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论代位权法律关系的债务清偿论代位权法律关系的债务清偿 ——兼评《合同法问题解释》第20条 唐烈英 关键词: 代位权诉讼/债权人/债务人/次债务人/履行清偿义务 内容提要: 笔者对《合同法问题解释》第20条关于在代位权诉讼中,由次债务人向债权人履行清偿义务的规定之重大意义作了充分地肯定。同时指出,合同法应当就次债务人如何向物权担保的债权人与一般债权人清偿债务作出规定;应当就请求法院采取了保全措施与未采取保全措施的一般债权人的清偿、受领分别加以规定。并认为,只有将债权人、债务人、次债务人之间的合同关系合并审理,次债务人履行清偿义务后,三...

论代位权法律关系的债务清偿 ——兼评《合同法问题解释》第20条 唐烈英 关键词: 代位权诉讼/债权人/债务人/次债务人/履行清偿义务 内容提要: 笔者对《合同法问题解释》第20条关于在代位权诉讼中,由次债务人向债权人履行清偿义务的规定之重大意义作了充分地肯定。同时指出,合同法应当就次债务人如何向物权担保的债权人与一般债权人清偿债务作出规定;应当就请求法院采取了保全措施与未采取保全措施的一般债权人的清偿、受领分别加以规定。并认为,只有将债权人、债务人、次债务人之间的合同关系合并审理,次债务人履行清偿义务后,三方的债权债务关系才能即时消灭。 我国在上个世纪90年代末,才在法律上正式确立了代位权法律制度。这一制度的确立“为债权人提供更周密而细致的保护,„„填补了法律漏洞,意义重大。” [1](P.13)我国代位权的含义是指债权人在债务人怠于行使其到期债权遭受损害时,依法享有的请求人民法院以自己的名义代位行使债务人债权的权利(注:《中华人民共和国合同法》第73条。)。 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 跚跚来迟的代位权制度的法律规定,很快就暴露出其先天的缺陷。按照我国的立法惯例,对于基本法之缺陷以司法解释的方式对其进行弥补。于是,就在《中华人民共和国合同法》(以下简称《合同法》)颁行的当年,最高人民法院就以司法解释的方式,用了十二个条文对《合同法》关于代位权规定的一个条文进行了详尽地解释(注:最高人民法院《关于适用〈中华人民共和国合同法〉若干问题解释》第11条至第22条。)。最高人民法院对代位权相关问题所作的解释,为理解、实施、审理代位权纠纷提供了操作指南。但是,作为一项崭新制度,《合同法》对代位权制度的规定是不完善的,最高人民法院《关于适用〈中华人民共和国合同法〉若干问题解释》(以下简称《合同法问题解释》)也存在瑕疵,在实际适用过程中出现了一些具体问题。本文就《合同法》第73条、《合同法问题解释》第20条之优劣及其完善提出拙见,与法学界同仁共同商讨。 一 《合同法》第73条1款规定:“因债务人怠于行使其到期债权,对债权人造成损害的,债权人可以向人民法院请求以自己的名义代位行使债务人的债权,但该债权专属于债务人自身的除外。”该条款明确地确认了债权人对债务人怠于行使的到期债权,有直接以自己的名义代债务人起诉次债务人的权利。但是,该条款对债权人代位行使债权后,次债务人的清偿是由债务人接受还是债权人接受,没有明确规定,这就导致在实践中适用第73条1款时产生分歧:有的地方由是estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 文章来源:中顾法律网 上网找律师 就到中顾法律网 快速专业解决您的法律问题 由行使代位权的债权人优先受偿;有的地方债务人受偿后,再由债务人的全部债权人按比例平等受偿。同时,在民法学界对此也产生两种不同的看法:一种观点认为,代位权是管理权;一种观点认为,代位权是请求权。 所谓代位权是管理权:即代位权以债权为基础,虽然是以债权人的名义行使,但债权人行使的是债务人的权利,其后果应归属于债务人,并非由行使代位权的人享有。“管理权”理论的结果是:债权人代位权的行使仅仅是对债务人权利进行的一种管理,债权人不能直接受领通过代位权诉讼取得的财产,行使代位权取得的财产只能由债务人受领;即使在债务人怠于受领、由债权人代为受领,债务人仍可请求债权人向其交付受领的财产。