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英国皇室礼仪详细英国皇室礼仪详细 篇一:英国皇室礼仪 英国皇室礼仪详细介绍 绅士尊守礼仪 握手----女伸男接 走路---男右女左 开门---男为女开 进餐时,吸烟被视为失礼;当着别人的面剔牙是不礼貌的。在人面前打喷嚏,咳嗽时,要以手帕掩遮。按英国式的做法,手不能放在桌子下边。因此,用餐时不要把手放在下面,不要用手取装在裤兜里的手帕,也不要去拣掉在地上的东西。在吸烟时,一根火柴或一次打火不能为3个人点烟。有些英国人认为,在吃饭时如果用刀叉碰响了水杯,而任其发响不止,便会带来不幸,因此,在与英国人一起进餐时,要尽量避免...

英国皇室礼仪详细 篇一:英国皇室礼仪 英国皇室礼仪详细介绍 绅士尊守礼仪 握手----女伸男接 走路---男右女左 开门---男为女开 进餐时,吸烟被视为失礼;当着别人的面剔牙是不礼貌的。在人面前打喷嚏,咳嗽时,要以手帕掩遮。按英国式的做法,手不能放在桌子下边。因此,用餐时不要把手放在下面,不要用手取装在裤兜里的手帕,也不要去拣掉在地上的东西。在吸烟时,一根火柴或一次打火不能为3个人点烟。有些英国人认为,在吃饭时如果用刀叉碰响了水杯,而任其发响不止,便会带来不幸,因此,在与英国人一起进餐时,要尽量避免刀叉器皿撞击声。席间谈话时,切忌以王室的事情作为谈笑的资料,也别谈带有讽刺英国皇家的话题。因英国法律规定,不允许非议英国国王及王室人员。另外,在称英国人 1 时,避免用“English”一字 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示,宜用“British”一字。因为“English”之意仅代表英格兰而不代表苏格兰或威尔士等英国其他民族。 英国人对生活中的一些私事很介意,除了熟识、很密切的朋友外,一般人不能询问生活中的事,如有多少钱、每月多少薪金。看见了朋友戴了一块很漂亮的手表,也不要问这表值多少钱。其他如房租等属于钱的问题,最好别提,否则,对方认为你很粗鲁。又如年龄、尤其是妇女的年龄从不愿别人过问。 在英国的日常宴会上,要先倒牛奶,然后倒红茶。主要是为了防止茶叶沾在杯子上。茶壶除了女主人外,谁都不要动。把烤牛肉切成薄片是男主(转载自:CspeNgBo.cOm 蓬 勃 范文 销售月计划范文二年级看图写话和范文歌颂党的朗诵稿语文万能作文党代会闭幕式讲话 网:英国皇室礼仪详细)人的任务。男主人还要注意是否在座的所有人都分到了食料。 英国人认为“13”是一个不祥之数,如果遇上星期五恰好又是13日,则被认为是双倍的不吉利。因此,与英商业务往来宴请时,要避免宾主共13人,业务有关的活动也不要安排在13日。英国的旅馆、饭店一律没有 13号房间。在剧院里找不到13排、13号座席。多数英国人则认为“7”这个数字可带来好运,并把星期六看作是黄道吉日。 如果和英国人相会或道别,握手时要避免穿过别人的手。英国人认为这样交叉握手会招来不幸。英国人对自己的幽默 2 感十分自豪,如果当面对一个英国人说,你没有幽默感时,可能就是对他莫大的侮辱。因此,在与英国人谈话时,应十分注意这一点。 在英国,请吃饭或看歌剧等则可以代替礼物。去英国人家里作客,最好带点价值较轻的礼品,以免行贿之嫌。礼品一般可送高级巧克力、名酒、鲜花,特别是带有民族特色的民间 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 美术品,如竹帘画、台布、花瓶、绘有熊猫图案的纪念品,软木雕、虫鸟花草贝雕、艺术陶瓷等,英国人格外喜欢,而他们对客人公司标记的纪念品不感兴趣。在英国,服饰、香皂之类的物品,因涉及到人的私生活,故一般不用来送人。如果送花,应避免送菊花、白色的花、紫色的花(这些花是葬礼时用)。白色百合花在英国象征死亡,不宜送人。盆栽花一般在宴会后派人送去。 仪态礼仪 在英国,人们在演说或别的场合伸出右手的食指和中指,手心向外,构成V形手势,表示胜利;在英国,如有人打喷嚏,旁人就会说上旁保佑你,以示吉祥。 相见礼仪 在英国,当婴儿出生时,父母亲朋一般依婴儿的特征,父亲的职业为婴儿取名,有的母亲家庭显赫,就用娘家的姓作为婴儿的第二个名字。在英国,孩子们只对父母亲的兄弟姐妹称叔。英国老人讲究独立,不喜欢别人称自己老,走路时不必搀扶他们。 3 商务礼仪 到英国从事商务活动要避开7,8月,这段时间工商界人 士多休假,另外在圣诞节,复活节也不宜开展商务活动。在 英国送礼不得送重礼,以避贿赂之嫌。在商务会晤时,按事 先约好的时间光临,不得早到或迟到。英国工商界人士办事 认真,不轻易动感情和表态,他们视夸夸其谈,自吹自擂为 缺乏教养的表现。 旅游礼仪 到英国旅行,需注意当地的所有车辆均沿马路的左侧行 驶。英国人遵守纪律,即便是几个人上车,他们也会自觉地 排队上车。在英国坐出租车,一般按10%左右付小费,将小 费列入服务费帐单的饭店不必另付小费。在主人家中作客数 日,视情况付给提供服务的佣人一些小费。 篇二:英文介绍英国皇室历史_礼仪_及其婚姻 浅析英国皇室生活,论其 在英国社会中的作用 Analysis of the British royal family lives, on their role in British society In reviewing the history of British colonialism, when the globe, how to maintain the British empire, gunboats are the most common reason that people mention, on the other hand, some historians believe that this seemingly nothing without 4 the king , but very strong bond, the sun does not and can not from the empire to maintain national unity and stability of psychological cohesion. British royal family for today's Commonwealth, the Empire is not the old days of intangible assets, highly respected in the international community. After the disintegration of the British Empire, in