首页 2015届高考英语大一轮复习讲义学案:写作序列升级如何写出精彩高级句.doc



2015届高考英语大一轮复习讲义学案:写作序列升级如何写出精彩高级句.doc2015届高考英语大一轮复习讲义学案:写作序列升级如何写出精彩高级句.doc 第一课时 如何写好并列句 并列句就是由并列连词或分号连接两个分句而组成的句子。 并列句的分类 1(联合关系 由并列连词and或not only...but also...连接的两个分句。 Work hard and you will succeed sooner or later. 努力工作,迟早你会成功的。 (2013?天津卷满分作文)First,my English is very good and I’m open...

2015届高考 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 大一轮复习讲义学案:写作序列升级如何写出精彩高级句.doc 第一课时 如何写好并列句 并列句就是由并列连词或分号连接两个分句而组成的句子。 并列句的分类 1(联合关系 由并列连词and或not only...but also...连接的两个分句。 Work hard and you will succeed sooner or later. 努力工作,迟早你会成功的。 (2013?天津卷满分作文)First,my English is very good and I’m open?minded and warm?hearted,so I’m getting well with everyone. 首先,我的英语很好,而且我性格外向、有一副热心肠,因此我和每个人都相处得很好。 (2013?江西卷满分作文)It not only gave us a chance to get close to nature,but also gave us relaxation from our study. 它不仅给了我们接近大自然的机会,而且能让我们在学习之余得到放松。 2(转折关系 多用连词but,yet,while等连接两个分句。 (2013?四川卷书面表达)Good habits always lead to high efficiency,while bad ones lead to the opposite. 好的习惯经常使得效率增高,而不好的习惯效果恰恰相反。 (2012?陕西卷书面表达)Ms Li spent a wonderful time with us,but we know that we cannot thank her enough for all her hard work and guidance.李老师和我们度过了一段快乐的时光,但我们知道对她所有的付出和指导再怎么感谢也不为过。 3(选择关系 主要由连词or(或者;否则),either...or...(要么„„要么„„),otherwise(要不然),not...but...不是„„而是„„等连词连接。 (2013?新课标全国卷?书面表达)People can either give them as gifts or hang them in their houses. 人们可以把他们当做礼物,或者挂在自己的房子里。 (2013?重庆卷满分作文)So,from now on,let’s not waste our time on unimportant things but have a heart?to?heart chat with our parents once in a while. 因此,从现在起,让我们不要在一些不重要的事情上浪费时间,而要经常与我们的父母进行面对面的交流。 4(因果关系 多用连词for和so连接。 He told me to do it,so I did it. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 他让我这样做,于是我就这样做了。 5(时间关系 由并列连词when连接两个分句,表示“就在这时突然„„”。 (2013?浙江卷满分作文)Last Monday,I was walking in the street when I suddenly saw an old man fall off his bicycle. 上周一,我正在街上散步,这时突然看到一位老人从自行车上摔了下来。 ?.用适当的连词填空 1(Stand over there and you’ll be able to see the oil painting better. 2(Start out right away,or/otherwise you’ll miss the first train. 3(I worked hard at English and devoted all my spare time to practicing it,but I failed to pass the mid?term examination. 4(About 9?00 last night,I was busy preparing for my tomorrow’s test when suddenly loud noises came into my room. 5(Half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols,while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. 6(Not_only can students improve their writing ability in this way but_also they can strengthen their self?confidence. ?.能力提升 1(用并列句翻译下面的句子 (1)前门大街是一条步行街,但是你可以乘当当车去看电影。 Qianmen_Street_is_a_pedestrian_street,but_you_can_enjoy_the_trolley_cars_to_go_to_see _a_movie_in_the_theatres. (2)这条著名大街的历史可以上溯到600年前,共约800米长。 The_famous_street_dates_back_to_six_hundred_years_ago_and_has_a_length_of_about_800_meters. (3)另外,它也是一条商业街,街道两边分布着300多家商店。 It_is_also_a_commercial_street,and_lined_with_more_than_300_shops. 2(选用以上句子组建一篇介绍前门大街的小短文(适当加入连词、调整句式结构)。 参考范文 Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street,but you can enjoy the trolley cars to go to see a movie in the theatres.First of all,the famous street dates back to six hundred years ago and has a length of about 800 meters.It is also a commercial 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com street,which is lined with more than 300 shops. 第二课时 如何写好复合句 复合句包括名词性从句(主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句),定语从句和状 语从句。 语从句 一、定 [经典例句] ?(2013?新课标全国卷?满分作文)You know,my uncle Li Ming is going to the city where you live to attend an international meeting. 你知道,我的叔叔李明要去你居住的城市参加一个国际会议。 ?(2013?湖北卷满分作文)I often think about the times when I have felt hurt and insulted by rude marks from strangers and sometimes even from acquaintances. 我经常想起被陌生人的言语伤害和侮辱的时候,甚至有时是来自熟悉的人。 ?(2013?福建卷满分作文)A sailor who has experienced no storm will never become an excellent sailor. 没经历过暴风雨的水手永远不会成为一名优秀的水手。 ?