首页 SQM-15_船舶消防救生安全设备维护保养手册



SQM-15_船舶消防救生安全设备维护保养手册SQM-15_船舶消防救生安全设备维护保养手册 SQM-15 船舶消防救生安全设备维护保养手册 目录Catalog Chp 中文 English 名称 页次 Title Page 目录 1 Catalog 1 修改记录 3 Revision Record 3 Chp 1 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR 灭火系统维护保养计划 4 14 FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEM Fire mains, fire pumps and 1 消防总管、消防泵、消火栓、包 hydrants inc...

SQM-15_船舶消防救生安全设备维护保养手册 SQM-15 船舶消防救生安全设备维护保养手册 目录Catalog Chp 中文 English 名称 页次 Title Page 目录 1 Catalog 1 修改记录 3 Revision Record 3 Chp 1 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR 灭火系统维护保养 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 4 14 FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEM Fire mains, fire pumps and 1 消防总管、消防泵、消火栓、包 hydrants including hoses, 括水带、水枪和国际通岸接头 nozzles and international shore connections fixed fire detection and fire alarm 2 固定式探火和失火报警系统 system) Fixed fire-extinguishing systems 3 固定式气体(CO、1211和 2 HALON等)灭火系统 < CO、1211和HALON etc.> and 2 other fire extinguishing appliances Fixed fire-extinguishing systems 4 油漆间固定气体灭火系统(独立 in paints rooms 系统) (Fixed fire-extinguishing 5 机器所在处的小型气体灭火系 systems in machinery spaces 统 containing oil-fired boilers or oil fuel units Auto sprinkler, fire detection and 6 自动喷水器、探火和失火报警系 fire alarm systems 统 Ventilation systems including 7 通风系统,包括挡火闸和挡烟 fire and smoke dampers, fan and 闸、风机及其控制装置 their controls Emergency shut down of fuel 8 燃油供应及通风系统的应急切 supply 断 (Fire doors including their 9 防火门,包括其控制装置 controls General emergency alarm 10 通用紧急报警系统 systems Emergency escape breathing 11 紧急逃生呼吸装置 devices fire extinguishers Portable CO12 手提式CO灭火器(包括备用 2 2 including spares 的) Portable foam fire extinguishers 13 手提式清水泡沫灭火器(含手推 including spares 式) Fire-fighter’s outfits 14 消防员装备 Low-location lighting systems 15 低位照明系统 16 公共广播系统 Public address systems 17 甲板低倍泡沫系统(化工品船、 Deck low-expansion foam systems 油轮) 18 便携式泡沫灭火设备 Portable foam applicator 19 液货泵舱的消防安全布置( Fire safety arrangements in cargo pump rooms 20 易燃气体探测器(化工品船、油 Flammable gas detectors 轮) Chp 2 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR 安全、应急设备维护保养计划 10 19 EMERGENCY AND SAFETY EQUIPMENTS 1 应急发电机组 emergency generator 2 应急电瓶 emergency battery 3 应急空压机 emergency air compressor 4 应急消防泵 emergency fire pump 5 应急照明设备 emergency lighting 6 应急操舵装置 emergency steering gear 7 应急舱底水吸口 emergency bilge suction valve 8 应急遥控装置 Remote emergency shut off 9 应急封舱装置检查 emergency closing gear 10 泵房污水报警装置 pump room bilge alarm equipment 11 机舱污水报警装置 engine room bilge alarm equipment 12 泵房固定式可燃气装置 (fixed type combustible gas detector in pump room 13 泵房固定式测氧装置 fixed type oxygen indicator in pump room 14 货舱温度遥测装置 remote temperature detector(for cargo tanks 15 货舱液位遥测装置 remote level indicator for cargo tanks 16 货舱高高位报警装置 cargo tanks high level alarm system 17 货舱压力报警装置 cargo tanks pressure alarm equipment 18 生活区固定式可燃气探测装置 fixed type combustible gas detector in accommodation 19 泵房固定式有毒气体探测装置 fixed type toxic gas (HS) detector 2 in pump room 20 货舱P/V阀 P/V valve of cargo tank 21 各种水密门窗 various water tight door and window 22 各种水密孔盖 various water tight hole and cup 23 各油舱、水舱透气管、积油糟 vent head for various oil tanks and ballast tanks , and oil trap around these vent 24 货泵应急停止装置 cargo pump emergency stop 25 逃生口、安全门 emergency escape door Chp 3 life-saving appliances 救生设备保养计划 12 21 maintenance plan 通讯设备 Communicating equipment 个人救生用品 Personal life-saving appliances 应变部署 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 、部署卡 Muster list and card 救生艇装置 life-boat apparatus 救生阀及架子 life-rafts and deck cradle 抛绳器 line-throwing apparatus l 修改记录Revision Record 修改号 生效日期 页次 修改说明 Rev. No. Date of coming effect Page Remarks 全部all 改版Correcting 2.0 2003/04/15 编写/修改 审核 会签 批准 批准日期 Compiled/Revised by Verified by Counter-signed Approved by Date of Approval 第一章 灭火系统维护保养计划 1、消防总管、消防泵、消火栓、包括水带、水枪和国际通岸接头 (一)每周一次 (1)检查主消防泵,保持良好状态。 (2)检查应急消防泵:为冷启动配备的加热装置;专用燃油足够供泵在最大负荷下运行至少3小时,在机舱外储 备足够燃料供泵再运行15小时;启动系统和/或止回阀的运行状况,截止阀和考克的工况。检查泵浦在所需要的压力下 的运行状况(20分钟);应急消防泵处所:泵处所四周被隔热,如与机舱直接相通,设有气闸或远控水密门且工作正常。 水带箱的铰链正常,每个水带箱均配备扳手,水带存放位置合适、数量符合防火控制图的要求,水带密封圈正常。 消防水带箱附近有水枪,所有水枪处于工作状态,水枪数量足够,系两用水枪(喷雾/水柱)。 有足够的消防栓和水带接头,开关正常。 (二)每月一次 总管在有压力下用小锤检查,特别注意:污泥易积聚的地方、易腐蚀的地方及检查通向机舱的消防总管上的 消防 截止阀是否正常。 国际通岸接头应配有标准法兰盘,四套螺栓和螺母,一个密封圈。 (三)每季度一次 水灭火系统的各开关、阀件检查、加油活络,水带检查、重卷。 水灭火系统的喷水系统操作须知是否永久显示,检查给水泵在系统压力下降时的自动启动功能,管系是否有腐蚀 或渗漏迹象,机舱外部的分配器应处于良好控制状态,随机检查喷嘴状况。 (四)每半年一次 除锈,补油漆、标志。 (五)每年一次 全面除锈,油漆,重做各类标志。 检查消防泵、应急消防泵马达的风叶、连接轴;紧固接线柱、检查接线盒。 马达控制箱:紧固接线柱、检查过载继电器、清洁继电器接触器。 检查应急消防泵的电磁阀动作时间,检查活络限位开关。 检查消防泵、应急消防泵的考必令。 全面检查水消防系统各部件的性能,并进行完整的效用试验和水压试验。 接受船检的[年度检验] 。 (六)每2..5年一次 必要时,拆检消防泵、应急消防泵。 接受船检的[期间检验] 。 (七)每5年一次 接受船检的[特别检验] 。 2、固定式探火和失火报警系统 (一)每周一次 对探火和失火报警系统的主控面板进行外观清洁、检查。 每月一次 检查固定式探火和失火报警系统电器控制部分。 清洁探火和失火报警系统的控制面板,检查整体报警系统情况。 用烟雾测试剂测试每个探测头。 (二)每年一次 检查固定式探火和失火报警系统电器控制部分。 清洁探火和失火报警系统的控制面板,检查整体报警系统情况。 用烟雾测试剂测试每个探测头。 接受船检的[年度检验] 。 3、固定式气体(CO、1211和HALON等)灭火系统(CO、1211和HALON等)灭火系统 22 (一)每月一次 外观检查固定式气体灭火系统控制点,气瓶存放场所,传动机关的部件及其标志、操作说明等情况。 外观检查灭火系统的输气管路及各释放口的情况。 对警报系统进行手动测试。 检查气瓶存放场所手电筒内的电池有效期及温度表的完好。 报警系统效用试验。 对系统的活动部件进行加油活络。 (二)每年一次 进行除锈、油漆,并做好操作说明等有关专用标志。 对系统的活动部件进行加油活络;对控制拉索的传动系统进行重点检查,并按情况进行必要的调正。 对整个固定气体灭火系统进行全面检查,及时修复损坏部件。 接受船检的 [年度检验]。 (三)每2年一次 每2年对灭火气体钢瓶及气动钢瓶进行称重并做相关的检验证 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,必要时补充气体。 每2年对气体灭火系统管路进行畅通试验,并做相关的检验证书。 (四)每5年一次 气瓶使用10年后,每年应进行气瓶总数10,数量的水压试验。 4、油漆间固定气体灭火系统(如果是独立系统) (一)每月一次 外观检查气瓶存放、传动机关、标志及操作说明等情况。 对系统的活动部件进行加油活络。 (二)每年一次 对系统的活动部件进行加油活络。 接受船检的 [年度检验]。 (三)每2年一次 每2年对灭火气体钢瓶进行称重并做相关的检验证书(和大型系统共同实施检验),必要时补充气体。 5、机器所在处的小型气体灭火系统( (一)每月一次 外观检查气瓶存放、传动机关、标志及操作说明等情况。 对系统的活动部件进行加油活络。 (二)每年一次 对系统的活动部件进行加油活络。 接受船检的 [年度检验]。 (三)每2年一次 每2年对灭火气体钢瓶进行称重并做相关的检验证书(和大型系统共同实施检验),必要时补充气体。 6、自动喷水器、探火和失火报警系统 (一)每周一次 检查自动喷水系统的专用消防水泵,保持良好状态。 检查压力水柜的水量、压力。 外观清洁、检查系统的主控面板,报警器手动测试。 对系统的各开关、阀件检查、加油活络。 检查系统操作说明及其标志。 对系统的喷水情况和报警系统进行效用试验。 检查消防水泵的电源供应情况。 (二)每年一次 除锈、补油漆,检查补做各类标志。 检查消防泵马达的风叶、连接轴、接线柱、过载继电器、控制箱等情况。 检查消防泵的考必令。 接受船检的[年度检验] 。 7、通风系统,包括挡火闸和挡烟闸、风机及其控制装置通风系统 (一)每周一次 外观检查机舱和泵间的门、天窗和通风管挡火闸/挡烟闸的开关装置。 (二)每月一次 机舱和泵间的门、天窗和通风管挡火闸/挡烟闸的开关装置加油活络,检查标志的清晰程度。 检查机舱和泵间的门、天窗和通风管挡火闸/挡烟闸的开关装置的密封性。 进行效用试验,特别应对机舱天窗进行主动和手动两种方式的启闭试验。 机舱和泵间门、天窗和通风管道挡火闸/挡烟闸除锈油漆,并重做通风管道的开关 标志。 对机舱天窗的主动启闭装置进行检查、保养,确保系统正常。 检查机舱和泵间通风马达,必要时拆检或换易损部件;检查控制箱、紧固接线柱;清洁继电接触器、检查过载继 电器。 (三)每年一次 接受船检的[年度检验] 。 8、燃油供应及通风系统的应急切断 (一)每月一次 进行全面外观检查。 进行必要的效用试验。 对速闭阀、气动活塞阀杆进行加油活络。 对风门速闭装置伸缩杆加油活络。 检查控制点的标示、及分路控制拉手的标识。 检查遥控控制按钮,控制电源和继电器;保持接线盒的水密性。 (二)每年一次 接受船检的[年度检验]。 9、防火门,包括其控制装置 (一)每月一次 目视检查防火门的完整性,清除周围障碍。 防火门加油活络。 对全船防火门作迅速关闭试验,并检查防火门的结构情况。 检查机舱门窗有无损坏,关闭的可靠性。 清洁驾驶台防火门控制系统的主控面板,遥控效用试验,检查电源供应及其报警装置等情况。 (二)每年一次 接受船检的[年度检验]。 10、通用紧急报警系统 (一)每周一次 目视检查。 (二)每月一次 对驾驶台报警控制器进行外观检查、清洁。 在每月进行的消防演习时,测试报警装置各声响及灯光设施的效用,抽样试验报警点报警效用。 (三)每年一次 总体检查驾驶台报警控制器,并检查所有报警点的实际效用及报警器具的实际状况。 接受船检的[年度检验] 。 11、紧急逃生呼吸装置 (一)每月一次 检查有否缺损、是否就位。 外观清洁、检查,标志清晰。 检查紧急逃生呼吸装置的附件是否完整、供气瓶的压力是否在允许范围,必要时充气或维修。 (二)每年一次 检查紧急逃生呼吸装置的附件是否完整、供气瓶的压力是否在允许范围,必要时充气或维修。 接受船检的[年度检验] 。 12、手提式CO灭火器(包括备用的) 2 (一)每月一次 检查手提CO灭火器的数量、位置、标志、和防火控制图的一致性及其外观情况。 2 检查CO灭火器和检验证书的有效期。 2 对CO灭火器进行称重,缺少灭火剂10%时,甲板部应进行补充。 2 检查安全插销、喷管和喷嘴等附件。 (二) 每年一次 请船级社认可的检验单位进行手提CO灭火器的年度检验,包括补充灭火剂及每5年一次的灭火器钢瓶压力试验2 等项目,并出具检验证书(该证书包含全船所有手提、手推式灭火器)。 接受船检的[年度检验] 。 13、手提式清水泡沫灭火器(含手推式)(包括备用的) (一)每月一次 检查手提清水泡沫灭火器的数量、位置、标志、和防火控制图的一致性及其外观情况。 检查清水泡沫灭火器和检验证书的有效期。 检查灭火器动力气体压力情况,必要时充气或更换。 检查安全插销、喷管和喷嘴等附件。 (二) 每年一次 请船级社认可的检验单位进行手提清水泡沫灭火器的年度检验,(每2年换新泡沫灭火剂、每5年对灭火器钢瓶 进行压力试验等)并出具检验证书(该证书包含全船所有手提、手推式灭火器)。 接受船检的[年度检验] 。 14、消防员装备 (一)每月一次 检查消防员装备的数量、位置、标志、和防火控制图的一致性。 检查消防员防护服各部件是否完整、完好。 检查空气呼吸器装备是否完整、完好。 检查备用空气瓶数量、压力是否符合要求。 防火绳、手提灯、太平斧是否完整、完好。 气压不符合要求的呼吸器空气瓶自行进行充气,或送岸充气。 对专用充气机进行清洁、检查、保养。 (二)每年一次 全面检查、保养消防员装备。 按照要求请专业公司对呼吸器空气瓶进行水压实验并刻以钢印。 对专用充气机进行年度检验。 接受船检的[年度检验]。 15、低位照明系统<,/DIV> (一)每周一次 进行视觉检查,如灯泡、标志等,并记录。 (二)每年一次 检查主电源及应急电源的供电情况。 (三)每五年一次 做照明系统的亮度试验。 16、公共广播系统 (一)每周一次 进行必要的效用测试。 广播室内主控面板清洁。 (二)每年一次 对公共广播系统进行全面的检查。 接受船检的[年度检验] 。 17、甲板低倍泡沫系统(化工品船、油轮) (一)每月一次 外观检查整个泡沫系统的完整情况,包括部件的数量、标志、位置和操作说明等。 检查比例混合器的调节位置,消防水泵外部清洁保养、轴封止漏加油。 检查泡沫液存放柜及其中泡沫液的外观情况,泡沫液液位管显示清晰。 对整个泡沫系统的活动部件进行加油活络。 如设备许可,每3个月结合当月一次的消防演习进行实际施放试验,时间控制在1分钟以内。 (二)每半年一次 对整个泡沫系统进行除锈、油漆,并做好有关专用标志。 (三)每年一次 每年做一次水畅通试验。 每满周年将泡沫液送样化验,保持化验报告始终有效。换新泡沫液时,泡沫背桶中的泡沫液也必须同时换新,并 作好记录。 解体检查消防泵,检查、清洁电源控制箱、紧固接线柱。 接受船检的[年度检验]。 18、便携式泡沫灭火设备 (一)每月一次 检查便携式灭火器的数量、位置、标志和防火控制图的一致性。 外观检查泡沫桶、混合器本体、浓度调节阀、软管、泡沫枪情况。 检查泡沫桶中泡沫液的外观情况和存量,如发现存量减少或变质,因及时提出补充或更换。 对泡沫灭火器的浓度调节阀和流量控制阀进行活络。 (二)每年二次 每2年需送专业公司更换泡沫液,并获取报告和证书。 19、液货泵舱的消防安全布置(化工品船、油轮) (一)每月一次 手提灭火器按照相关要求进行检查。 消防员装备按要求进行检查。 紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEBD)按要求进行检查。 按要求对相关的大型灭火系统进行检查,报警系统进行检查、测试。 按照相关要求检查水密门、水密窗和挡火闸。 对穿壁轴温度报警系统进行测试、检查。 (二)每年一次 结合年度检验对手提灭火器、消防员装备、紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEBD)、大型灭火系统及其报警系统、穿壁轴温 度报警系统、水密门、水密窗、防火风闸等进行全面检查。 接受船检的[年度检验]。 20、易燃气体探测器(化工品、油轮) (一)每月一次 主控面板清洁、检查。 测试报警系统的效用,标定各处的可燃气体探测头的正确性。 检查电源的供应情况。 (二)每年一次 对系统的控制面板、各处的可燃气体探测头、报警系统和电源供应等进行全面检查。 接受船检的[年度检验]。 第二章 安全、应急设备维护保养计划 1、应急发电机组 1〕每周一次--------检查应急发动机原动机、滑油油位及燃油系统,运行试验。检查配电板频率表、功率表、电压表和电流表的工况。 2〕每月一次--------检查应急发动机原动机、滑油油位及燃油系统,运行试验。检查起动马达和配电板频率表、功率表、电压表和电流表的工况。 3〕每6个月一次要做的维护保养工作--------全面检查应急发电机原动机系统,缸头拆检,气阀检查研磨,活塞拉出,缸套、活塞及活塞环清洁,滑油更换,调整进排气阀间隙。检查起动马达和配电板频率表、功率表、电压表和电流表的工况。 2、 应急电瓶 1〕 每周一次--------检查电瓶液位和接线,试验。 2〕每月一次--------全面检查保养电瓶,电瓶充放电试验,补充电瓶液。如电瓶性能变差,应申请更换。 3、 应急空压机 1〕 每周一次--------检查保养应急空压机,试验。 2〕 每6个月一次--------全面检查保养应急空压机,拆检,试验。 4、 应急消防泵 1〕 每周一次--------检查应急消防泵原动机、水泵和燃油系统,泵水试验。 2〕 每月一次--------全面检查应急消防泵系统,加油活络,泵水试验。 3〕每6个月一次--------全面检查应急消防泵系统,拆检原动机缸头,进排气阀研磨,缸套、活塞、活塞环清洁,滑油更换。水泵拆检,泵水试验。 5、 应急照明设备 1〕 每月一次--------全面检查应急照明灯具,试验。确保工作正常。 6、 应急操舵装置 1〕每月一次---------全面检查应急操舵装置,保养、加油、活络、试验。 7、 应急舱底水吸口 1〕每月一次--------检查、保养、加油、活络、试验。 8、 应急遥控装置包括速闭阀和风油切断系统 1〕 每月一次--------检查、保养、加油、活络、试验。 9、 应急封舱装置(emergency closing gear)包括机炉舱、风道、紧急封闭挡板 1〕每月一次--------全面检查机炉舱、风道、紧急封闭挡板,保养、加油、活络、试验。 10、泵房污水报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查污水报警装置,浮子和报警器,试验。 11、机舱污水报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查污水报警装置,浮子和报警器,试验。 12、泵房固定式可燃气装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次--------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次--------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 13、泵房固定式测氧装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,试验报警。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次---------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次---------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 14、货舱温度遥测装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次要做的维护保养工作--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 15、货舱液位遥测装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 16、货舱高高位报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次要做的维护保养工作--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 17、货舱压力报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 18、生活区固定式可燃气探测装置 1) 每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次要做的维护保养工作--------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次--------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 19、泵房固定式有毒气体探测装置 1) 每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次--------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次--------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 20、货舱P/V阀 1) 每月一次--------检查、加油、活络、试验。