首页 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕

《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕


《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 目录 第1、2集 ........................................................................................................................ 2 第3集 .........................................

《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕
《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 目录 第1、2集 ........................................................................................................................ 2 第3集 ........................................................................................................................... 45 第4集 ........................................................................................................................... 67 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 1 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 第1、2集 E01在我小时候 我的星球遭遇毁灭 When I was a child, my world ended. 而我有幸获救 But I was saved. 被派往地球保护我的堂弟 卡?艾尔 Sent to Earth to protect my baby cousin, Kal-El. 但氪星的毁灭发射出一道冲击波 But Krypton's destruction sent a shockwave 击中了我的分离舱 使其偏离路线 that knocked my ship off-course, 进入了幻影区 into the Phantom Zone. 我的分离舱脱离困境 Somehow, my pod got loose, 我历经漫长的旅途来到了地球 and I made the long journey to Earth. 我到达地球时仍是个孩子 Though I was still a child when I arrived, 但我的堂弟已经长大 成为了超人 my cousin had already grown up to become Superman. 我隐藏了自己的身份 直到有一天 I hid who I really was until one day, 我收养家庭的姐姐艾丽克斯遭遇危险 my adoptive sister Alex was in danger, 迫使我向世界揭示了自己的身份 and I was forced to reveal myself to the world. 从那天起 我成为了超女 From that day on, I became Supergirl. 如今 我暗中跟姐姐和超查部合作 Now, I work in secret with my sister and the DEO 打击那些威胁地球 to fight alien menaces that threaten the Earth 以及对本市造成伤害的外星生物 and others that would cause my city harm. 我拥有朋友 I have friends. 还有盟友 And allies. 我有一个家 I have a family. 经过多年的迷失 After so many years of being lost, 我终于回家了 I am finally home. 三 二 一 Three, two, one! -敬超女 -不 等等 - To Supergirl. - No, no. Wait, wait. 敬家人 爱把我们凝聚在了一起 To family. Love bonds us all. -敬家人 -敬家人 - To family. - To family. -什么声音 -搞什么鬼 - What was that? - What the hell? 出事了 Nothing good. 我们要拦住它 否则可能造成重大伤亡 We need to stop it, or there could be major casualties. 交给我吧 I've got it. 我差一点就碰到了 I've almost got it. 交给我吧 超女 快走 I've got him. Supergirl, go! 那个分离舱 That pod... 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 2 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 跟我的很像 It's identical to mine. 是从氪星来的 It's from Krypton. 超女 小心 Supergirl, be careful. 里面说不准有什么东西 You don't know what's in there. 天呐 Oh, my God. 这是哪儿 Where are we? 超常活动调查部 The Department of Extra-Normal Operations. 等等 等一下 Wait! Wait, wait, wait. 这地方一直都在这儿吗 This has always been here? 有大窗户和好景色 With the glass and the views and... 然后你还让我每天飞去那个破洞穴 And you made me fly to that cave every day! 超查部有好几处办公地点 卡拉 DEO has several facilities, Kara. 在上个办公地点我被蝙蝠咬了 A bat bit me in the last one. 哪来那么多牢骚 Whiner. 老姐 Hey, sis. 你也知道这个地方的存在吗 You knew about this place, too? 是啊 这里离我们部门就隔着一个街区 Yeah, it's like a block from my apartment. 这里算是老地方吧 可能条件更好一些 It's kind of like the old place. Maybe better. 坠向地球的那个人呢 Well, where's the man who fell to Earth? 他肯定是从氪星来的 He has to be from Krypton. 他肯定是在星球爆炸之前逃离了 He must have escaped - before the planet exploded, 就像我和卡拉克一样 like Clark and I did. 他昏迷不醒 He's comatose. 他的生命体征稳定 呼吸正常 His vitals are stable. Breathing is normal. 我们无法了解他的其他状况 因为... There's nothing else we can really learn from him because... 这证明他是从氪星来的 That proves he's from Krypton. 这只能证明他不是人类 It only proves he's not human, 这意味着他可能是危险人物 which means he could be dangerous. 长官 我申请让温来协助调查 Sir, I would request that Winn help with the investigation. 我们需要有人来分析那个分离舱的遥测技术 We need someone to analyze the pod's telemetry, 而温认识氪星文 and Winn does read Kryptonian. 我之前感觉太无聊 就学了门新语言 I got bored. I thought I'd pick up a new language. 外星语 Space talk! 你想证明自己的价值吗 肖特先生 You want to prove your worth, Mr. Schott? 去挖掘连我们训练有素的外星人专家团队 Find out something my team of highly trained 都发现不了的信息吧 alien experts can't. 我接受挑战 Challenge accepted. 走吧 Let's go. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 3 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我们会查清楚的 卡拉 我保证 We'll figure it out, Kara. I promise. 你今晚会收看冒险号发射吗 So, are you watching the Venture launch tonight? 不会 No, actually, 今晚是我和詹姆斯的初次约会 James and I are going on our first date. 感觉肯定很棒 It's gonna be great. 我们终于可以没有牵连地在一起相处了 We are finally both free and clear to just hang out. 没有外星人试图摧毁地球 No aliens trying to destroy the Earth. 只有我和他 像正常人一样 Just him and me, together like normal people, 做约会该做的事 doing what people do on dates. 好吧 Okay. -怎么了 -什么怎么了 - What? - What, what? 你刚才的那种语气分明是嘴上说"好吧" You're doing that thing where you say "Okay," 其实根本就不好 but you're not actually okay. 因为你刚才的语气过于急切了 Because you're doing that thing where you are super overeager, 这说明你根本就没那么急切 which means that you really aren't, 但你又努力说服自己你很急切 but you're trying to convince yourself that you are. 我没用那种语气 I am not doing that thing. 我那是激动 That's... I'm excited. 我激动就是这个样子 This is me excited. 格兰特女士给我发信息了 And this is Ms. Grant texting me. 我已经不是她的助理了 I'm not her assistant anymore. 我得走了 I have to go. 几小时后 冒险号即将发射升空 We are just hours away from the launch of Venture, 它是用于亚轨道运输的首架商用宇宙飞船 the first commercial spacecraft designed for suborbital transportation. 您找我 格兰特女士 You wanted to see me, Ms. Grant? 他们曾邀请我乘冒险号升空 They offered me a seat on the Venture, 但我拒绝了 but I turned them down. 登上飞船的一群阔佬 What would I possibly have in common 想要为自己毫无意义的生命寻求存在的答案 with a bunch of rich people in a rocket ship 姐跟他们有何共同之处啊 seeking existential answers to their meaningless lives? 说起这个 你的答案是什么 Speaking of which, what's your answer? 这 Wha... 你的问题是什么 What's the question? 你的职业 你想干什么 Your vocation. What is it? 你是说我想做什么工作 Oh, you mean what job do I want? 这个嘛 Um, well... 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 4 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我也不知道 我还做出最终的决定 I don't know. I haven't really decided yet. 为什么 Why not? 因为从你要我选择新职位 Well, it's only been 12 hours 到现在才过去了十二个小时 since you asked me - to choose a new position, 而其中的大多数时间我又在睡觉 and then most of those hours I was asleep. 是吗 Really? 我给了你一把开启王国的钥匙 I offer you the keys to the kingdom, 而你却跑去睡觉了 and you just go to sleep? 因为当时是晚上 It was nighttime. 你猜我昨晚睡了几小时 凯拉 How many hours do you think I slept last night, Ker-rah? 两小时 Two. 因为我想要每时每刻都过得有价值 Because I care about making the most out of my life. 我不断压榨每一天的每一秒 I squeeze every drop out of every single day. -懒虫才会睡觉 -是的 - Sleeping is for slackers. - Right. 那个 我做了一项在线测试 Well, I did do this online quiz 你需要列出你所有的技能 where, you know, you list all your skills, 然后它会用一种算法 and then it uses this kind of algorithm 来计算合适你的职业 to calculate your ideal career. 我的测试结果是市场营销 And mine was marketing. 然后据凯特科官网显示 And according to the Catco website, 市场营销的薪资水平很高 marketing ranks high in potential salary, 充满未来发展潜质 还有就是 future growth and, interestingly enough, 工作与生活时间也很平衡 work-life balance which... 你觉得怎样 What do you think? 我觉得这是我听过最可悲的话了 I think that it is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard. 好吧 Oh, okay. 你不能上网搜自己的志愿啊 凯拉 You can't Internet search a calling, Ker-rah. 志愿应该是发自你内心的 A calling is something that is within you. 你以为超女成为英雄 Do you think that Supergirl is a hero 是因为飞行是她的技能吗 不是 because flying is one of her skills? No. 她成为英雄是因为她有需求 She's a hero because she has a need. 想要帮助人 保护整个星球 To help people, to protect the planet. 探寻你的内心 Look inward, 然后找出凯拉?丹弗斯的人生目标 and figure out what Kara Danvers needs to do with her life. 我再给你两天 也就是48小时 I am granting you two more days, as in 48 hours, 不管你做什么 别回来的时候 and whatever you do, don't come back 别给我看什么罗夏测试结果 with the results of a Rorschach test. 泰斯马克女士 Ms. Tessmacher! 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 5 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 什么事 格兰特女士 Yes, Ms. Grant. 你觉得这算是"少许调料"吗 Does this dressing look drizzled on? -是的 -不 - Yes. - No. 这生菜就像是快被调料淹死了 No, this lettuce is drowning. 漂浮在农场的海洋上 It's floating on a sea of ranch, 就像是《泰坦尼克号》里的凯特?温斯莱特 like little Kate Winslet's in Titanic. 让它从我的眼前消失 Get it out of my sight. 这就是你能找到的 This is the best replacement for you 最好的接班人吗 you could come up with? 给她一个机会 求您了 Just give her a chance, please. 她聪明又可爱 She is so smart and sweet. 她可是耶鲁毕业的 She went to Yale. 乔治?布什也是 So did George Bush. 现在赶紧去挖掘内心吧 Now get out and dig deep. 这条裙子真漂亮 That dress is amazing. 你是说这条吗 Oh, this dress? It's... 我都穿了一整天了 I had this on all day. 你想不想... Do you... 我不知道你是想在家还是出去 所以我... I didn't know if you wanted to stay in or go out, so I... 有几个选项 Options. 披萨还有锅贴 Pizza and potstickers. 我最爱吃披萨和锅贴了 Pizza and potstickers is my most favorite meal. 我知道你爱吃 Which I know about you. 你居然没有看冒险号发射 Um, I'm surprised you don't have the Venture launch on. 毕竟你那么关注太空 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 I know how into the space program you are. 那不算什么大事 Oh, that's not a big deal. 卡拉 你可以看的 没事 Kara, you can put it on, it's fine. 那我就开静音好了 Well, maybe I'll just put it on without the sound. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}冒险号 发射日 是 我明白 怀特先生 Yeah, I understand, Mr. White. 不会 怀特先生 No, Mr. White. 好的 怀特先生 Yes, Mr. White. 好的 我会快马加鞭地把文章给您 Yes, I will have my article on your desk lickety-split. 是的先生 我知道现在没人说"快马加鞭"了 Yes, sir, I know that no one says "lickety-split" anymore. 不过 您不是还在用"我那个祖宗的" Although, you do still say "Great Caesar's ghost," 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 6 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 也是比较复古呀 which is a bit of a throwback. 是的先生 我非常清楚我们不是在谈论您 Yes, sir, I'm very aware that we're not talking about you. 是的先生 是的 我会给您的 Yes, sir. Yes, I will have that to you. 你好 Hello? 等一下 我们可能听到了 Hang on, we're hearing of a possible explosion 冒险号上的爆炸声 aboard the Venture. 我们现在所了解到的情况是 Here's all we know at this time. 飞船上目前有超过两百人 There are over 200 people aboard the craft. 尚未收到进一步详情 There are no further details, 但是请不要转台 but keep it right here, 我们将会给您带来更多最新消息 and we'll continue to bring you the very latest. 我们只能祈祷不管他在哪里 他在收看新闻 We can only hope wherever he is, he's seeing this. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}冒险号 发射日 我祈祷她在收看新闻 I pray she's watching this. 她在看 She is. 求救 求救 Mayday. Mayday. 我们遭受到了船体损坏 We have experienced a hull breach 以及毁灭性的引擎故障 and catastrophic engine failure. 超女 Supergirl! -需要帮忙吗 -你好呀 老弟 - Need a hand? - Hey, cuz. 很高兴见到你 It's good to see you. 看起来这活需要咱们俩合力了 This looks like a job for the both of us. 绝对的 Absolutely. 刚才真是太棒了 That was awesome! 我是说 事故太糟糕了 I mean, that was terrible. 但是又太棒了 But it was awesome. 我们以前从没有一起合作救过人 We've never saved anything together. 我知道 I know. 我梦到过这个时刻 I've dreamt of this moment. 咱们俩组队 The two of us teaming up. 我也是 Me, too. -我通常会打个招呼 -我也是 - I usually say hi. - Me, too. 干得好 超女 Way to go, Supergirl. 那是超人 That's Superman. 我以前给他换过尿布 I used to change his diapers. 不是吧 No way. 你没必要跟他们说这些吧 Uh, not exactly sure you have to tell them that. -不 我觉得有必要 -好吧 - No, I think I really do. - Okay. 大家好 我回来啦 Hey, everybody. I'm back. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 7 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 听好了 Listen up. 各位 这是我堂弟 超... Everyone, this is my cousin, Su... 我猜你们都知道了 I guess you already know. 很高兴见到你 Good to see you. -我很荣幸 先生 -感谢 - It's an honor, sir. - Pleasure. 我想感谢你们所有人努力工作 I just want to thank you all for your hard work 保护地球 protecting Earth. 老弟啊 Oh, brother. 你知道她要把他带来吗 Did you know she was bringing him here? 不知道 No. 有问题吗 Is that a problem? 他在向我走来 Oh. He's coming toward me. 温 这是我堂弟 超人 Winn, this is my cousin, Superman. 我有无数的问题想问你 I have a million questions. 好的 Okay... 当莱克斯?卢瑟引发加利福尼亚州的地震时 When Lex Luthor set off the earthquake in California, 你是不是用X光视线测量了震源深度 did you gauge the focal depth with your X-ray vision? 温 Winn... 喘口气 Breathe. 艾丽克斯 Alex. -很高兴见到你 -我也是 - It's good to see you. - You, too. 卡拉告诉我耶利米或许还活着 Kara told me Jeremiah may be alive. 你知道你父亲对我恩重如山 所以 And you know your father means a lot to me, so... 如果有什么我能帮忙的尽管开口 If there's anything I can do. 谢谢你 克拉克 Thank you, Clark. -荣恩 -超人 - J'onn. - Superman. 很高兴再次见到你 Nice to see you again. 别担心 我不会久留的 Oh, don't worry. I won't be staying long. 我只是邀请他来见一见我们那位神秘来客 Uh, I just invited Superman to visit our mystery guest. 跟我来 Follow me. -那两个人是怎么回事 -问倒我了 - What's with those two? - Beats me. 你堂弟身上真好闻 Your cousin smells terrific. 你够了 Enough. 他昨晚乘氪星的分离舱着陆 He landed on Earth last night in a Kryptonian pod. 我们不知道他是什么身份 We don't know who he is. 你们有没有用量子扫描来判断他的年龄 Did you try using a quantum scan to determine his age? 那是我们做的第一件事 First thing we did. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 8 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 你用X光视线看过他体内有没有异物了吗 And you X-ray-visioned him for foreign objects, 例如控制他的数据核心 like a cybernetic data core? 当然 Of course. 你或许该检查一下 You should probably go and do that. 没有 没有数据核心 Nope, no data core. 我利用所学的氪星文 So, my handy translator 刚刚解密完分离舱的数据记录 just finished decrypting the pod's data log. 看起来睡美人在从氪星出发的旅程中 Now, it seems sleeping beauty on his journey from Krypton 经过了某种叫做西卡拉贝尔的东西 passed through something called the Segara Beyal. 星之井 The Well of Stars. 我父亲带我去过那一次 My father took me there once. 时间在那里不会流逝 所以他仍然这么年轻 Time doesn't pass there. So that's why he's still so young. 提起年龄 我一直想问 Oh, hey, speaking of age, I've been meaning to ask. 超人 你比卡拉年长12岁 对吗 Superman, you're 12 years older than Kara, right? 因为一点都看不出来 'Cause you do not look it. 在地球上氪星人变老的速度要慢很多 Kryptonians age at a much slower rate here on Earth. 你看起来棒极了 You look fantastic. 等你们闲聊完了 我们还有更重要的事情要When you're finished, we have something 谈 more important to talk about. -什么事 -冒险号 - What? - The Venture. 冒险号背后的公司说 The company behind the Venture said 飞船在完成低轨道嵌入时发生了爆炸 there was an explosion when the ship reached low orbit insertion. 所以呢 So? 如果有发生那种事故的可能 Well, if something like that was gonna go wrong 在航行过程中早就发生了 it would've happened earlier in the flight. 正是如此 Exactly. 冒险号是在纳欣诺市这边制造的 The Venture was built here in National City. 我认为我们该进一步调查 I think we should investigate this further. 或许某个身在纳欣诺市的谦和有礼的记者 Maybe a mild-mannered reporter should make some inquiries 该做些调查 while he's here in National City. 其实我本来是想让我的小队去调查的 Actually, I was gonna have my team take a look at it. 既然超人在这 我们应该让他加入 Well, Superman's here. We should include him. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 9 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 你可以在凯特科公司工作 You can work out of Catco. 不过要躲着点格兰特女士 Just steer clear of Ms. Grant. 她最近心情不好 She's been in a mood. 别担心 我应付凯特?格兰特自有一套 Don't worry, I've got some sway with Cat Grant. 你和超人之间有过什么嫌隙 So what happened between you and Superman? 没有 Nothing. 可看起来 It just seems like... 这次对话已经结束了 This conversation is over. 抱歉 Sorry. Oops! 真对不起 全都怪我 So sorry, that was totally my fault. 你真的很爱装出笨手笨脚的样子 是不是 You really have that klutzy thing down, don't you? 不 刚才其实不是装的 Uh, yeah. No, that was actually real. -克拉克 -又见面了 - Clark! - There he is. -最近怎么样 -吉米 - What's up, man? - Jimmy. 见到你真好 伙计 It's good to see you, buddy. 我也一样 哥们 It's good to see you, too, brother. 《星球日报》的大家都很想你 Well, everybody at the Daily Planet misses you. -露易丝 怀特先生 -我也很想他们 - Lois, Mr. White. - I miss them, too. 但我真的很喜欢住在这里 But I really like living here. 很好 Good. 失陪一下 Excuse me. 格兰特女士 您还好吗 Ms. Grant? You okay? 你怎么没和我说过你认识克拉克?肯特 You didn't tell me - that you know Clark Kent. 天哪 不是连您也这样吧 Oh, God, not you, too. -什么 -没什么 - What? - Nothing. 是的 我认识他 I do... Yes. I know him. 他和吉米是多年的故交了 Him and Jimmy have been friends for years. 我牙齿上有没有东西 Do I have anything in my teeth? 没有 No. 克拉克?肯特 真没想到 Clark Kent, as I live and breathe. 你看起来真是一身 Well, don't you just look all 中西部的时髦风格 midwestern dashing? 格兰特女士 很高兴见到您 Ms. Grant, it's good to see you. -许久不见了 -那可怪不得我 - It's been a long time. - No fault of mine. 你还在和露易丝?莱恩交往吗 So, are you still seeing Lois Lane, 还是说已经没有火花了 or did that fizzle out 正如我在办公室打赌时预言的那样 like I predicted in the office pool? 怎么没人寄来我打赌赢的20美元 No one ever sent me my $20. 露易丝和我感情很好 Lois and I are great. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 10 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我们仍然很稳固 We're still... still going strong. 这么说她没有还对超人念念不忘吗 Oh, so she's not still hung up on Superman? 我认为她生活中容得下我们两个 You know, I'd say that she has room in her life for both of us. 真开放啊 That's modern. 不 Oh, no. 你想不想四处逛逛 So, how would you like to go on a tour? 佩里?怀特蠢到家才会让你离开他的视线 Perry White was a fool to ever let you out of his sight. 我搞不好会把你挖来的 I might just poach you. 自有一套 Sway. 你有没有觉得格兰特女士有点不对劲 Did Ms. Grant seem a little off to you? 她一见克拉克就会变成那样 她为他痴狂 She's always like that with Clark. She goes gaga for him. 有次她还醉酒后给他发短信 那短信 She actually sent him a drunk text once. It was... -短信内容绚丽多彩 -不 - It was florid. - No. 真恶心 Ugh. That's gross. 我在电视上看到你行动了 Yeah, I saw what you did on TV. -很成功的营救 -谢谢 - Good save. - Thanks. 事件打断了我们的约会 我很抱歉 I'm sorry it interrupted our date. -不 没关系的 -不 怎么没关系 - No, it's fine. - No, but it isn't. 有关系 很有关系 It's not fine. Not. 那是我们之间重要的一步 That was an important step for us. 我会补偿你的 我保证 And I will make it up to you, I promise. 我们会制定计划 充分落实 We will make a plan, and we will execute it. Fully. 听起来很浪漫 That sounds romantic. 你懂我的意思 我只是希望能成 You know what I mean. I just... I want it to work. 我也是 Me, too. -是艾丽克斯 -不打扰你了 - It's Alex. - Yeah, go ahead. 什么事 What's up? 是 克拉克对那名字应该有所了解 Yeah, yeah, I think Clark knows a thing or two about that name. -克拉克 -什么事 - Clark. - Yeah. 艾丽克斯做了些调查 Alex did some digging. -结果如何 -有一位乘客 - What is it? - There was one passenger 订了冒险号的座位 who had a seat booked on the Venture 但最后却意外地没出现 who mysteriously didn't show up last-minute. 莉娜?卢瑟 Lena Luthor. -莱克斯的妹妹 -是的 - Lex's sister. - Yup. 但莱克斯应该与此无关 他在监狱里 But Lex can't be involved in this. He's in 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 11 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 prison. -顺便祝贺你 -谢谢 - Congrats, by the way. - Yeah, thanks. 虽然莱克斯在监狱里 Well, Lex may be in jail, 但他妹妹正在经营卢瑟公司 but his sister is now running Luthor Corp. 没错 她刚搬来纳欣诺市 Yep, and she just moved to National City. 重型战术无人飞行器 Heavy tactical unmanned aerial vehicle 可飞行160公里 with 160 km range. 如果你想伤害某人 If you're looking to hurt somebody, 这绝对是个办法 this is definitely the way to do it. -如何操作 -和驾驶舱一样 - And to control it? - Everything from the cockpit. 就像开航空器 Just like you were flying an aircraft. 如果启动攻击系统 How do I activate the targeting system? 那个按钮 That button right there. 它会锁定攻击目标 然后对方就玩完了 She'll lock into the target, and then it's lights out. 谢谢你的努力工作 Thank you for all your hard work. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}搜索 {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}找到目 标 科本 Corben. 飞船没炸 Yeah, the ship didn't explode. 被超人和超女给救了 Superman and Supergirl saved it. 准备执行备用计划 I'm switching to plan B. 我让卢瑟家族失望过吗 Have I ever let the Luthors down? 我昨天没登上冒险号 There's a perfectly reasonable explanation 有完全合理的解释 for why I wasn't aboard the Venture yesterday. 我们正是为这事来的 Well, that's why we're here. 工作出了状况 There was an emergency 事关我明天举办的典礼 regarding the planning for a ceremony I'm holding tomorrow. 我要修改家族企业的名字 I'm renaming my family's company, 所以我必须取消飞行计划 and I had to cancel. 真幸运 Ah, lucky. 超人今天救了人才叫幸运 Lucky is Superman saving the day. 没想到卢瑟家族的人会这么说 Not something one expects a Luthor to say. 没错 超女也在场 Right. And Supergirl was there, too. 你究竟是谁 And who are you exactly? 我叫卡拉?丹弗斯 我不在《星球日报》工I'm Kara Danvers. I'm not with the Daily 作 Planet. 我在凯特科杂志工作 算是吧 I'm with Catco magazine. Sort of. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 12 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 这份出版物并非以其一针见血的新闻工作出It's a publication not known for its hard-hitting 名 journalism. 上面大多是"穿不穿高腰裙"这类文章 More like "High-waisted Jeans, Yes or No?" -我今天是不请自来 -好吧 - I'm just tagging along today. - Right. 我们可以长话短说吗 Can we just speed this interview along? 直接问你想问的 肯特先生 Just ask me what you want to ask, Mr. Kent. 我和冒险号爆炸有无关联 Did I have anything to do with the Venture explosion? 有吗 Did you? 如果我姓史密斯你就不会问了 You wouldn't be asking me if my last name was Smith. 但并非如此 你姓卢瑟 Ah, but it's not. It's Luthor. 堪萨斯乡巴佬还挺硬气 Some steel under that Kansas wheat. 我以前不姓这个 It wasn't always. 我四岁时被领养的 I was adopted when I was four. 家族里最接纳我的人就是莱克斯 And the person who made me feel most welcome in the family was Lex. 他让我为进入卢瑟家族而自豪 He made me proud to be a Luthor. 但他之后恐怖统治着大都会 And then he went on his reign of terror in Metropolis. 向超人宣战 Declared war on Superman. 罪恶滔天 Committed unspeakable crimes. 当超人逮捕莱克斯 When Superman put Lex in jail, 我发誓要夺回家族企业 I vowed to take back my family's company. 改名为L公司 To rename it L-Corp. 让它成为正能量 Make it a force for good. 我只是个想突破家族 I'm just a woman trying to make a name 为自己正名的女人 for herself outside of her family. 你懂吗 Can you understand that? 是 Yeah. 我知道你们来的原因 I know why you're here. 因为我公司的子公司 Because a subsidiary of my company 和冒险号的爆炸有关 made the part that exploded on the Venture. 这个闪存盘里有我们关于 This drive contains all the information 振荡器的所有信息 we have on the oscillator. 但愿能帮助你们调查 I hope it helps you in your investigation. 谢谢 Thank you. 给我个机会 肯特先生 Give me a chance, Mr. Kent. 我是来改头换面的 让我重新开始 I'm here for a fresh start. Let me have one. 再见 卢瑟女士 Good day, Ms. Luthor. 再见 Good day. 我用X光视线看房间时没有发现 I didn't see anything when I X-ray-visioned the room. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 13 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我也是 Yeah, me neither. 你怎么看 What do you think? 我学到了血的教训 I've learned through hard experience 不要相信卢瑟家族的人说的话 not to believe anything a Luthor says. 我知道我不是个记者 Yeah, I know I'm not a reporter or anything, 但我挺信她的 but I kinda believed her. 亲爱的 Hi, sweetie. 对 我和卡拉在一起 Yeah, I'm with Kara. 好 我很小心 Yes, I'm being careful. 我也想你 爱你 拜 I miss you, too. I love you. Bye. 我喜欢她担心你 I love that she worries about you. 我也是 Yeah, me, too. 你怎么做到的 克拉克 How do you do it all, Clark? 你是名出色的记者 完美男友 You're an amazing reporter, a great boyfriend, 还是超人 and Superman. 我喜欢当超女 I mean, I love being Supergirl. 我人生的这个部分很清楚 That part of my life is clear. 但其他部分... But the rest of it... 你是说吉米 You mean Jimmy? -你怎么知道的 -这叫超心灵感应 - How'd you know that? - It's super telepathy. 这是种能力 你会掌握的 It's a power. You'll get someday. -是吗 -不 - Really? - No. 我和吉米是朋友 我们会交流 Jimmy and I are friends, we talk. 长久以来 我一直埋头向前冲 For so long, I kept my head down and moved forward. 生活很简单 And life was simple. 但如今面临这些选择 And now I have all these options. 出色的男生 理想的工作 我反而... An amazing guy and any job I want and I'm... 不知所措 I'm stuck. 我也经历过你这种状况 I've been where you are. 设法搞清楚如何做好克拉克和超人 You know, trying to figure out how to be Clark and Superman. 但是在你身上却显得很轻松 Yeah, but you made it look so easy. 以前不是 Well, it wasn't. 现在也不是 It's still not. 我只知道当好卡拉 Look, all I know is that being Kara 和当好超女一样重要 is just as important as being Supergirl. -过来 -说得真好 - Come here. - That's really nice. 相信你自己 卡拉 Trust yourself, Kara. 聆听你的内心 Listen to your heart. 你和詹姆斯的时机到了 你会知道的 If things are right with James, you'll know it. 你想在想什么 丹弗斯特工 What's on your mind, Agent Danvers? 我知道你和超人为什么没法成为好友 I know why you and Superman aren't the best 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 14 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 of friends. 绿宝石计划 Operation Emerald. 你怎么知道的 How did you find out about that? 我比对了你和超人的人事档案 I cross-referenced your personnel file with Superman. 在我刚刚接手超查部的时候 Back when I first took over the DEO, 我们接到报告 有陨石撞击在沙漠 we got a report about a meteorite coming down in the desert. 当时超人还愿意我们合作 Superman would work with us back then, 所以我们俩前去调查 so we both headed out to investigate. 到达后 那里很黑 We got there, it was dark and... 但是在撞击坑我看到了一些东西 But I could see something down in the crater. 绿色 闪发着绿宝石般的光芒 Green, glowing like an emerald. 绿光没影响我 但超人却坠落在地 It didn't affect me, but Superman got down there, 他开始喘息 he started heaving. 昏了过去 Passed out. -那是氪星石 -我命名的 - It was Kryptonite. - I named it that. 超人想要毁掉它 Superman wanted to destroy it all. 但你却保留下来了 But you kept it. 这里还有很多氪星人 艾丽克斯 He was not the only Kryptonian out there, Alex. 他们的力量不受限制 Their powers are limitless. 现在我们有办法保护自我不受他们的影响 Now we have a way to protect ourselves from them. 这个他们却包括了我妹妹 Except "Them" now includes my sister. 我们可能有个问题 We may have a problem. 我一直在翻查卢瑟公司的资料 I've been going over the data from Luthor Corp. 冒险号上爆炸的振荡器 Now, the oscillator that exploded on the Venture, 是在主客舱底部找到的 是吧 it was located underneath the main passenger cabin, right? 但其实是密封在23B座位下面 In fact, it was housed under seat 23B. 两者有何联系吗 肖特先生 Which is relevant how, Mr. Schott? 根据乘客名单 According to the manifest, 猜猜23B原本是谁的位置 guess who was supposed to be sitting in seat 23B? 莉娜?卢瑟 Lena Luthor. 莉娜?卢瑟不是爆炸的始作俑者 Lena Luthor wasn't behind the explosion. 而是袭击目标 She was the target. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}直升机文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 15 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 着陆区\N请退后十五米 飞行应该会很顺利的 卢瑟女士 Should be a smooth flight, Ms. Luthor. 我讨厌坐飞机 I hate flying. 我知道在统计学上 I know statistically, 飞行是最安全的旅行方式 但还是不喜欢 it's the safest way to travel, but still... 搞什么 What the hell? 我就猜到你们俩会来 I thought you two might show up. 乐趣都被你俩毁了 You spoil all the fun. 如果你希望我们来 You know, if you were expecting us to show up, 那你真应该带一些 you really should've brought something 强大点的武器来 a little more powerful. 我带着智慧而来 I did. I brought my wits. 我的无人机遍布整个城市 I've drones planted throughout the city, 说话的这会儿 无人机正瞄准着平民百姓 targeting civilian populations as we speak. 你们选吧 外星人 Your choice, aliens. 无辜平民还是直升机 Innocent civilians or the chopper? 去吧 我来救直升机 Go. I got the chopper. 真厉害 That was awesome. 我们要搬回哥谭市 We're moving back to Gotham. 你安全了 You're safe now. 刚才是怎么回事 What the hell was that? 有人想要杀你 Someone's trying to kill you. 我一直在找你 Hey, I've been looking for you. 我知道我一直在处理 So, listen, I know that I've been 无人机袭击和宇宙飞船事件 dealing with drone attacks and spaceships... 是两艘宇宙飞船 Two spaceships. 但我不会让这些事妨碍到我们的 But I will not let that get in the way of us 完美约会 having the perfect date. 我在想不如去吃意大利菜 I was thinking maybe Italian. -我可以飞过去 -没关系 我 - I could fly there... - It's okay. I... 你就承认吧 有些事让你改变了心意 Just admit, something's changed for you. -詹姆斯 -别说我错了 - James... - And don't tell me I'm wrong 或是我在胡思乱想 因为我了解你 or that I'm imagining something, 'cause I know you. 这不是你想要的吗 I thought this is what you wanted. 以前是 It was. 那现在呢 And now? 我 I... 我不知道 I don't know. 至少你说了实话 Well, it's honest at least. 泰斯马克女士 Ms. Tessmacher! 她比哈利?贝瑞在颁奖礼上哭得还多 She cries more than Halle Berry at award 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 16 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 shows. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}美国影 视演员 如果你这么讨厌她 为什么不炒了她 Well, if you hate her so much, why don't you fire her? 通常来说 如果助理 Normally, you'd ax an assistant 端来的拿铁不够热 立马就被你炒掉了 the second they brought you a latte one degree off. 凯拉 Oh, Ker-rah. 我已经不知道何为正常了 I don't even know what normal is anymore. 格兰特女士 出什么事了 Ms. Grant, what's wrong? 怎么会有事呢 What could be wrong? 我追逐我的每一个激情 I have followed every one of my passions, 实现了我所有的目标 I've achieved everything I've ever wanted to achieve, 现在我站在这个行业的顶端 and I'm at the very top of my game. 问题是 凯拉 The question is, Ker-rah, 你是怎么回事 what the hell is wrong with you? 你年轻 聪明 世界在你脚下 You're young, brilliant, and you have the world at your feet. 拥有了你渴望中的男人 You have the man you pined for, 以及梦想的工作 any job you wish for, 而你却站在这儿 像只迷途羔羊 and you stand there blinking like a doe in the headlights. 不知所措 Frozen. 我 I'm... 你知道吗 Yeah, you know what? 你说得对 格兰特女士 You're right, Ms. Grant. 你说得完全正确 我觉得我人生中的某些部You are absolutely right. In some areas of my 分 life, 是如此地强大自信 I feel so strong and confident, 而其他的部分 and then in every other area... 事业 爱情 我 Career, love, I... 我不知道该怎么做 I don't know what to do. 俯身直入 Dive. 什么意思 像跳进水里一样 What do you mean, like... like into a lake? 你现在站在岸边 You're standing on the shore, 害怕俯身潜入未知水域 afraid to dive into the new waters, 你害怕是因为你不想对温顺 and you're afraid because you don't wanna say goodbye 害相思病的卡拉?丹弗斯 to the mild-mannered, lovelorn Kara Danvers, 凯特?格兰特可爱尽职的助手说再见 the sweet and dutiful assistant to Cat Grant. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 17 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 你站在原地 You are standing there 面前有几个选择 looking out at your options, 冰凉碧绿的湖水 湍急的小河 the icy blue water, the fast-flowing river, 以及汹涌的海洋 and the choppy sea. 它们看起来都十分诱人 And they all look very appealing to you 因为你非常想去游泳 because you're dying to go for a swim, 但你知道水会很冷 but you know that water is going to be cold, 游起来会非常吃力 and the journey is going to be hard, 等你到达彼岸 and when you reach the other side, 你会获得新生 you will have become a new person. 但你害怕面对全新的自己 And you are scared to meet that new version of yourself. 我们会习惯自己的性格 Now, we all get used to our own personas, 会习惯待在自己的舒适区内 and we're used to our own comfort zones, 但是相信我 but, trust me, 为了活下去 我们必须勇敢 in order to live, we must keep daring. 勇敢跳进水中 Keep diving. 好 Yeah. 谢谢您 格兰特女士 Thank you, Ms. Grant. 你有12小时13分钟零4秒 You have 12 hours, 13 minutes, and 4 seconds. -抓紧时间 -好 - Tick-tock. - Right. 这东西简直是最新技术中的最新技术 This thing is like state-of-the-state-of-the-art. 有点像我父亲在充满杀气的时候 Kind of looks like something my dad might have built 会造出来的东西 in one of his more murdery moments. 我们在现场采集到了部分指纹 We've acquired a partial print from the wreckage. 约翰?科本 John Corben. 国际刺客 International assassin for hire. 他跟国际帮和卡兹亚国恐怖分子都有关系 He's been linked to Intergang, Kasnian terrorists, 还涉嫌柯尔多?马提斯的屠杀案 and the genocide in Corto Maltese. 如果谁想杀位高权重的人 If you want somebody high-profile killed, 就应该找他 this is the guy to hire. 但是谁会想杀莉娜?卢瑟 But who would want Lena Luthor dead? 卡拉在哪里 Hey, where's Kara? 正在劝莉娜 Trying to talk Lena out of 不要举办更名典礼 going through - with the renaming ceremony. 看来她跟她哥一样倔 Sound likes she's just as stubborn as her brother. 我让丹弗斯特工现场待命 I'll have Agent Danvers on hand. 这位科本只在乎能否达成目标 This Corben doesn't seem like he cares 并不在乎谁会因此受伤 who gets hurt so long as he gets his target. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 18 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我跟卡拉也会在现场 Kara and I will be there, too. 你不觉得你们应该聊聊吗 Don't you think you two should talk? 你显然这样觉得 Apparently, you do. 大家觉得我们应该聊聊 People think we should talk. 有什么好聊的 What's there to talk about? 你手里有氪星石 荣恩 You keep - kryptonite here, J'onn. 能杀死我 也能杀死卡拉 It could kill me. It could kill Kara. 我不会用氪星石伤害你们 I would never let it be used like that. 我知道你不会 I know you wouldn't. 但是如果有一天你说了不算怎么办 But what happens when you're not in charge anymore? 如果有上级给你下命令呢 What happens if you get an order from a superior? 比如总统本人 The President herself? 只要你手里有氪星石 As long as you have kryptonite here, 我就不能参与你做的事 I can't be a part of what you do. 我哥身上有32个叠加无期徒刑 My brother's serving 32 consecutive life sentences. 就算没多少人出席 I guess I shouldn't be surprised 我也毫不惊讶 there isn't a bigger turnout. 你这样是在冒险 You're taking an awful risk, 这次更名典礼可能会让你有生命危险 going ahead with the renaming ceremony with your life in danger. 公司无法转型 我也没必要活着 I won't have a life if I can't make this company into something positive. 大家只会记得莱克斯的孽行 All it will be remembered for is Lex's madness. 谢谢各位拨冗出席 I want to thank you all for coming. 我在主广场 I'm in the main plaza. 还没看到科本 No sign of Corben. 我哥哥伤害了很多无辜的好人 My brother hurt a lot of good, innocent people. 我的家族欠了债 My family owes a debt, 不仅是欠了大都会 是欠了每个人 not just to Metropolis, but to everyone. 我希望能够还债 I intend to pay that. 我将把公司更名为L公司 By renaming my company L-Corp, 我们将开启合作发展的新篇章 we will usher in a new age of cooperation and community. 让我们共同迎来更美好的明天 Together, we will chart a brighter future. 快走 Go! 你来晚了 You're late. 堵车严重 There was really bad traffic. 我看到了科本 I've got eyes on Corben. 警官 谢天谢地 Officer, thank God. 温 Winn! 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 19 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 卡拉 科本炸掉了西南角的承重柱 Kara, Corben took out the southwest retaining column. 他瞄准了这座大楼唯一的弱点 Basically, he targeted - the building's one weak spot. 就像一举击毁死亡之星的狙击位置 Just like that perfectly placed shot to take out the Death Star. 温 别扯《星球大战》了行吗 I don't need a Star Wars reference right now, 快想计划阻止他 Winn. I need a plan. 如果把那个柱子修好 应该能撑住 If you repair the column, the building should hold. 用什么修 Repair it with what? 我来修 I'm going to fix the building. 去吧 我撑着 Go, go. I've got this. 她做到了 She did it. -放开她 -除非你放我离开 - Let her go. - You're gonna let me out of here. 莱克斯?卢瑟雇你来杀他妹妹 对吗 Lex Luthor hired you to kill his sister, didn't he? 虽然卢瑟被关在最严密的监狱里 Luthor still has resources and reach, 他也有能力和人脉来发号施令 even rotting in maximum security lockdown. 我要走了 Now I'm leaving, 你却无能为力... and there's nothing you can do... 子弹穿过了他的身体 Bullet went through-and-through. 但他需要去医院 But he needs a hospital. 干得漂亮 超女 Nice work, Supergirl. 有人帮我 I had help. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}L公司 迎来新篇章 谢谢你 肯特先生 Thank you, Mr. Kent. 昨天的袭击事件过后 This is exactly the kind of press 公司正需要这样的报道 my company needs after yesterday's attack. 谢谢你写道是我射杀了他 And thank you for including that part about me shooting the guy. 让莱克斯以后少惹我 That'll teach Lex to mess with me. 他会变成重监牢房的笑柄 He'll be the laughingstock of cell block X. 我这么写不是因为这个 Well, that's not exactly why I wrote it. 是因为这是事实 I wrote it because it's the truth. 我误会你了 卢瑟女士 I was wrong about you, Ms. Luthor. 抱歉 I'm sorry. 如果我能让克拉克?肯特相信我 Well, if I can make a believer out of Clark Kent, 那我还有希望 there's hope yet. 你呢 丹弗斯女士 What about you, Ms. Danvers? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 20 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 署名行没看到你的名字 I didn't see your name on the byline. 我也说过 我不是记者 Well, like I said, I'm not a reporter. 我可不信 You could have fooled me. 希望这不是我们最后一次聊天 I hope this isn't the last time we talk. 我也希望不是 I hope not either. 好了 Okay... 我决定了 I made my decision. 比最后期限提前了43分钟 Forty-three minutes before the deadline. 最好别让我失望 This better be good. 我想成为一名记者 I wanna be a reporter. 真不敢相信之前自己怎么没意识到 I can't believe I didn't see it before. 记者的使命是以人为本 Being a reporter is about connecting with people, 挖掘隐藏的真相并公之于众 it's about finding hidden truth and sharing it with the world. 服务社会 It's about service, 讲述公众理应知晓的事件 and telling stories that need to be told 目的是为了让世界变得更美好 in order to make the world a better, 更容易理解 more comprehensible place. 而且这会让我自己变得更加完美 And it's going to make me the best version of myself, 因为这项职业 because it will definitely 绝对逼我走出了舒适区 push me out of my comfort zone. 这工作适合我 是我的内心所向 This is it for me. This is my calling. 打开 Open it. 是我的 简历 个人简历下载免费下载简历模版总经理简历下载资料员简历下载资料员简历下载 吗 Is this my resume? {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}卡拉?丹 弗斯\N记者 你来应聘做我助理的时候 The minute you came in - to interview as my assistant, 我就有种直觉 I had an instinct about you. 所以我在你的简历上标注了"记者" So I scribbled "Reporter" on your resume, 然后就塞到了这个抽屉里 and I stuffed it right here in this drawer, 并当场录用了你 and I hired you on the spot. 那时你就知道吗 You knew even then? -怎么会呢 -直觉 - How? - Instincts. 可能在你身上我看到了自己的身影 And I guess I saw a little bit of myself in you. 当然不是从你的穿衣品味 Obviously not your strip mall wardrobe, 也许你在我这遭受的训斥 and I probably curse more in one day 比你一辈子遭受的都多 than you've cursed in your entire lifetime, 但你敢于 but you have integrity 纠正错误并确保正义能得到伸张 to right wrongs and to see justice done. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 21 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 你鼓舞了我 卡拉 You inspire me, Kara. 我能看到你内心的英雄情结 I can see the hero within you. 出去好好干 让我为你骄傲 Now get out and make me proud. 谢谢 格兰特女士 Thank you, Ms. Grant. 你在看人方面的直觉真的很准 You know, you do have a really good instinct about other people, 能让人发觉该如何过得更好 just letting them know how to live their best lives. 得了吧 我只是很高兴你能决定放手一搏 Please. I'm just glad that you decided to take the plunge. 这对我们所有人来说都是个好的建议 It's actually good advice for all of us. 你真的没事吗 You sure you're okay? 我会没事的 I will be. 泰斯马克女士 Ms. Tessmacher, 请进来一下 我... I need you to come in here, please. I... 我需要打几个电话 I need to make some calls. 知道吗 有趣的是 You know, what's funny is, 在氪星上 像我这个年纪 on Krypton, by my age, 已经是大龄单身女了 I'd be a spinster. 我知道到如今 I know it seems like I should have 我应该想明白所有的事 但我并没有 everything figured out by now, but I don't. 去年一整年 Last year was all about 我都在试图理清如何做好超女 而现在 figuring out how to be Supergirl, and now... 现在是时候该想想如何做好卡拉 Now it's time I figure out how to be Kara. 你说得对 詹姆斯 You were right, James. 我的确变了 Something has changed for me. 以前我想要的就只是能跟你在一起 You and me together, that's all I wanted. 但现在 我的内心告诉我 But now when I listen to my heart, 我... 我知道我们最好还是做朋友 I just... I know that we are best as friends. 我们永远都会是朋友 And we will always be friends. 我要去看克拉克 你要一起去吗 I was going to go see Clark. You wanna come? 不了 替我向他问好 No. Say hi for me. 好的 Okay. 欢迎来到超查部 肖特先生 Welcome to the DEO, Mr. Schott. 谢谢你 汉克 或者该称亨肖局长 Thank you, Hank, or Director Henshaw. 还是荣恩 或火星猎人 Or was it J'onn, or Martian Manhunter? -协议里这是怎么写的 -叫"长官"就行 - What's the protocol here? - "Sir" will do just fine. 遵命 汉克长官 荣恩 不... Yes, sir, Hank. J'onn, no... 恭喜你 温 Congratulations, Winn. 你终于正式加入我们的队伍了 It's good to have you officially on the team. 我想知道... Oh, I was just wondering... 也不是什么影响大局的事 And this is not a deal-breaker whatsoever, 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 22 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 不过我在凯特科有个退休金账户 but I had a pretty sweet IRA over at Catco. 