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殷墟王陵遗址导游词.doc殷墟王陵遗址导游词.doc 殷墟王陵遗址导游词(1) translated by Billy French 傅比利翻译 (欢迎词 )各位领导,各位来宾,欢迎大家来到震惊中外的殷墟王陵遗址参观。 Welcome to everyone that has come to see the world-astonishing Yinxu Royal Cemetery . 作为华夏文明最具有代表性的文物遗址,它被国际专家、学者赞誉为“第二个古埃及”,其价值可与世 界七大奇迹相媲美。王陵遗址与洹水南岸的宫殿宗庙遗...

殷墟王陵遗址导游词.doc 殷墟王陵遗址导游词(1) translated by Billy French 傅比利翻译 (欢迎词 )各位领导,各位来宾,欢迎大家来到震惊中外的殷墟王陵遗址参观。 Welcome to everyone that has come to see the world-astonishing Yinxu Royal Cemetery . 作为华夏文明最具有代表性的文物遗址,它被国际专家、学者赞誉为“第二个古埃及”,其价值可与世 界七大奇迹相媲美。王陵遗址与洹水南岸的宫殿宗庙遗址一样,不仅是殷墟遗址的重要组成部分,而 且也是世界文化遗产的核心范围。在这里发现了13座大墓(包括一座未完成大墓)、2000多座陪葬 墓和祭祀坑,重达875公斤的国宝重器——司母戊鼎就出土于这里,被学术界公认为中国古代文化宝 库中一颗璀璨夺目的明珠。正是因其重要价值,它与宫殿宗庙遗址得到了联合国专家的高度评价,有 望在2006年进入世界文化遗产名录。让我们在为之加油喝彩的同时,也来领略它的神秘风采吧。 Regarded as the most representative site of ancient Chinese civilization, the Royal Cemetery site is praised by international experts and scholars as the world’s "Second Egypt". It is on par with the Seven Wonders of the World. The Royal cemetery site is similar to the palace-temple complex on the south side of the Huan river. Therefore it is not only an important component in the Yinxu site, but is also designated by the World Cultural Heritage as a "Core Zone". Thirteen large tombs (including one unfinished large tomb), and more than 2000 accompanying tombs and sacrificial pits were discovered here. Weighing over 875 kilograms, the Si Mu Wu square ding-cauldron, a national treasure, was excavated here as well. It is regarded by academics circles around the world as a dazzling pearl amongst the treasures of ancient Chinese culture. Precisely because of the site’s important value, it obtained the high praise of United Nations experts and in 2006 both the palace-temple complex and the royal cemetery were entered into the list of World Cultural Heritage sites. We are proud of this achievement, but we also still marvel at the mysterious presence of the site. 一、正门外: (开场白)为更好地保护商代王陵遗址,我们在原址上修建了王陵遗址保护区。首先,映入大家眼帘 的是一座仿殷建筑形式的大门,为“茅茨土阶,四阿重屋”的结构(茅草盖顶,夯土台阶,四面坡顶, 两重房檐)。迈入这扇大门,一个尘封了3300年的殷商王朝将为我们揭开它神密的面纱,再现当年 辉煌与强盛。现在请大家随我一同参观。 In order to better protect the Shang Royal Cemetery site, we have built this protected area over the original site. First, take a look at this large gate built in the Shang style. Notice how thatched grass covers the top, how rammed earth was used to construct the steps, how the four sides are slanted, and how the roof features double-layered eaves. Passing through this gate, the dust-laden ruins of the 3300 year old Shang dynasty will be revealed, showing a glimpse of the ancient period’s brilliance and prosperity to us in the modern day. Please follow me as we tour the site together. 二、正门内 (概述王陵遗址的重要意义)二十世纪三十年代,中国第一批考古学者在这里发现了距今三千多年商 王陵墓群,命名为商代“王陵遗址”。这是我国目前已知最早最完整的王陵墓葬群,它的发现,奠定了 殷商文化研究的基础,确证了奴隶社会的存在,成为探索中华文明起源的重要基石。 In the 1930s, China’s first generation of archaeologists discovered the more than 3000 year old Shang royal tombs, naming it the Shang dynasty’s Royal Cemetery site. This is the earliest complete royal cemetery grave group known in China. Its discovery established the foundations of Shang cultural research and provided conclusive proof of the existence of slave society. Study of this site has become an important cornerstone in the effort to explore the origins of Chinese civilization. (平面图)首先,让我们来了解一下王陵遗址的平面布局。请看这边王陵遗迹分布图:王陵遗址位于 安阳市西北郊洹水北岸的侯家庄与武官村北的高地上。与南面的殷墟宫殿宗庙遗址隔河相望,与东面 的洹北商城遥相呼应,是殷墟遗址重要的组成部分。王陵遗址东西长450米,南北宽250米,占地11.3 公顷(169.5亩)。大墓大约始建于商王武丁时期,而终于商王帝辛时期,前后营建达200余年。从 1934年至今,在这里共发现了13座王陵大墓(包括一座未完成的大墓)、2000多座陪葬墓和祭祀坑。 当年发掘时踩出的一条土路,把遗址分成相距百余米的东、西两区。东区有大墓五座,西区八座(包 括一座未完成的大墓)。大墓规模宏伟,出土文物精美(举世闻名的司母戊方鼎就在这里出土);祭 祀坑数量众多,排列有序。所以,学者们认为,这里不仅是殷商时期的商王陵地,而且也是王室祭祀 先祖的一个公共祭祀场,是中国古代文明的辉煌篇章之一。因为当年发掘后这些大墓即被回填,为重 现当年的盛大景象,我们在大墓原址分别采取了地下封存、地表植被砂石标识、复原展示和揭露展示 等方法,再现了当年王陵墓葬群的宏大场面。下面,请先随我参观王陵遗址的东区。 First, we must understand the geographical distribution of the site. Please have a look at this side of the Royal Cemetery map. The site is located in a suburb northeast of the city of Anyang, on the high bank of the Huan river north of Houjiazhuang and Wuguancun villages. The Royal Cemetery is an important component of the Yinxu site. Facing south towards the palace-temple site located across the river, it borders the Huanbei Shang city to the east. From east to west the Royal Cemetery site measures 450 meters, and from north to south it is 250 meters long, an area totaling 11.3 hectares (or 169.5 mu). Construction lasted more than 200 years, starting with the reign of Shang king Wu Ding and ending during the reign of the last Shang king, Di Xin. From 1934 to the present, 13 large tombs (including one incomplete tomb) and more than 2000 accompanying tombs and sacrificial pits have been discovered here. An excavated dirt footpath divides the site in two, and the western and eastern zones are separated by over 100 meters. The eastern zone has five large tombs, and the western zone has eight (including the uncompleted tomb). The scope of the tombs is grand, and the excavated cultural relics are exquisite--the world-famous Si Mu Wu square ding-cauldron was excavated here. The numerous sacrificial pits are arranged in an orderly fashion. Therefore scholars believe that this location was not only the cemetery of the Shang kings, but that it was also a public place for the royal court to offer sacrifices to the ancestors, illustrating a great chapter in ancient Chinese history. Because these tombs were backfilled after excavation, the previous splendor of the site has been restored. At the original locations of the large tombs we have undertaken measures to preserve the underground tombs by marking them aboveground with gravel that represents the shape of the original tomb. Through restoration and carefully chosen displays, the immense scope of the Royal graves is revealed. Next, please follow me to view the eastern section of the Royal Cemetery. 