确保工作正常。 21、各种水密门窗 1) 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、加油、活络、确保水密。 22、各种水密孔盖 1) 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、加油、活络、确保水密。 23、各油舱水舱透气头油槽 1) 每月一次--------检查防火虑网、除锈保养、加油、活络、确保工作正常。 24、货泵应急停止装置 1〕 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、活络、试验。 25、逃生口、安全门检查 1) 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、加油、活络。 第三章 救生设备保养计划 1、通讯设备 1.1无线电救生设备 包括双向甚高频(VHF)无线电话设备、雷达应答器、雷达应答器电池、应急示位标、应急示位标释放器和应急示位标电池 每月一次----全面检查外观是否破损,检查设备和电池的有效期,应提前申请,保证符合公约要求。无限电话设备应保持正常工作状态。 1.2遇险烟火信号 包括红光降落伞信号、烟雾信号和手持火焰信号 每月一次----检查外观是否破损,清点数量,核准有效期。如发现破损或将过期申领新品更换,应保证符合公约要求。 1.3船上通信 双向通信设备(便携式对讲机) 每月一次----全面检查通讯设备,确保设备处于良好工作状态。 1.4有线广播系统 每月一次----全面检查有线广播系统,确保系统处于良好工作状态。 2、个人救生用品 包括救生圈(包括自亮灯 烟雾信号 救生索),救生衣(包括电池,哨子),救生服和抗暴露服,保温服,保温袋。 每月一次----检查外观是否破损,标志是否脱落、清点数量,核准有效期。如发现破损或将过期申领新品更换,应保证符合公约要求。 3、 应变部署表、部署卡 每月一次----检查外观是否破损,填写是否正确。如发现破损或者更换了船员,应及时更改换新。 4、 救生艇装置 4.1救生艇 4.1.1艇内设备 包括浮浆 舵及舵柄带钩艇篙 可浮水瓢水桶 救生手册 罗经及罗经柜 海锚 艇首绳 太平斧 水密储水容器 不锈水勺 不锈饮料杯 口粮 淡水 火箭降落伞火焰信号 手持火焰信号 漂浮烟雾信号 防水手电筒 日光信号镜 救生信息图解说明表 哨笛 急救药箱 防晕船药清洁袋 水手刀 开罐头刀 可浮救生圈 手摇泵 钓鱼用具 小修用工具 手持灭火器 探照灯 雷达反射器 保温用具 带舵浆 艇底塞 救生把手索 海图 抗风火柴 燃油滑油 桅帆及索具 布油袋 橙黄色风雨蓬 国旗 艇发报机 艇内空气箱 每月一次----全面检查艇内上述属具,清点数量,检查属具是否破损、缺少和有效期,应保证符合公约的要求。艇内淡水应定期更换。每月定期放艇试验一次。封闭式救生艇需试验洒水系统。 4.1.2艇内急救药箱 包括绷带 8X600CM 绷带 4.8X600CM 纱布 三角巾绷带 医用胶布 药棉 止血带 镊子 绷带剪 别针 夹板 氨溶液 酒精 消炎粉 烫伤膏 四环素眼膏 止痛片 杜冷丁 每月一次要----全面检查艇内急救药箱内的药品,清点数量,检查药品是否缺少和有效期,应保证符合公约的要求。 4.1.3救生艇柴油机及洒水系统 每周一次----检查柴油发动机,柴油油箱油位,滑油油箱油位,手动和气动起动试验并记录。确保柴油机及洒水系统处于良好工作状态。 4.1.4救生艇架 包括滑轮、限位、勾头、铰艇钢丝 每月一次----全面检查艇架结构,除锈保养活络。滑轮、勾头、钢丝加油活络;限位器检查试验。 4.1.5铰艇机 包括齿轮箱、电动或气动马达。 每月一次----全面检查绞挺机构;检查齿轮箱工作状况及滑油油位和质量;检查气动马达并试验,如发现效率差,应拆检修理;检查测量电动机绝缘并记录。 4.1.6救生艇钢丝 每月一次----检查保养加油。 每2年半一次----艇机钢丝绳调头并记录。 每5年一次----艇机钢丝绳换新,将产品证书存船备案并记录。 4.1.7救生艇操作规程 告示或标志 每月一次要----检查救生艇操作规程和救生艇标志是否保持完好。 5、 救生阀及架子 5.1阀体及阀内物品 救生浮环 折刀 防锈水勺 海棉 海锚 可浮手划浆 从气泵 开罐头刀 防锈饮料量杯 防水电筒 急救药包 艏缆 日光信号镜 哨笛 手提火焰信号 火箭降落伞火焰信号 漂浮烟雾信号 每月一次----全面检查救生阀外观和易断绳是否完好,检查保养救生阀架子。 每年一次----救生阀每年送专业公司检验一次,将检验报告及证书存船备案。 5.2救生阀静水压力释放器 每月一次----检查救生阀静水压力释放器。 每年一次----救生阀静水压力释放器每年送专业公司检验一次或换新,将检验报告及证书存船备案。 6、 抛绳器 包括火箭 药筒 每月一次----检查抛绳器外观是否破损。是否在有效期范围内,应根据抛绳器产品证书的有效 Chapter 1 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEM 1. Fire mains, fire pumps and hydrants including hoses, nozzles and international shore connections Ø Every week ? Check main fire pump. ? Check emergency fire pump: heating device for starting, starting system, non-return valves, stop valves, run it at least 20 minutes under required pressure, check every thing around the pump, check the quantity of fuel to run it at least 3 hours at the maximum rate, the fuel in the storage tank out side of engine room can run the pump 15 hours. ? Fire hose box. ? The gemel, spanner, hose, seals etc. comply with the fire prevention control plan. ? Check the double use nozzle. ? Check the hydrants, hose connections. Ø Every month ? Hammer test the manifold under pressure, especially caution to be taken are the places of sludge easily be made up, corrosion easily happened and the stop valve to engine room. ? The international connection should be accompanied by the standard flange and four pairs of studs and nuts and a sealing packing. Ø Every quarter ? Check the switch, valves, and hoses for water fire fighting system. ? The operation system of water fire fighting system in good condition, the feed pump can automatically start in case of pressure dropping, no leakage and corrosion on the pipe line, the distributor outside of engine room in good order, the nozzle in good condition. Ø Every half a year ? Derusting, painting and remarking. Ø Every year ? Derust, remarking and paint over all. ? Check the fan, connecting shaft, wire holder, junction box of the motor of fire and emergency fire pumps. ? Check wire holder, overload relay, relay contactor in the motor control box. ? Check the magnet valve action time, and the position limiting switch. ? Check the coupling of fire and emergency fire pump. ? Carefully check all the water fire fighting system, carry out effectiveness test and hydraulic pressure test. ? Annual survey by the class society. Ø Every two and half year ? Overhaul the fire pump if necessary. ? Intermediate survey by class society. Ø Every five year ? Special survey by the class society. 2. fixed fire detection and fire alarm system Ø Every week ? Inspect and clean the main panel of fire detector and alarming system. Ø Every month ? Inspect the electrical control system for fixed fire detector and fire alarm system. ? Inspect and clean the main panel and all the system of fire detector and alarming system. ? Test each detector. Ø Every year ? Inspect the electrical control system for fixed fire detector and fire alarm system. ? Inspect and clean the main panel and all the system of fire detector and alarming system. ? Test each detector. ? Annual survey by the Class Sociaty. 3. ( Fixed fire-extinguishing systems < CO/1211and HALON etc.> and other fire extinguishing appliances ) 2 Ø Every month ? Visually inspect the control point, bottle storage, drive mechanism, marks and operation instruction etc.. ? Visually inspect the system pipeline and releasing nozzles. ? Manually test the alarm system. ? Check the flashlighter battery and thermometer in the place of the air bottles. ? Alarm system effectiveness test ? Oil the moving part of the system. Ø Every year ? Derust, paint and remark. ? Check, oil and adjust the moving parts, driving mechanism etc.. ? Overall check the fixed fire fighting system and repair it if necessary. ? Annual survey by the class sosiety. Ø Every two year ? Weight the bottles, renew the concerned certificates, and refill them if necessary. ? Unobstructing test the pipeline, renew the certificate. Ø Every five year ? After ten years, 10% of the bottles to be hydraulic test for every year. 4. ( Fixed fire-extinguishing systems in paints rooms ) Ø Every month ? Visually overall check. ? Oil the moving part. Ø Every year ? Oil the moving parts. ? Annual survey by the class society. Ø Every two year ? Weight and if necessary refill the bottles and renew the certificates. 5. Fixed fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces containing oil-fired boilers or oil fuel units Ø Every month ? Visually overall check. ? Oil the moving part. Ø Every year ? Oil the moving parts. ? Annual survey by the class society. Ø Every two year ? Weight and if necessary refill the bottles and renew the certificates. 6. Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems Ø Every week ? Check the fire pump for the auto spray system. ? Check the hydraulic tank. ? Visually check the main control panel and manually test the annunciator. ? Check and oil the switch, valves. ? Check the operation instruction and marks. ? Effectiveness testing on auto spray and alarm. ? Check the power of fire pump. Ø Every year ? Derust, paint, and mark. ? Check the fan, connecting shaft, wire holder, overload relay, control box etc. of the fire pump motor. ? Check the coupling of the pump. ? Annual survey. 7. systems including fire and smoke dampers, fan and their controls Ø Every week ? Visually check the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room. Ø Every month ? Oil the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room, and check the marks. ? Check sealing condition of the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room. ? Manually and automatically test. ? Derust and paint the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room, and mark the switch of the ventilation trunks. ? Check and maintain the skylight open-close device. ? Check and maintain the motor and control box. Ø Every year ? Annual survey 8. Emergency shut down of fuel supply Ø Every month ? Visually outside check. ? Effectiveness test. ? Oil the quick closing valve, pneumatic piston rod. ? Oil the telescope rod of ventilation quick-closing device. ? Check the marks of the control place and control handle. ? Check the remote control system control power and relay, keep the junction box in good watertight. Ø Every year ? Annual survey 9. Fire doors including their controls) Ø Every month ? Visually check the fire doors, clear away the obstacles. ? Oil the fire doors. ? Quick closing test the all of the fire doors on board, and check their structure conditions. ? Check the engine room doors. ? Check the fire door control system in bridge and effectiveness testing. Ø Every yeqr Ø Annual survey 10. General emergency alarm systems Ø Every week ? Visually check. Ø Every month ? Visually check and clean the alarm controller in bridge. ? Test the effectiveness of alarm and lighting units and selectively test the effectiveness of alarm points at the time of monthly fire fighting exercise. Ø Every year ? Generally check the alarm control units in the bridge and the effectiveness of alarming system. ? Annual survey 11. Emergency escape breathing devices ? Every month ? Check if there is any shortage and out of position. ? Clean and mark. ? Check the accessories and the pressure, refill and maintain if necessary. ? Every year ? Check the accessories and the pressure, refill and maintain if necessary. ? Annual survey. 12. Portable CO fire extinguishers including spares 2 Ø Every month ? Outline check, and check if the number, position, and marks of portable CO2 fire extinguishers comply with the fire control chart. ? Check the validity of the certificate. ? Re-weight them, refill it if 10% shortage of extinguisher agent. ? Check the safety bolt, nozzle and other accessories. Ø Every year ? Ask for annual inspection by the organization approved by the class society and obtain the survey report. ? Annual survey. 13. ( Portable foam fire extinguishers including spares) Ø Every month ? Check if the number, position, and marks of portable foam fire extinguishers comply with the fire control chart. ? Check the validity of the certificate. ? Check the pressure, refill or renew if necessary. ? Check the safety bolt, nozzle and other accessories. Ø Every year ? Ask for annual inspection by the organization approved by the class society and obtain the survey report. ? Annual survey 14. Fire-fighter’s outfits Ø Every month ? Check if the number, position, and marks of portable foam fire extinguishers comply with the fire control chart. ? Check the condition of the fire fighter outfits. ? Check the breathing apparatus. ? Check the number of spare air bottles and their pressure. ? Check fire ropes, hand lamps, ire axe. ? Refill the breathing bottles. ? Clean and maintain the air filling machine. Ø Every year ? Overall check and maintain the fire fighter outfits. ? Arrange breathing bottles water pressure test by the specialized company and steel sealed. ? Annual inspection for the air filling machine. ? Annual survey. 15. Low-voltage lighting systems Ø Every year ? Visually inspection for bulbs, marks etc., and record. Ø Every year ? Check the main electric power and emergency power. Ø Every five year ? Test the brightness of the lighting system. 