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六下教科版科学作业本答案六下教科版科学作业本答案 第一单元 微小世界 1、 放大镜能把物体的(图像) 放大, 显现人眼所看不清的 (细微之处) 。 2、放大镜使用:方法一:观察对象不动,人眼和观察对象之间的距离(不变), 手持放大镜在物体和人眼之间 (来回移动) , 直至图像大而清楚;方法二: 把(放大镜)移至眼前,移动(物体)直至图像大而清楚。 3、放大镜镜片的特点是(透明)和(中间较厚)。最早的透镜是用(透明水晶)琢磨而成。13世纪的(培根)根据老师(格罗斯泰斯特)的建议设计制造了增进视力的(眼镜)。• 4、放大镜的放大倍数和镜...

六下教科版科学作业本 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 第一单元 微小世界 1、 放大镜能把物体的(图像) 放大, 显现人眼所看不清的 (细微之处) 。 2、放大镜使用:方法一:观察对象不动,人眼和观察对象之间的距离(不变), 手持放大镜在物体和人眼之间 (来回移动) , 直至图像大而清楚;方法二: 把(放大镜)移至眼前,移动(物体)直至图像大而清楚。 3、放大镜镜片的特点是(透明)和(中间较厚)。最早的透镜是用(透明水晶)琢磨而成。13世纪的(培根)根据老师(格罗斯泰斯特)的建议设计制造了增进视力的(眼镜)。• 4、放大镜的放大倍数和镜片的(直径)没有关系,和镜片的(凸度)有关。 放大镜的 (凸起程度越大) 放大的倍数也就越大。 常见物品中(球形透明物)放大倍数最大,水滴、盛有水的玻璃杯、鱼缸等都有放大的作用。• 5、使用工具能够观察到许多用肉眼观察不到的(细节)。比如通过(放大镜)能观察到更多关于昆虫的细节:蝇的(复眼);蟋蟀的耳朵在(足的内侧);蝴蝶翅膀上布满的彩色小鳞片是(扁平的细毛)。触角的形状是多种多样的,蝴蝶的触角是(棒状)状的,蚕蛾的触角是(羽毛状)的,蝗虫的触角是(丝状的,天牛的触角是(鞭状)的。•用放大镜看电视屏幕图像,发现萤光点由(红、绿、蓝)三种颜色组成。 6、科学研究 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明昆虫头上的(触角)就是它们的(“鼻子”),能分辨各种气味,比人的鼻子 灵敏得多。 7、像食盐、白糖、味精的颗粒都是(有规则的几何外形)的固体,人们把这类固体物质叫 做(晶体)。 自然界中大部分固体物质都是 (晶体)或(由晶体)组成。晶体的形状 多种多样,但都很有(规则)。晶体的形状很有规则,有的像(金字塔),有的像(一簇 簇的针)„„•制作晶体的方法有(减少水分法)、(降低温度法)。 8、常见晶体有:食盐、白糖、味精、碱面、雪花、长石、石英、云母等。常见非晶体有: 玻璃、橡胶、石腊、松香、珍珠、琥珀等。• 9、17世纪,人们发现把两个(凸透镜)组合起来可以使物体的(图像放得更大)。 10、(显微镜)的发明是人类认识世界的一大飞跃,把人类带入了一个(微观世界)。它使人 们能观察到(非常小的)物体及物体的(精细结构)。• 11、荷兰生物学家(列文虎克)制成世界上最早的可以放大近300倍的金属结构的(显微镜), 发现了(微生物)。• 12、洋葱表皮上的一个个小房间似的结构就是洋葱的(细胞)。• ensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for construction, construction must pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employer's company, supervising engineer of construction-related safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and technology. (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery and equipment maintenance as required to ensure the machine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avoid crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filling arrangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 filling main equipment table of main construction equipment serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backhoe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3 wheel loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in construction of concrete-filled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute directly from top to bottom in the granary, manual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin within 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenance keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction of hoist room-and-pillar method of concrete construction using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof template uses the template of standard steel assembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the template is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full House scaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, transport by trucks to the construction site, then H30B perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Concrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric plug-in vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cement-cement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the required cement concrete, cement in accordance with existing national and industry standards. Ship each batch of cement factory, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspection re-inspection. Transport of cement in the transport process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not be mixed, and to take measures to prevent the cement from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, intensity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respectively, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deterioration. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than 3 months, bulk cement factory date not more 13、1663年,英国科学家(罗伯特?胡克)最早在显微镜下发现了生物的(细胞)结构。 大量研究表明生命体都是由(细胞)组成的。(细胞学说)的建立被誉为19世纪自然科 学的三大发现之一。• 14、显微镜下观察物体必须制成(玻片标本)。使用显微镜的步骤: (安放,对光,上片, 调焦,观察)。结构是:(目镜、调节旋钮、物镜、载物台、反光镜)。• 15、 生物细胞的 (形态)是多种多样的,它是生物最基本的(结构单位),也是生物最基 本的(功能单位)。它能(运输、储存能量、杀灭细菌病毒、制造养料、遗传、繁殖、 生长)等一系列的作用。•人体血液中的(红细胞)好像运输兵,负责运输氧气和二氧 化碳,(白细胞)还能和病毒作战。 16、在观察水中微生物时可在载玻片上加少量(脱脂棉纤维),也可用(吸水纸)吸走盖玻 片边缘多余的水分,来控制微生物的(运动)。• 17、我们可以利用(干草)培养微小生物。在水中生活着很多形态各异的(微生物),如草履虫、变形虫、(鼓藻)、(船形硅藻)等。• 18、微生物是生物具有其他生物一样的共同特征,如:(对环境有一定的需求)、(对外界的刺激有反应)、(能繁殖)等。• 19、人类(观察工具)的改进,使人类的观察范围得到拓展。经历了: 肉眼(能看清昆虫等较小的物体)—放大镜(能看清一些物质的晶体等细小结构)—— 光学显微镜(能看清细胞和微生物)—电子显微镜(能看到细菌和病毒),扫描隧道显 微镜(能观察到物质的分子原子结构) 。 20、人类探索(微小世界)的成果,促进了科学技术的发展、社会的进步和人类生活的改善。 