首页 外研版小学英语三年级起点四年级下册全册教案(



外研版小学英语三年级起点四年级下册全册教案(外研版小学英语三年级起点四年级下册全册教案( 外研版小学英语四年级下册备课 教 1. Can read the words of the word-list . 学 2. Listen and understand and say the dialogues. 目 3.Understand and translate the phrases. 标 4.Do the role play after every dialogue. 5.Sing and chant. 教 Key point 学 1. Re...

外研版小学英语三年级起点四年级 下册 数学七年级下册拔高题下载二年级下册除法运算下载七年级下册数学试卷免费下载二年级下册语文生字表部编三年级下册语文教材分析 全册教案( 外研版小学英语四年级下册备课 教 1. Can read the words of the word-list . 学 2. Listen and understand and say the dialogues. 目 3.Understand and translate the phrases. 标 4.Do the role play after every dialogue. 5.Sing and chant. 教 Key point 学 1. Read the words of the word-list and learn to say every dialogue. 重 2. make some new short dialogue by oneself. 点 3. Read all the phrases of the dialogue. 难 Difficult point 点 Grammer and pronunciations. 教 Draw pictures to learn the words if can. 学 Learn to sing and chant. 设 Do more reading of the phrases. 想 Do the role play after learning every dialogue. 第一模块 Module1 1、知识目标 1)基本能够听懂,会说,并认读词汇:nice, answer, clever, call,bad,little, cool 教 及短语a bit 学 2)学会用 “This is „”以及 “ He/She is very naughty /nice.”用以介绍人物的目 句子结构。 标 3)复习词汇:thin, fat, short, tall. 2、能力目标:学会描述人物的特征和个性。 3、情感目标:培养孩子们尊重他人,广交朋友的情感态度。 教学 1、词汇:nice, answer, clever, call,little, cool, a bit的正确认读及使用。 重点 2、认读并理解运用句子“This is „”以及 “ He/She is very naughty /nice.”结与难点 构。知道She’s a nice teacher. 与She’s very nice.的区别。 1 1、课时安排: 教 Unit 1 „„„„„„„„„„„„„..1课时 学 Unit 2 „„„„„„„„„„„„„..1课时 设 2、多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。 想 3、设计一些活动,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的技能。 课 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 时间 Unit 1 she is a nice teacher 1:Be able to lisen and point to the conversation. 教学目标 2:Be able to say the conversation proficiently. 3:Be able to act it out. The students can introduce someone to a recorder 教学重难点 准备 others. picture 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 1.Warmer 1.Greetings:Say“Happy New Year”to the Greetingseachother . New year is beginning students. spring festival is over . 2.Lead them to sing an English song named Happy Sing an English song Welcome the students back New Year. together . to school. 3.Tell the students what they did during the Say what they did Each one wants to tell winter holiday. over the winter the classmates what they 4.Tell the students new plan in the new term . holiday . did during the winter 2.New lesson Let student talk sth holiday. 1.Listen to the tape and point to the sentence . about the new plan. To improve the pupils' 2.Listen again and again after it . Listen to the tape listening . 3.Work in pairs: and point . Be able to say the One students point to a picture and introduce the Readafter the tape . conversation rightly. 2 person in the pictuer ,the other one Work in pairs one To train the sentence listens,then change. says and the other patterns 4.Find some pairs to come to the front to act it listens . To make the students says out. Act it out. the dialogue better. 课后反思 课题 时间 Unit 2 He's cool 1.Be able to introduce own family and friend . 教学目标 2.Be able to work in pairs . 3.listen to the tape . 教学重难点 Talk about own family and friends. 准备 a recorder、pictures 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 1.Warmer To go over the conversation they 1.Make the students introduce the Introduce the person in have learnt in Unit One. person in some pictures. some pictures. To improve the pupils'ability of 2.Go over the dialogue they have Read the conversation in saying . learned in the last lesson. Unit One . 3.Look at some pictures and Come to the front They can improve the ability of introduce Maomao to introduce hearing. Ms Smart,Xiaoyong Parrot,etc. Maomao ,Ms Smart They can improve the ability of 2.New lesson Xiaoyong ,parrot hearing . 1.listen to the tape and point etc. According to the explanation ,the 2.Listen again and read after the pupils can understand the text tape . Listen to the tape better. 3 3.Explain the conversation . and point. The pupils can know more each 4.Take out the photos of your Translate the dialogue . other . family or friends and introduce them to your classmate. Introduce their 5.Four students are group,introduce family or friend. your family or friend to the Work in groups. others. 课后反思 课题 综合 时间 1.Be able to listen and say ,then say the poem and do 教学目标 the actions2.Be able to talk about your classmates. Learn to say a poem . a recorder 教学重难点 Be able to talk about the 准备 classmates. 