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法兰标准(国标系列)法兰标准(国标系列) Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 钢制管法兰(国家标准系列) 2004-04-22发布 2004-05-01实施 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the peop...

法兰标准(国标系列) Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 钢制管法兰(国家标准系列) 2004-04-22发布 2004-05-01实施 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 发布 2o solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises tdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harm-lement "on the into correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will imp Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 目 次 前言„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„? 引言„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„? 1 范围„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1 2 规范性引用文件„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1 3公称通径和钢管外径„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1 4 公称压力„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1 5法兰类型„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 2 6法兰的尺寸„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 3 7密封面型式„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 8密封面尺寸„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 9法兰的尺寸公差„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 6 10法兰材料„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 6 11法兰的压力-温度等级„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 7 12法兰的机加工„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 7 13法兰连接用螺栓„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 7 4法兰与钢管连接的焊接接头型式及坡口尺寸„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 8 1 15法兰的试验„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 8 16法兰的检验和验收„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 8 17法兰的标记„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 9 18 标志 禁止坐卧标志下载饮用水保护区标志下载桥隧标志图下载上坡路安全标志下载地理标志专用标志下载 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 9 Iands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitmaking the double work innovation system, the demdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, -to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 前 言 在Q/OMHJ003—2004《钢制管法兰》这个总标题下包括以下3个标准: Q/OMHJ003.1—2004 《钢制管法兰(化工标准系列)》 Q/OMHJ003.2—2004 《钢制管法兰(国家标准系列)》 Q/OMHJ003.3—2004 《钢制管法兰(机械标准系列)》 根据用户的要求,结合公司的实际情况,为减少钢制管法兰的类型、规格、品种、材料等以及节省 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 、采购、制造等时间和成本,制定本标准; 本标准由以下3个标准部分组成: GB/T9112—2000 《钢制管法兰 类型与参数》 GB/T9119—2000 《平面、突面板式平焊钢制管法兰》 GB/T9124—2000 《钢制管法兰 技术条件》 由于GB/T9112,9124—2000标准是参照了ISO7005-1:1992《金属法兰 第1部分:钢法兰》等国际、国外先进标准的基础上修订而成的,而本标准是对GB/T9112,9124—2000标准的选用,因此,本标准也参照了上述标准; 本标准技术内容与ISO7005-1:1992基本一致,技术水平与之相当; 本标准中的法兰尺寸属于欧洲法兰体系,这些法兰尺寸均与欧洲相应压力等级的法兰尺寸互换; 本标准参照了《石油化工管道安装设计便查手册》(中国石化出版社,2003年11月第1版)中的第四章第三节“钢制管法兰、垫片及紧固件”的有关内容; 本标准 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 了以下方面的内容: 1 钢制管法兰的压力等级PN为(0.25,2.5)MPa; 2 钢制管法兰的类型为板式平焊钢制管法兰; 3 钢制管法兰公称通径的优选规格尺寸为DN32,40,50,65,80,100,125,150,200,250,300,350,400mm等13种规格以及适用钢管外径有国际通用系列(Ι系列)(俗称英制管)和国内常用系列(?