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英国文学作品名字名词解释英国文学作品名字名词解释 Part One: Early and Medieval English Literature What’s epic? Epic is one of the ancient types of poetry and plays a very important role in early development of literature and civilization. An epic is a long narrative poem of great scale and gra...

英国文学作品名字名词解释 Part One: Early and Medieval English Literature What’s epic? Epic is one of the ancient types of poetry and plays a very important role in early development of literature and civilization. An epic is a long narrative poem of great scale and grandiose style about the heroes who are usually warriors or even demigods. It deals with noble characters and heroic deeds. Basically, it is a story about hero, more significantly, it reflects national history. The significance of Beowulf: It sings of the exciting adventures of a great legendary hero whose physical strength demonstrates his high spiritual qualities, i.e. his resolution to serve his country and kind folk, his true courage, courteous conduct, and his love of honor. In the poem, Beowulf is strong, courageous, selfless, and ready to risk his life in order to rid his people evil monsters. Geoffrey Chaucer杰佛利•乔叟1340-1400 长诗:The House of Fame声誉之堂;Troilus and Criseyde特罗勒斯与克丽西德 小说:Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集----英国文学史上现实主义第一部杰作 (他是最早有人文主义思想的作家,现实主义文学的奠基人Father of English poetry & Founder of English realism)(Boccacio 薄伽丘 The Decameron十日谈) The significance of The Canterbury Tales is as follows: 1.It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer?s time. 2.The dramatic structure of the poem has been highly commended by critics. 3.Chaucer?s humour: Humour is a characteristic feature of the English literature. 4.Chaucer?s contribution to the English language. Heroic couplet英雄双行体 Part Two: The English Renaissance (1550-1642) Renaissance is commonly applied to the movement or period in western civilization, which marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world. It first started in Florence and Venice. Humanism According to them it was against human nature to sacrifice the happiness of this life for an after life. They argued that man should be given full freedom to enrich their intellectual and emotional life. In religion, the H thinking was a relation against the narrow mindedness of the Catholic Church; they demanded the information of the church. In art and literature, instead of singing praise to God, they sang in praise of man and of the pursuit of happiness in this life. H shattered the shackles of spiritual bondage of man’s mind by the Roman Catholic Church and opened his eyes to “a brave new world” in front of him. Edmund Spenser (1552?-1599) The Fearie Queene仙后 Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) They were predecessors to Shakespeare and were later called the University Wits(大学才子派). William Shakespeare莎士比亚1564-1616 “He was not of an age, but for all time.” Shakespeare’s achievements: 1. Shakespeare represented the trend of history in giving voice to the desires and aspirations of the people. 2. Shakespeare?s humanism 3. Shakespeare?s characterization 4. Shakespeare?s originality 5. Shakespeare as a great poet 6. Shakespeare as master of the English language Hamlet as a Character (Hamlet?s theme is revenge interrelated with theme of faithlessness, love and ambition.) Soliloquy(自言自语,独白) is a dramatic speech delivered by on character speaking aloud while under the impression of being alone. The soliloquist thus reveals his or her inner thoughts and feelings to the audience, either direct address. It is also known as interior monologue. “To be, or not to be.” The speech conveys a sense of world weariness as well as the author?s. Sonnet A sonnet is a short song in the original meaning of the word. Later it became a poem of 14 lines, usually in iambic(长短格,抑扬格,抑扬格诗) pentameter(五步格诗) with various rhyming schemes. Part Three: Literature of Revolution Period (1603-1688) Francis Bacon培根1561-1626 essayist 散文家 (the chief figure in English Prose in the first thhalf of the 17 century and his essays began the long tradition of the English essay in the history of English literature.) Advancement of Learning学术的进展;Novum Organum 新工具;New Atlantic新大西岛;Essays论文集(Of Studies论学习;Of Wisdom for a Man?s Self) Of Studies purpose: This essay is intended to tell people how to be efficient and make their way in public life. Language Appreciation: Parallel structure; succinct(简明的) expression; long complex sentences side by side with short simple ones; classical diction(发音); good and clear logical reasoning, with examples and facts; objective impersonal, persuasive writing without “we”, “I”. Conceit(高傲,骄傲自大) Conceit originally means “concept” or “idea” and later came to mean “fanciful idea”. A conceit is a metaphor or simile that is mad elaborate (far-fetched), often extravagant(奢侈的,夸 张的). The difference between a conceit