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国家计量校准规范目录国家计量校准规范目录 JJF 1001-1998 通用计量术语及定义General Terms in Metrology and Their Definitions JJF 1002-1998 国家计量检定规程编定规则The Rules forDeafting Nationl Metrological verification Regulation JJF 1004-2004 流量计量名词术语及定义Metrological Terms and Their Definitions for Flow Rate JJ...

国家计量校准规范目录 JJF 1001-1998 通用计量术语及定义General Terms in Metrology and Their Definitions JJF 1002-1998 国家计量检定规程编定规则The Rules forDeafting Nationl Metrological verification Regulation JJF 1004-2004 流量计量名词术语及定义Metrological Terms and Their Definitions for Flow Rate JJF 1005-2005 MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1713936137462_0物质常用术语和定义Terms and Difinitions Used in Reference Materials JJF 1006-1994 一级标准物质技术规范Technical Norm of Primary Reference Materials JJF 1007-1987 温度计量名词术语(试行)Temperature Metrological Terms and Their Definitions JJF 1007-2007 温度计量名词术语(试行)Temperature Metrological Terms and Their Definitions JJF 1008-1987 压力计量名词术语及定义Pressure Metrological Terms and Their Definitions JJF 1008-2008 压力计量名词术语及定义Pressure Metrological Terms and Their Definitions JJF 1009-2006 容量计量术语及定义Metrological Terms and Definittions for Capacity JJF 1010-1987 长度计量名词术语及定义Length Metological Terms and Their Definitions JJF 1011-2006 力值与硬度计量术语及定义Terminology and Definitions for Metrology of Force and Hardness JJF 1012-2007 常用湿度计量名词术语(试行)General Terms for Humidity Measurement JJF 1013-1989 磁学计量常用名词术语及定义(试行)Terms in Common Use and Their Difinition for the Magneic Metrology JJF 1014-1989 罐内液体石油产品计量技术规范Technical Norm of the Measurement of Liquid Petroleum Products in Tands JJF 1015-2002 计量器具型式评价和型式批准通用规范General Norm for Pattren Evaluation and Pattern Approval of Measuring Instruments JJF 1016-2002 计量器具型式评价大纲编写导则The Rules for Drafting Program of Pattern Evaluation of Measuring Instruments JJF 1017-1990 使用硫酸铈-亚铈剂量计测量γ射线水吸收剂量标准方法Standard Method for Using the Ceric-Cerous Sulfate Dosimeter to Measure γ-ray Absorted Dose in Water JJF 1018-1990 使用重铬酸钾(银)剂量计测量γ射线水吸收剂量标准方法Standard Method for Using the Potassium(silver)Dichromate Dosimeter to Measure γ-ray Absorbed Dose in Water JJF 1019-1990 60Co远距离治疗束吸收剂量的邮寄监测方法Postcheck Method for 60Co radiothorapy Beam Absorbed Dose JJF 1020-1990 r射线辐射加工剂量保证监测方法Dose Assurence Monitoring Method for γ-Ray Radiation Processing Level JJF 1021-1990 产品质量检验机构计量认证技术考核规范The Technical Examination Norm for Metrology Accreditation of Testing Unit for Testing of Product Quality JJF 1022-1991 计量标准命名规范The Technical Norm of Designation for Metrological Staandard JJF 1023-1991 常用电学计量名词术语(试行)Greneral Metrological Terms for electrical Measurement JJF 1023-2008 常用电学计量名词术语(试行)Greneral Metrological Terms for electrical Measurement JJF 1024-2006 计量器具的可靠性分析Reliability Analysis for Measuring Instruments JJF 1024-2008 计量器具的可靠性分析Reliability Analysis for Measuring Instruments JJF 1025-1991 机械秤改装规范Technical Norm of Machine Scale Remake JJF 1025-2008 机械秤改装规范Technical Norm of Machine Scale Remake JJF 1026-1991 光子和高能电子束吸收剂量测定方法Absorbed Dose Determination in Poton and