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音标-英文三字经音标-英文三字经 1、 我家dad(爸爸),脾气bad(坏的),让我sad(伤心的)。/æ/ 2、 有只cat(猫),非常fat(胖),专吃rat(老鼠)。/æ/ 3、 放下plate(盘子),赶到gate(大门),已经late(迟到)。/ei/ 4、 清晨wake(醒来),来到lake(湖),钓上snake(蛇)。/ei/ 5、 撒下net(网),鱼没get(得到),衣服wet(弄湿)。/e/ 6、 为捉pest(害虫),从不rest(休息),本领best(最棒的)。/e/ 7、 一只pig(猪),非常big...

音标-英文三字经 1、 我家dad(爸爸),脾气bad(坏的),让我sad(伤心的)。/æ/ 2、 有只cat(猫),非常fat(胖),专吃rat(老鼠)。/æ/ 3、 放下plate(盘子),赶到gate(大门),已经late(迟到)。/ei/ 4、 清晨wake(醒来),来到lake(湖),钓上snake(蛇)。/ei/ 5、 撒下net(网),鱼没get(得到),衣服wet(弄湿)。/e/ 6、 为捉pest(害虫),从不rest(休息),本领best(最棒的)。/e/ 7、 一只pig(猪),非常big(大),把洞dig(挖)。/i/ 8、 没给tip(小费),把我lip(嘴唇),装上zip(拉链)。/i/ 9、 一只kite(风筝),颜色white(白色),被狗bite(咬)。/ai/ 10、 学会ride(骑),妈妈pride(骄傲)。/ai/ 11、 清晨jog(慢跑),带上dog(狗),踩到frog(青蛙)。/?/ 12、 轻轻hop(跳),跳上top(顶,最高处),唱起pop(流行歌曲)。/?/ 13、 把眼close(闭上,关上),用我nose(鼻子),去闻rose(玫瑰)。/ ?u/ 14、 喝着coke(可乐),听着joke(笑话),把腰broke(折断)。/ ?u/ 15、 举着gun(枪),瞄准sun(太阳),不停run(跑)。/?/ 16、 小小bug(虫),把我hug(拥抱)。/?/ 17、 找个excuse(借口),借车use(使用),遭到refuse(拒绝)。/ju:/ 18、 假装mute(哑巴的),真是cute(可爱的)。/ju:/ 19、 开着car(汽车),向着star(星星),路途far(遥远的)。/a:/ 20、 想变smart(聪明的),必须start(开始),学习art(艺术)。/a:/ 21、 一个driver(司机),掉进river(河),生命over(结束,完了)。/?/ 22、 一个robber(强盗),专抢rubber(橡皮)。/?/ 23、 穿上shirt(衬衫),脱下skirt(裙子),扔进dirt(泥土,尘土)。/?:/ 24、 这只bird(鸟),总跑third(第三)。/?:/ obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making decision-making law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book talk heart to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound team democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement of the topic of democratic life, criticism and self-criticism normalization, a long-term. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervision, self Sleep maintenance team collective image and authority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureau leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's interests above all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strong, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agreement, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, the lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liability insurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perspective to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of production in an armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 25、 个子short(矮个的),喜欢sport(运动),跑到airport(机场)。/?:/ 26、 拿着fork(叉子),吃着pork(猪肉)。/?:/ 27、 一个nurse(护士),丢了purse(钱包)。/?:/ 28、 买只turtle(海龟),颜色purple(紫色的)。/?:/ 29、 一只goat(山羊),穿件coat(大衣),上了boat(小船)。/?u/ 30、 一片oat(燕麦),卡在throat(喉咙)。/?u/ 31、 燃烧oil(油),直到boil(烧开),倒进soil(土壤)。/?i/ 32、 是否join(参加),抛起coin(硬币)。/?i/ 33、 带上hook(勾),来到brook(小溪),水面look(看)。/u/ 34、 手拿book( 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ),一边look(看),一边cook(烹饪)。/u/ 35、 炎热noon(中午),跳上spoon(勺子),飞到moon(月亮)。/u:/ 36、 一个fool(傻瓜),掉进pool(水池),真是cool(凉爽的)。/u:/ 37、 西瓜round(圆的),长在ground(地面),被我found(发现)。/au/ 38、 一只mouse(老鼠),穿件blouse(女式衬衫),走进house(房子)。/au/ 39、 天在snow(下雪),风在blow(刮),树在grow(长)。/?u/ 40、 秋风follow(跟着),树叶yellow(黄色的),落到pillow(枕头)。/?u/ 41、 不知cow(奶牛),近况how(如何),去向now(现在)。/au/ 42、 一座town(城镇),不停down(往下),快要drown(淹没,淹死)。/au/ 43、 一只bee(蜜蜂),躲进tree(树),没人see(看见)。/i:/ 44、 悬崖deep(深的),开着jeep(吉普车),莫要sleep(睡着)。/i:/ 45、 抱着Barbie(芭比),吃着cookie(饼干),看着movie(电影)。/i/ 46、 被我niece(侄女,外甥女),摔成piece(片,碎片)。/i:/ 47、 丢了glue(胶水),没有clue(线索),脸气blue(蓝色的)。/u:/ u leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's inted authority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureasion, self Sleep maintenance team collective image anterm. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervi-criticism normalization, a long-topic of democratic life, criticism and self of theteam democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement rt to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound lk heaessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book taimplement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assmaking mechanism, improve and -ing, to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decisionand based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meetmaking law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees -making decision-making and democratic decision-obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision2nan Office issued 2013 No.a pair of > (Hudepth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of -uct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the inf condlve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau stafy, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to soin awa25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explan armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September n in apective to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of productionsurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perslity ihe lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liabi, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, teementng, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agrabove all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strorests 48、 手拿tissue(手纸巾),排好queue(队伍)。