16. Public address systems Ø Every week ? Test the effectiveness. ? Clean the main control board. Ø Every year ? Overall inspection. ? annual survey 17. Deck low-expansion foam systems Ø Every year ? Visually check the foaming system, including the number, marks, position and operation instruction. etc.. ? Check the adjust position of the proportion mixing units, clean and maintain the fire pump. ? Check the foam, foam tank and level vision tube. ? Oil the moving parts of all the system. ? If possible, to carry out the effectiveness test every three month combine with the monthly fire fighting exercises, the time period to be controlled in a minute. Ø Every half a year ? Derust, paint, mark all the system. Ø Every year ? To carry out water through test. ? Arrange the foam liquid for chemical examination, if need, to be renewed and recorded. ? Overhaul the fire pump, check and clean the power control box. ? Annual survey. 18. portable foam applicator Ø Every month ? Check if their number, position, mark comply with the fire control chart. ? Visually check the foam trunk, mixing units, proportion adjusting valve, hose, gun etc.. ? Check foam liquid, if need, to be refilled and renewed. ? Function with the proportion adjust valve and the flow control valve. Ø Every two year ? Renew the foam liquid and take the report and certificate. 19. ( Fire safety arrangements in cargo pump rooms ) Ø Every month ? Check the portable fire extinguisher. ? Check the fire fighter outfits. ? Check the emergency escape breathing device. ? Check and test the alarm system, check the concerned large fire fighting system. ? Check the water tight doors, windows and fire dampers. ? Check and measure the temperature of wall through shafts. Ø Every year ? Overall check the portable fire extinguishers, fire fighter outfits, EEBD, large fire fighting system, wall through shafts temperature, alarm system, watertight doors, watertight windows, fire dampers etc.. ? Annual survey. 20. Flammable gas detectors Ø Every month ? Check the main power control board. ? Test the alarm system, demarcate accuracy of the flammable gas detectors. ? Check the main power. Ø Every year ? Overall check the main power control board, detectors, alarm system, etc.. ? Annual survey. Chapter 2 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR EMERGENCY AND SAFETY EQUIPMENTS 1. Emergency generator Ø Every week----Check the lub./ fuel oil system of emergency prime mover and running test. Check cymometer, wattmeter, voltage meter and current meter. Ø Every month----Check the lub./ fuel oil system of emergency prime mover and running test. Check cymometer, wattmeter, voltage meter and current meter; check starting motor. Ø Every six month----Overall check the system of emergency prime mover, overhaul the cylinder cover, withdraw the piston, cylinder liner and clean and maintain them, renew lub oil, adjust clearance of the inlet and exhaust valves; Check cymometer, wattmeter, voltage meter and current meter; check starting motor. 2. Emergency battery Ø Every week----Check the liquid level and wire of the battery and test it.. Ø Every mongth----Overall check and maintain the battery, filling and discharging test, refill the liquid and renewed the battery if needed. 3. -Emergency air compressor Ø Every week----Check, maintain and test. Ø Every sx month----Overhaul and test. 4. Eemergency fire pump Ø Every week----Check and test Ø Every month----Check, oil, test. Ø Every six month----Overall check the system of emergency prime mover, overhaul the cylinder cover, withdraw the piston, cylinder liner and clean and maintain them, renew lub oil, adjust clearance of the inlet and exhaust valves; overhaul the pump. 5. -emergency lighting Ø Every month----Overall check and test. 6. Eemergency steering gear Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 7. Emergency bilge suction valve Ø Every month----Check, maintain and test. 8. Remote control system Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 9. Emergency closing gear Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 10. Pump room bilge alarm Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 11. Engine room bilge alarm Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 12. Fixed type inflammable gas detector in pump room Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. Ø Every six month----Overall check, verify by standard air, test the alarm system. Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 13. Fixed type oxygen detector in pump room Ø Ever month----Check the sensors and test the alarm. Ø Every six month----Check the sensors, verify them by the standard air, test the alarm. Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 14. Remote temperature detector for cargo tanks Ø Every month----Check the sensors, test . Ø Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board 15. Remote level indicator for cargo tanks Ø Every month----Check, verify and test the detectors. Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board Ø 16. High level alarm for cargo tanks Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board 17. Pressure alarm for cargo tanks Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board 18. Fixed type combustible gas detector in accommodation Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Every six month----Check the sensors, verify them by the standard air, test the alarm. Ø Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 19. fixed toxic gas (HS) detector in pump room 2 Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every six month----Check the sensors, verify them by the standard air, test the alarm. Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 20. P/V valve of cargo tank Ø Every month----Check, oil, move, test. 21. Various water tight door and window Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. 22. Various water tight hole and cup Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. 23. Vent head for various oil tanks and water tanks and oil trap around these vents Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. 24. Cargo pump emergency stop Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move. 25. Emergency escape door Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. Chapter 3 life-saving appliances maintenance plan 1. Communicating appliances Ø Radio-saving appliances----Include two-way VHF radiophone apparatus, radar transponders, battery for radar transponders, satellite emergency position-indicating radio beacon, releasing device and battery for EPIRB ? Every month----inspect thoroughly whether the surface is in disrepair, check the duration of equipment and battery, if found expiration, it shall be requisition for surveying or renewing to comply the requirement of convention. Radiophone shall be kept on working condition. Ø Distress flare, including red-light parachute flare, smoking signal and portable firework sign. Ø Every month----inspect thoroughly whether the surface is in disrepair, check the amount of quantity and the duration. If found damaged or expiration, to be renewed with spare ones to accord convention’s requirement. Ø communication on board, two-way communication (portable interphone) ? Every month----inspect thoroughly communicating equipment to keep on good condition. Ø cable casting ? Every month----inspect thoroughly cable casting system to keep system on good condition. 2. Personal life-saving appliances Ø Life buoy-including self-igniting light, smoking signal, Lifejacket—including battery and whistle, Immersion suit and anti-exposure suit, Thermal protective aids, Thermal protective bag. ? Every month----inspect thoroughly whether the surface is in disrepair and symbol fall off, clear the quantity and check the duration of equipment. If found expiration or disrepair, it shall be renewed to comply the requirement of convention. 3. Muster list and card Ø Every month----Visually inspect whether the list and card is in disrepair and content filled is correct. If found damaged or crew changed, it shall be renewed or updated. 4. Lifeboat apparatus Ø Lifeboat ? Accessory in lifeboat----Including buoyant oar, rudder and boat hooks, buoyant gourd ladle and bucket, life-saving note book, lifeboat compass and compass cabinet, sea anchor, bow line, hatchet, water-tight container, rustproof spoon, rustproof drinking cup, rations, fresh water, rocket parachute flare, hand flare, buoyant smoke signal, waterproof torch, daylight signal mirrors, survival manual and signal tables, whistle, first aid kits, seasickness bags, jack knife, can opener, lifebuoy, portable pump, fishing tackle, lifeboat repair kits, portable extinguisher, searching light, radar reflector, thermal protective outfit, oar with rudder, bottom plug, life-saving strap, chart, lifeboat match, fuel oil and lube oil, sail and fitting, oil bag, orange awning, national flag, telegraph transmitter of lifeboat, air bottle. ? Every month------Inspect thoroughly accessory in lifeboat and clear the quantity, check accessory whether that is in disrepair or is hard up and check the duration of accessory in lifeboat to c,omply the requirement of convention. Fresh water stored in lifeboat shall be renewed at regular intervals. Launching test shall be carried out once every month. Totally enclosed lifeboat shall be carried out watering test. Ø First aid kits----Bandage 8 x 600 cm, bandage 4.8 x 600 cm, gauze, triangular bandage, tube gauze bandage, absorbent cotton, tourniquets, forceps, bandage scissors, safety pin, serrated splints, aromatic spirit of ammonia, medical alcohol, antiphlogistic powder, burn ointment, tetracycline eye ointment, morphine tablets, morphine injection ? Every month----fully inspect medicine in the box, clear the quantity. Check the medicine whether that is in hard up to comply the requirement of convention. Ø Lifeboat engine and watering system ? Every week----Inspect engine, fuel oil and lube oil level in tank, pneumatic or manual start shall be tested and recorded, it shall be ensured that engine and watering system is in good condition. Ø Davit of lifeboat including wheel, limited position, hook, and hoisting wire. ? Every month----fully inspect the davit, de-rust and activate, wheel, hook, wire shall be greased. limit shall be inspected and tested. Ø Winch for lifeboat including gear box, electric or pneumatic motor ? Every month----fully inspect winch, inspect working condition of gear box and lube oil level and oil quality, inspect and test pneumatic motor, if found poor efficiency, it shall be overhauled, check and measure the insulation of motor, the result shall be recorded. Ø Hoisting wire for lifeboat ? Every month----it shall be carried out for inspection and greasing. ? Every 30month----The wire shall be ended to ended and recorded. ? Every five year----the wire shall be renewed and recorded, certificate shall be keep on board. Ø Operating procedure, notice and symbol for lifeboat ? Every month----inspect the operating procedure and symbol whether that are in good condition. 