三、平面图至车马坑展厅 (由王陵大墓的发现介绍王陵遗址概况)。从19世纪末甲骨文的发现到20世纪20年代的殷墟科学 发掘,安阳在中国古史研究中的重要性已无可质疑。特别是小屯村一带宫殿宗庙遗址的确认,更是激 发了大家寻找商代王陵的兴趣。大约在1933年,侯家庄附近私人盗掘出三件形状奇特、体积庞大的 青铜器,消息不胫而走。正在主持发掘工作的考古学家梁思永先生听到了这个消息,并得知墓葬的位 置大约靠近侯家庄、武官村一带,于是便在五位年轻的考古学家(石璋如、刘耀——即著名考古学家 尹达先生、祁延霈、胡福林——即著名甲骨学大师胡厚宣先生、尹焕章)的协助下开始第十次发掘。 在他们的不懈努力下,13座王陵大墓、2000多座祭祀坑逐步露出地表。根据墓内出土的器物,大墓 的规模及人殉制度等情况,学者们认为这就是统治殷商王朝的最有权势的商王家族墓葬。一个尘封 3000多年、深埋黄泉之下的殷商王朝终于显露出他的真实面貌。 From the discovery of oracle bone inscriptions at the end of the 19th century to the scientific excavation of Yinxu in the 1920s, the significance of Anyang in the study of ancient Chinese history could not be questioned. In particular the identification of the palace-temple site at Xiaotun village further incited the interest of everyone in finding the Shang Royal Cemetery. In 1933, in the vicinity of Houjiazhuang village, private excavation yielded three bronze pieces peculiar in shape and immense in size. News of these pieces spread like wildfire. Precisely as archaeologist Liang Siyong took charge of the archaeological excavation he heard the rumors, and knowing that the position of the graves lay somewhere around Houjiazhuang and Wuguancun, he dispatched five young archaeologists (Shi Zhangru, Liu Yao--famous archaeologist now known as Yin Da, Qi Yanpei, Hu Fulin--renowned oracle-bone scholar now known as Hu Houxuan, and Yin Huanzhang) to start the 10th season of excavation. During their untiring efforts, 13 large tombs and over 2000 sacrificial pits were successively exposed from beneath the earth. Based on contents excavated from the tombs, the large scale of the tombs, and the systematic burial of human sacrifices, scholars believe this to been the graveyard of the powerful Shang royal clan which ruled during the Shang dynasty. Buried more than three thousand years ago in the bowels of the earth, the Shang dynasty had at least revealed its true face. 东区主要分布了的五座大墓,分别是M1400、M1443、M1129、武官村大墓(WGKM1)和M260(相 传司母戊方鼎就出土于此墓)。其中,M1400大墓为四条墓道,M1443、M1129、武官村大墓为两条 墓道,M260为一条墓道。同时,其中东区发现了大量小型墓葬。这些墓葬除少数为陪葬墓外,大多 属于祭祀坑,是商王祭祀先祖主要祭祀场所。 The eastern zone consists primarily of five large tombs, known respectively as Tomb Number 1400, Tomb Number 1443, Tomb Number 1129, the Wuguancun large tomb, and Tomb Number 260, where, reportedly, the Si Mu Wu square ding-cauldron was excavated. Among them, Tomb Number 1400 has four ramps leading down into the burial pit, Tombs 1443, 1129 and the Wuguancun tomb have two ramps, and Tomb 260 has one ramp. Moreover, a large number of small scale burials were discovered in the eastern area. Excluding a few accompanying tombs, the majority of these burials are sacrificial pits, important sacrificial shrines for Shang royal ancestor worship. (武官村大墓)在东边我们可以看到有一座大墓,这就是武官村大墓。它是新中国成立后,由我国考 古工作者进行的第一次考古发掘的重大成果。1950年,由郭宝钧先生主持发掘。墓室为长方形,两条 墓道。口大底小。墓口南北长14米、东西宽12米,墓口至底深7.20米。墓室底有腰坑,内埋1人1 戈。椁室南北长6.30米,东西宽5.20米、高2.50米。椁底由30根原木铺成。椁室每壁由9根原木叠 成,呈井字型,上覆椁盖。北墓道长15米,呈坡状,南墓道长15.60米,直达墓底,殉人79人。并 出土铜鼎、簋、觚、爵、戈及玉器等随葬品。最著名的有虎纹石磬,长84厘米,厚2.5厘米,正面雕 刻卧虎纹,纹饰刚劲圆熟,生气盎然,是目前殷墟出土乐器中最大的一件,也是中国古代乐器宝库中 难得的珍品。 On the eastern side we can see there is a large tomb, which is the Wuguancun tomb. It was the first great achievement of Chinese archaeologists after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. In 1950, Guo Baojun directed archaeological excavation at Anyang. The tomb pit is rectangular with two ramps leading up to the surface. At the surface, it is 14 meters long from north to south, and 12 meters from east to west. The bottom of the tomb, which is smaller in dimension than the tomb opening, lies 7.2 meters below the surface. At the bottom of the tomb is the waist pit, which contained a buried person and a ge-daggeraxe. An inner chamber, made of wood, was placed over the waist pit. It was 6.3 meters long, 5.2 meters wide, and 2.5 meters tall. 30 planks of wood were lain across the bottom of the inner chamber. Every wall of the chamber was composed of 9 planks of wood, apparently in the shape of a cross, and topped with a roof. The northern tomb ramp was sloped downward from the surface, 15 meters in length. The southern tomb ramp, 15.6 meters long, held 79 sacrificed humans, buried along the ramp down to the center of the tomb. Bronze ding-cauldrons, gui-bowls, gu-goblets, jue-wine vessels, ge-dagger-axes, and jadeware were found together as burial objects. A famous piece is an engraved tiger-shaped stone, 8.4 centimeters long and 2.5 centimeters tall. The engraved tiger stripes on the front side are bold and expertly carved, overflowing with vitality. At present it is one of the largest pieces of jadeware yet excavated, making it a rare gem in ancient China’s storehouse of treasures. 四、车马坑展览馆 (结合版面和实物进行介绍)车是古代中国陆上交通的主要工具。中国是世界上最早发明和使用车的 国家之一,相传黄帝时已经发明了车,夏代还设“车正”之职,专门管理车旅交通和车辆的制造。目前 的考古资料表明,殷墟出土的车是我国最早的车子实物。这是华夏民族的祖先在长期的生产实践中的 一次重大发明与创造。以车子制造为代表的古代中国的科学技术,为人类科技的发展作出重要贡献。 