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 4 1.Warmer Introduce their 1.Take out the photos of family or friends and family or friend to the Togo over the introduce classmates. conversation they 2.Gooversomewords :naughty ,shy ,clever ,nice ,coo Read the words more have learnt. l ,etc. times. 3.Work in pairs. Ask and answer in To read the words 2.New lesson pairs. proficiently and 1.Listen to the tape and point to the poem. Listen to the tape and rightly. 2.Listen again and read after the tape. point . To improve the 3.Say the poem and do the actions. Read after the tape. students' hearing . 4.Talk about your classmates "Lily ia a very clever Say the poem and do the Read after the girl." actions. tape ,they can check 5.Play a game :one asks"Are you naughtly ?"the other Talk about your their answers "yes ,I am ."or "No ,I'm not." classmates. pronunciation. Play a game They can add up each other's friendship 课后反思 第二模块 Module2 1、Words and phrases: city, ship, beautiful, close,be from 2、Sentences: I’m from London .London is the capital of England It’s very 教学目标 big and very beautiful. 3、Grammar: the present tense 教学 1. Can understand and say the sentences. 重点 2. Use the sentences to describe a place correctly. 与 3. Make sure the students can use the new words and the pattern in the real 难点 situations. 5 1:课时安排: 教 Unit 1 „„„„„„„„„„„„„..1课时 学 Unit 2 „„„„„„„„„„„„„..1课时 设 2:多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。 想 3:设计一些活动,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的技能。 课题 时间 Module 2 Unit 1 London is a big city 1.Be able to listen and say :It’s a book about London. 教学目标 2. Be able to do according to the teacher’s order . 教学重难点 Be able to describe a city or a place. 准备 a recorder 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.Move around the classroom,pick Look at the teacher and Be able to answer the teacher’up an object and say “What’s this?”answer some questions . s question . point to another object and say. 2.Do many examples with the class. Make the students do the 3.Have the students do the activity activity in pairs. in pairs .Remind them the wordLook at the picture and “this” is used for people or listen to the tape. objects are touching or close to II.New teaching 1.Get the students to look at the To do activity better. Answer some question. pictures and see if they can work out what is happening Work in pairs . one point to 2.After completing ‘Listen and To improve the students’ hearing. the things in the story ,the point ’,revise ‘big and small’. other one asks. 3.pick up or point to objects in the To improve the ability of classroomsay ‘This„„’,speaking. ‘That„„’. 6 课后反思 课题 时间 Unit 2: It’s very old. 1. Be able to listen and say: This is Hyde Park.It's very beautiful. 教学目标 2. Be able to describe places or things. 教学重难点 Be able to describe places or things. 准备 Pictures、a recorder 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 1.Warmer 1. Revise adjectives Listen to the teacher To go over some adjectives, the Tell the students that you are carefully. students can remember them. going to say an adjective. The students have to find They have to find something in their something in their books books that the adjective describes. that the adjective First this, the students can Ask two or three students to say describes. improve their listening. which object they close. 2.New teaching Listen to the tape. 1.Listen to the tape,point and say 2. Tell the students close their The students have to say books and explain the first word of the second word of the a two_word place name. two_word name. 3.Have the students contunue the work in pairs The pupils are able to describe activity in pairs. Guess the city or minument places or things. 4. Tell the students I'm going to say in China according to the adjectivies . teacher. 7 课后反思 课题 综合 时间 教学重难点 Be able to describe places or things. 准备 Pictures、a recorder 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer Try to say the places of To go over some adjectives, the 1. sing a song. this module. students can remember them. 2.go over the famous place in London。 II.New teaching Say the words. Practise the speaking ability. 1.teacher say in Chinese,students translate the words into English. 2. try to introduce the place of Go over the dialogue. London in own words, or try to remember the dialogue. Read dialogue. Sing a song to know more about 3. read after the recorder . work in pairs London 4.learn to sing the song London listen and learn Bridge. 课后反思 第三模块 Module 3 教学 1.Describing things in the future and talking about abilities. 8 目标 2.Describing 星期一至星期天. 