5. Life-rafts and deck cradle Ø Life-raft body and accessory----Life-saving buoyant ring, jack knife, rustproof gourd ladle, sponge, sea anchor, paddle, topping up pump, can opener, rustproof drinking cup, waterproof torch, first aid kits, bow line, daylight signal mirrors, whistle, hand flares, rocket parachute flare, buoyant smoke signal. ? Every month----fully inspect life-raft body and breakable line whether that is in disrepair, inspect and maintain the deck cradle ? Every year----the life-raft shall be sent to professional institution for inspection once every year and keep the inspecting report and certificate on board. Ø Hydrostatic release unit for life-raft. ? Every month----inspect hydrostatic release units. ? Every year----the hydrostatic shall be sent to professional institution for inspection once every year and keep the inspecting report and certificate on board. 6. line-throwing apparatus, including rocket and dosage Ø Every month----Visually inspect line-throwing apparatus whether that is in disrepair and duration whether expiring. It shall be renewed in accordance with product’s certificate to comply the requirement of convention. sqm.rar ,/DIV> (一)每周一次 进行视觉检查,如灯泡、标志等,并记录。 (二)每年一次 检查主电源及应急电源的供电情况。 (三)每五年一次 做照明系统的亮度试验。 16、公共广播系统 (一)每周一次 进行必要的效用测试。 广播室内主控面板清洁。 (二)每年一次 对公共广播系统进行全面的检查。 接受船检的[年度检验] 。 17、甲板低倍泡沫系统(化工品船、油轮) (一)每月一次 外观检查整个泡沫系统的完整情况,包括部件的数量、标志、位置和操作说明等。 检查比例混合器的调节位置,消防水泵外部清洁保养、轴封止漏加油。 检查泡沫液存放柜及其中泡沫液的外观情况,泡沫液液位管显示清晰。 对整个泡沫系统的活动部件进行加油活络。 如设备许可,每3个月结合当月一次的消防演习进行实际施放试验,时间控制在1分钟以内。 (二)每半年一次 对整个泡沫系统进行除锈、油漆,并做好有关专用标志。 (三)每年一次 每年做一次水畅通试验。 每满周年将泡沫液送样化验,保持化验报告始终有效。换新泡沫液时,泡沫背桶中的泡沫液也必须同时换新,并 作好记录。 解体检查消防泵,检查、清洁电源控制箱、紧固接线柱。 接受船检的[年度检验]。 18、便携式泡沫灭火设备 (一)每月一次 检查便携式灭火器的数量、位置、标志和防火控制图的一致性。 外观检查泡沫桶、混合器本体、浓度调节阀、软管、泡沫枪情况。 检查泡沫桶中泡沫液的外观情况和存量,如发现存量减少或变质,因及时提出补充或更换。 对泡沫灭火器的浓度调节阀和流量控制阀进行活络。 (二)每年二次 每2年需送专业公司更换泡沫液,并获取报告和证书。 19、液货泵舱的消防安全布置(化工品船、油轮) (一)每月一次 手提灭火器按照相关要求进行检查。 消防员装备按要求进行检查。 紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEBD)按要求进行检查。 按要求对相关的大型灭火系统进行检查,报警系统进行检查、测试。 按照相关要求检查水密门、水密窗和挡火闸。 对穿壁轴温度报警系统进行测试、检查。 (二)每年一次 结合年度检验对手提灭火器、消防员装备、紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEBD)、大型灭火系统及其报警系统、穿壁轴温 度报警系统、水密门、水密窗、防火风闸等进行全面检查。 接受船检的[年度检验]。 20、易燃气体探测器(化工品、油轮) (一)每月一次 主控面板清洁、检查。 测试报警系统的效用,标定各处的可燃气体探测头的正确性。 检查电源的供应情况。 (二)每年一次 对系统的控制面板、各处的可燃气体探测头、报警系统和电源供应等进行全面检查。 接受船检的[年度检验]。 第二章 安全、应急设备维护保养计划 1、应急发电机组 1〕每周一次--------检查应急发动机原动机、滑油油位及燃油系统,运行试验。检查配电板频率表、功率表、电压 表和电流表的工况。 2〕每月一次--------检查应急发动机原动机、滑油油位及燃油系统,运行试验。检查起动马达和配电板频率表、功 率表、电压表和电流表的工况。 3〕每6个月一次要做的维护保养工作--------全面检查应急发电机原动机系统,缸头拆检,气阀检查研磨,活塞拉 出,缸套、活塞及活塞环清洁,滑油更换,调整进排气阀间隙。检查起动马达和配电板频率表、功率表、电压表和电流 表的工况。 2、 应急电瓶 1〕 每周一次--------检查电瓶液位和接线,试验。 2〕每月一次--------全面检查保养电瓶,电瓶充放电试验,补充电瓶液。如电瓶性能变差,应申请更换。 3、 应急空压机 1〕 每周一次--------检查保养应急空压机,试验。 2〕 每6个月一次--------全面检查保养应急空压机,拆检,试验。 4、 应急消防泵 1〕 每周一次--------检查应急消防泵原动机、水泵和燃油系统,泵水试验。 2〕 每月一次--------全面检查应急消防泵系统,加油活络,泵水试验。 3〕每6个月一次--------全面检查应急消防泵系统,拆检原动机缸头,进排气阀研磨,缸套、活塞、活塞环清洁, 滑油更换。水泵拆检,泵水试验。 5、 应急照明设备 1〕 每月一次--------全面检查应急照明灯具,试验。确保工作正常。 6、 应急操舵装置 1〕每月一次---------全面检查应急操舵装置,保养、加油、活络、试验。 7、 应急舱底水吸口 1〕每月一次--------检查、保养、加油、活络、试验。 8、 应急遥控装置包括速闭阀和风油切断系统 1〕 每月一次--------检查、保养、加油、活络、试验。 9、 应急封舱装置(emergency closing gear)包括机炉舱、风道、紧急封闭挡板 1〕每月一次--------全面检查机炉舱、风道、紧急封闭挡板,保养、加油、活络、试验。 10、泵房污水报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查污水报警装置,浮子和报警器,试验。 11、机舱污水报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查污水报警装置,浮子和报警器,试验。 12、泵房固定式可燃气装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次--------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次--------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 13、泵房固定式测氧装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,试验报警。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次---------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次---------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 14、货舱温度遥测装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次要做的维护保养工作--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 15、货舱液位遥测装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 16、货舱高高位报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次要做的维护保养工作--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 17、货舱压力报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 18、生活区固定式可燃气探测装置 1) 每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次要做的维护保养工作--------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次--------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 19、泵房固定式有毒气体探测装置 1) 每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次--------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次--------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 20、货舱P/V阀 1) 每月一次--------检查、加油、活络、试验。确保工作正常。 21、各种水密门窗 1) 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、加油、活络、确保水密。 22、各种水密孔盖 1) 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、加油、活络、确保水密。 23、各油舱水舱透气头油槽 1) 每月一次--------检查防火虑网、除锈保养、加油、活络、确保工作正常。 24、货泵应急停止装置 1〕 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、活络、试验。 25、逃生口、安全门检查 1) 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、加油、活络。 第三章 救生设备保养计划 1、通讯设备 1.1无线电救生设备 包括双向甚高频(VHF)无线电话设备、雷达应答器、雷达应答器电池、应急示位标、应急示位标释放器和应急示位标电池 每月一次----全面检查外观是否破损,检查设备和电池的有效期,应提前申请,保证符合公约要求。无限电话设备应保持正常工作状态。 1.2遇险烟火信号 包括红光降落伞信号、烟雾信号和手持火焰信号 每月一次----检查外观是否破损,清点数量,核准有效期。如发现破损或将过期申领新品更换,应保证符合公约要求。 1.3船上通信 双向通信设备(便携式对讲机) 每月一次----全面检查通讯设备,确保设备处于良好工作状态。 1.4有线广播系统 每月一次----全面检查有线广播系统,确保系统处于良好工作状态。 2、个人救生用品 包括救生圈(包括自亮灯 烟雾信号 救生索),救生衣(包括电池,哨子),救生服和抗暴露服,保温服,保温袋。 每月一次----检查外观是否破损,标志是否脱落、清点数量,核准有效期。如发现破损或将过期申领新品更换,应保证符合公约要求。 3、 应变部署表、部署卡 每月一次----检查外观是否破损,填写是否正确。如发现破损或者更换了船员,应及时更改换新。 4、 救生艇装置 4.1救生艇 4.1.1艇内设备 包括浮浆 舵及舵柄带钩艇篙 可浮水瓢水桶 救生手册 罗经及罗经柜 海锚 艇首绳 太平斧 水密储水容器 不锈水勺 不锈饮料杯 口粮 淡水 火箭降落伞火焰信号 手持火焰信号 漂浮烟雾信号 防水手电筒 日光信号镜 救生信息图解说明表 哨笛 急救药箱 防晕船药清洁袋 水手刀 开罐头刀 可浮救生圈 手摇泵 钓鱼用具 小修用工具 手持灭火器 探照灯 雷达反射器 保温用具 带舵浆 艇底塞 救生把手索 海图 抗风火柴 燃油滑油 桅帆及索具 布油袋 橙黄色风雨蓬 国旗 艇发报机 艇内空气箱 每月一次----全面检查艇内上述属具,清点数量,检查属具是否破损、缺少和有效期,应保证符合公约的要求。艇内淡水应定期更换。每月定期放艇试验一次。封闭式救生艇需试验洒水系统。 4.1.2艇内急救药箱 包括绷带 8X600CM 绷带 4.8X600CM 纱布 三角巾绷带 医用胶布 药棉 止血带 镊子 绷带剪 别针 夹板 氨溶液 酒精 消炎粉 烫伤膏 四环素眼膏 止痛片 杜冷丁 每月一次要----全面检查艇内急救药箱内的药品,清点数量,检查药品是否缺少和有效期,应保证符合公约的要求。 4.1.3救生艇柴油机及洒水系统 每周一次----检查柴油发动机,柴油油箱油位,滑油油箱油位,手动和气动起动试验并记录。确保柴油机及洒水系统处于良好工作状态。 4.1.4救生艇架 包括滑轮、限位、勾头、铰艇钢丝 每月一次----全面检查艇架结构,除锈保养活络。滑轮、勾头、钢丝加油活络;限位器检查试验。 4.1.5铰艇机 包括齿轮箱、电动或气动马达。 每月一次----全面检查绞挺机构;检查齿轮箱工作状况及滑油油位和质量;检查气动马达并试验,如发现效率差,应拆检修理;检查测量电动机绝缘并记录。 4.1.6救生艇钢丝 每月一次----检查保养加油。 每2年半一次----艇机钢丝绳调头并记录。 每5年一次----艇机钢丝绳换新,将产品证书存船备案并记录。 4.1.7救生艇操作规程 告示或标志 每月一次要----检查救生艇操作规程和救生艇标志是否保持完好。 5、 救生阀及架子 5.1阀体及阀内物品 救生浮环 折刀 防锈水勺 海棉 海锚 可浮手划浆 从气泵 开罐头刀 防锈饮料量杯 防水电筒 急救药包 艏缆 日光信号镜 哨笛 手提火焰信号 火箭降落伞火焰信号 漂浮烟雾信号 每月一次----全面检查救生阀外观和易断绳是否完好,检查保养救生阀架子。 每年一次----救生阀每年送专业公司检验一次,将检验报告及证书存船备案。 5.2救生阀静水压力释放器 每月一次----检查救生阀静水压力释放器。 每年一次----救生阀静水压力释放器每年送专业公司检验一次或换新,将检验报告及证书存船备案。 6、 抛绳器 包括火箭 药筒 每月一次----检查抛绳器外观是否破损。是否在有效期范围内,应根据抛绳器产品证书的有效 Chapter 1 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEM 1. Fire mains, fire pumps and hydrants including hoses, nozzles and international shore connections Ø Every week ? Check main fire pump. ? Check emergency fire pump: heating device for starting, starting system, non-return valves, stop valves, run it at least 20 minutes under required pressure, check every thing around the pump, check the quantity of fuel to run it at least 3 hours at the maximum rate, the fuel in the storage tank out side of engine room can run the pump 15 hours. ? Fire hose box. ? The gemel, spanner, hose, seals etc. comply with the fire prevention control plan. ? Check the double use nozzle. ? Check the hydrants, hose connections. Ø Every month ? Hammer test the manifold under pressure, especially caution to be taken are the places of sludge easily be made up, corrosion easily happened and the stop valve to engine room. ? The international connection should be accompanied by the standard flange and four pairs of studs and nuts and a sealing packing. Ø Every quarter ? Check the switch, valves, and hoses for water fire fighting system. ? The operation system of water fire fighting system in good condition, the feed pump can automatically start in case of pressure dropping, no leakage and corrosion on the pipe line, the distributor outside of engine room in good order, the nozzle in good condition. Ø Every half a year ? Derusting, painting and remarking. Ø Every year ? Derust, remarking and paint over all. ? Check the fan, connecting shaft, wire holder, junction box of the motor of fire and emergency fire pumps. ? Check wire holder, overload relay, relay contactor in the motor control box. ? Check the magnet valve action time, and the position limiting switch. ? Check the coupling of fire and emergency fire pump. ? Carefully check all the water fire fighting system, carry out effectiveness test and hydraulic pressure test. ? Annual survey by the class society. Ø Every two and half year ? Overhaul the fire pump if necessary. ? Intermediate survey by class society. Ø Every five year ? Special survey by the class society. 2. fixed fire detection and fire alarm system Ø Every week ? Inspect and clean the main panel of fire detector and alarming system. Ø Every month ? Inspect the electrical control system for fixed fire detector and fire alarm system. ? Inspect and clean the main panel and all the system of fire detector and alarming system. ? Test each detector. Ø Every year ? Inspect the electrical control system for fixed fire detector and fire alarm system. ? Inspect and clean the main panel and all the system of fire detector and alarming system. ? Test each detector. ? Annual survey by the Class Sociaty. 3. ( Fixed fire-extinguishing systems < CO/1211and HALON etc.> and other fire extinguishing appliances ) 2 Ø Every month ? Visually inspect the control point, bottle storage, drive mechanism, marks and operation instruction etc.. ? Visually inspect the system pipeline and releasing nozzles. ? Manually test the alarm system. ? Check the flashlighter battery and thermometer in the place of the air bottles. ? Alarm system effectiveness test ? Oil the moving part of the system. Ø Every year ? Derust, paint and remark. ? Check, oil and adjust the moving parts, driving mechanism etc.. ? Overall check the fixed fire fighting system and repair it if necessary. ? Annual survey by the class sosiety. Ø Every two year ? Weight the bottles, renew the concerned certificates, and refill them if necessary. ? Unobstructing test the pipeline, renew the certificate. Ø Every five year ? After ten years, 10% of the bottles to be hydraulic test for every year. 4. ( Fixed fire-extinguishing systems in paints rooms ) Ø Every month ? Visually overall check. ? Oil the moving part. Ø Every year ? Oil the moving parts. ? Annual survey by the class society. Ø Every two year ? Weight and if necessary refill the bottles and renew the certificates. 