在甲骨文和青铜器铭文中“车”的形象出现较多,形象的描绘了当时车子的形态。车马器实物是1931 年在殷墟考古中首次发现的。截止目前,发掘出土的殷代车马坑超过40座。 The chariot was ancient China’s principal means of land transportation. China was one of the earliest nations in the world to invent and use the chariot. According to tradition, it was invented by the Yellow Emperor. During the Xia dynasty, the office of the Chief of Chariots specialized in managing vehicle traffic and construction. As the archaeological evidence before you illustrates, the chariots excavated at Yinxu are China’s earliest chariot specimens. This is one instance of the creation of an ancient invention by China’s ancestors. If we look at the creation of the chariot as representative of ancient Chinese science and technology, we can see how ancient China’s scientific development made significant contributions to humanity. Pictorial representations of chariots appear quite frequently in oracle bone and bronze inscriptions, images which depict the form of chariots during the period. Chariot horses and implements were first discovered during excavation at Yinxu in 1931. At present, excavated Shang period chariot pits number more than 40. 殷代车子是木质结构,主要由舆、轴、轮、辕、衡、轭构成。由于深埋地下,年长岁久,出土时木质 部分已全部腐朽,仅存遗痕和青铜饰件。考古工作者根据泥土中保留下来的车子轮廓,成功地对它们 进行了剥剔和清理,经过复原,使距今三千多年前的殷代车子再现于人们眼前。 The Shang chariot was constructed from wood, consisting of a carriage, axle, wheels, pole, and yoke. Due to being buried underground for ages, the wooden components of the chariots had already completely decomposed. When the chariots were excavated, archaeologists found only wood traces and bronze decorations. Based on the trace outline left by the decomposed wood on the surrounding soil, archaeologists succeeded in preserving the shape of the chariot, thereby restoring a three thousand year old chariot for you to see before your own eyes. 随着社会发展,车子在人们的社会生活中的作用越来越重要,使用范围也越来越广。人们对车子的重 视,又促进了车子本身的进步。一方面,车子结构与系驾法向着轻便快捷发展,由单辕发展到双辕, 由“轭靷系驾法”发展到“胸带系”驾,使车子更为合理也更为科学;另一方面,车子的作用也逐渐摆脱 战场的束缚,成为人们日常生活和生产劳动的主要工具。中国文明的进步,在一定意义上与中国车子 的发展是分不开的。 Following the development of society, the use of the chariot in human social life grew more and more important, and the scope of its use broadened. The Shang attached importance to the chariot and promoted its advancement. On the one hand, chariot structure and harness method became more portable and light. The single shaft connecting the yoke with the carriage was replaced by two and the leather harness strap developed into a shoulder harness, causing the chariot to more efficient and better designed. On the other hand, use of the chariot gradually exceeded the battlefield, becoming an important tool in everyday life and productive labor. The progress of Chinese civilization certainly cannot be separated from the development of the chariot. 五、王陵墓葬展览馆 (结合版面和实物进行介绍)墓道为大墓所特有,由地表直通墓底,形成斜坡,有的墓道成台阶状。 墓道内一般葬人牲或马。墓室一般为方形或长方形,面积由几十平方米到几百平方米不等。墓室四壁 常有“二层台”,二层台上殉人或放置器物。墓室内葬具有棺、椁和帐幄。墓室底部中心有“腰坑”,常 见殉狗,也有殉人的。殉狗是为墓主人警戒,殉人似有奠基意义。这些都是为死者安居并保护其在阴 曹地府不受侵害而设。 The tomb ramp is characteristic of large tombs. From the earth’s surface it slopes down to the base of the pit, with some of the ramps having stairs. Within the tomb ramp sacrificial people and horses were buried. The tomb chamber was usually square or rectangular, with surface areas ranging from tens of square meters to hundreds of square meters. The four walls of the tomb chamber often had two platforms, the second of which held more human sacrifices or tools. Within the tomb chamber, the inner coffin which held the tomb’s occupant was encased in a wooden structure, which was topped by a canopy roof. At the center of the tomb floor was the waist pit, commonly containing a sacrificial dog and sometimes a human. The sacrificed dog served to guard the tomb’s occupant, and the sacrificed human seems to have had an offertory purpose. This was all done in order for the tomb occupant to live a quiet and protected existence in the underworld, shielded from disturbance or intrusion. 在奴隶社会里,祭祀是礼制的重要组成部分,是国家的大事,多数由国王亲自主持。祭祀对象包括天 地、山川、日月、风雨、祖先、神鬼等等。在王陵遗址发出的2000余座祭祀坑中,白骨累累,显示 了殷代奴隶的悲惨情景。把人强行处死后埋入坑内祭祀祖先,称为人祭。人祭坑排列有序,分为若干 组,每组代表一次祭祀活动。有活埋的,有先处死后再埋入的。祭祀的人牲,多为战俘,也有一些是 奴隶。 In slave society, sacrifices and offerings were an important part of the social code. It was an important affair of state, and many sacrificial and offertory rituals were presided over by the king himself. Recipients of the offerings included Heaven and Earth, the mountains and the rivers, the sun and moon, wind and rain, the ancestors, spirits and ghosts, etc. Among the more than 2000 sacrificial pits unearthed at the Royal Cemetery site, the bones of the dead are countless, demonstrating the tragic plight of Shang slaves. By the term human sacrifice, we mean executing people and afterwards interring them in a pit in order to worship the ancestors. The human sacrifice pits were arranged in an orderly fashion, divided into certain numbers with each group representing an instance of sacrifice. Some of the victims were buried alive, and some were first executed and then interred. Most of the victims of human sacrifice were prisoners, but some were also slaves. 六、M260大墓展厅 (结合版面和实物进行介绍)M260位于殷墟王陵遗址东区,在1984年9月进行了正式考古发掘,闻 名遐迩的司母戊大方鼎传说1939年就出土于这里。司母戊鼎是世界上罕见的青铜重器,鼎重832.84 公斤,高133厘米,口长110厘米,宽79厘米,足高46厘米,壁厚6厘米,是迄今为止出土鼎中最 大最重的。 