Electron Beams JJF 1026-2008 光子和高能电子束吸收剂量测定方法Absorbed Dose Determination in Poton and Electron Beams JJF 1028-1991 使用重铬酸钾银剂量计测量r射线水吸收剂量标准方法Standard Method for Using the Silver Dichromate Dosimeter to Measure γ-Ray Absorbed Dose in Water JJF 1029-1991 电子探针定量分析用标准物质研制规范The Technical Norm for Development of Cerified Reference Materied Used in Quantitative Analysis of Electron Microprobe JJF 1030-1998 恒温槽技术性能测试规范Measurement and Test Norm of Thermostatic Bath's Technological Characteristic JJF 1031-1992 依法管理的物理化学计量器具分类规范The chassifical Norm of Physical and Chemical Measuring Instruments Managed by Metrogical Los JJF 1032-2005 光学辐射计量名词及定义(试行)Terminology and definitions for optical Radiation Measurement JJF 1033-2003* 计量标准考核规范Rule for the Examination of Measurement Standard[过期] JJF 1033-2008 计量标准考核规范Rule for the Examination of Measurement Standard[更新] JJF 1034-2005 声学计量名词及定义(试行)Metrological Terms and their Definitions for Acoustics JJF 1035-2006 电离辐射计量术语及定义Ionizing Radiation Metrological Terms JJF 1036-1993 交流电能表检定装置试验规范Test Norm of Verification Equipment for AC Electrical Energy Meter JJF 1037-1993 线列固体图像传感器特性参数测试技术规范Technical Norm of measurement and Test of Characteristic Parameters for Linear Solid State Image Sensors JJF 1038-1993 直流电阻计量保证 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 技术规范(试行)Technical Specification of MAP for D C resistance JJF 1039-1993 同轴功率计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S.of MAP for Coaxial Power JJF 1040-1993 射频衰减计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S.of MAP for Radio Attenuation JJF 1041-1993 磁性材料磁参数计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for Propertise of Magnetic Materials JJF 1042-1993 直流电动势计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for DC EMF'S JJF 1043-1993 维氏硬度计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for Veckers Hardness JJF 1044-1993 放射性核素活度计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of Map for Activity of Radionuclides JJF 1045-1993 长度(量块)计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for Length of Gauge Block JJF 1046-1994 金属电阻应变计的工作特性技术规范T.S. of Performance Characteristics of Metallic Resistance Strain Gauges JJF 1047-1994 磁耦合直流电流测量变换器校准规范Calibratiom Specification for Magnetical Coupling Measuring JJF 1048-1995 数据采集系统校准规范C.S.of Data Acguisition System JJF 1049-1995 温度传感器动态响应校准规范C.S.of Temperature Sensor's Dynamic Response JJF 1050-1996 工作用热传导真空计校准规范C.S.of Working Thermal Conducting Vacuum Gauge JJF 1051-1996 工作计量器具命名与分类代码规范Norm of Designation for Working Measuring Instrument and its Classification Cade JJF 1052-1996 气流式纤维细度测定仪的校准规范C.S.of Fibre Fineness Tester of Airflow Method JJF 1053-1996 负荷传感器动态特性校准规范C.S.of Dynamic Characteristic of Load Cell JJF 1054-1996 人血清无机成分分析结果评定规范Evaluation Specification for Analysis Result of Inorganic Composition in Serum JJF 1056-1998 燃油加油机税控装置技术规范The Technical Norm For Revenue control Device of Fuel Dispenser JJF 1057-1998 数字存储示波器校准规范C.S.of Digital Storage Oscilloscope JJF 1059-1999* 