代位权人起诉次债务人受清偿的财产归债务人后,按照债权平等原则,该财产就应当由债务人的所有债权人共同享有,平等受偿。管理权理论实际是传统代位权理论上的入库规则。该规则“把债权人代位权称之为强制执行的预备功能” [2](P.101)。该理论有如下三点缺陷: 第一,将代位诉讼混同于清产还债的清算程序和破产程序:清算程序或者破产程序旨在清产还债,使众多债权人能够公平受偿。如果债权人代位行使债务人债权后归属于债务人,由全体债权人共同享有,公平受偿,这就需要公告通知债务人的全部债权人限期申报债权,这无疑与清算或破产在程序上、在法律后果方面完全相同。然而,代estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 位权诉讼不同于债务人清算程序或者破产程序,代位权制度的价值取向不是要平等地保护债务人的全体债权人,而是旨在保护积极行使权利的债权人的利益。 第二,这不符合民事诉讼的“不告不理”原则:代位债权人行使自己的债权,主张自己的权利,理应得到保护。其他债权人不行使不主张自己的权利,有可能是要放弃自己的权利,而在民事法律关系中,权利人有权放弃自己的民事权利;也有可能是希望协商解决,而自愿、协商是民法的基本原则。既然当事人都没有主张自己的到期债权,不主张自己的到期债权既不违法,也不损害国家集体和其他人的利益,事实上是当事人对自己的民事权利行使处分权的一种表现,法院对已提起诉讼的债权人的利益进行保护、对不提起诉讼的债权人的利益不主动保护,既不违法又符合不告不理诉讼原则,为什么非要对行使权利的债权人的利益不充分保护,而对不行使自己权利的债权人的利益主动保护呢?即使是旨在使众多债权人公平受偿的破产程序中,对不主动向法院申报的债权,人民法院也不会对其进行保护;那么,在代位权诉讼中,法院为什么一定要对当事人不行使的债权进行保护呢? 第三,这会使代位权制度的设立失去意义:在代位诉讼中一味强调债权平等原则,代位行使的结果由全体债权人共同享有,其他债权人怠于行使自己的债权,只等搭“便车”,反正是否代位都平等受偿,何不坐享其成?债务人也不行使自己的债权,反正债权人代位行使以后,次债务人不是向债权人清偿而是向自己清偿,坐等债权人代位权estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 文章来源:中顾法律网 上网找律师 就到中顾法律网 快速专业解决您的法律问题 诉讼的成果,坐等与债权人、次债务人清结债权债务关系,何乐而不为?这样,会使得债权人丧失提起代位权诉讼的积极性。当债权人没有代位行使债权的积极性时,代位权制度的规定也就成为一纸空文,整个代位权制度也就形同虚设。 所谓代位权是请求权,源自债权为请求权,以债权为基础的代位权也是请求权。行使请求权产生的利益,当归属于请求人。代位权是请求权这种理论,克服了代位权是管理权的缺陷。债权人代位行使债务人的债权后,次债务人直接向债权人履行清偿义务;这在实际效果上,表现为代位债权人优先受偿;“即体现了‘时间优先,权利优先’的规则。” [2](P.106)代位权优先规则的构建,使“债权人提起的代位之诉一旦胜诉,在次债务人所负债务范围内,债权即可得到一定程度的满足,真正公平、快捷地实现债权。” [2](P.106) 《合同法问题解释》第20条确认了代位权是请求权的理论,明确规定:“债权人向次债务人提起的代位权诉讼经人民法院审理后认定代位权成立的,由次债务人向债权人履行清偿义务,债权人与债务人、债务人与次债务人之间相应的债权债务关系即予消灭”。 债权人的债权是实体权利,债权人代位行使的债务人的债权也是实体权利。因此,尽管债权人与次债务人之间不存在直接的权利义务关系,但法律既然赋予债权人直接追索次债务人的权利,就应当认为estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 这不只是一种程序上的意义,也具有实体意义,即在债权人与次债务人之间创设新的直接后果的权利义务关系。债权人有权越过债务人提起代位权诉讼,当然也就可以越过债务人直接从次债务人那里接受清偿。 《合同法问题解释》第20条以代位权是实体权、请求权为理论依据,规定次债务人直接向债权人履行清偿义务,债权人有权直接受领通过代位权诉讼取得的财产,有其积极的意义:从理论上来看,统一了理论上的分歧,消除司法实际中无法可依、各自主张不统一的作法;“符合立法精神、符合诉讼经济原则、符合‘不告不理’原则、符合公平原则”。 [3]在实际中,能够促进债务人行使自己的到期债权,因为债务人不行使债权人就要行使;能够调动债权人积极行使代位权,行使代位权可以直接接受次债务人的清偿,实现自己的债权;可以简化程序,具有可操作性,比起由次债务人向债务人履行债务,更利于发挥代位权制度的作用。 二 当债务人只有一个债权人时,按照《合同法问题解释》第20条规定,由次债务人向债权人直接履行清偿义务,一般不产生问题。但是,并非所有的债权债务关系都是一个债权人对债务人。有的债务人有数个债权人;在数干个债权人中又有若干种债权人。 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 文章来源:中顾法律网 上网找律师 就到中顾法律网 快速专业解决您的法律问题 当同一债务人有若干种债权人,既有一般债权人又有设有物权担保的债权人,设有物权担保的债权人到期未行使自己的债权、一般债权人行使代位权时,法院在审理中是否考虑物权优先原则?是行使代位权的债权人直接先受清偿,还是设有担保物权但没有行使代位权的债权人优先受偿呢? 当同一债务人有数个债权人,凡符合法定条件的都可以依法行使代位权。在债务人的财产不足以清偿其全部债务时,各债权人都会抢先以同一次债务人为被告提起代位权诉讼。当数个债权人以同一次债务人为被告提起代位权诉讼时,人民法院可以合并审理。在合并审理的代位权诉讼中,债权人在提供相应的财产担保后,有权请求人民法院对次债务人的财产采取保全措施。当后起诉的债权人依法请求法院对次债务人的财产采取保全措施,法院在合并审理中,是否会在考虑物权优先原则的同时,考虑债权平等原则?是采取了财产保全措施的债权人、还是设有物权担保的债权人、还是先提起代位权诉讼的债权人优先受偿?在这些情况下,是否仍然由次债务人直接向提起代位诉讼的债权人履行清偿义务?次债务人又怎样向债权人履行清偿义务? 对于上述问题,无论是《合同法》还是《合同法问题解释》,都没有作出规定或解释。如果在立法上不解决这些问题,在司法实践中就会无法可依,全国不同级别、不同地区、不同的专门法院的判决就难以完全一致。在同一债权债务关系中有数个债权人、数种债权人并estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 存时,不将受偿的先后作出统一规定,就按照《合同法问题解释》第20条的规定,由次债务人向债权人履行清偿义务,就难免会损害不同性质的债权人利益。 我认为《合同法问题解释》第20条,在规定次债务人直接向债权人履行清偿义务的同时,至少,还可以分两种不同情况作出更为细致的规定。 1、可以就同一代位权诉讼中存在有物权担保的债权人与一般债权人时,次债务人如何向不同的债权人清偿,规定设有物权担保的债权人优先于一般债权人受清偿。 《担保法》第2条规定的五种担保方式中,只有质押、抵押和留质是物权担保。 以质押作为债的担保,债务人或第三人要将其动产移交给债权人占有;以留置作为债的担保,债权人按合同的约定要占有债务人的动产。当债务人不按期履行债务,质押权人或留置权人都有权依法以自己占有的质物或留置物折价或者以拍卖、变卖质物、留置物的价款优先受偿。因此,以质押方式、留置的方式作为物权担保的债权,一般不发生债权人行使代位权的情况。 以抵押作为债的担保,在抵押法律关系成立后、抵押权实现前这一期间,抵押人可在告知抵押权人后,将已办理登记的抵押物转让。在抵押人将抵押物转让后,抵押人对受让方应当支付而不支付的价款estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 文章来源:中顾法律网 上网找律师 就到中顾法律网 快速专业解决您的法律问题 不行使权利,就有可能使债权人设立抵押的债权无法实现,因此,在抵押担保物权中,就会发生债权人行使代位权的情况。 债权人与债务人的债务设有抵押担保,设有担保的债权人到期未行使自己的债权,一般债权人以债务人出售有不动产应当收取价款而不收款为由,依法提起代位权诉讼,法院审理后认定代位起诉的债权人、债务人、次债务人之间的债权合法,法院应当如何处理?