Tomb number 260 is located in the eastern zone of Yinxu’s Royal Cemetery site. Formal archaeological excavation has been in progress since September 1984. According to hearsay, the widely known Si Mu Wu square ding-cauldron was excavated from here in 1939. The Si Mu Wu square ding-cauldron is one of the most rare pieces of bronze ware in the world.. 133 centimeters tall, the cauldron has a mouth that is 110 by 79 centimeters large. Its legs are 46 centimeters long, and the bronze walls are 6 centimeters thick. It is the largest ding-cauldron ever excavated. M260墓呈“甲”字形,墓道在墓室南部,呈坡状,墓室为一长方形竖穴坑。墓室底有一腰坑,内有一 人一大玉戈。在墓室西北角填坑内有8把木。在墓道填土内,有集中在一起的22个人头骨。墓室填 土中有6个个体的人骨,椁室填土内有5个个体人骨。传说1939年该墓出土了司母戊大鼎,更显示 出墓主人的尊贵。探讨该墓主人身份之迷,成为殷墟考古的重要目标之一。 Tomb number 260 is shaped like the Chinese character 甲 jia. The single tomb ramp slopes upward from the southern part of the rectangular pit. At the bottom of the pit is a waist pit, inside of which are one person and one large jade ge-dagger-axe. In the northwestern corner of the pit is a backfilled hole which contained 8 pieces of wood. 22 human skulls were found together in the earth used to backfill the tomb ramp. The tomb’s backfill contained six individual human skeletons, and the backfill of the wooden chamber held five individual human skeletons. Reportedly in 1939 the Si Mu Wu square ding-cauldron was excavated here, another indication that the tomb’s occupant was well-respected. Since the identity of the tomb’s occupant is lost, it has become an important objective of Yinxu archaeology to discover it. 七、祭祀场 “国之大事,在祀与戎。”随着墓主人的安葬,祭祀杀牲仪式逐渐开始。这里是当年商王祭祀先祖的祭 祀场所。在王陵大墓的周围,共发现2000余座祭祀坑,我们现在看到的仅仅只是其中的一部分。主 要采用了地下封存、地表砂石标识、复原展示的方法进行展示。为避免风雨侵蚀,我们对复原展示的 祭祀坑加盖了玻璃罩进行保护。 An ancient Chinese text called the Commentary of Zuo states that the important affairs of state reside in ritual and war. Following the peaceful burial of the tomb’s occupant, ritual sacrifice of domesticated animals started and increased in magnitude. The Royal Cemetery was a sacrifice site for Shang kings to make offerings to the ancestors and spirits. In the vicinity of the Royal Cemetery’s large tombs, there are altogether over 2000 sacrificial pits. The ones we see today are only a small fraction. Our main principle is to preserve the underground tombs by marking them aboveground with gravel that represents the shape of the original tomb, thereby restoring the site for posterity while still giving visitors a glimpse of the Royal Cemetery as it must have looked in the past. In order to avoid damage and erosion from the elements, we have covered the sacrificial pits with a glass cover to for constant protection. 这些祭祀坑排列整齐的称“排葬坑”,比较分散的称为“散葬坑”。埋人的坑大多是长方形竖穴,坑内所 埋人骨有全躯的,有身首分离的,也有无头躯体。另外,还有一种是方形坑,是专门埋葬人头骨的。 These sacrificial pits which are neatly arranged are known as ordered burial pits, while those that are relatively scattered are known as scattered burial pits. Most of the pits containing human burials are shaped like rectangles perpendicular to the ground, so that the entire buried person’s skeleton could fit standing up into the grave. Some consist of decapitated corpses, and others are missing either the head or the body. And still another type of pit is square shaped, for special burials of only human skulls. 在商代,每当祭祀时商王都会把人像牛、羊、猪等牲畜一样供奉给祖先和神灵,这种制度被学者们称 为是人牲制度。被杀的人牲绝大多数为战俘,少数为奴隶。商王和贵族奴隶主在祭祀祖先、祈祷神灵 佑护、建筑宫室和求年问雨时都要用人牲,这里也就成为商王祭祀祖先的一个大型公共祭祀场所。里 面埋葬着大量祭祀牺牲的遗骸。其中仅1976年发掘的191座祭祀坑中,就发现1178具人骨架。据不 完全统计,殷墟甲骨文中有关人祭的甲骨有1350片,卜辞1992条,共用人牲13052人。不仅如此, 商王或贵族死后,还用人殉葬,称为人殉。人殉的数量,根据墓主人身份的高低,少则1人,多则达 200多人。像M1001大墓殉人就多达225人。 During the Shang period, whenever the king made sacrifices he offered both humans and livestock, like cattle, sheep and pigs, to the ancestors and spirits. This system is known by scholars as the human and livestock sacrificial system. The vast majority of human sacrifices were prisoners of war, but a few were slaves. The king and aristocratic slave owners, when they were making offerings to the ancestors, praying to the spirits for blessings, constructing palaces or seeking the yearly rains, they all wanted to use humans and livestock. This place became a large scale site for the performance of ancestral sacrifices by the Shang kings. Inside the burials are large amounts of the remains of ritual sacrifice. In just the 191 sacrificial pits excavated in 1976, 178 were discovered to possess human skeletons. According to incomplete statistics, 1350 oracle-bone fragments together containing 1992 inscriptions are related to human sacrifice, altogether describing the sacrifice of 13052 human beings. Moreover, after the death of Shang kings or nobles, humans victims were buried in the pit as well, a practice known as live human burial. The number of humans buried alive, depending on the rank of the tomb’s occupant, could be as few as one, or as many as over 200 people. For example, large Tomb Number 1001 contained as many as 225 humans buried alive. 商王的祭祀活动是频繁的。在祭祀活动中,有时祭祀一位祖先,有时几位祖先一起祭奠。祭祀的对象 除盘庚后的诸王,有时把商代的先公先王一起祭奠。每次祭祀所用的牺牲,有的是牲畜,有的是人。 我们看到的这些祭祀坑就是当年的兽祭坑。它们是1976年春发掘的,里面埋葬的都是墓主人生前所 使用过或喜爱的动物,主要有马、牛、羊、犬、象、猪、狐等,其中马有117匹。咱们可以看一下这 边的坑里埋葬的就是一匹马。位了保护遗址,我们采取了地下封存,在祭祀坑原址上按考古发掘情况 进行复原的方式进行展示。请大家随我来看一下这座展坑。这是一座象猪同埋坑,里面是一只幼象。 大象是河南中原的象征。根据殷墟考古发现和甲骨文记载证实,远在3000年前,中原一带气候温暖 湿润,林草茂密。当时河南省广大地区,都曾有野象活动。因此,河南省的古称为豫。 