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大学生职业生涯规划书陈浓仪大学生职业生涯规划书陈浓仪 大学生职业生涯规划书 院 系:经济管理学院 班 级:工商管理113班 姓 名:陈浓仪 学 号:1150201303 目录 一、前言 二、规划前感想 2.1自我认知 2.2他人评价 2.3综合评价 三、科学分析 3.1职业兴趣 3.2动力类型 3.3职业价值观 3.4优势和劣势 四、职业机会评估 4.1家庭环境分析 4.2学校环境分析 4.3社会环境分析 五、择优选择方向 5.1目标职业评估 5.2职业定位 六、实现目标 七、备选职业规划方案 八、结束语 of...

大学生职业生涯规划书陈浓仪 大学生职业生涯规划书 院 系:经济管理学院 班 级:工商管理113班 姓 名:陈浓仪 学 号:1150201303 目录 一、前言 二、规划前感想 2.1自我认知 2.2他人评价 2.3综合评价 三、科学分析 3.1职业兴趣 3.2动力类型 3.3职业价值观 3.4优势和劣势 四、职业机会评估 4.1家庭环境分析 4.2学校环境分析 4.3社会环境分析 五、择优选择方向 5.1目标职业评估 5.2职业定位 六、实现目标 七、备选 职业规划 大学生计算机职业规划未来五年的职业规划职业规划项目经理个人职业规划教师三年职业规划 方案 八、结束语 of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations ... (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as "shatterproof", "perishable," "cold" and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 1~2% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes ... Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying (1) can't wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available 大学生职业生涯规划书 前言 我一直认为“机遇总是降临于有准备的人”是要有职业生涯规划做前提的,有一份大学生职业生涯规划对我的人生有莫大的帮助,毕竟把人生掌握在自己手里比随遇而安的感觉要好的多。一份职业生涯规划,它所代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 的是我想发展的大体框架。他所起的作用是鞭策我向自己的理想加快脚步,换言之,它是一种加大动力的催化剂。我坚信“成功之秘诀乃为目标之有恒”,设计一份好的职业生涯规划将成为职业成功的前提与基础。 一、规划前感想 和许多大学生一样,刚开始我并不知道什么是“职业规划”,更没有接触过“大学生职业规划”。上了大一,我选修了《大学生就业指导》课,这时我才初步了解到了有关职业规划的有关知识,并知道了它的重要性。 二、自我分析 2.1自我认知 我的社会角色:大学一年级学生 性格:乐观开朗大方,爱沉默思考,重感情,好与同道人交往,好强,喜欢结交朋友。 兴趣爱好:游泳、音乐、旅游、登山。 2.2他人评价 在父母眼中,我是一个乖巧的孩子,平时在家的时间就会看看书,听听音乐,帮父母做做家务,和父母聊聊天,谈谈心事,父母说,我乐观开朗,心地善良,对每个人都很好,所以每天都生活的很快乐,这是我性格中他们最喜欢最高兴的,他们希望我以后能过自己想要过的生活,不会因为这个复杂的世界改变我对生活乐观开朗的态度。 2.3综合评价 优势盘点:做事有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、有条理,时间观念非常强,工作中有种不完事不罢休、锲而不舍的态度和精神;忠诚,有责任心,有说服人的能力和较强的领导才能;好强的性格形成了我越挫越勇的工作态度,凡事力求完美。 劣势盘点:有时会毛毛躁躁,考虑问题不够周全细致;有时有些懒惰,太好强,有些急功近利;缺乏团队精神。 父母、老师、朋友都说,我的性格中有男孩子的一面,锲而不舍、要强就是最好的证明。我从小就生活在较优越的生活坏境中,从小父of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations ... (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as "shatterproof", "perishable," "cold" and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 1~2% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes ... Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying (1) can't wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available 母都给我他们所能给予的最好的生活坏境,对我,也是用心培养,希望长大后的我是个多才多艺优秀的女孩。 三、科学分析 3.1职业兴趣 职业兴趣:乐于从事财务管理活动,有雄心抱负,精力旺盛;希望能从事创造性经营,喜欢户外工作;动手能力相当强,也喜欢领导和支配他人。 管理效率或专业成就 职业能力水平 可以成为高级管理人员,取得较好成绩 职业能力水平很高 可作公司中高级管理人员,并取得一定的成绩 职业能力水平较高 能够胜任初级管理工作 职业能力水平一般 适于一般性工作 职业能力水平较差 不适于管理工作 职业能力水平很差 3.2动力类型 动力类型:追求成就类型为主宰型(自我实现的意愿高,希望在人群中出人头地并且发挥重要作用。