and a metaphor or simile is largely to degree. A metaphor or simile appeals mainly to the reader?s 5 senses and is easier to understand; a conceit may strike the reader as weird. Founder of the Metaphysical school——John Donne; features of the school: philosophical poems, complex rhythms and strange images; the most famous preacher of his time. (In the first stage he was Donne the courtier, the lover, and the soldier. In the second stage he was Dr. John Donne, Dean of St. Paul?s Cathedral.) John Milton约翰•弥尔顿1608-1674 (He was the man of revolution enthusiasm. The military leader of the revolution, John Milton was the man of thought, and with his pen he defended the revolutionary cause.) L„Allegro欢乐的人;Il Penseroso沉思的人;Comus科马斯;Lycidas列西达 斯;Areopagitica论出版自由;Pro Populo Anglicano Defense为英国人民声辩; Pro Populo Anglicano Defense Secunda再为英国人民声辩; Paradise Lost失乐园; Paradise Regained复乐 园; Samson Agonistes力士参孙. The blank verse 素体无韵诗, i.e., the unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter, is used throughout the epic and is characterized by its employment of long and involved sentences, which run on many lines with a variety of pauses, and achieving sometimes an oratorical and sometimes an elaborately logical effect. John Bunyan班扬1628-1688 The Pilgrim?s Progress天路历程(Vanity Fair名利场); The Life and Death of Mr Badman培德曼先生的一生 Part Four: The Eighteenth Century and Neo-classicism (1688-1798) What is Neo-classicism新古典主义? Neo-classicism was a reaction against the intricacy and occasional obscurity, boldness and the extravagance of European literature of the late Renaissance, as seen for instance, in the works of the metaphysical. In favor of simplicity, charity restraint regularity and good sense. The characteristics of neo-classicism can be summed up as follows: 1. People emphasized reason rather than emotion, form rather than content. 2. As reason was stressed, most of the writings of the age were didactic(迂腐的)and satirical. 3. As elegance, correctness, appropriateness and restraint were preferred; the poet found closed couplet the only possible verse form for serious work. 4. It is almost exclusively a “town” poetry, catering to the interests of the “society” in great cities. 5. It is entirely wanting in all those elements that are related with the “romantic”. Classicism (新古典主义)名词解释 28、 Classicism implies (意味着) the revival (复苏) of the forms and traditions of the ancient world, a return to works of old Greek literature from Homer to Plato and Aristotle. But French classicism of the 17th century was not conscious of being a classical revival (并非古典主义的复 苏)。 It intended to produce a literature, French to the core (以法语为中心), which was worthy of (与…相媲美) Greek and classical ideals. This neoclassicism (新古典主义) reached its climax in France in the 17th century.(代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf :莫里哀和德国的歌德,席勒) 29、French classicism of the 17th century was not conscious of being a classical revival (并非古典 主义的复苏)。 判断 Daniel Defoe丹尼尔•笛福1660-1731 (标志着近代英国小说的形成) Hymn to the Pillory枷刑颂;Robinson Crusoe鲁宾孙飘流记;Captain Singleton辛格顿船长;Moll Flanders莫尔弗兰德斯;A Journal of the Plague Year大疫年日记 Jonathan Swift斯威夫特1667-1745 The Battle of Books 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 的战争;A Tale of A Tub一个木桶 的故事;The Drapier?s Letters布商的书信;A Modest Proposal一个温和的建议;Guilliver?s Travels格列佛游记(A Voyage Lilliput/Brobdingnag/Laputa,Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdriba and Japan/The Country of the Houyhnhnms小人国/大人国/拉普他等地/智马国游记) The rise and growth of the realistic novel (Bourgeois in essence) is the most prominent achievement of 18th century English literature. Gothic Novel 哥特式小说(早期恐怖小说) Alexander Pope蒲柏1688-1744 Pastorals田园诗集;An Essay on Criticism批评论;Windsor Forest温莎林;The Rape of the Lock卷发遇劫记;The Duncial愚人志;Moral Essays道德论;An Essay on Man人论;Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot与阿布斯诺博士书 Samuel Johnson塞缪尔•约翰逊1709-1784 A Dictionary of the Engligh Language英语语言辞典;Lives of Poets诗人传;Vanity of Human Wishes人类欲望的虚幻;Rasselas拉塞勒斯 名文:Letter to Lord Chesterfield给吉士菲尔伯爵的信 Henry Fielding亨利•菲尔丁1707-1754 (英国现实主义小说的奠基者) 剧本:The Coffeehouse Politician咖啡屋政客;Don Quixote in England堂•吉诃德在英国;The Historical Register for the Year历史记事 长篇小说:The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews,and of His Friend Mr Abraham Adams约瑟•安德鲁传;The Life of Mr Jonathan Wild the Great大伟人江奈生•魏尔德传;The History of Tom Jones,a Foundling汤姆•琼斯;Amelia阿美利亚 Graveyard Poetry: th A poet school, derived from English Sentimentalism, which began in the middle of 18 century. Thomas Gray 1716-1771 classical scholar Elegy Written In a Country Churchyard墓园挽歌:歌颂的对象不仅仅为死者The Epitaph墓志铭 Pre- Romantic Poets: Robert Burns彭斯1759-1796 (A celebrated Scottish poet, the national poet of Scotland, the greatest song writer in the world. His famous song: Auld Lang Syne whose English name “old long since”.) Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect苏格兰方言诗集 名诗:The Tree of Liberty自由村;Scots Wha-Hae苏格兰人;The Two Dogs两只狗;Holy Willie?s Prayer威利长老的祈祷;My Heart?s in the Highlands我的心呀在高原;A Red,Red Rose一朵红红的玫瑰;John Anderson约翰•安德生,My Jo;A Man?s A Man for A?That不管身在何处都须保持尊严;Robert Bruce?s March to Bannockburn William Blake布莱克1757-1827 Poetical Sketches素描诗集;Songs of Innocence天真之歌;Songs of Experience经验之歌The French Revolution法国革命;The Marriage of Heaven and Hell天堂与地狱的婚姻;America; Milton; Jerusalem 名诗:London; The Tiger Part Five: The Age of Romanticism (1798-1832) Romantic Movement: From the publication of Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798 to the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832. The essence of this new movement is: 1. the glorification of instinct(本能) and emotion; 2. a deep veneration(对自然的无限崇拜) of nature; 3. a flaming zeal to remake the world(改变世界的一种热情). Characteristic features of the Romantic Movement: 1. Subjectivism(主观性): Instead of regarding poetry as “a mirror to nature”, romantic poets describe poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”. The interest of the romantic poets is in the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of the poets themselves. In short, romanticism is related to subjectivism. The poetry of the Romantic Age in England is distinctive for its high degree of imagination. 2. Spontaneity(自然流露) 3. Singularity(独创性) 4. Worship of nature(把自然看得神圣): The romantic poets are worshippers of nature, especially the sublime(伟大的,令人赞叹的) aspect of a natural scene. 5. Simplicity(简约) 6. There is a dominating note of melancholy(忧郁,悲伤) in the poems of the romantic poets. 7. It was an age of poetry by which the poets outpoured their feelings and emotions. It should be known that the term “romanticism” was not known to the poets themselves in their lifetime. It was a term applied to them half a century later by literary historians. Contemporary critics treated them as independent individuals or grouped them into separate schools. order& decorative Neo-classicism reason reason commercial industrial present society stability expression simple and freedoRomanticism passion imagination natural pastoral past individual spontaneous m expression , Poetry: The Age of (Romantic) Poetry Lake Poets :( William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey were known as “Lake Poets” because they lived in the Lake District in the Northwestern England, and knew one thanother in the last few years of 18 century.) William Wordsworth威廉•华兹华斯1770-1850 An Evening Walk黄昏漫步;Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集(与柯勒律治合编);Lucy Poems露西组诗(She Dwett Among the Untrodden Ways;To the Cuckoo杜鹃颂;I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud我如一朵孤独的云(The theme: Through describing a scene of joyful daffodils黄水仙花. In the poem, he sings of the harmony between things in nature and the harmony between nature and the poet himself.);The Solitary Reaper孤寂的刈麦人);Ode on Intimations of Immorality不朽颂;Ode to Duty义务颂;The Excursion远足;The Prelude序曲 What is nature? His love for nature is boundless(无限的). To him nature means more than rivers, trees, rocks, mountains, lakes, and so on. Nature has a moral value and has its philosophical significance. Nature is for him the embodiment of the Divine Spirit(圣灵代表). He believes that God and universe are identical, that God is everything and everything is God. To Wordsworth nature is the greatest of all teachers, and those who are uncorrupted by urban society, especially those simple rustic(有农村或农民特色的,粗野的) people, can communicate directly with nature which gives them power, peace, and happiness. What is poetry? Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility(安静).(He is a man speaking to men.) Samuel Taylor Coleridge柯勒律治1772-1834 Lyrical Ballads; The Fall of the Bastille巴士底 狱的毁灭;The Rime of the Ancient Mariner古舟子咏; Kubla Khan忽必烈汗;Biographia Literaria文学传记 Satanic Poets :( These poets were romantic, rebellious and revolutionary.) George Gordon Byron乔治•拜伦1788-1824 Hours of Idleness闲暇时光;English Bords and Scottish Reviewers英国诗人与苏格兰评论家;Childe Harold?s Pilgrimage, Cantos I and II,Canto III 1818恰罗德•哈罗德游记;Ode to the Framers of the Frame-bill编织机法案编制者颂;Oriental Tales东方叙事诗(The Bride of Abydos阿比道斯的新娘;The Corsa海盗;The Siege of Corinth柯林斯之围);Manfred曼弗雷德;The Age of Bronze青铜世纪;Don Juan唐•璜 名诗:She Walks in Beauty; The Isles of Greece “I awoke one morning and found myself famous.” Feature: the heroes rebellious in character, defying conventional morality and even fate, but moody and sometimes misanthropic(令人憎恶的). Byronic hero拜伦式英雄 Percy Bysshe Shelley波西•比希•雪莱1792-1822 Queen Mab麦布女王;Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯;Adonais阿东尼斯;The Cenci钦契;Song to the Men of England致英国人 民;England in 1819;The Masque of Anarchy专制魔王的化装游行;Ode to the West Wind西风颂 (If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?