Sacrifices performed by the Shang kings were frequent. During the sacrificial ritual, sometimes one ancestor was offered to, and sometimes several ancestors together received cult. The recipients of sacrifices, except for those reigning after Pan Geng, were all kings, and sometimes the former kings and nobles were offered to together. Every offering used livestock or humans. The sacrificial pits we are looking at right now are animal burial. Excavated in the spring of 1976, the pits contain animals either used by tomb occupants or ones that tomb occupants were fond of. Primarily there are horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, elephants, pigs, and foxes, among which horses were the most common, numbering 117. We can see below on this side that what is buried in this pit is a horse. To keep the site intact, we have preserved the the excavated pits while still allowing visitors to see some of the exhibited contents. Based on the archaeological discoveries at Yinxu, and confirmed by the oracle-bone inscription record, the climate of North Central China 3000 years ago was warm and moist, the land covered in thick forests. During that time, Henan province and the surrounding area has inhabited by wild elephants. This is why the ancient character for Henan Province, pronounced Yu, has the component for elephant in it. 八、观景台 前面就是观景台。它由著名建筑学家杨鸿勋先生设计。完全采用原木,台高三层,古朴典雅,为王陵 遗址增添了一处游览、休息的场所。现在就请大家与我一道登上观景台,一睹王陵遗址的风采。 Ahead of us is the viewing platform, designed by famous Chinese architect Yang Hongxun. Completely made out of wood, it is three stories tall, simple yet elegant. It adds to the Royal Cemetery a place for visitors to see the entire site, as well as to take a break. Now please climb the tower with me, to see the splendor of the Royal Cemetery. (观景台上)来到观景台,我们会感到眼前豁然开朗。高台远眺,王陵遗址的全貌也尽收眼底。王陵 遗址位于安阳市西北郊洹水北岸的侯家庄西北岗、武官村北地的高地上。与南面的殷墟宫殿宗庙区隔 河相望,与东部的洹北商城遥相呼应,是殷墟遗址中重要的组成部分。这些大墓大约建于商王武丁时 期,而终于商王帝辛时期,前后营建达200余年。这些大墓在历史上虽多次盗掘,但仍出土了大量精 美的青铜器、玉石器和白陶等。解放前这里出土的器物目前保存在我国的宝岛——台湾。在这里,我 们希望这些文物能够早日回到它们的故乡——安阳,或者大家有机会到宝岛一睹为快。 Arriving at the top of the viewing platform, we can see before our very eyes how extensive the Royal Cemetery is. From the high platform we can see far, allowing us a panoramic view of the entire site. The Royal Cemetery is located in the northwest suburbs of Anyang, on the northern bank of the Huan River in an area known as the northwestern high ground above Houjiazhuang and Wuguancun villages. Facing the main Yinxu palace-temple complex to the south, the Royal Cemetery is west of Huanbei Shang city, making it an important component in the greater Yinxu site. These tombs were constructed from the reign of King Wu Ding to the reign of King Di Xin, covering a period of more than 200 years. Although these tombs were robbed several times throughout history, archaeologists were still able to excavate a large number of exquisite bronzes, jade and stone ware, and white pottery. All of the materials excavated before the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 are currently in China’s treasured island, Taiwan. We hope that soon these cultural relics will be returned to their rightful place--Anyang. Either that or everyone can have the opportunity to visit Taiwan for a quick look. 在王陵东区,发现了五座大墓。大墓周围分布着2000多座陪葬墓和祭祀坑。在西区的八座大墓周围 只发现了100多座陪葬墓和祭祀坑。再仔细看一下西区的八座大墓,除了中间那座未完工的外,是否 注意到它们之间有什么共性,这些大墓都有4条墓道,考古学家们认为,4条墓道是商代王陵的标志, 也就印证了这个地方就是商代晚期的王家陵园。先秦的王陵大墓仍然保持着这一特点。像最近发现的 湖北九连墩楚墓就是这样的。而在东区的5座大墓中,只有1座为4条墓道,其余3座为2条墓道, 1座为1条墓道的大墓,规格次于西区。 殷墟王陵遗址导游词(2) and 19.5 meters respectively. 92 planks of wood measuring 2 to 4 meters in length were found at the bottom of the tomb, indicating that the four walls of the tomb were great in scale, with the largest wall measuring 6 meters. All of the large planks were greatly detailed, painted and engraved with decorative patterns, as well as inlaid with animal teeth. Humans sacrificed or buried alive number 225. Burial articles, like ritual bronzes, stone and jade ware, white pottery, and gold foil, were excavated, many of which were made in an elegant manner. Tomb 1001 was a burial from early in Yinxu’s history, and is believed to be Five large tombs were discovered in the eastern zone of the Royal Cemetery. Over 2000 smaller burials and sacrificial pits are scattered all around the large tombs. In the vicinity of the western zone’s eight tombs, only more than 100 smaller tombs and sacrificial pits have been discovered. Take a quick look at the eight large tombs in the western zone. Excluding the unfinished tomb in the middle, do you notice any similarities? These tombs all have four tomb ramps. Archaeologists believe that four tomb ramps designated the tombs of the Shang kings, confirming that this place is indeed the burial ground of the late Shang royal family. Pre-Qin dynasty royal tombs preserved this practice. For example, the recently discovered Chu tomb in Hubei province, Jiuliandun, has the four-ramped layout. Yet among the five large tombs of the eastern zone, only one has four tomb ramps. Three of them have 2 ramps, and 1 large tomb has only a single tomb ramp. The standards of the eastern zone are inferior to the western zone. 殷墟王陵大墓还有什么特点呢,首先,这些大墓墓室宏大,形制壮阔,具有代表性的是M1217大墓。也就 是观景台下面的这座大墓。该墓有4条墓道,墓室平面呈“亚”字形,墓室南北长18.4米,东西宽18.1米, 墓口到底深15.4米,东、西、南、北四条墓道分别长28.90米、25.00米、60.40米、41.55米。总面积达1, 803平方米,是王陵遗址规模最大、墓道最长的大墓。第二,王陵大墓墓内随葬品丰富,种类繁多。像刚 才我介绍给大家的M1004大墓,这是王陵遗址大墓出土器物最多的一座。特别是出土了牛方鼎、鹿方鼎, 器型厚重,文饰精美,是殷墟出土青铜器的代表之一。第三,就是墓内殉人普遍,数量少则1人,多则达 上百人。具有代表性的是M1001大墓。它在王陵遗址西区东部,大墓内M1001位于王陵遗址西区东部, 有4条墓道。墓室平面呈“亞”字形,南北长18.9米,东西宽21.3米,墓口至墓底深10.5米。4条墓道呈坡 状,其东、西、南、北分别长14.3米、11米 、30.7米、19.5米。