1.Sentences: One day, robots will do everything. It can walk. 教学 Will it be windy in Beijing? Yes, it will./ No, it won’t. 重点与难点 2.Words and phrases:robot everything one day housework learn our 星期几 教 开展游戏“Guess—What the robot will do ?”。以小组为单位选派代表扮演机器人,带学 上“机器人”帽子上前做动作,其他小组使用“You will„„”或“Will you „„”句型设想 进行猜测,优胜者给予奖励 课题 时间 Module3Unit1:Robotswilldo everything 1.Be able to say : It can walk .Robots will do everything. 教学目标 2.Be able to talk about something with “will”. 教学重难点 Be able to describe the abilities with “can”. 准备 a recorder 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer Have pairs of students 1.On the board draw a robot.Then write come to the front . Aftertalkingabout the robots ,they “It can„.”under the robot. Students Asays what can improve the interests about 2.point to the robot again and say,the robot can do and them . “It can read ”and then pick up a book student B does the The children are very happy. and pretend to read. action . To improve the students’ability II.New lesson Look at the pictures and of translation. 1. Have the students look at the answer the question. picture.Ask question in Chinese. Listen to the teacher 2. Now say that I;m going to call out and point to them. the names of different objects and Have the students The pupils are able to describe people in the pictures and the students continue the activity the abilities with “can”. have to point to them.3.Explain to the in pairs.After three student I’m going to point to the turns they should swap different pictures in Activity 3 and roles. make statements about them. 9 课后反思 课题 Unit 2: On Monday I’ll go swimming 时间 1.Be able to talk about the plans. 2.Learn to say :Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday„Sunday. 教学目标 3.Drills:Will you play football on Monday。 教学重难点 Talk about the plans about the seven days of a week. 准备 a recorder 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.Write the numbers1-7 on the board. Have them predict the Write the words Monday to Sunday under meaningofthewords ,Monday ,Tue They can go er the days of the numbers. sday and so on. the weeks. 2.Now tell the students I’m going to say a day and they have to use an They have to use an ordinal ordinal number and say which day it is. number and say which day it is. II.New lesson 1.Have the students suggest activities that they do and write a list an the board,eg.play football ride a Say some activities. Go The students can say bike,etc. swimming, read a book ,watch many activitions. 2.Then draw the following calendar on TV,etc. the board. 3.Have the students cope,the calendar They should write activitise on in their exercise books. the calendar. 4.then have the studends work in pairs From this activity, and tell one another what will do on the Work in paris and tell another the pupils can improve seven dayd of the week. one sth. their orals. 10 课后反思 第四模块 Module 4 1、掌握以下单词的读写,并能熟练使用: 教 take picnic fly great why because so cloudy weather why not? 学 2、熟练使用句子: 目 We’re going to have a picnic. 标 Will you take your kite? Yes,I will./ No, I won’t.On Monday I’ll go swimming. Will you play football on Monday?Yes, I will.../No, I won’t. 1、对句型Will you take your kite? Yes,I will./ No, I won’t.的正确使用。 教学 2、对句型Will you play football on Monday?Yes, I will.../No, I won’t.的正确使重点与难点 用。 1:课时安排: Unit 1 „„„„„„„„„„„„„..1课时 教学 Unit 2 „„„„„„„„„„„„„..1课时 设想 2:多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。 3:设计一些活动,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的技能。 Module 4 课题 时间 Unit 1:Will you take your kite ? 教学目标 1. Learn about the future tense.“Will you„„?” 2. Be able to ask and answer in pairs. 教学重难点 准备 Be able to make a plan and talk about it. a recorder 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 11 I.Warmer 1.Tell the students to pretend they are going on a picnic .Get them to think of things they might take ,Write the words on the board .Encourage the students to Retend they’re going on a think of both objects and food. picnic. Be able to make a plan and II.New lesson Think of things talk about it. 1.Tell the students to close their they might take. books .I’m going to play he tape .They Close their books. have to answer question. Listen to the tape and the students can improve 2.After listening, answer the teacher’s their listening. ask the students if any of the things an questions. To have the class’the list are mentioned on the tape. Choose one object they will atmosphere. 3.Tell the students to choose one object take on the picnic. they’re going to take on the picnic. 