如:(1)利用显微镜发现细菌、病毒,抵抗制服疾病(2)克隆生物(3)利用微生物酿 酒、发面、制作酱油、醋、酸奶等(4)利用微生物处理垃圾和污水。 第二单元 物质的变化 1、我们能(直接或间接)观察到的实际存在的东西都是物质,整个世界都是由(物质)构成的。 2、物质总是在不断地变化,有些变化只改变了物质的(状态)、(形状)、(大小)等,没有 产生不同于原来的物质,我们把这类变化称为(物理变化),有些变化产生了(新的物 质)。产生新的物质的变化我们称为(化学变化)。• 3、比如豆子和沙子的实验,在混合和分离的前后没有明显变化,这是(物理变化)。像白糖ensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for construction, construction must pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employer's company, supervising engineer of construction-related safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and technology. (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery and equipment maintenance as required to ensure the machine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avoid crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filling arrangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 filling main equipment table of main construction equipment serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backhoe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3 wheel loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in construction of concrete-filled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute directly from top to bottom in the granary, manual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin within 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenance keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction of hoist room-and-pillar method of concrete construction using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof template uses the template of standard steel assembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the template is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full House scaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, transport by trucks to the construction site, then H30B perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Concrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric plug-in vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cement-cement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the required cement concrete, cement in accordance with existing national and industry standards. Ship each batch of cement factory, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspection re-inspection. Transport of cement in the transport process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not be mixed, and to take measures to prevent the cement from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, intensity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respectively, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deterioration. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than 3 months, bulk cement factory date not more 六下科学单元知识要点 班级: 姓名 加热从白色的糖变为黑色的炭一样(产生了新的物质)的变化,我们就称为(化学变化)。 4、物理变化和化学变化它们的区别在于是不是产生了(新的物质)。• 5、一些物质在化学变化过程的某一个阶段或者某个部分中,会伴随明显的 (物理变化) , 如蜡烛燃烧时从固体的蜡烛熔化成 (液体的蜡烛)、白糖加热开始时融化成(液态的糖)。 6、米饭中含有(淀粉)在口腔里与(唾液)混合,产生了一种(有甜味的新物质)。这是一 种(化学变化)。 7、(淀粉)与(碘酒)会发生化学变化,生成的新物质是(蓝紫色)的,利用这一特性可以检验食物中是否含有(淀粉)。常见含有较多淀粉的食物有(马铃薯、番薯、米饭、面粉,馒头、玉米等),不含淀粉或含量少的食物有(白糖、食盐、肉、鸡蛋、黄瓜、青菜、桔子等) 、小苏打和白醋的混合实验中我们看到的现象有:(杯子里产生了大量气泡)、(杯壁摸上去8 感觉有点凉)、(杯子底部有透明液体和白色物质)。 9、(小苏打)和(白醋)混合实验中比例是(1:3),混合后产生新的物质——(二氧化碳 气体),这样的变化属于化学变化。 10、二氧化碳是一种比(空气)重,不支持(燃烧)的一种气体。 11、铁生锈是一种(化学变化)。我们可以通过比较(颜色、光泽、手感、敲击、导电性) 等方法确定铁锈是一种不同于铁的新物质。 12、铁生锈是(水和空气)的共同作用,在平常生活中,铁生锈的快慢与(水的多少)关系 很大。在盐水的环境中生锈的速度(更快)。 13、把铁与(水、空气)隔绝开是防止(铁生锈)的好方法。比如(我们可以在铁表面涂上 油漆、也可涂上一层油、也可把它放在干燥的环境中、还可以在它的表面镀上其他金属 等)。 14、化学变化会伴随各种现象,如: (改变颜色)、 (发光发热)、 (产生气体)、(产生 沉淀物),根据这些现象可以初步判断物质是否发生了化学变化。 15、我们周围的世界是由(物质)构成的,物质会发生变化。物质的变化一般分成两类:(物 理变化)和(化学变化)。化学变化伴随的现象很多,最重要的特点是(产生了新物质)。 物质发生化学变化的过程中一定 发生了(物理变化)。 16、物质的变化与人类的生产生活有着紧密的联系,人类进行的所有的生产活动和人类的生 活,都是利用了(物质的变化)。•加工木材制成桌椅、泡茶、温度计、玉石加工等都是ensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for constr uction, construction must pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employer's company, supervising engineer of construction-related safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and technology. (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery and equipment maintenance as required to ensure the machine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avoid crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filling arrangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 filling main equipment table of main construction equipment serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backhoe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3 wheel loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in construction of