墓底由92块长2—4米的巨型柏木板铺 底、四壁由巨型木板筑成,最大者长达6米。这些巨型木板皆涂朱,雕刻花纹,镶嵌兽牙,奢华考究。墓 内外的殉人及人牲多达225人,是殷墟王陵大墓重殉人最多的一个。并出土了青铜礼器、玉石器、白陶及 金叶等大量制作极为精美的随葬品。M1001是殷墟王陵遗址中时代较早的墓葬,有学者认为是商王武丁的 陵墓。 Do Yinxu Royal Cemetery large tombs have other shared characteristics? First, the tomb pits are vast and their design magnifi cent. An example of this is large tomb number 1217, the tomb located below the viewing platform. This tomb has four ramps, an d the tomb pit is shaped like a cross. From north to south it measures 18.4 meters long, and from east to west it is 18.1 met ers wide. From the tomb mouth at the surface to the bottom of the pit is 15.4 meters, and the four tomb ramps in east, west, south and north measure 28.9 meters, 25.00 meters, 60.40 meters, and 41.55 meters respectively. The total area is 1,803 squar e meters, making it the largest tomb in the Royal Cemetery with the longest tomb ramps as well. A second similarity is that t he large tombs of the Royal Cemetery all have abundant burial articles of various kinds. For example, the tomb I introduced e arlier, large tomb number 1004, contained the largest number of excavated articles in a single tomb. Of special mention are t wo square ding-cauldrons, one decorated with ox motifs and the other decorated with deer motifs. They are wonderful examples of Shang bronze ware, their molding is thick and heavy, but their designs are exquisite. A third characteristic is the widesp read evidence of live-human burial, ranging in numbers of 1 to over 100 victims per tomb. An example of this is large tomb nu mber 1001. Located in the western zone of the Royal Cemetery, tomb 1001 has four tomb ramps. The tomb pit is shaped like a cr oss, and it measures 18.9 meters from north to south, 21.3 meters from east to west, and is 10.5 meters deep. The four tomb r amps are sloped: the eastern ramp is 14.3 meters long, the western ramp measures 11 meters, the southern ramp is 30.7 meters, and the northern ramp comes to 19.5 meters in length. The tomb floor contained 92 planks of cedar measuring 2 to 4 meters in length, used to build the tomb floor and walls. The longest piece of wood measured 6 meters. These planks were all painted v ermilion, engraved with decorative patterns and inlaid wth animal teeth paying extravagant attention to detail. The number of humans buried alive or sacrificed came to 225, one of the highest number in the Royal Cemetery. A large number of the burial articles, like ritual bronzes, stone and jade ware, white pottery and gold foil, were of impeccable manufacture. Tomb 1001 i s a burial from a relatively early period at the Royal Cemetery, and there are some scholar who believe it is the tomb of Sha ng king Wu Ding. 王陵西区的8座大墓,有人可能会发现,大墓的墓道是互通的。学者们发掘大墓时,发现有些墓道有叠压 现象,这也按照一定的布局安排。墓已经全部被盗,残存随葬品极少,给分期断代研究带来了困难,根据 墓道叠压关系,学者们可以明确判断出它们之间的建造顺序。比如,我们看到观景台下面的M1217与 M1500,发掘时M1217叠压在M1500南墓道上,由此可知,M1217晚于M1500。 The eight large tombs of the western zone, as some can probably figure out, have tomb ramps that overlap. When scholars excavated the large tombs, they discovered this overlapping phenomenon as saw it as more evidence for the orderly arrangement of the tombs. The tombs had already been looted, and the number of surviving burial articles were few, making periodization difficult. Based on the order of tomb construction determined from the overlapping of the tomb ramps, scholars can unequivocally determine their chronological order. For example, take large tomb numbers 1217 and 1500 located below the view platform. During excavation, tomb 1217 overlapped tomb 1500’s ramps, so from this we can conclude that tomb 1217 was constructed later than tomb 1500. 观景台我先介绍到这里,如果大家有兴趣,一会讲解结束后,可以自由参观。 Here on the platform which I introduced earlier, if you have questions or what to know more, please feel free to ask me. After I have finished the tour, you can explore the site on your own. 九、观景台至M1500大墓 根据村民们回忆,以前王陵遗址也叫武官吴家柏树坟,是一片古柏树林,到了20世纪30年代还有100多 棵,最粗的要三个人才能合抱。日本侵略者占领安阳后,这片坟地上的柏树都被砍光了,逐步变成了农田。 According to the recollections of villagers, the Royal Cemetery site was also called the cypress graveyard of the Wus, a family with a tradition of military service, because it used to be a forest of cypress trees. In the 1920s, there were still over 100 trees, some so thick it took three people to encircle the entire trunk. After the invading Japanese captured Anyang, the cypress forest was cut down completely, and was progressively converted into farmland. 由于大墓在发掘后就进行了回填,为了让大家了解大墓的分布形式,我们在大墓上用柏树做了地表植被标 识。为什么用柏树而不用其他树种呢,根据论语记载,夏代祖庙附近种植松树,商代种植柏树。为体现出 当年的风貌,所以我们采用了柏树。在整个景区,还种植了松树、槐树等一些植被。这些植被一般都是种 植在墓区的。 Since the large tombs were backfilled after excavation, in order to help visitors understand the location of tombs in the Royal Cemetery site, we have planted cypress trees to act as plant markers. Why did we use cypress trees and not another variety? As the Analects of Confucius say, the Xia dynasty planted pine trees near its ancestral temple, and the Shang planted cypress trees. In order to reflect the landscape of the Shang period, we have therefore used cypress trees. Throughout the entire site we have planted cypress trees and Chinese scholar trees, plants which are all appropriate for a cemetery. (M1567大墓)在王陵西区的8座大墓中,有1座未完工的大墓,它在考古发掘时的编号为M1567,居于 这八座大墓的中部。为什么说未完工呢,因为这座大墓只挖开了墓室,墓内未发现殉葬用人牲。有学者推 测,此墓应属于商王帝辛(即殷纣王)。公元前1046年,周武王伐纣,墓未修建完成,帝辛自焚而亡。因 此,他死后未埋入此墓。当然,这也只是一个推测,究竟是不是殷纣王之墓,仍然是一个未解之谜。