order to maintain the independent sovereign state with the link between the establishment of the Commonwealth today. Many independent countries have joined the organization. The Queen is nominally the head of the Commonwealth. She always kept in mind to fully use their influence to strengthen solidarity between Member States, continue to play an active role by the international respect. King's symbolic significance for the colony, the former British colony of Zimbabwe because of human rights and corruption issues with the British government against each other, but never denied that the king's admiration for the British love of love. The supreme ruler of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe said in many interviews in both, "we still love the king.Held in Australia in 2000, all citizens vote, the majority of the people or the retention of the Queen of 5 England to continue as Australia's head of state. However, the current view of the world situation and the people within the royal family in the waning influence, the abolition of the monarchy was also controversial. From 1910 to 1979, Portugal announced the short-lived Republic of the Central African Empire fall, most of the sovereign States are the two world wars against cyclones, while others were rising, and today continues a wave of anti-colonialism overwhelmed. Shortly after 2006, the British royal family announced plans in April that the British Queen Elizabeth II to celebrate the eightieth birthday. British royal family web site also contains a large number of Elizabeth II on the throne in 1952, has been involved in a major event in the picture. The most attention as the world's only remaining of the "constitutional monarchy", one of the Queen when it will pass in the end position, and how to arrange her transfer position, once again set off the discussion of the abolition of the monarchy. Although the British throne transmission problem does not exist, but the new king ascended the throne in order is not an easy task. Everything is because of the British Prince 6 Charles - Queen's evaluation has been the legal successor to the poor. In 2005, Prince Charles and Camilla decided, a childhood understanding of the aristocratic female remarriage, a poll has revealed that nearly 23% of the British Queen Jiabeng that, after considering whether the UK should be completely abolished monarchy. Nearly 28% of Britons believe that once the death of the Queen, the British monarchy should be abolished immediately. Survival of the British royal family have a greater direct threat, most "bornin the British colonies or dependencies of the Commonwealth member states are no longer recognizes the threat to the Queen as the symbol. Although controversy exists, but there is the historical significance of the British