concrete-filled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute directly from top to bottom in the granary, manual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin within 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenance keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction of hoist room-and-pillar method of concrete construction using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof template uses the template of standard steel assembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the template is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full House scaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, transport by trucks to the construction site, then H30B perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Concrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric plug-in vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cement-cement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the required cement concrete, cement in accordance with existing national and industry standards. Ship each batch of cement factory, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspection re-inspection. Transport of cement in the transport process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not be mixed, and to take measures to prevent the cement from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, intensity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respectively, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deterioration. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than 3 months, bulk cement factory date not more3 (物理变化),食物在人体中的消化吸收、水泥制作、烟花爆炸、煤石油的燃烧等都属 于(化学变化)。 第三单元 宇宙 1、(月球)是地球的卫星,围绕地球(逆时针)方向运行。月球引力大约是地球的(•1/6),质量是地球的(1/80),体积是地球的(1/49),直径是地球的(1/4)。 2、人类探索月球经历了:(肉眼观察,望远镜观察,无人月球探测器,登月考察)。 3、1969年7月,美国的(阿波罗11号)载人飞船成功地在月球上着陆,宇航员(阿姆斯特朗)留下人类在月球上的第一个足迹。“我迈出了一小步,但人类迈出了一大步。”——阿姆斯特朗。 4、月球在(圆缺变化)过程中出现的各种形状叫做(月相)。农历初一称为(朔)也叫新月, 农历初八称为(上弦月),农历十五称为(望)也叫满月,农历二十三称为(下弦月)。 5、月相是月球在绕地球(公转)的过程中产生的。变化有一定规律的:农历上半月(由缺 到圆),下半月再(由圆到缺)。 6、判断天空中的月相的简单方法:面向(南方)观察月相,月亮西边部分亮是(上半月), 东边部分亮是(下半月)。 7、月球是一个不发光、不透明的球体,我们看到的月光是它(反射)太阳的光。月相实际上就是人们从地球上看到的(月球被太阳照亮的部分)。由于观察的角度不同,所以看到的月相(亮面大小)、(方向)也就不同。• 8、 (环形山)是月球地形的主要特征。目前主要有二种形成假说:(火山喷发说)和(陨石撞击说)。• 9、有关环形山形成原因,目前公认的观点是(“陨石撞击说”),这种观点认为环形山是长期以来(流星)、(陨石)撞击后留下的痕迹,因为月球上没有(空气),就相当于少了一层保护层,使撞击更猛烈和频繁。10、(日食)和(月食)是太阳、地球、月球三个天体运动形成的天文现象。• 11、在农历(初一)时,当月球运动到(太阳和地球之间),如果三者正好处在(一条直线上时),(月球)就会挡住太阳射向地球的光,在地球上处于(影子中的人)就只能看到一部分或者全部看不到太阳,于是发生了日食。• 12、在农历(十五)时,当月球运动到(地球背面),如果三者正好处在(一条直线上时), (地球)就会挡住太阳射向月球的光,在地球上的人就只能看到一部分或者全部看不到ensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for construction, construction must pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employer's company, supervising engineer of construction-related safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and technology. (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery and equipment maintenance as required to ensure the machine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avoid crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filling arrangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 filling main equipment table of main construction equipment serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backhoe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3 wheel loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in construction of concrete-filled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute directly from top to bottom in the granary, manual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin within 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenance keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction of hoist room-and-pillar method of concrete construction using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof template uses the template of standard steel assembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the template is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full House scaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, transport by trucks to the construction site, then H30B perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Concrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric plug-in vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cement-cement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the required cement concrete, cement in accordance with existing national and industry standards. Ship each batch of cement factory, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspection re-inspection. Transport of cement in the transport process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not be mixed, and to take measures to prevent the cement from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, intensity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respectively, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deterioration. