首页 川庆钻探工程有限公司员工奖惩办法



川庆钻探工程有限公司员工奖惩办法川庆钻探工程有限公司员工奖惩办法 (试行) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为了进一步加强川庆钻探工程有限公司(以下简称公司)内部管理,提升执行力,逐步建立和完善程序规范、激励与惩处教育相结合的员工奖惩制度,维护企业利益,保障员工权益,确保公司生产经营工作有效运行,根据国家有关法律法规,并结合公司实际,特制定本办法。 第二条 本办法适用于与公司签订劳动合同建立劳动关系的合同化员工和市场化用工(以下统称员工)。 第三条 员工必须遵守国家法律法规,遵守公司制定的各项规章制度,遵守劳动纪律,爱护公司财产,不断提高业务技...

川庆钻探工程有限公司员工奖惩办法 (试行) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为了进一步加强川庆钻探工程有限公司(以下简称公司)内部管理,提升执行力,逐步建立和完善程序 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、激励与惩处教育相结合的员工奖惩 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,维护企业利益,保障员工权益,确保公司生产经营工作有效运行,根据国家有关法律法规,并结合公司实际,特制定本办法。 第二条 本办法适用于与公司签订劳动合同建立劳动关系的合同化员工和市场化用工(以下统称员工)。 第三条 员工必须遵守国家法律法规,遵守公司制定的各项 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 ,遵守劳动纪律,爱护公司财产,不断提高业务技能,团结协作,完成工作任务。 第四条 对员工实行奖励与处罚应坚持以下原则 (一)坚持实事求是,公平公正的原则; (二)坚持奖勤罚懒,奖优罚劣的原则; (三)坚持有法可依,有章可循的原则。 第二章 奖 励 第五条 对于有下列表现的员工,企业应当给予奖励。 (一)在完成工作任务,提高工作质量、确保安全生产、保护环境、节约能源等方面做出显著成绩的; (二)在生产经营、科学研究、工艺 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 、产品设计、改善劳动条件等方面,有发明、技术改进或者提出合理化建议,取specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without 得重大成果或者成绩显著的; (三)在改进企业经营管理,降低成本、提高经济效益等方面做出显著成绩,对企业贡献较大的; (四)保护公共财产,防止或者挽救事故有功,使国家和企业利益免受重大损失的; (五)同坏人、坏事作斗争,见义勇为。对维持正常的生产、生活秩序和维护企业稳定有显著功绩的; (六)维护企业规章制度,抵制歪风邪气,事迹突出的; (七)一贯忠于职守,积极负责,廉洁奉公,事迹突出的; (八)其他应当给予奖励的。 第六条 奖励分为:表彰、通报嘉奖、授予先进生产(工作)者或劳动模范等荣誉称号。 在给予上述奖励时,可以发给一次性奖金。奖励的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 按公司有关规定执行。 第七条 个人或集体做出的成绩(贡献、事迹)特别突出,获得集团公司、省部级及以上荣誉的,应予以奖励。奖励标准由相关部门提出,报经公司领导批准后执行。 第八条 授予员工荣誉称号,必须由所在单位员工讨论或评选,并进行公示。获得荣誉称号的决定应归入员工本人的人事档案。 第九条 对个人或集体相同业绩和事迹,同级单位或部门不得重复奖励。 第十条 对员工在各类竞赛中的奖励,按照公司劳动竞赛奖励管理办法有关规定执行,奖金从工资总额单列的劳动竞赛奖中列支。 第十一条 奖励由单位或业务主管部门提出、人事劳资部门审核、主管领导审批。 第三章 处 罚 specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without 第十二条 员工有下列行为之一,经批评教育不改的,应给予处罚。 (一)违反劳动纪律,经常迟到、早退、中途离岗、旷工、消极怠工的; (二)除不可抗力的因素外,没有完成生产任务或工作任务的; (三)无正当理由不服从工作分配和调动、指挥,或者无理取闹,聚众闹事,打架斗殴,影响公司生产、工作秩序和社会秩序的; (四)玩忽职守,工作不负责任,给公司造成不良影响或经济损失的; (五)滥用职权,违反政策法令;违反财经纪律,偷税漏税,截留上缴利润;滥发奖金,挥霍浪费国家资财;损公肥私,使国家和企业在经济上遭受损失的; (六)有贪污盗窃、行贿受贿、敲诈勒索以及其他违法乱纪行为的; (七)违反集团公司和公司安全生产规定的; (八)违反集团公司和公司保密规定的; (九)吸食、注射毒品的; (十)参与或者组织迷信活动,有违反社会公德行为的; (十一)被依法追究刑事责任的; (十二)有其他违反国家法律法规和企业规章制度行为的。 第十三条 处分的种类: (一)警告; (二)记过; (三)降级; (四)降职; (五)撤职; specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without (六)留用察看; (七)开除。 第十四条 员工有下列情形之一的,用人单位应视其情节和性质,可以给予开除或留用查看处分。 (一)严重违反用人单位的规章制度,有下列情形之一的,应给予开除处分。 1(员工连续旷工超过十五天,或者一年以内累计旷工超过三十天的。旷工具体指: (1)请假人员期满未归的; (2)未履行请假手续,擅自离开工作岗位的; (3)用人单位出资脱产进行学历教育和经组织批准学习培训,期满后未归的; (4)经单位批准被外单位借聘,借聘期间不履行与企业签订的协议的;或借聘期满后,无正当理由不回原用人单位工作的; (5)因公或因私出国期满未归的。 