例如,债务人甲有两个债权人乙丙:乙先借二十万给甲;丙后借二十万给甲,但丙与甲以甲新购的七十平方米的房屋依法办理了抵押担保登记手续。不久,甲告知丙:为了履行还债义务,将该抵押房屋转让给丁,丙表示同意。甲以三十万价金将房屋转让给丁后,并不向丁催要房款,也未向丙履行还债义务。乙得知甲转让房屋后, 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 甲偿还自己的借款未果,逐请求法院以自己的名义行使债务人甲的债权,要求次债务人丁偿还自己二十万元。法院在审理中,将债务人甲追加为第三人,并查明:甲除乙是债权人外,还有丙是设有抵押物权的债权人。如果法院以抵押权人丙没有行使自己的权利为由,就直接裁决丁向乙履行清偿义务,该裁决维护了一般债权人乙的合法的债权,却违背了物权优先原则;次债务人丁向一般债权人乙履行清偿义务的结果,会损害抵押权人丙的抵押物权所担保的债权。 对于“多个债权人的债权种类不同的,基于所有权和担保物权而享有的债权,优先于金钱债权受偿”。(注:《最高人民法院关于人estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 民法院执行工作若干问题的规定》(试行)第88条2款。)当一般债权人行使代位权诉讼,法院追加债务人为第三人,查清该债务人还负有抵押担保债务时,根据物权具有破除债权和物权优先于债权受清偿的效力,法院应当将抵押权人作为有独立请求权的第三人通知其参加诉讼。在本案中,法院应当通知丙作为有独立请求权的第三人参加诉讼。抵押权人丙在一般债权人乙作为原告代债务人甲将丁作为被告提起的代位权诉讼中,对原、被告双方所争议的买房价款享有独立的请求权。按照物权优于债权的原理,丙尽管在诉讼中是第三人,但享有优先受偿的权利;只有当丙所设立的抵押物权小于抵押物,在偿还丙的二十万借款后,所余十万元,一般债权人乙才能得到清偿。当然,在设有抵押担保物权的债权人明确表示放弃其权利时,比如,丙在法院通知其到庭参加诉讼后,明确表示放弃其优先受偿权或放弃其债权时,提起代位权诉讼的一般债权人乙才可以按自己的债权全额受偿。 当然,设有抵押物权担保的债权人与一般债权人同时对次债务人提起代位权诉讼的,抵押物权担保的债权人是原告,在诉讼中,自然有权先于一般债权人受清偿。另外,在代位权诉讼中,“有多个担保物权的,按照各担保物权成立的先后顺序清偿”?。 可见,对设有抵押物权担保的债权和一般债权并存时,《合同法》或者《合同法问题解释》应当规定:多个债权种类不同的债权人向次债务人提起代位权诉讼,法院认定一般债权代位权成立和设有抵押物权担保债权的代位权成立后,应当裁决先由次债务人向抵押物权担保estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 文章来源:中顾法律网 上网找律师 就到中顾法律网 快速专业解决您的法律问题 的债权人履行清偿义务,再向提起代位权诉讼的一般债权人履行清偿义务;设有抵押物权担保的债权人放弃优先受偿权或放弃债权的除外。 2、可以就请求法院采取了保全措施的一般债权人与未采取保全措施的一般债权人的清偿、受领分别加以规定:在代位诉讼中,采取财产保全措施的债权人与其他债权人平等受偿、但优先受领。 在债务人无能力清偿其全部债务,两个或两个以上债权人以同一次债务人为被告,先后提起代位权诉讼,而次债务人的债务又不足以清偿债务人的全部债务时,后起诉的债权人请求人民法院对次债务人的财产采取保全措施,法院当如何处理?例如,债务人A有B、C、D三个债权人,A分别欠三人三万、两万、一万元;债务人A没有能力清偿B、C、D三人六万元债务,次债务人E欠A三万元。D首先向E提起代位权诉讼,尔后是C,最后,B在代位权诉讼中,以自己的轿车作为担保,申请法院冻结了E帐户上的两万元。法院经审理后认定B、C、D三人的代位权成立,法院能否以《合同法问题解释》第20条规定的“由次债务人向债权人履行清偿义务”为依据,裁决由次债务人E直接向先起诉的代位权人D履行清偿义务?或者由次债务人E向采取财产保全措施的申请人B直接履行清偿义务? estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 在若干债权人就同一次债务人提起代位权诉讼的合并审理中,对采取财产保全措施的债权人、先提起代位权诉讼的债权人,法院在判决阶段,应根据债权平等原则,即同一债务人的全部财产上设立的多个债权,各债权间具有平等的效力,裁决各债权人平等地依法受偿。