royal family is not forgotten, and the lives of the royal family to outsiders is still the envy of most people to enjoy the kind of nobility, but how exactly is the British royal family's image, they live how's life, which for those of us non-Commonwealth countries, people who are unknown to fans, then let us work together uncover the mystery of the British royal family, to understand him, but also can be left on the abolition of the monarchy trace of their views. 7 1. Introduction to the British royal family 1.1 The history of the British royal family British royal family is the world's longest one of the royal family, took over from William I of England in 1066, so far, 930 years, experienced a 10-generation dynasty, 40 King and Queen. Throne in the male members of the same family legend, the dynasty followed the same name; the throne of the Queen's son if passed, will change the name of the dynasty. The new king of the ruling dynasty is usually based on the family name or to name the manor. England have experienced the rule of the Roman Empire, after the withdrawal of the Romans, into the small kingdom, a small tribal alliance during the melee, to the 6th century, the invasion of Anglo - Saxon Kingdom of the formation of seven (tribal alliance). Kingdom of Wessex began to grow up, 829 King Egbert overpower the other kingdom, the overlord of England. At the same time, the British also entered the "era of Viking terror", has been a wave of Viking invasion. Egbert's grandson Alfred against the Danes because of the successful invasion, and construction in London, organized compilation of "Alfred Code", "Anglo - Saxon Chronicleand other 8 achievements and was later revered as "the Great(the great). Wessex dynasty king passed the 15 generations, to Edmund II, finally unable to resist the Danes, the Danish king Cnut was forced to divide and conquer England. Edmund II died in 1016, Knut annexed the whole of England, began a dynasty of Danish rule. But in 1042, descendants of the royal family of Wessex "ConfessorEdward to matrilineal descent who inherited the throne of Denmark. In 1066, Edward the Confessor before death inspired sage meeting elected Bernhard II is king. But from France across the sea northwest of Norman Duke William conquered England, he is the "conquerorWilliam I, the establishment of a Norman dynasty. William I of the packet to a large number of Norman nobles of England, through the preparation of the national census "survey land tax booksto strengthen the monarchy in England. Son of William I, Hey I, because there is no male heir, died and was nephew Stephen won the throne, but Hey I's daughter Matilda and his son Hey II refused to accept defeat Stephen, Hey II as heir to force Stephen Li. 1154, Hey II Plantagenet dynasty began ruling. 