能转到这里吗 Does that transfer over here? 还是... Or... 这次的事我得了头功 你不介意吗 Doesn't bother you that I got top credit on this one, 不介意吗 一丁点都不介意吗 does it? Not even a little bit? 说实话 我从没受过这么大的羞辱 Honestly, I've never been more offended. 真的 我现在要飞回家了 Really, I'm flying home right now. 不 能跟你一起共事已经让我很骄傲了 No, I'm very proud just to be working beside you. 事实上 我打算在这里待一段日子 In fact, I was thinking that I'd stick around for a little while. -真的吗 -是的 - Really? - Yeah. 之前没意识到 I didn't realize how nice it was 跟同类人相处感觉会这么好 to be around someone like me. 而且是跟亲人在一起 You know, just to be with family. 我也是 Me, too. 而且关于氪星 我所了解的 And I know everything there is to know about Krypton 都是源于堡垒里的那些档案 from the archives in the Fortress. 不过我真的很喜欢听你讲家乡的那些事 But I really like it when you tell me stories about home. 你让家乡变得真实 You make it real. 所以 我在这里的时候 So, maybe while I'm here, 也许你能再给我讲一些我父母的事 you can tell me some more about my parents. 当然了 我很乐意 Of course. I would love nothing more. 好极了 Good. 不知道你们是否感兴趣 Hey, I'm not sure if you're interested, 第六街和斯塔格路口有一起装甲车抢劫事件 but there is an armored car robbery on Sixth and Stagg. -带你装逼 -带你飞 - Up, up? - And away. 这并不是医院 科本先生 You're not in a hospital, Mr. Corben. 其实这里也不错 It's just as well. 他们能做的也只不过是看着你死去 All they could do for you there is watch you die. 不过这里有我 Whereas here with me, 你就有机会继续活下去 you have a chance at continued life. 当我按下红色按钮 I press the red button, 你的呼吸机就会停止 and your ventilator shuts down. 疼痛会终结 而你会渐渐进入 The pain will end, and you'll drift off 你所信仰的死后世界 to whatever afterlife you believe in. 但如果我按下绿色按钮 But if I press the green button, 我能保证你继续活着 I can promise you life. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 23 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 如果想活就眨一下眼睛 Blink once if you want to live. 明智的选择 欢迎来到卡德摩斯 Good choice. Welcome to Cadmus. 约翰?科本已死 John Corben dies today. 金属人万岁 Long live Metallo. When I was a child, my planet Krypton was dying. 我被派往地球保护我的堂弟 I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. 但我的分离舱被击中后偏离路线 But my pod got knocked off-course 在我到达地球之时 and by the time I got here, 我的堂弟已经长大 成为了超人 my cousin had already grown up and become Superman. 我隐藏了我的真实身份 I hid who I really was 直到最近的一起事故 until one day when an accident 迫使我向世界揭示了自己的身份 forced me to reveal myself to the world. 对于大多数人 我只是凯特科全球媒体公司To most people I'm a reporter at Catco 的记者 Worldwide Media. 但私下里 我与收养家庭的姐姐一同为超查But in secret, I work with my adoptive sister 部工作 for the DEO 为我的城市抵御外星生命 to protect my city from alien life 和有意伤害它的其他任何人 and anyone else that means to cause it harm. 我是超女 I am Supergirl. 《超女》前情提要 Previously on Supergirl... 欢迎来到超查部 肖特先生 Welcome to the DEO, Mr. Schott. 谢谢你 汉克 Thank you, Hank. 我想成为一名记者 I wanna be a reporter. 你终于决定放手一搏了 You finally decided to take the plunge. 我梦到过这个时刻 咱们俩组队 I've dreamt of this moment. Us teaming up. 我打算在这里待一段日子 So I was thinking that I stick around for a little while. 你知道她要把他带来吗 Did you know she was bringing him here? 不知道 有问题吗 No. Is that a problem? 只要你手里有氪星石 As long as you have kryptonite here, 我就不能参与你做的事 I can't be a part of what you do. 他昨晚乘氪星的分离舱着陆 He landed on Earth last night in a Kryptonian pod. 我们不知道他是什么身份 We don't know who he is. 欢迎来到卡德摩斯 Welcome to Cadmus. 金属人万岁 Long live Metallo. 但愿她会现身 I hope to God she shows up. 还带了援手 Even better. 你想出手吗 Do you want to do the honors? 我上次已经风光过了 Eh. I got to look cool last time. 我去呼云唤雨 你去灭火 I'll handle the cloud. You give 'em what they 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 24 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 need. 这事儿会过时吗 Does this ever get old? 过时我会告诉你的 If it does, I will let you know. 使命在召唤 That's our cue. 着什么急呢 What's the hurry? 我跟她是一伙的 Oh, uh... I'm with her. 我好像把你们的保险杠给刮坏了 Uh, I think I may have scratched your bumper here. 连子弹都打不透我 See, now... If the bullets don't work, right, 你还抡什么拳头 why the punching? 我一直闹不明白 I just never understood that. 我今天太开心了 I'm having a really good day. 我也是 Me, too. 等你们俩卖弄完之后 When you two are done showboating, 去河滨公园抓一个叛逃的火星蜘蛛人 there's a renegade Kigori in Riverside Park. 我们这就去 汉克 We're on it, Hank. 我们这就去 "We're on it." 脾气好臭 Grumpy. 眼睛盯好键盘 Eyes on the keys. 是 长官 Sir, yes, sir. 你答应过卡拉 她堂弟在的时候 You promised Kara that you'd be nicer 会友善一点 when her cousin was around. 我说的是我会试试看 I said I would try. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}《星球大 战》台词 要么做 要么不做 "Do or do not. 没有试试看这一说 "There is no try." 你对这份工作到底有多渴望 肖特先生 Exactly how bad did you want this job, Mr. Schott? 我敢说他很快就会走的 He'll be leaving town soon, I'm sure. 所以在他走之前 So until then... 我去军械库射击泄个愤 I'll be in the armory shooting at something. 好放松的活动哦 That sounds relaxing. 你该醒过来了 科本先生 Time to wake up, Mr. Corben. 感觉好奇怪 Feel strange. 可以想象到 I can only imagine. 我要叫保安 I'm calling security. 我们这里不需要配枪的保安吧 约翰 We don't need the men with guns down here. Do we, John? 我是怎么做到的 How did I do that? 我跟你讲讲来龙去脉 Let me give you a little context. 氪星人想要杀你 The Kryptonians tried to kill you. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 25 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我们救了你的命 对你进行改造 并让你复We salvaged you, modified you and resurrected 活 you. 你又是谁 And who are you? 只是个医生而已 Merely a doctor. 我是卡德摩斯组织的一员 I am a member of an organization called Cadmus. 而你呢 And you... 你正是我们一直在等的那个人 科本先生 You are what we've been waiting for, Mr. Corben. 我觉得他还没准备好 I don't believe he's ready. 是吗 约翰 Is that true, John? 你没准备好从一名外星人手里 Are you not ready to become the man who saved the world 拯救世界吗 from an alien menace? 你对我做了什么 What did you do to me? 我给了你一份礼物 I've given you a gift. 我给了你生命 你可以借此 I've given you life with the very thing that will 干掉你的敌人们 bring your enemies death. 我给了你重来一次的机会 I've given you a second chance. 我给了你一个奋斗目标 I've given you a cause. 咱们行动吧 Let's move. 超女 Supergirl. 我们没收到你们的消息 We haven't heard from you. 我们正准备出发去抓火星蜘蛛人 We were just leaving to catch the Kigori. 我们把那个小家伙关起来了 Oh, we just dropped that little guy in containment. 是啊 Yeah. 退下吧 伙计们 Stand down, guys. 对不起 氪星二人组只是玩得太嗨了 I'm sorry. Team Krypton was just having #toomuchfun. 我一直都喜欢做超女的感觉 可是今天 I mean, I've always loved being Supergirl. But today... 希望你下次能遵守规程 Next time it would be nice if you followed protocol 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 我们那个好斗的外星人 and alerted us that an alien combative was no longer 已不会造成威胁了 an active threat. 你堂弟不是超查部的人 但你是 Your cousin may not work for the DEO, but you still do. 抱歉 Sorry. 我们只是 我们只是玩得... We were... We were just having... 太嗨了 我们知道 #toomuchfun. Yeah, we know. 监禁区再次出现了能源消耗 Energy drain coming from the holding area. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 26 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 Again. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}氪星石 级别 昨晚就开始了 It started happening last night. 超查部的所有能源都突然向他转移 All energy resources at the DEO suddenly diverted to him. 你把他暴露在氪星石之下了吗 You're exposing him to kryptonite? 他是个幸存者 不是囚犯 He's a survivor, not a prisoner. 这是一种预防措施 It's a precaution. 我们对他毫无了解 We don't know anything about him. 电力又恢复到100%了 Ooh, power is back at 100%. 他的生命特征又恢复正常了 His vitals have jumped again. 跟电力消耗的速度一样 It's at the same rate as the power drain. 他在从细胞层面上进行自我修复吗 He's repairing himself at a cellular level? 这就像光合作用一样 It's like photosynthesis. 他的细胞在吸收电能 His cells are absorbing the electrical energy 将其转化为化学能 and converting them to chemical energy. 你们应该再测试一下他的指标 既然他... You should test his levels again. Now that he's... 我们知道该怎么做 超人 We've got this, Superman. 当然 Sure you do. 我该走了 I should go. 我知道你们俩关系不睦 I know you two aren't the best of friends. 但你保证过他在的时候 你会友善一点 But you promised you'd be nice to him while he's here. 其实他说的是他会试试看 Yeah, actually he said he would try. 对超人友善点有那么难吗 How... How is it hard to be nice to Superman? 他可是超人啊 He's Superman. 如果对你很重要的话 那我们就和好 If it means so much to you, we will get along. 谢谢 Thank you. 我们的姐妹之夜还搞吗 We still on for sister night? 《副总统》和中国菜 Veep and Chinese? 当然要了 Yeah. Of course. 你知道那也是克拉克最喜欢的剧吗 Do you know it's Clark's favorite show, too? 克拉克也要加入姐妹之夜 Is Clark is coming to sister night? 是啊 他正好在纳市 Yeah. I mean, he's in town. 而且他也是家人 And he is family. 人越多越热闹 The more the merrier. 作为记者的第一天 First day as a reporter. 这可比买新的学校用品 This is like five times more exciting 更加令人兴奋 你看 我买了这个 than buying new school supplies. Which, look, I did that. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 27 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 -我看到了 -我买了记者小本 - I see that. - I got a reporter pad. 这是为了做采访笔记的 It's for taking reporter notes. -是啊 -因为... - Yeah. - Because... 我现在是记者了 I'm a reporter now. 卡拉 卡拉 Hey, Kara. Kara. 你绝对能做好的 You're gonna do great. 我希望能 我真的不想让... I hope so. I really don't want to disappoint... 卡拉 我能占用你一点时间吗 Kara, do you think I could trouble you for a minute? 祝你好运 Good luck. 看着克拉克?肯特走开 Oh, watching Clark Kent walk away 就像是在做超觉冥想 is like transcendental meditation. 你所有的忧虑 你生命中所有的担忧 And all of your worries, all of your concerns in life, 它们都悄然而逝了 they just fall away. 真是... That's... 听你这么说我很高兴 Glad to hear it. 卡拉 我想把你的新老板介绍给你 Kara, I would like to introduce you to your new boss. 真的吗 那太好了 Really? That's wonderful. 他们随时可以来 我准备好行动了 Well, whenever they get here, I am ready for action. 我喜欢你这里的视野 凯特 I like your view, Cat. 非常广阔 Very clear. 我肯定 这是第一次也是最后一次 I'm sure, that's the first and last time 你在我的视野上称赞我了 我猜没错吧 you'll ever compliment my view on anything, I'm guessing. 史力柏?卡尔 这是卡拉?丹弗斯 Snapper Carr, meet Kara Danvers. -你好先生 -史力柏负责凯特科杂志的 - Hi, sir. - Snapper will be running the investigative team 调查小组 at CatCo Magazine. 他是我所认识的最棒的记者之一 He's one of the best journalists I've ever known. 而且他的穿衣风格跟他的身份也很搭 And he has the apparel to match. 寒酸 不怎么时髦 Shabby, not so chic. 卡尔先生 真是 见到您是我的荣幸 Mr. Carr, it's... It's an honor to meet you. 我读了您写的关于市长办公室腐败的文章 I've read your series on corruption in the mayor's office. 简直是... It was... 它赢得了普利策奖 所以... Well, it won the Pulitzer. So... 卡拉是你最新的特约记者 好好教她 Kara will be your newest stringer. Teach her well. 我等不及想要开始了 I am so excited to get started. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 28 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我会努力工作 比我之前的工作 I will work on this harder than I have ever worked on 之前做的任何事都要努力 any... Anything else ever before. 刚才没问题吧 Did that go well? 没有 Uh, yes. 他相当喜欢你 Yes, he really liked you. 赶紧走吧 Run along. 那么 克拉克喜欢红的还是白的 So, does Clark like red or white? 不 他不喝酒 No, none for him. 酒精不会影响氪星人 Alcohol doesn't effect Kryptonians 但是他还是不想酒后飞行 but he still won't drink and fly. 他就是个大书呆子 He's a big, big nerd. 时间刚好 Perfect timing. 克拉克 Hey, Clark. 艾丽克斯 Hey, Alex. 你能给我和卡拉一点独处时间吗 Um, could you give Kara and me a minute together? 当然可以 Of course. 谢谢 Thanks. 听着 Listen, um... 有些事我们得谈谈 There's something we should discuss. 没事的 It's okay. 你要回大都会了 You're going back to Metropolis. 是啊 Yeah. 是时候了 It's... It's time. 没错 Yup. 我只是 I just... 我还以为你会多呆几天 I thought you'd stay a couple days longer. 我也想 And I would love to, 但是我那边还有路易斯和《星球日报》 but I've got to back to Lois and to the Planet. 而且大都会也需要它的英雄 And Metropolis needs its hero, too. 我明白 I understand. 一位跳桥者在纳欣诺市大桥上 A jumper is on the National City Bridge 紧急救援人员已经上路 and emergency personnel are en route. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}突发新 闻 大桥关闭程序正在进行 Bridge closure is in effect. 最后一次组队 One last team-up? 先生 Sir. 先生 请不要这么做 Sir, you don't want to do this. 科本 Corben? 不 No. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 29 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 金属人 Metallo. 我当时是背部中枪 I was shot in the back. 你最起码可以看到自己的死亡降临 At least you'll see your death coming. 卡拉 Kara. 卡拉 Kara. 我没事 我没事 I'm fine. I'm fine. 就是有些晕 I'm just a little dizzy. 你告诉我只有超查部可以接触到氪石 You told me that only the DEO had access to kryptonite. 那么你如何解释 So how would you like to explain 刚才发生的一切 what just happened out there? 一个氪星石驱动的生化人差点杀了卡拉 A kryptonite-charged cyborg almost killed Kara. 差点杀了我 Almost killed me. 说话啊 荣恩 Start talking, J'onn. 一批货物四个月前失踪了 A shipment went missing four months ago. 我们尽了一切努力去找它 We've done all we can to find it. 四个月前 Four months ago? "失踪了" "Went missing"? 被偷了 Stolen. 我们认为是内部人干的 We thought it was an inside job 但是运输中的人都是清白的 but everyone in the transport came up clean. 这么说你这里有内鬼 So you have a mole. 我们不能确定 We don't know that. 如果你在我叫你处理掉的时候你就... If you'd gotten rid of it when I told you to... 那我们会在诺恩和阿斯特拉 We would have been helpless 实施大清洗时毫无抵抗力 when Non and Astra launched Myriad. 还是说你忘了那场危机 Or have you forgotten that there was a force 连钢铁之躯本人都无法解决 even the Man of Steel couldn't defeat? 超人和火星猎人要打起来了 Superman and Martian Manhunter are gonna fight. 这真是太可怕了 This is terrible. 这真是太棒了 This is awesome. 我们牺牲一切去保护地球上的人 We have given our lives protecting the people of Earth. 如果你真的在乎卡拉 If you cared about Kara at all... 注意你的言辞 Watch what you say. 不然呢 Or what? 纳欣诺市的人们 People of National City. 地球已从我们手中被偷走 The Earth has been stolen from us. 敌人以英雄的身份进行入侵 And the enemy has come in the guise of heroes. 他们说为和平而来 不让我们自我毁灭 They say they come in peace, to protect us 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 30 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 from ourselves. 但是在这些大神决定统治地球之前 But how long will it be before these gods decide to rule 他们还能为我们服务多久 instead of serve? 我们是他们毒物的解药 We are the antidote to their poison. 我等一众科学家将会让他们见识到 We are the scientists who will show them 人类的能力 what humans are capable of. 我们不会姑息站在侵略者一边的人 Those who have sided with the invaders will not be spared. 你们无法阻止我们 You cannot stop us. 我们无处不在 We are everywhere. 我们是卡德摩斯 We are Cadmus. 卡德摩斯 Cadmus. 他们将自己的存在昭告天下 Announcing themselves to the world. 公然宣战 Declaring open war. 他们想杀了我们 They want to kill us. 杀了我们所有人 All of us. 我父亲也在卡德摩斯手里 Cadmus has my father. 如果他们把约翰?科本改造成了金属人 If they turned John Corben into Metallo, 你认为他们会对他做些什么 what do you think they've done with him? -我们会找到他的 -也会阻止他们 - We'll find him. - And stop them. 怎么阻止 How? 金属人不再是血肉之躯了 Metallo isn't just flesh and blood anymore. 卡德摩斯给了他金属内骨骼 Cadmus has given him a metal endoskeleton. 在我攻击他时 手上留下了合金的痕迹 Traces of the alloy had to end up on my hands when I hit him. 我可以在孤独堡垒对其进行分析 I can analyze it at the Fortress of Solitude. 肖特特工 把诺恩和阿斯特拉的 Agent Schott, get Non and Astra's 反氪星石技术从库里调出来 anti-kryptonite technology out of storage. 看看你能否为我们的两位朋友改进一下 See if you can improve upon it for our two friends here. 我可以为超人做新战衣吗 I get to make Superman's new suit? 压力别太大 No pressure. 超人 这件事比我们间的争执重要 Superman, this thing is bigger than the both of us. 我们该一起想办法 We should work together on this. 我希望你不怕冷 I hope you like the cold. 我五分钟前就催过的稿子呢 I asked for copy five minutes ago. 编辑例会我是不是来晚了 真抱歉 Am I late to the editorial meeting? I'm sorry. 你错过编辑例会了 You missed the editorial meeting. 如果五秒钟后我手里还没有 If I don't get copy on Cadmus 关于卡德摩斯的稿子 你 in five seconds, you... 容你再活一天 You live another day. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 31 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 其他人就说不好了 No one else is safe. 卡尔先生 我很抱歉 Mr. Carr, I'm sorry. 告诉我我需要做些什么 Just tell me what I need to do 我会竭力完成 and I will get it done. 我的座位在哪 Where's my chair? 你没有座位 马尾辫 You don't get a chair, ponytail. 没关系 反正我更喜欢行动 That's fine. I... I like action better anyway. 我受得起奔波 I can pound the pavements. 你没有座位是因为你不在这工作 You don't get a chair because you don't work here. 但那不是由你决定的 But that's not your call. 是格兰特女士雇的我 Ms. Grant hired me. 我才不在乎凯特怎么说 I don't care what Cat says. 我的办公室 我的雇员我说了算 My office, my hires. 但这是我选择的工作 But this is the job I chose. 你选的是吗 Oh, you chose it? 但不是你挣来的 But you didn't earn it. 记者不是说当就当的 You don't just become a reporter. 这可不是更新个脸书状态 This isn't a Facebook status update. 想当记者你得读过新闻学院 You're a reporter because you went to journalism school 或者跑过新闻 or because you walked the beat. 无论如何 记者为报道而生 Either way, journos live to tell stories, 为亲手挖掘真相不怕蹚浑水 to get to the truth, to get their hands dirty. 我承认我还有很多需要学的 I'll admit I have a lot to learn. 但如果你给我一项任务 But if... If you just gave me an assignment... 没有任务 没有工作 No assignment, no job. 现在揣着你自以为是的态度滚出我办公室 Now get your entitled ass out of my office 不然我就拿出我上次离婚时的脾气 before I channel my last divorce 在精神上把你打垮 and break you emotionally. 如果 Well, if... 你 You... 我本来还心存一丝你没准能说会写的想法 Thanks for killing the lingering notion 谢谢你灭了这个念头 that you might speak or write well. 格兰特女士 能和您谈一分钟吗 Ms. Grant, do you have a minute? 能和我谈一分钟吗 Do I have a minute? 我看起来像是能挤出一分钟的人吗 卡拉 Do I look like I can spare a minute, Kara? -你第一天认识我吗 -抱歉 - Have you met me? - Sorry. 给你三十秒 有话快说 Thirty seconds. Spew it out. 史力柏?卡尔拒绝雇用我 Snapper Carr, he's refusing to acknowledge my hiring. 这样啊 你想让我怎么做 Oh, I see. And what would you like me to do about it? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 32 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 叫他听你的 Tell him to listen to you. 真不好意思 I'm sorry. 我是幻听了吗 Am I hearing things? 你是想让我命令你的新上司对你友好 You want me to instruct your new boss to be nice to you 因为你不懂得维护自己吗 because you don't know how to stand up for yourself? 是的 Um... Yes. 不 No. 不 不 不 No, no and no. 我不会找你的新上司谈话的 I will not go talk to your new boss. 我不会帮你解决问题的 卡拉 I will not fix things for you, Kara. 你是一个成年女性 You are a grown woman. 你聪明 有天赋又惊人 You are smart and talented and astonishing. 这些话我到底还要对你说多少遍 And how many more times am I gonna have to tell you this, 你才能接受自己 for you to accept who you are? 你得成熟起来独当一面 卡拉 I just need you to pull up your big-girl pants, Kara, 掌控自己的才能 and own your power. 因为过不了多久我就不在这了 Because I'm not gonna be around for very much longer. 您这话是什么意思 What does that mean? 我的天 Oh, my God. 我的天啊 格兰特女士 您要死了吗 Oh, my God. Ms. Grant, are you dying? 不是 No. -不是的 -天哪 - No. - Oh, God. 不 卡拉 我不是要死了 No, Kara. I'm not dying. 我是要走了 I'm leaving. 好吧 Okay. 秘密藏不住了 The cat is out of the bag. 我要离开凯特科一段时间 I am taking a leave of absence from CatCo. 什么 What? 我在这能做的事已经都做了 I've just done all there is that I can do here. 我就像水族箱里的鲨鱼 I'm like a shark in a tank, 不停绕圈游着 虽说在游动 and I'm swimming around in circles and I'm moving, 却总是在原地兜圈子 but I'm not getting anywhere. 的确 我打造了一座媒体帝国 And yes, yes. I've created a media empire and... 我也自认为为世人 I'd like to think that I spread some light in humanity 送去了一丝光明 out there in the world. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 33 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我还首发报道了超女 但 And I launched Supergirl for God sake. But... 我已经在这同一潭死水里游了太久了 I've just been swimming in the same pool for too long. 外面还有全新的海域等着我去征服 There are new seas out there that I have to go conquer. 我得俯身直入 I need to dive. 一切都变化得太快了 Everything is changing so fast. 我不擅长接受改变 I do not do well with change. 天啊 格兰特女士 我 Gosh, Ms. Grant. I... 我真的无法想象没有你的日子 I really can't imagine being here without you. 