首页 谈谈英语六级翻译的技巧及长句的翻译方法(Translation skills and long sentences translation methods of English six level)

谈谈英语六级翻译的技巧及长句的翻译方法(Translation skills and long sentences translation methods of English six level)


谈谈英语六级翻译的技巧及长句的翻译方法(Translation skills and long sentences translation methods of English six level)谈谈英语六级翻译的技巧及长句的翻译方法(Translation skills and long sentences translation methods of English six level) 谈谈英语六级翻译的技巧及长句的翻译方法(Translation skills and long sentences translation methods of English six level) This paper consists of 349319852 contributions Pdf docum...

谈谈英语六级翻译的技巧及长句的翻译方法(Translation skills and long sentences translation methods of English six level)
谈谈英语六级翻译的技巧及长句的翻译方法(Translation skills and long sentences translation methods of English six level) 谈谈英语六级翻译的技巧及长句的翻译方法(Translation skills and long sentences translation methods of English six level) This paper consists of 349319852 contributions Pdf documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you select TXT first or download the source file to the local machine. VIP information Eighteenth volume first February 2004 Journal of Henan College of Finance and Taxation JuafHeaiacorlonnFnneTaainColgnxtleoe Vo.8NoI11.. Fb2Oe.O4 Translation skills and long sentences translation methods of English six level Liu Liping, Wen Chao Ma (Basic Department of Henan College of Finance and Taxation, Henan, Zhengzhou 400) 502 Key words code conversion; inter difference; sentence structure Abstract: analyzing the problems in the translation of College English Test Band Six, it can be seen that cross language translation should not only be a single sentence It is the whole code switching at the textual level. The differences between English and Chinese languages should be understood Based on the analysis of the grammatical structure of long sentences, combining with the specific language environment and the inherent requirements of Chinese itself, the author will use various ways to make the English translation of the long sentences The words and the implication in the language are fully and accurately reproduced in chinese. accurate [CLC No. 304; 359H1.2H1. [document identification code] A [article number 0859 (040 - 00 - 310 - 7320) 1060) in view of the above problems, we should guide the students to study in peacetime The English Chinese translation in CET six is from reading theory respectively In the 4 part of the solution, choose one or two sentences to make up one question, Accumulate the common sense of translation and grasp the skills of translation. Everything has its own internal rules, and translation is no exception. As the candidates in the pro forma should have often used some translation skills in English Chinese translation, sense of differences between Chinese and English at the same time, we must pay special attention to summarize the rules of translation. Through the analysis of the examination papers, they found six level I exam the translation test questions in the English sentence has the following three characteristics: first, the longer sentences, including attributive clauses, adverbial clauses of its subordinate sub structure, complex structure, sentence meaning is not easy to grasp. Second, although some sentences are not long, they contain words and words which are difficult to understand Groups or phrases and more complex grammatical phenomena. Third, the translation skills required in the test include the translation of the attributive clause, the processing of the transferred voice, and the processing of the sentence. long The whole sentence structure is correct, natural, fluent and fluent, and conforms to the idiomatic expression of the Han language. A lot of students think this sentence when they do this exercise Look, it lied. Translation is to English translation Language proficiency test, there is no basic skills, in order to get high scores in this part is impossible. But, If you have a good command of English, do you have a high translation ability? Not necessarily. Translation is a kind of code information conversion, which is carried out by Chinese students In practice, will encounter the following difficulties: first, the Chinese students often have some basic skills are not good, Chinese expression ability is poor, as in translation often feel some sentences can sense, can not only explain "in. In translation, they can better understand the source language information, but it is difficult to understand the source language Find the corresponding code words in translation. Second, there is a correct understanding of the original sentence In practice, we can not simply interpret this translation as sentence me Sub translation should be interpreted as textual translation. In understanding the source language, it should be understood from the level of the text, which is to understand the underlined part. Understanding the focus can be placed in the selection of the author's intention and meaning of words, gas and material and determine the characteristics of the article, the basic language translation by correspondence or agreement. Therefore, we should read through the whole text before translating Deviation leads to deviation in expression. In translation test, the increase is The difficulty of the test questions, designers often choose those grammatical structure wrong test A complex part. Understanding is the basis of translation, without correct understanding The original information expressed in language, and the deviation in Mistake. Such as rhetorical relations mistranslation omission, improper ellipsis, word order increasing complement Improper arrangement, meaning, stylistic color adaptation, translation of words etc.. Third, know how to deal with the relationship between loyalty, smoothness and smoothness. The standard of translation is "faithfulness", "fluency", "fluency" and "fluency" in translating "XinDa" and "Yu Ya". However, in the actual translation, there are often such problems: Fluency, and the original information is too large; the word is not the text, but the text Too elegant, relatively close to the source language information. but [draft date] 03 T2 1 20O 1 Grasp the whole content of the article as a whole and understand the part of the line The grammatical and logical relations between the other parts of the article. In the paragraph Study the connection between the underlined sentence and other sentences, don't want to get a special ite etita eeto, qingdynastyci, Te, shtts, SOR, thytm, HH, hheh generation of words or phrases. These words and phrases sometimes appear in the underlined part When you can find it, go to the sentences in front of you. Later ran [brief introduction] Li Ping (91 1) female, Liu 17, Hubei Xiangfan people, lecturer of Henan College of Finance and Taxation, master of linguistics. language 6? 