9 Plantagenet Dynasty (Anjou Dynasty) is the name of the first monarch in British history, giving birth to the golden age. Hey II has a high legal attainments, of the British legal system made a lot of effective reform. His son Richard I to the throne, at the Third Crusade, Saladin was defeated and fame, won the "Lionheartin the title. The younger brother of Richard I, "no to the king,John, following up, defeated by King Philip II of France lost in the vast territory, but the great nobles in 1215 under duress to sign the "Magna Carta of freedomis the constitutional history of the world milestone. "No Lordduring the reign of Hey III's son, also adopted by the great nobles of the stress of the "Oxford Regulationsand the "Westminster Bill,Parliament set up a legislative body. Hey III's son, "legsduring the reign of Edward I, mature parlia- mentary system, and improve the legal system of England, also annexed Wales, the Scottish expedition, the British laid the foundation for the unity. To Edward I, the Sun Aide Huasan Shi era, due to a request to the French throne, the British opened a prelude to the Hundred Years War, and failures have been several times in the French knight corps. Edward III's grandson, 10 Richard II, Hey IV was deposed by Duke of Lancaster, Lancaster Plantagenet dynasty dynasty was replaced. Hey IV is actually the grandson of Edward III, is a glimpse of the Duke of Lancaster's son, Prince Gunter. Hey IV's son, Hey V reopened Hundred Years War, ravaged more than half of France, forcing King admitted that he is heir to, but unfortunately died in the violence on the battlefield in France. His son Hey VI became less than a year old British and French king, but the appearance of Joan of Arc to reverse the French war, the British were driven out of France. Hey VI's reign in the UK soon retain his job, in 1455, the descendants of Edward III, granddaughter Fei Lipa, Duke of York Rebellion, the war known as "Red War of the Roses,Hey VI undone waste legislation , Li undone waste, and ultimately defeated by the York family's hands. York family of Edward IV to the throne, established a dynasty of York. Wars of the Roses, but not the end of 1485, the Duke of Lancaster Gaunt great-granddaughter of Hey VII's son back to England from abroad, attack, kill King Richard III of York last dynasty, established the Tudor dynasty. Hey VII's son, Hey VIII after the issue due to waste, to break with the Pope 11 of Rome, introduced the Reformation in England, the King of England from a "state religion of the leader", the daughter of Hey VIII, Elizabeth I's so smooth through the Reformation in England chaos, and in the economic, cultural and military have made great progress. But Elizabeth I never married, without issue, the Tudor dynasty ended, her grand-nephew of the table (great-grandson of Hey VIII's