首页 【精品】以欢快的英文歌曲进行开始整堂课程42



【精品】以欢快的英文歌曲进行开始整堂课程421 Module 2 Unit 2 Period 1 Teaching contents:P17 Teaching aims: 1. Identify main ideas. Recognize language patterns previously encountered in new spoken texts 2. Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions. Focus and difficulty:...

1 Module 2 Unit 2 Period 1 Teaching contents:P17 Teaching aims: 1. Identify main ideas. Recognize language patterns previously encountered in new spoken texts 2. Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions. Focus and difficulty: 1. Using predicative adjectives to describe conditions. 2. Asking simple questions to obtain ‘yes/no’ responses. Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player, workbook P11 Teaching process: Notes contents Methods Procedures Pre-task Song and 1. Review: happy, sad, preparation review hungry and thirsty . 以欢快的英 Draw faces with show 文歌曲进行 different feelings on the 开始整堂课 board. 程。 Say: You have a new boy. How do you feel? Learn the 2. Introduce: full and tired. new word. Are you full/tired? Yes, I am No, I’m not. While-task Listen 1. Play the cassette. procedure and follow in their 强调多跟磁books. 带进行朗读 练习。 Listen 2. Play the cassette again. and 3. Say: Look at picture1. repeat. How does Kitty feel? 2 Ask and answer in the same Practice way impairs. Tick the boxes in the table at the bottom of the page. Do role-play in groups . Workbook Assingment P11 Grammar book P16 Board Design He’s tired. He’s full. (hungry) Are you…? Yes, I’m… No, I’m not… Feedback: 对于 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示感觉和感情的形容词学生掌握的都较好,并且学生对于此类的对话兴趣较高,课堂的学习氛围也很热烈。 在询问感觉的问句中学生对于划线提问的句型错误率较多。 Module 2 Unit 2 Period 2 Teaching contents:P18 Teaching aims: 1. Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions. 2. Develop written texts by putting words in a logical order to make meaning full phrases or sentences. Focus and difficulty: 1. Using nouns to identify insects. 2. Using predicative adjectives to describe conditions. Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player, workbook P12, picture and word card. 3 Teaching process: Notes contents Methods Procudures Pre-task Review 1Act the dialogues 对于单词preparation afraid和 Words 2 Show the card. angry的发音 Introduce: afraid./angry 区别要重视。 Say: He’s afraid. She’s afraid. I’m not afraid. 3. Then ask: What is it? It’s a ladybird. He’s/She’s___ 4. Show pictures: to elicit He’s /She’s___. While-task 1. Play the Listen and follow in their procedure cassette. books. 2. Play the Listen and repeat. cassette again. 3. Work in read the sentences in pairs ‘Read and Write.’ Read aloud the sentences. 以图片上动4. Practice Invite individual students. 物的表情来 Look at the pictures in 进行单词的‘Look and Talk’. Pay 引入教学。 attention to the facial expressions of the cat and the dog. Make sentences orally st1. Then write them on the board. 4 Post-task 1. Exercises 2. Try to rewrite the activity story. 3. Workbook P12. Assignment Grammar book P17 Board Design afraid/angry/ The dog/cat is… Feedback: 在单词和句型扎实学习的基础上学生对以此为主题进行的对话兴趣甚高,我在课堂上就进行了相关内容的补充,进行了一定的拓展教学。 新单词afraid的发音有部分学生掌握的不是太好,还需要老师在以后多进行朗读练习。 Module 2 Unit 2 Period 3 Teaching contents:P19 Teaching aims: 1. Discriminate between words different initial sounds. 2. Pronounce correctly words with different initial ‘l’ blends in an utterance. 3. Develop short written texts by putting words in a logical order to make meaningful phrases or sentences. Focus and difficulty: Using the simple present tense to express interests feelings and opinions. Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player, workbook P13. Teaching process: Notes contents Methods Procudures Pre-task 1. Review Show some picture food: 以讨论喜欢的动preparation Do you like___? 物开始进入教 What do you like? 5 学。 2. .likes, doesn’t like Draw some food items on the board. Introduce: likes 表示喜好的句型and doesn’t like. Draw 学生学习的兴趣smiling faces and sad 较高,引入效果faces to show likes and 很好。 dislikes. Say:Tom likes sandwiches, but he doesn’t like cakes. Say: Try to make similar sentences. While-task 1. Play the Listen and follow in their procedure cassette. books. 2. Work in look at the picture and groups read the dialogues once 进行四人小组口 again. 语练习。 Discuss and complete the speech bubbles in Picture5 and Picture6. 