2(员工经常违纪违规,屡教不改,一年内受到警告、记过等处分达三次的;在留用查看期内继续违规违纪的; 3(员工同时与其他用人单位建立劳动关系,经用人单位提出,拒不改正的; 4(通过提供假文凭、假证件、假就业经历、假荣誉等资料,骗取用人单位信任,与用人单位签订劳动合同,经用人单位查证属实的。 (二)给企业造成重大损失,有下列情形之一的,应给予开除处分: 1(不遵守企业安全规定,冒险作业、违章作业或违章指挥,造成人员重大伤亡事故,或者造成企业直接经济损失达到企业规定较大事故等级及其以上的; 2(严重失职渎职,违反《中国石油天然气集团公司管理人员违纪违规行为处分规定》,给公司造成重大损害的。 (三)员工被人民法院判处并执行有期徒刑的,应给予开specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without 除处分。 (四)员工有下列情形之一的,可以根据情节轻重给予留用查看或开除处分: 1(被人民检察院免予起诉的; 2(被人民法院依据《刑法》免予刑事处罚的; 3(被人民法院判处拘役的; 4(被人民法院判处有期徒刑缓刑的; 5(被人民法院判处管制的; 6(被劳动教养的。 第十五条 员工有第十二条规定行为,负面影响小或给企业造成经济损失在五万元以下的,可以给予警告、记过、降级处分;对于负面影响较大或给企业造成经济损失在五万元以上尚达不到第十四条规定情形的,可以给予降级、降职、撤职、留用察看处分。 第十六条 受降级、降职、撤职、留用察看处分的员工应降低工资级别: (一)受降级处分的员工,降低一个职级的工资标准。 (二)受降职、撤职处分的员工,按新聘岗位确定工资标准。 (三)受留用察看处分的员工,处罚期内停发工资,可另行安排工作,发给不高于本人原岗位(岗技)工资、工龄津贴、保留津贴、地区津补贴、回民津贴之和的70%的生活费。 第十七条 在给予员工警告、记过、降级、降职、撤职、留用察看等处分的,除可以责令赔偿经济损失外,还须减发或停发绩效工资(绩效工资是指奖金和业绩考核奖)。 (一)受警告处分的,绩效工资扣减20%,期限为6个月; (二)受记过处分的,绩效工资扣减30%,期限为9个月; (三)受降级处分的,绩效工资扣减40%,期限为12个月; (四)受降职处分的,绩效工资扣减50%,期限为12—18个月; (五)受撤职处分的,绩效工资扣减60%,期限为12—24specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without 个月; (六)受留用察看处分的,绩效工资停发,期限与受留用察看一年或两年的时间一致。 第十八条 对员工违规违纪行为给予处分必须事实清楚、证据确凿、定性准确、处理恰当、程序合法、手续完备,做出处分决定必须经所在单位行政办公会研究决定,征求工会意见,充分听取受处分者本人申辩,同时做好记录,并将处分决定报上级相关部门备案。 第十九条 处分决定应自员工违规违纪情形出现(或发现)之日起三个月内做出;情况复杂或者遇有其他特殊情况的,期限可以延长,但是最长不得超过六个月。员工违法犯罪的,须在司法机关做出最终结论之日起三个月内做出处理。 第二十条 处分决定应当包括下列内容: (一)被处分员工的姓名、性别、身份证号码、出生日期、工作日期、工作单位、岗位(职务)等基本情况; (二)经查证的违规违纪事实; (三)处分的种类、期限和依据; (四)做出处分决定的单位名称、印章和日期。 第二十一条 公司机关各处室或公司所属各单位开除员工,应事先将理由通知工会,征求和研究工会的意见后,办理解除员工劳动合同手续,并报公司工会和人事劳资部门备案。 第二十二条 公司机关各处室或公司所属各单位应当在解除员工劳动合同时出具解除劳动合同证明书,并在十五日内为员工办理人事档案和社会保险关系转移手续。 第二十三条 员工对处罚有异议的,可在处罚决定送达之日起30日内,向所在单位劳动调解委员会提出书面调解申请;如调解无效,可按国家相关法律法规申请劳动仲裁或向人民法院提起诉讼。申诉期间不影响处罚决定的执行。 第二十四条 有下列情形之一的,用人单位应当变更或撤销处罚决定: (一)对违规违纪行为的情节认定有误的; specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without (二)处罚所依据的违规违纪事实证据不足的; (三)适用依据错误的; (四)做出处罚决定超越职权或者滥用职权的; (五)违反程序,影响公正处理的; (六)处罚不当的。 第二十五条 对于责令赔偿经济损失的,赔偿经济损失的金额,由公司所属各单位根据具体情况确定,可由员工一次性缴纳,也可从员工本人的工资(生活费)中扣除。但每月扣除的部分不得超过该员工当月工资(生活费)的20%;若扣除后的剩余工资(生活费)低于当地月最低工资标准的,则按最低工资标准支付。 第二十六条 给予员工处分,公司机关各处室或公司所属各单位必须以书面通知的形式告知本人或采取法律允许的方式完整送达本人。 第二十七条 因受处分而被企业解除劳动合同的人员,五年内企业不得重新录用。 第二十八条 处分决定发生变更的,应改按新做出的决定执行;处分决定被撤销的,应当恢复该员工的名誉,落实相关待遇。对处分决定进行变更或撤销的相关材料应归入员工本人的人事档案。 第四章 附 则 第二十九条 奖励和处罚员工按管理权限由相关部门归口管理。 第三十条 本办法与国家法律、法规相悖或与上级规章制度不一致的,按国家法律、法规及上级规章制度的规定执行。 第三十一条 本办法由公司劳动工资处负责解释。 第三十二条 本办法从印发之日起实行。 specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without
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