既关注个人成就,也希望通过影响和带动他人达到组织目标);逆境承受类型安定型(尽量避免做没有把握的事情、避免造成无法控制的局面,寻求安全感,在遇到障碍时退而求其次)。 3.3职业价值观 价值观是指个人对客观事物及对自己的行为结果的意义、作 用、效果和重要性的总体评价。职业价值观就是个人对不同职业 进行评价的心理倾向体系,它探讨人们在职业选择和职业生活中, 在众多的价值取向里,优先考虑哪种价值。 由于个人的身心条件、年龄阅历、教育状况、家庭影响、兴 趣爱好等方面的不同~而每种职业也有各自的特性~因此~不同 的人对职业特性的评价和取向是不同的~这就形成个人职业价值 观的差异。由于这种差异~人们在就业方向和具体职业岗位的选 择上~以至于在具体工作的投入上都会因此而受到影响。 适合的职业类型:对事情较有使命感,尽职尽责,因此愿意解决个体或社会问题。(例如:财务管理人员、人力资源人员、营销人员、策划人员、项目经理)。在商业领域里,与人打交道解决以人为本的问题,营造有效的工作环境也是所喜欢的。而从事营销方面的工作你可以发挥创造性解决问题的能力。记住:商界只有某些领域才能使你独特的天赋才能得以施展。(例如:企业组织发展顾问、企业培训人员、职业顾问、技术顾问等)。 3.4优势和劣势 工作中的优势:诚实正直,对自己信仰的事业尽职尽责 ;坚决果断,有说服力,并有高度的组织能力;有创造力,能提出独树一帜的解决问题的办法;能透视看到事情发展的宏观图像以及意识与行动间未来的潜在联系;有做出成绩、不达目的不罢休的干劲。 of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations ... (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as "shatterproof", "perishable," "cold" and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 1~2% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes ... Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying (1) can't wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available 工作中的劣势:不够灵活,思维单一,有时过分的专心致志,很难做与自己价值观相冲突的事;易于仓促下判断,且一旦做出决定不愿再回头过来审视一下,不会处理矛盾,易于忽略不快;交流方式可能太复杂,或很难把复杂的想法简明地表达出来,令他人不易理解;有时过份关注自己的观点是否被尊重和采纳,在压力和挫折面前不够坚持。 四、职业机会评估 1、家庭环境分析 家我出身于一个父母都是工程师的知识分子家庭,从小就受父母的影庭响,总体来说,家庭生活坏境较好。 经 济 家 庭 父亲母亲在本地有一定社会关系。 关 系 家 庭家中最大愿望是我能运用自己的能耐,充分发挥自己的社会价值,不期让生命留下遗憾。 望 家 庭从小家人的为人影响了我,父亲教会我如何脚踏实地,诚实守信;妈妈影对我言教身受要知书识礼,温柔善良。 响 2、学校环境分析 (1)我的专业就业情况分析 我就读的专业是工商管理。依据目前职场的情况来看,财务管理人员供小于求,所以,这个专业拥有广阔的发展前景。因为学校不是专业的财经类院校,所以需要努力提高自身的素质和专业知识,使自己达到专业的财经院校的水平。 3、社会环境分析 2011年,全国的就业形势依然严峻~”在前不久举行的2011年全国普通高校毕业生就业工作会议上,劳动保障部副部长张小建在对2011年的就业状况进行分析时给出了这样的判断。2011年全国普通高校毕业生人数将达495万,比2006年增加82万,同比增幅达19.9%。 五、择优选择方向 of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations ... (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as "shatterproof", "perishable," "cold" and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 1~2% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes ... Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying (1) can't wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available 5.1目标职业评估 财务管理专业未来发展趋势展望 1、获得大量的工作机会,现今社会,需要的财务管理人员很多,因此,会有很多的工作机会提供给财务管理专业的毕业生,发展前景很好。 2、现如今,中国企业越来越趋向于国际化,与国际企业接轨,需要的是具有先进的管理理念和综合素质高的综合管理人才,因而,学习财务管理的大学生具有很多的优势。 5.2职业定位 英语水平较好,且有浓厚的兴 没有什么社会经历 趣,英语实用能力较好。 知识面不够广,尤其是专业 知识 能较熟练地操作office商务软 件。 对相关的职业岗位了解不深 学生干部的工作经验丰富。 交际能力有待提高 有学习精神 综合能力较好,具有一定的发展 潜力 环 境 分 析 大学扩招,毕业生人数猛增 高级的财务管理人员供不应求 管理人员需求大,就业率高,待遇 好 个人评估总述 从上述的多方位评估中可以看出我的个人职业性格特征:做事稳重~但支配欲强~而且具有较强的管理能力~喜欢从事管理类的工作~ 并希望从中担当领导者的角色。