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than 3 months, bulk cement factory date not more 六下科学单元知识要点 班级: 姓名 月亮,于是发生了月食。• 13、日食总是发生在农历(初一),有(日全食、日偏食、日环食);月食总是发生在农历(十 五),有(月全食、月偏食)。• 14、距离地球最近的星球是(月球),最近的行星是(金星),最近的恒星是(太阳)。• 15、以(太阳)为中心,包括围绕它转动的(八大行星)及其卫星、 (矮行星)、(小天体) (包括小行星、流星、彗星等)组成的天体系统叫做(太阳系)。• 16、 太阳直径140万千米,太阳系里有八大行星,按距离太阳从近到远依次是:(水星、 金 星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星)。• 17、行星之最:(水星:离太阳最近,最小,公转周期最短。金星,离地球最近,自转周期 最慢。木星:最大,自转最快。海王星,离太阳最远,公转周期最长) 为了便于辨认星星人们把看起来相互之间距离保持不变的星星分成一群,划分成不同18、 (区域),根据其形态想象成(人)、(动物)或(其他物体) 的形状, 并给它们命名, 这些人为划分的区域就称为(星座)。全天有(88)个星座。• 19、星座是远近不同、没有联系的(恒星)在天空中的(视觉图像)。如果从不同角度观察,图形是不同的。 20、(大熊星座)的明显标志就是我们熟悉的、由七颗亮星组成的(北斗七星)。•21、(北极星)可以帮助大家在夜间辨认方向,利用(大熊星座)的北斗七星可以比较容易 地找到它: 把北斗七星勺子前沿的两颗星的连线延长,在大约相当于这两颗星距离的 5倍处,有一颗比较亮的星,那就是(北极星)。北极星属于(小熊星座)。• 22、随季节的变换,在天空中会出现不同的代表性星座。夏季的主要星座有:(天鹅座、天 琴座、天鹰座、天蝎座)。星座在天空中是(运动变化的)。• 23、(亮星)构成的图形是星座的主要标志。(北斗七星)是大熊星座的主要标志。• 24、夏季天空中有许多亮星,其中的三颗亮星(天津四)属于天鹅座、(织女星)属于天琴 座和(牛郎星)属于天鹰座构成了一个巨大的三角形,人们称之为(“夏季大三角”)。• 25、银河实际是由许许多多(恒星)组成的一个恒星集团,被人们称为银河系。大约由 (1000-2000亿)颗恒星组成,直径有(10万光年)。• 26、现在人们观察到距离我们(120亿光年)的宇宙空间深处,但仍不是宇宙的边缘,而且 科学家还发现宇宙处于(膨胀)之中。• 27、宇宙是运动变化的,(膨胀着)的。组成宇宙的天体也是(运动变化着的)。• ensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for constr uction, construction must pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employer's company, supervising engineer of construction-related safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and technology. (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery and equipment maintenance as required to ensure the machine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avoid crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filling arrangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 filling main equipment table of main construction equipment serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backhoe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3 wheel loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in construction of concrete-filled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute directly from top to bottom in the granary, manual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin within 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenance keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction of hoist room-and-pillar method of concrete construction using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof template uses the template of standard steel assembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the template is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full House scaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, transport by trucks to the construction site, then H30B perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Concrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric plug-in vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cement-cement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the required cement concrete, cement in accordance with existing national and industry standards. Ship each batch of cement factory, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspection re-inspection. Transport of cement in the transport process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not be mixed, and to take measures to prevent the cement from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, intensity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respectively, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deterioration. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than 3 months, bulk cement factory date not more5 28、光的传播速度是(每秒30万千米),(光年)就是光在一年中所走的距离,它是用来计 量恒星间(距离)的单位。• 29、 银河系还不是宇宙的全部, 类似银河系一样的星系还有100亿个,人们把它们统称为 (河外星系)。 30、宇宙中每时每刻都有许恒星(诞生),同时也有许多恒星(消亡)。• 31、 我国是世界上公认的(火箭)发源地。 早在距今1700多年前的 (三国时代)的古籍 上就出现了“火箭”的名称。 32、 在人类探索宇宙的过程中相继有 (385) 位男女宇航员遨游过太空,生活时间最久的 有(439天),同时有(14)位宇航员为航天事业献出了生命。• 33、“嫦娥一号”是中国自主研制并发射的首个(月球探测器)。于2007年10月24日,在 西昌卫星发射中心由(“长征三号甲)”运载火箭发射升空。嫦娥二号卫星,由长三丙火 箭发射。于2010年10月1日在西昌卫星发射中心发射升空。 34、神舟系列主要宇航员:2003.10.15神五:杨利伟,2005.10.12•神六:费俊龙、聂海胜, 2008.9.25•神七:翟志刚、刘伯明、景海鹏。 第四单元 环境和我们 1、人们在生活中要产生大量成分复杂的(垃圾)。目前处理垃圾的方法有(填埋)、(焚烧)等。• 2、垃圾对环境的影响表现在:(1、会侵占大量土地。2、会污染地下水源、土壤、空气。3、 会滋生蚊蝇传播疾病。4、影响环境的美观。) • 3、垃圾填埋的优点:简单方便,成本低。