5. Fixed fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces containing oil-fired boilers or oil fuel units Ø Every month ? Visually overall check. ? Oil the moving part. Ø Every year ? Oil the moving parts. ? Annual survey by the class society. Ø Every two year ? Weight and if necessary refill the bottles and renew the certificates. 6. Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems Ø Every week ? Check the fire pump for the auto spray system. ? Check the hydraulic tank. ? Visually check the main control panel and manually test the annunciator. ? Check and oil the switch, valves. ? Check the operation instruction and marks. ? Effectiveness testing on auto spray and alarm. ? Check the power of fire pump. Ø Every year ? Derust, paint, and mark. ? Check the fan, connecting shaft, wire holder, overload relay, control box etc. of the fire pump motor. ? Check the coupling of the pump. ? Annual survey. 7. systems including fire and smoke dampers, fan and their controls Ø Every week ? Visually check the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room. Ø Every month ? Oil the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room, and check the marks. ? Check sealing condition of the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room. ? Manually and automatically test. ? Derust and paint the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room, and mark the switch of the ventilation trunks. ? Check and maintain the skylight open-close device. ? Check and maintain the motor and control box. Ø Every year ? Annual survey 8. Emergency shut down of fuel supply Ø Every month ? Visually outside check. ? Effectiveness test. ? Oil the quick closing valve, pneumatic piston rod. ? Oil the telescope rod of ventilation quick-closing device. ? Check the marks of the control place and control handle. ? Check the remote control system control power and relay, keep the junction box in good watertight. Ø Every year ? Annual survey 9. Fire doors including their controls) Ø Every month ? Visually check the fire doors, clear away the obstacles. ? Oil the fire doors. ? Quick closing test the all of the fire doors on board, and check their structure conditions. ? Check the engine room doors. ? Check the fire door control system in bridge and effectiveness testing. Ø Every yeqr Ø Annual survey 10. General emergency alarm systems Ø Every week ? Visually check. Ø Every month ? Visually check and clean the alarm controller in bridge. ? Test the effectiveness of alarm and lighting units and selectively test the effectiveness of alarm points at the time of monthly fire fighting exercise. Ø Every year ? Generally check the alarm control units in the bridge and the effectiveness of alarming system. ? Annual survey 11. Emergency escape breathing devices ? Every month ? Check if there is any shortage and out of position. ? Clean and mark. ? Check the accessories and the pressure, refill and maintain if necessary. ? Every year ? Check the accessories and the pressure, refill and maintain if necessary. ? Annual survey. 12. Portable CO fire extinguishers including spares 2 Ø Every month ? Outline check, and check if the number, position, and marks of portable CO2 fire extinguishers comply with the fire control chart. ? Check the validity of the certificate. ? Re-weight them, refill it if 10% shortage of extinguisher agent. ? Check the safety bolt, nozzle and other accessories. Ø Every year ? Ask for annual inspection by the organization approved by the class society and obtain the survey report. ? Annual survey. 13. ( Portable foam fire extinguishers including spares) Ø Every month ? Check if the number, position, and marks of portable foam fire extinguishers comply with the fire control chart. ? Check the validity of the certificate. ? Check the pressure, refill or renew if necessary. ? Check the safety bolt, nozzle and other accessories. Ø Every year ? Ask for annual inspection by the organization approved by the class society and obtain the survey report. ? Annual survey 14. Fire-fighter’s outfits Ø Every month ? Check if the number, position, and marks of portable foam fire extinguishers comply with the fire control chart. ? Check the condition of the fire fighter outfits. ? Check the breathing apparatus. ? Check the number of spare air bottles and their pressure. ? Check fire ropes, hand lamps, ire axe. ? Refill the breathing bottles. ? Clean and maintain the air filling machine. Ø Every year ? Overall check and maintain the fire fighter outfits. ? Arrange breathing bottles water pressure test by the specialized company and steel sealed. ? Annual inspection for the air filling machine. ? Annual survey. 15. Low-voltage lighting systems Ø Every year ? Visually inspection for bulbs, marks etc., and record. Ø Every year ? Check the main electric power and emergency power. Ø Every five year ? Test the brightness of the lighting system. 16. Public address systems Ø Every week ? Test the effectiveness. ? Clean the main control board. Ø Every year ? Overall inspection. ? annual survey 17. Deck low-expansion foam systems Ø Every year ? Visually check the foaming system, including the number, marks, position and operation instruction. etc.. ? Check the adjust position of the proportion mixing units, clean and maintain the fire pump. ? Check the foam, foam tank and level vision tube. ? Oil the moving parts of all the system. ? If possible, to carry out the effectiveness test every three month combine with the monthly fire fighting exercises, the time period to be controlled in a minute. Ø Every half a year ? Derust, paint, mark all the system. Ø Every year ? To carry out water through test. ? Arrange the foam liquid for chemical examination, if need, to be renewed and recorded. ? Overhaul the fire pump, check and clean the power control box. ? Annual survey. 18. portable foam applicator Ø Every month ? Check if their number, position, mark comply with the fire control chart. ? Visually check the foam trunk, mixing units, proportion adjusting valve, hose, gun etc.. ? Check foam liquid, if need, to be refilled and renewed. ? Function with the proportion adjust valve and the flow control valve. Ø Every two year ? Renew the foam liquid and take the report and certificate. 19. ( Fire safety arrangements in cargo pump rooms ) Ø Every month ? Check the portable fire extinguisher. ? Check the fire fighter outfits. ? Check the emergency escape breathing device. ? Check and test the alarm system, check the concerned large fire fighting system. ? Check the water tight doors, windows and fire dampers. ? Check and measure the temperature of wall through shafts. Ø Every year ? Overall check the portable fire extinguishers, fire fighter outfits, EEBD, large fire fighting system, wall through shafts temperature, alarm system, watertight doors, watertight windows, fire dampers etc.. ? Annual survey. 20. Flammable gas detectors Ø Every month ? Check the main power control board. ? Test the alarm system, demarcate accuracy of the flammable gas detectors. ? Check the main power. Ø Every year ? Overall check the main power control board, detectors, alarm system, etc.. ? Annual survey. Chapter 2 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR EMERGENCY AND SAFETY EQUIPMENTS 1. Emergency generator Ø Every week----Check the lub./ fuel oil system of emergency prime mover and running test. Check cymometer, wattmeter, voltage meter and current meter. Ø Every month----Check the lub./ fuel oil system of emergency prime mover and running test. Check cymometer, wattmeter, voltage meter and current meter; check starting motor. Ø Every six month----Overall check the system of emergency prime mover, overhaul the cylinder cover, withdraw the piston, cylinder liner and clean and maintain them, renew lub oil, adjust clearance of the inlet and exhaust valves; Check cymometer, wattmeter, voltage meter and current meter; check starting motor. 2. Emergency battery Ø Every week----Check the liquid level and wire of the battery and test it.. Ø Every mongth----Overall check and maintain the battery, filling and discharging test, refill the liquid and enewed the battery if needed. r 3. -Emergency air compressor Ø Every week----Check, maintain and test. Ø Every sx month----Overhaul and test. 4. Eemergency fire pump Ø Every week----Check and test Ø Every month----Check, oil, test. Ø Every six month----Overall check the system of emergency prime mover, overhaul the cylinder cover, withdraw the piston, cylinder liner and clean and maintain them, renew lub oil, adjust clearance of the inlet and exhaust valves; overhaul the pump. 5. -emergency lighting Ø Every month----Overall check and test. 6. Eemergency steering gear Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 7. Emergency bilge suction valve Ø Every month----Check, maintain and test. 8. Remote control system Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 9. Emergency closing gear Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 10. Pump room bilge alarm Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 11. Engine room bilge alarm Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 12. Fixed type inflammable gas detector in pump room Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. Ø Every six month----Overall check, verify by standard air, test the alarm system. Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 13. Fixed type oxygen detector in pump room Ø Ever month----Check the sensors and test the alarm. Ø Every six month----Check the sensors, verify them by the standard air, test the alarm. Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 14. Remote temperature detector for cargo tanks Ø Every month----Check the sensors, test . Ø Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board 15. Remote level indicator for cargo tanks Ø Every month----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board 16. High level alarm for cargo tanks Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board 17. Pressure alarm for cargo tanks Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board Ø 18. Fixed type combustible gas detector in accommodation Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every six month----Check the sensors, verify them by the standard air, test the alarm. Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 19. fixed toxic gas (HS) detector in pump room 2 Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every six month----Check the sensors, verify them by the standard air, test the alarm. Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 20. P/V valve of cargo tank Ø Every month----Check, oil, move, test. 21. Various water tight door and window Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. 22. Various water tight hole and cup Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. 23. Vent head for various oil tanks and water tanks and oil trap around these vents Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. 