卡拉 Kara. 卡拉啊 Oh, Kara. 你会应对自如的 You will rise to the occasion. 好了 Now, 我要你回到那间办公室去 I want you to go in there and show that 让那个混蛋史力柏看看你的本色 son of a bitch Snapper what you are made of. 快去 Chop chop. 真是彻头彻尾的失败 This was a total failure. 他根本不该去的 He should have never been out there at all. 你这么认为吗 You think so? 我倒是很满意 I'm very pleased, myself. 他成功伤到了超人 He managed to wound Superman. 你知道那有多难吗 Do you have any idea how difficult that is? 但那对氪星人还活着 But the Kryptonians are still alive. 他们反击只是时间问题 It's only a matter of time before they strike back. 这我同意 On that we agree. 再给我一次机会 我能把他们都拿下 Give me another chance and I'll take them both out. 你会有机会的 约翰 You'll get your chance, John. 我保证 I promise. 我们要进入第二阶段了 We're moving to Phase Two. 第二阶段 Phase Two? 我们连候选人都没有 We don't even have a suitable candidate. 其实 我有一个合适人选 Actually, I've got the perfect man for the job. 谁 Who? 要干什么 等等 What is this? Wait. 你们要做什么 What are you doing? 要不要出一份力拯救世界 Ready to do your part to save the world? 不行 等等 住手 No! Wait, stop. Please! 放开我 不要 Let me go! No! 他们根本不会知道是谁下的手 They won't even know what hit them. 你的父母吗 Your parents? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 34 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 对 Yes. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}他们从 未离开 {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}哪怕已 经逝世 你会说氪星语 You speak Kryptonian. 我们都是没有家的人 卡 We're both men without a home, Kal. 如果不互相传承历史 还有谁能帮忙 If we don't preserve each other's history, who will? 做人不能两边倒 荣恩 You can't have it both ways, J'onn. 不能一边示好 You can't offer friendship with one hand 一边拿着氪星石 and kryptonite with the other. -我必须这样 -为什么 - I have to. - Why? 因为火星是一座墓穴 Because Mars is a crypt. 因为愤怒的神焚烧了我们的年轻人 Because angry gods burned our young 而我们无法阻止 and we were helpless to stop them. 因为我不会再打没有准备的仗 Because I will not be caught unprepared again. 你可以恨我 Hate me if you want. 事实如此 It is what it is. 我不恨你 荣恩 I don't hate you, J'onn. 我只是不信任你 I just don't trust you. 因为你也不信任我 Because you don't trust me. 我们本可以是盟友 We should have been allies. 真的有必要因为氪星石而单打独斗吗 Is kryptonite really worth us being alone in this fight? 凯里克斯 Kelex. 主人 请问有什么需要 Master Kal. How may I assist you? 扫描未知分子 Scan for unknown molecules. 出现了放射层 Film of radiation 一般是由于接触了钜 commonly associated with contact to promethium, 钜是目前已知的最强金属 the strongest metal known to man. 钜 Promethium? 这就有趣了 Now that's interesting. 有汉克的消息吗 Any word from Hank? 没有 No. -克拉克有消息吗 -没有 - Any word from Clark? - Nope. 他们应该很快就有办法找到金属人了 I'm sure they'll figure out a way to find Metallo soon. 只是希望他们在想到办法之前 I just hope they don't hurt each other 别先伤到彼此 while they're figuring it out. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 35 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我昨天被新老板解雇了 I got un-hired by my new boss yesterday. 原来我不适合当记者 Turns out I'm not a reporter. 卡拉 Kara. 凯特要走了 And Cat's leaving. 克拉克也要走了 Clark's leaving, too. 一切都要变了 Everything is changing. 我去拿点冰淇淋 I'll get us some ice cream. 明天就会好的 Things will be better tomorrow. 我一直在想 I've been thinking though. 如果我搬去大都会跟克拉克一起住呢 What if I moved to Metropolis to be with Clark. 大都会 Metropolis? 对 你想 如果没有我引来卡德摩斯的注意 Yeah. I mean, think about it. National City would be safer 纳欣诺市就会更安全 without me around creating a target for Cadmus. 我不会因为氪星石总觉得不舒服 Hank wouldn't have to worry about me feeling uncomfortable 汉克也不必担心了 with kryptonite around. 而且你 也可以不用担心我 And you, you'd be able to do your job at the DEO 专心在超查部工作 without worrying about me. 艾丽克斯 如果我在大都会 Alex, if I was in Metropolis, 我跟克拉克可以互相照顾 一起守护那里 Clark and I could protect the city and keep each other safe. 我还有太多东西要跟他学习 And there's still so much I want to learn from him. 你怎么看 What do you think? 自从克拉克来了这里 I think I've kept my mouth shut 你就总是无视我 the entire time Clark has been here while you 我一直没说什么 have ignored me. 可现在 你居然想直接一走了之 And... And now you want to just move away? 我以为这样对你也好 I thought it would be good for you. 你就不用总是照顾我了 You wouldn't have to take care of me anymore. 我们难道不是互相照顾吗 What about us taking care of each other? 我整个童年都在忙着隐瞒你的身份 My whole childhood was spent making sure that nobody found out. 我放弃了当医生的理想 为了你加入超查部 I gave up a medical career to join the DEO for you. 我整个人生 And my... My whole life 都是为了保护你 has been about protecting you. 你不是说这是很好的冒险吗 I thought you said it was a great adventure. 确实 Yes. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 36 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 但是代价也不小 But it's cost me a lot. 我失去了父亲 It cost me my father. -艾丽克斯 我们会找到他的 -是吗 - Alex, we're going to find him. - Yeah? 你去了大都会 还怎么找 Well, how are we going to do that with you in Metropolis? 不要这样 Don't do that. 这不是因为我更在乎哪个家庭 This is not about one family over the other. 而是我觉得自己不再孤单 This is about me not feeling alone anymore. 跟克拉克在一起 When I'm with Clark, I feel like 让我觉得终于有人真正懂我 I'm connected to somebody who actually understands 与我心意相通 what it's like to be me. 那他知不知道是他把你丢给了我们 So does he understand that he abandoned you with us? 你懂吗 Do you? 是克拉克 It's Clark. 城堡如何了 How's the Fortress? 我们查清了卡德摩斯 We ID'ed the material Cadmus used 制作金属人骨架所用的材料 to create Metallo's endoskeleton. 肖特特工 我需要知道方圆一百英里内 Agent Schott, I need to know if there's any promethium 是否有任何钜元素 within a hundred-mile radius. 好吧 钜元素 小火球 Okay. Promethium, you hot little number. 放个热信号给我看 Show me a heat signature. 有了 原子序列61 乖乖现身了 Bingo. Atomic number 61, come on down. 地点在工业区 That's in the industrial district. 卡德摩斯总部肯定不在这里 That can't be Cadmus' headquarters. -所以金属人现在是一个人 -什么时候出发 - So, at the moment Metallo's on his own. - When? 战衣几乎已经做好了 Those suits are very nearly totally ready. 我的意思是还差得远呢 And by that I mean they're in no way ready. 卡拉 我们只能冒险一试了 Kara, we're gonna have to go without them. 下次可能没这种机会了 到地方见 We might not get this chance again. Meet me there. 我马上过去 I'm on my way. 结束了 金属人 It's over, Metallo. 我很愿意为了梦想献身 I am happy to give myself up for my cause. 但一切还没结束 But it's not over. 绝对没有 Not by any means. 你一动 就会被我们烧成灰烬 You make a move, we'll incinerate you. 那就动手吧 Go ahead. 但你们也会被困在这里 But you'll still be here with me. 而如果你们被困在这里 And if you're here with me, 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 37 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 就不能去大都会对付他 then you're not in Metropolis with him. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}大都会 这是陷阱 我们得去大都会 It's a setup. We have to get to Metropolis. 你最好跟他一起 You better follow him, 不然我会把你活活烧死 or I'll burn you alive. 我们会回来的 We'll be back. 相信我 Trust me. 我本该来这儿的 I should have been here. 我本该想到的 I should've known. 螺丝刀 Uh, screwdriver. 小心 Ow! Watch it. 我知道你以为我只是个小白脸 I know you think that I'm just a pretty face here, 但这双巧手才是真本事 懂吗 but these hands are the real money-makers here, okay? 抱歉 我心不在焉 Sorry. I was thinking about something else. 在我完成保护氪星人的盔甲前 Yeah, well, until I finish with the Kryptonian-saving body armor, 能不能下手轻点 just think with less stabbing. 又这样了 我们竭尽所能 Here we are, once again doing everything we can 帮助卡拉 护她周全 to help Kara, to keep her safe. 你知道我上次约会是什么时候吗 Do you know the last time I went on a date? 两年前 Two years ago. 你都比我约得勤 You date more often than I do. 毒舌 Rude. 你待过寄养家庭吗 You ever spent time inside a foster home? -没 -好吧 我待过 在我爸进监狱后 - No. - Yeah. Well, I have, after my father went to prison. 我想说他们只会告诉你 And I gotta say it is nothing but being told 有人照顾你 你就该很感激了 how grateful you should be that someone is taking care of you. 伙计 那不是家人 Dude, that's not family. 家人不是斤斤计较 比谁付出得多 Family is not about score-keeping or who did more. 而是互相力挺 It's just about showing up. 别那么大的怨念 好吗 So just chill with the attitude, okay? 我现在忙着准备这玩意 Because I'm having a hard enough time getting this ready 空气里还都是氪星石渣 with all the trace kryptonite in the air. 你刚说什么 What did you just say? 这里就像是亚原子衣帽间 It's like a subatomic locker room in here. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 38 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 氪星石会留下残渣吗 Kryptonite leaves a residue? 没错 和其他放射性物质一样 Yeah, just like any other radioactive substance. 所以如果我们想查明超查部的哪位特工偷了So if we wanted to find out which DEO agent 氪星石 stole kryptonite, 帮助卡德摩斯的人 helping Cadmus, 甚至帮助针对我爸的实验 maybe even help experiment on my dad... 那就用土办法 带上盖革计数器[测放射性] Hey, why don't we get silly, and take a Geiger counter 去真正的衣帽间 to the actual locker room? 我要找什么 What am I looking for? 听声音 You're listening. 它会响 It should beep. 麦吉尔 McGill? 你今早交了报告吗 Did you file your report this morning? 他在氪星石运输队吗 Was he on the kryptonite transport team? 不 No. 他没有理由接近氪星石 There's no reason he should have gone near it. 他是内鬼 He's the mole. 你准备怎么办 What are you gonna do? 麦吉尔特工 我有个任务交给你 Agent McGill. I have an assignment for you. 是 长官 Yes, ma'am. 总统要求我们转移大量氪星石 The President asked that we move a portion of our kryptonite 去内华达的大本营 to our stronghold in Nevada. 准备好运输工作 Get a transport readied. 是 长官 Yes, ma'am. 温 见到艾丽克斯了吗 Winn, have you seen Alex? 艾丽克斯 艾丽克斯?丹弗斯 "Alex..." Oh, Alex Danvers. -怎么了 -没错 - Why? - Uh, yeah. 我得跟她谈谈 I need to talk to her. 我最近对她不太好 I haven't been very fair to her lately. 好吧 她不在这儿 Well, she is not here. 她人呢 Where is she? 温 Winn? 艾丽克斯呢 Where is Alex? {\an8\fn方正黑体 _GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&} 一级放射性 别动 Freeze. 事情不是这样的 丹弗斯 It's not what it looks like, Danvers. 闭嘴转身 Shut up and turn around. 现在是这样 Here's what's going to happen. 我要抓住你 I'm bringing you in. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 39 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 你要告诉我你知道关于卡德摩斯的一切 And you're gonna tell me everything you know about Cadmus. 不 我不会的 No, I'm not. 超查部的丹弗斯特工 Agent Danvers of the DEO. 很高兴见到你 Nice to meet you. 我会向你父亲转达你的问候 I'll tell your father you say hello. 我父亲在哪儿 Where's my father? 你知道我不会说的 You know I won't say. 如果你要杀了我 告诉我又何妨 Well, you might as well tell me, if you're gonna kill me. 你最好记住他和你死得一样光荣 I suggest you die remembering him as he was. 最好是那样 It's better that way. 除非你想和他一起 Unless you'd care to join him. 卡德摩斯欢迎明智并且愿意帮助我们事业的Cadmus welcomes any bright minds willing to 人 help our cause. 我父亲绝不会与你们合作 My father would never collaborate with you. 你知道我在你身上看到了什么吗 Do you know what I see when I look at you? 一位受虐儿童 An abused child. 一个被洗脑的女孩 A brainwashed little girl the DEO 超查部扭曲事实 让你相信恶魔是天使 has warped into believing that demons are angels. 让你为他们奉献生命 That your life should be sacrificed to them, 那些外星人 our invaders. 我只想问 艾丽克斯 你仔细想想 All I'm asking, Alex, is for you to think about 如果外星人没有入侵 你的生活会是怎样 what your life would be if aliens had never come. 如果他们不存在 又会是怎样 What it could be, if they were no more. 我只想让你想明白 That's what I'm trying to do for the world. 你可以帮助我 And you could help me. 我杀过氪星人 I've killed a Kryptonian before. 我用氪星石制成的剑 I stabbed Astra of the House of El 捅死了艾尔家族的阿斯特拉 with a sword made of kryptonite. 我做过你想做 但却做不到的事 I've done what you want to do. What you can't do. 你很厉害 I'm impressed. 那就好 Good. 因为我想让你知道我的能耐 Because I want you to know what I'm capable of 我告诉你 当我找到我父亲 when I tell you that when I find my father, 我不会放过你 I'm coming for you. 那就到此为止了 Well, I suppose that settles that, then. 不许动 Don't move. 你没事吧 You okay? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 40 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 没事 谢谢你 Yeah. Thanks to you. 抱歉 我为这一切抱歉 我... I'm sorry. I'm... I'm so sorry for everything. I... 我很抱歉让你觉得 I'm sorry if I ever have made you feel like 自己不如克拉克 you were less to me than Clark. 你是让我把地球当家的唯一原因 You are the only reason I've ever felt at home on this planet. 我们在一起时 我好多了 I'm just better when we're together. 我也是 Me, too. 他们以为我们有分歧 但其实没有 They think we're divided, but we're not. "他们"指谁 "They" who? 我知道怎么对付金属人了 I know what to do about Metallo. 两个金属人 Both Metallos. 但我需要你 But I need you. 我会支持你 I'm here. 永远 Always. 好吧 这东西有点粗糙 Okay. So, this is a bit of a rush job, 但应该能保命 but they should keep you alive. 你觉得怎么样 What do you think? -真棒 肖特先生 你应该... -不是说你 - Nice job, Mr. Schott. You should be... - Not you. 很喜欢 I love it. 你在哭吗 Are you crying? 没有 No. 有什么计划 So, what's the plan? 卡德摩斯认为我们高高在上 Well, Cadmus thinks that we are above the rest of the world, 认为我们会独自撤回各自的城市 that we'll retreat alone to our own cities, 等他们来找我们 just wait for them to come and get us. 但他们绝对想不到我们有后援 What they won't be expecting is for us to have backup. 就照你说的做 We're listening. 氪星人已经分道扬镳了 The Kryptonians have parted ways. 他们在假装高尚 They're pretending at honor, 屹立在各自的城市里 standing in each of their cities. 这就是他们的弱点 This is their weakness. 神的自我主义 The ego of gods. 他们分道之时 便是我们进攻之刻 Now's the time to strike, when they're alone. 现在没人会与他们联手 No one will stand with them now. 他们分开就会失败 Divided, they'll fall. 我说过我会回来的 I told you I'd be back. 我也说过我会活活烧死你 And I told you I'd burn you alive. 现在是时候赏你一拳了 Now it's time to punch your face. 我喜欢这样 谢谢你 温 I'm liking this. Thank you, Winn. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 41 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 人多力量大 Strength in numbers. 这下是真的结束了 And now it's really over. 你以为你能逐个击破吗 You thought you could divide and conquer? 也许你们喜欢单独行动 但我们不是 You might work better alone, but we don't. 我们会给你点时间休息 Now, we're gonna give you a little time-out 你好好想想自己做过些什么 and you're gonna think about what you did. 艾丽克斯 就是现在 Alex, now! 你看得到我吗 Can you see me? 能听到我说话吗 Can you hear me? 事情还没结束 This is not over. 我会找到你的 I will find you. 那就开始吧 Then it begins. 你会想念这里吗 Will you miss it? 谁告诉你我要走的 Who told you I was leaving? -小鸟 -小飞机 - A little bird. - Little plane? 没错 我会 Yes. Yes, I will... 每天我都会想念凯特科 I will miss CatCo every day. 我很钦佩你 格兰特女士 Well, I admire you, Ms. Grant. 离开熟悉的生活环境让人感到害怕 It's scary leaving the life you've known. 我即将纵身跃入未知世界 而我 I'm about to take a leap into the unknown and... and I'm... 我非常兴奋 I'm thrilled. 你知不知道不清楚明天会做些什么 Do you have any idea how exciting it is not to know 是多么令人兴奋 what I'm going to do tomorrow? 简直激动人心 It's exhilarating. 但愿有时我也能这样 I wish I could do that, sometimes. 开始做新的事情 Start something new. 改头换面 Be someone new. 是啊 Hmm, well... 人生漫漫 Life is long. 在结束之前 你会成为很多不同的人 And you will be many different people before the end. 我知道 And knowing you, 每一个你都会非同寻常 every single one of them will be extraordinary. 但却不如我非凡 But not as extraordinary as me. 是的 当然了 No, well... of course not. 这是绝对的 凯特 That's very true, Cat. 我有没有和你说过我叫凯瑟琳 Have I ever told you that my name is Catherine? 我不会告诉你我的真名 I'm not telling you my real name. 必须试试 I had to try. -我知道 -记者的天性 - I know. - It's the reporter in me. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 42 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 保重 超女 Be safe, Supergirl. 你也是 You, too. 一定要回来 And come back. 我知道我们都需要做些改变 I know we all need change, 但是也需要朋友 but we need friends, too. 我会回来的 Oh, I'll be back. 我会的 I will. 怎么了 What's going on? 崭新的开始 New beginnings. 你要去哪 Where are you going? 你要走是因为我吗 And are you going because of me? 走不远 和你无关 我是为了自己 Not far and no, I'm doing this for me. 我是全新的凯特 I'm the new Cat. 不是那个全新的凯特 Well, not the new Cat. 她走的时候把工作交给我了 She gave me her job while she's away. 巨大的一步 对吧 It's a big step up, right? 如果你想的话 我可以帮你去和史力柏说说 And... and I can talk to Snapper for you, if you want. 谢了 I appreciate that. 但这件事我得自己去碰碰运气 But I'm gonna have to make my own luck on that one. 恭喜你 Congrats, 老板 boss. 我喜欢这称呼 I like the sound of it. 别太得意 Don't get used to it. 两个金属人袭击大都会和纳欣诺市的 Five-hundred words on the dual Metallo attacks 五百字报道 包括目击者叙述 in Metropolis and National City with eyewitness accounts, 警方消息评论 全无修饰词 comments from police sources and zero adjectives, 并且已彻底地审查及核实过 all thoroughly vetted and verified. -你不在这工作 -我是 - You don't work here. - Yes, I do. 我不同意就不是 Not if I don't say so. 你会同意的 看看就知道了 You will. Read it and you'll see. 我的时间你浪费够了吗 You done wasting my time? 不要这篇报道吗 那好 You don't want it? Fine. 多得是其他部门想要 Plenty of other outlets will. 等等 Wait. 我不喜欢你 永远都不会喜欢 马尾辫 I don't like you, and I never will, ponytail. 我不需要你喜欢我 蠢蛋 I don't need you to like me, jerk guy. 你骂人和写报道一样烂 You're as bad at insults as you are at reporting. 明天回来 Come back tomorrow. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 43 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 也许我可以教你点东西 Maybe I can teach you something. -我能有办公桌吗 -不能 - Do I get a chair? - No. 这就是地球上所有的氪星石 Here it is. All the kryptonite on Earth, 都用铅包裹好了 encased in lead. 我相信你会正确的事 超人 I trust you'll do the right thing, Superman. 谢谢 Thank you. 我会想念你的 温 I'm going to miss you, Winn. 下次 我们一起出去玩玩吧 Next time, let's... Let's... Let's really hang out. 好 Yeah. 艾丽克斯 Alex. 我保证我会尽全力去找耶利米 I will do everything I can to find Jeremiah, I promise. 谢谢你 Thank you. 未续 Khao-shuh. 是什么意思 What... What's that mean? 在你们的语言里 这不算是个词 There's not really a word for it in your language. 我想最接近的解释应该是 I guess the closest thing would be... 未完待续 "To be continued"? 我爱你 卡拉 I love you, Kara. 我也爱你 卡 I love you too, Kal. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}克拉克: 我已经开始想你了 {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}卡拉: 我也想你 {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}怀特先 生来电 是的 怀特先生 是的 我回来了 Yes. Yes, Mr. White. Yes, I'm back. 不 先生 我不会再走这么久了 No, sir, I won't ever be gone that long again. 当然不是 怀特先生 我 Oh, gosh no, Mr. White. I... 我绝对不会暗示你会想念我 I would never imply that you would miss me. 我马上就把文章交给你 I'll have that article for you in a jiffy. 马上只是个度量单位 先生 A jiffy is a unit of measurement, sir. 我知道在这个星球上做为局外人的滋味 I know what it's like to be a stranger on this planet. 所以等你醒来 我一定陪在你身边 So when you wake up, I'll be here for you. 这样你就不会感到孤独了 So, you never know what it's like to be alone. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 44 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 第3集 E03在我小时候 我的星球氪星濒临毁灭 When I was a child, my planet Krypton was dying. 我被派往地球保护我的堂弟 I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. 但我的分离舱被击中后偏离路线 But my pod got knocked off-course 在我到达地球之时 and by the time I got here, 我的堂弟已经长大 成为了超人 my cousin had already grown up and become Superman. 我隐藏了我的真实身份 I hid who I really was 直到最近的一起事故 until one day when an accident 迫使我向世界揭示了自己的身份 forced me to reveal myself to the world. 对于大多数人 我只是凯特科全球媒体公司To most people I'm a reporter at Catco 的记者 Worldwide Media. 但私下里 我与收养家庭的姐姐一同为超查But in secret, I work with my adoptive sister 部工作 for the DEO 为我的城市抵御外星生命 to protect my city from alien life 和有意伤害它的其他任何人 and anyone else that means to cause it harm. 我是超女 I am Supergirl. 《超女》前情提要 Previously on Supergirl... 当超人逮捕莱克斯 When Superman put Lex in jail, 我发誓要夺回家族企业 I vowed to take back my family's company. 让它成为正能量 Make it a force for good. 我要离开凯特科一段时间 I am taking a leave of absence from Catco. 我是全新的凯特 I am the new Cat. 史力柏?卡尔 这是卡拉?丹弗斯 Snapper Carr, meet Kara Danvers. 史力柏负责凯特科杂志的调查小组 Snapper will be running the investigative team at Catco Magazine. 