不仅 这座大墓主人,其他大墓的主人也是解不开的谜团,有待进一步的考证与探索。因为它们历史上多次被盗 掘,只从劫后遗物上,很难判断大墓真正的主人,是令人遗憾的事情,也是王陵遗址的魅力所在。 In the center of the 8 large tombs in the western zone of the Royal Cemetery, there is one incomplete tomb, which has been numbered 1567 by archaeologists. Why do we say it is incomplete? Because for this large tomb, only the tomb pit was dug, and no evidence of human sacrifice or burial was found. Some scholars have deduced that this tomb should belong to Shang king Di Xin, also know as King Zhou of Yin. In 1046 BCE, when King Wu of the Zhou dynasty, which is not the same Zhou as the Shang king, attacked King Zhou of Yin, construction of the tomb was unfinished, so King Zhou immolated himself. Because of this, he was not buried after he died. Of course, this is only conjecture. It could turn out to be King Zhou of Yin’s tomb, or it could not be--it is still an unsolved mystery. Not only the identity of this tomb’s intended occupant, but the occupants of other large tombs are also unknown and depend on further investigation and exploration. Because these tombs were frequently robbed in the past and we only have what artifacts were left for evidence, it is very difficult to determine the true occupants of the tombs. It is an unfortunate situation, but it is also part of the captivating mystery of the Royal Cemetery site. 十、M1500大墓 (M1500大墓)根据考古发掘表明,殷墟王陵大墓埋在地表以下,有的深达10余米。墓室平面多呈现“亚” 字形、“中”字形、“甲”字形等。这座大墓为M1500,墓室近方形,四条墓道。口小底大,南北口长18.45 米,底长10.38米。四条墓道除南墓道为坡形外,其余三条皆有台阶,北墓道中段还有两个东西向的支道, 也有台阶。南墓道长48.55米;东墓道长20.05米,23级台阶;西墓道长22.65米,28级台阶;北墓道长 22.60米,31级台阶;北墓道的东支道长3米,11级台阶;西支道长3.38米,10级台阶。此墓曾多次被盗, 但仍保留有许多遗物,出土有石俎、石夔龙、石牛、石虎和玉戈、玉饰、骨镞、铜矛头、铜镞、金叶、白 陶、仪仗类木器等。殉人达114个。 As archaeological excavation has indicated, the large tombs in the Yinxu royal cemetery were built below present-day surface levels, some as low as 10 meters. The tomb pits are shaped like crosses, or squares with one or two ramps leading upward. This large tomb is known as tomb number 1500. The shape of the tomb pit is nearly a square, and it has four tomb ramps. The dimensions of the tomb narrow from mouth to the base, starting at 18.45 meters from north to south and shrinking to 10.38 meters. Except for the southern tomb ramp which is sloped, the other three all contain steps. Branching off of the northern tomb ramp are two smaller paths east and west, which also contain steps. The southern tomb ramp is 48.55 meters long and the eastern ramp is 20.05 meters with a flight of 23 steps. The western ramp is 22.65 meters long, and has 28 steps. The northern ramp is 22.60 meters long and has 31 steps. It’s eastern branch is 3 meters long with 11 steps, and the western branch is 3.38 steps long and contains 10 steps. This tomb was robbed several times in the past, but still several relics remained protected. Excavated items include stone vessels, stone figurines of dragons, oxen, and tigers, as well as a jade ge-dagger-axe, jade ornaments, bone arrowheads, bronze spearheads, gold leaf, white pottery and wooden insignias. 114 human sacrifices were uncovered as well. 十一、M1500至 M1004路上 这边我们可以看到一些石雕。它们是根据大墓中出土的石雕,按照原样仿制的。像这个石怪兽,是在M1001 大墓中出土的,作屈膝跪坐状。(该墓是由我国著名考古学家尹达主持发掘的)石怪兽出土后,人们看到 它的样子非常特别,形状如虎,但屈膝跪坐,与虎又有差别,当时有人把它称为虎首人身像。石怪兽的这 种造型,也让我们看到了商代的礼仪。除了石怪兽,这里还有石牛,它四肢弯曲呈现蹲踞状。石虎、石龙 均呈伏卧壮。这些石雕不仅反映出当时人们的审美观念,而且体现出商代高超的工艺制作水平。 On this side we can see some stone carvings. These are based on carvings excavated from the large tombs, copies based on the original appearance of the carvings. Take for example this carving of a kneeling legendary animal excavated from large tomb number 1001. (By the way, this tomb was excavated under the direction of famous Chinese archaeologist Yin Da.) After the stone creature was excavated, we saw that its appearance was extremely peculiar. Its appearance is like a tiger, but it is kneeling and is different from real tigers in other ways. During the Shang period some people described this as having the head of a tiger and the body of a man. Models like this stone creature cause us to examine Shang aesthetics. In addition to the stone creature, there is also a stone ox, it’s four limbs curved in a squatting position. The stone tiger and stone dragon are lying prostrate on their bellies. These kinds of stone carvings not only reflect Shang period aesthetic sensibilities, but also reflect the superb level of Shang art. 十二、M1004大墓 (M1004大墓)我们旁边的这座大墓为M1004。墓室呈长方形,四条墓道。墓室口大底小,口至底深12.20 米。墓口南北长17.90米,东西宽15.90米。四条墓道均呈坡形,东、西、南、北墓道分别长15.00米、13.80 米、31.40米、14.10米。墓室内由长木条铺叠成“亞”字形木椁,椁室四壁涂漆,雕刻花纹,上有镶嵌。此 墓曾多次被盗掘,但在墓室南部还保留了许多重要的随葬品。随葬品分四层安置,最底层是车饰、皮甲及 盾等物,第二层是铜矛头360个,第三层放置铜盔100多个、铜戈370把,最上层为著名的牛方鼎、鹿方 鼎和石磬、碧玉棒等。墓内殉人13个。M1004的时代处于殷墟早期与中期之间。 This large tomb on our side is known as large tomb number 1004. The tomb pit resembles a rectangle, and has four tomb ramps. Again, the tomb’s mouth is larger than its base, and is 12.20 meters deep. The tomb mouth is 17.90 meters (north-south) by 15.90 meters (east-west). The east, west, south, and north tomb ramps are all sloped, measuring 15.00 meters, 13.80 meters, 31.40 meters and 14.10 meters respectively. Inside the tomb pit is the inner wooden chamber, its long planks of wood assembled in a cross shape. The walls of the chamber were painted, engraved with decorative patterns and inlaid. This tomb was looted in the past, but in the southern portion of the tomb pit several important burial articles were preserved. The burial articles were arranged in four layers. The first layer was chariot ornaments and leather armor and shields. The second layer contained 360 bronze spearheads. In the third layer were placed more than 100 bronze helmets and 370 bronze ge-dagger-axes. The topmost layer contained the famous ox and deer square ding-cauldrons I mentioned earlier, as well as stone chimes and jade clubs. Inside the tomb, the remains of 13 human sacrifices were found. Tomb number 1004 is placed chronologically between the early and middle phases at Yinxu. 