法院如果裁决由次债务人直接向先起诉的代位权人履行清偿义务或者向采取财产保全措施的申请人直接履行清偿义务,就会违反债权平等原则。因此,在该案中,法院不能裁决次债务人E向先提起代位诉讼的债权人D履行清偿义务,也不能由次债务人E将采取保全措施冻结的帐户上的金额直接向债权人B履行,采取了保全措施的财产履行债务应当由法院执行。在B、C、D三个债权人就E提起的代位权诉讼中,在审判阶段,债权平等表现为B、C、D每人受清偿的比例一样,都为二比一:法院应当判决B、C、D分别受偿一万五千、一万和五千。 由于提出保全措施的申请人要向法院提供相应的财产担保,如果采取保全措施和未采取保全措施的债权人都一样地受领应受清偿部份,在若干债权人代位起诉中,就可能出现都不积极地采取保全措施。这就可能为次债务人转移、隐匿财产留下空间,最终使法院生效判决成为一纸空文,遗留下执行难的问题。因此,在执行阶段,采取了保全措施的债权人,在财产保全范围内应该优先受领其应受清偿部份。该代位权诉讼中,采取了财产保全措施的B,可以就E帐户上冻结的两万元优先受偿自己的一万五千元;C、D未采取保全措施,只能就E剩余的五千元及法院执行E的其它财产受偿。当在同一代位权诉讼estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 文章来源:中顾法律网 上网找律师 就到中顾法律网 快速专业解决您的法律问题 中,有数个申请采取保全措施的债权人,则应按采取保全措施的先后顺序受领其应受清偿部份。 因此,在次债务人的财产不足以清偿数个代位债权人债权的情况下,《合同法》应当规定:数个债权人向次债务人提起代位权诉讼,法院认定各债权人代位权成立的,各债权人平等地按比例受清偿;请求法院采取了诉讼保全措施的数个债权人,在保全措施范围内,就其应当受偿的数额,由法院“按照执行法院采取执行措施的先后顺序受偿”(注:《最高人民法院关于人民法院执行工作若干问题的规定》(试行)第88条1款。),可优先受领其保全的财产;保全措施范围外的,由次债务人向债权人履行清偿义务。 三 《合同法》第73条2款规定:“代位权行使的范围以债权人的债权为限。” 《合同法问题解释》第20条规定:次债务人向债权人履行清偿义务,债权人与债务人、债务人与次债务人之间相应的债权债务关系即予消灭。 以债权人的名义行使债务人的债权,行使的范围是否都只能以债权人的债权为限?法院认定代位权成立,由次债务人向债权人履行清estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 偿义务后,债权人与债务人、债务人与次债务人之间相应的债权债务关系就消灭。“相应的债权债务关系”是指什么? 债权人代位诉讼,有这样三种情况:债权人的债权与债务人的债权一致;债权人的债权大于债务人的债权;债权人的债权小于债务人的债权。 当债权人的债权与债务人的债权一致时,债权人以自己的债权为限也就是以债务人的债权为限,债权人向次债务人提起的代位诉讼经人民法院审理、次债务人向债权人履行清偿义务后,债权人与债务人、债务人与次债务人之间相应的债权债务关系即予消灭;这完全符合《合同法问题解释》第20条的规定。 当债权人的债权大于债务人的债权时,以债权人的债权为限,则超过了债务人对次债务人的债权。例如,债务人乙欠甲二十万元,次债务人丙欠债务人乙十万元;债权人甲以自己的债权二十万为限起诉次债务人丙偿还,《合同法问题解释》第21条明确规定,请求数额超过次债务人对债务人所负债务额时,对超出部分人民法院不予支持。这种情况下,债权人按照《合同法》第73条2款的规定,以债权人自己的债权为限行使代位权,既违法也显然行不通,债权人就只能以债务人的债权为限提起代位诉讼。即使次债务人向债权人履行了全部清偿义务,次债务人与债务人之间的债权债务消灭,但是债权人与债务人之间也只是“相应的债权债务关系”消灭,不可能全部消灭。 