他昨晚乘氪星的分离舱着陆 He landed on Earth last night in a Kryptonian pod. 我们不知道他是什么身份 We don't know who he is. 所以等你醒来 我一定陪在你身边 So when you wake up, I'll be here for you. 站住 Hold it right there! 不许动 Don't move! 不许动 Freeze! {\fs35\fad(200,140)\an8\bord0\shad0\fn方正兰 亭特黑 _GBK\move(190.934,150.447,190.934,152.447 ,200,1530)\c&HD5AB51&}超女 第二季 第二集 {\clip(0,159,381,284)\t(200,1530,\clip(0,160.5, 381,284))\fs35\fad(200,140)\an8\bord0\shad0\f 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 45 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 n方正兰亭特黑 _GBK\move(190.934,150.447,190.934,152.447 ,200,1530)\c&H935B1A&}超女 第二季 第三集 {\clip(0,163,381,284)\t(200,1530,\clip(0,164.5, 381,284))\fs35\fad(200,140)\an8\bord0\shad0\fn方正兰亭特黑 _GBK\move(190.934,150.447,190.934,152.447 ,200,1530)\c&H6E3906&}超女 第二季 第三集 {\clip(0,169.6,381,284)\t(200,1530,\clip(0,171, 381,284))\fs35\fad(200,140)\an8\bord0\shad0\fn方正兰亭特黑_GBK\move(190.934,150.447,190.934,152.447 ,200,1530)\c&H80470E&}超女 第二季 第三集 {\an7\pos(20,20)\fad(500,500)\fn方正黑体 _GBK\fs16\bord0\shad0\c&HC8960A&}翻译 {\fn方正华隶_GBK\fs22\c&HFFFFFF&}饿得慌 DustD {\an7\pos(20,20)\fad(500,500)\fn方正黑体 _GBK\fs16\bord0\shad0\c&HC8960A&}翻译 {\fn方正华隶_GBK\fs22\c&HFFFFFF&}洗七里 肉松 {\an7\pos(20,20)\fad(500,500)\fn方正黑体 _GBK\fs16\bord0\shad0\c&HC8960A&}翻译 {\fn方正华隶 _GBK\fs22\c&HFFFFFF&}Silence {\an7\pos(20,20)\fad(500,500)\fn方正黑体 _GBK\fs16\bord0\shad0\c&HC8960A&}时间轴 {\fn方正华隶 _GBK\fs22\c&HFFFFFF&}{\c&H9B30FF&}风吹来的那片云 {\an7\pos(20,20)\fad(500,500)\fn方正黑体 _GBK\fs16\bord0\shad0\c&HC8960A&}校对&后期&总监 {\fs20\fn方正华隶_GBK\c&HFFFFFF&}你是不是饿得慌 {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}超常活动调查部 我刚把氪星石都处理掉 I sure picked the wrong time 就闹出这种事 to get rid of all my Kryptonite. 你没事吧 You all right? 没事 只是有点发抖 他在哪 Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just a little shaken. Where 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 46 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 is he? 他跑到市里去了 He disappeared into the city. 这正是我不希望发生的 Which is just what I don't need. 总统马上就要访问本部了 A rogue Kryptonian on the loose 结果这时候却跑了个氪星人 just as the President is due for a visit. 等等 总统要来了吗 Wait, the President is coming here? 对 她希望在访问纳市期间参观超查部 Yeah, she wants to tour the DEO while she's in National City 签署《外星人赦免法》 to sign the Alien Amnesty Act. 太棒了 这条行政命令允许地球上的外星人 It's amazing, an executive order allowing aliens on Earth 走出黑暗地带 充分享受公民权利 to come out of the shadows and live as full citizens. 她这是在创造历史 She's making history. 我可不这么觉得 我认为她这么做是个错误 Not in my book, I think she's making a big mistake. 你怎么能说出这种话呢 Now, how can you of all people say that? 因为惨痛的经验告诉我 Because it's been my hard experience that 人类和外星人合不来 humans and aliens don't mix. -那咱们俩呢 -咱们俩怎么了 - What about you and me? - What about us? 咱们可以变成人类的样子融入社会 We can look like them, we blend in, 但有很多外星人做不到 a lot of aliens can't. 而这个世界上的人们 And people in this world don't have 对与自己不同的人群 容忍度很低 much tolerance for others who look different. 我说这句话 既代表外星人 I say that as an alien and as someone 也代表我这身穿了十五年的黑人皮囊 who's worn the face of a black man for 15 years. 荣恩说得对 J'onn's right. 正义外星人的数量 我一只手就能数过来 I can count the number of good aliens I know on one hand, 只有三个 with two fingers to spare. 我很高兴总统跟你们俩的看法不同 Well, I'm just glad the President doesn't see things the way you two do. -那你见到她的时候记得把这句话告诉她 -- Well, you be sure to tell her that when you 什么 meet her. - What? 她希望纳欣诺市最受瞩目的外星人 She expects National City's highest-profile alien 去接机 to greet her on the tarmac. 我要跟总统见面 I'm meeting the President? 除非你太紧张了没法见她 Unless you're too nervous to do so. 紧张 怎么会 Nervous? No. 我 Me? 我不... 我叫不紧张 I'm not... No, I'm not nervous. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 47 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我怎么会紧张 对对对 我紧张死了 No, it's... Nervous? Yeah, yes, yeah, I'm really nervous. 我很紧张 那可是总统啊 I'm nervous! It's the President. 你将代表整个超查部 You'll be representing this entire organization. 我希望你能表现得专业一些 I expect you'll be professional. 是 Yes. 其实 跟你见面应该是她的荣幸才对 And for the record, she's the one who's lucky to meet you. 谢谢 我该做个发型吗 Thanks. Should I get a blow out? 天呐 Oh, dear God. 怎么了 What? 欢迎各位 Welcome, guys, 参加本次即将载入史册的编辑会议 to an editorial meeting for the history books. 我相信将来有一天 我们可以告诉下一代 I truly believe, one day we'll stand in front of our kids and tell them 我们见证了总统力挺所有个体权利的时刻 where we were when the President stood up for all individuals' rights. 无论他们来自哪个星球 Regardless of birth planet. 所以我们需要一条通栏标题 有什么想法吗 So, we need a banner headline. Thoughts? 咱们现在要想标题吗 We're going to stand here and pitch headlines? 那是这里的工作风格 史力柏 Well, that's kind of how it goes around here, Snapper. 不应该先想标题 奥尔森 You don't come up with a headline first, Olsen. 应该先出去找新闻题材 You go on the street first, find the news peg. 然后再想标题 The headline comes second. 凯特?格兰特 Well, Cat Grant... 泡芙公主是这么干的 Puff princess did it this way. 本末倒置 你已经说过了 Put the cart before the horse. You said that already. 你是想效仿你的前老板呢 Are you gonna be a pale carbon copy of your former boss 还是做个有影响力的新闻人 or are you gonna be a hard news man? 闯出自己的名声 Make your own mark. 好吧 Okay, um... 那咱们就先不管标题的事了 Let's take a pause on the headline then. 我们的首要任务是拿到总统的独家新闻 Our first priority is to get an exclusive with the President. 今天的其他新闻都不重要 Everything else today is icing. 我反而觉得其他新闻必不可少 I say everything else is bread and butter. 斯科普 打给美国劳工联合会 Scope, call the AFL 让他们就法案做出回应 for a response to the bill. 工会害怕合法外星人 Do the unions fear legal aliens 会涌入劳工市场 使工资降低吗 are gonna flood the labor market, lower wages? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 48 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 美国工人如何看待与外星人竞争岗位的问题 How does the American worker feel about competing for jobs with aliens? -好吧 明早 -艾迪森 采访国家疾控中心 - Fine, great. So next meeting... - Addison, on the CDC. 这些外星人会从其他星球 What bacteria and diseases 带来哪些细菌和疾病 are these aliens bringing from other planets? 有哪些医疗 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 已经到位 What medical protocols are in place? 莫里斯 你去做人类利益的报道 Morris, you do the human-interest piece. 星球间的婚姻 "Inter-planetary marriage." 采访牧师 拉比 摩门教徒和一神普救派 Get quotes from priests, rabbis, Mormons, Unitarians. -至于总统采访 -丹弗斯去做 - As for the POTUS interview... - Danvers is on that. 丹弗斯是新人 我们需要能一针见血的记者 Danvers is a rookie. We need someone hard-hitting. 相信我 她能一针见血 Believe me, she's hard-hitting. 相信我 我出拳的力道绝对不止见血 Trust me, I can pack a punch like you would not believe. 而且我等会还有可能会碰到总统 Plus I may or may not be running into the President later. 帕克 你去采访总统 Parker, you get POTUS. 丹弗斯 你采访莉娜?卢瑟 Danvers, you get Lena Luthor. 她哥哥因他反对外星人的论调而声名狼藉 Her brother is infamous for his anti-alien sentiments. 中午前交稿 The desk needs all your copy by noon, 你要是不想丢饭碗 就写得漂亮点 and if you want to keep your credentials, it better be clean. 抱歉 我得走了 Ah, sorry. I got to go. 超女要接见总统 Supergirl is meeting the President. 小事一桩 No biggie. -能见总统简直太棒了 -你认识她吗 - It's pretty awesome, right? - Do you know her? {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}我们爱 你 总统女士 还不认识 但是 No, no, not yet, but... 我敢说我们会相处得很好 对吧 I'm pretty sure we'll be cool. You know? Right? -天呐 -快走 - Oh, my God. - Go! 当心 Watch out! 总统呢 So, where's the President now? 他们正把她送回超查部 They're taking her back to the DEO. 她人很好 She was... She was so nice. 而且很感谢我 她管我叫超女 And grateful, and she called me Supergirl. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 49 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 -你就叫那个名字 -我知道 不过 - That is your name. - Yeah, I know that but... 她叫起来听着更悦耳 When she says it, it just sounds better. 超女 "Supergirl." 真不知道怎么还会有人给她的对手投票 How did anyone even vote for that other guy? 等你奉承完了你的新朋友 When you're done fawning over your new best friend... 燃烧痕迹与热视线的特征相符 The burn pattern is consistent with a heat-vision signature. 那个逃之夭夭的氪星人已经醒了六小时 Our escaped Kryptonian's been awake six hours 而他做的第一件事就是刺杀总统 and the first thing he does is try and kill the President? 温正在追踪他 Winn's working on tracking him. 与此同时 咱们尽量地收集证据 In the meantime, let's gather whatever evidence we can find. 你跑到我的犯罪现场来干什么 Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing in my crime scene? 有没有人告诉过你 你们联邦警察说话都一Anyone ever tell you, all you Feds sound the 个腔调 same? 就好像你们在匡蒂科看了同一批烂片似的 It's like you all watch the same bad movies together at Quantico. 你是谁 Who are you? 纳市警局鉴证科的玛吉?索耶警探 Detective Maggie Sawyer, NCPD Science Division. 我们处理所有涉及外星人 We handle all cases involving aliens 和闹鬼事件的案子 and things that go bump in the night. 给你看了我的 给我看你的 Showed you mine. Show me yours? 艾丽克斯?丹弗斯 特勤处 Alex Danvers, Secret Service. 我知道你没恶意 警探 I'm sure you mean well, detective, 但这是联邦犯罪现场 but this is a federal crime scene. -你在污染我的证物 -我在污染证物 - You're contaminating my evidence. - I'm contaminating it? 你那边的男仆把烧焦的地毯和车碎片 Your lackey over there is bagging charred carpet and crispy limo 放到了同一个密封塑料袋里 into the same Ziploc. 我还以为特勤处 I thought the Secret Service 会更加注重细节呢 would pay closer attention to detail. 我们掌握的科技会让你们纳市警局实验室 We have technology that makes your City PD lab 看起来像是简易烤箱 look like an Easy-Bake Oven. 而愚蠢的本地警察 And us dumb local cops would 绝对推测不出袭击总统的 never deduce that the President's assailant 要么是氪星人要么是狱火星人 was either Kryptonian or Infernian. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 50 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 -两个种族都有热视线 -谢谢你 - Both species have heat vision. - Thank you. 这里我们接手了 We'll take it from here. 机场在我的职权范围内 The airport is within my jurisdiction. 我说你的职权范围到哪就到哪 Your jurisdiction ends where I say it does. 回头见 丹弗斯 See you around, Danvers. 装袋方法专业一点 Make sure you're bagging that up properly. 欢迎来到超查部 总统女士 Welcome to the DEO, Madam President. 我很吃惊 现在你的真实身份已经曝光 I'm surprised, now that your true identity is known to the world, 你却不公开以你火星人的身份生活 you don't live openly as your Martian self. 我发现以人类的相貌会让别人更适应一些 I find looking human makes people feel more comfortable. 希望我的《外星人赦免法》能改变这一切 Hopefully, my Alien Amnesty Act will change that. 为你 还有其他所有从星际间而来 For you and everyone else from beyond the stars 将地球当做家的人 that have made Earth their home. 我知道超查部的任务是追捕叛逃的外星人 I know the DEO's mission is to hunt renegade aliens, 但是那项任务得做出改变 but that mission is going to have to adapt. -你不同意吗 局长 -是的 总统女士 - You disagree, Director? - I do, Madam President. 外边有很多外星人 There are aliens out there, 那些杀手不理解 killers who wouldn't understand the concept 你所提供给他们的权利 of the very rights you're offering them. 邪恶的生物会利用你的善意 Evil creatures who could take advantage of your good will. 我想你曾经也听过同样的话 荣恩?荣兹 I imagine the very same thing was once said about you, J'onn J'onzz 但是有人给了你机会 but someone gave you the benefit of the doubt. 难道我们不该继续贯彻这个理念吗 Isn't it time we paid that forward? 我认为现在就是最好的时机 I can think of no better time than the present 伸出我们的友谊之手 to extend our hand in friendship. 即便那只手会被咬掉吗 Even if that hand might get bitten off? -人总得有希望 -如果是虚假的希望呢 - One has to have hope. - What if it's false hope? 那是希望 荣恩 怎么可能是虚假的 It's hope, J'onn. How can it be false? 你听到了吗 Did you hear that? 那就像是一句名言 That was, like, a legit quote. 人们今后会引用她这句话 People are going to quote her. 好吧 我得走了 Okay, well, I have to go. 我在准备我作为记者的第一次采访 I'm conducting my very first interview as a reporter. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 51 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 她要是再做了什么酷事 告诉我好吗 Just call me if she says anything else cool, okay? 你怎么想 What do you think? 我觉得只靠希望抓不到我们的杀手 I think hope isn't going to catch our would-be assassin. -卢瑟女士 -请叫莉娜 - Ms. Luthor. - Lena, please. 能再见到你真好 丹弗斯女士 It's good to see you again, Ms. Danvers. -要是我叫你莉娜 -那我就叫你卡拉 - Well, if I'm calling you Lena... - Kara it is. 如果你有停车罚款 Um, if you have a parking ticket, 我可以帮你清了 I can have it validated for you. 不不不 没事的 我飞来的 Oh, no, no, no. That's fine, I flew here. 坐 坐巴士 On... On a bus. 我很高兴看到你决定尝试做记者了 Well, I'm glad to see you decided to give reporting a shot. 不过今天总统正好来本市 Although if you're here on the same day the President is in town 签署《外星人赦免法》 to sign her Alien Amnesty Act, then... 我必须要问一问 I must be here to ask the sister 您对总统的行政命令有何看法 of Earth's most notorious alien-hater 毕竟您哥哥那么痛恨外星人 her take on the President's executive order. 我给你看个东西 I want to show you something. 这是什么 What is it? 这是个外星人探测装置 能让人类找出 It's an alien detection device that allows humans to find out 他们之中有谁并非同类 who among them is not truly one of them. 这还没有准备好上市呢 It's not market-ready yet. 我是说 我们还在开发原型机的阶段 I mean, we're still developing the prototype. 但是我们准备把这个装置放入全美国的 But we aim to have this device in every store, 每一座城市的每一间商店里 in every town all across America. -它是怎么运作的 -就是简单的皮肤测试 - How does it work? - It's just a simple skin test. 好吧 我给你看看阴性结果是什么样 Okay, let me show you what a negative response looks like. 看到没 See. 对吧 Right? 现在你来试试 Now, you try. 但是这样的装置难道... But won't a device like this... 它难道不是违背了 Doesn't it go against everything 美国人的一切信条吗 America is supposed to stand for? 譬如 Such as? 自由 Well, freedom... 反迫害 反镇压 ...against persecution, oppression. 美国自古以来就是个移民国家 America's always been a country full of 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 52 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 immigrants. 同样也一直是人类的国家 It's also always been a country of humans. 只是... Just... 你不觉得这样的装置会将外星人逼回到 Don't you think this device will force aliens back 总统试图照亮的那个黑暗地带里吗 into the very shadows the President is trying to shine a light on? 如果外星人想当公民 他们有这个权利 If aliens want to be citizens, that's now their right. 但如果人类想要知道自己身边的 But if humans wanna know which of 公民之中有谁并非同类 their fellow citizens aren't actually one of them, 那也是他们的权利 then that's their right too. 我是个生意人 L公司就是为了赚钱的 I'm a business woman. L-Corp is in the business of making money 而这个装置能让我们大赚一笔 and this device is going to make us a fortune. 我不像我哥哥 我做这件事是为了让世界更Unlike my brother, I'm going to do it for the 美好 good of the world. 所以... So... 好吧 Right. 来吧 Here it goes. 看 运转良好 See, works perfectly. 是啊 Yeah. -我找到失踪的氪星人了 -在哪 - Hey, I... I found the missing Kryptonian. - Where? 看起来是在艺术区的一座废弃仓库 Ah, looks like an abandoned warehouse in the Arts District. 虽然耗费了点功夫 但是 Hah, I mean it took some doing, but 我把他超查部健康手环上的追踪器打开了 I got the tracker on his DEO-issued medical bracelet back online 然后我三角定位了地点... 你已经走了 and I triangulated the location and... You are already gone. 双手放在我看得到的地方 Hands where I can see them. 你联邦探员的武器还真酷炫 Fancy fire power for a Fed. -搜查仓库 -别费劲了 你的人跑了 - Clear the warehouse. - Don't bother, your boy's gone. 你怎么找到这里的 How did you find this place? 我是警探 丹弗斯特工 我会侦查 I'm a detective, Agent Danvers. I detect. 我听说过反外星人秘密小队的故事 I've heard stories of black ops anti-alien strike team. 听起来挺传奇的 但是你就站在这里 Sounded like the boogeyman, but here you stand. 你们是超查部的 对不对 You're DEO, aren't you? 温 我们跟丢了他 他可能在任何地方 Winn, we missed him, he could be anywhere. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 53 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 你想要什么 What do you want? 我想回家 I want to go home. 我知道 我知道你要说什么 I know. I know what you're gonna say, "我应该等你的" "I should've waited for you." 不 我要说的是 "你应该等我 笨蛋" No, I was gonna say, "You should have waited for me, dummy." 如果他真的在呢 你能做些什么 What if he'd actually been there? What would you have done? 做我的工作 My job. 下一次放聪明点 Make smarter choices next time. 是的 长官 Yes, ma'am. 丹弗斯 Danvers. 想看看本地警察怎么对付外星人吗 Want to see how us local cops deal with the aliens? 你找我吗 老板 You wanted to see me, boss? 我看了你莉娜?卢瑟的文章 I have your article on Lena Luthor. 非常棒的独家 是吧 That was some scoop, huh? "莉娜?卢瑟的目标是挽回 "Lena Luthor's stated goal is to repair the damage 她哥哥对家族名声所造成的伤害 "Her brother did to the family name, 但如果将外星人探测器 "but by branding an alien detection device 打上卢瑟的名号 with the name 'Luthor,' 其公司将永远与美国的排外权利 "she has forever tied her company's destiny to that of America's xenophobic right." " 没错 Damn straight. "虽然股东或许会对该装置 "Though shareholders may delight 所带来的漂亮财报感到满意 at the financial prospects of such a device, 但是公民们却只能对着这台 "there is little for a concerned citizen to do 散布恐慌情绪 but weep at the shameless 惧怕移民的无耻设备 "Fear-mongering to the country's immigrant-fearing 扼腕叹息 lowest common denominator." 这是我的得意金句 I was really proud of that sentence. 这是什么鬼东西 What the hell is this? 这是 这是你想要的啊 It's... It's what you wanted. 你说你想要莉娜?卢瑟对外星人的看法 You said you wanted Lena Luthor's take on aliens. 这不就是了 Well, here it is. 她认为他们应该像麻风病人一样被标记 She thinks they should be ID'd like lepers. 我质疑的不是这份独家采访 I am not questioning the scoop. 我质疑的是你报道里明显的倾向 What I'm questioning is the clear slant in your reporting. 如果我想你评论新闻 If I wanted your opinion on the news, 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 54 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我就会派你去写专栏 I would have assigned you to Op-Ed. 所以 我不应该如实报道吗 So... So, I shouldn't report truthfully? 如实报道与有倾向的报道不同 There is a difference between truthful reporting and bias reporting. 这篇文章过于渲染支持外星人的观点 This is over-saturated with your pro-alien slant. 要实事求是 丹弗斯女士 新闻的五要素 Facts, Ms. Danvers. Who? What? When? Where? Why? 我写的都是事实 But nothing I wrote was inaccurate. 客观地说 那设备很差劲 That device is bad, objectively bad. 那由读者来决定 That's up for the reader to decide. 重写 下一次 忍住你的私人情感 Rewrite it. Next time, keep your personal feelings to yourself. 我知道他们为什么叫他史力柏[咬人犬]了 Now I know why they call him Snapper. 我有时候很想念格兰特女士 Sometimes I really miss Ms. Grant. -我不是说 抱歉 詹姆斯 -我懂 我也想- I didn't mean... I'm sorry, James. - No, I get it, 她 I miss her too, 格兰特女士 I mean, Ms. Grant would've 绝不会让那个口无遮拦的自大狂 never let that arrogant trash talking little man -在会上抢她的风头 -没错 - hijack in her meeting. - No, no. 她瞪个眼就灭了他 She would've destroyed him with one withering gaze, 但她是怎么做到的 but how did she even do that? 詹姆斯 她选择了你 James... James, she picked you. 你觉得凯特?格兰特 Do you think Cat Grant 会把她的整个公司交给 would've handed over her entire company to someone 她不信任的人吗 she didn't truly believe in? 不必做凯特那种老板 做自己就好 Don't be the boss Cat was, be the boss you want to be. 所以她让你负责 按你的方法做事 That's why she put you in charge to do things your own way. -谢谢 卡拉 -不客气 - Thanks, Kara. - Always. 车不错 Nice ride. 我家也有辆胜利博纳维尔T100摩托 Got a Triumph Bonneville T100 at home myself. 来这里干什么 What are we doing here? 请你喝一杯 I thought I'd buy you a drink. 多莱坞 "Dollywood." -两瓶啤酒 达拉 -马上 玛吉斯 - Two beers, Darla. - Coming up, Mags. 这就是你约会的好地方 地下酒吧 So this is your big hook-up? A dive bar. 事情没有表面上那么简单 丹弗斯 Things aren't always what they appear, Danvers. 看看四周 你看到了什么 Look around, what do you see? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 55 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 人生选择有问题的人们 People who've made questionable life choices. 看仔细些 Look closer. 别紧张 Easy, easy. 这是什么鬼地方 What the hell is this place? 这里很安全 It's a safe haven. 外星人约会喝酒的地方 Place for off-worlders to hang out, have a drink. 