首页 计算机硬件方面论文计算机硬件应用论文:有关LM3S8962单片机带式输送机控制硬件设计



计算机硬件方面论文计算机硬件应用论文:有关LM3S8962单片机带式输送机控制硬件设计计算机硬件方面论文计算机硬件应用论文:有关LM3S8962单片机带式输送机控制硬件设计 计算机硬件方面论文计算机硬件应用论文: 有关LM3S8962单片机带式输送机控制硬件设计 摘 要: 采用LM3S8962芯片作为带式输送机控制系统的CPU, 该系统的应用可以减少体力劳动,在监控端对系统进行故 障检测和控制。 关键词: LM3S8962;带式输送机;控制;硬件;设计 1 引言 带式输送机在矿井地面运输系统、矿山的井下巷道、选矿厂及露天采矿场中被广泛应用。目前国内对实现带式输送机的智能管理有一定的研究,...

计算机硬件方面论文计算机硬件应用论文:有关LM3S8962单片机带式输送机控制硬件设计 计算机硬件方面论文计算机硬件应用论文: 有关LM3S8962单片机带式输送机控制硬件设计 摘 要: 采用LM3S8962芯片作为带式输送机控制系统的CPU, 该系统的应用可以减少体力劳动,在监控端对系统进行故 障检测和控制。 关键词: LM3S8962;带式输送机;控制;硬件;设计 1 引言 带式输送机在矿井地面运输系统、矿山的井下巷道、选矿厂及露天采矿场中被广泛应用。目前国内对实现带式输送机的智能管理有一定的研究,但功能相对单一,效果也并不十分理想。本文设计了一套带式输送机控制系统,根据远端各个点的传感器发送过来的信号,实现对带式输送机的启停和故障检测。 2 带式输送机控制系统结构设计 本设计的研究象是带式输送机的控制系统。它包括μC/OS-II到带式输送机的控制系统软硬件设计和移植;利用RS485和CAN总线 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 组建CAN控制网络。中央控制系统采用LM3S8962单片机,它能够提供高效的性能、广泛的集成功能以及按照要求定位的选择。系统还支持CAN-Bus、带死区的PWM等超强功能,其特点是外围器件简单,但功能强大、资源丰富、运行稳定并且价格低廉,可以广泛的用于各类大型工业控制。在该系统中搭载了多任务实时操作系统μC/OS-II,它被广泛用于16位、32位甚至64位的微控制器、DSP或all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel are 微处理器。缩短了开发系统的周期,降低开发成本。 设计带式输送机控制系统的目的是为了方便用户操作工业控制系统,同时为工业控制中操作的安全增加保障系数,并降低了工作人员操作系统的时间。因此带式输送机控制系统的基本功能有:带式输送机的启动控制;皮带故障检测控制;皮带故障保护控制;手动紧急停车控制等。 本设计中带式输送机控制系统的动力由多台电机提供。电机通过齿轮,带动其上的皮带转动来实现货物的运输,带式输送机是一个复杂的机电系统,输送物料和传送张力靠输送带来完成,输送带和驱动装置、拉紧装置构成主体。当输送带负载启动时,产生极大的惯性力,存储在输送带中,启动加速度越大,存储的能量也越大,在启动时应减少输送带能量的储存,而在停车时将输送带能量缓慢释放出来,避免应力波造成对输送机部件的冲击和拉紧装置位移过大,因而要选择软启动和软停车,图1是带式输送机的部分结构图。 带式输送机控制系统主控模块以LM3S8962为核心,它主要完成I2C总线控制,按键信号,皮带跑偏、撕裂信号、温度信号、烟雾信号和自动洒水信号的检测,并控制电机转动和CAN总线模块与各个部分之间的通信。 all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel are 3 系统硬件平台 设计带式输送机控制系统使用的主芯片是Lumi-nary Micro公司生产的Stellaris系列微控制器LM3S8962处理器,该芯片内部具有256 kB FLASH和64 kB SRAM,存储容量满足设计要求,不需外部扩展。系统主控模块以LM3S8962为核心,它主要完成按键信号,皮带跑偏、撕裂信号、温度信号、烟雾信号和自动洒水信号的检测,并控制电机转动和CAN总线模块与各个部分之间的通信。LM3S8962芯片能够提供高效的性能、广泛的集成功能以及按照要求定位的选择,适用于各种关注成本并明确要求具有的过程控制以及连接能力的应用 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。此微控制器是针对工业的应用方案而设计的,这些方案包括远程监控、测试和测量设备、工厂自动化等等。芯片LM3S8962内部包含两个RS485模块,故使用TI公司生产的一种RS485接口芯片75LBC184作为通讯模块。选用PHILIPS公司的PCF8574芯片作为LM3S8962微控制器的外部扩展,其电流消耗很低,并且输出锁存具有大电流驱动能力,可直接驱动LED。 all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel are 带式输送机控制系统主要模块包括:按键模块、电机驱动模块、CAN总线模块、检测模块、报警任务模块以及紧急停车模块等。系统总体框图如图2所示,系统主控模块以LM3S8962为核心,它主要完成按键信号,皮带跑偏、撕裂信号、温度信号、烟雾信号和自动洒水信号的检测,并控制电机转动和CAN总线模块与各个部分之间的通信。 