(山东卷满分作文)I would visit some museums which should not be missed to widen my horizons as well as enrich my knowledge. 我总是会参观一些博物馆,这些博物馆对于拓宽视野、丰富知识来说是不应错过的。 [写法指导] 定语从句是比较难掌握而又是学生在写作中喜欢尝试的复杂句,因此在写作时可采用 “三步法”: 第一步:写出两个简单句。 第二步:在一个简单句中找出一个要修饰的词汇,这个词在两个简单句中都有。 第三步:把另一个简单句改成定语从句,要特别注意引导词的选择。 (2013?辽宁卷书面表达)人们可以一边吃月饼一边赏月,月饼是这个节日的特 殊食品。 第一步:写出两个简单句。 ?People can enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes. ?They are the special food for the festival. 第二步:在句?中找出一个要修饰的词汇:moon cakes。 第三步:用句?充当定语从句,moon cakes为先行词指物,句?中的they指代moon cakes 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 且在句中作主语,故用which引导非限制性定语从句。 People can enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes,which are the special food for this festival. [练一练] ?.把下列每组题中的两个简单句合并为一个含有定语从句的复合句。1(I’ve always longed for the days.I will be able to be independent then. I’ve_always_longed_for_the_days_when_I_will_be_able_to_be_independent. 2(I have a friend.Her father is an engineer. I_have_a_friend_whose_father_is_an_engineer. 3(They planted the trees.The trees didn’t need much water. They_planted_the_trees_that/which_didn’t_need_much_water. 4(This is the best method.It can be used against pollution. This_is_the_best_method_that_can_be_used_against_pollution. 5(They sent the elderly some fruits,cleaned the rooms and had a good chat with them.The elderly always feel lonely. They_sent_the_elderly_who_always_feel_lonely_some_fruits, cleaned_the_rooms_and_had_ a_good_chat_with_them. ?.用适当的关系词填空 1((2013?广东卷满分作文)Those who do simple and ordinary jobs are also promoting the development of the society. 2((2013?广东卷满分作文)As we all know,cleaning streets is one of the hardest work. 3((2013?四川卷书面表达)My teacher advised me to repeat the materials several times and read them aloud,which they think will help improve my memory. 4(I will never forget the days when we worked in the small town. 5(She was educated at Beijing University,after which she went to have her advanced study abroad. 二、名词性从句 [经典例句] ?(2013?陕西卷满分作文)I think that it’s our duty to help parents do some housework. 我认为帮助父母做家务是我们的职责。(宾语从句) ?(2013?北京卷满分作文)I took pride in what I had done in the absence of my father. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 我为自己在爸爸不在家时的表现感到自豪。(宾语从句) ?(2013?山东卷写作)There is no doubt that children there are badly in need of care and help.(同位语从句) 毫无疑问,那里的孩子急需关爱和帮助。(同位语从句) ?(2012?江西卷书面表达)What interests me most is literary books,especially those by famous writers. 我最感兴趣的是文学书,尤其是由著名作家写的。(主语从句) ?(2012?四川卷书面表达)My English is just OK and the two main problems in my study are that I feel it difficult to learn words by heart,and that I often feel nervous when speaking English. 我的英语还不错,学习中最主要的两个问题是我感觉记单词难,而且说英语时经常感到 表语从句) 紧张。( [写法指导] 名词性从句的写法和定语从句一样,名词性从句也是学生在写作中喜欢尝试的复杂句,在写作时同样可采用“三步法”: 第一步:写出两个简单句。 第二步:让一个简单句作从句,要注意和另一个句子的关联性。 第三步:把两个句子合成复合句,要特别注意关联词的选择和从句的语序。 (2013?湖南卷书面表达)一天,她听到要举行运动会的消息。 第一步:写出两个简单句。 ?One day,he heard the news. ?The sports meeting would be held. 第二步:让句?作主句,即主句为:One day,he heard the news. 第三步:把句?作同位语从句,解释news的内容,从句中不缺少成分,故用that引导。 One day,she heard the news that the sports meeting would be held. [练一练] ?.把下列每组题中的两个简单句合并为一个含有名词性从句的复合句。 1(When did you enter the room,The police wants to know it. The_police_wants_to_know_when_you_entered_the_room. 2(This is my decision.All of us are to start at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. My_decision_is_that_all_of_us_are_to_start_at_6_o’clock_tomorrow_morning. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 3(Our women volleyball team had won the championship.The news encouraged us all greatly. The_news_that_our_women_volleyball_team_had_won_the_championship_encouraged _us_all_greatly. 4(We should practise oral English for an hour every day.That was our rule. We_made_it_a_rule_that_we_should_practise_oral_English_for_an_hour_every_da y. 5(Shall we go picnicking tomorrow,It depends on the weather. Whether_we_shall_go_picnicking_tomorrow_depends_on_the_weather. ?.