暂时逃离孤单 Not feel so alone for a minute. 这就是你获取纳欣诺市 So, this is where you get all your information 外星人口情报的地方 about the alien populace in National City. 这地方的桃子莫吉托也很烈 They also make a mean peach mojito. 翻篇儿翻得挺快 You moved on quick. 那个服务员是罗蒂星人吗 That waitress, is she Roltikkon? 没错 Yes, she is. 我看过资料 I've read Roltikkon can form 罗蒂星人可以通过接触舌背 telepathic connections by making physical contact 来进行心灵感应 with the dorsum of the tongue. 你觉得她怎么学会英语的 How do you think she learned English? 她是我的前任 She's my ex. 按照规定 我不能与外星人约会 I don't strictly date aliens, for the record though. 但比起大部分人类 我更喜欢她们 I do like them more than most humans. 为什么 Why? 和她们很有共鸣吧 I can relate to them, I guess. 我不是白人 不是异性恋 Growing up a non-white, non-straight girl, 生在内布拉斯加的蓝泉小城 in Blue Springs, Nebraska, 我当火星人比较好 I might as well be from Mars. 我是少数人 我觉得挺好 I was an outcast and I felt like it. 外星邻居与我们没什么不同 Our alien neighbors, they are no different. 他们大部分是努力的移民者 Most of them are hardworking immigrants, 或者勉强过活的难民 or refugees just trying to get by. 为了生存 他们必须隐藏身份 They have to hide who they are in order to survive. 这一点 我感同身受 I can sympathize with that. 这位漂亮朋友是谁 玛吉 Who's your pretty friend, Maggie? 小心 她喜欢打外星人 Careful, she likes shooting aliens. 有一些是活该 A few of us deserve it. 我需要情报 I need some info. 我们在找一个氪星人 We're looking for a Kryptonian. 刚来市里 约1米83 棕发灰眼 Fresh in town, about six feet, brown hair, gray eyes. 好像见过匹配的人 May have seen someone who fit that 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 56 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 description. 别绕弯子 总统有生命危险 Get to the good stuff, the President's life is in danger. 她又不是我的总统 She's not my President. 别紧张 All right, easy. 他看着很迷失困惑 He seemed lost, confused. -你知不知道他在哪儿 -不知道 - Do you know where he is or not? - No. 但他问过空间矢量 恒星坐标 But he was asking about space vectors, star coordinates, 深空传输的事 deep space transmissions... 为什么 Why? 他想发送信号 He was trying to send out a signal. 什么信号 What kind of signal? "外星人打回家乡" "ET, phone home." 你注意点 Excuse you. 我刚编好德尔瓦世界七本 And I just finished cataloguing the seven lost tomes 消失书册的目录 of the Delvarian homeworld. 厉害吧 So, yay me. 你文章写得怎么样了 How's your article coming? 很不好 Awful. 是恶魔 不是恶"磨" Oh. There's no "K" in diabolical. 我写充满情感的文章时 I don't know how to stay 无法保持情感不被左右 emotionally neutral when I'm writing something I'm passionate about. 我很有情感 温 很强烈 I have passion, Winn. A lot of it. 做超级英雄需要热烈的情感 Yeah? Passion is great for being a super hero. 但记者就不需要吗 But not for being a reporter? 温 你可以检测市里有没有通向宇宙的 Winn, can you scan the city for any pan orbital transmissions 圆轨传输吗 heading out into space? 我可以 Yeah, I can. 看啊 Check it. 深空信号 强大清晰 Deep space signal. Loud and clear. 从哪里发出的 Where is it broadcasting from? 傲山天文台 The Mount Pride Observatory. 外星无名氏就在那儿 And that's where we'll find our alien John Doe. 等等 你怎么知道的 Wait, how'd you figure that out? 说来话长 It's a long story. 他肯定是想联系氪星 He must be trying to contact Krypton. 他不知道氪星被毁了 He doesn't know it was destroyed. 其实不是的 他没有呼叫氪星 Actually, no. He did not dial Krypton. 信号发向了哪里 Where is the signal going to then? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 57 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 根据超查部这些详尽的星图 Well, according to these very cool DEO star charts... 他将信号直接传向了 He beamed a signal directly at a planet called... 达克...达克萨姆星 Uh, Dac... Daxam. 有回应吗 Any response? 没有 No. 我不想伤害任何人 I don't wanna hurt anyone. 是哦 Sure you don't. 束手就擒吧 达克萨姆星人 Stay down, Daxamite. -你知道我的家乡 -是 - You know where I'm from? - Yup. 你应该待在那儿 And you should have stayed there. 神秘外星人来自达克萨姆星 So our mystery alien is from Daxam. 我从没听过达克萨姆星 I've never heard of Daxam. 是氪星的姊妹星 It's a sister world to Krypton. 都有维生能力 绕着同一颗恒星运行 Both capable of sustaining life, both orbiting the same sun. 你从没提过 You've never mentioned it before. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}两个家 族有长达近三十年的冲突械斗 哈特菲尔德家族会提麦考伊家族吗 Do the Hatfield's mention the McCoy's? 看来你们两颗星球合不来 I take it your planets didn't get along. 几百年前 Hundreds of years ago, 氪星和达克萨姆星鏖战到了僵持局面 Krypton and Daxam fought a bloody war to a stalemate. 双方因达克萨姆星 Thousands of lives were lost on 挑起的无端斗争 损失了成千上万的生命 both sides because of a pointless war Daxam started. 他们为什么打起来 What were they fighting about? 氪星是民主制 Krypton was a democracy. 有探索者 哲学家 科学家 A world of explorers, philosophers, scientists, 而达克萨姆是君主制 and Daxam, was a monarchy. 国王女王们统治一群流氓 With kings and queens who ruled a population of hoodlums. 氪星还有形容达克萨姆星人的俗语 We had a saying on Krypton for Daxamites, "打客傻母 达克萨姆" "May tex kolar Daxam." 什么意思 And that means... 用英语说出来很难听 Nothing I can repeat in English. 如果达克萨姆星人有你说的那么差劲 So, if Daxamites are as bad as you just apparently said they were, 这家伙想杀总统也不见怪了 是吧 then it's no wonder this guy is trying to kill the President, right? 还是没解释清楚 Still doesn't explain why. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 58 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 -我去问他 -不 - I'll ask him. - No. 不 我去问 No, I'll do it. 最好赶快习惯这里 Better get used to that view. 因为你要在这间牢房里待上一段时间 You're going to be in that cell for a long time. 你在地球上留下的第一印象 Well, that was quite the first impression 令人难以忘却啊 达克萨姆星人 you've made on Earth, Daxamite. 你们做 自我介绍 自我介绍100字ppt自我介绍模板入职应聘自我介绍模板职场自我介绍医院面试自我介绍 的方式 Do you always introduce yourself 就是刺杀国家元首吗 by trying to kill heads of state? 你是怎么进到氪星分离舱里的 How did you find yourself in a Kryptonian pod? 你有话要为自己辩解的吗 Do you have anything to say for yourself? 没话说吗 Anything? 这星球上有扎卡利安吗 Do they have Zakkarian ale on this planet? 因为我很想喝点扎卡利安啤酒 'Cause I could really use some Zakkarian ale. 就我的经验来看 如果能喝到扎卡利安啤酒 It's been my experience that most of life's problems go away 大多数的人生问题都能解决 if you bring Zakkarian ale to the table. 我们什么都不会给你 You're not getting anything. 是因为我没说"请"吗 Is it because I didn't say "Please"? 因为对某些世界来说 'Cause you know on some worlds "Please" isn't even, "请"字可没那么重要 you know, that big of a thing. 在地球上很重要对吗 Is this not one of those worlds? 你会开这种玩笑一点也不让人惊讶 Not surprised you would make a joke of this. 你们就是个以自我为中心的种族 Your entire race thinks of nothing but themselves. 你对我们种族有全面的了解吧 氪星人 You would know all about my race, wouldn't you, Kryptonian? 从你胸口那自以为是的字符来看 Judging by that self-righteous glyph on your chest. 你不是应该已经有答案了吗 Hey, so shouldn't you already have all the answers? 这话什么意思 What's that supposed to mean? 我知道你们是怎么看我们的 Well, I know how your people feel about us. 傲慢"开明"的氪星 High-and-mighty, "Enlightened" Krypton. 看不起我们这些卑微的人 Looking down on us lowly peasants 即使我们不挑衅 你们也会来攻击 ever since you attacked us with no provocation. 我们攻击了你们吗 你这话... We attacked you? Is that... 你为什么给达克萨姆星发送信号 Why did you send a broadcast to Daxam? 那是求救信号 It was a distress call. 你为什么发送求救信号 Why were you sending a distress call? 因为我遇难了 Because I'm in distress! 我来这里并非自愿 Okay, I'm not here by choice. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 59 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我只是要让我的族人知道我还活着 I'm just letting my people know I'm alive. 好吧 既然你受困在地球上 Yeah, okay. So if you're marooned on this planet, 那你为什么要刺杀总统 why are you trying to kill the President? 抱歉 总统是什么吗 Sorry, what's a... what's a pres... presibent? 如果你认为我之前下手重 If you thought I punched hard before, 那你就等着看我发火的样子 wait till you see me when I'm angry. 我不是来杀人的 I didn't come here to kill anyone! 很好 因为你再也不能杀人了 Good, because you never will. 你已经对我下了定义 Right, and you've already made up your mind about me. 继续和你说下去也没有意义 So, it seems kind of pointless to keep talking to you. 再见 公主殿下 Bye-bye, your highness. 这样舒服多了 Oh, that's better. 不过我还真想喝瓶扎卡利安啤酒 Oh, hey, I could really use that Zakkarian ale though. 你考虑一下吧 Just give a think on it. -你没和他说达克萨姆星的遭遇吗 -没说 - You didn't tell him what happened to Daxam? - No, I didn't. 谢谢 Thank you. 抱歉我不请自来 Hi, I'm sorry to drop in unannounced, 我收到你的短信说你想见我 I just got the message you wanted to see me. 这些花真美 Those flowers are beautiful. 这叫做缅栀花 非常罕见 They're called plumerias. They're pretty rare. 它们让我想起了我妈妈 They remind me of my mother. 你妈妈也是作家吗 Was your mother a writer, too? 不 我猜她是律师吧 No, she was, um, I guess, sort of a lawyer. 你的语言天赋简直是与生俱来的 Well, you've have a natural gift with words. 这篇文章写得太好了 The article's amazing. 我知道你会成为一名出色的记者 Yeah, I knew you'd make a great reporter, 但在我听说你那悲天悯人 but after I heard your bleeding heart, 赞同外星人的观点之后 pro-alien views, 我恐怕你会恶语攻击我 I was afraid you'd do a hatchet job on me. 我试过 Oh, I tried. 我写过一篇严厉斥责你们设备的文章 I tried, I wrote a scathing article about your device. -然后呢 -然后 - And? - And... 被老板打回来了 My boss tossed it. 他让我重新写 He made me re-do it. 难怪了 Well, that explains it. 好笑的是 我很高兴他那么做了 The funny thing is, I'm glad he did. 我一开始不太开心 但是发生了一些事之后 I mean, not at first, but some things happened 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 60 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我重新考虑了自己的立场 that made me re-think my position. 说来听听 Do tell. 我还是认为外星人大赦是好事 I still think Alien Amnesty is a good thing, 但也存在着邪恶的外星人 but, there are bad aliens out there... 很高兴你能从我的观点去思考 Well, I'm glad you can see from my point of view. 在我刚被卢瑟家收养时 我倾慕莱克斯 You know, when I was first adopted by the Luthors, I adored Lex. 当他显现真面目时 我崩溃了 When he showed his true colors, I was crushed. 我想尽一切办法接近他 I tried everything to reach him, 导他向善 bring him back to the side of good. 但是没用 But it was no use. 我失去他了 I'd lost him. 终于 我意识到有些人生性邪恶 Finally, I realized that some people are just bad. 无论你怎么做都无法改变他们 And there is nothing you can do to change that. 但是你可以学会保护自己 But, you can learn to protect yourself. 是的 Yeah. 四周都安全吗 Does it all look okay? 安全 All clear. 那个任性的达克萨姆星人也被关起来了 With our wayward Daxamite locked up, 应该安全了 I don't think we'll have any problems. 你们抓到了企图刺杀总统的外星人 The President must be relieved 她一定松了一口气 you got the alien trying to kill her. 再次感谢你的协助 Thank you again for all your help. 他在哪 关在某个无法逃脱的秘密监狱里吗 Where is he now? Some black site he'll never return from? 关在某个他永远无法再伤人的地方 Someplace where he'll never be able to hurt anyone ever again. 美国同胞们 My fellow Americans. 一个世纪以前 Over a century ago, 本国在纽约港建造了一座纪念雕像 this nation erected a monument in New York Harbor. 自由女神像 A Statue of Liberty. 那座雕像俯视着埃利斯岛 That Statue looked down upon Ellis Island, 岛上有成千上万的移民来寻求避难 where thousands of immigrants came to seek refuge, 他们的本国排斥他们 from a home country that didn't want them, 容不下他们 that wouldn't have them. 但是美国接受了他们 But America took them in. 这就是我们的故事 That is our story. 如今的美国人民 The American people today, 与历史并肩 stand as one with history. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 61 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 外星人再也不是陌生人 No longer will our alien visitors be strangers, 向这些身处黑暗地带 committed to the shadows, 被逼向敌对冷漠世界边缘的朋友承诺 forced to the fringes of a hostile and unwelcoming world. 我们将授予他们 They will be granted the 美国公民所有的权利与特权 full rights and privileges of American citizens. 自由女神像也将代表外星人 The Statue of Liberty will stand for aliens, too. 那么如果 And now, if uh... 如果谁能递给我一支笔 if someone would just hand me a pen... 谢谢你 Thank you very much. 好了 Here we go. 历史 History. 总统女士 Madam President. 谢谢你 Thank you. 不客气 You're welcome. 把火熄灭了 不然我把你灭了 Put 'em out or I'll put you out. -你没事吧 -你没事吧 - Are you okay? - Are you okay? 玛吉呢 Where's Maggie? 这么说袭击者不是达克萨姆星囚犯 So the attacker was not our Daxamite prisoner after all. 不是 No. 不是他 都是我的错 No, this is all my fault. 现在索耶警探失踪了 And now Detective Sawyer is missing. 你不能怪自己 You can't blame yourself. 我们都判断错误 We all missed it. 但如果我没因为对达克萨姆星的看法而蒙蔽But if I hadn't been so blinded by how I felt 双眼 about Daxam, 我们也许已经在搜寻真正的杀手了 we could have been out there searching for the real assassin. 可是我放松了警惕 But I let my guard down, 结果总统差点遇害 and the President almost died as a result. 总统 The President! 那可是轻罪叛国啊 That's, like, misdemeanor treason! 白宫记者团提供了 Courtesy of the White House Press Corps 签字仪式的列席名单 in attendance at the signing. 我们知道袭击者的身份吗 Do we have any I.D. on the attacker? 不知道 No. 但是我认得她 But I... I recognized her. 在哪见过 From where? 我需要情报 I need information. 我还需要一台新的苹果电视呢 And I need the new Apple TV. 这个女人想要刺杀总统 That woman, she tried to kill the President. 从没见过她 Never seen her. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 62 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 几天前我在这里见过她 I saw her in here the other day. 她是什么人 Who is she? 不知道 Don't know. 当然 几百块没准能唤醒我的记忆 Of course, a couple hundred might jog my memory. 你记起来了吗 还是需要再被唤醒一下 Is your memory good now or does it need more jogging? 你个疯婆子 You're crazy. 那个女人绑架了玛吉?索耶 That woman kidnapped Maggie Sawyer, 那个每天都冒着生命危险 a woman who risks her life every day 为你们争求权益的女人 fighting for your rights. 她关心你们的死活 She cares what happens to you. 你至少也该关心她一下的死活 The least you can do is return the favor. 我认识她 I know her... 她总在铸造厂出没 She hangs out down by the foundry. 谢了 Thanks. 我在酒吧见过你 I've seen you around. 你就是那个专喜欢倒贴外星人的 Yeah, you're the little alien groupie. 没错吧 总是打探我们的信息 Right? Always sticking your nose in our business. 有人告诉过你那让你看起来多可悲吗 Anyone ever tell you how pathetic that makes you look? 我关心这个社区的安危 I care about the community. 人类和外星人都包括在内 Humans and aliens both. 我不知道你为什么想刺杀总统 I don't know why you want to kill the President, 但肯定有更好的解决方式 but there's always a better way. 对人类而言 或许吧 For humans, maybe. 但我们没有平等的权利 不是吗 But we don't have the same rights do we? 那不正是外星人大赦的用意吗 Isn't that what Alien Amnesty is about? -平权 -不 - Equal rights? - No. 不不不 No, No, No. 它的用意是让我们像白痴一样自愿暴露身份 It's about voluntarily revealing ourselves like fools. 好让你们知道我们住在哪 So you know where we live. 我们是谁 我们的能力 Who we are, what we can do. "大赦"不过是给注册法案披上另一张皮 "Amnesty" is just another mask to disguise registration. 你的看法太愤世嫉俗了 That's a pretty cynical opinion. 这不是总统的小狗腿外星人吗 Well, if it isn't the President's little pet alien. 你背叛了你的同类 You're a traitor to your people. 我们与人类不是对立关系 It's not us against them. 或许目前还不是 Not yet. Maybe. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 63 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 但我曾去过六个与地球相似的星球 But I've been to half a dozen planets just like this one. 你知道它们的共同之处是什么吗 You want to know what they all have in common? 当地人一旦认定你是异类就会把你关起来 The locals lock away anything that they think is different. 出于偏见 出于恐惧 Out of prejudice, out of fear. 你隐藏真实身份是有原因的 超女 There's a reason that you hide your identity, Supergirl. 原因就是你不信任人类 And it's because the humans can't be trusted. 不 我不信任的是你这样的罪犯 No. It's because criminals like you can't be trusted. 让我们瞧瞧你到底有多超级 Let's see how super you really are... 怎么了 承受不住了吗 What's wrong? Can't take the heat? Huh? 你们躲哪去了 人类们 Where are you, humans? 去拿枪 赶紧逃 Get the gun and get out. 等等 别去 Wait, don't. 我在这呢 火爆红发妞 Right here, Red Hot! 和你们在一起真好玩 You guys are fun. 大标题就写 Our banner will read, "超女战胜极端外星人 挽救大局" "Supergirl defeats extremist alien, saving the day." 你知道你在做什么吗 What the hell do you think you're doing? 敲定头条 如今新闻素材都搜集好了 Dictating the headline after we went out and got the news peg. -你有什么意见吗 -我不是指那个 - You got a problem with that? - Not that. 你是不是叫人把我文章的第一段删改了 Did you tell someone to kill the first graph on my story? 不 我没有叫人改 No, I didn't tell someone to do that. 是我自己重写了文章 I rewrote the piece myself. 什么 What? 你不能随意重写我的报道 You can't just rewrite my piece. 事实上 史力柏 我可以 Actually, Snapper, I can. 因为我是你老板 'Cause I'm your boss. 别人掺和你的工作感觉不好受 是吧 Doesn't feel good to have somebody encroach on your job, does it? 这太不可理喻了 This is outrageous. 社论内容由我全权控制 I have complete control of editorial content. 不 是由我全权控制 No. No, you don't. I do. 那我就走人 Then I'll walk. 你倒是走啊 Get to walking. 好吧 奥尔森 All right, Olsen. 你想怎样 What do you want? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 64 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我想要一间懂得尊重人的新闻编辑室 What I want, is a newsroom governed by respect. 我们井水不犯河水 You stay out of my lane, I'll stay out of yours. 好吧 Fair enough. 做得好 老板 Nicely done, boss. 这地方太酷了 This place is sick. 像007电影里反派的老巢一样 Like James Bond bad guy hideout sick. 那是 我们也有风光的时候 Yeah, we have our moments. 轻度一级烧伤 锁骨瘀伤 Minor first degree burn and a bruised collar bone. 你应该过几天就会好了 You should be fine in a few days. 天哪 真没想到你会关心我 Gee, I didn't think you cared. 是啊 Yeah... 我开玩笑的 I'm just kidding. 我欠你个大人情 你救了我的命 I owe you big. You saved my life. 乐意效劳 Happy to. 你也帮了我一个忙 You did something for me too. 要知道 我 You know, I um... 长久以来我一直追捕外星人 I've been hunting aliens for so long 我从未停下来想一想 that I never really stopped to consider that 或许他们不全是充满敌意需要被关起来的 maybe they weren't all hostiles to be caged. 我通常不擅长与人搭档 You know, I don't really do well with partners 但我认为咱们俩配合得很好 but I think we made a pretty good team. 是啊 我看也是 Yeah, I guess we did. 你应该好好休息 You should really get some rest. -你愿意的话可以留在这休息 -不行 - You can stay here if you want. - No, I can't. 为什么 有约会什么的吗 Why? You got a hot date or something? 其实我还真有约会 Actually, I do. 我不想让美女苦等 所以 And I don't want to leave the lady waiting, so... 回见 丹弗斯 See you around, Danvers. 这个星球上的所有人 So, does everyone in this 都有超能力吗 还是只有我们有 world have super powers or is it just us? 这是怎么回事 Uh, what's going on? 我不是危险的杀手吗 Thought I was a dangerous killer. 我完全不了解你 I don't know you at all. 我只因为你是达克萨姆星人 And it was a mistake of me to misjudge you 就对你有偏见 是不对的 just because you're from Daxam. 你没有试图刺杀总统 You didn't try to kill the President. 我却假定是你 我为此道歉 I apologize for assuming you did. 我的名字是卡拉?佐?艾尔 我是氪星人 My name is Kara Zor-El, I'm from Krypton. 和你一样 我在这颗星球上也是难民 And like you, I'm a refugee on this planet. 地球 Earth. 我的名字是蒙?艾尔 My name is Mon-El. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 65 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 那接下来怎么办 So, uh, what now? 你能帮我和母星取得联系吗 Can you help me get in touch with my home world? 或许你该先坐稳 You might want to sit down. 我得告诉你一些事 There's something I have to tell you. 当氪星毁灭时 When Krypton was destroyed, 有大量碎片涌向了达克萨姆星 the debris showered onto Daxam. 我知道 所以我才急着逃了出来 Yeah, I know, that's-that's why I got out of there in a hurry. 有些较大的残骸冲击了达克萨姆的卫星 Some of the larger masses struck Daxam's moon, 破坏了星球的引力 disrupting the gravitational force of the planet. 等等 你是 你是什么意思 Wait, what are you... What are you saying? 达克萨姆星还在 但已经被太阳风暴毁了 Daxam is still there, but it was ravaged by solar storms. 已经是一片废土了 It's a wasteland now. 你的家园 Your home... 和我的家园 My home... 都 They're, uh... 都不在了 They're gone. 我个人由衷向你们两个表示感谢 And a very personal thank you to both of you. 这是我们的荣幸 总统女士 It was an honor, Madam President. 没什么的 It was nothing. 我还是不敢相信我亲眼见到了空军一号 And I still can't believe I got to see Air Force One. 如果你认为那就够酷了 If you think that's cool, 你得看看我的另一架私人飞机 you ought to see my other jet. 总统女士 我仍对您的政策表示担忧 Madam President, I am still wary of your policy. 单单保卫世界是不够的 It's not enough to defend the world, 荣恩 还要融入世界去生活 J'onn. You need to live in it too. 她还能更酷一点吗 Could she be any cooler? 我猜是不能了 I suppose not. 