sister) King James VI of Scotland inherited the throne of England, said James I of England, Scotland history once ruled by the same king, began the Stuart dynasty. James I's son Charles I in the United Kingdom was overthrown in the revolution of 1640-1648, and eventually sent to the guillotine, by Cromwell as Protector. Charles I's son Charles II in 1660 restoration of the Stuart dynasty, but after his brother James II ascended the throne, regardless of the UK most people have converted to Protestant conditions in an attempt to restore the dominance of the Catholic Church, into a deserted situation, his daughter Mary and son William II (William III to govern the Netherlands) in China under the invitation of the new 12 aristocracy, invaded England to overthrow the rule of James II, but they accept the Parliament's "bill of rightsThe premise was able to reign, the provisions of the King without the consent of Parliament can not stop any legal effect, the collection of taxes and so on. This event called the "Glorious Revolutionestablished a constitutional monarchy. Mary II's sister Anne to the throne, declared with England and Scotland into one kingdom. Anne without issue and finally, the end of the Stuart dynasty. In 1714, the British Parliament invited the son of James I's granddaughter, the family of Hanover, Germany, the United Kingdom George inherited the throne, began the Hanover dynasty. Hanover dynasty greatly to the overseas expansion of the British colony, and began the golden age of industrial revolution, to the sixth king - the hands of Queen Victoria, Britain's overseas colonies to over 3300 square km, known as "sun empire,while in the industrial revolution, the continuous generation of new things, social life with each passing day, the British Empire reached its peak. At the same time the real power in the British royal family has continued to shrink, to the 20th 13 century, the country's political life has almost become a "rubber stamp." Queen Victoria and the German Saxe - Coburg - Gotha family, Albert married his son 篇三:英国礼仪 英国是一个历史文化悠久的国家,它的礼仪习俗也有着很古老的历史。一个国家的历史、文化、地理位置决定了它的国民的行为习惯和规范,一系列的行为规范的总体就形成了一个国家的礼仪。英国也一样,它独特的历史文化和地理位置决定了它别具一格的礼仪习俗。 英国的历史文化背景简介 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成,是一个位于欧洲西北面大不列颠群岛的君主立宪制国家。始于英格兰王国故简称英国,1536年与威尔士合并,1707年与苏格兰合并,1801年与爱尔兰合并,18世纪至20世纪初期其统治的大英帝国跨越全球,成为有史以来世界上最强大的国家,两次世界大战爆发后虽战胜,但国力严重受损,到20世纪下半叶大英帝国解体,超级大国领导地位被美国和前苏联取代。不过,现在的英国仍是一个在政治、经济、军事、科技以及文化等诸多领域拥有巨大影响力的世界强国,为联合国安理会五大常任理事国之一,亦是世界上最大的经济体之一,国民拥有很高的生活质量,是全球最富裕、经济最发达的国家之一。首都伦敦是欧洲最 14 大和全球最为领先的城市之一。勇气、礼貌、担当的“绅士道”构成了英国精神的内核与实质。 英国历史文化,从“日不落”开始,便称为世界的中心,现在英国文化中,以大本钟为其所独特的名片而被全世界接受,华丽的外形设计和清脆悦耳的声音,吸引着全世界的游客,至今已经有一个世纪之久。 在建筑方面,白金汉宫、西敏寺、议会大厦还有伦敦塔等都称为游客必去的地方,豪华的设计加上独特的造型与功能,映衬着强大地历史背景,成为世界瞩目的旅游胜地。 作为英国文化的符号,莎士比亚是不可忽视的,不仅仅是在英国,就连全世界,莎士比亚的影响也是有目共睹的,其浓厚的文化氛围与影响侵入到每一个世界人的血液中,温暖着,流动着,成为英国人的骄傲,也成为全世界的骄傲。 