24. Cargo pump emergency stop Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move. 25. Emergency escape door Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. Chapter 3 life-saving appliances maintenance plan 1. Communicating appliances Ø Radio-saving appliances----Include two-way VHF radiophone apparatus, radar transponders, battery for radar transponders, satellite emergency position-indicating radio beacon, releasing device and battery for EPIRB ? Every month----inspect thoroughly whether the surface is in disrepair, check the duration of equipment and battery, if found expiration, it shall be requisition for surveying or renewing to comply the requirement of convention. Radiophone shall be kept on working condition. Ø Distress flare, including red-light parachute flare, smoking signal and portable firework sign. Ø Every month----inspect thoroughly whether the surface is in disrepair, check the amount of quantity and the duration. If found damaged or expiration, to be renewed with spare ones to accord convention’s requirement. Ø communication on board, two-way communication (portable interphone) ? Every month----inspect thoroughly communicating equipment to keep on good condition. Ø cable casting ? Every month----inspect thoroughly cable casting system to keep system on good condition. 2. Personal life-saving appliances including battery and whistle, Immersion suit Ø Life buoy-including self-igniting light, smoking signal, Lifejacket— and anti-exposure suit, Thermal protective aids, Thermal protective bag. ? Every month----inspect thoroughly whether the surface is in disrepair and symbol fall off, clear the quantity and check the duration of equipment. If found expiration or disrepair, it shall be renewed to comply the requirement of convention. 3. Muster list and card Ø Every month----Visually inspect whether the list and card is in disrepair and content filled is correct. If found damaged or crew changed, it shall be renewed or updated. 4. Lifeboat apparatus Ø Lifeboat ? Accessory in lifeboat----Including buoyant oar, rudder and boat hooks, buoyant gourd ladle and bucket, life-saving note book, lifeboat compass and compass cabinet, sea anchor, bow line, hatchet, water-tight container, rustproof spoon, rustproof drinking cup, rations, fresh water, rocket parachute flare, hand flare, buoyant smoke signal, waterproof torch, daylight signal mirrors, survival manual and signal tables, whistle, first aid kits, seasickness bags, jack knife, can opener, lifebuoy, portable pump, fishing tackle, lifeboat repair kits, portable extinguisher, searching light, radar reflector, thermal protective outfit, oar with rudder, bottom plug, life-saving strap, chart, lifeboat match, fuel oil and lube oil, sail and fitting, oil bag, orange awning, national flag, telegraph transmitter of lifeboat, air bottle. ? Every month------Inspect thoroughly accessory in lifeboat and clear the quantity, check accessory whether that is in disrepair or is hard up and check the duration of accessory in lifeboat to c,omply the requirement of convention. Fresh water stored in lifeboat shall be renewed at regular intervals. Launching test shall be carried out once every month. Totally enclosed lifeboat shall be carried out watering test. Ø First aid kits----Bandage 8 x 600 cm, bandage 4.8 x 600 cm, gauze, triangular bandage, tube gauze bandage, absorbent cotton, tourniquets, forceps, bandage scissors, safety pin, serrated splints, aromatic spirit of ammonia, medical alcohol, antiphlogistic powder, burn ointment, tetracycline eye ointment, morphine tablets, morphine injection ? Every month----fully inspect medicine in the box, clear the quantity. Check the medicine whether that is in hard up to comply the requirement of convention. Ø Lifeboat engine and watering system ? Every week----Inspect engine, fuel oil and lube oil level in tank, pneumatic or manual start shall be tested and recorded, it shall be ensured that engine and watering system is in good condition. Ø Davit of lifeboat including wheel, limited position, hook, and hoisting wire. ? Every month----fully inspect the davit, de-rust and activate, wheel, hook, wire shall be greased. limit shall be inspected and tested. Ø Winch for lifeboat including gear box, electric or pneumatic motor ? Every month----fully inspect winch, inspect working condition of gear box and lube oil level and oil quality, inspect and test pneumatic motor, if found poor efficiency, it shall be overhauled, check and measure the insulation of motor, the result shall be recorded. Ø Hoisting wire for lifeboat ? Every month----it shall be carried out for inspection and greasing. ? Every 30month----The wire shall be ended to ended and recorded. ? Every five year----the wire shall be renewed and recorded, certificate shall be keep on board. Ø Operating procedure, notice and symbol for lifeboat ? Every month----inspect the operating procedure and symbol whether that are in good condition. 5. Life-rafts and deck cradle Ø Life-raft body and accessory----Life-saving buoyant ring, jack knife, rustproof gourd ladle, sponge, sea anchor, paddle, topping up pump, can opener, rustproof drinking cup, waterproof torch, first aid kits, bow line, daylight signal mirrors, whistle, hand flares, rocket parachute flare, buoyant smoke signal. ? Every month----fully inspect life-raft body and breakable line whether that is in disrepair, inspect and maintain the deck cradle ? Every year----the life-raft shall be sent to professional institution for inspection once every year and keep the inspecting report and certificate on board. Ø Hydrostatic release unit for life-raft. ? Every month----inspect hydrostatic release units. ? Every year----the hydrostatic shall be sent to professional institution for inspection once every year and keep the inspecting report and certificate on board. 6. line-throwing apparatus, including rocket and dosage Ø Every month----Visually inspect line-throwing apparatus whether that is in disrepair and duration whether expiring. It shall be renewed in accordance with product’s certificate to comply the requirement of convention. sqm.rar ,/DIV> (一)每周一次 进行视觉检查,如灯泡、标志等,并记录。 (二)每年一次 检查主电源及应急电源的供电情况。 (三)每五年一次 做照明系统的亮度试验。 16、公共广播系统 (一)每周一次 进行必要的效用测试。 广播室内主控面板清洁。 (二)每年一次 对公共广播系统进行全面的检查。 接受船检的[年度检验] 。 17、甲板低倍泡沫系统(化工品船、油轮) (一)每月一次 外观检查整个泡沫系统的完整情况,包括部件的数量、标志、位置和操作说明等。 检查比例混合器的调节位置,消防水泵外部清洁保养、轴封止漏加油。 检查泡沫液存放柜及其中泡沫液的外观情况,泡沫液液位管显示清晰。 对整个泡沫系统的活动部件进行加油活络。 如设备许可,每3个月结合当月一次的消防演习进行实际施放试验,时间控制在1分钟以内。 (二)每半年一次 对整个泡沫系统进行除锈、油漆,并做好有关专用标志。 (三)每年一次 每年做一次水畅通试验。 每满周年将泡沫液送样化验,保持化验报告始终有效。换新泡沫液时,泡沫背桶中的泡沫液也必须同时换新,并 作好记录。 解体检查消防泵,检查、清洁电源控制箱、紧固接线柱。 接受船检的[年度检验]。 18、便携式泡沫灭火设备 (一)每月一次 检查便携式灭火器的数量、位置、标志和防火控制图的一致性。 外观检查泡沫桶、混合器本体、浓度调节阀、软管、泡沫枪情况。 检查泡沫桶中泡沫液的外观情况和存量,如发现存量减少或变质,因及时提出补充或更换。 对泡沫灭火器的浓度调节阀和流量控制阀进行活络。 (二)每年二次 每2年需送专业公司更换泡沫液,并获取报告和证书。 19、液货泵舱的消防安全布置(化工品船、油轮) (一)每月一次 手提灭火器按照相关要求进行检查。 消防员装备按要求进行检查。 紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEBD)按要求进行检查。 按要求对相关的大型灭火系统进行检查,报警系统进行检查、测试。 按照相关要求检查水密门、水密窗和挡火闸。 对穿壁轴温度报警系统进行测试、检查。 (二)每年一次 结合年度检验对手提灭火器、消防员装备、紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEBD)、大型灭火系统及其报警系统、穿壁轴温 度报警系统、水密门、水密窗、防火风闸等进行全面检查。 接受船检的[年度检验]。 20、易燃气体探测器(化工品、油轮) (一)每月一次 主控面板清洁、检查。 测试报警系统的效用,标定各处的可燃气体探测头的正确性。 检查电源的供应情况。 (二)每年一次 对系统的控制面板、各处的可燃气体探测头、报警系统和电源供应等进行全面检查。 接受船检的[年度检验]。 第二章 安全、应急设备维护保养计划 1、应急发电机组 1〕每周一次--------检查应急发动机原动机、滑油油位及燃油系统,运行试验。检查配电板频率表、功率表、电压 表和电流表的工况。 2〕每月一次--------检查应急发动机原动机、滑油油位及燃油系统,运行试验。检查起动马达和配电板频率表、功 率表、电压表和电流表的工况。 3〕每6个月一次要做的维护保养工作--------全面检查应急发电机原动机系统,缸头拆检,气阀检查研磨,活塞拉 出,缸套、活塞及活塞环清洁,滑油更换,调整进排气阀间隙。检查起动马达和配电板频率表、功率表、电压表和电流 表的工况。 2、 应急电瓶 1〕 每周一次--------检查电瓶液位和接线,试验。 2〕每月一次--------全面检查保养电瓶,电瓶充放电试验,补充电瓶液。如电瓶性能变差,应申请更换。 3、 应急空压机 1〕 每周一次--------检查保养应急空压机,试验。 2〕 每6个月一次--------全面检查保养应急空压机,拆检,试验。 4、 应急消防泵 1〕 每周一次--------检查应急消防泵原动机、水泵和燃油系统,泵水试验。 2〕 每月一次--------全面检查应急消防泵系统,加油活络,泵水试验。 3〕每6个月一次--------全面检查应急消防泵系统,拆检原动机缸头,进排气阀研磨,缸套、活塞、活塞环清洁, 滑油更换。水泵拆检,泵水试验。 5、 应急照明设备 1〕 每月一次--------全面检查应急照明灯具,试验。确保工作正常。 6、 应急操舵装置 1〕每月一次---------全面检查应急操舵装置,保养、加油、活络、试验。 7、 应急舱底水吸口 1〕每月一次--------检查、保养、加油、活络、试验。 8、 应急遥控装置包括速闭阀和风油切断系统 1〕 每月一次--------检查、保养、加油、活络、试验。 9、 应急封舱装置(emergency closing gear)包括机炉舱、风道、紧急封闭挡板 1〕每月一次--------全面检查机炉舱、风道、紧急封闭挡板,保养、加油、活络、试验。 10、泵房污水报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查污水报警装置,浮子和报警器,试验。 11、机舱污水报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查污水报警装置,浮子和报警器,试验。 12、泵房固定式可燃气装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次--------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次--------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 13、泵房固定式测氧装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,试验报警。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次---------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次---------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 14、货舱温度遥测装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次要做的维护保养工作--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 15、货舱液位遥测装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 16、货舱高高位报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次要做的维护保养工作--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 17、货舱压力报警装置 1〕每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每2年一次--------请专业公司检查,校验,将报告存船备案。 18、生活区固定式可燃气探测装置 1) 每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次要做的维护保养工作--------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次--------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 19、泵房固定式有毒气体探测装置 1) 每月一次--------检查传感器,报警试验。确保工作正常。 2) 每6个月一次--------检查传感器,用标准气体校验,报警试验。确保工作正常。 3) 每年一次--------传感器每年进行一次岸基标定,将标定报告存船备案。 20、货舱P/V阀 1) 每月一次--------检查、加油、活络、试验。确保工作正常。 21、各种水密门窗 1) 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、加油、活络、确保水密。 22、各种水密孔盖 1) 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、加油、活络、确保水密。 23、各油舱水舱透气头油槽 1) 每月一次--------检查防火虑网、除锈保养、加油、活络、确保工作正常。 24、货泵应急停止装置 1〕 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、活络、试验。 25、逃生口、安全门检查 1) 每月一次--------检查、除锈保养、加油、活络。 第三章 救生设备保养计划 1、通讯设备 1.1无线电救生设备 包括双向甚高频(VHF)无线电话设备、雷达应答器、雷达应答器电池、应急示位标、应急示位标释放器和应急示位标电池 每月一次----全面检查外观是否破损,检查设备和电池的有效期,应提前申请,保证符合公约要求。无限电话设备应保持正常工作状态。 1.2遇险烟火信号 包括红光降落伞信号、烟雾信号和手持火焰信号 每月一次----检查外观是否破损,清点数量,核准有效期。如发现破损或将过期申领新品更换,应保证符合公约要求。 1.3船上通信 双向通信设备(便携式对讲机) 每月一次----全面检查通讯设备,确保设备处于良好工作状态。 1.4有线广播系统 每月一次----全面检查有线广播系统,确保系统处于良好工作状态。 2、个人救生用品 包括救生圈(包括自亮灯 烟雾信号 救生索),救生衣(包括电池,哨子),救生服和抗暴露服,保温服,保温袋。 每月一次----检查外观是否破损,标志是否脱落、清点数量,核准有效期。如发现破损或将过期申领新品更换,应保证符合公约要求。 3、 应变部署表、部署卡 每月一次----检查外观是否破损,填写是否正确。如发现破损或者更换了船员,应及时更改换新。 4、 救生艇装置 4.1救生艇 4.1.1艇内设备 包括浮浆 舵及舵柄带钩艇篙 可浮水瓢水桶 救生手册 罗经及罗经柜 海锚 艇首绳 太平斧 水密储水容器 不锈水勺 不锈饮料杯 口粮 淡水 火箭降落伞火焰信号 手持火焰信号 漂浮烟雾信号 防水手电筒 日光信号镜 救生信息图解说明表 哨笛 急救药箱 防晕船药清洁袋 水手刀 开罐头刀 可浮救生圈 手摇泵 钓鱼用具 小修用工具 手持灭火器 探照灯 雷达反射器 保温用具 带舵浆 艇底塞 救生把手索 海图 抗风火柴 燃油滑油 桅帆及索具 布油袋 橙黄色风雨蓬 国旗 艇发报机 艇内空气箱 每月一次----全面检查艇内上述属具,清点数量,检查属具是否破损、缺少和有效期,应保证符合公约的要求。艇内淡水应定期更换。每月定期放艇试验一次。封闭式救生艇需试验洒水系统。 4.1.2艇内急救药箱 包括绷带 8X600CM 绷带 4.8X600CM 纱布 三角巾绷带 医用胶布 药棉 止血带 镊子 绷带剪 别针 夹板 氨溶液 酒精 消炎粉 烫伤膏 四环素眼膏 止痛片 杜冷丁 每月一次要----全面检查艇内急救药箱内的药品,清点数量,检查药品是否缺少和有效期,应保证符合公约的要求。 4.1.3救生艇柴油机及洒水系统 每周一次----检查柴油发动机,柴油油箱油位,滑油油箱油位,手动和气动起动试验并记录。