系列)(俗称米制管); 4 钢制管法兰密封面型式为平面(FF)和突面(RF)两种; 5 钢制管法兰密封面尺寸; 6 钢制管法兰的材料选用碳素钢和不锈钢两种,并按照国际惯例进行标记; 7 钢制管法兰的技术条件和压力-温度等级[钢制管法兰的工作温度为(0,50)?C]; 8 钢制管法兰与钢管连接的焊接接头型式及坡口尺寸; 9 钢制管法兰的加工、试验、标记等; 10 在特殊情况下,如果选用美洲体系钢制管法兰或上述系列外钢制管法兰的压力等级、类型、密封面型式、规格、参数、材料等,须经部门经理和标准化部经理的同意; 本标准由标准化部提出; 本标准由标准化部归口; IIo solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises tdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harm-lement "on the into correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will imp Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 本标准由标准化部负责解释; 本标准由刘文平负责起草; 本标准是第一次发布。 IIIands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitmaking the double work innovation system, the demdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, -to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 引 言 如果用户声明或明确要求采用国家标准系列的钢制管法兰,公司各有关部门应以Q/OMHJ003.2—2004《钢制管法兰(国家标准系列)》为主进行设计、采购、制造、检验等; 在和用户、供货方签订技术协议 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 等技术文件时,应按照国家标准GB/T9112,9124—2000《钢制管法兰》进行签署; 如果用户声明或明确要求采用机械标准系列的钢制管法兰,有关部门则执行Q/OMHJ003.3—2004《钢制管法兰(机械标准系列)》等,但在该项目设计文件中应予以说明,并按规定程序获得批准。 IVo solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises tdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harm-lement "on the into correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will imp Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 钢制管法兰(国家标准系列) 1 范围 本标准规定了钢制管法兰(国家标准系列)(以下简称法兰)的公称通径、公称压力、类型、尺寸及尺寸公差、密封面型式及尺寸、材料、压力-温度等级、法兰与钢管连接的焊接接头型式及坡口尺寸、加工、法兰连接用螺栓、试验、标记、标志等。 本标准适用于公称压力PN为(0.25,2.5)MPa[(2.5,25)bar]的法兰。 本标准也适用于采用法兰作为连接型式的阀门、泵、化工机械、容器、管路附件和设备零部件等。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。该一览表的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用本标准,公司根据情况对本标准进行修订。 GB152.4—1988 紧固件 六角头螺栓和六角头螺母用沉孔 2003 普通螺纹 直径与螺距系列 GB/T193— GB700—1988 碳素结构钢 GB3274—1988 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢热轧厚钢板和钢带 GB/T4237—1992 不锈钢热轧钢板 GB/T9112—2000 钢制管法兰 类型与参数 GB/T9119—2000 平面、突面板式平焊钢制管法兰 GB/T9124—2000 钢制管法兰 技术条件 JB4726—2000 压力容器用碳素钢和低合金钢锻件 JB4727—2000 低温压力容器用碳素钢和低合金钢锻件 JB4728—2000 压力容器用不锈钢锻件 3 公称通径与钢管外径 本标准适用的钢管外径包括?、?两个系列,?系列为国际通用系列(俗称英制管)、?系列为国内常用系列(俗称米制管),其公称通径DN为32,40,50,65,80,100,125,150,200,250,300,350,400mm等13种规格;其对应的钢管外径和对应的英制规格(NPS)应符合表1之规定。 4 公称压力 法兰的公称压力PN包括0.25MPa(2.5bar)、0.6MPa(6bar)、1.0MPa(10bar)、1.6MPa(16bar)、2.5MPa(25bar)五个等级。 1ands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitmaking the double work innovation system, the demdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, -to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 表1 公称通径(DN)、钢管外径和对应的英制规格(NPS) 公 称 通 径 钢 管 外 径 DN NPS ? ? (mm) (in) (mm) (mm) 32 1 1/4 42.4 38 40 1 1/2 48.3 45 50 2 60.3 57 65 2 1/2 76.1 76 80 3 88.9 89 100 4 114.3 108 125 5 139.7 133 150 6 168.3 159 200 8 219.1 219 250 10 273.0 273 300 12 323.9 325 350 14 355.6 377 400 16 406.4 426 5 法兰类型 法兰的类型规定为板式平焊法兰,见图1,标准代号为GB/T9119。 