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生产工人岗位职责生产工人岗位职责 中铁二十局集团第一工程有限公司 浏阳平达制梁场 二0一0年六月 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the p...

生产工人岗位职责 中铁二十局集团第一工程有限公司 浏阳平达制梁场 二0一0年六月 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 锅炉工职责 1、 严格遵守锅炉操作规程,不得出现误操作。 2、 注意锅炉机械部分和电路部分的正常运行,发现隐情及时排除,并要随时注意观察水位表、压力表、炉体状态、炉膛燃烧、排烟设施等,及时合理的调节操作程序,使锅炉正常、安全、高效的运行。 3、 负责安全阀、压力表的定期校验。 4、按要求填写锅炉运行记录,向接班人员交待本班运行情况,和接班人共同检查设备运行情况、相关记录及仪表指示。 5、 完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 水处理工职责 1、 检查所用量具、仪器、仪表、制水设备是否完好。 2、 检查各种试剂及药品配制或储备状况,检查水质检验记录和接班水碱度及排污情况。 3、 对水池水位查看是否在正常水位 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 线。 4、 发现问题及时处理,遗留问题落实责任,向上级汇报并登记。 5、 履行手续,在交接班记录上签字。 6、 穿戴好劳保用品,备齐量具、仪器、仪表。 7、 及时、真实、准确记录当班制水情况和水质分析结果。 8、 陪同接班人检查化验仪器、仪表、量具完好药品储备情况。 9、 履行交接手续,建立交接班签字 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。 10、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 钢筋制作工职责 1、 熟悉产品图纸、工艺技术标准、内控指标、检验方法及控制手段,掌握加工材料质量是否合格,加工方法,严格按标准化作业。 2、 认真执行工艺操作规程,按要求进行钢筋的焊接、冷拉、配料、下料、弯曲、制作,节约原材料。 3、熟悉掌握所使用设备性能,坚持保养维护,开工前检查设备运转情况,严格执行设备操作规程及有关管理要求。 4、钢筋焊接按桥梁工艺细则进行,接头应焊接良好、完全焊透,且不得有钢筋烤伤及裂缝等现象。焊接后,送试验室进行冷弯和抗拉强度试验,批量焊接中间都要随机送样检查合格才能使用。 5、 对岗位产品质量负责,搞好自检、互检控制本工序质量,服务于下工序,钢筋对焊合格率100,,下料合格率100,,制作合格率100,。 6、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 钢筋绑扎工职责 1、 熟悉产品 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 图纸、工艺技术标准、内容指标、检验方法及控制手段,严格按桥梁生产工艺细则标准化作业。 2、 认真执行工艺纪律、操作规程、技术标准,绑扎不得跳扣。 3、 按图纸和验收标准要求进行绑扎,检查预留孔道位置正确,钢筋骨架顺直,桥梁支座配件安装正确,各部尺寸符合技术标准工艺细则要求。 4、 对本岗位产品质量、工序质量负责,搞好自检、互检,控制工序质绑扎合格率100,,桥梁生产质量信息反馈,发现问题及时处理。 5、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 模板工职责 1、 熟悉产品施工图纸、工艺技术标准、内控标准、检验方法,及控制手段,严格按桥梁生产工艺细则标准化作业。 2、 认真执行工艺操作规程、技术标准,立模检查钢模必须符合技术要求,•均匀涂刷隔离剂不得漏刷。 3、 底模应检查反拱度及各部尺寸,符合标准,起移梁段、支座段正确安装,接缝平整,移梁后清理底模,涂刷隔离剂。 4、 对本岗位工序质量、产品质量负责,搞好自检、互检,控制本工序质量,收集生产中的信息及时反馈。 5、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 搅拌机司机职责 1、认真执行工艺操作规程,按试验室配合比通知单配料,计量准确,控制好砼质量。熟悉掌握拌合设备的性能,维护保养、使用,严格按箱梁生产工艺细则标准化作业。 2、 砼配制各种原材料必须合格,按施工配合比计算每盘各种原材料的实际用量,进行投料拌合,水泥、水、减水剂准确到?1,,碎石、砂准确到?2,。 3、 配料的所有计量器具必须是在有效期内使用,确保作业时运转正常,若出现异常情况,立即报告调度和试验室值班人员进行妥善处理。 4、 开拌前检查设备运转正常,拌合机不应带负荷和超负荷使用,投料时依照规定的数量进行。拌合速度和灌注速度配合,服从灌注,如灌注因故暂停则拌合机的砼不能放在拌合斗中,不合格的砼不得灌入梁内,砼施工配合比应按当天试验室的通知单使用,砼拌合完毕清洗拌合机,检查维护有关设备以使下次再用。 5、对本岗位拌合的砼质量负责,收集掌握生产的信息及时反馈处理问题,参加班组质量管理活动。 