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通用软件实施方案通用软件实施方案 一、软件项目实施方案概述 软件产品用户购买软件产品之后,不能立即进行使用,需要软件公司的技术人员在软件技术、软件功能、软件操作等方面进行系统调试、软件功能实现、人员培训、软件上线使用、后期维护等一系列的工作,我们将这一系列的工作称为软件项目实施。大量的软件公司项目实施案例证明,软件项目是否成功、用户的软件使用情况是否顺利、是否提高了用户的工作效率和管理水平,不仅取决于软件产品本身的质量,软件项目实施的质量效果也对后期用户应用的情况起到非常重要的影响。 项目实施规范主要包括项目启动阶段、需求调...

通用软件实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 一、软件项目实施方案概述 软件产品用户购买软件产品之后,不能立即进行使用,需要软件公司的技术人员在软件技术、软件功能、软件操作等方面进行系统调试、软件功能实现、人员培训、软件上线使用、后期维护等一系列的工作,我们将这一系列的工作称为软件项目实施。大量的软件公司项目实施案例证明,软件项目是否成功、用户的软件使用情况是否顺利、是否提高了用户的工作效率和管理水平,不仅取决于软件产品本身的质量,软件项目实施的质量效果也对后期用户应用的情况起到非常重要的影响。 项目实施规范主要包括项目启动阶段、需求调研确认阶段、软件功能实现确认阶段、数据 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化初装阶段、系统培训阶段、系统安装测试及试运行阶段、总体验收阶段、系统交接阶段等八个阶段工作内容,每个阶段下面有不同的工作事项,各个阶段之间都是承上启下关系,上一阶段的顺利完成是保证下一阶段的工作开展的基础。下面将按照每个项目实施阶段分别介绍。 二、软件项目实施方案 (一)项目启动阶段 此阶段处于整个项目实施工作的最前期,由成立项目组、前期调研、编制总体项目 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、启动会四个阶段组成。 阶段主任务 对象 任务 公司 在 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 签定后,指定项目经理,成立项目组,授权项目组织完成项目目标 进行前期项目调研,与用户共同成立项目实施组织,编制《总体项目计划》,公司项目组 召开项目启动会 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 配合公司项目组,将积累的项目和用户信息转交给项目组。将项目组正式商务经理 介绍给用户,配合项目组建立与用户的联系 成立项目实施组织,配合前期调研和召开启动会,签署《总体项目计划》 用户 和《项目实施协议》 1、成立项目组: 部门经理接到实施申请后,任命项目经理,指定项目目标,由部门经理及项目经理一起指定项目组成员及成员任务,并报总经理签署《项目任务书》。 2、前期调研: 项目经理及项目组成员,在商务人员配合下,建立与用户的联系,对合同、用户进行调研。填写《用户及合同信息表》。在项目商务谈判中,商务经理积累了大量的信息,项目组首先应收集商务和合同信息,并与商务经理一起识别那些个体和组织是项目的干系人,确定他们的需求和期望,如何满足和影响这些需求、期望以确保项目能够成功。 3、编制《项目总体计划》: 《项目总体计划》是一个文件或文件的集合,随着项目信息不断丰富和变化,会被不断变更,主要介绍项目目标、主要项目阶段、里程碑、可交付成果。通常包括以下几方面内容:项目描述,项目目标、主要项目阶段、里程碑、可交付成果。所计划的职责分配(包括用户的);沟通管理计划,确定项目干系人对信息和沟通的需要:即什么人何时需要什么信息以及通过什么方式将信息提供给他们。质量管理计划,确定适合于项目的质量标准和如何满足其要求。如果有必要,可以包括上述每一个计划,详细程度根据每个具体项目的要求而定。未解决事宜和未定的决策。 4、启动会: 项目组与用户共同召开的宣布项目实施正式开始的会议。会程安排如下: , 共同组建项目实施组织,实施组织的权利和职责;双方签署《项目实施协议》。 , 项目组介绍《项目总体计划》和《项目实施协议》,包括以下内容:项目目标、主要项目阶段、里程碑、可交付成果。所计划的职责分配(包括用户的); , 项目实施中项目管理的必要性和如何进行项目管理,项目的质量如何控制; , 项目实施中用户的参与和领导的支持的重要作用; (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and , 阶段验收、技术交接和项目结束后如何对用户提供后续服务。 (二)需求调研确认阶段 此阶段的主要工作是软件公司的项目实施人员向用户调查用户对系统的需求,包括管理流程调研、功能需求调研、报表要求调研、查询需求调研等,实施人员调研完成后,会编写《需求调研分析手册》,并交付用户进行确认,待用户对《需求调研分析手册》上所提到的需求确认完毕后,项目实施人员将以此为依据进行软件功能的实现。如果用户又提出新的需求,实施人员将分析需求的难度及对整个系统的影响程度来确定是否给予实现。 需求调研阶段具体包括如下内容: 1、进行需求调研准备 2、编制《需求调研计划》 3、内部评审是否通过《需求调研计划》,项目组、部门经理、商务等人员根据合同要求和项目实际情况对《需求调研计划》草稿进行评审,如评审通过,则在稍后的时间内签署,如评审不通过则重新修改。 、用户是否签署《需求调研计划》,如用户签署《需求调研计划》,则作为4 以后需求调研工作的指南。否则重新修改。 5、《需求调研计划》是否有变更,如果计划存在变更,则执行变更控制流程,否则按计划进行后续工作。 6、编写及发出《需求调研通知》,项目组编写《需求调研通知》,确定进行需求调研的相关事宜,发给用户,为顺利完成需求调研工作做准备 7、需求调研,项目组以《需求调研手册》为依据,从业务流程、单据使用、打印格式、报表查询几个方面展开深入和全面的调研,并搜集用户的个性化需求。 