首页 [优质文档]2014年高考语法专题练习 非谓语动词

[优质文档]2014年高考语法专题练习 非谓语动词


[优质文档]2014年高考语法专题练习 非谓语动词[优质文档]2014年高考语法专题练习 非谓语动词 2014年高考语法专题训练 非谓语动词 1.【江苏省泰州市2013届高三上学期期末考试】 Was it the international conference that made the city the focus of this area? A(to hold B(hold C(held D(holding 【解析】D考查非谓语动词。句意:是国际会议的举行使这个城市成为这个地区的焦点。本 句为强调句,强调的是主语,所以用动名词做主语。 2.【江苏省泰州...

[优质文档]2014年高考语法专题练习  非谓语动词
[优质文档]2014年高考语法专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 练习 飞向蓝天的恐龙练习非连续性文本练习把字句和被字句的转换练习呼风唤雨的世纪练习呼风唤雨的世纪课后练习 非谓语动词 2014年高考语法专题训练 非谓语动词 1.【江苏省泰州市2013届高三上学期期末考试】 Was it the international conference that made the city the focus of this area? A(to hold B(hold C(held D(holding 【解析】D考查非谓语动词。句意:是国际会议的举行使这个城市成为这个地区的焦点。本 句为强调句,强调的是主语,所以用动名词做主语。 2.【江苏省泰州市2013届高三上学期期末考试】Having finished her project, she was invited by the school _to the new students. A( speaking B(having spoken C(to speak D(to have spoken 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:完成这个项目后她被学校邀请为新生发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 讲话。“invite sb to do sth. ”邀请某人做某事,动词不定式的动作与谓语动词的动作先后发生用一般式。 3.【山东省济南市2013届高三1月检测】The students started their exciting journey in balloons_________ by jets of hot gas. A. drove B. to drive C. driven D. driving 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:学生们开始了他们的热气球激情之旅。此处balloon 和 drive之间是被动关系,气球是被Hot gas 驱动的, 故选择过去分词做定语。 4.【2013届河北省五校联盟调研考试】 ______ at failing in the math exam, John wouldn’t like to talk about it to his parents. A. Disappointed B. To be disappointed C. Disappointing D. Having disappointed 【解析】A考查过去分词短语作状语。句意:John对他的考试失败很失望,他不想和他的父 母谈起此事。 5.【2013届浙江温州八校联考1】The Frenchman pointed to the spoon and asked me _________ to call that in Chinese. A. whether B. how C. which D. what 【解析】D考查疑问词+不定式的结构作宾语。句意:那位法国人指着羹匙问我在中文中这 叫什么。此处what to call that in Chinese作asked的宾语。 】The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life 6.【2013届浙江温州八校联考1 _________some trees waving in the howling wind. A. were B. being C. was D. to be 【解析】B考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:那个村子很荒凉,唯一生命的迹象是那些在狂风 中摇摆的树。此处是现在分词构成的独立主格结构。 7.【2013届浙江温州八校联考1】After chatting on QQ a long time, Mary looked up just_________ that it was 11:00 pm, long past her usual bedtime. B. saw C. to see D. seen A. seeing 【解析】C考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:在QQ上聊了很长的时间之后,玛丽抬头看结果 发现11点了,长时间的超过了平时的睡觉的时间。此处不定式短语表示意外的结果。 8.【2013届浙江温州八校联考1】Most museums are just for looking. But today some of them have things for you to touch. The _________ say, “_________!” A. signs; Do touch B. notices; To touch C. signals; Be touching D. signs; No touching 【解析】A考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:许多博物馆只是供观看。但现在有些博物馆里有 些东西让你摸。标志牌上写着“一定要摸摸”。 9.【山东省济南市2013届高三1月检测】They have already had some everyday words_________ to the new edition of the dictionary. A. adding B. add C. added D. to add 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:他们已经把日常使用的一些词添加到新版的字典中。Have 后接宾语words,又接宾补,此处宾语和宾补是被动关系,即words和add之间是被动关系, 故用过去分词。故选C项。 10.【安徽省皖南八校2013届高三第二次联考】Hurricane Sandy , one of the biggest storms ever, hit the East Coast of the US on Oct, 29, transportation. A(shutting down B(to shut down C(shut down D(to have shut sown 【解析】A考查非谓语动词。shut down的逻辑主语是主句的主语Hurricane Sandy,故用 动词的-ing形式,相当于and shut down。 