/ju:/ 49、 一颗pea(豌豆),掉进sea(大海),泡壶tea(茶)。/i:/ 50、 身体weak(虚弱的),爬上peak(顶峰),无力speak(说话)。/i:/ 51、 吞进lead(铅),摸摸head(头),已经dead(死的)。/e/ 52、 吃着bread(面包),报纸spread(展开),开始read(阅读)。/e/ 53、 不停train(训练,火车),没有pain(努力,痛苦),哪有gain(收获, 得到)。/ei/ 54、 把手raise(举起),老师praise(表扬)。/ei/ 55、 小狗paw(爪子),拿根straw(稻草),把画draw(画画)。/?:/ 56、 坐在lawn(草地),学习law(法律)。/?:/ 57、 被窝cozy(舒适),床上lazy(懒的),气妈crazy(疯的)。/i/ 58、 抱着puppy(小狗),心里happy(开心的)。/i/ 59、 如果shy(害羞的),不敢try(尝试),机会fly(飞走)。/ai/ 60、 不停cry(哭),眼泪dry(干)。/ai/ 61、 很多day(天),没发pay(工资),无话say(说)。/ei/ 62、 天空gray(灰色的),无心play(玩),回家stay(呆)。/ei/ 63、 顽皮monkey(猴子),捡起key*(钥匙),扔向donkey(驴)。/i/ 64、 为了honey(宝贝,蜂蜜),节省money(钱)。/i/ 65、 有个boy(男孩),玩着toy(玩具),心中joy(愉快)。/?i/ 66、 跳进soy(酱油),尽情enjoy(享受,喜欢)。/?i/ 67、 一只hare(野兔),居然dare(敢),对我stare(瞪眼)。/ε?/ 68、 困难share(分担,分享),互相care(关心),赶走scare(害怕)/ε?/ 69、 天气fair(晴朗的),凉爽air(空气),吹拂hair(头发)。/ε?/ criticism normalization, a long-pic of democratic life, criticism and selfthe tom democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement of to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound teaheart ment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book talk lement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assessmaking mechanism, improve and imp-to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decision based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, making law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and-making decision-making and democratic decision-obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision3Office issued 2013 No. a pair of > (Hunandepth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of -work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in nductthe spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau staff co conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solveaway, h, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain rmchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25tn an ative to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of production irance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perspecy insulack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liabilitncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, the nt, uin the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agreeme ve all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strong,ts aboeadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's interesuthority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureau lsion, self Sleep maintenance team collective image and aterm. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervi- 70、 崭新chair(椅子),滚下stair(楼梯),需要repair(修理)。/ε?/ 71、 昨天fire(解聘),今天hire(雇佣),后天retire(退休)。/ai?/ 72、 扑灭fire(火),真是tire(累)。/ai?/ 73、 离我near(近的),含着tear(眼泪),叫我dear(亲爱的)。/i?/ 74、 一头bear(熊),裙子wear(穿着),采摘pear(梨)。/e?/ 75、 一只deer(梅花鹿),举起beer(啤酒),大喊cheers(干杯)。/i?/ 76、 这个engineer(工程师),事事pioneer(当先锋)。/i?/ 77、 洗完face(脸),系好lace(鞋带),参加race(赛跑)。/s/ 78、 吃着rice(米饭),加点ice(冰),口感nice(好的)。/s/ 79、 听听music(音乐),变变magic(魔术),吃吃garlic(大蒜)。/k/ 80、 看完comic(喜剧),野外picnic(野餐)。/k/ 81、 动作quick(快的),把只cock(公鸡),藏进sock(袜子)。/k/ 82、 脱下jacket(夹克),忘记ticket(票),还在pocket(口袋)。/k/ 83、 同学each(每一个),手拿peach(桃子),来到beach(海滩)。/t?/ 84、 观众watch(观看),激烈match(比赛),球来catch(抓住)。/t?/ 85、 天气sunny(阳光明媚),身无penny(便士),感觉funny(滑稽的)。/n/ 86、 最快runner(跑步者),成了winner(胜利者),享受dinner(晚餐)。/n/ 87、 拿起ink(墨水),不加think(思考),仰头drink(喝)。/?k/ 88、 敌人tank(坦克),撞上bank(岸,堤),老天thank(谢谢)。/?k/ 89、 一首song(歌),歌词long(长的),总唱wrong(错的)。/?/ 90、 山路along(沿着),跑步long(长的),身体strong(强壮的)。/?/ 91、 像个king(国王),插上wing(翅膀),不停swing(荡秋千,摇荡)。/i?/ 92、 美好spring(春天),歌儿sing(唱),鲜花bring(带来)。/i?/ d authority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureasion, self Sleep maintenance team collective image anterm. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervi-criticism normalization, a long-topic of democratic life, criticism and self of theteam democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement rt to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound lk heaessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book taimplement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assmaking mechanism, improve and -ing, to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decisionand based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meetmaking law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees -making decision-making and democratic decision-obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision4nan Office issued 2013 No.a pair of > (Hudepth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of -uct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the inf condlve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau stafy, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to soin awa25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explan armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September n in apective to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of productionsurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perslity ihe lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liabi, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, teementng, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agrabove all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strorests u leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's inte 93、 一头fox(狐狸),躲避ox(公牛),藏进box(盒子)。