用适当的关联词填空 1((2013?新课标全国卷?满分作文)I am wondering whether you can help me sell some. 2((2013?新课标全国卷?满分作文)By the way,do you know what they stand for? 3((2013?天津卷满分作文)I sincerely hope that you will give me a chance and please believe that I will be a good vice president. 4((2013?福建卷满分作文)Personally speaking,I don’t think what these parents do is helpful to their children. 5((2013?四川卷满分作文)I know that it is because I don’t spend much time memorizing them after class. 三、it作形式主语或形式宾语的高级句型 1(it作形式主语的常用句型 ?It,系动词,形容词 (necessary/right/likely/unlikely/wrong/inportant/certain等),that... ?It,be,名词(短语)(a pity/a shame/no wonder/one’s desire等),that... ?It,be,过去分词(said/told/reported/decided等),that... ?It,特殊动词(seems,appears,happens,matters),that... ?It doesn’t matter who/whether/if... (2013?重庆卷满分作文)It’s our desire that you should provide some money to fund our program,as well as offer us some practical suggestions. 我们渴望你能为我们的项目提供一些资金,还能提供一些实用的建议。 (2013?广东卷满分作文)It’s reported that about 30 volunteers who are at least 18 years old will be chosen from all over the world to the Mars by the year of 2015. 据报道,大约30名至少18岁的志愿者将从世界各地被选出来于2015年前奔赴火星。 2(it作形式宾语的常用句型 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com ?动词 find,feel,think,consider,make,believe,guess,suppose,assume等后有宾语补足语时,则需要用it作形式宾语,而将宾语从句后置。 ?有些动词(短语)带宾语从句时,需要在宾语从句前加it,这类动词(短语)主要有:hate,like,owe,have,appreciate,see to等。 (2013?新课标全国卷?满分作文)I would appreciate it if you could sell the knots for 10 dollars each.如果你们能以每个10美元的价格卖这些中国结,我将不胜感激。 I think it necessary that we take plenty of boiled water every day.我认为我们每天喝大量的开水是必要的。 [练一练] 用it作形式主语或形式宾语翻译句子。 1(他来不来参加这个会议无关紧要。 It_doesn’t_matter_whether_he_comes_to_the_meeting_or_not. 2(你错过了一场这么好的 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 真是可惜。 It_is_a_pity_that_you_missed_such_a_good_lecture. 3(如果你能教我如何用电脑,我将不胜感激。 I’d_appreciate_it_if_you_could_teach_me_how_to_use_the_computer. 四、状语从句的写法 熟记几个常用连词 状语从句 连词 when,whenever,as,while,before,until,as soon as,hardly...when...,时间 no sooner...than..., scarcely...when... 地点 where,wherever 条件 if,unless,as long as,so long as,in case,if only 原因 because,as,since,now that though,although,even if,even though,as,while,whatever,whoever,让步 whenever,wherever,however,no matter,疑问词,whether (...) or..., whether...or not 比较 the same as,as...as... 方式 as if,as though,as 目的 in order that,so that, 结果 so that,so...that...,such...that... ?(2013?山东卷写作)When it comes to a choice,I prefer to go traveling. 当谈及选择时,我宁愿去旅游。 ?(2013?陕西卷满分作文)I went on with my work until I finished washing all the clothes. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 我继续工作,直到把所有的衣服洗完。 ?(2013?湖北卷满分作文)Whenever he didn’t perform well in his studies,she would blame him bitterly,expressing her disappointment in him. 每当他学习不好的时候,她总会训斥他,表达对他的失望。 it is convenient for you,can you pick him ?(2013?新课标全国卷?满分作文)If up at the airport at 11?30 am? 如果方便的话,你可以在上午11点半到机场去接他吗, ?(2013?广东卷满分作文)Although cleaning street is no more than an ordinary job,it contributes to the society. 尽管清扫大街只是一个非常普通的工作,但却对社会做出了贡献。 ?(2013?湖南卷满分作文)Whatever the result is,we should accept it with a because we have tried our best. smile, 无论结果怎样,我们都要微笑着接受,因为我们已经尽了全力。 ?(2013?江西卷满分作文)However,some students were so tired that they couldn’t move any more,so they fell behind. 可是,一些学生累得走不动了,因此他们被落在了后面。 [练一练] 用状语从句完成句子 1(当我还是个小孩的时候,就对未来充满了幻想。 When_I_was_still_a_little_boy,I had many fancy dreams about the future. 2(他们向东走了30英里才看见一个村庄。 They walked about 30 miles before_they_saw_a_village. 3(尽管因特网有很大帮助,但我认为花太多的时间在上面不是好主意。 Although/Though_the_Internet_is_of_great_help,I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it. 4(只要你坚持下去,就一定会成功。 As_long_as_you_keep_on_trying,you will surely succeed. 5(如果我们继续污染环境,地球将不再适合人类居住。 If_we_go_on_polluting_the_environment,the world won’t be fit for us to live in. 6(战争过后,在原来曾经是剧院的地方建起了新的教学楼。 After the war,a new school building was put up where_there_had_once_been_a_theatre. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com ?.基础巩固(在下面的句子中填入适当的连词) 1(Although/Though there are lots of difficulties to overcome,she never lets her problems defeat her. 2(I hear many freshmen are at a loss what to do when they are at college. 3(Smiling brightly,she told me that what she learnt from her mother had never left her. 4(Most of the pupils left school because their families couldn’t afford their education. 5(This year,there is a new regulation that some students can attend university for free. ?.能力提升 1(一句多译 (1)他过去是一个善良的孩子,每个人都想和他交朋友。 He_was_so_kind_a_boy_that_everyone_wanted_to_make_friends_with_him. (结果状语从句) He_was_so_kind_a_boy_as_everyone_wanted_to_make_friends_with. (定语从句) (2)他乐于助人,这为他赢得了好名声。 He_was_ready_to_help_others_and_it_won_him_a_good_reputation. (and连接的并列句) He_was_ready_to_help_others,which_won_him_a_good_reputation. (which 引导的定语从句) Being_ready_to_help_others_won_him_a_good_reputation. (动名词作主语) (3)掌管这家公司的这个人上个月被指控吸毒。 The_man_who_has_taken_charge_of/been_in_charge_of_the_company_was_charged_with_taking_drugs_last_month. (定语从句) The_man_taking_charge_of/in_charge_of_the_company_was_charged_with_taking_drugs_last_month. (分词短语或介词短语作后置定语) 2(完成句子 (1)(2013?辽宁卷满分作文)The_reason_why_people_celebrate_the_festival_is that they believe it is the time when the moon is at its fullest and brightest in the whole year,and people will gather together eating moon cakes and appreciating the full moon. 人们庆祝这个节日的原因是,他们相信这时候是一年中月亮最满、最亮的时候,人们聚在一起吃月饼、赏满月。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com (2)(2013?湖北卷满分作文)Years of school life have taught me a lot of things, of which what_strikes_me_most_is_that we should take care not to hurt others with our words,deliberately of by accident. 多年的校园生活教会了我很多东西,其中使我印象最深的是我们应该尽量不要用言语伤 害别人,无论是故意还是无意。 满分作文)I am wondering whether_you_can_pick_him_up (3)(2013?新课标全国卷? at the airport. 我在想你是否能够到机场去接他。 (4)(2013?北京卷满分作文)This_is_how I am thinking about the picture. 我就是这样看待这幅画的。 (书面表达 3 请按以下内容要点写一篇有关Andy的英语短文,尽可能多地使用名词性从句。 (1)大家都知道Andy是位有名的作家,但没有人知道她来自何处,而且她是否出生于 1961年仍然是个谜。 (2)大家对她了解的是穷人都喜欢她,因为她总是帮助那些急需钱的人。 (3)Andy很慷慨而且乐于助人,但有些人认为她想出名。 (4)Andy说她不明白为什么他们那么心胸狭窄,但别人怎么想对她无所谓,她只是想做 自己认为正确的事。 (5)我认为那就是生命意义之所在。 参考范文 Everyone knew that Andy was a famous writer,but no one knew where she came from and whether she was born in 1961 was still a mystery.What they did know was that she was loved by poor people because she always helped whoever was in need of money.Andy was generous and helpful,but some people thought she was chasing fame. Andy said she didn’t understand why they were so narrow?minded, but it didn’t matter what others would think of her.She just wanted to do what she thought was right. I think that is where the meaning of life lies. 第三课时 如何写好非谓语动词 众所周知,作文中出现过多的简单句会让人觉得单调乏味,句子与句子之间的关系显得 松散;而文章中过多地出现复合句又显得累赘,读起来费劲。恰当地运用非谓语动词对简单 句和复合句进行转换,不仅句型多样,句子活泼,而且读起来结构紧凑,言简意明。 一、运用非谓语动词转换简单句 1(我为那事感到非常遗憾,开始考虑做些什么来帮一下。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com I feel quite sorry for that.I begin to think about what to do to help. ?Feeling quite sorry for that,I begin to think about what to do to help.(2013?陕西卷满分作文)(现在分词作状语) 2(另一方面,我将帮着建立英语角,提供给我们学生一个练习英语口语的平台。 On the other hand,I will help set up the English corner.I will provide us students a platform to practice our oral English. ?On the other hand,I will help set up the English corner,providing us students a platform to practice our oral English.(2013?天津卷满分作文)(现在分词作状语) 3(这儿的人都喜欢汤姆写的那本小说。 All the people here like the novel.It is written by Tom. by Tom.(过去分词作定语) ?All the people here like the novel written 4(我们应该多讲英语。我们认为这是很重要的。 We should speak more English.We think it is very important. ?We think it very important to speak more English.(it作形式宾语,不定式作 真正宾语) 5(我们应该如何提高我们的英语口语水平,这是个问题。 How should we improve our spoken English,It is a question. ?How to improve our spoken English is a question.