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 文章来源:中顾法律网 上网找律师 就到中顾法律网 快速专业解决您的法律问题 当债权人的债权小于债务人的债权时,债权人提起代位诉讼,以债务人的债务为限,则超出了自己的债权范围。例如,债务人乙欠甲十万元,次债务人丙欠债务人乙二十万元;债权人甲以债务人的债权二十万为限起诉次债务人丙偿还,就超出了自己的债权范围。根据《合同法问题解释》第21条的规定,债权人行使代位权的请求数额超过债务人所负债务额,对超出部分人民法院不予支持。在这种情况下,债权人事实上只能以自己的债权为限提起代位权诉讼,在次债务人对债权人直接清偿后,则债权人与债务人之间的债权债务关系消灭,而债务人与次债务人之间的债权债务关系也没有完全消灭。 从以上 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 可以看出,债权人在代位权诉讼中,即不可能完全是以债权人的债权为限,也不可能完全是以债务人的债权为限;在法院认定代位权成立、次债务人向债权人履行清偿义务后,债权人、债务人和次债务人之间“相应的债权债务关系即予消灭”仅指债权人的债权与债务人的债权一致的情况。当债权人的债权大于或小于债务人的债权时,即使次债务人向债权人履行清偿义务,债权人与债务人、债务人与次债务人之间相应的债权债务关系并非就能予以消灭。而在现实的债权债务中,由于债权人的债权与债务人的债权是不同的法律关系,两者的债权完全一致的情况并不多见,不一致的情况倒是常有的。因此,《合同法》及其《合同法问题解释》“关于代位权的规定estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 便只能够停留在纸面上,成为立法者追求法律体系完美的道具,” [1](P16)并不能妥善地解决实际中存在的问题。 当债权人与债务人、或债务人与次债务人经代位诉讼后,其债权债务关系尚未消灭部分,债权人应当怎样实现自己的债权?《合同法问题解释》第15条规定,债权人向人民法院起诉债务人以后,又对次债务人提起代位权诉讼,受理代位权诉讼的人民法院,在债权人起诉债务人的诉讼裁决发生法律效力以前,依法要中止代位权诉讼。按照该条规定,当债权人的债权大于债务人债权时,债权人起诉债务人,而债务人的财产又不足以清偿其债务,债权人对次债务人又行使代位权起诉的,受理法院要暂时终止审理;只有在对债务人的起诉经审理、执行、确实债务人的财产不足以清偿债权人债权时,受理法院对债权人起诉次债务人代位诉讼就又要进行审理,以实现债权人的债权。这样,债权人要实现自己的债权需经两次诉讼审理。如果债权人不起诉债务人,直接起诉次债务人,债权人代位诉讼请求超出次债务人所负债务额的部分,人民法院不支持债权人的权利主张。对债权人未受清偿部分当如何解决,《合同法》没有规定,从《合同法问题解释》第20条也看不出解决方法。根据《合同法问题解释》第15条之规定,可以推论,当债务人无能力偿还债务,债权人起诉次债务人,次债务人履行清偿义务后,债权人未清偿部份,在债务人有财产可供清偿债务时,债权人还须起诉债务人,要求其清偿自己未受清偿部份之债权;这样,债权人要实现自己的债权仍需经两次诉讼审理。 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 文章来源:中顾法律网 上网找律师 就到中顾法律网 快速专业解决您的法律问题 只有当债权人的债权小于债务人的债权时,债权人才能通过一次代位权诉讼即可获得清偿;债权人与债务人的债权债务人才能消灭。但是,次债务人与债务人之间的债权债务关系没有消灭。对次债务人尚欠债务人的债务当如何解决,《合同法问题解释》第22条规定:“债务人在代位诉讼中,对超过债权人代位请求数额的债权部分起诉次债务人的,人民法院应当告知其向有管辖权的人民法院另行起诉。债务人的起诉符合法定条件的,人民法院应当受理,受理债务人起诉的人民法院在代位诉讼裁决发生法律效力以前,应当依法中止。”这一规定表明,对债权人的债权小于债务人的债权时,债务人要获清偿,则需另行起诉;在债权人的代位诉讼终结前债务人的起诉,法院受理后要中止审理,要等代位诉讼裁决下达且生效后,才对债务人起诉次债务人的案件进行审理;债务人与次债务人之间的债权债务关系,如经债权人行使代位权,则需要两次诉讼审理才能了结。 