测量不确定度评定与表示Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement JJF 1061-1999 税控燃油加油机制造许可证考核规范The Examination Specification of Manufacturing Competence for Fuel Dispensers with Revenue Function JJF 1062-1999 电离真空计校准规范C.S.of Ionization Vacuum Gauge JJF 1063-2000 石油螺纹单项参数检查仪校准规范C.S.for Instruments of Thread Inspection Of Casing,Tubing Line Pipe and New Rotary Shouldered Connection JJF 1064-2004 坐标测量机校准规范C.S.for Coordinate Measuring Machines JJF 1065-2000 射频通信测试校准规范C.S.for RF Communication Test Set JJF 1066-2000 测长机校准规范C.S.for Length Measuring Instruments JJF 1067-2000 工频电压比例标准装置校准规范C.S.for Sets of Voltage Ratio Standards at Power Frequency JJF 1068-2000 工频电流比例标准装置校准规范C.S.for Sets of Current Ratio Standards at Power Frequency JJF 1069-2007 法定计量检定机构考核规范Rules for the Examination of the Service of Legal Metrological Verification JJF 1070-2005 定量包装商品净含量计量检验规则Rules of Metrological Testing for Net Quantity of Products in Prepackages with Fixed Content JJF 1071-2000 国家计量校准规范编写规则The Rules for Drafting National Calibration Specifications JJF 1072-2000 齿厚卡尺校准规范C.S.for Gear Tooth Calipers JJF 1073-2000 高频Q表校准规范C.S.for HF Q-Meters JJF 1074-2001 酒精密度-浓度测量用表Measurement Tables for Density-Concentration of Alcohol JJF 1075-2001 钳形电流表校准规范C.S.of Clamp Ammeters JJF 1076-2001 湿度传感器校准规范C.S.of Humidity Sensors JJF 1077-2002 测微准直望远镜校准规范C.S.for Micro-alignment Telescopes JJF 1078-2002 光学测角比较仪校准规范C.S.for Optcal Comparators for Angle Measurements JJF 1079-2002 阴极射线管彩色分析仪校准规范C.S.for Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)Color Analyzers JJF 1080-2002 (-50,90)?黑体辐射源校准规范C.S.for Blackbody Radiators in (-50,90)? JJF 1081-2002 垂准仪校准规范C.S.for Plumb Instruments JJF 1082-2002 平板仪校准规范C.S.for Plane Tables JJF 1083-2002 光学倾斜仪校准规范C.S.for Optical Clinometers JJF 1084-2002 框式水平仪和条式水平仪校准规范C.S.for Frame Levels and Shaft Levels JJF 1085-2002 水平尺校准规范C.S.for Level Rules JJF 1087-2002 直流大电流测量过程控制技术规范T.S.for Measurement Control System for Heavy Direct Current JJF 1088-2002 外径千分尺(测量范围500mm,3000mm)校准规范C.S.for Micrometers with Measuring Range form 500mm~3000mm JJF 1089-2002 滚动轴承径向游隙测量仪校准规范C.S.for Instruments for Measuring Radial Clearance of Rolling Bearing JJF 1090-2002 非金属建材塑限测定仪校准规范C.S.for Nonmetal Building Materials Plastic Measuring Instruments JJF 1091-2002 测量内尺寸千分尺校准规范C.S.for Micrometers for Measuring Inside Dimension JJF 1092-2002 光切显微镜校准规范C.S.for Light Section Microscopes JJF 1093-2002 投影仪校准规范C.S.for Projectors JJF 1094-2002 测量仪器特性评定技术规范T.S.for Evaluation of the Characteristics of Measuring Instruments JJF 1095-2002 电容器介质损耗测量仪校准规范C.S.for Capacitor Dielectric Loss Meters JJF 1096-2002 引申计标定器校准规范C.S.for Calibrator of Extensometers JJF 1097-2003 平尺校准规范C.S.for Calibration Specification for Staight Edges JJF 1098-2003 热电偶、热电阻自动测量系统校准规范C.S.for Auto-measuring System of Thermocouples and Resistance Thermometers JJF 1099-2003 表面粗糙度比较样块校准规范C.S.of Roughness Comparison Specimens JJF 1100-2003 平面等厚干涉仪校准规范C.S.for Flat Equal Thickness Interferometers JJF 1101-2003 环境试验设备温度、湿度校准规范C.S.for the Equipment of Environmental Testing for Temperature