(不定式短语作主语) ?The question is how to improve our spoken English.(不定式短语作表语) [练一练] 运用非谓语动词转换简单句 1(We were touched by the teacher’s words.We decided to work hard. Touched_by_the_teacher’s_words,we_decided_to_work_hard. 2(I didn’t receive her letter.I had to write again. Not_having_received_her_letter,I_had_to_write_again. 3(The boy came to school late again.This made the teacher very angry. The_boy’s_coming_to_school_late_again_made_the_teacher_very_angry. 4(The boys were making the most of time.They wanted to finish the work earlier. The_boys_were_making_the_most_of_time_(so_as)_to_finish_the_work_earlier. 5(I saw an old granny.She lay on the ground.I went over to help her. Seeing_an_old_granny_lying_on_the_ground,I_went_over_to_help_her. 二、运用非谓语动词转换复合句 1(惊诧于他们的熟练程度,我决心要像他们一样好。 Because I was amazed at how skillful they were,I determined to be just as good. ?Amazed at how skillful they were,I determined to be just as good.(2013?浙 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 江卷满分作文)(过去分词作状语) 2(看到一辆车朝她而来,我伸出手把她拉了回来。 When I saw a car running towards her,I reached my hand out and pulled her back. ?Seeing a car running towards her,I reached my hand out and pulled her back.(2013?安徽卷满分作文)(现在分词作状语) 3(练习了接近两个月后,我们强烈渴望获得一场胜利。 After we had practiced playing basketball for almost two months,we strongly desired to be the winner. ?Having practiced playing basketball for almost two months,we strongly desired to be the winner.(2013?湖南卷满分作文)(现在分词作状语) (这里曾有一家化肥厂,位于城市的南边。它每天释放出大量有毒气体,污染环境。 4 There was a large factory,which produced fertilizer.Every day it gave out a lot of poisonous gas,which polluted the environment. ?There was a large factory,which produced fertilizer.Every day it gave out a lot of poisonous gas,polluting the environment. 简析:“原句”中分别由which引导两个定语从句,重复且单调,将第二个定语从句转 换为现在分词短语作状语后,不仅表达多样,而且言简意明。 5(由于老师的帮助,我的英语进步很大。因为我的英语进步很大,我确信我能考上更 好的大学。 Because my teacher helps me,my English has greatly improved.Because my English has greatly improved,I’m sure I will go to a better university. ?With my teacher helping me,my English has greatly improved.Because my English has greatly improved,I’m sure I will go to a better university. 简析:“原句”两处重复出现由because引导的从句,读起来很别扭。换用“with,现 在分词的复合结构”后,读起来给人的感觉大不一样。 [练一练] 运用非谓语动词转换复合句 1(As soon as they saw a few people still in the burning house,they rushed into it to save them without hesitation. ?On_seeing_a_few_people_still_in_the_burning_house,they rushed into it to save them without hesitation. 2. We think it is necessary that middle school students should learn a foreign language and we also think that it is possible that they can master one. ?We think it is necessary that middle school students should learn a foreign language and we also think it_possible_for_them_to_master_one. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 3(I took part in the meeting,which was held in Beijing last Friday.It was very instructive,which was hosted by a manager who came to our company yesterday. ?I took part in the meeting held_in_Beijing last Friday.It was very instructive,which was hosted by a manager coming_to_our_company yesterday. 4(Mother went to work in a hurry,and she didn’t have breakfast.She was as busy as a bee these days and came back home very late. ?Mother went to work in a hurry without_having_breakfast.She was as busy as a bee these days,coming_back_home_very_late. 三、运用非谓语动词转换短文(根据一般表达写出该短文的高级表达) 北京市有大量的出租车司机,他们每天全心全意地为乘客服务,为北京市的交通发挥着 重要作用。他们起早贪黑,赚钱养家糊口。有一次,我下车时不小心把手机忘在了车上,但 当我和司机同志联系上之后,他立即开车把手机送到了我家门口,让我感动不已。 一般表达: There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing.They serve passengers heart and soul.They play an important part in the traffic of Beijing.They make some money.They work from dawn till night.One day,I left my cellphone in the taxi I took.I got in touch with the driver.He drove to my home and gave it back to me.I was very excited. 