3. Invite Act the story in front of the groups of class. students. 4. Learn the Listen and follow in their sounds: books. 1) Play the Listen and repeat. cassette. Read aloud the sentences. 2) Play the cassette again 3) Post-task Workbook P13 activity Grammar book 6 P18 Assignment 1. Copy new words and text. 2. Make new dialogues. Board Design He/She/It likes… He/She/It doesn’t like… I/You like… I/You don’t like… Feedback: 对于行为动词第三人称单数的学习四年级的学生刚刚开始接触,学习效果不是很好,在以后的学习中要加强练习,并要着重强调其学习的重要性。同时开始加强所有人称代词的学习。 Module 2 Me, my family and I Unit 3 Friends The First Period Teaching contents: Read and say Teaching Aims: Asking „Wh‟ questions to find out a person‟s identity. Using the simple present tense to express simple truth. To describe a person‟s character and find out a person‟s indentity. Difficult and key points: To talk about a person‟s character Teaching aids: A cassette player, cassette 4A, some pictures I Teaching Procedure: Procedure Contents Methods Note 7 Warming-up 1. Song Ss Daily talk ? Hello, how are you? 问答练习 ? How old are you? 进程较为 ? How old is she/he? 顺利。 ? What have you got? ? What has she/he got? ? Who are you? ? Who is she/he? Revision Introduce 1. Boys and girls ,suppose yourself I‟m your new English teacher, I‟ll introduce 引导学生 myself first. Listen 自己进行 carefully , then ask and 提问练 answer about my 习。 introduction. e.g.I‟m Miss Huang. I‟m a woman. I‟m twenty-six . I‟m Ask and thin. I‟m tall. I have a new answer book. .2. P-P practice in pairs: e.g. Who is she ? She is Miss Huang. How old is she? She is Presentation introduce twenty-six. 从先介绍 yourselves Is she tall? Yes. 自己入手 or your 再过渡到 classmates Ss 介绍朋 like me and Sex 友。 guess Age who‟s your Length friend Likes/dislikes 8 Listen and say 听短文找 Listen to the tape: 朋友练 Find my friend: Lingling, Ted, 习。 Winnie, Eric Read and say Consolidation Talk about 1. Arrange students into your friend groups. Ask them to introduce one of his/her friend 2. Invite individual students to say something about their friends , the other students try to guess. Assignment 1. Recite the text. 2. Exercises Board Design Module 2 Unit 3 Friends My friend fat/ thin/ big/ small/tall/short run/jump/swim/dive… Feedback: 朋友这个主题一直就是学生深爱的话题,单词和句型的教学都很顺利,同时可以适当进行课外相关词汇的拓展。围绕朋友这个主题可以引导学生进行较长的语段训练,形式可以为课堂中的听力训练和课外的阅读训练。 作业我设置了短文写作的练习。 9 The Second Period Teaching contents: Look and say Teaching Aims: Using adjectives to describe people, amimals and objects. Using the simple present tense to express simple truths. To describe a person‟s character and express your own will Talk about the friendship at school Difficult and key points: Using the simple present tense to express simple truths. Teaching aids: A cassette player, cassette 4A Procedure Contents Methods Note Warming-up Sing an English Ss song Revision Look and read : Show pictures: I have he has you have she has we have it has they have Peter has To have Danny has 句型多 Peter and Danny have 加口语 … 练习。 take out your 1. Look and say: classroom e.g. This is a/an … objects and say It is big/red/smooth… like this: I like it very much Now I will ask one of Guessing game: you to say something about his classmates , the others guess. 10 e.g. Who is he? He is … T: Have you got a T-P pair work friend? P: Yes. 可以适 T: Who is he ? P: He 当加入 is Mark. 猜谜的 T: Oh, his name is 游戏进 Mark. 行人名 的学习Review “his name e.g. What‟s his name? 引入。 / her name” His name is Marl. What‟s your sister‟s name? Her name‟s Kitty. Presentation 1. Play the Look and say. Students cassette: listen and follow in their books . Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat. 2. Teacher Encourage the 以图片 shows the students to say 为辅助 pictures of the something about them. 教学手 text And the students may 段鼓励 add something about 学生多 their imagination. 开口说。 Have students take out 3. Practice the photographs of their friends, get prepaired to say something about their 11 friend. Students also can form groups to discuss them. Invite individual students and pairs of students tell the class about their friends. 4. Think and write Have students look at the frame work provided in. Encourage students to circle the relevant words and provide necessary information. Ask students to use a pencil and write on their books. Consolidation Grammar book& written task Assignment 1. Copy the text twice. 