首页 华林玉器街 小店卧虎藏龙 纯玉闻名全国

华林玉器街 小店卧虎藏龙 纯玉闻名全国


华林玉器街 小店卧虎藏龙 纯玉闻名全国华林玉器街 小店卧虎藏龙 纯玉闻名全国 2009年08月28日 来源: 南方都市报 1在玉器街里,每间小铺都卧虎藏龙,店主都是深藏不露的赏玉行家。 2玉器街以批发为主兼营零售,批发数额巨大,零售以旅游和家庭顾客为主。 华林玉器街不仅是一个商业旺地,更是一个带有历史底蕴的人文之地。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must stati...

华林玉器街 小店卧虎藏龙 纯玉闻名全国
华林玉器街 小店卧虎藏龙 纯玉闻名全国 2009年08月28日 来源: 南方都市报 1在玉器街里,每间小铺都卧虎藏龙,店主都是深藏不露的赏玉行家。 2玉器街以批发为主兼营零售,批发数额巨大,零售以旅游和家庭顾客为主。 华林玉器街不仅是一个商业旺地,更是一个带有历史底蕴的人文之地。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 在广州看见世界 让世界看见广州 广州名片专业市场系列 总第32期 候选名片31号 提名辞 华林玉器街,自清代开始闻名的广州玉器交易集散地,它的魅力并不仅仅在于商贸或交易的台面数字,而是几百年沉淀下来的历史底蕴,它代表的是,是广州一个辉煌的侧面。 索引 在广州,与幸福象征紧密相联的地方叫华林玉器街,其附近在清朝同治年间已有经营玉器的玉器墟,不仅是广州人腕上颈间那抹温润的孕育地,更是全国闻名的玉器集散地。 华林街与历史悠久的华林寺——五百罗汉堂共处一地,亦构成市区观光旅游购物的一个人文景点。华林街,不仅仅只是一个商业旺地,更是一个带有历史底蕴的人文之地。 唯心 一种无价的城市气质 看《书剑恩仇录》,乾隆送给陈家洛的玉上面刻着“情深不寿,强极则辱,谦谦君子,温润如玉”。 这可算是无上赞赏了,在那年头,赞扬一个人是君子比赞扬他是商业奇才更让人受落。而这“君子”用“玉”来形容,就更凸显了一个极品好男人的形象。 这就是玉的魅力。 广东人尤其对玉钟情。广州平民百姓喜爱玉器的民风,据说要追溯到1863年之后。当时,广州华林街崇德号、祥胜号等玉器铺相继开堂营业,为大众提供了“见玉抚玉,买玉藏玉”的平台。而现代社会太过浮躁,满大街的钻石黄金首饰广告,爱情与亲情都可以用标签衡量,翡翠玉石似乎有些沉寂。但其实玉一直在这个城市里,可能是公交车上一位职业套装裹身的年轻女子举起双手握扶手时,从衣袖里露出来的一截玉镯,也可能是茶餐厅的老板颈上无意间溜出领口的一尊玉佛,它们隐藏在车水马龙间,不曾在我们的视野里远离,只是不事张扬——这本来就不是张扬的主。 但也有张扬的。我在华林街上遇到一位做古玩生意的“西关大少”,大花红衣,脖子、手腕、手指上全是厚实碧绿的翡翠,说起玉石的搭配一套一套:花的衣服自然要配绿的玉,越绿越好,穿唐装,羊脂白是最好的,西装则得搭配翠玉„„ 无论是张扬或低调,都在这个城市里各行其道,翡红翠绿。 如果要找一种符合广州气质的珠宝玉器,玉无疑是最佳选择。可以不事张扬,低调温润,source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 亦可以高调亮相,更重要的,在于它的“无价”。 黄金有价玉石无价,这是我采访时听得最多的一句话。为什么无价?从玉的属性说起,玉是天然非金属矿物,与金属的不同在于,翡翠不是单晶体,而是矿物集合体,组成集合体的矿物种类、颜色、粒度往往不相一致,使得翡翠的外观千姿百态,尤其是特别稀有的玉,仅此一块,别无类同,更无从定价;另一方面,“玉无价”是指作为个人珍藏的心爱之物,很难说其究竟值多少钱。关键在第二点。打上了感情牌,这价格自然不好说了。 广州人民对这个城市的感情,并不会贴上标签,即使类似十大美食城市的评选榜上无名,广州人民也不当一回事,不聒噪,不愤忿,饭照吃,茶照喝,生活本质该怎么样就怎么样,这个城市比谁都明白,玉的珍贵与光芒,都在那层粗糙的表层之下。 