全平面(FF) 突面(RF) 图1 板式平焊钢制管法兰 2o solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises tdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harm-lement "on the into correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will imp Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 6 法兰的尺寸 法兰尺寸应符合表2,表5之规定,其它公称通径规格尺寸按GB/T9119规定。 表2 PN (0.25,0.6)MPa[(2.5,6)bar]平面、突面板式平焊钢制管法兰 (mm) 连 接 尺 寸 法兰近公称 法兰 密封面法兰内径 似计算法兰 螺栓孔中螺栓 螺栓 螺纹 通径 厚度 直 径 B 重量 外径 心圆直径 孔径 数量 规格 DN C d (kg) D K L n Th ? ? 32 120 90 14 4 M12 16 69 43.5 39 1.05 40 130 100 14 4 M12 16 78 49.5 46 1.22 50 140 110 14 4 M12 16 88 61.5 59 1.35 65 160 130 14 4 M12 16 108 77.5 78 1.69 80 190 150 18 4 M16 18 124 90.5 91 2.71 100 210 170 18 4 M16 18 144 116 110 2.98 125 240 200 18 8 M16 20 174 141.5 135 3.58 150 265 225 18 8 M16 20 199 170.5 161 4.41 200 320 280 18 8 M16 22 254 221.5 222 6.45 250 375 335 18 12 M16 24 309 276.5 276 8.41 300 440 395 22 12 M20 24 363 327.5 328 11.23 350 490 445 22 12 M20 26 413 359.5 380 16.05 400 540 495 22 16 M20 28 463 411 430 18.98 表3 PN 1.0MPa(10bar)平面、突面板式平焊钢制管法兰 (mm) 连 接 尺 寸 法兰近公称 法兰 密封面法兰内径 似计算法兰 螺栓孔中螺栓 螺栓 螺纹 通径 厚度 直 径 B 重量 孔径 数量 规格 外径 心圆直径 DN C d (kg) D KL n Th ? ? 32 140 100 18 4 M16 18 76 43.5 39 1.67 40 150 110 18 4 M16 18 84 49.5 46 1.91 50 165 125 18 4 M16 20 99 61.5 59 2.53 65 185 145 18 4 M16 20 118 77.5 78 2.94 80 200 160 18 8 M16 20 132 90.5 91 3.36 100 220 180 18 8 M16 22 156 116 110 4.12 125 250 210 18 8 M16 22 184 141.5 135 5.09 3ands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitmaking the double work innovation system, the demdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, -to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 续表3 PN 1.0MPa(10bar)平面、突面板式平焊钢制管法兰 (mm) 连 接 尺 寸 法兰近公称 法兰 密封面法兰内径 似计算法兰 螺栓孔中螺栓 螺栓 螺纹 通径 厚度 直 径 B 重量 外径 心圆直径 孔径 数量 规格 DN C d (kg) D K L n Th ? ? 150 285 240 22 8 M20 24 211 170.5 161 6.74 200 340 295 22 8 M20 24 266 221.5 222 8.77 250 395 350 22 12 M20 26 319 276.5 276 11.23 300 445 400 22 12 M20 28 370 327.5 328 13.98 350 505 460 22 16 M20 30 429 359.5 380 21.05 400 565 515 26 16 M24 32 480 411 430 26.58 表4 PN 1.6MPa(16bar)平面、突面板式平焊钢制管法兰 (mm) 连 接 尺 寸 法兰近法兰内径 公称 法兰 密封面似计算法兰 螺栓孔中螺栓 螺栓 螺纹 通径 厚度 直 径 B 重量 外径 心圆直径 孔径 数量 规格 DN C d (kg) D KL n Th ? ? 