缺点是:占用土地多,会污染周围的土壤和水源等。• 4、焚烧垃圾的优点:占用土地少,避免了污染地下水,产生的热量可用来发电。缺点:消耗大量电能,留下残余物还会造成二次污染。• 5、设计合理的新型垃圾填埋场能有效减少对环境的污染:在边上增加(衬垫),在底部安装 (过滤液收集、处理池),还安装有(气体排放管)、(监测井)。• 6、(减少垃圾的数量)是从源头上解决垃圾问题的方法。常见的方法是(减少丢弃)和(重新使用)。• 7、日常生活中以下垃圾是可以减少的:(1)尽量少用或不用一次性用品(2)延长物品的使 用寿命(3)避免过度包装物品等。• ensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for construction, construction must pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employer's company, supervising engineer of construction-related safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and technology. (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery and equipment maintenance as required to ensure the machine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avoid crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filling arrangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 filling main equipment table of main construction equipment serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backhoe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3 wheel loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in construction of concrete-filled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute directly from top to bottom in the granary, manual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin within 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenance keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction of hoist room-and-pillar method of concrete construction using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof template uses the template of standard steel assembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the template is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full House scaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, transport by trucks to the construction site, then H30B perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Concrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric plug-in vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cement-cement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the required cement concrete, cement in accordance with existing national and industry standards. Ship each batch of cement factory, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspection re-inspection. Transport of cement in the transport process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not be mixed, and to take measures to prevent the cement from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, intensity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respectively, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deterioration. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than 3 months, bulk cement factory date not more 六下科学单元知识要点 班级: 姓名 8、物品的过度包装会造成(资源浪费)而且产生(大量垃圾)。• 9、垃圾中的一些原材料可以重新(回收利用),包括(纸、金属、塑料、玻璃) 等。 这样 可以减少垃圾的数量而且能节省大量的 (自然资源)。 10、要有效地回收垃圾,必须改变(垃圾混装)的习惯,对生活垃圾进行(分类)和(分装)。 这样做还便于处理(有害垃圾),比如(废电池)和(医疗垃圾)。• 11、对商品过度包装的建议:(设计简包装和大包装,用可回收或可再生的材料做包装物, 制定法规严格控制包装成本。)• 12、对自然环境威胁最大的五种物质,电池里就包含了三种:(汞)、(铅)、(镉)。一节电池 会污染(一平方米)土壤,一粒钮扣电池会污染(600吨水)。• 13、(堆肥法)可以有效减少垃圾并形成(肥料)。• 14、减少固体垃圾的科学方法是(减少丢弃)、(重新使用)和(回收利用)。• 15、(淡水)是人类和其他生物生存的必需品,地球上的(淡水资源)十分有限。• 16、由于(人口迅速增长)、(环境污染)和(全球气候变暖),目前60%的大陆面临淡水资 源不足,100多个国家严重缺水,其中最严重的国家达(40多个)。• 17、 在淡水资源短缺的情况下,水污染更给人类和其他生物造成了威胁。水污染主要是(人 类的活动)造成的。• 18、水的污染源可能来自农业的(杀虫剂、肥料)等,可能来自工业的(废水、油污)等, 可能来自家庭的(洗涤剂、人的排泄物),也可能来自其他方面的(动物尸体)等。• 19、淡水在自来水厂中除了(沉淀)和(过滤)之外,还要加入药物进行(灭菌处理),这 样才能符合我们使用的标准。• 20、污水需经过复杂的处理才能使用,一般要经过三个阶段:一、•初步处理(沉淀),二、 再处理(过滤和生物分解),三、追加处理(天然净化、药物杀菌)。• 21、•当前突出的环境问题有(水污染)、 (大气污染)、(白色污染)、(物种灭绝速度加快) 等,人类正着力于相应的环境保护行动。• 22、减少(废气和废物)排放是控制大气污染最根本的办法。近年来,我国积极推广(“无 车日”)活动,以节约能源和保护环境。• 23、减少白色污染(塑料垃圾)的方法有:(1)用纸袋和布袋(2)提菜篮子上菜市(3)减 少塑料包装(4)使用可降解塑料袋。• 24、由于(全球森林)的大量破坏和(海洋环境)的恶化,现有的生物物种灭绝速度是自然 ensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for construction, construction must pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employer's company, supervising engineer of construction-related safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and technology. (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery and equipment maintenance as required to ensure the machine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avoid crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filling arrangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 filling main equipment table of main construction equipment serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backhoe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3 wheel loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in