4.Ask them questions. Find who is the winner. If you ask about sth that any of the students have written down,those students must stand up . 课后反思 课题 时间 Unit2:Will it be hot in Haikou? 1.Be able to say :It will be windy in Beijing.Will it be windy in 教学目标 Beijing?Yes,it will./No,it won’t. 2.Be able to say the weather report. 教学重难点 Be able to talk about the weather. 准备 a recorder 12 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.Introduce some of the new Now perform mimes to show the vocabulary by drawing some students the meaning of the other pictures to represent the weather conditions or make This can have the students’ different weather patterns. a statement and have the students atmosphere 2.Write theappropiate‘weather’to do To in crease the pupils’ words underneath and place the an appropriate mime. listening ability. pictures on the wall of the Close their books classroom. say the type of weather in II.New lesson the city. 1. Have the students close their The students should continue the Be able to improve the books.Call out a city and the activity in pairs. students’ study interests. type of weather in that city. Listen to the tape and read after 2.Do lot of examples.Then have the the tape together . students continue the activity in pairs. 3.Listen to the tape and raed after it. 4.Do a lot of practice to familiarise the students with the new vocabulary. 课后反思 13 第五模块 Module 5 1: Can listen say and read the words of Module5. 教 2: Can listen say and read the sentence :They were young .I was two .They 学 weren’t old then . They were young . 目 3: Can listen say read and write the words: who hair 标 4: Can listen say and read the text. 5: 能用英语”was . were”谈论过去的事情和情况。 重点: Can listen say and read the words of Module 8. 教学 难点: Can listen say and read the sentence : 重点 They were young . I was two . 与 They weren’t old then . They were young . 难点 3: Can listen say read and write the words: who hair 1:课时安排: 教 Unit 1 „„„„„„„„„„„„„..1课时 学 Unit 2 „„„„„„„„„„„„„..1课时 设 2:多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。 想 3:设计一些活动,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的技能。 课题 时间 Module5 Unit 1 I was two then. 1.can use “were”or “was”say the easy things in the past. 教学目标 2.Be able to understand the past tense. 3.listen to the tape . 教学重难点 Be able to understand the past tense. 准备 a recorder 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 14 I warmer Lead to today'snew lesson 1.Sing the song“ten little fingers” sing 2.freetalk: say sentences use The students can practise “cute,naughty,clever,cool,nice and words“cute,nice and their oral ect”say the sentences. ect”use“were”or English. ?.New teaching. “was”say the easy Be able to understand 1.take out the old photos when we was things in the past. the past tense. young .say sentences. Look at the book T: “Please look at this photo.This is me. I was two then.Please read after me.” Next take oue the book for page 30.Let’Listen and read after This can improve the pupils' s learn the new text. the tape. hearing. 2. Listen to the tape and read after the Let students understand the tape. Practise the easy past tense. ?practise past tense. This can have the students 1. point the photos and say :Who is„„?I help each other. was „„ Work in pairs. Practise students’ oral 2.Ask and answer in pairs Say the sentences English 3.Play a game: introduce your family in the past. 课后反思 15 课题 时间 Unit 2 They were young. 1.Be able to say: the easy things in the past andits negative form . 教学目标 2. Be able to understand the past tense. Be able to say: the easy things in the past 教学重难点 准备 and its negative form . a recorder 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer 1.Sing songs sing 2.freetalk:say something in the understand the past Lead to today's past. tense. ?.New teaching. use“were”or “was”say new lesson 1.takeouttheold photos when we the easy things in the The students can practise their was young .say sentences. past. oral English. 2.T:I wasn’t old then. Read after Learn to say the easy understand the past tense. me ,please. things in the past and This can improve the pupils' Take out the book its negative form . hearing. 3.Listen to the tape and read after Listen and read after the This can have the students help the tape. tape. each other. 4.Ask and answer in pairs: say Work in pairs. Practise students’oral English sentences about the past tense Learn to say the chant 5.listen and say, then chant. Act it out ? Practise Show the text and the chant 课后反思 16 课题 综合 时间 1.Be able to understand the past tense. 教学目标 2.listen to the tape and learn to say the chant . 