高级表达: There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing,serving passengers heart and soul and playing an important part in the traffic of Beijing.In order to make some money to support their families,they work from dawn till night.One day,I got out of the taxi in a hurry with my cellphone left in the taxi I took.On hearing what had happened,the taxi driver drove to my home as fast as possible and gave the cellphone back to me.Seeing my cellphone again,I was too excited to say a word. [练一练] 运用非谓语动词转换短文 大城市里高楼大厦林立,房价越来越高。一方面,很多人无房居住,另一方面,大量房 子却卖不出去。不少人即使买了一套住房,恐怕也要一辈子辛辛苦苦工作来还银行贷款。我 们希望政府采取措施,关心这些收入不高的人群。 一般表达: There are more and more tall buildings in big cities.Their prices are going up day by day.On one hand,there are still lots of people.They have no houses to live in.On the other hand,many apartments are hard to be sold out.Even if you buy an apartment,I’m afraid you have to pay off the money you borrow from the bank.You 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com will work hard day and night all your life.I do hope our government take strong measures to solve the housing problem and take care of the people.Their incomes are low. 高级表达: There are more and more tall buildings in big cities,with their prices going up day by day.On one hand,there are still lots of people having no houses to live in.On the other hand,many apartments are hard to be sold out.Even if you have bought an apartment,I’m afraid you have to try to pay off the money borrowed from the bank,working hard day and night all your life.I do hope our government can take strong measures to solve the housing problem,showing great concern for the people whose incomes are not high enough. 第四课时 如何运用高级词汇与高级句式 写作时,“高级词汇与高级句式”如能运用贴切自然,哪怕整篇文章只用上一两处,也 会为你的作文增添色彩。 一、使用高级词汇 1(标新立异 写作时要恰当得体地使用一些蕴含感情色彩,别人有可能想不到的词汇,恰当地求新求 异。 As far as I’m concerned,parents’ much protection will do more harm than good to children’s future development. ?As far as I’m concerned,parents’ limitless protection will do more harm than good to children’s future development.(2013?福建卷满分作文) I received your email last week,but I am busy preparing for my final exam, which is important for me,so I didn’t reply to you without delay. ?I received your email last week,but I am busy preparing for my final exam, which is vital for me,so I didn’t reply to you without delay.(2013?山东卷满分作文) 2(短语优先 多使用词组、习语来代替一些单词,以增加文采。 To achieve one’s dream,one must try to equip oneself with rich knowledge and set a goal easy to reach. ?To achieve one’s dream,one must make great efforts to equip oneself with rich knowledge and set a goal easy to reach.(2013?北京卷满分作文) What’s more,we can pour out the troubles we face,and release our pressure 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com from different aspects. ?What’s more,we can pour out the troubles we are faced with,and release our pressure from different aspects.(2013?重庆卷满分作文) 3(避免重复 尽量避免过多地使用某一个单词,必要时选择使用其他恰当的同义词或词组来代替。 I like reading while my brother likes watching football matches. ?I like reading while my brother enjoys watching football matches. [练一练] 用较高级词汇代替加黑的词或短语。 1. We all have the same chance. possess 2(We have a lot of homework to do at the weekend. _endless 3(I can no longer bear the way he speaks to us. put_up_with 4(He didn’t listen to what I said in the class. turned_a_deaf_ear_to 5(We’ll try our best to develop the traditional friendship between us. promote 6(The teacher directed the gifted students towards the more difficult courses. challenging 二、使用高级句式,让句子靓起来 1(恰当使用被动语态 ?We will have selected about thirty volunteers to the Mars throughout the world by 2015. ?About thirty volunteers will have been selected to the Mars throughout the world by 2015.(2013?