英国的地理气候 英国位于欧洲,是由不列颠岛(包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士)以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰和周围5500个小岛(海外领地)组成。地理位置北纬50?~58?东经2度到西经7度,属温带海洋性气候。英国本土位于欧洲大陆西北面的不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋包围。英国属温带海洋性气候,受盛行西风控制,全年温和湿润,四季寒暑变化不大。温带落叶阔叶林带。通常最高气温不超过32?,最低气温不低于,10?,平均气温1 15 月4,7?,7月13,17?。年平均降水量约1000毫米。北部和西部山区的年降水量超过2000毫米,中部和东部则少于800毫米。 当谈到英国的礼仪时,就不得不说说英国人的性格,这两者之间是相辅相成、互相作用的。英国人的性格有六大特点。 1.大部分英国人具有与他人格格不入的孤傲特质。孤傲(exclusiveness)是英国人最明显的性格特征,他们不愿意和别人多说话,从来不谈论自己,感情不外露,更不会喜形于色。其它国家的人很难了解英国人的内心世界。英国人为什么具有孤傲的性格特征呢,原因有 二。第一,英国是一个岛国,英吉利海峡(English Channel) 割断了它和外部世界的联系,英国人甚至不把自己看作是欧洲人。第二,英国人对本民族的历史感到非常骄傲和自豪。 2.大部分英国人有守旧而又不愿接受新生事物的保守思想。英国人的保守为世人所知,英国人却认为他们的做事方式是最好的,最合理的。有人说,英国人需要20至40年的时间才能接受美国目前的新生事物,此话虽然有一点夸张,但也不无道理。英国人直到现在也没有 采用世界通用的米制,仍然使用英里,直到1971年才将货币单位改为十进制。英国是世界上为数较少的保持君主制的国家之一,其保守性可见一斑。 3.大部分英国人具有讲究文明用语和礼貌的好习惯。英国 16 人总是为别人着想,他们不会要求别人做不愿意做的事情。如果他们不得不要求别人做什么事的时候,说得非常客气。在公共场所人们不会大声喊叫,他们认为那是不文明的行为。 4.酷爱独居和个人自由的天性。也许是由于缺乏空间的缘故,英国人的性格特点中有喜欢独居(privacy)和个人自由(individualism)的因子。当英国人搬到新家,他会在自己的房屋周围树起篱笆(fence),以便和邻居隔开。 5.大部分英国人具有感情不外露的冷淡和缄默性格。英国人一般不会向别人展示自己的内心世界,当他们高兴时不会喜形于色,当他们悲伤时也不会愁容满面,这一特点在上层社会中非常明显。在早晨上班乘坐的地铁中人们彼此不说话,只是在看自己的报纸,车内鸦雀无声,偶尔能听到下车的人因为不小心踩到别人脚时说sorry的声音。下车后,人们只是走各自的路,彼此不会交谈。另外,即使在一起工作多年的同事也不知道对方的家庭住址、家庭成员、兴趣爱好等情况,因为他们从不谈论这些事情。 6.大部分英国人具有自我嘲笑的幽默。英国人很幽默,不过都是一些自我嘲弄的幽默。他们喜欢嘲笑自己的错误、自己的缺点、自己的尴尬境地等。英国人的这种生活态度是多年来形成的,对别人并没有什么恶意。 同时,由于英国是个君主立宪制的国家,它的国王一直保 17 留至今,所以皇室礼仪也有很悠久的历史,可以说是英国现在礼仪的前身。皇室礼仪是现在英国众多礼仪的绝对缔造者,对后者有很大的影响。 总之,不同的地域,不同的环境,不同的地理气候,不同的人文历史,不同的的生存方式,不同的性格特征,造就了英国现在的礼仪习俗。下面我们就看看英国礼仪的几个重要组成部分。 餐饮礼仪 做客和餐桌上的礼节 如果你被邀请到别人家做客,就要考虑这样几个情况。比如,该在什么时候到主人家,如果不是谈正经事,只是个社交聚会,早到是不礼貌的。晚到10分钟最佳。晚到半小时就显得太迟了,需要向主人致歉。什么时候应该离开呢,这没什么规定,但在主人家坐得太晚是很不礼貌的。如果只是邀请你共进晚餐和聊天,那么你最好在10点至11点之间离开或者餐后1小时告别。如果你被邀请留下来住几天或度周末,在离开之前应特意买束花送给女主人,这会使她非常高兴。另外,离开后的第二天要发一封便函向主人致谢,并随附一件小礼品如一 盒巧克力或一些鲜花等。 宴请方式 英国的宴请方式多种多样,主要有茶会和宴会,茶会包括 18 正式和非正式茶会。英国人在席间不布菜也不劝酒,全凭客人的兴趣取用。一般要将取用的菜吃光才礼貌,不喝酒的人在侍者斟酒时,将手往杯口一放就行。客人之间告别可相互握手,也可点头示意。 相见礼仪 英国的相见礼仪分很多种。1、鞠躬礼,是下级对上级或同级之间的礼节,行礼时须脱帽。2、点头礼:点头礼系同级或平辈间的礼节,也须脱帽。3、举手注目礼:是军人的礼节。 4、握手礼,是最常见的礼节,饭店客房服务中 须注意,客人先伸手时,方能握之,切忌一脚门里一脚门外与人握手,尤忌四人交叉握手。和初次见面的女人通常不握手,只行鞠躬礼。同男人握手越紧,表示友情 越深,和女人握手则须轻些。5、吻手礼,是流行于欧美上层社会的一种礼节。和上流社会贵族妇女或夫人见面,若女方先伸出手做下垂式,则将指尖轻轻提起吻之。但女方如不伸手,则不吻。行吻手礼时,若女方身份地位较高,要支屈一膝作半跪式后,再握手吻之。6、亲吻礼:亲吻礼是上级对下级、长辈对晚辈、朋友、夫妻之间表示亲昵、爱抚的礼节。通常是在受礼者脸上或额上轻吻一下。7、拥抱礼:拥抱礼熟人、朋友之间表示亲密感情的一种礼节。他们见面或告别时互相拥抱,表示亲密无间。 19 商务礼仪 到英国从事商务活动要避开7,8月,这段时间工商界人士多休假,另外在圣诞节,复活节也不宜开展商务活动。在英国送礼不得送重礼,以避贿赂之嫌。在商务会晤时,按事先约好的时间光临,不得早到或迟到。英国工商界人士办事认真,不轻易动感情和表态,他们视夸 夸其谈,自吹自擂为缺乏教养的表现。 旅游礼仪 到英国旅行,需注意当地的所有车辆均沿马路的左侧行驶。英国人遵守纪律,即便是几个人上车,他们也会自觉地排队上车。在英国坐出租车,一般按10%左右付小费,将小费列入服务费帐单的饭店不必另付小费。在主人家中作客数日,视情况付给提供服务的佣人一些小费。 除了这些主要的礼仪之外,还有一些主要的禁忌也不得不说。如果你在英国,注意不要挤队, 不能砍价,不要过问私事,忌当着英国人的面耳语,不能拍打肩背等等 20
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