11.【山西省2013届高三第二次诊断考试】The killer insisted that she was defending herself when . A(attacking B(attacked C(to attack D(having attacked 【解析】B考查非谓语动词。句意:杀人犯强调着说当受到攻击时,她只是正当防卫。When 后面完整的句子是when she was attacked按照状语从句的紧缩现象,省略与主句相同的主 语she和be动词,所以选B项。 12.【山西省2013届高三第二次诊断考试】Many people are taking part in various TV programs overnight success. A(achieving B(to achieve C(being achieved D(having been achieved 【解析】B考查非谓语动词。句意:许多人为了获得一夜成名正积极参加不同的电视节目; 只有动词不定式表示目的,其它选项不符合题意,所以选B项。 13.【江苏省扬州中学2013届高三1月质量检测】 David got well-prepared for the university interview, for he couldn’t risk the good opportunity ________. A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost 【解析】D考查非谓语动词。句意:戴维为大学面试做了充分准备,因为他不能冒险失去这 个好机会。Risk后勇动名词形式,机会是被失去,故用被动语态,the good opportunity being lost是动名词的复合结构做宾语。故选D项。 14.【江苏省扬州中学2013届高三1月质量检测】 _____, they dived into a taxi and headed for the airport. A. Goodbye was said B. Goodbye had been said C. Goodbye said D. When goodbye said 【解析】C考查独立主格结构。句意:说再见以后,他们进入出租车向机场驶去。句中用逗号隔开,后面是完整的句子,同时句中也没有连词,所以前面只能用独立主格形式,D中是 从句但缺少谓语动词,故选C项。 15.【江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学2013届高三12月度检测】 ,the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him. A(Wanting the job very much B(Although wanting the job badly C(Though he wanted the job very much D(He wanted the job badly 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管他非常想找到工作,但不得不在女人手下工作的想法让他放弃了。选项A 中非谓语动词作状语是其逻辑主语必须和主句的主语保持一致,而 句子的主语为the idea of having to work under a woman, 故排除A . B 项; D项中需 要连词连接两个简单句,故排除D 项。 故正确答案为C 。 16.【江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学2013届高三12月度检测】About 40 houses fell down under the weight of the snow, with 22 people ______ . A(reported injured B(reported injuring C(reporting injured D(reporting injuring 【解析】A考查With的复合结构的用法。本句中report作为with的补足语和people是被动关系,故用reported形式。injure作为report的补足语和people也是被动关系。故正确选项为A 17.【福建省龙岩市2013届高三1月教学质量检查】______ with the theft,he was forced to leave the company. A. Concerned B. Being concerned C. Having concerned D. Concerning 【解析】A考查非谓语动词。句意:牵涉到偷窃,他被迫离开公司。be concerned with与„„ 有关;补全成原因状语从句为(Because he was)concerned with the theft, he was forced to leave the company. 18.【福建省龙岩市2013届高三1月教学质量检查】 The passenger,sitting in his chair and completely______ in a magazine,looked as if nobody was around. A. absorbing B. being absorbed C. absorbed D. to absorb 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。Be absorbed in sth.全神贯注于;沉浸于。句中非谓语动词 充当后置定语,表示状态,与所修饰名词The passenger (was absorbed in a magazine) 为 被动关系,故应选C项。 19.【辽宁省东北育才双语学校2013届高三第三次模拟】Alex was listening attentively to the lecture given by Professor Smith, with all his attention _______it . A. fixing on B. fixed on C. to fix on D. fix on 【解析】B考查非谓语动词。句意:Alex正专心的听着斯密斯教授的演讲,他所有的注意力 都集中于此。Fix„on把„„固定于„„上,with 的复合结构中,宾语all his attention 与宾补fix„on是逻辑上的动宾关系,故选B项。 20.【2013届河北保定市期末调研】You will see the products of Liu Ling alcohol________on every avenue of Baoding city. A. advertise B. advertising C. advertised D. having advertised 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:你在保定的每条大街上都能看到刘伶醉酒的广告。此处 刘伶醉酒被做广告,所以用过去分词。 21.