正传 历史悠久的“老字号”地位无人能及 玉器街的经营,有一段让广州人自豪的悠长历史。 西关作为广州这座千年商都的传统商圈,自古以来商贾云集、名流荟萃,金饰珠宝消费及收藏源远流长。从史料上我们可以看到,玉器街旧称玉器墟,早在清朝同治年间已有经营玉器的玉器墟。相邻的上下九路,过去也曾是金器玉石集散地。有的贸易关系自明代起甚至更远的时代延续至今,祖祖辈辈都在经营珠宝玉器生意。 玉器街主要经营缅甸翡翠玉,以批发为主,兼容零售,同时提供原石购销、加工服务,大大减少了中间环节,因此玉器价格相对便宜不少,吸引了大量海内外客商前来采购。这里的营业时间是从上午9时至下午5时,交易高峰时间为上午11时至下午3时,每天的客流量多达上万人。 在玉器街上走一圈,会发现眼睛都用不过来,这里最大的特点是经营品种齐备:既有介面、耳扣、玉坠、玉镯,也有杏心、花件、花牌;既有古玉和仿古玉器,也有近年时尚的生肖类玉器;既有雕工精细的座件摆件,也有玉器加工工具;既有可保值的A货玉器,也有价格相宜的B货、C货玉器;甚至还卖玉石毛料。 广东有四大翡翠玉器市场,包括广州华林街、四会、佛山平洲、揭阳阳美,作为一个“老字号”,华林街固然有因历史沉淀而积累下来的名声在外,却也面临老字号如何焕发新彩的问题。对此,华林社区综合服务中心主任刘耀明认为,华林街这块响当当的招牌,至今仍然无人能及,它最大的优势在于它的历史以及由历史而衍生出来的市场定位,毕竟它与平洲或揭阳不同,这里以高中档的成品玉器为主,主要功能是交易地与集散地,从这一点上讲,它的地位无人能及。 现场传真 从长寿路地铁站出来,向南走,是人头涌动的上下九,我选择沿着长寿路往东。五分钟后,路旁的小店里开始出现零散的卖玉器小店,夹杂在各种杂货店、士多、工艺品店中间,渐渐地呈现燎原之势,直至在拐弯时发现周围全是玉器店,可以断定:华林街到了。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 我到的时候显然正是一天中的交易高峰期。许多店内灯火通明,人头攒动,玉器琳琅满目、翡红翠绿、润色生辉,与其它的专业批发市场昏黄暗淡的光线相比,玉器市场估计可以评个“最佳灯光奖”,绝大多数店铺皆灯光璀璨,照得玉器们晶莹剔露。一切,充满西关特有的繁华热闹市井风情。这些小店看起来并不太起眼,但是灯光下的玉石交易却是风起云涌,一件件价值连城的玉器,便是从这里流向市场 深藏不露的业内行家 我的第一站是华林工贸总公司。 以前,由于华林玉器街没有统一的发展商,许多玉器商店是租用民居开设的,而华林工贸总公司以前在这里开设的“华林玉器大楼”是最大的玉器商场,聚集了众多玉器商户,也由于多年来华林工贸总公司在玉器街获得商户的信任,在行内形成了权威,所以被玉器街的商家拥为行尊,街市内的大小事务常由该公司牵头。比如,筹集资金整饰玉器街、推介宣传玉器街、调解买家与卖家的纠纷、为客商联系租铺事宜、提供申办店档牌证照等服务。因此,可以这么说,华林工贸总公司和华林玉器街管委会实际上都是一家。 爬上一个狭小楼梯,门一开,热闹迎面而来。这里就像一个流水席,不断有人进来,有人出去,有商户、有工作人员、有消费者,还有像我这样的“闲杂人等”。坐下没多久,工贸总公司经理三哥就来了几个朋友,手上颈上都是一抹翠绿,甚至还从包里掏出好几个包得严严实实的藏品,是家里收藏了好多年的宝贝,都带了过来,目的就是让专家们给看看真假。 在华林街上,有十几家国家级的 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 机构,对于玉石的检测,是再简单不过的事情。华林工贸总公司并不提供检测业务,但作为行家,总有不少朋友找上门来让三哥“帮眼”。 围着坐一圈的,除了三哥,还有宏丰玉器商行的叶卫雄、伟麟珠宝有限公司的倪志强,都是在玉器街上浸淫了十几二十年的行家,那些玉器在他们手里转了一圈,定论一致:这件是真的,这件和那件最好还是拿去玉器街上的检测机构测一测——他们不动声色,但其实早已有了定论,而且那判断八九不离十,然而他们更愿意让科学仪器来证实,那显然更具说服力。 