0 VIP information Make full use of their own English grammar knowledge, analysis of the underlined part of the sentence Structure. First, find out the subject, the object and the object of the sentence, so as to understand the key structure of the sentence. When analyzing the backbone structure of a sentence, it should also pay attention to the analysis of whether the sentence elements are omitted or not, and whether the relationship between the main clause and the clause is clear. Not only to the lexical meaning of all content words and function words in the sentence to understand, understand the meaning of the whole sentence also claw body righteousness. Understanding the basis of the sentence, in addition to the sentence itself, there is a sentence in which the specific language environment. Before you begin to translate, you should first read the original text Change. Error in. busy Example 1Wecnoapeitwaimenb.antprcehtsatyaa Ysaewh (a0budradiieuloeespcihhsnonayntsqalhpls): . , Troignpcihgenfrvrottmaieasaewhcosooee.y This sentence is a compound compound sentence connected by ad, sentence wecnn main a- NtaPeitasmenyasaewhchsnoPrcaewhtiatbpcihao In budronay, there is an object clause derived from Wa, and the object HT leads to the object clause I have a wih attributive clause to modify H ~ SAE? Iieuloeestroignpc; tsqayhplsottmaiealy Saewihgenfle also comes with an attributive clause to repair pchcosoort SAE so the sentence can be translated into: who can not understand without boundaries PC. What does my space mean? A permanent space is the same Unimaginable. Example 2EgneeometClonastsimc.nierdteairiteeifas Rqimet, teossaecntceo4 iceurenshhuerosrtdf1unhwal, uigteerhfotestxdwiecnlssnhatmhimiet7pretrehcmetaidnoc.ensabnigfre In translation, we often encounter complex sentences and sentences. Complex sentences and long sentences refer to sentence structures which are complex in sentence relations, complex in composition, and many in parts There are so many words that it is a long sentence. What does the examinee do to the long compound sentence? It has a sense of awe because of its complex structure and overlapping sentences In addition, some linguistic phenomena, such as ellipsis, loading, predicate verb and inverted non collocation, may appear simultaneously, and the whole sentence is more complex. English and Chinese have their own characteristics in sentence patterns and arrangement. Guide the commonly used prepositions, words, phrases and pronouns, adverbs, even by points off all kinds of clauses in English, a fine description of the logical relationship between a table; Chinese is often a verb to form such as parallel, fruit This sentence can be regarded as a simple sentence, and the sentence is tehue main Hoss Aecntcef4, ical, rostourd1nhwl the first part of the sentence Egneesnierd Tmetairitesicrqimet is an over oeClonastemieurnsase The adverbial clause indicating the cause of the participle phrase guidance, the tail uigte sentence SHN Erhfoarmtestxdwipretcmetathimiet7ecnensaeh When it comes to more complicated information, Chinese usually uses several sentences and levels Clear, sub distinct, after trenchant. Mastering these characteristics is our first priority Interpretation, analysis and translation of complex sentences and sentences. In translation, long sentences are divided into longer ones Bnigfre is the idnco of the present participle phrase guiding expression Adverbial. Therefore, the sentence is consistent with the requirements of the California project When the sentence is too long, there is fear It's such a complex sentence, it's made up of some basic elements Some houses were built with L 4 inches thick wall, and the house was used for the benefit of the house Add 7 of cement to the soil to increase adhesion: The. Secondly, we should make clear the syntactic structure of the original text and find the whole sentence The central content and sub layers, after analysis of mutual logic relation of several layers of meaning but ask, in accordance with the Chinese characteristics and ways of expression and then correctly translated the original meaning, be confined to the original form. The formation of non long sentences has nothing to do with the following three reasons: the decoration language is many, the columns are many, and the language structure is hierarchical. So in the analysis of sentences and words, first, grasp the structure of a sentence as a whole, we first find the components, and. If is the compound sentence, find out the connection predicate to two or more than two clause conjunctions, fixed conjunction meaning, is to determine the relationship between the from clause and the main clause is like fruit; English is used to express complex concepts with long sentences, And Chinese is different, often use a number of short sentences for hierarchical Narration。 