32 140 100 18 4 M16 18 76 43.5 39 1.67 40 150 110 18 4 M16 18 84 49.5 46 1.91 50 165 125 18 4 M16 20 99 61.5 59 2.53 65 185 145 18 4 M16 20 118 77.5 78 2.94 80 200 160 18 8 M16 20 132 90.5 91 3.36 100 220 180 18 8 M16 22 156 116 110 4.12 125 250 210 18 8 M16 22 184 141.5 135 5.09 150 285 240 22 8 M20 24 211 170.5 161 6.74 200 340 295 22 12 M20 26 266 221.5 222 9.25 250 405 355 26 12 M24 28 319 276.5 276 13.05 300 460 410 26 12 M24 32 370 327.5 328 18.17 350 520 470 26 16 M24 35 429 359.5 380 27.20 400 580 525 30 16 M27 38 480 411 430 34.84 4o solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises tdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harm-lement "on the into correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will imp Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 表5 PN 2.5MPa(25bar)平面、突面板式平焊钢制管法兰 (mm) 连 接 尺 寸 公称 法兰 密封面法兰内径 法兰近似 法兰 螺栓孔中心螺栓 螺栓 螺纹 通径 厚度 直 径 B 计算重量 外径 圆直径 孔径 数量 规格 DN C d (kg) D K L n Th ? ? 32 43.5 39 1.67 140 100 18 4 M16 18 76 40 49.5 46 1.91 150 110 18 4 M16 18 84 50 61.5 59 2.53 165 125 18 4 M16 20 99 65 185 145 18 8 M16 22 118 77.5 78 3.26 80 200 160 18 8 M16 24 132 90.5 91 4.08 100 235 190 22 8 M20 26 156 116 110 5.74 125 270 220 26 8 M24 28 184 141.5 135 7.78 150 300 250 26 8 M24 30 211 170.5 161 9.77 200 360 310 26 12 M24 32 274 221.5 222 13.72 250 425 370 30 12 M27 35 330 276.5 276 19.48 300 485 430 30 16 M27 38 389 327.5 328 25.86 350 555 490 33 16 M30 42 448 359.5 384 40.80 400 620 550 36 16 M33 46 503 411 430 54.02 7 密封面型式 7.1 法兰的密封面型式规定为平面(FF)和突面(RF)两种,见图1;其它型式按GB/T9112的规定。 7.2当金属法兰与非金属法兰连接或采用脆性材料的法兰时,两者宜为全平面(FF)型式;当密封面必须采用突面(RF)型式时,应有防止螺栓过载而损坏法兰的 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 。 8 密封面尺寸 8.1 法兰的密封面尺寸应符合表2,表5的规定。 8.2 对于本标准所规定的法兰规格,突面法兰的密封面尺寸f=2mm。 8.3 法兰密封面为全平面FF和突面RF时,法兰密封面的表面粗糙度Ra最小为3.2µm,Ra最大为6.3µm;若法兰密封面为全平面FF(A)和突面RF(A)(即加工密纹水线,仅用于软垫片)时,则法兰密封面的表面粗糙度Ra最小为3.2µm,Ra最大为12.5µm,其中密纹水线深度尺寸为0.05mm,密纹水线节距尺寸为0.8mm,密纹水线加工刀具圆角尺寸为1.6mm。根据供需双方协商,用户也可按所采用的垫片的品种(包括非金属垫片、柔性石墨复合垫和聚四氟乙烯包覆垫等),法兰密封面的加工表面粗糙度为Ra(6.3,12.5)µm(加工水线),并在订货时注明。 8.4 突面法兰的密封面允许按f×45?倒角。 5ands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitmaking the double work innovation system, the demdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, -to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, Q/OMHJ003.2Q/OMHJ003.1Q/OMHJ003.1Q/OMHJ003.1Q/OMHJ003.1-----20042004200420042004 8.5 当使用非金属软垫片时,突面法兰密封面上允许加工水线,但应在订货合同中注明。 9 法兰的尺寸公差 法兰的尺寸公差按表6的规定。 表6 法兰的尺寸公差 (mm) 项 目 尺 寸 范 围 极 限 偏 差 C?18 +2,0 法兰厚度C 1850 +4,0 ?DN125 +1.0,0 法兰内径B DN150,DN600 +1.5,0 ?DN150 ?2.0 法兰外径D DN200,DN500 ?3.0 ?DN250 +2.0,-1.0 密封面直径d ?DN300 +3.0,-1.0 密封面凸台高度f f=2 ?1.0 M10,M24 ?1.0 螺栓孔中心圆直径K M27,M33 ?1.25 M10,M24 ?0.5 相邻两螺栓孔的弦距 M27,M33 ?0.625 任意两螺栓孔的弦距 ?DN500 ?1.0 螺栓孔直径L ?DN10 ?0.5 ?DN65 φ1.0 螺栓孔中心圆与加工 DN80,DN150 φ2.0 密封面的同轴度公差 DN200,DN500 φ4.0 密封面与螺栓支承面的夹角 ?DN10 ?1? 10 法兰材料 10.1 法兰材料选用碳素钢和不锈钢两种。 10.2 法兰用碳素钢,类别为Q235,钢号选用Q235A和Q235B,其化学成分、机械性能和其它要求应符合GB3274和GB700的规定,其代号为Q;法兰用Q235A的公称压力PN?1.0MPa(10bar)。 10.3 法兰用不锈钢钢号选用0Cr18Ni9和0Cr17Ni12Mo2,其化学成分、机械性能和其它要求应符合GB4237和JB4728的规定,其代号分别为304和316,为与国际标准、惯例等接轨,可表示为SS304和SS316; 10.4 锻件(包括锻轧件)的级别及其技术要求应符合JB4726,4728的相应要求。 