确保柴油机及洒水系统处于良好工作状态。 4.1.4救生艇架 包括滑轮、限位、勾头、铰艇钢丝 每月一次----全面检查艇架结构,除锈保养活络。滑轮、勾头、钢丝加油活络;限位器检查试验。 4.1.5铰艇机 包括齿轮箱、电动或气动马达。 每月一次----全面检查绞挺机构;检查齿轮箱工作状况及滑油油位和质量;检查气动马达并试验,如发现效率差,应拆检修理;检查测量电动机绝缘并记录。 4.1.6救生艇钢丝 每月一次----检查保养加油。 每2年半一次----艇机钢丝绳调头并记录。 每5年一次----艇机钢丝绳换新,将产品证书存船备案并记录。 4.1.7救生艇操作规程 告示或标志 每月一次要----检查救生艇操作规程和救生艇标志是否保持完好。 5、 救生阀及架子 5.1阀体及阀内物品 救生浮环 折刀 防锈水勺 海棉 海锚 可浮手划浆 从气泵 开罐头刀 防锈饮料量杯 防水电筒 急救药包 艏缆 日光信号镜 哨笛 手提火焰信号 火箭降落伞火焰信号 漂浮烟雾信号 每月一次----全面检查救生阀外观和易断绳是否完好,检查保养救生阀架子。 每年一次----救生阀每年送专业公司检验一次,将检验报告及证书存船备案。 5.2救生阀静水压力释放器 每月一次----检查救生阀静水压力释放器。 每年一次----救生阀静水压力释放器每年送专业公司检验一次或换新,将检验报告及证书存船备案。 6、 抛绳器 包括火箭 药筒 每月一次----检查抛绳器外观是否破损。是否在有效期范围内,应根据抛绳器产品证书的有效 Chapter 1 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEM 1. Fire mains, fire pumps and hydrants including hoses, nozzles and international shore connections Ø Every week ? Check main fire pump. ? Check emergency fire pump: heating device for starting, starting system, non-return valves, stop valves, run it at least 20 minutes under required pressure, check every thing around the pump, check the quantity of fuel to run it at least 3 hours at the maximum rate, the fuel in the storage tank out side of engine room can run the pump 15 hours. ? Fire hose box. ? The gemel, spanner, hose, seals etc. comply with the fire prevention control plan. ? Check the double use nozzle. ? Check the hydrants, hose connections. Ø Every month ? Hammer test the manifold under pressure, especially caution to be taken are the places of sludge easily be made up, corrosion easily happened and the stop valve to engine room. ? The international connection should be accompanied by the standard flange and four pairs of studs and nuts and a sealing packing. Ø Every quarter ? Check the switch, valves, and hoses for water fire fighting system. ? The operation system of water fire fighting system in good condition, the feed pump can automatically start in case of pressure dropping, no leakage and corrosion on the pipe line, the distributor outside of engine room in good order, the nozzle in good condition. Ø Every half a year ? Derusting, painting and remarking. Ø Every year ? Derust, remarking and paint over all. ? Check the fan, connecting shaft, wire holder, junction box of the motor of fire and emergency fire pumps. ? Check wire holder, overload relay, relay contactor in the motor control box. ? Check the magnet valve action time, and the position limiting switch. ? Check the coupling of fire and emergency fire pump. ? Carefully check all the water fire fighting system, carry out effectiveness test and hydraulic pressure test. ? Annual survey by the class society. Ø Every two and half year ? Overhaul the fire pump if necessary. ? Intermediate survey by class society. Ø Every five year ? Special survey by the class society. 2. fixed fire detection and fire alarm system Ø Every week ? Inspect and clean the main panel of fire detector and alarming system. Ø Every month ? Inspect the electrical control system for fixed fire detector and fire alarm system. ? Inspect and clean the main panel and all the system of fire detector and alarming system. ? Test each detector. Ø Every year ? Inspect the electrical control system for fixed fire detector and fire alarm system. ? Inspect and clean the main panel and all the system of fire detector and alarming system. ? Test each detector. ? Annual survey by the Class Sociaty. 3. ( Fixed fire-extinguishing systems < CO/1211and HALON etc.> and other fire extinguishing appliances ) 2 Ø Every month ? Visually inspect the control point, bottle storage, drive mechanism, marks and operation instruction etc.. ? Visually inspect the system pipeline and releasing nozzles. ? Manually test the alarm system. ? Check the flashlighter battery and thermometer in the place of the air bottles. ? Alarm system effectiveness test ? Oil the moving part of the system. Ø Every year ? Derust, paint and remark. ? Check, oil and adjust the moving parts, driving mechanism etc.. ? Overall check the fixed fire fighting system and repair it if necessary. ? Annual survey by the class sosiety. Ø Every two year ? Weight the bottles, renew the concerned certificates, and refill them if necessary. ? Unobstructing test the pipeline, renew the certificate. Ø Every five year ? After ten years, 10% of the bottles to be hydraulic test for every year. 4. ( Fixed fire-extinguishing systems in paints rooms ) Ø Every month ? Visually overall check. ? Oil the moving part. Ø Every year ? Oil the moving parts. ? Annual survey by the class society. Ø Every two year ? Weight and if necessary refill the bottles and renew the certificates. 5. Fixed fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces containing oil-fired boilers or oil fuel units Ø Every month ? Visually overall check. ? Oil the moving part. Ø Every year ? Oil the moving parts. ? Annual survey by the class society. Ø Every two year ? Weight and if necessary refill the bottles and renew the certificates. 6. Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems Ø Every week ? Check the fire pump for the auto spray system. ? Check the hydraulic tank. ? Visually check the main control panel and manually test the annunciator. ? Check and oil the switch, valves. ? Check the operation instruction and marks. ? Effectiveness testing on auto spray and alarm. ? Check the power of fire pump. Ø Every year ? Derust, paint, and mark. ? Check the fan, connecting shaft, wire holder, overload relay, control box etc. of the fire pump motor. ? Check the coupling of the pump. ? Annual survey. 7. systems including fire and smoke dampers, fan and their controls Ø Every week ? Visually check the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room. Ø Every month ? Oil the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room, and check the marks. ? Check sealing condition of the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room. ? Manually and automatically test. ? Derust and paint the door, skylight, fire and smoke dampers of the engine and pump room, and mark the switch of the ventilation trunks. ? Check and maintain the skylight open-close device. ? Check and maintain the motor and control box. Ø Every year ? Annual survey 8. Emergency shut down of fuel supply Ø Every month ? Visually outside check. ? Effectiveness test. ? Oil the quick closing valve, pneumatic piston rod. ? Oil the telescope rod of ventilation quick-closing device. ? Check the marks of the control place and control handle. ? Check the remote control system control power and relay, keep the junction box in good watertight. Ø Every year ? Annual survey 9. Fire doors including their controls) Ø Every month ? Visually check the fire doors, clear away the obstacles. ? Oil the fire doors. ? Quick closing test the all of the fire doors on board, and check their structure conditions. ? Check the engine room doors. ? Check the fire door control system in bridge and effectiveness testing. Ø Every yeqr Ø Annual survey 10. General emergency alarm systems Ø Every week ? Visually check. Ø Every month ? Visually check and clean the alarm controller in bridge. ? Test the effectiveness of alarm and lighting units and selectively test the effectiveness of alarm points at the time of monthly fire fighting exercise. Ø Every year ? Generally check the alarm control units in the bridge and the effectiveness of alarming system. ? Annual survey 11. Emergency escape breathing devices ? Every month ? Check if there is any shortage and out of position. ? Clean and mark. ? Check the accessories and the pressure, refill and maintain if necessary. ? Every year ? Check the accessories and the pressure, refill and maintain if necessary. ? Annual survey. 12. Portable CO fire extinguishers including spares 2 Ø Every month ? Outline check, and check if the number, position, and marks of portable CO2 fire extinguishers comply with the fire control chart. ? Check the validity of the certificate. ? Re-weight them, refill it if 10% shortage of extinguisher agent. ? Check the safety bolt, nozzle and other accessories. Ø Every year ? Ask for annual inspection by the organization approved by the class society and obtain the survey report. ? Annual survey. 13. ( Portable foam fire extinguishers including spares) Ø Every month ? Check if the number, position, and marks of portable foam fire extinguishers comply with the fire control chart. ? Check the validity of the certificate. ? Check the pressure, refill or renew if necessary. ? Check the safety bolt, nozzle and other accessories. Ø Every year ? Ask for annual inspection by the organization approved by the class society and obtain the survey report. ? Annual survey 14. Fire-fighter’s outfits Ø Every month ? Check if the number, position, and marks of portable foam fire extinguishers comply with the fire control chart. ? Check the condition of the fire fighter outfits. ? Check the breathing apparatus. ? Check the number of spare air bottles and their pressure. ? Check fire ropes, hand lamps, ire axe. ? Refill the breathing bottles. ? Clean and maintain the air filling machine. Ø Every year ? Overall check and maintain the fire fighter outfits. ? Arrange breathing bottles water pressure test by the specialized company and steel sealed. ? Annual inspection for the air filling machine. ? Annual survey. 15. Low-voltage lighting systems Ø Every year ? Visually inspection for bulbs, marks etc., and record. Ø Every year ? Check the main electric power and emergency power. Ø Every five year ? Test the brightness of the lighting system. 16. Public address systems Ø Every week ? Test the effectiveness. ? Clean the main control board. Ø Every year ? Overall inspection. ? annual survey 17. Deck low-expansion foam systems Ø Every year ? Visually check the foaming system, including the number, marks, position and operation instruction. etc.. ? Check the adjust position of the proportion mixing units, clean and maintain the fire pump. ? Check the foam, foam tank and level vision tube. ? Oil the moving parts of all the system. ? If possible, to carry out the effectiveness test every three month combine with the monthly fire fighting exercises, the time period to be controlled in a minute. Ø Every half a year ? Derust, paint, mark all the system. Ø Every year ? To carry out water through test. ? Arrange the foam liquid for chemical examination, if need, to be renewed and recorded. ? Overhaul the fire pump, check and clean the power control box. ? Annual survey. 18. portable foam applicator Ø Every month ? Check if their number, position, mark comply with the fire control chart. ? Visually check the foam trunk, mixing units, proportion adjusting valve, hose, gun etc.. ? Check foam liquid, if need, to be refilled and renewed. ? Function with the proportion adjust valve and the flow control valve. Ø Every two year ? Renew the foam liquid and take the report and certificate. 