教学重难点 Be able to understand the past tense. 准备 a recorder 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer sing Lead to today'snew lesson 1.Sing some songs. say sentences use words The students can practise their 2.freetalk:say sth about past “cute,nice and ect” oral English. tense. use“were”or “was”say Be able to understand the past ?.New teaching. the easy things in the tense. 1.take out something about past past. This can improve the pupils' tense. Say sentences in groups. Look at the book hearing. 2、Next take our the book for page Listen and read after the Let students understand the past 30. please read the text by tape. tense. yourself. Practise the easy past This can have the students help 3. Listen to the tape and read tense. each other. after the tape. Work in pairs. Practise students’ oral English ?practise 2. point the photos and say :Who Say the sentences is„„?I was „„ 2.Ask and answer in pairs 3.Play a game: introduce your family in the past. 课后反思 17 第六模块Module6 课 题 Unit1 Were you at home yesterday ? 第 1 课时 执教时间 教学 掌握重点词汇:yesterday,out,well,thanks,sun,lesson 目标 学习重点句型:Were you at home yesterday ?及其回答:Yes,I was./No, I wasn’t. 教学重难点:能够对过去发生的事情进行提问并回答。 重点 难点 教法 讲授法、讨论法、练习巩固法、讲演结合法 预设 教 学 设 计 教 学 内 容 教师活动 学生活动 时间分配 T:Class begins S:stand up 1min Step 1 :Greetings T:Good morning,boys and girls Good morning Review the main knowledge of Vivi. last lesson (每日一句) 2min Yesterday was Sunday.(讲授Answer the Step 2 Review yesterday)Now who can tell me questions what did you do yesterday? Ss:yesterda Oh,you weren’t at home,you y(升调降调 Step3:New lesson were out .(讲授out) 读) 2min (1) lead in and new words Let me guess where were you S1:I wasn’t yesterday ? at home. Were you at the zoo? Ss:out Were you at the park ? S1:No,I 老师出示一些时间,地点。如:wasn’t(引导 schook,cinama,park,学生说出回 15min supermarket。并创设情境,让学答)S1:Yes,I (2) new sentences 生与同桌之间互相询问彼此过was.(引导学 Step4:Practi 去发生的事情。 生说出回答) 询问某人过去在某地的句型及S1:Were you 其答语: athomeyeste Step5:Summary Were you +在某地+过去某个时rday ?S2:No10min Step6:Homework 间,回答:Yes,I was./No,I was. ,I weren’t. 10min 课 后 反 思 18 课 Was it a big city then ? 第 2 课时 题 执教时间 掌握重点词汇:college 教学目标 学习重点句型:Was it a big city then? Yes ,it was./No, it wasn’t. 教学重难点:能够运用由Was 引导的一般疑问句及其回答。 重点难点 教法预设 讲授法、讨论法、练习巩固法、讲演结合法 教 学 设 计 教 学 内 容 教师活动 学生活动 时间分配 T:Class begins S:stand up 1min Step 1 :Greetings T:Good morning,boys and girls Good morning Review the main knowledge of Vivi. 2min last lesson (每日一句) Step 2 Review Show a pictureofmyhometown.It’s Answer the 2min a small village.(讲授village) questions Step3:New lesson Look at this picture about (1) lead in and new words shenzhen.Yes,it is. S:village. 5min Now let me guess,was it a big (2) new sentences city then ? Look at another picture about Ss:Shenzhen (15min) shenzhen.(展示出一张过去深圳的is big city. Step4:Practice 照片) 在练习部分设计一个游戏环节,Ss:Yes,it (10min) Let me guess.可以让学生互相猜自was. 己过去拥有的物品或者家里曾经养Ss:It was a Step5:Summary 过的动物。 small village 5min 询问第三人称单数过去怎么样句then. 型: S1:I have a 5min Was +第三人称单数(it/he/she...)+形cat. 容词,回答:Yes,it/he/she... was. S2:Was it Step6:Homework No,it/he/she... wasn't. fat ? S1:Yes,it was 课后反思 19 第七模块 Module 7 1、能听懂并运用句型:Did you cook meat yesterday? Yes, I did.\No, I didn’t. 能教 口头运用I helped Mum.等语句说明过去的动作。 学 2、能识别单词:helped maked walked played watched yesterday.并能书写单词:目 phone dance stop last. 标 3、能初步感受歌谣节奏和单词变成过去式形式后发音的变化。 重点:1)能运用句型“Did you cook„„? ”并应答。 教学重点 2)能口头运用并说明过去的事情。 与难点 难点:能口头运用并说明过去的事情。 1、在新授前,借用TPR活动复习本单元要运用到的一些词组,如“watch TV play basketball„„”等等 教 2、采用接龙游戏训练句型“Did you cook„„? ”并应答。 学 3、在巩固识别动词: “help make walk play watch”的过去式时,可利用卡片,设 让学生以找朋友的方式进行。 想 4、操练对话:两人一组,由一人陈述上周末自己做过的事情,另一人当听众,并用“Did you „„”进行询问 课题 时间 Unit 1 I helped Mum. 1. Be able to say: the things in the past and its general interrogative sentence. 教学目标 2. Be able to understand the past tense. 3.listen to the tape . Be able to say: the things in the past and 教学重难点 准备 a recorder its general interrogative sentence. 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 20 I warmer 1.Sing songs and chant. Sing and say 2.freetalk:say something happened in Practise to say sth Lead to today's the past. happened in the past. new lesson ?.New teaching. Say something happened in the past. Go on to practise the past students can understand the T:Now class, tense. past tense. yesterday I helped my mother.Did I help Learn to the general The students can practise my interrogative sentence. their oral English. mother? Oh,good.Yes,I did. This can improve the pupils' So,I am a good girl.Yes or No? Listen and read after the hearing. 