首页 路畅科技 路畅畅新大众迈腾导航特点效果及技术参数欣赏

路畅科技 路畅畅新大众迈腾导航特点效果及技术参数欣赏


路畅科技 路畅畅新大众迈腾导航特点效果及技术参数欣赏路畅科技 路畅畅新大众迈腾导航特点效果及技术参数欣赏 路畅畅新系列大众迈腾专用DVD导航-产品特点: 1、7寸数字屏全功能触摸操作高清数字屏幕800x480,115200分辨率,画面更清晰; 2、保留原车主机,支持原车蓝牙,600MHzCPU,2G闪存,4GSD卡; 3、专车专用,中文英语双语选择模式,真正的多功能一体机; 4、自动规划路径,全程智能语音导航提示功能,时间,距离提示、路名、方向提示,主辅路,分岔路提示,目的地提示; 5、采用凯立德实景导航地图,功能、界面、数据全面革新,具有电子狗、实景地图、...

路畅科技 路畅畅新大众迈腾导航特点效果及技术参数欣赏
路畅科技 路畅畅新大众迈腾导航特点效果及技术参数欣赏 路畅畅新系列大众迈腾专用DVD导航-产品特点: 1、7寸数字屏全功能触摸操作高清数字屏幕800x480,115200分辨率,画面更清晰; 2、保留原车主机,支持原车蓝牙,600MHzCPU,2G闪存,4GSD卡; 3、专车专用,中文英语双语选择模式,真正的多功能一体机; 4、自动规划路径,全程智能语音导航提示功能,时间,距离提示、路名、方向提示,主辅路,分岔路提示,目的地提示; 5、采用凯立德实景导航地图,功能、界面、数据全面革新,具有电子狗、实景地图、手势命令和亚光防眩的尊贵质感; 6、内置蓝牙模块,实现蓝牙免提,触摸拨号,支持来电显示,电话簿显示等功能; 7、MP3/MP4可通过USB双向拷贝及浏览,支持mp3中文显示; 8、全面兼容原车功能DVD, SVCD, VCD, CD, MP3,可播放DVD/VCD/CD碟片,支持多种视频格式; 9、支持AM/FM,无限量存储电台,电台重命名; 10、内置电子日记本,常见办公软件阅读,支持多种文件格式及图片浏览; 11、内置多款大众娱乐游戏,丰富您的旅途生活,多种语言支持; 12、直接使用原车装束,安装支架,支持原车方向盘控制,实现直正的专车专用; 13、支持数字电视输入及控制(EDVB-100); 14、支持10-DISC DVD SANYO 换碟机; 15、支持倒车后视输入及控制,倒车后视,自动切换; 16、DVD音视频输出,可连接头枕显示器; 17、内置45Wx4功率放大器,4.1声道输出; 18、USB 2.0,SD 卡扩展槽。 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 三、路畅大众迈腾专用DVD导航|畅新系列迈腾导航|迈腾GPS导航安装效果图——全车风貌 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 路畅大众迈腾专用DVD导航|畅新系列迈腾导航|迈腾GPS导航安装效果图—— 开机界面 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 路畅大众迈腾专用DVD导航|畅新系列迈腾导航|迈腾GPS导航安装效果图——导航 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 路畅大众迈腾专用DVD导航|畅新系列迈腾导航|迈腾GPS导航安装效果图——DVD a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 路畅大众迈腾专用DVD导航|畅新系列迈腾导航|迈腾GPS导航安装效果图——蓝牙 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 路畅大众迈腾专用DVD导航|畅新系列迈腾导航|迈腾GPS导航安装效果图——收音机 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 路畅大众迈腾专用DVD导航|畅新系列迈腾导航|迈腾GPS导航安装效果图——摄像头 安装地点:河南郑州北环汽配装饰广场A区6排 安装时间:2011.12.27 壹捷汽车服务连锁河南郑州站同时根据您个人需求,针对您爱车的本身特点,以我们专业的视野,为您提供专业的最经济最具品质的整车装饰养护设计方案~我们拥有包括平价品牌汽车贴膜中心(美国龙膜、3M、威固、强生、等)、汽车美容养护中心(镀膜、镀晶、、玻璃镀膜等)、汽车装饰中心(脚垫、倒车雷达)、DVD导航中心(卡仕达、飞歌、路畅、新星光电、富威、原车屏幕升级导航,车载电脑等)等一站式汽车服务体系。 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the
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