19. ( Fire safety arrangements in cargo pump rooms ) Ø Every month ? Check the portable fire extinguisher. ? Check the fire fighter outfits. ? Check the emergency escape breathing device. ? Check and test the alarm system, check the concerned large fire fighting system. ? Check the water tight doors, windows and fire dampers. ? Check and measure the temperature of wall through shafts. Ø Every year ? Overall check the portable fire extinguishers, fire fighter outfits, EEBD, large fire fighting system, wall through shafts temperature, alarm system, watertight doors, watertight windows, fire dampers etc.. ? Annual survey. 20. Flammable gas detectors Ø Every month ? Check the main power control board. ? Test the alarm system, demarcate accuracy of the flammable gas detectors. ? Check the main power. Ø Every year ? Overall check the main power control board, detectors, alarm system, etc.. ? Annual survey. Chapter 2 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR EMERGENCY AND SAFETY EQUIPMENTS 1. Emergency generator Ø Every week----Check the lub./ fuel oil system of emergency prime mover and running test. Check cymometer, wattmeter, voltage meter and current meter. Ø Every month----Check the lub./ fuel oil system of emergency prime mover and running test. Check cymometer, wattmeter, voltage meter and current meter; check starting motor. Ø Every six month----Overall check the system of emergency prime mover, overhaul the cylinder cover, withdraw the piston, cylinder liner and clean and maintain them, renew lub oil, adjust clearance of the inlet and exhaust valves; Check cymometer, wattmeter, voltage meter and current meter; check starting motor. 2. Emergency battery Ø Every week----Check the liquid level and wire of the battery and test it.. Ø Every mongth----Overall check and maintain the battery, filling and discharging test, refill the liquid and renewed the battery if needed. 3. -Emergency air compressor Ø Every week----Check, maintain and test. Ø Every sx month----Overhaul and test. 4. Eemergency fire pump Ø Every week----Check and test Ø Every month----Check, oil, test. Ø Every six month----Overall check the system of emergency prime mover, overhaul the cylinder cover, withdraw the piston, cylinder liner and clean and maintain them, renew lub oil, adjust clearance of the inlet and exhaust valves; overhaul the pump. 5. -emergency lighting Ø Every month----Overall check and test. 6. Eemergency steering gear Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. Emergency bilge suction valve 7. Ø Every month----Check, maintain and test. 8. Remote control system Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 9. Emergency closing gear Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 10. Pump room bilge alarm Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 11. Engine room bilge alarm Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. 12. Fixed type inflammable gas detector in pump room Ø Every month----Overall check, maintain, and test. Ø Every six month----Overall check, verify by standard air, test the alarm system. Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 13. Fixed type oxygen detector in pump room Ø Ever month----Check the sensors and test the alarm. Ø Every six month----Check the sensors, verify them by the standard air, test the alarm. Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 14. Remote temperature detector for cargo tanks Ø Every month----Check the sensors, test . Ø Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board 15. Remote level indicator for cargo tanks Ø Every month----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board 16. High level alarm for cargo tanks Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board 17. Pressure alarm for cargo tanks Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every two year----Check and verify by the professional company, keep the report on board 18. Fixed type combustible gas detector in accommodation Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every six month----Check the sensors, verify them by the standard air, test the alarm. Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 19. fixed toxic gas (HS) detector in pump room 2 Ø Every two year----Check, verify and test the detectors. Ø Every six month----Check the sensors, verify them by the standard air, test the alarm. Ø Every year----Calibrate and adjust the sensors by shore based, and the report keep on board. 20. P/V valve of cargo tank Ø Every month----Check, oil, move, test. 21. Various water tight door and window Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. 22. Various water tight hole and cup Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. Vent head for various oil tanks and water tanks and oil trap around these vents 23. Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. 24. Cargo pump emergency stop Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move. 25. Emergency escape door Ø Every month----Check, oil, derust, move, watertight. Chapter 3 life-saving appliances maintenance plan 1. Communicating appliances Ø Radio-saving appliances----Include two-way VHF radiophone apparatus, radar transponders, battery for radar transponders, satellite emergency position-indicating radio beacon, releasing device and battery for EPIRB ? Every month----inspect thoroughly whether the surface is in disrepair, check the duration of equipment and battery, if found expiration, it shall be requisition for surveying or renewing to comply the requirement of convention. Radiophone shall be kept on working condition. Ø Distress flare, including red-light parachute flare, smoking signal and portable firework sign. Ø Every month----inspect thoroughly whether the surface is in disrepair, check the amount of quantity and the uration. If found damaged or expiration, to be renewed with spare ones to accord convention’s requirement. d Ø communication on board, two-way communication (portable interphone) ? Every month----inspect thoroughly communicating equipment to keep on good condition. Ø cable casting ? Every month----inspect thoroughly cable casting system to keep system on good condition. 2. Personal life-saving appliances Ø Life buoy-including self-igniting light, smoking signal, Lifejacket—including battery and whistle, Immersion suit and anti-exposure suit, Thermal protective aids, Thermal protective bag. ? Every month----inspect thoroughly whether the surface is in disrepair and symbol fall off, clear the quantity and check the duration of equipment. If found expiration or disrepair, it shall be renewed to comply the requirement of convention. 3. Muster list and card Ø Every month----Visually inspect whether the list and card is in disrepair and content filled is correct. If found damaged or crew changed, it shall be renewed or updated. 4. Lifeboat apparatus Ø Lifeboat ? Accessory in lifeboat----Including buoyant oar, rudder and boat hooks, buoyant gourd ladle and bucket, life-saving note book, lifeboat compass and compass cabinet, sea anchor, bow line, hatchet, water-tight container, rustproof spoon, rustproof drinking cup, rations, fresh water, rocket parachute flare, hand flare, buoyant smoke signal, waterproof torch, daylight signal mirrors, survival manual and signal tables, whistle, first aid kits, seasickness bags, jack knife, can opener, lifebuoy, portable pump, fishing tackle, lifeboat repair kits, portable extinguisher, searching light, radar reflector, thermal protective outfit, oar with rudder, bottom plug, life-saving strap, chart, lifeboat match, fuel oil and lube oil, sail and fitting, oil bag, orange awning, national flag, telegraph transmitter of lifeboat, air bottle. ? Every month------Inspect thoroughly accessory in lifeboat and clear the quantity, check accessory whether that is in disrepair or is hard up and check the duration of accessory in lifeboat to c,omply the requirement of convention. Fresh water stored in lifeboat shall be renewed at regular intervals. Launching test shall be carried out once every month. Totally enclosed lifeboat shall be carried out watering test. Ø First aid kits----Bandage 8 x 600 cm, bandage 4.8 x 600 cm, gauze, triangular bandage, tube gauze bandage, absorbent cotton, tourniquets, forceps, bandage scissors, safety pin, serrated splints, aromatic spirit of ammonia, medical alcohol, antiphlogistic powder, burn ointment, tetracycline eye ointment, morphine tablets, morphine injection ? Every month----fully inspect medicine in the box, clear the quantity. Check the medicine whether that is in hard up to comply the requirement of convention. Ø Lifeboat engine and watering system ? Every week----Inspect engine, fuel oil and lube oil level in tank, pneumatic or manual start shall be tested and recorded, it shall be ensured that engine and watering system is in good condition. Ø Davit of lifeboat including wheel, limited position, hook, and hoisting wire. ? Every month----fully inspect the davit, de-rust and activate, wheel, hook, wire shall be greased. limit shall be inspected and tested. Ø Winch for lifeboat including gear box, electric or pneumatic motor ? Every month----fully inspect winch, inspect working condition of gear box and lube oil level and oil quality, inspect and test pneumatic motor, if found poor efficiency, it shall be overhauled, check and measure the insulation of motor, the result shall be recorded. Ø Hoisting wire for lifeboat ? Every month----it shall be carried out for inspection and greasing. ? Every 30month----The wire shall be ended to ended and recorded. ? Every five year----the wire shall be renewed and recorded, certificate shall be keep on board. Ø Operating procedure, notice and symbol for lifeboat ? Every month----inspect the operating procedure and symbol whether that are in good condition. 5. Life-rafts and deck cradle Ø Life-raft body and accessory----Life-saving buoyant ring, jack knife, rustproof gourd ladle, sponge, sea anchor, paddle, topping up pump, can opener, rustproof drinking cup, waterproof torch, first aid kits, bow line, daylight signal mirrors, whistle, hand flares, rocket parachute flare, buoyant smoke signal. ? Every month----fully inspect life-raft body and breakable line whether that is in disrepair, inspect and maintain the deck cradle ? Every year----the life-raft shall be sent to professional institution for inspection once every year and keep the inspecting report and certificate on board. Ø Hydrostatic release unit for life-raft. ? Every month----inspect hydrostatic release units. ? Every year----the hydrostatic shall be sent to professional institution for inspection once every year and keep the inspecting report and certificate on board. 6. line-throwing apparatus, including rocket and dosage Ø Every month----Visually inspect line-throwing apparatus whether that is in disrepair and duration whether expiring. It shall be renewed in accordance with product’s certificate to comply the requirement of convention.
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