2.take out the book ,turn to page tape. Practise students’oral 34.Listen to the tapeand read after the English tape. Do homework. ?Practise Work in pairs. 1.do the exercises This can have the students help 2.Ask and answer in pairs:practise the Do actions each other. text Practise students’ oral 3.show it. English 4.play a game 课后反思 Module7 Unit2 Grandma cooked fish. 21 知识目标:1.掌握单词:computer, him, did等2.掌握句型:描述自己在过 去一时间所做活动的句型;主语+动词过去式+其他。3.理解并能描述Amy一家在教学 上周末的活动情况。能力目标:1.学生能够用英语询问对方在过去某一时间的活目标 动情况。2.学生能够谈论自己和他人在过去某一时间所做的活动。情感目标:引 导学生在生活中主动承担一些力所能及的事情,学会关爱家人。 重点: 1.学习描述自己在过去某一时间所做活动的句型主语+动词过去式+其他。重点难点 2.能运用动词的过去时态描述过去的活动。难点: 学生相互谈论昨天,上周末 的活动情况。 讲授法、谈话法、讨论法、读书指导法、演示法、练习巩固法、讲演结合法等等教法预设 你所能想到、并且能够使用的方法。 教 学 设 计 教 学教师活动 学生活动 时间分配 内 容 Step 1 :T: Class beginsT: Good morning, boys and girlsT:S: stand Greetings 复习上节课所学的单词,句型。T:What day is it upGood today?T:YestodaisTuesday.Yesterday is Monday. morning Step2: So“yesterday”means“昨天”。通过单词卡帮助学生Yoyo. review 理解记忆。并用下面的顺口溜帮助复习旧知,巩固新知。 (每日一教师领读, today, today ,a nice dayyesterday, 句)S: Today yesterday ,a nice day. every day , every day ,a nice is Tuesday. day!T:向学生介绍自己昨天一系列的活动。如:I listened to music. 引出一般过去时态,及其动词过去 S:学生领读,式的变化规则和动词过去式的读音。T:让学生自己观察 齐读,小组展动词有什么特点。T: 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 动词过去式的变法口诀 示顺口溜。S:Yesterday 表过去,要用一般过去式。规则动词加ed, Step3:New 学生根据例有e 直接加上dTalk , talk , lessons 子尝试说。talkedListen,listen,listendWatch,watch,watchedPh S:„S:记住one,phone,phoned不规则的特殊记,are变were, am/ is 口诀并举例变was,do do变did。T:如何描述过去发生的事情:主 以前学过的语+动词过去式+其他.动词过去式的构成:一般在动词词Step4: 动词的过去尾直接加—ed 例:watch—watched以不发音的字母eSummary 式。 结尾的动词,直接加—d 例:dance—danced以“辅音 字母+y”结尾的动词,变y为i,再加—ed 例Step5: S:做到练习study—studied以单个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动Practice 本上。 词,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加—ed。 课后反思 22 课题 综合 时间 1. Be able to say: the things in the past and its general interrogative sentence. 教学目标 2. Be able to understand the past tense. 3.learn to say the chant. Be able to say: the things in the past and a recorder 教学重难点 准备 its general interrogative sentence. 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer Sing and say 1.Sing some songs. Practise to say sth 2.freetalk:say something happened in happened in the past. Lead to today's the past. Go on to practise the new lesson ?.New teaching. past tense. 1、groups work students can understand the past What is the past tense? Learn to the general tense. How many things do you know about past interrogative tense?Can you say some sentences abut sentence. The students can practise their oral it? Listen and read after English. 2.take out the book ,turn to page the tape. This can improve the pupils' hearing. 34.Listen to the tapeand read after the Do homework. tape.3.learn to say the chant. Work in pairs. Practise students’oral English ?Practise1.do the exercises2.Ask and Do actions This can have the students help each answer in pairs:practise the text other. 3.show it.4.play a game Practise students’ oral English 课后反思 23 第八模块 Module 8 课 题 Unit1 They sang beautifully. 第 1 课时 执教时间 年月日 掌握重点词汇词组: 教学目标 song,beautifully,saw,game,last,fun,went,there,ate,drank,time,busy,have a good time学习重点句型:主语+动词的过去式+其他. 教学重难点:特殊动词过去式的发音以及书写。 重点难点 教法预设 讲授法、讨论法、练习巩固法、讲演结合法 教 学 设 计 教 学 内 容 教师活动 学生活动 时间分配 T:Class begins S:stand up 1min Step 1 :Greetings T:Good morning,boys and girls Good morning Step 2 Review Review the main knowledge of Vivi. 2min last lesson (每日一句) Step3:New lesson Now let’s review some words and Answer the 2min (1) new words and new learn it’s new stely. questions sentences sing means 15min Who can make a sentence with Ss:唱歌 “ sing”?如果你想表达昨天我在家 里唱歌了。首先要知道sing的过去 式,sing是特殊动词所以它的过去S1:We sing at 式是sang. home. 10min Step4:Practice So we can say... Ss:I sang at 讲授go-went see-saw home drink-drank yesterday.(引 呈现一些图片,让学生小组内合作导学生说出答 练习。 案) 5min 一般过去时的构成: 熟背特殊动词 主语+动词过去式+其他. 的过去式并能 Step5:Summary 特殊动词的过去式.如:see-saw 运用动词的过 Step6:Homework sing-sang drink-drank eat-ate 去式造句。 5min 5min 习题。 小组内作练习。 课后 反思 24 课 题 Unit2 I took some pictures. 第 2 课时 执教时间 年月日 掌握重点词汇词组:took,tell,great,delicious,made,poster 教学目标 学习重点句型:主语+动词的过去式+其他. 教学重难点:特殊动词过去式的发音以及书写。 重点难点 教法预设 讲授法、讨论法、练习巩固法、讲演结合法 教 学 设 计 教 学 内 容 教师活动 学生活动 时间分配 T:Class begins S:stand up 1min Step 1 :Greetings T:Good morning,boys and girls Good morning 2min Step 2 Review Review the main knowledge of Vivi. last lesson (每日一句) 2min Now let’s review some words and Answer the Step3:New lesson learn it’s new stely. questions (1) new words and new take means Ss:拍摄 sentences Let’s make a sentence with S1:We take 15min Step4:Practice “ take”?如果你想表达上个周日我some Step5:Summary 们照了一些照片。首先要知道takepictures . 