and Humidity JJF 1102-2003 内径表校准规范C.S.for Bore Dial Indicators JJF 1103-2003 万能试验机计算机数据采集系统评定Evaluation for Computerized Data Acquisition Systems of Universal Testing Machines JJF 1104-2003 国家计量检定系统表编写规则Rule for Drafting National Verification Scheme JJF 1105-2003 触针式表面粗糙度测量仪校准规范C.S.for Contact(Stylus) Instruments of Surface Roughness Measurement by the Profile Method JJF 1106-2003 眼镜产品透射比测量装置校准规范C.S.for Transmittance Measuring Equipment for Ophthalmic Products JJF 1107-2003 测量人体温度的红外温度计校准规范C.S.for Infrared Thermometers for Measurement of Human Temperature JJF 1108-2003 石油钻具接头螺纹工作量规、圆螺纹套管工作量规和油管螺纹工作量规校准规范C.S.for working Gauge of Rotary Shouldered Connections,Round Thread Casing and Tubing JJF 1109-2003 跳动检查仪校准规范C.S.for Concentricity Testers JJF 1110-2003 建筑工程质量检测器组校准规范C.S.for Coustruction Quality Tester Sets JJF 1111-2003 调 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 测量仪校准规范C.S.of Modulation JJF 1112-2003 计量检测体系确认规范Rules for Confirmation of Metrology Testing System JJF 1113-2004 轴承套圈角度表针件测量仪校准规范C.S.of Angle Measuring Instument for Bearing Ring JJF 1114-2004 光学、数显分度台校准规范C.S.for Optical & Digital Dividing Tables JJF 1115-2004 光电轴角编码器校准规范C.S.for Photoelectric Shaft Encoders JJF 1116-2004 线加速度计的精密离心机校准规范C.S.for Linear Accelerometer Used Precision Centrifuger JJF 1117-2004 测量仪器比对规范Specification for Comparison of Measuring Instrument JJF 1118-2004 全球定位系统(GPS)接收机(测地型和导航型)校准规范C.S.for Global positioning System (GPS) Receiver JJF 1119-2004 电子水平尺校准规范C.S.for Electronic Level Meter JJF 1120-2004 热电离同位素质谱计校准规范C.S.for Thermal Ionizatiog Isotope Mass Spectrometers JJF 1121-2004 手持式齿距比较仪校准规范C.S.for Hand-hold Pitch Comparator JJF 1122-2004 齿轮螺旋线测量仪器校准规范C.S.for Gear Helix Measuring Instruments JJF 1123-2004 基圆齿距比较仪校准规范C.S.for Base Circle Pitch Comparaor JJF 1124-2004 齿轮渐开线测量仪器校准规范C.S.for Gear Involute Measuring Instuments JJF 1125-2004 滚刀检查仪校准规范C.S.for Calibration Specification for Gear Hob Tester JJF 1126-2004 超声波测厚仪校准规范C.S.for Ulrasonic Thickness Instrument JJF 1127-2004 射频阻抗/材料分析仪校准规范C.S.for RF Impedance/Material Analyzers JJF 1128-2004 矢量信号分析仪校准规范C.S.for Vector Signal Analyzers JJF 1129-2005 尿液分析仪校准规范C.S.of Urine Analyzers JJF 1130-2005 几何量测量设备校准中的不确定度评定指南Guide to the Estimation of Uncertainty in Calibration of Geometrical Measuring Equipment JJF 1131-2005 TDMA-GSM数字移动通信综合测试仪校准规范C.S.for TDMA-GSM Radio Communication Testers JJF 1132-2005 组合式角度尺校准规范C.S.for Combined Type Angle Rules JJF 1133-2005 X射线荧光光谱法黄金含量分析仪校准规范C.S.of Gold Gauge Utilizing X-ray Fluorescence Spectometry JJF 1134-2005 专用工作测力机校准规范C.S.for Working Force Measuring Machines for Special Purposes JJF 1135-2005 化学分析测量不确定度评定Evaluation of Uncertainty in Chemical Analysis Measurement JJF 1136-2005 音准仪校准规范C.S.of Tonometers JJF 1137-2005 传声器前置放大器校准规范C.S.for Microphone Premplifiers JJF 1138-2005 铣刀磨后检查仪校准规范C.S.for the Testers of Sharpened Milling Cutter JJF 1139-2005 计量器具检定周期确定原则和方法Principle and Method for Determination Verification Period of Measuring Instruments JJF 1140-2006 直角式检查仪校准规范C.S.for Square Testers JJF 