6o solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises tdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harm-lement "on the into correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will imp Q/OMHJ003.2-2004 10.4.1 公称压力PN?2.0MPa的法兰用低碳钢和奥氏体不锈钢锻件,允许采用Ι级锻件。 10.4.2 公称压力PN?5.0MPa的法兰用锻件应符合?级或?级以上锻件的要求,10.4.1规定除外。 11 法兰的压力-温度等级 11.1 公称压力PN为(0.25,2.5)MPa[(2.5,25)bar]的法兰在不大于50?C的工作温度下,其最高无冲击工作压力(以表压计)按表7的规定;对于中间温度的压力,允许用线性插值法计算。 表7 最高无冲击工作压力 公称压力PN 工作温度(?C) 法兰材料类别 (MPa) ?20 100 Q235 0.25 0.25 0.25 304 0.234 0.212 316 0.25 0.234 Q235 0.6 0.6 0.6 304 0.56 0.51 316 0.6 0.56 Q235 1.0 1.0 1.0 304 0.94 0.85 316 1.0 0.94 Q235 1.6 1.6 1.6 304 1.5 1.36 316 1.6 1.5 304 2.34 2.12 2.5 316 2.5 2.34 11.2 如果相连接的两个法兰具有不同的压力-温度等级值,在任何温度下法兰连接处的等级都不应超过在相应温度下两个法兰等级中的较低者。 11.3 相应的压力等级所示的工作温度,可认为是所容纳的介质的温度。若使用与所容纳的介质不同的温度来选用压力等级时,应由使用者负责,但要服从任何适用的规范或条例的要求。 11.4 本标准中的等级用于法兰连接时,应考虑到由于管道连接中产生的力和力矩而引起的泄漏的危险。 11.5 工作温度在材料蠕变温度范围时,法兰连接处的逐渐松驰会连续地降低螺栓载荷以致影响连接的紧密性。因此,有必要定期地拧紧螺栓以防止泄漏。 12 法兰的机加工 12.1 法兰的螺栓支承面应进行机加工或锪孔;锪孔尺寸按GB152.4的有关规定;加工后的法兰厚度应保证符合表6规定的极限偏差要求。 12.2 所有螺栓孔应均等地分布在螺栓孔中心圆直径上。 7ands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitmaking the double work innovation system, the demdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, -to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, Q/OMHJ003.2Q/OMHJ003.1Q/OMHJ003.2---200420042004 13法兰连接用螺栓 13.1 用户应根据法兰的压力、温度、材料和所选择的垫片来选择螺栓材料,以保证法兰连接在预期的操作条件下保持紧密。 13.2 螺纹规格小于或等于M45的螺栓,建议使用GB/T193中的粗牙系列;螺纹规格大于或等于M48的螺栓,建议使用GB/T193中相同螺距为4mm的细牙系列。 14 法兰与钢管连接的焊接接头型式及坡口尺寸 14.1 板式平焊钢制管法兰与钢管连接的焊接接头和坡口尺寸应符合图2和表8的规定。 t—管子公称壁厚;b—坡口宽度;f1?t; f2?t 图2板式平焊法兰与钢管连接的焊接接头型式和坡口尺寸 表8 板式平焊钢制管法兰与钢管连接的坡口尺寸 (mm) 公称通径DN 25,50 85,150 200 250,300 350,600 坡口宽度b 5 6 8 10 12 14.2 其它类型法兰与钢管连接的焊接接头型式和坡口尺寸按GB/T9124的规定。 15 法兰的试验 管法兰原则上不进行单个法兰的水压试验。当法兰安装到管道或设备上以后,其水压试验压力应不大于规定的20?C时最高无冲击工作压力的1.5倍。 16 法兰的检验和验收 16.1 外观检验应符合: ,, 锻造表面应光滑,不得有锻造伤痕、裂纹等缺陷; ,, 机加工表面不得有毛刺、有害的划痕和其它降低法兰强度和连接可靠性的缺陷。 16.2 法兰材料应符合有关标准的规定,并应具有出厂检验合格证。 8o solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises tdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harm-lement "on the into correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will imp Q/OMHJ003.2Q/OMHJ003.1--20042004 16.3 法兰的加工质量应符合本标准的各条规定。 16.4 法兰加工完毕后,应在其密封面上涂防锈油,并防止划伤和撞击。 16.5 法兰的无损探伤检验由用户与制造厂协商确定。 16.6 法兰的验收规则由用户与制造厂协商确定。 17 法兰的标记 17.1 标记 法兰应按公称通径、公称压力、密封面型式代号、配用的钢管系列代号(配用米制管代号为“系列?”,配用英制管不标记)和标准编号进行标记。 17.2 标记示例 示例1:公称通径100mm、公称压力2.5MPa(25bar)的平面板式平焊钢制管法兰(配用米制管): 法兰 DN100-PN2.5 FF (系列?) GB/T9119—2000 示例2:公称通径200mm、公称压力1.0 MPa(10bar)的突面板式平焊钢制管法兰(配用英制管): 法兰 DN200-PN1.0 RF GB/T9119—2000 18 标志 每个法兰的外圆柱表面上应做以下标志: ,,制造厂的商标; ,,材料标志; ,,公称压力PN(bar)及公称通径DN。 9ands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visitmaking the double work innovation system, the demdepth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, -to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2,
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