广东卷书面表达) ?I’m delighted to know that the Shanghai Museum will organize a famous art exhibition and you are collecting opinions of the public as to select the location for the exhibition,which encouraged me to write to express my ideas. ?I’m delighted to know that a famous art exhibition will be organized by the Shanghai Museum and opinions of the public are being collected as to select the location for the exhibition,which encouraged me to write to express my ideas.(2013?上海卷满分作文) 2(使用强调句 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com ?As a saying goes,the little thing matters most. ?As a saying goes,it is the little thing that matters most.(2013?上海卷满分作文) which indeed deserves ?Our parents have devoted their unconditional love to us,our appreciation and reward ?It’s our parents who have devoted their unconditional love to us,which indeed deserves our appreciation and reward.(2013?重庆卷满分作文) 3(使用倒装句 ?The children can grow up mentally and physically healthy only in this way. ?Only in this way can the children grow up mentally and physically healthy.(2013?福建卷满分作文) ?I didn’t realize words could be powerful in both positive and negative ways until then. ?Not until then did I realize words could be powerful in both positive and negative ways.(2013?湖北卷短文写作) 4(使用省略句 ?If it is so,I hope you will have a wonderful time. ?If so,I hope you will have a wonderful time.(2013?山东卷满分作文) ?Although they were faced with many problems,they didn’t lose heart. ?Although faced with many problems,they didn’t lose heart. 5(使用感叹句 It is a very splendid moment. ?How splendid a moment it is~(2013?辽宁卷满分作文) I am very worried about his condition. ?How worried I am about his condition.(2013?湖北卷满分作文) 6(使用with复合结构 ?His mother is paving the ways for him while his father is holding his jacket behind him,and we can see sweat on his face. ?His mother is paving the ways for him while his father is holding his jacket behind him,with sweat on his face.(2013?福建卷满分作文) ?As the society develops rapidly,it’s necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English and computer. ?With the society developing rapidly,it’s necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English and computer. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 7(使用虚拟语气 ?It is high time for both children and parents to take action to make small changes. It is high time that both children and parents took action to make small ? changes.(2013?福建卷满分作文) ?I missed being hit by the car with your help. ?Without your help,I would have been hit by the car.(2013?安徽卷满分作文) [练一练] 用较高级句式转换下列句子 1(Above all,we must do something to stop pollution.(被动语态) Above_all,something_must_be_done_to_stop_pollution. 2(I realized the importance of English when I entered senior high school.(强调句) It_was_when_I_entered_senior_high_school_that_I_realized_the_importance_of_English. 3(We don’t know its value until we lose health.(倒装句) Not_until_we_lose_health_do_we_know_its_value. 4(If it isn’t well organized,the meeting will be a failure.(省略句) If_not_well_organized,the_meeting_will_be_a_failure. 5(We had a very good time with the peasants that day.(感叹句) What_a_good_time_we_had_with_the_peasants_that_day! 6(Because there was too much noise,I couldn’t go on studying.(with复合结 构) With_the_noise_going_on,I_couldn’t_go_on_studying. 三、如何写好there be句型 1(There be句型的基本意义:某地有某物 There is an increase of about 10 percent,compared with last year. 与去年相比较,大约增加了百分之十。 点睛:由于受汉语影响,有些同学在使用这个句型时常常把be误用成have的某种形式。 下午将有一场演讲。 ?There is going to have a lecture this afternoon.(×) ?There is going to be a lecture this afternoon.(?) 2(Where there be...there be...“哪里有„„哪里就有” As the detailed analyses above have shown us,where there is life,there is hope. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 正如上面详尽的论述所示,活着就有希望。 3(There be,名词,分词短语 There are three factors contributing to this attitude as follows. 有三个因素促成了下面的观点。 点睛:在这一句型中,有些同学常常把分词误用成动词原形。 有些学生支持这个主意。 ?There are some students support the idea.(×) ?There are some students supporting the idea.(?) ?Some students support the idea.(?) 4(There be,no doubt/no denying/no need/no sense/no use...that...