乐观);Ode to a Skylark云雀颂; A Defence of Poetry诗辩 John Keats约翰•济兹1795-1821 Endymion恩底弥翁;Isabella伊莎贝拉;The Eve of Sanit Agnes圣爱尼节前夜;Ode on a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂;Ode to a Nightingale夜莺颂;To Autumn秋颂;Hyperion赫披里昂(未完成) Novel Jane Austin简•奥斯丁1775-1817 Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见;Sense and Sensibility理智 与情感;Emma爱玛;Mansfield Park曼斯菲尔德公园;Persuasion好事多磨;Northanger Abbey诺 桑觉寺 Part Seven: Prose-writers and poets of the mid and later 19th century Naturalist自然主义:深刻揭示社会的不公平现象。A high form of realism. Emile Zola (1840-1902)鼻祖 Henry James (1843-1916) 现实主义文学观:People should give up the religious and remote world and to embrace the present, real world in which we lived. Part Eight: Twentieth Century English Literature thBritish literature in 20 century can be defined as co-existence. The twentieth century was marked by the two World Wars which deprived hundred millions of their lives. The works are talked about the distorted, aliened and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society, man and man and man and his self. 1. Modernism 2. The Angry Young Men 3. The Theatre of the Absurd Modernism: The characteristic of modernist writings: 1. Complexity and obscurity 2. The use of symbols 3. Allusion 4. Irony Modernism 1. Definition The concept of modernism emerged in the eighteenth century when the classicists mocked those who opposed them and called them modernists. Dr Samuel Johnson says in the Dictionary of the English Language that the word was coined by Johnathan Swift in a letter to Alexander pope. The word was given a new meaning by the French poet Bordelaire and the publication of his collection of poem《恶之花》marked the beginning of modernism in literature. Now it is a comprehensive term applied to international tendencies and movements in all creative arts in the 20th century. In a broad sense, it is applied to writing marked by a strong and conscious break with traditional forms and techniques of expression. 2. Major philosophical Influences on modernism 1) Darwinism 2) Marxism 3) Freudianism 3. Major ideas of modernism 1) It employs a distinctive kind of imagination, which insists on having its general frame of reference within itself. Thus it practices solipsism( 唯我论). It believes that we create the world in the act of perceiving it. 2) It implies a historical discontinuity, a sense of alienation, loss and despair. It rejects traditional values and assumptions. And it looks for fresh ways of looking at man?s position and function in the universe. Many modernists are philosophical existentialists. 3) It elevates the individual and his inner being over social man and prefers the unconscious to the self-conscious. (The psychologies of Freud and Jung are seminal in modernist literature.) Its most interesting artistic strategy is its attempt to deal with the unconscious. It celebrates passion and will over reason and systematic morality. 4) It rejects the traditional rhetoric by which tradition values and assumptions were communicated. It is bent on stylistic innovations and experiments with language, form, symbol and myth. 4. Modernist movements 1) symbolism, 2) imagism, 3) aestheticism, 4) expressionism, 5) the stream of consciousness, 6) surrealism, 7) existentialism, 8) theatre of the absurd 5. Major American modernists 1. Novelists Gertrude Stein, Sinclair Lewis (Main Street), Scott Fitzgerald(The Great Gatsby), Ernest Hemingway(The Sun Also Rises, A Fare well to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls), William Faulkner(The Sound and the Fury). 2. Poets Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot (The Waste Land), Wallace Stevens, E. E. Cummings, William Carlos Williams 3. Dramatists Eugene O?Neil, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller Renaissance Generally speaking, Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th cent ury. The word “Renaissance” means revival, specifically in this period of history, reviv al of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture. Renaissance, in essence, was a histo rical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of conservatism in feudalist Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, to lift the restrictions in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. Renaissance started in Flore nce and Venice with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture painting. In Renaissance literature of Italy, Petrarch (彼得拉克) was the representative poet. Literature: The idea of the greatness of man is reflected in Shakespeare‘s literature. painting: The idea of the greatness of man is reflected in Da vincci‘s Mona Lisa. Humanism: Humanism is both the keynote of the Renaissance and the intellectual liberation movement, associate with new attitude to ancient Greek and Latin literature. The humanists took interest in human life and human activities and gave expression to the new feeling of admiration for human beauty, human achievement.
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