不好意思 你想来点什么 Sorry. What can I get... 如果你害怕的话 我可以变换外形 I can transform, if that's... 不 抱歉 只是 No, I'm sorry, it's just... 我们见过吗 Do I know you? 没见过 我的轮班十分钟前就结束了 No. And my shift ended 10 minutes ago. 那边的达拉会来帮你点单的 Darla, over there, will get you started. 你究竟是谁 Who are you? 我叫梅根?摩斯 My name is M'gann M'orzz. 我是火星最后的女儿 I am the last daughter of Mars. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 66 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 第4集 在我小时候 我的星球氪星濒临毁灭 When I was a child, my planet Krypton was dying. 我被派往地球保护我的堂弟 I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. 但我的分离舱被击中后偏离路线 But my pod got knocked off-course 在我到达地球之时 and by the time I got here, 我的堂弟已经长大 成为了超人 my cousin had already grown up and become Superman. 我隐藏了我的真实身份 I hid who I really was 直到最近的一起事故 until one day when an accident 迫使我向世界揭示了自己的身份 forced me to reveal myself to the world. 对于大多数人 我只是凯特科全球媒体公司的To most people I'm a reporter at Catco 记者 Worldwide Media. 但私下里 我与收养家庭的姐姐一同为超查部But in secret, I work with my adoptive 工作 sister for the DEO 为我的城市抵御外星生命 to protect my city from alien life 和有意伤害它的其他任何人 and anyone else that means to cause it harm. 我是超女 I am Supergirl. 《超女》前情提要 Previously on Supergirl... 玛吉?索耶警探 Detective Maggie Sawyer... 我认为咱们俩配合得很好 I think we made a pretty good team. 是啊 我看也是 Yeah, I guess we did. 这是什么鬼地方 What the hell is this place? 外星人约会喝酒的地方 Place for off-world'ers to hang out, have a drink. -你究竟是谁 -我叫梅根?摩斯 - Who are you? - My name is M'gann M'orzz. 我是火星最后的女儿 I am the last daughter of Mars. 神秘外星人来自达克萨姆星 So our mystery alien is from Daxam. 是氪星的姊妹星 It's a sister world to Krypton. 我的名字是蒙?艾尔 My name is Mon-El. 你能帮我和母星取得联系吗 Can you help me get in touch with my home world? 达克萨姆星还在 但已经是一片废土了 Daxam is still there, but it's a wasteland. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}达克萨姆 星 氪星毁灭之日 王子殿下 你不能留在这儿 My prince, you can't stay here. 快走 Come on! -你没事吧 -嗯 - Are you okay? - Yeah. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 67 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 这是一艘氪星飞船 This is a Kryptonian ship. -使者呢 -死了 - The emissaries? - Dead. 他们的星球也毁灭了 And so is their planet. 这一切都是氪星造成的 All of this is Krypton's doing. 你得离开这里 We need to get you out of here. 我不会驾驶他们的飞船 I can't fly one of these. 你能设定目的地吗 Can you program the destination? 能 Yes. 发射倒数开始 Launch countdown started. 不 不 No. No! -你不能 -你得活下去 - You can't... - You need to save yourself. 就这一次 听我的话吧 For once in your life, obey me. 那些是我的人民 Those are my people out there. 我要跟他们共命运 Let me share in their fate. 达克萨姆星万岁 Beyalat Daxam! {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}蒙?艾尔 特殊能力监控 所以这就是事情的经过 So anyway, that's how that happened. 你是宫廷侍卫 You were a palace guard? 为达克萨姆星伟大的皇室效力 For the great royal family of Daxam. 他们坏透了 They were the worst. 他们的儿子 也就是王子 And their son, the prince, 据说他更是个坏胚子 he was rumored to be the worst of the worst. 全宇宙最大的浪荡公子 Frat boy of the universe. 他也有好的一面 Uh, he... He had his good moments, too. 你们两颗星球合不来 对吧 Oh, yeah, your planets didn't get along so well, did they? -对 -对 - No. - No. 虽然我知道希望不大 Yeah, I know it's a long shot, 但我向达克萨姆星发送的信号 but any chance there was a response 有收到回音吗 to that signal I sent to Daxam? 我不可能是唯一的幸存者吧 I mean, I can't be the only one left, right? 抱歉 没有回音 I'm sorry, but, no. 好吧 Right, uh... 总之 别再搞得这么沉闷了 Anyway, enough of those... Those dreary thoughts, right? 你们这里都有什么娱乐项目 So, what do you guys do for fun around here? 你们喝酒唱歌吗 Do you drink or dance or... 他们这里玩格拉塔吗 Oh, hey, do they play Garata here? -格拉塔是什么 -跟足球差不多 - What's Garata? - It's like soccer, 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 68 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 -骑着龙玩 -我们不玩那个 - with dragons. - No, not that. 我们有PS游戏机 Uh, we have PlayStation. 很好 咱们什么时候出去玩那个啊 Great. So, when do we get out of here and do that... 就是你刚才说的那玩意 That thing you just said? 其实你必须留在超查部 Actually, you have to stay here in the DEO. 在我们对你的超能力做完全面评估之前 Until we can assess the full range of your powers, 你必须留在这个地方 you're gonna have to stay in this facility. 为了你的安全着想 For your own protection. -我会找你说的办 -很好 - I will do as you ask. - Good. 我得去个地方 Now, I have somewhere I need to be. 你要去哪儿 Where are you headed? 这是我的私事 It's personal. 他以前从来不办私事 I didn't know he did anything personal. -丹弗斯 -我是索耶 想看死尸吗 - Danvers. - It's Sawyer. Want to see a dead body? 流浪汉一小时前发现了它 Homeless guy found it about an hour ago. 其他警察不肯靠近 Other cops won't go near it. 我觉得这不是万圣节服装 Figured it wasn't a Halloween costume. 好吧 我忘了你俩是搭档了 Oh, right, I forgot you two were running buddies. -你知道这是什么物种吗 -他是塞维利亚人 - Do you know what species it was? - He's Syvillian. 他身上有好几个月的疤痕组织 He's got months of scar tissue built up, 指关节上有严重的淤青 heavy bruising on the knuckles. 他不仅是打过架 而是有这个习惯 He didn't just go down fighting, he made a habit of it. 这可说不通 塞维利亚是个乌托邦 That doesn't make any sense. Syvillia is a utopia. 那里很祥和 他们不爱打架 It's peaceful. They don't fight. -他们甚至都很少吵嘴 -他这可能是自卫 -They hardly even argue. - He could've been defending himself. 可是指甲里面没有皮肤组织 There's no skin under the fingernails. 你说得对 这些不可能是自卫伤 No, you're right. These couldn't have been defensive wounds. 或许他爱挑衅 Maybe he was the aggressor. 在酒吧打架 事情闹大了 Bar brawl gone bad? 有人不小心杀了他 慌了神 Someone accidentally kills him, panics... 丢弃了尸体 Dumps the body... 等等 Wait a minute. 看来凶手也是外星人 Well, looks like our killer was alien, too. 你们的超级实验室能化验一下这个吗 Can your super lab run some tests on that? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 69 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我也是这么想的 That's exactly what I was thinking. 看来这件事你们俩能搞定 Well, seems like you two have got a handle. 你去道上找熟人打听一下这件事 Maybe you can, uh, go over this with your contacts on the streets? 我已经打过几个电话了 我会跟进的 I already made a few calls. But I'll follow up, though. 你应该到环卫局去 You're supposed to be at the Sanitation Department 了解垃圾场里的鹈鹕死亡数量 getting figures on pelican deaths at the trash dump. 我对那条新闻很感兴趣 I'm so excited about that, 但我刚刚从纳市警局那边无意中听到 but I just overheard a report about a murdered alien 一则有关外星人被杀的报告 on my NCPD scanner. 他们称其为"外星人之间的暴力冲突" They're calling it "Alien-on-alien violence." 一个外星人被杀了 另一个外星人干的 An alien got killed, an alien did it. -新闻看点在哪儿 -我... - Where's the story? - I... 我刚跟你说了啊 I just told you the story. 是吗 Really? 那么你弄到纳市警局线人发言的记录了吗 So you got an actual NCPD source to speak on the record? 你和被害人的家属谈过了吗 Did you talk to the victim's family? 跟地方检察官约一次访谈 Set up an interview with the D.A.'s office 看看什么时候提起诉讼 to see if and when charges will be filed? 验尸员的报告在哪 Where's the medical examiner's report? 你有没有就经济学和人口统计学来研究 Did you research economic and demographic indicators 人类与外星人之间关系的内容 to provide some context for human-alien race relations? 这些问题问得好 All very good questions, uh... 你没有给我新闻看点 You didn't give me a story. 你给了我一个半成熟的想法 You gave me a half-baked idea. 回去烤熟了 然后咱们再聊 Go bake it fully, then I'll talk to you. 快去 烤熟 烤熟 烤熟 Go! Bake, bake, bake! {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}早上好 早上好呀 Good morning to you. 我看你不像是个中午喝酒的人 I didn't take you for a noon drinker. 只要水就行 谢谢 Just water, please. 我有太多的问题 都不知道从哪开始了 I have so many questions. I don't know where to start. 很久以来我都以为自己孤身一人 I spen much time thinking I was alone. 我也是 Me, too. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 70 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 那么多的酒馆 我们竟然能在这遇见 And of all the gin joints... 你怎么逃离火星的 How did you escape Mars? -荣恩 -原谅我 很抱歉 我只是... - J'onn... - Forgive me, I'm sorry. I just... 我必须要知道 I... I need to hear it. 当白色火星人攻击时 你在哪 When the White Martians attacked, where were you? 我被带到了加勒火山口附近的俘虏营 I was taken to the internment camp near the Galle Crater. 那里是最糟糕的 That was the worst of them. 我在那里失去了很多朋友 I lost many friends there. 是啊 囚犯被当成动物一样关起来 Yeah. Prisoners penned up like animals. 基本上没有地方动 Barely enough space to move. 有时候守卫会随意杀人 Sometimes the guards would just kill someone at random. 只为制造混乱 To set off a panic. 然后看着绿色的身体 And then watch as green bodies 互相踩踏 trampled over each other. 你是怎么跑掉的 How did you get away? 有一天 一位白色火星人违抗上级 One day, a White Martian broke rank 拒绝执行杀人命令 and refused a kill order. 我从没见过它们展现过仁慈 I've never known one to show mercy. 她有些 Uh, she was... 不一样 Different. 她把我偷偷带出 帮我离开了星球 She smuggled me off, helped me off-world. 我义无反顾地走了 I never looked back. 那是三百年前了 That was 300 years ago. 为了生存 我不择手段 You did what you had to do. You're a survivor. 只要能够活下去 我变成什么都行 I am whatever I have to be to get by. 我一直梦想着 找到同族人 I... I've always dreamed of, uh, finding another. 现在你出现了 我想也许我们可以 Now that you're here, I thought we might 联结一下 take the bond. 你想要分享思想 You want to share minds. 是的 你能赐予我这个荣幸吗 Yes. Would you honor me with that? 我还有客人 I have customers. 我们能改天再聊这事吗 Can we talk about this some other time? 咱们需要大点的砖块 We're gonna need a bigger block. 这真是棒那个极了 This is awe and some. 别 说"棒极了"就行 No, it... It's just "Awesome." 你得把这俩词合在一起 然后就行了 You got to put those two words together and you'll be golden. 棒极了 Awesome. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 71 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 -咱们的外星人罪犯有消息了吗 -是的 是的 - Anything on our alien perp? - Yes, yes. 死尸身上的刺来自于一个布瓦克 The thorn found in the dead body is from a Brevakk. 某种生物防御机制 Some sort of biological defense mechanism. 所以没错 这是个可怕的新东西 So, yeah, that's new and terrifying. 知道我们能在哪找到他吗 Any ideas where we can find him? 正巧了 Ah, as it so happens, 只有一个布瓦克根据总统的《外星人赦免法》 exactly one Brevakk registered in National City 在纳欣诺市注册了 for the President's Alien Amnesty Act. 我拿到了地址 I got an address. 需要我让突击队做好准备吗 Shall I get a strike team to gear up? 不用 交给我吧 No, I'm good. 索耶 我是丹佛斯 Sawyer? It's Danvers. 我能和你谈谈吗 Can I talk to you a minute? 我不认识你 I don't know you. 现在你认识了 纳市警局 Now you do. NCPD. 我们在调查一起可能的凶杀案 We're investigating a possible homicide. 你被逮捕了 You're under arrest! 别让他们抓走我 别让他们抓走我 Don't let them take me! Don't let them take me! 别让他们抓走我 Don't let them take me! 走走走 Go, go, go! 我们知道车里的是什么人吗 Do we know who the men in the van were? 不 但他们不是低级的混混 No. But these weren't low-rent thugs. 他们绝对受过战斗训练 他们是正规军 They were definitely combat-trained. They mean business. 我们也是 So do we. 还是说你已经忘记这一点了 Or have you forgotten about that? 你这是生什么闷气呢 Hey. Hey, what's with the grumpy? 今天和昨天都这样 Today and yesterday. 一切都还好吗 荣恩 Is everything all right, J'onn? 我感谢你的关心 但我向你保证我没事 I appreciate the concern, but I assure you, I'm fine. -别惹我噘嘴 -她可在行了 - Don't make me pout. - She's really good at it. 我不是最后一个绿色火星人 I am not the last Green Martian. 还有另外一个 There is another. 她的名字叫梅根 Her name is M'gann. 梅根 Megan. 这真是奇迹 荣恩 It's a miracle, J'onn. 我在那个外星人酒吧遇见她的 I met her at that alien bar you spoke of. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 72 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我们谈了谈 但是... We talked, but... 我想我犯了个错误 I think I made a mistake. 为什么 发生了什么 Why? What happened? 我请求和她以火星人的方式结合 I offered to merge with her in the Martian way. 但你们才见面啊 But you guys just met. 是精神上的 卡拉 Psychically, Kara. 联结是火星人沟通的传统方式 The bond is the traditional Martian way of communicating. 我们 We... 我们连接思想 分享梦境 感情 We link minds, share dreams, emotions, 记忆 memories. 我们互相之间没有秘密 We kept no secrets from one another. 想象一个世界没有自负 自私 没有... Imagine a world without ego, selfishness. Without... ...谎言 ...lies. 听起来很美好 That sounds beautiful. 她似乎不这么想 She didn't seem to think so. 我一提起这事 她就走了 The moment I talked about it, she left. 我很感激生活中有你俩在 真的 I am grateful to have you both in my life. I truly am. 但是和火星人 那... But with Martians, it's... 不一样 It's different. 更深入内心 It's deeper. 比说话更深入 更完满 Deeper than talking. Fuller. 有了她 我有机会 With her, there's a chance 过上我原本打想要过的生活 for me to live how I was meant to live. 跟她说实话 Just tell her that. 你为什么不去道歉 Why don't you try apologizing? 我的第一篇报道发表了 I got my first article published. -我很为你开心 卡拉 -谢谢 - I am pleased for you, Kara. - Thanks. 我有另一篇报道的点子 I have another idea for an article 但我觉得新上司可能不太喜欢 but I don't think my new boss is too keen on it. 也可能是不太喜欢我 Or me, for that matter. 当记者比我想象中难 Reporting is harder than I thought. 而我原本就知道会很难 And I thought it was gonna be really hard. 但我在努力 But I'm trying. So... 记得要永远相信自己 女儿 Remember to always believe in yourself, my daughter. 好的 Yeah. 谢谢你的建议 Thanks for the advice. 这是什么地方 Wow. Hey, what is this place? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 73 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 这是私人房间 It's... It's private. 抱歉 我没... Oh, I... I'm sorry. I didn't... 你不应该和温在别处测试超能力吗 Shouldn't you be testing your abilities with Winn somewhere? 没错 温说我们可以"淡定五分钟" Yeah, Winn said we... we could "chillax for five." 大概是这个意思吧 Whatever that means. 这女人是谁 So, who is that woman? 是我母亲 但不是真的她 It's my mother. She's not really her. 这是拥有她思维意识的全息投影 But she's a hologram of her with her thoughts and knowledge. 达克萨姆也有类似的设施 Yeah, we had constructs like this on Daxam. 达克萨姆 氪星的姊妹星 Daxam. Sister world to Krypton. 野蛮享乐的种族 A race of bullies and hedonists, -只考虑自身的意愿 -拜 老妈 - committed only to their own pleasure. - Bye, Mom! 他们自私 They are selfish... -抱歉 -不 这是 - Sorry about that. - No, it was... 恰当的描述 Uh, an apt description. 我有时候 Sometimes I just like 喜欢来这跟她讲我一天的经历 to come in here to tell her about my day. 我知道那不是真正的她 但我... I know it's not really her, but I... -只是不想那么... -孤单 - Just makes me feel less... - Alone. 没错 Yeah. 她是美妞 She is a babe. 你说什么 Excuse me? 我说你母亲 Well, your mother, I mean. 好吧 Oh, okay. 温告诉我"美妞" Winn told me that "babe" 是地球上对美丽女性的称呼 is what you call a beautiful woman on Earth. 但我感觉不太对 I'm sensing that's not right. 最好别让温 Maybe don't let Winn teach 教你太多有关地球女人的事 you too much about women on this planet. 好的 Yeah. 也许你可以 Well, perhaps you can. 我 Me? 汉克说安全起见 我得待在超查部 Well, Hank said I had to stay in the DEO for my protection. 但如果你陪我去外面呢 What if you were to accompany me outside? 我和世界上最强大的女人一起 Surely I'd be safe from humans 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 74 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 人类肯定伤不了我 with the most powerful woman in the world. 是吧 Right? 我觉得这样不好 I don't think that's a good idea. 因为你来自氪星 我来自达克萨姆星 Because you're from Krypton and I'm from Daxam. 不 只是我... No. I just... 再见 I'll see you later. 索耶 Sawyer. 丹弗斯 有消息了 来吗 Danvers. Got a tip. You in? 动作挺快 That was fast. 我把地点发给你 Texting you the location. 我差点忘了 好好打扮 Oh, oh, and I almost forgot. Wear something nice. 收拾得挺美 You clean up nice. 是吗 I do? 你也是 这双鞋 这发型 还有... Well, you do too, with the shoes and the hair and... 整个人 all the... 我不只是来工作的 I'm not all business. 这只是工作吧 But this is, right? 不然我们来这干什么 I mean, what are we doing here? 等等 给 Wait for it. Here. 这些是什么人 Who are all these people? 纳欣诺市最富有的人 National City's wealthiest. 有银行负责人 I see the head of a bank. 几个对冲基金经理 Couple hedge fund managers. 一位市议员 And a city councilman. 他们来这儿干什么 What are they all doing here? 我们马上就知道了 We're about to find out. 他们来自遥远的星球 They came from beyond the stars, 穿越浩瀚的宇宙 across the vastness of space. 超越光年 Light years. 超越秒差距[约3.26光年] Parsecs. 无穷远的距离 Infinite distance. 为什么 And why? 他们为入侵而来吗 Did they come to invade? 不 No. 抑或 Or 他们为和平而来吗 did they come in peace? 也不是 Neither. 他们为娱乐而来 They came to entertain. 今晚的牢笼没有限制 没有规则 There are no rules in my cage tonight. No 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 75 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 laws. 每位战士都知道有生命危险 他们为你而战 Every fighter knows the risks and they are here for you. 各位 今晚有三倍赌注 Tonight, it's triple stakes, everybody. 因为布雷瓦克杀手将亲自对决 Because we've got the Killer Brevakk himself... 有请奎尔 Quill! 那个塞维利亚人 That Syvillian, 他不是被谋杀的 他死在了这个竞技场 he wasn't murdered. He was killed here. In the ring. 纳欣诺市有一个外星人地下搏击俱乐部 National City's got itself an underground alien fight club. 他将对决梅根?摩斯 And he'll be facing M'gann M'orzz, 后起之秀 蛇蝎美人 the up-and-coming, beautiful and brutal, 未尝败绩 红色星球最后的女儿 still undefeated last daughter of the red planet, 火星小姐 Miss Martian! 开战 Fight! 有人要死了 Somebody's gonna get killed. 也许是我们 三点钟方向 Maybe us. Three o'clock. 真希望我们叫了支援 Really wish we'd called backup. 我叫了 I did. 女士们先生们 Ladies and gentlemen! 今晚有一场临时的重要对决 We have an unexpected and new main event for you tonight. 特别赛事 Something very special. 钢铁女侠 威力少女 The Girl of Steel, the Maid of Might, 最后一位氪星女子本尊 the last Kryptonian female herself, 超女 Supergirl! 来见见你的对手 And meet your opponent... 卓嘎 Draaga. 我从来没杀过氪星人 I've never killed a Kryptonian. 你的记录将会继续保持下去 Your streak's about to continue. 警察 Police! 你没事吧 Are you all right? 但愿没有太多的人赌我赢 I hope too many people didn't bet on me. 你确定没事吗 Are you sure you're okay? 我刚刚被一个两米多高的外星人角斗士 I just got my ass handed to me 暴打了一顿 by a seven-foot alien gladiator. 我一点也不好 I'm nowhere near okay. 外星人之间的格斗赌局 Aliens fighting aliens for money. 人类总是利用我们种族 Humans have always exploited our kind, 但这次又有新花样 but this is a new level. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 76 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 荣恩 有件事我们要告诉你 J'onn, there's something that we need to tell you. 你的朋友梅根 Your friend M'gann... 梅根 Megan. 她不是想象中的那样 She's not who you think she is. 这话什么意思 What's that supposed to mean? 昨天我们在搏击俱乐部见到她 We saw her last night at the fight club. 她有参与格斗 She was participating. 大家都叫她火星小姐 They call her Miss Martian. 汉克 Hank... 你打算怎么做 what are you gonna do? 没有热视线和X光视线 No heat vision, no X-ray vision... 但是你很强大 But you're strong. -和卡拉一样强大吗 -当然不是 差远了 - As strong as Kara? - Ha! No, not even close. 我们来看看 Uh, let's see, 没有冷冻气息 有点扫兴啊 no freeze breath, which is kind of a bummer, right? 也不能飞 但是你的跳跃性非常了不起 No flight either, but your leaping is fantastic. 我说的是 I'm... I'm talking about like 能纵身跃过高楼大厦的那种弹跳力 "Tall buildings in a single bound" kinda stuff. 你...你绝对有条件成为超级英雄 Yeah, we... we definitely have the makings of a superhero here. -超级英雄 -是的 - Uh, a superhero? - Yeah. 你挺身而出 You know, you... you go out there, 打击罪犯 救人于水火 身着战衣 you fight crime, save people, wear a costume... 超级英雄 Superhero. 说到出去 我 Yeah, speaking of going out there, I'm, uh... 我在这里快要憋疯了 I'm going kind of crazy in here. 我真的很需要呼吸新鲜空气 I could really use seme fresh air. 你听到汉克的话了 你得待在超查部 Yeah, you heard Hank. I mean, you got to stay here at the DEO. 我敢说如果我出去的话 能像卡拉一样飞 You know, I'll bet if I were outside, I could fly like Kara. 想得美 哥们 Nice try, buddy. 不 我们得待在这里 他们说了算 No, we got to stay here. Them's the rules. 我初来乍到 I mean, I'm new here. 想努力给大家留个好印象 I'm trying to make a good impression. 我也初来乍到 Ah, I'm also new here, 也想努力给大家留个好印象 and trying to make a good impression. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 77 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 哥们 不行 抱歉 不行 Dude, no. Sorry, I can't. 所以等我成为超级英雄时 我需要战衣是吗 So, when I become a superhero, I'll need a costume, right? 厉害的战衣 Something awesome, like... 就像卡拉的 like Kara's. 