1141-2006 汽车转向角检验台校准规范D.S.for Turning Angle Testers for Automobile JJF 1142-2006 建筑声学分析仪校准规范C.S.for Building Acoustics Analyzers JJF 1143-2006 混响室声学特性校准规范C.S.for Acoustic Performance of Reverberation Rooms JJF 1144-2006 电磁骚扰测量接收机校准规范C.S.for EMI Testing Receivers JJF 1145-2006 驻极体传声器测试仪校准规范C.S.for Electret Microphone Instruments JJF 1146-2006 消声水池声学特性校准规范C.S.for Acoustic Characteristics of Anechoic Water Tand JJF 1147-2006 消声室和半消声室声学特性校准规范C.S.for Acoustic Performance of Anechoic Rooms and Hemi-anechoic Rooms JJF 1148-2006 角膜接触镜检测仪校准规范C.S.for Test Devices of Contact Lenses JJF 1149-2006 心脏除颤器和心脏除颤监护仪校准规范C.S.for Cardiac Defibrillators & Cardiac Defibrillator-monitors JJF 1150-2006 光电探测器相对光谱响应度校准规范C.S.for Relative Spectral Responsivity for Photoelectric Detectors JJF 1151-2006 车轮动平衡机校准规范C.S.for Wheel Dynamic Balancers JJF 1152-2006 任意波发生器校准规范C.S.for Arbitrary Waveform Generator JJF 1153-2006 冲击加速度计(绝对法)校准规范C.S.for Shock Accelermeters(Absolute Method) JJF 1154-2006 四轮定位仪校准规范C.S.for Four-wheel alignmenter JJF 1155-2006 30MHz,1.0GHz功率吸收钳校准规范C.S.for Absorbing Clamp in the Range of 30MHz to 1.0GHz JJF 1156-2006 振动冲击转速计量术语及定义Terminology and Definitons for Measurement of Vibration,Shock and Rotating Velocity JJF 1157-2006 测量放大器校准规范C.S.for Measuring Amplifiers JJF 1158-2006 稳定同位素气体质谱仪校准规范C.S.for Stable Istope Gas Mass Spectrometer JJF 1159-2006 四极杆电感耦合等离子体质谱仪校准规范C.S.for Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectometers JJF 1160-2006 中小规模数字集成电路测试设备校准规范C.S.of Small & Medium Scale Integrated Circuit Testing System JJF 1161-2006 催化燃烧式甲烷测定器型式评价大纲Program of Pattern Evalation of Heating Catalytic methane alarm Detector JJF 1162-2006 粉尘采样器型式评价大纲Program of Pattern Evaluation of Dust Sampler JJF 1163-2006 光干涉式甲烷测定器型式评价大纲Program of Pattern Evaluation of Methane Detector of Interferometer Type JJF 1164-2006 台式气相色谱-质谱联用仪校准规范C.S.for Bench Top Gsa Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer JJF 1165-2007 信纳表校准规范Calibration Specification for SINAD Meters JJF 1166-2007 激光扫平仪校准规范Calibration Specification for Rotating Lasers JJF 1167-2007 杂音计校准规范Calibration Specification for Psophometers JJF 1168-2007 便携式制动性能测试仪校准规范Calibration Specification for Portable Braking Peffomance Tester for Motor Vehicles JJF 1169-2007 汽车制动操纵力计校准规范Calibration Specification for Manipulationg Force Tester for Automotive Brake JJF 1170-2007 负温度系数低温电阻温度计校准规范 JJF 1171-2007 温度巡回检测仪校准规范Calibration Specification for Temperature Itinerant Detecting Instrument JJF 1172-2007 挥发性有机化合物光离子化检测仪校准规范Calibration Specification for Volatile Organic Compounds Photo Ionization Detectors JJF 1173-2007 测量接受机校准规范C.S. of Measuring Receivers JJF 1174-2007 数字信号发生器校准规范 C.S. for Digital Signal Generator JJF 1175-2007 试验筛校准规范Calibration Specification for Test Sieves JJF 1176-2007 (0,1500)?