4 μC/OS-II的移植 μC/OS-II是一种通过认证、源代码公开的嵌入式实时多任务操作系统,它包含了实时内核、任务管理、时间管理、任务间通信同步和内存管理等功能。它可以使各个任务独立工作,很容易实现准时而且无误执行,使实时应用程序的设计和扩展变得容易,使应用程序的设计过程大为减化。它的绝大部分的代码采用C语言编写的,包含一小部分汇编代码。它已经被成功的移植在DSP、16/32位MCU上。μC/OS-II在硬件平台上的移植包括与处理器相关的程序修改和应用all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel are 程序的添加。 本系统选择的LM3S8962 ARM和LMlink编译器符合该操作系统的移植条件。主机通过JTAG接口连接目标板建立交叉开发调试环境。 整个控制系统的主要任务包括:读写UART0任务、报警任务、显示任务、启停任务等。 在完成以上任务的代码后,编写相关中断服务程序,并启动操作系统,此时应用程序开始运行。若需要增加其他功能,只需要增加相应的任务和调用一定的系统服务即可。 5 带式输送机控制系统的检测 当带式输送机启动进入正常运行后,控制系统需要实时对系统进行监控。 (1)带式输送机控制系统装有一个可触摸的液晶显示屏,可以显示本机在上产线路上的运行情况。图3为液晶显示屏最初显示,为all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel are 皮带保护系统菜单,它包括工作状态、参数设置和测试程序。 单击工作状态可进入监控界面。当带式输送机正常运行时,监控画面只显示设备状态为运行,如图4所示。 当带式输送机出现故障时,监控画面在故障名称处显示出现的故障类型,在故障位置处显示出现故障的位置,如图5所示。 (2)故障的检测和保护可使用传感器和动作开关检测来实现。它包括跑偏传感器、速度传感器、撕裂传感器、温度传感器、烟雾传感器、急停开关、拉绳急停等,这些传感器和开关的使用实现了带式输送机皮带的检测保护。 ? 胶带跑偏保护:跑偏开关动作时,跑偏报警信号动作于现场报警及发出信号至集控室,现场工作人员和集控室值班人员应根据报警及时处理。可采用跑偏开关用于皮带运输跑偏监测和保护,(延时2 s)报警并可急停皮带(根据需要)。 all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel are ? 速度、打滑保护:采用速度传感器探测胶带输送机速度及加速度,实现超速打滑保护。当皮带机运行速度低于额定速度(2 m/s)的50%以下时,延时15 s停车;当皮带机完全打滑或倒带时延时小于2 s停车。在此设备顺序之后的按正常停机顺序依次停机,同时返回信号给集控室。 ? 皮带纵向撕裂保护:纵向撕裂传感器安装在出料端,当皮带发生纵向撕裂故障时,传感器动作报警延时小于2 s停车。撕裂开关动作时,受控设备及受控设备之前的设备立即停机,在此设备顺序之后的按正常停机顺序依次停机,同时返回信号给集控室。 ? 烟雾保护:采用烟雾传感器,当皮带或物料有烟雾产生时,控制机显示报警并启动洒水灭尘装置。该信号为自锁信号需要人为复位按钮来复位,再次报警时间为30 min。 ? 温度监测:采用非接触式温度传感器来测量滚筒温度,并将all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel are 它转换成电压信号,控制机根据所测量的温度与设定温度之比,来控制洒水装置灭火,同时显示报警和急停。 ? 急停拉线开关闭锁:控制急停的闭锁保护及故障识别,拉线急停闭锁开关,用于皮带沿线紧急闭锁保护。当闭锁开关动作,控制机报警并发出急停命令,延时小于2 s停车。(报警并急停皮带) 6 结论 采用LM3S8962微控制器设计的带式输送机控制系统,具有丰富的功能和强大的实时处理能力,功能容易扩展。而操作系统使用μC/OS-II可简化程序设计,增强了模块化程度。这种使用高性能微控制器并结合实时操作系统的构架模式已成为控制系统的一种发展趋势。在此基础上,可以将使用RS-485的通信方式由CAN总线代替,可以增加通信范围。 参考文献 [1] 邵贝贝,等译.嵌入式实时操作系统μCOS-II[M].北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2003. [2] 孙秋野,孙凯,冯健.ARM嵌入式系统开发典型模块[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2007. [3] 丁国超.μC/OS-?实时操作系统在ARM微处理器上的移植[M].哈尔滨:哈尔滨理工大学,2005. [29] 雷必成,吴高标,吴永良.嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OS-II的移植探讨[J].自动化技术与应用,2003,(5):1-3. all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel are
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