“毫无疑问 /不可否认/没有必要/没有意义/没有用„„” There is no sense in waiting here without knowing when he will come back. 在这里傻等却不知道他什么时候回来,一点意义都没有。 [练一练] 翻译句子 不可否认,我们的环境质量已经每况愈下。 There_is_no_denying_that_the_quality_of_our_environment_has_gone_from_bad_t o_worse. 5(There be的非谓语形式 there being...(动词?ing形式);there to be...(不定式形式) There being no bus,we had to walk home. 由于没有公交车,我们不得不步行回家。 [练一练] 翻译句子 我们盼望着有个晚会来庆祝即将到来的新年。 We_expect_there_to_be_a_party_to_celebrate_the_coming_New_Year. 四、如何使用其他的一些高级表达形式让文章更精彩 1(用such总结全文 Such is our lively city,which you are welcome to visit whenever at your convenience 这就是我们这座充满活力的城市,只要您方便,随时欢迎来参观。 2(使用cannot...too much表示强调 We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 3(使用比喻等修辞 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 As is known to us all,vocabulary is an important part of language,just like 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com bricks in a building. 大家都知道,词汇是语言学习的重要组成部分,就像一座大楼的基石。 4(使用not...but...句型 (2013?广东卷书面表达)Some people don’t like their jobs not because they’re lazy but because their jobs are small. 一些人不喜欢他们的工作不是因为他们懒,而是因为他们的工作太渺小了。 5(使用否定句 The law is the law.Nobody has any excuse to break it. 法律就是法律。任何人没有任何借口违反法律。 [练一练] 翻译句子 任何语言都无法表达我对你们及时帮助的真心感谢。 No_word_can_express_my_whole?hearted_thanks_for_your_timely_help. 6(使用双重否定 Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle,it is not without its problem. 尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,它仍然存在一些问题。 [练一练] ?学好英语并不是一件苦差事而是一件快乐的事情。 It is not a hardship but a pleasure to learn English well. ?我们再怎么强调保护环境的重要性也不为过。 We can’t emphasize the importance of protecting the environment too_much. ?.句型转换 1(We can successfully build an economized society only in this way.(倒装) ?Only_in_this_way_can_we_successfully_build_an_economized_society. 2(He had hardly reached the station when the train left.(倒装) ?Hardly_had_he_reached_the_station_when_the_train_left. 3(I can not only keep in touch with my friends and family through my cell, but also almost all information can be gathered on the Internet.(倒装) ?Not_only_can_I_keep_in_touch_with_my_friends_and_family_through_my_cell, but_also _almost_all_information_can_be_gathered_on_the_Internet. 4(I didn’t take his advice,so I failed in the exam.(虚拟语气) If_I_had_taken_his_advice,I_wouldn’t_have_failed_in_the_exam. 5(Because I was ill that day,I didn’t take part in the sports meeting.(虚 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 拟语气) I_was_ill_that_day,otherwise_I_would_have_taken_part_in_the_sports_meeting. 6(They carried out a survey among 260 students.(被动语态) A_survey_was_carried_out_among_260_students. 7(They didn’t realize the importance of environment protecting until all the fish in the river died out.(倒装句,强调句) ?Not_until_all_the_fish_in_the_river_died_out_did_they_realize_the_importance_of_environment_protecting. ?It_was_not_until_all_the_fish_in_the_river_died_out_that_they_realized_th e_importance_of_environment_protecting. ?.佳句习作 请按以下内容要点写一篇短文,尽可能多地使用高级句式。 1(众所周知,世界人口在一天天增长,因此需要大量的新鲜用水。 2(随着工业的快速发展,产生了很多有毒的气体和废水,结果导致了水污染,尽管水 是新的,但却不能再运用。 3(这时候人们才意识到水源的重要性,确实到了人们行动起来保护水源的时候了。不 要再污染用水,否则,我们就不能再在这个地球上生存,那会是怎样的一种可怕的景象啊~ 4(只有充足的水源,世界才能蓬勃发展。 参考范文 As is known to all,the world population is growing day by day.So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a large population.What’s more,with industry developing rapidly,poisonous gases and waters are produced,consequently resulting in the pollution of water.Though fresh,a good amount of water can no longer be used.Only then did we realize the importance of fresh water.So it’s high time that we human beings took action to protect water resource.Stop polluting water, otherwise we wouldn’t be living in the world.What a terrible scene we would be faced with! Only with fresh water can the world be prosperous. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com
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