钨铼热电偶校准规范Calibration Specification for(0~1500)? Tungsten-Rhenium Thermocouples JJF 1177-2007 CDMA数字移动通信综合测试仪校准规范C.S. of CDMA Digital Radio Communication Testers JJF 1178-2007 用于标准铂电阻温度计固定点装置校准规范 JJF 1179-2007 集成电路高温动态老化系统校准规范C.S. of High Temperature Dynamic IC Burn-in System JJF 1180-2007 时间频率计量名词术语及定义Glossary and Definition of Time and Frequency Metrology JJF 1181-2007 衡器计量名词术语及定义 Weighing Instrument Terms in Metrology and Their Definitions JJF 1182-2007 计量器具软件测评指南Guide for Software Testing of Measuring Insturmenes JJF 1183-2007 温度变送器校准规范 Calibration Specification of the Temperature Transmitter JJF 1184-2007 热电偶检定炉温度场测试技术规范Testing Specification of Temperature Uniformity in Thermocouple Calibration Furnaces JJF 1185-2007 速度型滚动轴承振动测量仪校准规范Calibration Specification for Vibrometer(Velocity)of Rolling Bearings JJF 1186-2007 标准物质认定证书和标签内容编写规则 The Rules for Drafting of Contents for Certificates and Labels of Certified Reference Materials JJF 1187-2008 热像仪校准规范 Calibration Specification for Thermal Imagers JJF 1188-2008 无线电计量名词术语及定义Terms and Their Definitions for Radio Measurement JJF 1189-2008 测长仪校准规范C.S. for Length Measuring Instrument JJF 1190-2008 尘埃粒子计数器校准规范Calibration Specification Airborne Particle counter JJF 1191-2008 测听室声学特性校准规范 JJF 1192-2008 汽车悬架装置检测台校准规范Calibration Specification for Automotive Suspension Tester JJF 1193-2008 非接触式汽车速度计校准规范C.S.for Non-contact Automotive Speedmeter JJF 1194-2008 轮胎强度及脱圈试验机校准规范C.S. of Tester for Tyre Strength and Bead Unseating Resistance JJF 1195-2008 轮胎耐久性及轮胎高速性能转鼓试验机校准规范C.S.of Drum Tester for Tyre Endurance and High Speed Test JJF 1196-2008 机动车方向盘转向力—转向角检测仪校准规范C.S.of Motor Vehicle Testers for Steering Force and Steering Angle JJF 1197-2008 光纤色散测试仪校准规范C.S.of Optical Fiber Chromatic Dispersion Test Sets JJF 1198-2008 通信用可调谐激光源校准规范C.S.of Tunable Laser Source for Telecommunications JJF 1199-2008 通信用光衰减器校准规范C.S.of Optical Attenuator for Telecommunications JJF 1200-2008 声频功率放大器校准规范C.S.for Audio-frequency Power Amplifiers JJF 1201-2008 助听器测试仪校准规范C.S.for Hearing Aids Measurement Instruments JJF 1202-2008 驻极体传声器校准规范C.S.for Electret Microphones JJF 1203-2008 电声产品(扬声器类)功率寿命试验仪校准规范C.S.for Electro-acoustic Products(Loudspeakers)Power Life-span Measurement Equipments JJF 1204-2008 TD-SCDMA数字移动通信综合测试仪校准规范C.S.for TD-SCDMA Digital Radio Communication Testers JJF 1205-2008 谐波和闪烁分析仪校准规范C.S.for Harmonious and Flicker Analysis system JJF 1206-2008 频率标准与数字时钟的远程校准校准规范 JJF 1207-2008 针规、三针校准规范C.S. for Cylindrical Measuring Pin JJF 1208-2008 沥青针入度仪校准规范Calibration Specification for Apparatus for Determining Penetration of Bituminus Materials JJF 1209-2008 齿轮齿距测量仪校准规范Calibration Specification for Gear Pitch Measuring Instruments JJF 1210-2008 低速转台校准规范C.S.for Rate Table JJF 1211-2008 激光粒度分析仪校准规范C.S.of Static Light Scattering Particle Size Analyzer JJF 1212-2008 便携式动态轴重仪校准规范C.S.of Portable Weighing Instruments for Axle of Vehicle in Motion JJF 1213-2008 肺功能仪校准规范C.S.for the Pulmonary Function Measuring Instrument JJF 1214-2008 长度基线场校准规范Specification of Base line and Base net Calibration JJF 1215-2009 整体式内镜千分尺(6000mm,10000mm)校准规范 JJF 1216-2009 音波式皮带张力计校准规范 JJF 1217-2009 高频电刀校准规范 JJF 1218-2009 标准物质研制 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 编写规则
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