经过学生干部的锻炼~我渐渐地培养出了策划、组织、管理方面的才能。这都有利于我从事财务管理方面的工作。 六、实现目标 大学四年 ,从被动转向主动,成为自己未来的主人。打牢地基,观念上将“要我学”变为“我要学”,脚踏实地学好基础课程,特别是英语。在大规划下要做小计划,坚持每天记英语单词、练习口语,并从大一开始就坚定不移地学下去。根据自己的实际情况考虑是否修读双学位或辅修第二专业,并尽早做好资料准备。要和师哥师姐们进行交流,尤其是大四的毕业生,初步了解自己的专业,询问就业情况,大一学习任务不重,多参加学校活动,积极参加学校活动,增加交流技巧,提高人际沟通能力,担当一定的职务,提高自己的组织能力和交流技巧,为毕业求职面试练好兵。学习计算机知识,辅助自己的学习。 ,在这一年里,既要稳抓基础,又要做好由基础课向专业课过渡的准备,并要把一些重要的高年级课程逐一浏览,以便向大三平稳过渡。适当选读其它专业的课程,使自己知识多元化。of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations ... (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as "shatterproof", "perishable," "cold" and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 1~2% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes ... Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying (1) can't wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available 要积极参加学生会或社团等组织,提高基本素质,锻炼自己的各种能力,同时检验自己的知识技能。由于现在的公司招聘的员工都需要有一定的工作经验,因此我要尝试兼职、社会实践活动,培养坚强的毅力,提高自己的责任感、主动性和受挫能力。还要不断增强英语口语能力和计算机应用能力。通过英语和计算机的相关证书考试,并开始有选择地辅修其他专业的知识充实自己。 ,主动加深专业课程的学习,我们会计系专业课都放在大三大四,所以这时不能在玩了,一定要全身心的投入到学习中去。大三下学期要多向大四的师兄师姐打听求职信息、面试技巧和职场需求情况,了解搜集工作信息的渠道,请教写求职信、个人 简历 个人简历下载免费下载简历模版总经理简历下载资料员简历下载资料员简历下载 的经验,积极尝试,以提高求职技能。并在假期开始为自己心目中的职业进行实践。自己还准备考研,要关注考试资讯,尽可能多渠道地搜罗各种资料。试着撰写专业学术文章,提出自己的见解。 ,上学期还是很关键的,大四下就可以对前三年的准备做一个总结。然后,开始毕业后工作的 申请 关于撤销行政处分的申请关于工程延期监理费的申请报告关于减免管理费的申请关于减租申请书的范文关于解除警告处分的申请 ,利用学校提供的条件,了解就业指导中心提供的用人公司资料信息、强化求职技巧、进行模拟面试等训练,尽可能地在做出较为充分准备的情况下进行施展演练。积极参加各种招聘活动,在实践中检验自己的积累和准备,预习或模拟面试,参加面试。目标既已锁定,该出手时就出手了。求 职的,编写好个人求职材料,进军招聘活动,多到求职网站和论坛转一转,你自然会享受到勤劳的果实。大四下也是考研冲刺期,落足功夫,争取把目标拿下。如果考上了就放弃工作继续深造,如果没考上就工作。先到企业工作,期间顺便考公务员。 进入职场的前五年——中期目标的计划 从思想上,由学生转型为独立的职业人,这是进入我进入职场的首要任务。 个人想像与社会、公司实际情况可能存在落差,要调整心态,正确对待。 给人以良好的精神面貌,养成良好的上班习惯,不能有迟到现象 熟悉工作的软硬环境,掌握工作程序。如认识同事、学习办公室设备的使用等 选准原点,脚踏实地,从基本做起 深入了解工作单位的历史,透彻了解本职工作的内容 长期目标 如果有可能的话,会选择开办属于自己的公司。 七、备选职业规划方案 of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations ... (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as "shatterproof", "perishable," "cold" and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 1~2% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes ... Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying (1) can't wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available 由于社会环境、家庭环境、组织环境、个人成长曲线等变化以及各种不可预测因素的影响,一个人的职业生涯发展往往不是一帆风顺的。为了更好地主动把握人生,适应千变万化的职场世界,拟定一份备选的职业生涯规划方案是十分必要的。 我会选择当一名记者 优势: 1自己对记者这份职业有兴趣 2自己是文科生,比较感性。 劣势: 与自己大学所学习的专业不一致,导致专业知识会有欠缺。 八、结束语 最后让我用下面这句话来激励自己将职业规划付诸行动吧~在这个世界上,永远没有穷、富世袭之说,也永远没有成、败世袭之说,有的只是我奋斗、我成功的真理。 我坚信,我们的命运由我们的行动决定,而绝非完全由我们的出身决定。 最后,希望我的大学能够是我梦想的跳板,助我的梦想奋力起航~
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