首页 [讲解]外研英语必修3:Module 1 SectionⅢ速效提能演练

[讲解]外研英语必修3:Module 1 SectionⅢ速效提能演练


[讲解]外研英语必修3:Module 1 SectionⅢ速效提能演练[讲解]外研英语必修3:Module 1 SectionⅢ速效提能演练 ?.词汇知识 1(____________vt.签署vi.打手势n.符号?____________n(签名 2(____________n(协议;契约?____________v(同意?____________vi.不同意?____________n(不同意 3(____________vt.统治;治理?____________n(政府?____________n(省长;州长 4(____________n(头;领导人?_______...

[讲解]外研英语必修3:Module 1 SectionⅢ速效提能演练
[讲解]外研英语必修3:Module 1 SectionⅢ速效提能演练 ?.词汇知识 1(____________vt.签署vi.打手势n.符号?____________n(签名 2(____________n( 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ;契约?____________v(同意?____________vi.不同意?____________n(不同意 3(____________vt.统治;治理?____________n(政府?____________n(省长;州长 4(____________n(头;领导人?____________v(主管;领导;朝向 5(____________n(代表;代表人?____________v(表现;代表;代理 6(____________n(地区;区域?____________adj.地区的;区域性的 7(____________n(地理;地理学?____________adj.地理的;地理学的 8(____________n(产品;农产品v.生产;创作?____________n(产品?____________n(生产 9(____________n(特征;特点;面貌 10(____________prep.对面的 答案:1.sign;signature 2.agreement;agree;disagree;disagreement 3.govern;government;governor 4.head;head5.representative;represent 6.region;regional 7.geography;geographical 8.produce;product;production 9.feature 10.opposite ?.重点短语 1(refer ________ 提到;参考 2(in terms ________ 在„„方面;就„„而言 3(compare A ________ B 把„„与„„相比较 4(compare A ________ B 把„„比作„„ 5(________ the other hand 另一方面 6(have control ________ 对„„有控制权 7(little ________ little 慢慢地;渐渐地 8(belong ________ 属于 9(________the left/right 在左/右边 10(________an agreement 签订协议 答案:1.to 2.of 3.with 4.to 5.on 6.over 7.by8.to 9.on 10.sign ?.必背句型 1(____________ speaks Spanish. 他们中没有一个人讲西班牙语。 答案:None of them 2(In terms of size and population,how big is the European Union ______________, 与中国相比,在大小及人口方面,欧盟有多大, 答案:compared with China 3(But each of them sends representatives to the European Parliament, ________ has some control over ________ happens in each of the member countries. 但是他们都派代表去欧洲议会,欧洲议会对每个成员国里发生的事情都有一定的控制权。 答案:which;what 4(The expanded European Union_______________ more than half a billion people, ____________ the population of the United States. 扩大的欧盟有5亿多人口,是美国人口的2倍。 答案:has a population of;twice as big as ?.品句填词 1(Each class is supposed to send a r____________to the meeting. 答案:representative 2(Seeing the man coming back, the two boys ran away in____________(相反的) directions. 答案:opposite 3(A new policy was made to encourage the farmers to ____________(生产)more food. 答案:produce 4(Many painters like going to this region because of the ____________(特点)of the landscape. 答案:feature/features 5(The invaders occupied important coastal____________(地区)( 答案:regions 6(The importance of the town is due to its____________(地理的) location. 答案:geographical ?.选词填空 refer to,belong to,have control over,little by little,on the other hand,in terms of 1(When I said some people are stupid, I wasn’t __________________ you. 答案:referring to 2(It’s not a good job ________________ money, but I can learn a lot from it. 答案:in terms of 3(I’d like to eat out, but ______________ I should be trying to save money. 答案:on the other hand 4(She eats a lot and exercises a little.As a result,she’s getting fatter____________. 答案:little by little 5(Which team does Yao Ming,the famous Chinese NBA basketball player,____________, 答案:belong to 6(She’s a good teacher who ________________ her class. 答案:has control over ?.用所给词的适当形式或根据提示完成句子 1(When ____________(compare)different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. 答案:comparing 2(After the new technique was introduced,the factory ____________(2002年生产的卡车是上年的两倍)( 答案:produced twice as many trucks in 2002 as the year before. 3(字典和里面有书签的语法书籍是属于珍妮的。 The dictionary as well as the grammar books that ____________ bookmarks in them ____________ Jane. 答案:have,belongs to 4(少说你所起的作用,多说你的同伴所做的事情。 Speak less of your role in the game,and more of ____________your teammates have done. 