优质的服务与客户,北京驰骏网络咨询服务有限责任公司专门成立了CALL CENTER(呼叫中心),CALL CENTER系统是具备统一的客户服务系统平台,利用驰骏网络覆盖北京市的通信资源为客户提供咨询、查询、申告、受理、投诉等各项服务,北京驰骏网络咨询服务有限责任公司呼叫中心系统的核心任务就是服务于客户。 多种应答服务 24小时故障排除热线: 截止到目前,驰骏网络的数据企业级用户已达2000余家,智能楼宇接入达到200余家,社区宽带接入也覆盖了70多个,覆盖户数超过30万户。 国家部委:中国信息产业集团安全测评中心 、国土资源部、国家减灾委中心、国家卫星海洋应用中心等 企业用户: 人民出版社、建设综合勘察研究 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 院、北京市检察院等 金融证券:中信建投证券、中信建投期货、银河基金等 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 智能楼宇:中发大厦、鸿安国际大厦、豪景大厦 网络:金山软件、中国万网、民航数据通信等 驰俊网络楼宇主要客户(节选) 鸿安大厦 凯威大厦 HP大厦 数码大厦 南银大厦 银网中心 太平洋国际 东方国际大厦 大行基业 万通新世界中心 中粮广场 远大中心 外交部 盛大网络 301电话局 建设部 三星集团总部 新浪集团 中关村软件园 北京市粮食局 农科院 国贸大厦 用友集团 北汽集团 福田汽车 紫金庄园 国际俱乐部 科技会展中心 中科集团 中科大洋集团公司 腾达大厦 海泰大厦 银谷大厦 北京市70多家社区 阳光100 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed
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