construction of concrete-filled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute directly from top to bottom in the granary, manual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin within 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenance keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction of hoist room-and-pillar method of concrete construction using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof template uses the template of standard steel assembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the template is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full House scaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, transport by trucks to the construction site, then H30B perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Concrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric plug-in vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cement-cement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the required cement concrete, cement in accordance with existing national and industry standards. Ship each batch of cement factory, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspection re-inspection. Transport of cement in the transport process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not be mixed, and to take measures to prevent the cement from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, intensity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respectively, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deterioration. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than 3 months, bulk cement factory date not more7 灭绝速度的(1000)倍。人类(滥捕乱猎)和(过度开发利用),更使得许多生物资源 濒临枯竭。• 25、建立(自然保护区)是保护生物多样性的有效方法,我国的(九寨沟)、(长白山)、(四 川卧龙)等地都建立了自然保护区。• 26、许多环境问题是(人类活动)造成的,但人类的活动也能够(改善环境)。•27、1997年12月,联合国在日本京都召开了“防止地球温暖化京都会议”为限制各国(碳 氧化合物)的排放量,京都会议通过了(《京都议定 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 》)。每年的(6月5日)定为“世 界环境日”。• 、课文中列举的珍稀动动植物有: 28(朱鹮、大熊猫、金丝猴、香果树、秤锤树、鹅掌楸等) 其中:珙桐—“中国鸽子树” 人参---“关东三宝”之一 金花茶—“茶花皇后” 水杉—植物界的“活化石” 银杏—植物界的“大熊猫” ensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for construction, construction must pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employer's company, supervising engineer of construction-related safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and technology. (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery and equipment maintenance as required to ensure the machine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avoid crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filling arrangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 filling main equipment table of main construction equipment serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backhoe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3 wheel loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in construction of concrete-filled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute directly from top to bottom in the granary, manual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin within 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenance keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction of hoist room-and-pillar method of concrete construction using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof template uses the template of standard steel assembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the template is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full House scaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, transport by trucks to the construction site, then H30B perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Concrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric plug-in vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cement-cement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the required cement concrete, cement in accordance with existing national and industry standards. Ship each batch of cement factory, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspection re-inspection. Transport of cement in the transport process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not be mixed, and to take measures to prevent the cement from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, intensity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respectively, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deterioration. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than 3 months, bulk cement factory date not more
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