8、需求调研分析根据调研的结果,项目组和公司其他技术部门将进一步进行分析,确定合理、可行的需求,将分析结果形成《需求分析报告》草稿。 9、内部评审是否通过《需求分析报告》,项目组、部门经理、公司其他技术部门的人员对《需求分析报告》草稿进行评审,如评审通过,则在稍后由用户签署,如评审不通过则重新修改,直至内部评审通过。 10、编写及发出《需求分析报告确认通知》,项目组编写《需求分析报告确(2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 认通知》,发给用户,确定进行需求确认的相关事宜,告之相关部门及人员安排好工作,准时参与需求确认工作,为顺利完成需求确认工作做准备。 11、用户是否确认《需求分析报告》,如果用户确认,并签署了《需求分析报告》,则需求调研阶段工作结束,进行后续的软件功能实现的工作;如没有确认,则进一步进行调研、分析,直至用户最终确认并签署《需求分析报告》。双方签署了《需求分析报告》,需求调研工作结束之后,如果用户提出新的需求或是变更已有的需求,则执行需求新增及变更流程。 (三)软件功能实现确认阶段 此阶段的主要工作是项目实施人员根据需求调研阶段确认的《需求调研分析手册》中的用户需求内容进行具体软件功能的实现工作。 在软件功能实现的过程中,项目实施人员将记录软件实现的详细过程。便于公司售后服务之用。每一个实施技术人员必须严格按照要求记录、存档。 按照调研要求的所有功能实现完毕后,项目实施人员将编制《软件功能确认表》,将定制好软件功能待用户确认,用户根据《软件功能确认表》上的功能逐一确定软件功能是否达到要求,对不满足要求的功能,项目实施人员将会记录下来并进行功能修改,直到满足用于要求。 (四)数据标准化初装阶段 此阶段的主要工作是项目实施人员指导用户进行系统标准化资料的准备工作,并对用户进行初装资料的软件操作培训,以便用户能够及时的将标准资料录入系统,初装完成后,项目实施人员会对资料初装的情况进行核查,为以后具体业务功能的开展做好基础。 (五)系统培训阶段 系统培训阶段工作是整个项目实施工作中比较重要的工作,用户对软件的操作功能是否熟练将直接影响到后面的软件应用效果,所以软件公司和用户双方要对此阶段的工作给予足够的重视。要充分认识培训的重要性和艰巨性。在项目实施之前对用户的相关人员进行系统和规范的产品培训是非常必要的,达到让用户(2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 了解软件产品,最终自己能够解决使用中的具体的问题。 此阶段的培训工作中将用户参加产品培训的人员划分为三个层次:决策层、技术层、操作层,对不同层次的用户参加产品培训人员的培训内容分别是: 决策层:领导在实施中的作用与重要性、决策查询。 维护层:系统维护知识、操作方法。 操作层:操作方法。 具体的培训工作流程为: 1、调研培训信息: 在培训开始前3天由用户实施负责人,将参加培训的部门和人员情况填入《受训部门汇总表》、《受训人员情况 一览表 2011年贷款利率表一览表1000l搪瓷反应釜尺寸一览表2011年银行贷款利率一览表党员积分情况一览表企业想法一览表模板下载 》。 2、编制培训计划: 结合调研结果,与用户实施负责人商议具体培训内容、时间,场地,人员等。项目组编制《培训计划》。 3、签署培训计划: 用户签署《培训计划》,进一步确认培训安排。 4、发培训通知: 培训开始前2天,按照签署的《培训计划》,将培训内容、时间,场地,人员等信息通知用户实施负责人。 5、搭建培训环境: 公司项目组在培训开始前,将培训环境搭建及检查妥当,将培训提纲及培训手册准备好。 6、组织培训: 公司项目组培训负责人与用户实施负责人组织相关人员参加培训,按培训制度严格考核。由用户将考勤情况填入《培训人员签到表》。 7、培训考核: 公司项目组培训负责人与用户实施负责人组织受训人员参加上机及理论考试。 8、培训总结: (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and 公司项目组培训负责人与用户实施负责人一起将出勤情况及考核情况做出总结,填入《培训及考核统计表》,及时向相关负责人汇报。 (六)系统安装测试及试运行阶段 此阶段的主要工作是在用户真实环境下,对用户网络及硬件设备进行测试,对软件系统进行容量、性能压力等测试测试及试运行的目的在于确保系统各项功能均能正常使用,并且符合用户签署的《需求分析报告》中描述的需求,同时把尽可能多的潜在问题在正式运行之前发现并改正;同时目的还在于在正式运行前用户的有关人员能进一步提高操作水平,掌握操作规范。 此阶段的主要工作内容为: ,、编制计划: 与用户实施负责人商议具体测试及试运行时间,地点,人员等安 排,项目组编制《测试及试运行计划》。 2、签署计划: 用户签署《测试及试运行计划》,进一步确认测试及试运行安排。 、发测试及试运行通知: 3 在测试及试运行开始前2天,按照签署的《测试及试运行计划》,将时间,地点,人员等信息通知用户实施负责人。 4、搭建环境及数据准备: 在试运行开始前搭建好软件环境、硬件环境、网络环境、调通线路;检查软件、硬件、网络、线路等各个环节是否有问题; 5、组织测试及试运行: 用户相关各级领导给予全面配合,组织相关人员进行测试及试运行。公司项目组负责担当指挥,检查用户人员组织情况并给予指导,跟踪检查如下情况: , 跟踪单据流转状况。 , 跟踪新资料登录环节。 , 观察业务流程执行状况。 , 观察操作人员操作表现。 , 观察系统运行速度及异常表现。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and , 观察关键数据的正确性。 , 及时纠正错误操作、对于新发生的问题及时与相关人员沟通,确定 解决办法。 6、测试及试运行总结: 测试及试运行完成,总结试运行中设备、软件的运行情况,总结试运行中业务流程和操作环节的情况,以书面总结形式将测试及试运行结果通知相关负责人。 (七)总体验收阶段 此阶段是对项目总体的完成情况进行验收。验收分阶段进行,在每一项目阶段结束时,用户对这一阶段的可交付成果进行验收,在测试及试运行结束后,对系统进行总体验收。 需要验收的可交付成果: 主要项目阶段 阶段组成 主要里程碑 可交付成果 编制总体项目计划 签署《总体项目计划》 启动阶段 启动会 项目启动会 签署《项目实施协议》 需求调研阶段 需求分析报告确认 需求调研结束 签署《需求分析报告》 软件实现 软件功能确认 软件功能得到确认 签署《软件功能确认表》 用户签署初装计划签署《初装计划及初装培 数据初装 及初装培训计划 训计划》 初装检查及总结 数据初装完成 签署《数据初装总结表》 用户签署培训计划 签署《培训计划》 培训及考核 培训总结 培训完成 签署《培训总结表》 用户签署测试及试 签署《测试及试运行计 测试 运行计划 划》 及试运行 测试及试运行总结 试运行完成 签署《测试及试运行总结》 验收 总体验收 验收完成 签署《总体验收报告》 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and (八)系统交接阶段 此阶段是项目实施的最后一个阶段,主要工作是软件公司项目组向用户移交 软件项目,包括软件产品、项目实施过程中所生成的各种文档,并签署《售后服 务协议》,项目将进入售后服务阶段。软件公司项目组还需要让用户填写《用户 满意度调查表》,对软件公司项目实施人员的整个项目实施情况进行评价,软件 公司将听取用户的意见,再今后的项目实施管理中进行加强和改进。 (2) draw a purge system, confirmed by the supervising principal; (3) the purging of temporary pipe installation, required support and reinforcement, purge outlet setting a fixed bracket, easy to check; (4) at the purging outlet cordon, by the person responsible for supervision; (5) set up a special panel of steam pipe blowing will be attended by a unified command, assigning their tasks; (6) steam blowing the steps are as follows: a. open the trap, vent and drain valve; B. should warm-up before purging; C. check the expansion joints, thermal displacement of the spring hanger and pipe; D. used to purge the vapor temperature should not exceed the tubing operating temperature; E. purge steam should be heated ? cool ? reheating in the order; F. purge lines should be a blow out after blowing the next; G. purge purging of the target of export place polishing the quality of checks, no rust, debris on the targets for qualifying. (7) the washing, sweeping, the qualified (confirmed by the Commissioner and owners) after the pipeline, should recover, recovery procedures with the dismantling steps instead, and blanks are removed, should be put on the official gasket, once the recovery is complete, confirmed by the supervision of site, fill out the purge, rinse records. 2. static equipment installation programme 2.1 installation program setup for static equipment for static equipment, see below. 2.2 the construction preparation 2.2.1 all personnel should be familiar with equipment installation and technical information, including equipment manufacture and Assembly diagrams and component diagrams, equipment installation documentation, special tools, manuals, packing list and process installations, equipment certification, the constructionaaBy-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and
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