我可不是吹牛 但是 I mean, not to brag, but, uh, 其实超女的战衣是我设计的 I actually designed Supergirl's costume. 那超女的名号 Huh. And... And these names... "Supergirl," 是谁想出来的 who coins these names? 名字不是我想的 可惜了 Oh, yeah, that one's not me, sadly. 你...你可以帮我起一个 You... you... you can think of one for me. 等等 真的吗 你想让我帮你起吗 Wait, really? You'd let me do that? 还要帮我做件战衣 Yeah, and make me a costume. 我懂了 Okay... 我明白你在打什么算盘了 Uh-huh. Okay, I see what you're doing here. 抱歉 我吗 我有做什么吗 Sorry, me? Was I... Was I doing something? 我 我有... "Oh, me, was I..." 有 你认为如果你引发我的虚荣心 Yes! You think that if you appeal to my vanity 让我帮你做战衣 起名号 and let me make your costume and name you, 然后我就会让你离开超查部 that I'm just going to let you out of the DEO. 我完全没这么想过 That hadn't even crossed my mind. 我们就偷偷溜出去一小会 Us just sneaking out for a little bit, 就两个新朋友 测试一下 you know, just two new friends, right, running a... 实地测试一下 running a couple of field tests, 实践我们的梦想 living out our dreams, 绝不惹麻烦 not getting in trouble. 挺好的想法 Hmm. Not bad. 可恶 达克萨姆星的蒙?艾尔 Damn you, Mon-El of Daxam. 我的意志太薄弱了 I'm so weak. 头儿 我有东西给你看 Hey, chief, I got something for you. 还记得纳市警局的外星人谋杀案吗 Remember the NCPD alien murder? 仅凭一名两星级警察的笔录可写不成新闻 A two-line police blotter item does not constitute a story. 但是和地下搏击俱乐部联系在一起就有看点了 It does when it's connected to an underground fight club. 我不说话就是默许了 快点说 My silence is your invitation. Talk fast. 客户名单上 Uh... Uh, the patron list is 全是纳欣诺市出名的狂赌者 full of prominent high rollers in National City. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 78 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 好极了 Great. 你的线人是谁 Who's your source? 这点我得回头再告诉你 I'm gonna have to come back to you with that one. 你连个匿名线人都没有吗 You don't even have an anonymous source? 一个能私下给我们爆料的人都没有吗 Someone who can talk off the record? 不 还没有 No, uh, not yet. 但我向你保证 消息是真的 But I promise you, this is real. 在核实消息来源之前都不是真的 It's not real until you can verify your sources. 我们是新闻界 不是新闻网站 We're the fourth estate, not Reddit. 不不不 No, no, no! 不 你说过我们要测试你的超能力 No, you said that we were gonna test your powers. 会的 我们会的 喝完酒之后 Yeah, yeah, we will, we will. After this. 温 对于达克萨姆星人来说 Winn, for a Daxamite, 拒绝干杯可是极大的侮辱 it is the height of insult to refuse a toast. 我也不想这么没有修养 Well, I wouldn't want to be culturally insensitive. 就一杯 One drink. 喝喝喝 Drink! Drink! Drink! 喝光 喝光 Up! Up! Up! 掰对了 Bending the right one. -该走了 -我还没 - Time to go. - I... I didn't... -请进 -你骗我 - Come on in. - You lied to me. 我知道你参加格斗 梅根 I know about the fights, M'gann. 我从来没骗过你 因为你从来没问过 I never lied to you. You neveasked. 少来这套 Don't give me that. 这才是你不想和我联结的真正原因 That's the real reason why you didn't want to take the bond. 因为这样我就知道你每晚都在做些什么了 Because then I'd know how you were spending your nights. 我每晚做些什么是我的私事 How I spend my nights is no one's business but my own. -举办格斗赛的是什么人 -为什么这么问 - Who runs the fights? - Why? 这样我就能阻止他们 So I can stop them! 你不知道她有多厉害 You don't know who you'd be going up against. 她有很强大的后台 She has powerful friends. 我也有 So do I. 他们在利用你 They're using you. 像看斗兽一样看你死斗 Watching you fight like an animal. 不 我不是为了他们而战斗 No, I don't fight for them. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 79 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 我是为我自己而战 I fight for myself. 这就是我们所处的现实 This is the reality that we live in. 这就是你创造出的世界 This is the world you've created. 所以你有什么好处 钱吗 So, what's in it for you? The money? 杀戮的快感吗 The thrill of the kill? 我从没在竞技场上杀过任何人 I have never killed anyone in the ring. -你不明白 -那就解释给我听 - You don't understand. - Then make me understand! 我们的族人仅剩你我了 没有其他人了 We're the last of our kind. There's no one else. 将我们失去的一切保存下来是我们的责任 It's our responsibility to preserve everything we've lost. 这就是你我的区别 我不想去回忆 That's the difference between us. I don't want to remember. 你仍想活在过去 You want to still be there. 你想一遍又一遍地重温 而我不想 You want to relive it, over and over. I don't! 我想忘记 I wanna forget. 我永远不会忘记我的妻子和女儿们 I will never forget my wife and daughters. 她们已经死了 They're dead. 我们还活着 We're alive. 愿老天保佑你 梅根 God help you, M'gann. 你已经迷失了 You're lost. 她自称萝莉特 She calls herself Roulette. 她的本名是维罗妮卡?辛克莱尔 Her real name is Veronica Sinclair. 别再到这来了 Don't come back here. 我要让你关门大吉 辛克莱尔 I'm shutting you down, Sinclair. 不太可能 Unlikely. 你组织非法搏击赛 You're conducting illegal fights. 你违法了 You're breaking the law. 严格来讲 他们并不算人类 Technically, they're not people. 他们没有人权 They have no rights. 所以 我又怎么能算违法呢 So, how could I be breaking the law? -你的看法太愤世嫉俗了 -怎么会 - Pretty cynical view. - Not at all. 对这些畸形怪物而言 To these freak shows, 我就是救世主 I'm a savior. 我提供了一个舞台 让他们感到特殊 I've given them a place to feel special, 找到荣耀 find glory, 还能赚点小钱 and earn a little cash, too. 你又给过他们什么 What have you ever given them? 打得他们眼眶乌青吗 Black eyes? 你所做的不过是把他们关起来 All you do is lock them up. 那些被你绑架去被迫参赛的人呢 And what about the ones you kidnap and force to fight? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 80 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 他们有些人欠我钱 Some of them owe me money. 参赛不过是为了还债 Fighting's just a way of getting squared. 如果他们死在竞技场上呢 And if they die in the ring? 他们那样的要多少有多少 Plenty more where that came from. 你瞧 迈克尔?维克犯了个大错 You see, Michael Vick made a big mistake. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}橄榄球明 星 曾曝出斗狗丑闻 人们根本不在乎外星人的死活 People don't care about what happens to aliens. 但他们却很关心狗的安危 But they do care about dogs. -你真变态 -而你太天真了 - You're sick. - And you're naive. 你无法改变人们的想法 You're not gonna change their hearts, 正如你无法改变那些娇生惯养的有钱人 any more than you're going to change the hearts 他们不惜花重金来看血溅竞技场 of the spoiled rich who pay good money to see blood spilled. 你可以查封搏击赛 You can shut down the matches. 但也只是暂时的 But only for a little while. 因为你无法阻止人们赌博 Because you can't stop gambling. 你也无法阻止那些不惜一切 And you can't stop beings from doing 只为生存下去的生物们 anything it takes to survive. 关于我你需要了解的是 Thing you'll learn about me, 我只赌必赢的赌 I only play safe bets. 而跟你赌 And you, 小姑娘 little girl, 我赢定了 are as safe as they come. 我真该用热视线 I should've heat vision'd 把那个破香槟酒杯从她手里射飞 that stupid champagne glass out of her hand. 你认为她是对的吗 Do you think she's right? 你认为她为外星人提供的是唯一的出路吗 Do you think she has the only thing to offer to aliens? 要怎样才能 How do you stop them from 阻止他们自愿被利用被剥削 letting themselves be used and exploited? 那就给他们一些比恐惧更强大的选择 By offering something more powerful than fear. 温 Winn. 我没事 我没有宿醉 Nothing. I'm not hungover. 你才不打自招 You're the one being defensive. -肖特特工 -是 长官 - Agent Schott. - Sir, yes, sir. 顺带一提 蒙?艾尔的状态很好 Er, Mon-El is doing great, by the way. 他人在超查部 他人在这 He's here in the DEO. He's here. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 81 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 你知道他的心脏是长在右边的吗 Did you know his heart is on the other side? 那真是有趣 你知道吗 That's absolutely fascinating. You know, 超查部今早得到报告 the DEO received reports this morning 说有个身高1米82的外星人 of a six-foot alien attacking 昨晚在酒吧攻击了两个人 two men in a bar last night. 现在的新闻真是暴力 The news is so very violent these days. 而他还有个身高1米58的小跟班 Apparently this alien had a 5'2" sidekick. 我1米79 I am 5'9"! 到底是怎么回事 What's going on? 昨晚温带蒙?艾尔去都市夜游了 Winn took Mon-El on a jaunt through the city last night. 没闹出人命简直是奇迹 By some miracle, nobody is dead. 这次算我们走运 你本该和他谈谈的 But we were lucky this time. You should have talked to him. 我 Me? 这怎么成我的错了 How is this my fault? 我们的一举一动都会被放大 Everything we do is under a microscope. 我们如此努力才让人类信任我们 We work so hard to make humans trust us. 只要一个外星人闹出事就会毁掉我们的一切 All it takes is for one alien to ruin it for all of us. 你指的其实不是蒙?艾尔 对吧 You're not talking about Mon-El anymore, are you? 我昨晚去找梅根谈过了 I spoke with M'gann last night. 你有没有吼她 Did you use your inside voice? 好吧 她很显然有些问题 Okay, clearly, she's got some issues, 但她是你最后的族人 but she's the last of your kind. 她失去了一切 She lost everything. 她只身一人 你不能 She's alone. You can't 把她当成犯人一样对待 just treat her like some perp in a line-up. 而我指的其实也不是梅根 And I am not talking about M'gann anymore. 你看起来糟透了 You look like crap. 谢谢你 我早上照过镜子了 Thank you, I saw the mirror this morning. 不是温的错 It's not Winn's fault. -是我哄骗他 -温会没事的 - Hey, I... I tricked him... - Winn will be fine. 被你打伤的那些人也会痊愈的 And those guys you hurt will recover. 但你不该跑出去的 But you shouldn't have been out there. 汉克说我必须留在这里 因为出去不安全 Hank told me I needed to stay here because it wasn't safe. 但他指的不是对我而言不安全 But he didn't mean for me. 他的意思是我对人类而言不安全 He meant it wasn't safe for humans. From me. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 82 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 刚到地球上时 After I first got to Earth, 我去了毕业舞会 I went to my junior prom. 斯科特?克莱恩邀我一起跳舞 And Scott Klein asked me to dance. 我踩到了他的脚 弄断了他三根脚趾 I stepped on his foot and I broke three of his toes. 要适应这些超能力 It's just gonna take some time 适应这个世界... to get used to having these abilities and... 确实需要一些时间 And living in the world. 我知道你对我这么好也不容易 I know it's not easy for you to be nice to me. -因为我的出身 -我的冷淡不是因为这个 - Where I'm from and all. - That's not why I've been standoffish. 你也别说我没对你冷淡 And don't say I haven't been. 我爸妈给了我很多 My parents gave me so much. 他们非常爱我 And I was so loved. 我爸是科学家 而我妈是正义化身 My dad was a scientist and my mom fought for justice. 他们都是骄傲而自信的人 They were proud, strong people. 守法的氪星公民 优秀的父母 Good Kryptonians and even better parents. 我希望记住他们这一面 And that's the way I want to remember them. 为什么不行 And why shouldn't you? 因为... Because... 他们并不完美 They weren't perfect. 不管他们有多聪明 付出了多少努力 And no matter how smart they were, or how hard they tried, 最终还是没能拯救我们 they couldn't save us. 你是没见过我爸妈 Yeah, you never met my parents. 他们可不算什么好榜样 They weren't exactly role models. 可我爸妈明知世界末日会到来 But mine saw the end of the world coming, 却选择了袖手旁观 and didn't do anything about it. 这件事... Hey, it's not... 不能怪你爸妈 It's not your parents' fault. 甚至不能怪氪星 It's not even Krypton's fault. 我们共享一颗恒星 仅此而已 Okay, we shared a star, that's all. 我保证今后会循规蹈矩 I promise that I will do as I'm told from now on. 听说你从卓嘎手下逃生了 Hey, I, uh... I heard you survived Draaga. 我保卫皇族的时候见过他打斗的样子 I once saw him fight on Warworld when I was, uh, 他当时在战界号上 guarding the royal family. 卓嘎右腿受过刀伤 Draaga took a blade to the right leg. 伤到了神经元 It hit a nerve cluster. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 83 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 后来就一直惯用左腿 He's favored his left ever since. 谢谢 Thank you. 如果你又是来说教的... If you're here to lecture me again, I'm... 我是来道歉的 I came here to apologize. 我没资格告诉你该怎么生活 It is not my place to tell you how to live. 但我也不会抛弃你 But I won't abandon you, either. 我不值得你这么对我 荣恩?荣兹 相信我 I'm not worth your kindness, J'onn J'onzz. Trust me. 我分明让你不要回来 I told you not to come back. 又一个绿色火星人 Another Green Martian. 好戏终于可以开始了 Now we have ourselves a main event. 出什么事了 What's wrong? 汉克失踪了 已经几小时没消息了 Hank's missing. He hasn't checked in for hours. -你打他手机了吗 -没回应 - Have you tried his phone? - No answer. 温追踪了他的手机 But Winn traced it. 在外星酒吧后面的小巷里 We found it in the alley behind the alien bar. 有人迅速带走了他 手法很干净 Someone took him in a hurry. It was clean, fast. 梅根今天也没来上班 And Megan didn't show up for her shift today. 是萝莉特 人在她手里 It's Roulette. She has them. -你要去哪里 -打第二场 - Where are you going? - For round two. 艾丽克斯 出问题了 Alex, we have a problem. -看到汉克了吗 -还没有 - Do we have eyes on Hank? - No. 直接消失了 The whole thing is gone. 整个搏击俱乐部人间蒸发 似乎从未存在过 The fight club's been cleared out like it never happened. 还不知道他们去了哪里 No sign of where they went. 我们怎么找她 Okay, so how do we find her? 最新消息肯定不会通知我们 It's not like we're on the mailing list. 但我知道有人可能有线索 No, but I know someone who might be. 抱歉 你不能进去 站住... Excuse me, you can't go in there. Stop... 就一眨眼的工夫 她就过去了 I swear I just blinked and she got right past me. 莉娜 很抱歉 怪我 Lena, I'm sorry. This is my fault. -她动作太快 -我只是想跟你聊聊 - She's so fast. - I just need to talk to you. 杰斯 你跟楼下说一声 Jess, will you make a note downstairs 看到卡拉?丹弗斯要第一时间请进来 that Kara Danvers is to be shown in right away whenever possible? -好的 卢瑟女士 -真的吗 - Yes, Ms. Luthor. - Really? 谢谢 Thank you. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 84 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 请说 Now... 需要我做什么 How can I help? 我 I... 我觉得 I think 我一个朋友似乎卷进了不干净的圈子 a friend of mine has gotten involved in something shady. 朋友 A friend? 真的是朋友 No, an actual friend. 现在失踪了 And now he's missing. 你认不认识一个叫维罗妮卡?辛克莱尔的人 Do you know of a woman named Veronica Sinclair? 她经常跟你们圈里的人打交道 She caters to people in your, um, your circles. 喜欢穿紧身裙 模仿"龙纹身的女孩" Tight dresses, tattoos like Lisbeth Salander? 我认识萝莉特 Yeah, I know Roulette. 我们一起上过寄宿学校 一直不喜欢她 We went to boarding school together. I never liked her. -我需要找到她 -这就有点难了 - I need to find her. - Well, that's the trick, isn't it? 她的搏击俱乐部行踪不定 Her little fight clubs stay mobile. 你知不知道下一场比赛在哪里举行 But do you know where she's holding the next fight? 我实在没有别的办法了 I wouldn't ask if I had any other option. 我姓卢瑟 她肯定会邀请我 I'm a Luthor, of course I'm invited to her little pop-up. 虽然我对这种娱乐方式毫无兴趣 Not that I'm interested in her type of entertainment. 谢谢 我欠你一个大人情 Thank you. I owe you, big time. 不必在意 Not at all. 我知道你有机会肯定会帮我 I know you'll be there for me when the time comes. 刚才的格斗够凶险吗 Were those fights dangerous enough? 不够 No! 够不够暴力 Were they violent enough? 不够 No! 今晚 一切即将改变 Tonight, that changes. 我们的角斗士将进行殊死搏斗 Our gladiators will fight for the privilege 赢家才是最后的绿色火星人 of being the last Green Martian. 今夜的决斗 至死方休 Tonight, they fight to the death. 我从来不会这样 I don't fight to the death. 今晚由不得你 Tonight you do. 开始吧 Fight! 你为何不现出真身 Why won't you show yourself? 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 85 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 现不现身由我决定 My true form is mine to reveal. 这一点你无法剥夺 You will not take that from me. 我不会跟你打 And I will not fight you. 我们别无选择 We don't have a choice. 我们唯一能做的就是选择 Our choices are all we have. 我们必须争个你死我活 Only one of us is walking out of here. 我早就说过 为了生存我会不择手段 And I told you, I'm whatever I need to be to survive. 包括杀人 And now you'll be a killer. 努力活下去没什么好耻辱的 There is no shame in surviving. 我不觉得耻辱 I'm not ashamed. 完全没有 I'm not. 你参加格斗并不是为了钱 You don't fight for money. 你这么做是因为你认为自己为了生存 You do it because you think you deserve it. 活该如此 for surviving. 但是你没必要再惩罚自己 梅根 But you don't have to punish yourself anymore, M'gann. 你被宽恕了 You're forgiven. 我们都是 We both are. 我不杀他 I won't kill him. 我不 I won't. 想着就会这样 Thought it might go down like this. 所有人 不许动 Everyone, freeze! 放下武器 快点 Drop 'em! Now! 站住 Hey, stop! 后退 Back up! 他们清楚是谁罩着他们 They know who really looks out for them. 住手 Stand down! 所有人住手 Everybody, stand down. 外星人境况不好 我知道 Things are bad. I know. 但是内部斗殴 But fighting amongst each other? 这正是他们想看到的 That's what they want us to do. 其他外星人并不是敌人 Other aliens are not the enemy. 她才是 我们互相打得越凶 She is. And the more we fight each other, 越不会关注真正的问题 the more we distract ourselves from the real problems. 卡德摩斯 萝莉特这样的人 Cadmus, people like Roulette. 他们说我们很危险 They say we're dangerous. 希望所有人都这么想 That's what they want everyone to believe. 可别让他们说中了 Don't let them be right about us. 你被捕了 You're under arrest. 为什么 For what? 首先没有卖酒执照非法经营 For operating without a liquor license for 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 86 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 starters. 相信现在你想清楚了 I'm sure you've figured it out by now, 最好别和我赌 but it's not a good idea to bet against me. 我正要来帮忙 Hey, I was just coming to help. 发生了什么事 What's going on? 上面下了命令 Orders came down from on high. 我们得放了她 We have to let her go. 这都是时机问题 It's all about timing. 在合适的时候有合适的朋友 Having the right friends at the right moments. 你迟早会落网 Your day will come. 应该在她身上植入设备 Should have planted something on her. 有时我真希望我不是个好警察 Sometimes I wish I wasn't a good cop. 我觉得你是个非常好的警察 I think you're a great cop. 你是在奉承我吗 Are you getting soft on me? 不是 No. 在这种糟心时候 Look, I know in crappy moments like this, 我会去喝几杯 I could use a drink. So... 你觉得呢 第一轮我请 What do you say? First round's on me. 不行 Oh, can't. 宝贝儿 Hey, babe. 下次吧 Next time? 好的 下次 Yes. Next time. Yeah. 有时间吗 我想给你看我的报道 You got a minute? I want to show you my story. 是那篇我拒绝两次的假搏击俱乐部吗 The one about the fictional fight club that I rejected twice? 不是 No. 这篇报道有纳市警局犯罪报告支撑 No, it's the one with the official NCPD crime report, 和法医办公室的鉴定 forensics from the M.E.'s office, 还有记录在案的当事人叙述 and an on-the-record first person account. 真的吗 Really? 你的线人是谁 Who's your source? 超女 Supergirl. 超女 Supergirl. -真的 -是的 -Really. -Yes. 她是... She's... She is... 她是我的私交好友 She's a close personal friend of mine. 当我告诉她 And when I told her that I wanted 我想跟进报道 to pursue this story, 她就想帮忙 非常想 er, she wanted to help. A lot. 所以我和她详细谈了一下 So, her and I spoke at length... 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 87 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 她和我... 都有记录 She and I... So, yeah. It was all on the record. 你在发展线人 很好 You're developing sources. Good. 你写的导语太长 Your nut graf is too long, 很多流水句 you have multiple run-on sentences. 没有用美联社写作风格 重写 You're not using AP style. Write it again. 听说你打败了卓嘎 I heard you took out Draaga. 是的 Yeah. 谢谢你的提醒 Thanks for the tip. 我以为拥有这些超能力会很有趣 Yeah, I thought it would be fun to have these powers. 可以很有趣 It can be. 将会变得有趣 It will be. 我教你怎样使用 I'm going to teach you how. 我以为你不愿意和我待在一起 I got the impression that you didn't want to spend time with me. 说得对 我之前不想 Oh, you're right. I didn't. 但是我让超查部释放你 由我监管 But I asked the DEO to release you into my custody. 真的吗 Really? 为什么 Why? 我被送来地球不是为了当英雄 I wasn't sent to planet Earth to be a hero. 是为了保护我的堂弟 I was sent to protect my cousin. 教育他 保护他 To teach him and keep him safe. 我从来没能完成使命 And I never got to fulfill that purpose. 所以莫名其妙的是 So, in a weird way, 帮助你 helping you, 给了我第二次机会完成使命 it gives me another chance to do that. 谁能想到呢 Who would have thought? 达克萨姆星的男孩和氪星的女孩 A boy from Daxam and a girl from Krypton, 合作 working together. 为什么这么说 因为你来自全是派对狂人的星Why? Is it because you come from a planet 球吗 of partyers? 不是 因为你来自都是势利小人的星球 No, because you come from a planet of snobs. 我由你管了 卡拉 I'm in your hands, Kara. 至少我这次敲门了 At least I knocked this time. 我没想到... Well, I didn't... 我没想到你还会理我 I didn't think you would speak to me again. 铁笼子里的死亡格斗还是没法摆脱我的 It's going to take more than a steel cage death match to get rid of me. 我很抱歉 I'm sorry. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 88 / 89页) 《超级少女 第二季 Supergirl (2016) 》第二季 1-4集英中字幕 让你如此失望 To be such a disappointment to you. 如你所说 过去的都过去了 Like you said, the past is over and done. 重要的是当下 What matters is what happens now. 如果你不想联结 我也理解 If you don't want to take the bond, I'm fine with that. 认识你很高兴 I'm just glad to know you. 抱歉 工作的事 I'm sorry, It's...er...work. 如果你需要我 随时找我 I'm around if you need me. 文档号:HLDOC20161208007 创建时间:12/8/2016 9:57:25 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~ (第 89 / 89页)
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