6、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 混凝土工职责 1、 认真正确执行工艺操作规程,按箱梁生产工艺细则标准化作业,控制砼坍落度,确保砼灌注质量,及时向拌合站反馈信息,相互配合。 2、砼灌注前检查安装模板,各部尺寸、各种配件、联结件、紧固件达到质量要求,有可能漏浆缝隙全部堵好,防止漏浆,下料控制速度,在灌注时混凝土温度高于5?才能进行施工,并且在环境温度高于30?时不得进行灌注。 3、在灌注的同时,按要求随机抽样制作标准试件和梁体同等条件养护,混凝土灌注完后,罩好养护罩,通知养护人员进行蒸汽养护。 4、混凝土工对岗位灌注质量负责,收集生产中的质量信息及时反馈处理,参加班组质量管理活动。 5、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 穿束人员质量职责 1、 作业人员严格执行桥梁工艺细则,操作工艺规程和技术标准,确保穿束质量。 2、 拔管原则是管壁砼无塌陷现象,在梁体砼灌注完毕6,8小时进行,不得过早过晚拔管,拔管卷杨机3,5吨,保养维修、运转正常,拔管时用Φ10,12钢丝将梁端外露胶管捆住,接上卷样机钢丝绳,开动卷杨机稍稳定一下力量再拉,使胶管从外向内逐渐剥离砼而顺利拔出,拔管梁体砼先灌一端开始,自上而下进行,每次拔管根数不得超过2根。 3、 穿束工艺及要求具体执行工艺细则。 4、 对穿束的质量负责,收集信息及时反馈处理。参加班组质量管理活动,搞好安全文明生产及定置管理。 5、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 张拉工职责 1、 张拉严格正确执行操作工艺规程和技术标准、箱梁生产工艺细则,控制张拉工序,确保质量。 2、张拉前应检查锚具合格,满足工艺要求,油表和千斤顶的校正满足 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 要求,•使用其它计量器具必须在有效期内使用。 3、 张拉安全操作,油泵机上的安全阀应调到最大工作油压下,能自动打开油表安装满扣,油管各接头紧密,油路畅通,在最大工作油压下保持5分钟以上不得漏油,电路不带电检修,油路不带压检修,张拉两端司机统一指挥,工作完后,打开油阀切断电源,非操作司机严禁操作。千斤顶不准超过最大设计拉力和行程,张拉中,千斤顶正后方不准站人,油管不准踩踏攀扶。张拉时发现油表读数不高而行程太大,应停止张拉查明原因,再进行张拉。张拉油泵操作专心专意,不准与外人交谈,更不准开动油泵干其它工作,注意设备的维护保养,以保证运转正常。 4、 对本岗位张拉质量负责,对张拉设备负责,控制好张拉工序质量,掌握张拉中的质量信息及时反馈处理,参加班组质量管理活动及工序管理点的控制,搞好安全文明生产及定置管理。 5、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 压浆作业人员职责 1、 压浆作业人员必须严格执行工艺操作规程和技术标准,确保压浆密实和隐蔽工程质量。 2、 压浆工艺、梁体封端工艺、防水层及保护层工艺及要求按工艺细则执行。 3、 对配套工程质量负责,收集生产中的质量信息,及时反馈处理,参加质量管理活动,搞好文明生产及定置管理,做好原始记录交接工序。 4、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 起移梁及出场装车人员职责 1、 起移梁及出场装车严格执行工艺规程,检查设备运转正常,钢丝绳完好无损,各种配件符合要求确保梁体、人身、设备安全。 2、 起移梁及出场装车工艺及要求按照工艺细则执行。 3、 出场梁配对按照预应力张拉时间接近配对。 4、起移梁出场装车应对产品质量负责,收集质量信息及时处理,参加班组质量管理活动,搞好安全文明生产及定置管理。 5、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 焊工职责 1、 焊工必须严格执行技术安全操作规程,确保人身及设备安全,熟悉掌握桥梁生产配件、网片、设备维修保养的焊接方法,并对焊接的质量负责。 2、 梁场焊工必须服从调度,配合各班满足生产需要,施焊时严格执行工艺要求,注意材料使用要求和加工方法。 3、 做到安全文明生产,搞好定置管理,收集、反馈质量信息及时处理,参加班组质量管理活动,如实填写好原始记录。 4、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 龙门吊司机职责 1、 严格执行龙门吊安全操作规程,确保人身及设备安全。 2、 必须服从指挥,听从口令进行吊装作业。 3、 负责龙门吊日常检查和保养工作。 4、 完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 各种机械操作人员质量职责 1、 各种机械操作人员,必须熟悉掌握各自操作设备机械性能、技术要求,注意人身及设备安全。 2、 必须严格执行技术安全工艺操作规程,负责各岗位上机械设备维护保养,使机械设备运转正常,满足梁场桥梁生产要求。 3、 服从调度指挥,配合好桥梁生产,对各自使用的设备机械及加工产品质量负责。 4、 做到安全文明生产,搞好定置管理,收集传递生产中的质量信息及时处理参加班组质量活动,如实填写各种原始资料。 5、完成领导交办的其他工作。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and
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