发掘这座大墓时,在墓的上, , 方发现了一座汉代墓,汉代墓的下方有一个盗洞,一直挖到M1004大墓的 墓室。根据这一点,他们推测早在汉代以前,甚至春秋、西周时期这些大墓已经被盗。该墓在第一次清理 发掘时,没发现什么珍贵文物,而且也是当时发掘的四座大墓(M1001、M1002、M1003)中略小的一座。 在第二次对它清理发掘时,它却大放光彩。在南墓道口未被盗坑波及的一块夯土中,发现了两个大鼎,为 牛方鼎和鹿方鼎。在墓的旁边,我们可以看到两个大鼎的复制品。牛鼎四面为牛头,鹿鼎四面为鹿头,两 件大鼎纹饰精美,器型厚重。梁思永看到两件大鼎后,感慨的说:“牛、鹿大鼎不但是中国考古史上第一大 发现,也是中国时代最早的青铜大鼎第一次出土。”现在这两件大鼎保存在我国的宝岛——台湾。除了这两 个大鼎以外,还发现了车饰、皮甲、盾牌以及大量的铜矛头、铜盔、铜戈等重要文物。因此,这座大墓是 殷墟王陵考古史中最重要的发现之一,同时为我们研究殷商文化起到重要作用。 When this tomb was excavated, a tomb from the Han dynasty was discovered above it. Beneath the Han tomb a looter’s tunnel had been dug straight into the pit of tomb 1004. Based on this evidence, archaeologists have conjectured that early during the Han period, even before the Spring and Autumn period and the Western Zhou dynasty, these tombs were already being plundered. The first time this tomb was scientifically excavated, no valuable cultural relics were discovered, and compared to other tombs excavated at the time, like tombs 1001, 1002, and 1003, this tomb was slightly smaller. When this tomb was dug up a second time by archaeologists, they made an important discovery: at the opening of the southern tomb ramp, they found a section of rammed earth unplundered. There they found two great ding-cauldrons, one decorated with ox motifs and the other decorated with deer motifs. On the side of the tomb, we can see two copies of the great ding-cauldrons. The four sides of the ox ding-cauldron have ox heads, and the four sides of the deer ding-cauldron have deer heads. The decorations of these two pieces are exquisite and their casting is decorous. After seeing these two relics, archaeologist Liang Siyong exclaimed "The ox and deer ding cauldrons are not only the first great discovery of Chinese archaeology, but they are also the earliest bronze ding-cauldrons excavated in Chinese history." Right now these two ding-cauldrons are kept in China’s treasured island, Taiwan. In addition to these two pieces, chariot decorations, leather armor and shields as well as large numbers of bronze spearheads, helmets and ge-dagger-axes were important cultural relics discovered in this tomb. Consequently this tomb is one of the most important discoveries in the history of Shang archaeology, and at the same time has also sparked new trends in the study of Shang culture. 十三、M1001大墓 在王陵遗址大墓中,最具代表性的是M1001。M1001位于王陵遗址西区东部,有4条墓道。墓室平面呈“亞” 字形,南北长18.9米,东西宽21.3米,墓口至墓底深10.5米。4条墓道呈坡状,其东、西、南、北分别长 14.3米、11米 、30.7米、19.5米。墓底由92块长2—4米的巨型柏木板铺底、四壁由巨型木板筑成,最 大者长达6米。这些巨型木板皆涂朱,雕刻花纹,镶嵌兽牙,奢华考究。墓内外的殉人及人牲多达225人, 并出土了青铜礼器、玉石器、白陶及金叶等大量制作极为精美的随葬品。M1001是殷墟王陵遗址中时代较 早的墓葬,被认为是商王武丁的陵墓。 Among the large tombs in the Royal Cemetery site, the leading example is tomb number 1001. Tomb 1001 is located on the eastern side of the western zone. It has four tomb ramps, and the tomb pit is shaped like a cross. From north to south it measures 18.9 meters long, and from east to west it is 21.3 meters wide. From the tomb opening to the bottom, it is 10.5 meters. The four tomb ramps are sloped, with the eastern, western, southern, and northern ramps measuring 14.3 meters, 11 meters, 30.7 meters, Shang king Wu Ding’s tomb. (结束语)商代王家陵园的发现与研究,让我们了解到当年王陵大墓的规模和葬俗,随葬品的数量与组合, 人牲和人殉制度等一系列内容,证实这里是目前我国已知最早最完整的王陵遗址。并且 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 商代已经进入 奴隶社会,最重要的是商代已经拥有十分强大的国力,否则不会有这么庞大的陵墓群,铸造这么精美的器 物。3000多年前的商代是如此繁华,现在我们的家乡安阳,也不逊色,在市委、市政府的领导下,我市经 济已经名列全省前茅,特别是随着“一申四创”的开展,带动了我市文物保护事业的发展,逐步向豫北区域 性中心城市的目标迈进。悠悠历史带给我们无尽的遐想,展望明天,古都安阳将会更加美好~ Discovery and study of the Shang royal clan’s graveyard has allowed us to find out the scope and burial practices of the Royal Cemetery. It has also led us to find out about the makeup and numbers of burial articles, as well as the systems of human live burial and sacrifice. These all verify that this place is indeed China’s earliest known intact royal cemetery site. Moreover, it proves that the Shang dynasty had already developed into a slave society. Most importantly it shows that the Shang dynasty had already acquired truly powerful national strength. Otherwise how could it have constructed such immense tombs or created such exquisite artifacts? Three thousand years ago, the Shang dynasty was flourishing. Our town of Anyang is by no means inferior. Under the leadership of the Party and municipal governments, Anyang’s economy ranks among the top in the entire province. Anyang’s diverse economic development has driven the expansion of the efforts to safeguard local cultural relics, and step by step we strive towards the goal of becoming the central metropolis of northern Henan. History gives us a long record of success. Looking to tomorrow and the future, we see that the ancient capital, Anyang, will become even better. 王陵遗址的讲解到此结束,谢谢~ This concludes the tour of the Royal Cemetery site. Thank you!
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