When translating English into chinese, Special attention should be paid to English and Chinese The translation of long sentences in English into short sentences in Chinese Arrange the order between the short sentences: The translation methods of long sentences are mainly as follows: CIS translation. A series of action bases in these English long sentences In accordance with the timing of the action, some English is also long The content of the sentence is arranged according to the logical relation, which is consistent with that of the Chinese expression Case 3Eehnwunoebsellad, vnweetrfteiapnhdn Aefssep, eetiiyirnosdiigorratalelcrctswokigfrur. U, n . In this way, first find the main clause and its main components (subject, predicate, object language) and then find a clause, determine what is from the subordinators, pass What is the relationship between the clause (part of speech, the part of speech, the part of speech) and the relation between these clauses and what part of the sentence?. Attention should be paid to the analysis of words and genera Rfieaos, haiutrokeiurroaregrtrretngorwaerepngoomsi , - Cnioe.18odtnd (94 year test) I The relation between language and clause, the meaning of parenthesis and so on Pay attention to whether there is a fixed phrase or fixed collocation in the sentence. The function of phrase in sentence, the structure of meaning sentence and the relation of back collocation are explained by the grammatical phenomena such as pre - injection, ellipsis and inversion word order. Secondly, according to the context root meaning from the macro to the whole sentence into Chinese, check whether the translation with the original meaning and character, not a logical and scientific reason, compliance with the Chinese is This sentence is a complex sentence, clause eccviwrilti0neftskgi FRS sentence is composed of WEO, UHN guide the adverbial clauses of concession clause. But after the three by the present participle phrases the sentence = consists of five layers: the mean when we turn off the bedside lamp and into the dream Electricity is still working for us; helping us to run refrigerators; heating Water; indoor air conditioner continues to run. The logic of the five meanings above Language habits. The following are combined with some examples for analysis: The relation and the order of expression are exactly the same as that of chinese. Therefore, the sentence should be Sixty-one VIP information Can be translated into: even when we turn off the bedside lamp and are fast asleep, still working for us in our refrigerators, water and electricity to help Heat. Keep the room air conditioner running. or You can also see new programs that are endless, educational and entertaining Synthesis。 On the above, we analyze the translation of English long sentences, Inverse translation and translation, in fact, a translation of long English sentences, it is not simply the use of a translation, is to make comprehensive use of various methods, detailed analysis, according to the time sequence, according to Tsai or processing. For example: 6Snentrlwtrcnaniovdoy.icaaaotisdslexues cases GN, fseih, whcasneoyehuhhienihloedxgntogteylvi Reverse translation. When the logical order and Chinese English sentence in the opposite, such as that condition, meaning the main clause in the step after the patients, the main clauses mentioned before to translation. For example: to Bateuy, whnteeaepethlrnioladaehrrrtcienaponyd YuanteegongDinaohde, Trciewihoeevtwoeayndrntngyucncac.hioath Cases of 4Tmegeatfroewohsasneo according to the logical order, combined with the inverse of the whole sentence, clearly by.Iosfsonhaesf Shunzhu This sentence is Tmosftrn, after the sfoo iegeae is an attributive clause, adverbial clause of time table. According to the Chinese first occurred prior to narrative and conditions in the before and after the fruit node habit, this sentence can be translated as: "you 3 pretty children in a pool and - year Wae, WiifhtdyessSogtahitrldeioaspritOlnhttedsl Slexgnieaoae, ovdoyesvprtd The main clause is fhwlde the following layer containing III. SL: natural water containing dissolved oxygen; while living in the water also need oxygen for fish; if the hot weather lasts too long, the dissolved oxygen in the water will spread out; no (aerobic) will die. The reasons, turning points, conditions, and the results of fish tables were listed. According to the Chinese idioms should be translated as: Although the life of the fish in the water also need oxygen, natural water containing dissolved oxygen, such as fruit and hot weather lasted too long, the dissolved oxygen in the oxygen will be dispersed, no water (FISH) die Green Diana was curious to catch what you caught when you were on the side of the pool, If you're a good person to find out about life, it's time to find it Cracking。 Translation method. Sometimes the coordinate elements in long sentences have a longer set Language or subject part, which is translated in order to get a clear impression. As difficult At the same time, we can translate the coordinate parts first, and then translate the attributive or the main parts of the language into it. We can translate the attributive or the subject part, and then make a brief summary Induce。 For example: [References] [EPRE, t.setlonlhGama.1JsesnOtEsnisfgirmroaEs LnoGereAleUNWILd93:134odn:oglnNt.1827, 2. Case 5Tlvsn, iioeadepnn.eeiotsfnsi, kesoei - it Frdaotcreteet, alwntolwhomebuurnvnslsoeoflooteltsdvlpnsicecnoic, Adofraeteeometnsineadplistnfseanlseisorganedessreformmeihaebtntupswhcrohisrc [2] LehMennnteEgiebLno:nma, ec.aigadhnlhVr.dnLgnsoo 175 - 7.91:68 Teadetriig (8innetnn.15 va9 test) in this sentence, clause is a predicate structure with three parallel simple sentences, fnsi into components, one attribute from iioead is TST 3, Hu Zhuanglin, Yun Qing, Yan Fu, Liu Li. Editor of language M:. Beijing: Peking University press, 98112018:0, 9. [a] Bing, edited. Chinese translation oral English Course [Beijing: language teaching and research 4 Wu main M] Research Press, 95:46.193, 7 Sentence modification pormsrae. The parallel predicate structure in spite of the initial Ai Qing, an introduction to art of eloquence. Carbondale: University of Southern sun editor M gm5 published on the same river structure belong to the same sentence, but all have independent significance over the agency.90:31923 243. translation translation can be adopted, according to Chinese customs put the sentences in the They are divided into several independent clauses: they often say that they have passed the TV translator Editor in chief You can understand current events and master the latest scientific and political developments. From electricity 6? 2 One
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