【河北省衡水中学2013届高三第二次模拟考试】Previously ______ at a fast food restaurant, the Smiths were dissatisfied with the unhealthy meals they served there. A. volunteered B. to volunteer C. volunteering D. having volunteering 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:以前the Smiths在一个快餐馆做志愿者时,就对他们 的提供的不健康的食物不满意。the Smiths是volunteer 的逻辑主语,它们之间是主动关 系,doing表主动,故选C项。 22.【河北省衡水中学2013届高三第二次模拟考试】Hearing a scream, I rushed downstairs only to see my hostess ___________on the floor. A. lain unconscious B. lying unconscious C. laid unconsciously D. lying unconsciously 【解析】B考查非谓语动词作宾补及形容词作状语的用法。句意:听到叫声我冲到楼下结果 发现女主人躺在地板上失去了直觉。see sb doing 看见某人某在做某事;unconscious形 容词,作状语表示my hostess当时所处的状态。故选B项。 23.【河北省衡水中学2013届高三第二次模拟考试】Fully __________ in looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club. A. occupied B. contributed C. attached D. devoted 【解析】A考查非谓语动词。句意:全身心地投入到在家照顾孩子,她再也没有时间去俱乐 部参加各种活动。be occupied in忙于; contribute to有助于; attach to 附属;devote to投身于。因为整个句子已有谓语动词,所以这里应该用非谓语动词,根据句意故选A项。 24.【山东省师大附中2013届高三12月模拟考试】 “Xi Jinping’s report, ” a smile on his face, he continued, “_____ to several hot topics, discusses how to increase peasants’ income.” A. referring B. refers C. having referred D. referred 【解析】A考查非谓语动词。句意:referring to several hot topics是现在分词作定语, 修饰Xi’s report。由于discusses是谓语,故知该空为非谓语动词,排除B项,过去分 词referred to是不能接宾语的,即可排除D项。故选A项。 25.【河北省邯郸市2013届高三教学质量检测】The 11.11 Shopping Festival held by Taobao attracted thousands of online shoppers,_____ a record of nearly 20 billion yuan within 24 hours. A. to make B. made C. making D. having made 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:由淘宝举办的11.11购物节吸引了成千上文的网上购物 者,创造了一个记录一个在24小时内有200亿元的交易量。该空在句中作伴随状语,动词 的-ing形式表示自然而然的结果,不定式表示意想不到的结果,make与逻辑主语之间是主 动关系,故排除B项,完成式表示它的动作优于谓语动词的动作,故排除D项,故选C项。 26.【河北省邯郸市2013届高三教学质量检测】The boy seems _____ a lot of books, for he knows so much. A. that he has read B. to read C. has read D. to have read 【解析】D考查seem to do sth与seem to have done的区别。句意:“那个小男孩似乎 已经读了许多书,因为他知道的那么多”。这里seem to do似乎要做某事;seem to have done似乎已经做了某事,这个表示事情已经做了,根据句意应选D项。 27.【江苏省苏南四校2013届高三12月月考】My demand is that the information_______ in my report _____ to Mr. Brown without delay. A. referred to, to be e-mailed B. referring to,e-mailed C. referred to, be e-mailed D. referring to, being e-mailed 【解析】C考查非谓语动词及虚拟语气中的动词形式。refer to提到,涉及到,指的是。the information referred to in my report是报告中被提到的信息的意思;demand引导的表 语从句用should+动词原形,故选C项。 28.【江苏省苏南四校2013届高三12月月考】 _____ of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend ____ her. A. Warning, following B. Having warned, following C. Having been warned, following D. Warned, followed 【解析】C考查非谓语动词辨析。句意:由于受到警告夜晚街上的危险,她不得不让一个朋 友跟着回家。be warned of 被警告,由于被提醒在前,所以用分词完成式;提醒;with sb/sth doing;with sb/sth done;with sb/sth to do 29.【清江中学2013届高三第四次调研考试】As is reported, a baby boy, dead at birth by the doctors, “came back to life” after spending hours in the hospital refrigerator. A. pronouncing B. being pronounced C. pronounced D. having pronounced 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:据报道,一名刚出生就被医生宣布死亡的男婴在医院的 冰箱待了数小时后又活了过来。过去分词短语做定语,相当于定语从句which were pronounced dead at birth by the doctors.;being pronounced现在分词的被动形式做 定语表示动作正在被„„。故选C项。 30.【河南省濮阳三高2013届高三上学期期末】The Diaoyu islands have been part of China’s territory since ancient times, as important fishing grounds of Taiwan. A. served B. to serve C. serving D. having served 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意为“钓鱼岛自古以来是中国领土的一部分,用作台湾的重 要渔场。”