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厦门凤凰花又开 离别在最美的季节


厦门凤凰花又开 离别在最美的季节厦门凤凰花又开 离别在最美的季节 暖暖的海风轻轻地吹来,凤凰花又盛开,远远地浮起一片片红云,我的梦做了起来,如今我早已在凤凰树下歌唱,难忘记那个夏日校园外徘徊期待,暖暖的海风轻轻地吹来,凤凰花又盛开,我感到时间它过得真快,去年的花影还在,岁月不将人待,花枝在风中摇摆,我的旅程怎么怎么能够懈怠——《凤凰花又开》陈楚生 凤凰花开 关于凤凰花的很多歌曲,都和青葱的青春岁月相联系。“凤凰花,像青春不能避免短暂的邂逅。”而《凤凰花开的路口》则是厦大人的经典吟唱了。“凤凰花开开两季,一季毕业生走,一季新生来。” hea...

厦门凤凰花又开 离别在最美的季节
厦门凤凰花又开 离别在最美的季节 暖暖的海风轻轻地吹来,凤凰花又盛开,远远地浮起一片片红云,我的梦做了起来,如今我早已在凤凰树下歌唱,难忘记那个夏日校园外徘徊期待,暖暖的海风轻轻地吹来,凤凰花又盛开,我感到时间它过得真快,去年的花影还在,岁月不将人待,花枝在风中摇摆,我的旅程怎么怎么能够懈怠——《凤凰花又开》陈楚生 凤凰花开 关于凤凰花的很多歌曲,都和青葱的青春岁月相联系。“凤凰花,像青春不能避免短暂的邂逅。”而《凤凰花开的路口》则是厦大人的经典吟唱了。“凤凰花开开两季,一季毕业生走,一季新生来。” head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 红艳艳的一片 凤凰木:叶如飞凰之羽,花若丹凤之冠。盛开时一树艳火焚尽, 来年重生新绿。恰似凤凰涅槃,故而以凤凰命名。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 凤凰花开时的厦大真美 花开的六七月,正好是大学毕业的季节。眼望那一树的火红,厦 大的学子们是否格外感慨时光的流逝和人生的转折呢, 美丽的厦大 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 在这个离别的季节,这红艳如火的凤凰花,开满枝头,散落在地,让人好生喜爱,如果可以,那就让这六月和这凤凰花停下来,不要离去,更不要凋零。 从绿叶中窜出来的一朵朵红花 厦大是美丽的,但是凤凰花开时候的厦大,宛若仙子,在红红绿绿的点缀中,更显韵味。难怪有人说,看凤凰花,一定要去厦门,一定一定要去厦大~ head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 洒落一地 校园里,那一朵朵红艳的花儿,从翠绿的羽叶中肆意的溢出。真 的让人感觉犹如青春般热烈而美好。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 厦大宿舍 一阵微风吹过,淡淡的香味进入鼻腔,就要离开的学子多了一份 柔软,也多了一份离愁,飘落的红艳花瓣,似乎是一个好兆头的开始, 于是,新的启程便要开始。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 娇艳的花朵 凤凰花开的路口,只见三三两两的人群在那里合影留恋,如此情景是否也牵动了你内心深处的情愫,还记得那一年,青春洋溢的你也拉着三五好友也如此,只不过,那笑声有些遥远。 俯瞰厦大 兴许是依山伴海,兴许是那些独特的建筑,兴许是那些娇艳的花朵,厦大,这座被称为中国最美的大学,每一个去厦门的人,都不愿错过。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 也只有厦大才有这样的风情 一年四季充足的雨水,让厦大四季常青,一年四季不同时候绽放 的花儿,又让厦大变得多姿多彩。 真美 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 从厦大毕业的学子,定会有一张与凤凰花的合影,那充满笑意的 脸庞与红艳艳的花儿,把人衬得明亮了。 这一地的红色花瓣 被花染红的路道,都不舍得去触碰,免得坏了这一地的美好。但 也有可爱的人,用红红的花瓣堆出别致的图样,竟然多了一份惊艳。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 凤凰花 凤凰花开的路口,也有人在道别。在这红色的花儿下,道出多年 的心声,抑或送上美好的祝福,仿佛是要让人一声一声都记得,因为 有这一片片红作证,怎能轻易忘怀。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 耀眼的红 凤凰花在最美的时候,送走一批又一批的莘莘学子,那种让人又 爱又恨的纠结,想必是每个学子一生难忘的美好。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 静静地开放 从第一次见到花开的惊艳,到习惯,再到留恋这一簇簇艳红,时 光就这样悄悄地溜走了,似乎不留下任何痕迹。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 在这样的校园学习,真好 因为不管有多少人离开,凤凰花依旧,年年如今日,娇艳绽放。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar
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