的过去式,take是特殊动词所以它 10min 的过去式是took. SsWe took So we can say... some pictures Look at this picture.There is last Step6:Homework some food in the picture.How Sunday.(引导5min delicious they are!(讲授学生说出答 delicious) 案) 呈现一些图片,让学生小组内合作 5min 练习。 Ss:delicious 一般过去时的构成: 主语+动词过去式+其他. 小组内作练5min 特殊动词的过去式.如:take-took 习。 make-made 学生在练习本 习题。 上做题。 课后 反思 25 Module9 课 题 Unit1 Did he live in New York? 第 1 课时 1.掌握单词postcard,travel,词组go to a pop concert, go to a basketball 教学目标 game。2.掌握句型:询问某人过去是否做了某事:Did+主语+动词原形+过去 的时间,及对应的回答Yes,主语+did. No,主语+didn’t. 重点:询问某人过去是否做了某事:Did+主语+动词原形+过去的时间,及对重点难点 应的回答Yes,主语+did. No,主语+didn’t.难点:San Francisco ,Washington DC等地名的发音. 教法预设 讲授法、演示法、练习巩固法、讲演结合法 教 学 设 计 教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 时间分配 Step 1 :T:Class beginsT:Good morning,boys and girlsS:stand up Greetings 针对上节课学习的过去时进行提问T: Daming has Good morning 1min a consin,he sent him a postcard from US.Now Step 2 Grace. let’s have a look at what’s it about?(直接 3min Review 导入)以句子学单词,让学生词不离句,在记住句 (每日一句) 子的同时记住单词T:ppt展示一张明信片,It’s a Step3:New postcard from my cousin Dalong.教授 Answer the lesson postcard,cousin教授New York ,在单词部分主要 questions 采用音标法进行教学并引入句子Did he live in (1) Lead in New York last year?及回答No, he didn’t.教1min 授San Francisco,让学生试着问他去年去参观旧(2)new 金山了吗,及否定回答,让学生学以致用。教授 Learn the new lesson concert,及短语go to a pop concert,并出示Did words and the he go to a pop concert?让学生说出对应的汉语(20min) (3) summarnew 意思,出示笑脸,引入肯定回答Yes ,he did.教y sentences. 授travel,及短语travel by plane,让学生试着 说Did he travel by plane last week?及回答 小组讨论,练Yes ,he did.通过板书,引导学生发现规律:询问10min 习询问他人过他人过去是否做了某事时Did +主语+动词原形+过去是否做了某去的时间,对应的回答Yes,主语+did. No, 主语10min 事的句型 +didn’t.出示图片,让学生小试牛刀,以小组合 作的形式展开。 习题 课后反思 Unit1 Did you have a nice holiday? 第 2 课 时 26 课 题 1.掌握单词earth,地名Hong Kong, the Great Wall, West Lake2.掌握句型:教学目标 询问对方过去是否做了某事:Did you +动词原形+过去的时间,及对应的回 答Yes,I/we+did. No,I/we +didn’t.3.课文的学习 重点:询问对方过去是否做了某事:Did you +动词原形+过去的时间,及对重点 应的回答Yes,I/we+did. No,I/we +didn’t.难点:Did you +动词原形+过难点 去的时间及对应的回答Yes,I/we+did. No,I/we +didn’t. 教法预设 讲授法、演示法、练习巩固法、讲演结合法 教 学 设 计 教 学 内教师活动 学生活动 时间分配 容 Step 1 :T:Class beginsT:Good morning,boys and girlsS:stand up Greetings 针对上节课询问他们过去是否做了某事的句型及 Good morning 1min 与上机课相关的短语进行提问T: Lingling had a Step 2 Grace. nice holiday, Now they are talking about it, ReviewStep3:let’s have a look.So today we will learn Unit2 (每日一句) New lesson(1) Did you have a nice holiday?词,让学生词不离 3min Lead in 句,在记住句子的同时记住单词T:出示香港Hong Answer the Kong,并教授,同时出示问题Did you go to Hong 1min questions (2) new Kong last year?通过领读,分组读的形式进行巩 lesson 固练习,肯定回答Yes, I did.教授West Lake, (15min) Learn the new 出示汉语,让学生试着说Did you visit the famous words and the (3)summary West Lake last year.及回答Yes, I did.教授the new Great Wall,给出英语Did you visit the Great (4)text learn sentences. Wall last week?让学生试着说出对应的汉语意思。10min 并让学生说出否定回答。No, I didn’t.出示Did 小组讨论,练you see your friend Lili in Hangzhou?让学生 习询问他人过进一步练习否定回答。最后出示一张地球的图片,去是否做了某让学生再一次复习Did you have a nice holiday? 事的句型 在此点出you除了你,还有你们的意思。强调此时 10min 的回答Yes, we did.No.we didn’t.出示图片, 跟读,分角色让学生小试牛刀,以小组合作的形式展开。Here 读,自由读,5min are two dialogs, one is about The ET went to 带着问题读课the earth, and had a nice holiday. another is 文 about Lingling went to Hangzhou and had a nice holiday, Now let’s have a look. 习题 课后反思 第十模块 Module 10 27 教 1、能够掌握本模块词汇并能书写单词“ride cold” 学 2、能够运用一般过去式来描述发生的意外事件,了解动词过去式的基本变化规则. 目 3、能够口头运用“have got”进行表达:如:He’s got a stomachache. 标 4 、能初步感受歌谣:Little Tommy had a horrible cold.中的语音特点。 教学重点与 1、能够运用一般过去式来描述发生的意外事件,了解动词过去式的基本变化规则. 难点 2、能够口头运用“have got”进行表达:如:He’s got a stomachache. 1、在新授前,借用纱布包起自己的手指,并刻意展现给学生,从而因入本模块教学。 教 2、采用表演形式训练句型“„„have (has)got „„ ” 学 3、在巩固识别动词: “happen go were buy carry fall off bump have”的过去设 式时,可利用卡片,让学生以找朋友的方式进行。 想 4、操练对话:描述发生在自己身上的意外。 课题 时间 Unit 1 Did you fall off your bike? 1.Be able to say : the things in the past 教学目标 2.Be able to understand the past tense. 3.Be able to work in pairs and listen to the tape. 教学重难点 Be able to say: the things in the past 准备 a recorder 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 28 I warmer 1.Sing songs sing 2.freetalk:say something learn to say sth happened Lead to today's happened in the past. in the past. new lesson ?.New teaching. 1.Say something happened in the past. T:Class,yesterday,Sam and Daming Go on to practise the past students can understand the past went for a bike ride .Sam fell tense.Can use “and”,”tense and go on to learn the past off his bike. then” say something in tense.. What happened to Daming’s the past. head? Please read after me. Listen and read after the This can improve the pupils' 2. Listen to the tape and read tape. hearing. after the tape. 3 Ask and answer in pairs: The students can practise their practise the text in the work Work in pairs. oral English. groups . Practise students’ oral English Try to say something happened in the past. Summury Learn to say English well ?Summury and homework . 