这样,当债权人的债权大于或小于债务人的债权时,债权人、债务人、次债务人三者的债权债务关系虽经代位权诉讼裁决,也只部分解决;根据《合同法问题解释》第15、22条的规定,尚未清结的债权债务关系,还要由债务人另行起诉次债务人或由债权人另行起诉债务人,经有管辖权的法院再次审理,作出裁决,才能清结。也即债权人行使代位权的诉讼要经两次诉讼才能清结债权债务关系。这对当事人来说,本来简单的债权债务案件,一审再审,每案都可两审终审,耗estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 时费力,如果标的不大,当事人还得不偿失;从法院来看,造成诉讼累赘,不符合经济诉讼的民事诉讼法的基本原则;尤其是一案由不同管辖的法院审理,重复劳动,浪费人力;从诉讼结果来看,不同法院由于各方面的原因,还有可能作出相互矛盾的裁决,影响审判机关的威信。有人或许提出,未解决部分,就不必由法院裁决,当事人自己协商就行了。这一提法的出发点是好的,当事人协商既是民法的基本原则,也是民事诉讼法的基本原则,但是,既然当事人要协商又何必起诉?何不当初就由当事人协商?如果当事人协商不成,又当作何处理? 《合同法问题解释》第16条1款规定,“债权人以次债务人为被告向人民法院提起代位权诉讼,未将债务人列为第三人的,人民法院可以追加债务人为第三人。”我认为,在代位诉讼中,解决债权人的债权大于或小于次债务人的债权问题,既然已经规定在代位权诉讼中,以次债务人为被告,将债务人列为第三人,从诉讼法角度来看,债务人的诉讼地位是有独立请求权第三人。债务人在代位诉讼中,既可以对债权人的债权提出异议,又可以对次债务人的抗辩进行反驳;对债权人、次债务人之间诉讼请求额超出部分享有独立请求权。因此,代位权诉讼不要以债务人的债务或以债权人的债务为限,可将债权人、债务人、次债务人之间的合同关系合并审理,在查清事实的基础上,直接就债权人与债务人、债务人与次债务人之间的债权债务关系,作出裁决。 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 文章来源:中顾法律网 上网找律师 就到中顾法律网 快速专业解决您的法律问题 当债权人的债权小于债务人之债权时,裁决由次债务人直接向债权人清偿,多余部分再向债务人清偿。当债权人的债权大于债务人的债权时,则裁决次债务人向债权人直接清偿,不足部分,明确地裁决由债务人清偿。 经法院审理后裁决法律文 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 生效后,债权人可以以此生效法律文书作为执行根据,向法院申请执行;即使债务人或次债务人当时无清偿能力,也只是以后执行的问题,不存在再次起诉和审理的问题;法院在执行中,查证债务人或次债务人确实暂无财产可供执行,可以中止执行,一旦发现有财产可供执行,可立即恢复执行。 “法律规范的价值是通过实际运用、解决实际问题体现出来的”。 [1](P16)如果法律这样规定,其解决实际问题的价值就能体现出来:首先,可以省去《合同法问题解释》第15、22条规定的有管辖权法院的再次立案受理;第二,《合同法问题解释》第20条规定的代位权成立,由次债务人向债权人履行清偿义务后,债权人、债务人、次债务人三方的关系即时消灭的规定,就能适用于债权人行使代位权的三种情况;第三,有利于减少诉讼累赘,防止人民法院作出相互矛盾的判决,符合经济诉讼原则,节省法院的人力财力;就真正有利于三角债的清理,符合三方当事人的利益。 注释: estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. [1]崔建远,韩世远:合同法中的债权人代位权制度[J].中国法学,1999(3). [2]张玉敏、周清林.“入库规则”:传统的悖离与超越[J].现代法学,2002(5). [3]曹守晔.对合同法中代位权的理解与适用(下)[N].人民法院报,2000-03-12. 出处:西南民族大学学报(人文社科版)200505 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction.
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