答案:what 5(____________(就成就而言),last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low,though not failing. 答案:In terms of achievement 6(地球升温造成的后果之一是自然灾害数量的增加。 One of the consequences of our planet’s being warning up is a(n)____________in the number of natural disasters. 答案:increase 7(中国比其他任何国家人口多。 China has ____________than any other country. 答案:a larger population 8(John hadn’t been able to stop smoking suddenly;he had to control his smoking desire ____________(逐渐地)( 答案:little by little 9(—A microwave oven(微波炉)must be convenient to a busy couple like us. —____________(我完全同意),dear.But when do you plan to get it? 答案:I just can’t agree more ?.完形填空 I saw the old man,with his untidy clothes and messy hair,as he dashed between the rows of the department store.He was trying to be ordinary but he was hard not to be __1__. He __2__ the saleswoman and with a slight __3__,possibly German,asked where the women’s shoes were sold.“Fourth floor,”she responded in a voice I could hear 10 metres away.“Pardon,Where did you say they were,”he asked again,apparently __4__.Clearly the old man was somewhat __5__.“Fourth floor,sir,”the friendly saleswoman replied patiently, this time so __6__ that customers turned to see what was causing the __7__. I continued watching as the man thanked the saleswoman and __8__ for what I assumed was the fourth floor.But rather than walk to the __9__ or the lift,he dashed behind a shelf,took out a notebook and started writing hurriedly,with an almost mad __10__ on his face.Then he went straight up to another saleswoman and asked where the women’s shoes were sold.Again he asked her to __11__ the answer and once more he walked away and took down some notes. He did this three more times before a department store __12__,thinking him mad,removed him from the store.But rather than be __13__,the old man departed with a huge smile on his face.Although the incident was __14__,it was not until a year later,during my first year of university,that I gave it any further __15__.I walked into my language classroom and met my professor.It was that very same man. 【解 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 导语】 一年前,作者在百货商店见到一位被认为发疯的老人,没想到在作者上大一 时又遇见了那位老人,而他竟然是位教授。 1(A.seen B(noticed C(neglected D(found 解析:选B。文章提到他衣着不整,头发凌乱,即使他尽力做到普通,却很难不被人注意, 因此选noticed。注意neglect表示“忽视,忽略”,不符合语境。 2(A.followed B(interviewed C(chose D(approached 解析:选D。follow“跟随”;interview“采访”;choose“选择”;approach“接近,靠近, 走近”。此处指这位老人走近女售货员并问哪里卖女鞋,approached与asked为并列谓语。 3(A.doubt B(voice C(accent D(smile 解析:选C。根据“possibly German”提示,此处指他略带有德语口音。accent表示“口音”, 而voice表示“嗓音”。 4(A.confused B(amused C(annoyed D(tried 解析:选A。confused“迷惑的,困惑的”;amused“有趣的”;annoyed“气恼的,恼怒的”; tired“疲惫的”。根据“他又问”可推知他显然很迷惑。 5(A.silly B(shy C(deaf D(weak 解析:选C。这么大的声音他都没听清,因此很明显他有点聋。deaf表示“聋的”。 6(A.angrily B(loudly C(suddenly D(quickly 解析:选B。根据前文“friendly”以及“patiently”可知,该售货员并没有生气,而是怕他听不 清说得更大声了,因此选择loudly。 7(A.disturbance B(accident C(pleasure D(quarrel 解析:选A。disturbance“打扰,骚乱”;accident“事故”;pleasure“快乐”;quarrel“争 吵”。此处指售货员声音很大,以至于顾客们都转身看到底是什么引起了骚乱。 8(A.put away B(passed away C(pulled off D(headed off 解析:选D。put away“收好,收起来”;pass away“去世”;pull off“短暂停车”;head off“动身(去别处)”。这里指作者以为他谢过售货员后,会去四楼。 9(A.shoes B(stairs C(exit D(sign 解析:选B。根据“or the lift”的提示应选择B,stairs表示“楼梯”。此处指他没有走向楼梯 或电梯,而是冲到架子后,拿出一个笔记本开始匆匆地写。 10(A.confusion B(appearance C(pain D(expression 解析:选D。confusion“困惑,混淆”;appearance“外貌”;pain“痛苦”;expression“表 情”。此处指他写时脸上带着近乎疯狂的表情。 11(A.reply B(recite C(repeat D(retell 解析:选C。根据“Again”可知,他又让售货员复述一遍她的回答。repeat表示“重说”。 12(A.security guard B(customer C(saleswoman D(policeman 解析:选A。根据“thinking him mad,removed him from the store”可推知,此处指保安人 员把他赶出了这家百货商店。security guard表示“保安人员”。 13(A.arrested B(embarrassed C(relaxed D(refused 解析:选B。根据“the old man departed with a huge smile on his face”可知,他没有因被保安 赶出店而感到尴尬,而是脸上露出了笑容。