课后反思 29 课 题 Unit2 Sam had lots of chocolate. 第 2 课时 教学 掌握重点词汇词组:had,chocolate,stomacn ache,cold,headache,fever 目标 学习重点句型:某人+have/has got +疾病名词(短语). 教学重难点:疾病名词的表达及发音。 重点难点 教法 讲授法、讨论法、练习巩固法、讲演结合法 预设 教 学 设 计 教 学 内 容 教师活动 学生活动 时间 T:Class begins S:stand up 1min Step 1 :Greetings T:Good morning,boys and girls Good morning Review the main knowledge of Vivi. 2min Step 2 Review last lesson (每日一句) Now let’s review a word and learn Answer 2min it’s new stely. the 15min Step3:New lesson have means questions (1) new words and new Let’s make a sentence with Ss:吃,喝 sentences “ have”? S1:We have 如果你想表达上个圣诞节我们吃了lots of 10min 许多苹果。首先要知道have的过去apples at 式,have是特殊动词所以它的过去Christmas 式是had. . So we can say... SsWe had lots of Look at this man,he is sick.What’s apples at wrong with him ?(他怎么了,) last Step4:Practice Yes,he has got a stomach ache(讲Christmas 授stomach ache) .(引导学5min Step5:Summary 生说出答 案) 5min 呈现一些图片,通过Let’s guess环Ss:他胃疼 Step6:Homework 节,让学生巩固表示病痛的短语词Ss:stomac5min 组。病痛的表达方式: h ache 某人+have/has got +疾病名词(短 语). 小组内合 习题。 作练习。 学生在练 习本上做 题。 30 课后 反思 综合 课题 时间 1.Be able to say : the things in the past 2.Be able to understand the past tense. 教学目标 3.Learn to say the chant a recorder 教学重难点 Be able to say: the things in the past 准备 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 31 I warmer sing 1.Sing some songs. learn to say sth Lead to today's 2.freetalk:say something happened in happened in the past. new lesson the past. Learn the chant students can understand the ?.New teaching. past tense and go on to learn 1. Class ,last week we learn some Listen to the tape. the past tense.. things about accidents.Thistime we’Listen and read after This can improve the pupils' ll revivethem. the tape. hearing. From this ,let’s learn the chant Work in pairs. The students can practise together.Please listen to the tape. practise their oral their oral English. 2. Listen to text again . English. Practise students’ oral 3 Ask and answer in pairs: practise the Summury English text in the work groups . Learn to say English well Try to say something happened in the past. ?Summury and homework 课后反思 32 时间 Review Module 课 题 1. Go over the conten of the whole book. 教学 2. Complete each activity and each practice to consolidate the knowledge learnt 目标 this term. 3. Be able to use all kinds of drills and conversation. Have the students complete each activity 重点 cards tape-recorder rightly. 教具 pictures 难点 Use all kinds of drills and dialogue. 教 学 过 程 Step 1: Warmer 1. Put the students into groups of four or five. Tell them write down the ideas of to think of all the words they know for the group. Each of these categories: countries, clothes, sports, jobs„ 2. Only one student in each group needs to write down the ideas of the group. 3. Now get the students to read out their ideas and put the words under each category. Step 2: Do activities in the book. 1. Have a game : Do and answer. Before starting the game do a quick brainstorm. refresh their memories. 2. Tell the students that the teacher is going to call out a category and the students have to think of all the things they know in that category. 33 3. Don’t write the answers on the board because this is just a quick brainstorm to refresh their memories. Examples : T: Sports. S: Football, tennis, basketball, table tennis, volleyball. T: Jobs. S: Teacher, doctor, nurse, taxi driver, bus driver, dancer. T: Cities. S: Beijing, London, New York. 4. Continue like this: very quickly revise the categories before starting the activity. Then the students have to play in groups. 5. On the board write down the following categories: number, colour, country, subject, month, food, toy, day, sport 6. Now tell the students to work in pairs. One student has to say an item from one of the categories and the other student has work in pairs to say the category. Examples :S1; Red. S2: Colour.S1: Noodles. S2: Food. 7. Get the students to continue like this. It will give them lots of practice and help them revise lots of words. revise lots of words. Step 3 : Summarize this module Tell the students they review the content of the whole book from this module. Step 4: Homework Write a letter to Oscar and tell him what you did and what you didn’t do yesterday. 课后反思 34
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