serve as 意为“充当,作为,用作”,本句中 serve as 做状语。serve as 的 逻辑主语是 the Diaoyu islands,主谓之间是主动关系,所以排除 A。to serve表示目的, 意为“为了充当”。having served 表示完成,先于主句发生,即“先用作台湾的重要渔场, 再成为中国的领土”,显然不合逻辑。根据句意,C 为最佳选项。 31.【河南省濮阳三高2013届高三上学期期末】 too much for his intelligence, Harry often overlooks the importance of effort. A. Having praised B. Praised C. praising D. Being praised 【解析】B考查非谓语动词。句意:因为他的智力而被赞扬太多,哈利经常忽略了努力的重 要性。本句中 praise 作状语,其逻辑主语是 Harry,主谓之间是被动关系,所以排除 A 和 C 选项。B 项表示被动和完成,C 项表示被动和进行,所以 B 选项最佳。 32.【江苏省南京师范附属中学2013届高三12月诊断】Having studied in America for three years, the young man didn’t change much, ______ a bit fatter. A. only to get B. only getting C. to have got D. having been got 【解析】B考查非谓语动词。句意:在美国上了三年学,这个年轻人变化不大,只是有点胖 了。本句用现在分词作结果状语。动词不定式作结果状语表示出乎意料的结果。 33.【江苏省南京师范附属中学2013届高三12月诊断】With all the money ________, the man had to make a living by begging. A. run out B. to run out C. used up D. to use up 【解析】C考查非谓语动词作宾语补足语。句意:所有的钱都用完了,这个人不得不靠乞讨 为生。过去分词作宾补表被动和动作已完成,动词不定式作宾补表示将来。从靠乞讨为生可 知钱已经用尽,所以用过去分词。A选项应该用run out of。 34.【山东省日照一中2013届高三第三次质量检测】The old man has a large collection of records _________the 1950s. A. dating back to B. dated back to C. was dated back to D. date back to 【解析】A考查非谓语动词。句意:老人收藏了大量可追溯到1950年代的记录。date back to追溯到,现在非此短语作record的定语。 35.【山东省日照一中2013届高三第三次质量检测】Nearly half a million people are believed_____ their homes in the past month as a result of the disaster. A. to leave B. to have left C. to be leaving D. to be left B考查非谓语动词。句意:人们认为灾难的结果就是将近50万人在过去的一个月里远离家 乡。不定式的一般式表示动作在将来发生;不定式的完成式表示动作已经发生;不定式的进 行式表示动作正在进行;不定式的被动式表示动作在将来发生,且所修饰的词尾动作承受者。 Be believed to do人们认为,该短语中的不定式可根据需要采用不定式的任何形式,适用 该短语的动词还有suppose,say和think等。 36.【山东省日照一中2013届高三第三次质量检测】This machine is very easy . Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes. A. operating B. to be operated C. operated D. to operate 【解析】D考查非谓语动词。句意:这台机器操作很简单。任何人都能在几分钟内学会使用 它。在句型:主语 + be + easy/difficult/hard/natural等 + to + vt中不定式的动词为 及物动词,因为句子的主语是它的动作承受者,不及物动词要加恰当的介词。如:The music is nice to listen to.那音乐很好听。 37.【山东省日照一中2013届高三第三次质量检测】With many problems _____to be discussed , we decided to hold another meeting as soon as possible. A. remain B. remained C. to remain D. remaining 【解析】D考查with复合结构。句意:仍有许多问题要讨论,我们决定尽早再举行一次会 议。Problem是with的宾语,也是remain的动作执行者,故用现在分词作with复合结构 的宾语补足语。 38.【河北省名校名师俱乐部2013届高三第二次调研】 If you go to the National Palace Museum, you’ll find many Chinese treasure________ there. A. to exhibit B. exhibited C. exhibiting D. having exhibit 【解析】B考查find的复合结构。句意:如果你去故宫博物馆,你会发现许多中国珍宝在 那儿展览。这是find的复合结构,find+宾语+过去分词,过去分词作宾补,这是本次考试 中的原创题。 39.【河北省保定市八校2013届高三12月联考】_______ with a difficult situation, he decided to ask his parents for some advice. A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。Be faced with面临,面对,句子的主语是he,he和be faced with构成逻辑的主谓关系,选C项,作原因状语。 40.【河北省保定市八校2013届高三12月联考】The money collected should be made good use ______ the people who suffered a lot in the earthquake. A. of helping B. to helping C. to help D. of to help 【解析】D考查非谓语动词。动词短语make use of利用,在句中,收集的钱应好好地利用, 目的是去帮助地震中受灾的人们。将句子变成The money collected should be make good use _______, _______ the people who suffered a lot in the earthquake.就清楚了不 定式作目的状语,故选D项。
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