/ks/ 94、 忘背text(课文),绝无next(下一次)。/ks/ 95、 身体ill(生病的),买来pill(药丸),堆成hill(小山)。/l/ 96、 一根needle(针),掉进noodle(面条)。/l/ 97、 饭后hurry(赶快),书包carry(背上),迟到sorry(对不起)。/r/ 98、 我家parrot(鹦鹉),爱吃carrot(胡萝卜)。/r/ 99、 做个dream(梦),掉进stream(小河),大声scream(尖叫)。/dr/ 100、 穿着dress(连衣裙),下着chess(象棋)。/t?/ 101、 一辆truck(卡车),满载duck(鸭子),一路luck(好运,运气)。/tr/ 102、 碰到trouble(困难),努力double(加倍)。/tr/ 103、 小小age(年龄),读读page(书页),种种orange(橘子)。/d?/ 104、 打开fridge(冰箱),端出porridge(粥),扔下bridge(桥)。/d?/ 105、 喝酒enough(足够的),大声laugh(笑),不停cough(咳嗽)。/f/ 106、 他很tough(粗暴的),从不laugh(笑)。/f/ 107、心中wish(希望),钓到fish(鱼),做成dish(一盘菜)。/?/ 108、飞机crash(撞毁),烧成ash(灰烬),损失cash(钱)。/?/ 109、一个youth(年轻人),张开mouth(嘴巴),吹到south(南方)。/θ/ 110、洗完bath(洗澡),学习math(数学)。/θ/ 111、我的mother(妈),生个brother(兄弟),想要another(再一个)/ð/ 112、寒冷weather(天气),身披leather(皮革),头戴feather(羽毛)/ð/ 113、高高sky(天空),不知why(为什么),掉下spy(间谍)。/sg//sb/ 114、站在peak(顶,山顶),对天speak(说话)。/sb/ 115、到了night(夜晚),打开light(电灯),保护sight(视力)。/ai/ criticism normalization, a long-pic of democratic life, criticism and selfthe tom democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement of to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound teaheart ment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book talk lement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assessmaking mechanism, improve and imp-to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decision based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, making law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and-making decision-making and democratic decision-obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision5Office issued 2013 No. a pair of > (Hunandepth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of -work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in nductthe spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau staff co conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solveaway, h, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain rmchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25tn an ative to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of production irance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perspecy insulack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liabilitncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, the nt, uin the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agreeme ve all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strong,ts aboeadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's interesuthority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureau lsion, self Sleep maintenance team collective image and aterm. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervi- 116、一只chick(小鸡),动作quick(快的),把我kick(踢)。/kw/ 117、吃饭quiet(安静的),注意diet(饮食)。/kw/ 118、 猫吃mice(mouse的复数),味道nice(好的),想吃twice(两次)。/tw/ 119、 这对twin(双胞胎),总是win(赢)。/tw/ term. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervi-criticism normalization, a long-topic of democratic life, criticism and self of theteam democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement rt to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound lk heaessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book taimplement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assmaking mechanism, improve and -ing, to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decisionand based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meetmaking law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees -making decision-making and democratic decision-obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision6nan Office issued 2013 No.a pair of > (Hudepth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of -uct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the inf condlve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau stafy, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to soin awa25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explan armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September n in apective to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of productionsurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perslity ihe lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liabi, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, teementng, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agrabove all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strorests u leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's inted authority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureasion, self Sleep maintenance team collective image an
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