embarrassed表示“尴尬的”。 14(A.unusual B(serious C(dangerous D(unforgettable 解析:选A。unusual“不平常的”;serious“严肃的”;dangerous“危险的”; unforgettable“难忘的”。尽管这件事很不寻常,但直到一年后,我上大一时才对这件事有 了进一步的看法。 15(A.wonder B(sense C(thought D(idea 解析:选C。wonder“奇迹”;sense“感觉”;thought“看法”;idea“主意”。作者进入 语音室见到的教授竟然是那位老人,由此可知作者对那件事有了新的看法。 ?.阅读理解 Are the British people Europeans? This may seem a strange question to Africans and Asians,who tend to think of all white men as Europeans.But the British,when they are in Britain,do not regard themselves as Europeans.The Europeans,to them,are those rather excitable foreigners from the other side of the English Channel,who have never learnt how to speak English.Europe is “the Continent”:a place full of interest for English tourists,but also the source of almost all the wars in which Britain has ever been involved.Thus,although geographically speaking Britain is a part of Europe, yet the fact that it is a separate island has made its people feel very,very insular (具有岛 民特性的)(They feel,and in many ways are, different from the rest of Europe, and they sometimes annoy continental nations by failing to support them, or even not to understand them, in time of need. Where did the British people come from? This is an extraordinary interesting question,since they are a mixture of many different races, and all these races invaded(入侵)Britain at various times from Europe.Nobody knows very much about Britain before the Romans came during the first century BC, but there had been at least three invasions before that.The first of these was by a dark haired Mediterranean race called Iberians.The other two were by Celtic tribes (部落):first the Gaels, whose descendants (后裔) are the modern Scots and Irish,some of whom still speak the Gaelic language;and secondly the Britons,who gave their name to the whole island of Britain.These were the people whom the Romans conquered (征服)(The Romans gave the Britons a good deal of civilization,but they never settled in Britain in very large numbers, so the British race survived (活下来) until the overthrow of the Roman Empire by the “barbarians”,i.e.,the numerous Germanic tribes which overran the whole of Western Europe. 1(The purpose of the passage is to________. A(talk about Europeans B(discuss the origin (起源) of British people C(argue for the superiority (优越性) of British people D(compare the Europeans with Africans and Asians 解析:选B。推理判断题。由第一段第一句和第二段全文可知。 2(It can be known from the passage that________. A(most people think white people are Europeans B(there are many Africans and Asians living in Europe C(white men are Europeans in the eyes of Africans and Asians D(the British people think of themselves as Europeans 解析:选C。细节判断题。从第一段开头第二句可知。 3(It can be inferred from the passage that________. A(Europeans are those who are unable to speak English B(Europeans are those who invaded Britain came from the other side of the English Channel C(Britain is a place full of interest for those excitable foreigners D(British is the source of almost all the wars in Europe 解析:选B。推理判断题。答案在第一段。对于英国人来说,欧洲人是那些来自英吉利海峡对面的极易激动的外国人,他们从不把自己当作欧洲人。欧洲是一块让英国旅行者充满兴趣的大陆,又是使英国卷入所有战争的根源。A、C、D三项意思明显不对。 4(Why do the British people feel very insular? A(They are different from those people in the Continent. B(They sometimes fail to support the continental countries in time of need. C(They are separated geographically from the Continent. D(They are considered difficult to understand. 解析:选C。由第一段倒数第二句话可知,英国人觉得具有岛民特性的原因是C项。 5(Which of the following might be discussed after this passage? A(The Germanic tribes which invaded Britain. B(The civilization the Romans gave Britain. C(The Romans who did not settle in Britain. D(The survival of the British people in the first century BC. 解析:选A。从第二段结尾最后一句可知下一段要接着讲日耳曼人对英国的影响。
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