那一刻,我觉得自己就像身处武林大会之中,身边高手如云,却低调得看不见一招一式。 藏龙卧虎的华林小店 对于外行人来讲,身陷华林街中未免眼花缭乱。 玉器与其它首饰不同,一般人很难从外形上判断其价值。比如黄金,至少可以凭肉眼从金链的粗壮程度来判断它的价格;钻石,一克拉的肯定比半克拉的贵这也是可以遵循的原则;但玉,不以大小论英雄,你得会看,包括什么种、透明度等等专业术语,同样形状的一件玉器,价格可以相差几十倍几百倍几万倍。 单以玉镯为例。云南端丽亦产玉器,我去过那边的玉器街,当时许多同行者对某家店里一个二十八万的玉镯咋舌不已。华林玉器街上的手镯,从几十几百块到几十万都有。有个店主source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 随便拿了个店里现货中最贵的手镯,告诉我那玩意价格是六十万左右。而这价格,在玉器街上肯定不是最高的。我算了一下,戴着那镯子,等于带着一套小户型上街。店家又拿了两个挂件给我看。其中一块叶子形状的,翠绿得让人我见犹怜,心生倾慕之意;而另一个,颜色浅,亦没有之前的通透,如果让我猜它们之间的价格差异,我最多会猜“十倍”,但店家说了,“一百倍”。这里面的玄机,岂是我们这些门外汉能看得透的。在这些一间一间紧密挨着的小店,可能都藏着数件价格高昂的玉器,似乎一个“藏龙卧虎”都不够形容。 但也不必因此便生了怯意,也有许多便宜的小东西,比如手机绳,密密麻麻的一大串,最便宜的五块十块都有交易。这就是老字号专业市场的好处,从五块十块到价值连城,一千多家商铺,你总能找到属于自己的心头好。 评估报告 零散小作坊,用现代化科学来管理 直到去年,“华林玉器街”的注册商标终于申请成功,现在已成为一个正正式式的“名牌”。 现时玉器街市场统一管理, 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 健全,玉器街内进行统一产品质量标识,说明产品的产地、质量、属A货B货或C货,顾客在购买时可以要求商铺出具产品质量保证书,街内还设有质量投诉站、投诉电话和质量检测站,确保消费者的权益。 随着玉器街的发展,玉器街管委会决定增加管理职能,并打算将管委会迁址至合适而便利的地点。据介绍,管委会将转变为管理监控部门,对玉器街上的商场及店铺的玉石进行抽检,进一步净化市场,同时将成立玉器商会,商户将以入会的形式呈现,由商会颁发类似于“优质诚信商户”的标志,并整合商户资源,打造玉器“名牌产品”,这样既是给消费者一个指引,同时也保护了正当商家的利益,令购物环境更 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 。 单纯的零散小作坊显然已不适合这个社会,没有现代化科学的管理,再辉煌的老字号也容易没落,“华林玉器街”要成为一个真正恒久的名牌,这条路似乎走对了。 话说 ◎华林玉器街管委会成员、华林工贸总公司经理 郑亚三 “玉无价,行家有价” 二十多年前,郑亚三开始做玉石生意,那时卖玉都是推着小车在大路中央做生意。二十年后,华林街上的玉器摊档成行成市,郑亚三被大家尊称为“三哥”,他现在的身份是华林玉器街管委会成员、华林工贸总公司经理。 中国有句俗语叫“玉无价”,但在内业又有一句话——“玉无价,行家有价”,因为行家们自然深知玉石的价值几何,因此当消费者与商家之间发生纠纷,比如当消费者不小心打烂了玉器而被要求用天价赔偿购买时,华林玉器街管委会便能从行家的角度很好地充当仲裁者的角色,对于消费者来说,这是就像娘家一样能给他们提供放心购物的强有力保障。 ◎宏丰玉器商行负责人 叶卫雄 华林街的吸引之处在于它的文化底蕴 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 关于华林玉器街有许多传说,比如滇西的马帮无意中带来了一块玉石,开始了华林玉器街的辉煌,但对于在华林街的老商户来说,他们并不太愿意相信这些所谓的传说,在叶卫雄看来,华林街的辉煌,在于它的文化与历史底蕴。 叶卫雄,宏丰玉器商行负责人,在华林街上开店已经十多年,对于华林街历史的了解,让他不像个商人,而更像个街道宣传大使。叶卫雄说,几百年前,华林街本就是一个零散的玉石作坊,而且在古代,玉器并非是寻常百姓人家可轻松拥有的奢侈品,华林街的玉器大多是为“官家”而做,类似于“官窑”,每一年都要进贡到宫里。 现在的“华林街”,本身就是一个名牌,这里的店几乎家家都是“老字号”。谈及华林玉器街,在业内人人皆知,一个做玉器的人,他可能不晓得怎么去揭阳,不晓得怎么去平洲,但一定会知道华林街怎么走。作为一个玉石集散地,这里吸引了很多行家前来,这便是华林街文化底蕴的魅力所在。 ◎伟麟珠宝有限公司负责人 倪志强 上好的玉器具备收藏和投资价值 华林玉器街上绝大多数都是“个体户”,即使卖着几十万的玉器,也只守着小小的档口,开着一间小小的商行,做着小老板。但倪志强不一样,他是华林街上仅有的三四家珠宝有限公司的负责人。 倪志强的珠宝生意算是家族生意,在华林街上已经营业二十多年,从小店做成了有限公司,不但加工玉石,还卖自家设计的珠宝,甚至赞助香港小姐竞选。在倪志强看来,做玉石生意,绝对是个风险行当,最终仍然要讲运气,因为即使是老行家,也有可能失手。花大价钱买回来的玉,“开玉”的时候那一刀下去,“谁敢看?!” 因了这“风险”,再加上玉石属于有限资源,因此玉石也极具收藏或投资价值。倪志强说,上好的玉器,须同时具备原材料与工艺的双重优质条件,才有收藏和投资的价值。 买手贴士 [手镯]最显气质的女人宠物 玉器首饰中,最得女人欢心的,自然是玉手镯。 一个好的手镯,透明度、幼洁度要够,如果你嫌这些名词听起来太玄乎,可以看手镯的厚度,一般来讲,种好的玉石才能做出厚的手镯,所以你如果是个门外汉,也可以先用这一招来判断——但是,也并非百分之百准确。 [挂件]男女老少皆宜 脖子上挂件男女老少皆宜,因此受欢迎率也高。而且它的可塑性强,可以做出各种形状,大小随意,绿叶形状、小辣椒、动物、佛像,既有装饰作用,也能辟邪保平安。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 验明正身 全国闻名的玉器交易场所和集散地 ◎成立时间:1988年6月 ◎商户:1000多户 ◎经营及加工产制人员: 超过10000人 ◎年纳税额:450万左右 广州玉器街,毫无悬念地位于西关腹地——下九路与长寿路之间的华林街内。 华林玉器街建于1988年6月,经过二十多年来的发展,现已形成一条以室内玉器业户经营为主、蜚声中外、颇具特色的玉器珠宝专业街,它以华林寺前街为中心,包括西来正街、华林新街、茂林直街、长胜街等连绵五百多米,原来街上最大的华林珠宝玉器大楼于2008年底被拆,相当一部分的商户便搬进了位于华林街上的名汇商厦,兜兜转转,仍然没有离开这片区域。 玉器街以批发为主兼容零售,批发数额巨大,零售以旅游和家庭顾客为主。 据华林社区综合服务中心主任刘耀明介绍,根据2009年上半年的最新统计数据,预计华林玉器街今年全年缴国家税收约为450万元,目前由下九路至长寿路的华林玉器街内,登记的个体户已有600多户,摊位1000多个,玉器街经营及加工产制人员达一万多人,大部分个体户以家庭作坊式运营。这里囊括了广州玉器交易总量的70%至75%,其交易辐射至中国大陆香港、台湾、日本、韩国及东南亚等国家和地区;其生意吸引力使缅甸、香港、台湾、及云南、河南、福建等国内外玉器商来此经营,是全国闻名的玉器交易场所和集散地。 撰文:本报记者 刘毓 实习生 渠畅 摄影:本报记者 黄集昊 下期预告 6年前,华岭家纺窗帘城才诞生在“全国布料看广东,广东布料看中大”的中大布匹市场里,跟很多老资历的专业市场相比,它无疑是相当年轻的。但凭着短短几年的打拼,它目前已成为华南最大的家纺窗帘批发市场,每天约100万米的家纺面料从这里流向全球。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of
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