2. Grammar Practice Book 4A page 20 could be used to practice and consolidate the oral and written language used in this section further. 3. Write down 12 something about your friends on the paper. 4. Preview page 22. Board Design I have a friend I have a friend. His/Her name is… He/she is… He/She is…(age) He/She has… I like _____‟s… Feedback: 这一课时单词和句型难度都不大,学生的学习兴趣也很高,在简单的问答 练习和对话练习之后我尽力引导学生尝试较长语段的表述,并适当进行课外 词汇的拓展,帮助学生体验学习成功的喜悦。同时作业的布置也结合了课堂 教学的主题。 The Third Period Teaching Contents: Read a story Teaching Aims: Using adjectives to describe people, animals and objects Using nouns/noun phrases to identify people, animals, events, objects and activities Try to tell a small story about the key words or pictures A friend in need is a friend indeed. We should help each other . Difficult and key points: Using adjectives to describe people, animals and objects . Teaching aids: A cassette player, cassette 4A, a wallpicture , some toy animals, a slide Teaching procedure: Procedure Contents Methods Notes Warming-up Sing a song: ‹In the zoo› 13 教导学You can see all kinds of 生多学animals in the zoo. The 习唱英lion, the tiger, the elephant 语歌曲。 and the fox.… 2.Tell a story: Little Lucy Revision Quick ! T: Have you got a pet? P: response Yes, I have. T: What is it? P: It‟s a 在教师dog. 提问的 T: Have you got a pet? 基础上P: No. But I have a toy. 引导学Look, it‟s a lion. ?Review „lion‟: Who 生自己 进行提can say something about 问。 the lion ?Say and ask : Is it big? Has it got a tail? What colour is it ? Can it jump?, etc. ?Review „mouse‟ : The same method as „ the lion‟ ?T: Do you like the mouse? P: NO.T T: Why? P: It‟s dirty/ugly/bad… T: But today we will learn a story about a little mouse. It‟s brave and lovely. I like it very much. . Presentation 1).Show the title: The lion and the mouse Have the students read 故事教 the title loud and 学以多Learn fluently. ?Look at the 媒体配Picture1 and 合演示picture 2: wallpicture and listen 故事的 to the tape. Students 14 情节。 try to repeat it. ?Learn the word „strong‟: ?Say the word after the teacher ?Read the word and act it . ?Make sentences using this word. ?Students do pair work to talk about these two Learn pictures. picture3 and 2) Look , listen ,repeat and picture 4. say. If you are a lion or a mouse, Learn picture what did you do? 5: ?Look at the picture , listen to the tape .?Learn the word „branch‟: Draw a tree ?Answer teacher‟s questions: Where is the mouse? Where is the tiger? Is the mouse brave? Are his teeth sharp? ?Students describe the Learn picture 6 picture. 1)Listen and try to say. 2)Students tick the boxes in Look and talk. 鼓励学Ask students to look at the 生表演wallpicture or key words to 故事。 tell the story. They can form groups to finish this task. e.g. Ask: What‟s the name of the story? To elicit: The lion and the mouse. Ask: 15 What can you see? To elicit: I can see a lion. Etc. Assignment 1. Read and 2. Read the story time and recite time until you can recite it. 3. Copy the new words, each for two lines. 4. Try to retell the story. 5. What do you learn from the story?( A friend in need is a friend indeed) 6. An additional reading material: Two friends and a bear. Board Design Read a story The lion and the mouse ? ? big and strong small and weak afraid brave happy happy friends Feedback: 故事教学在多媒体演示的帮助下学生的学习更为形象了,对于故事本身学生的学习兴趣较高,但是在单词afraid/ brave/ angry的学习上还有一定的难度,主要体现在单词的发音和词形相近上,以后还要多多进行相关的练习。 作业可以进行分层布置,可以鼓励学有余力的学生进行新故事的创作。 16 The Fourth Period Teaching contents: Say and act Teaching aims: 1. Using formulaic expressions to introduce oneself Using predicative adjectives to describe conditions Asking „yes/no‟ questions to obtain simple responses Using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences Using demonstratives to refer to people or things 2. Asking „Wh‟ questions to find out various kinds of specific information 3. Locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions Difficult and key points: Using the patterns comprehensively Teaching aids: A cassette player , cassette 4A, a wallpicture Teaching Procedure: Procedure Contents Methods Notes Warming-up Say rhymes Ss 表演故事。 Tell a story ‹The lion and the mouse› Revision 1. Ask and answer Finding mother. 2. Play games: e.g. Hello.My ears are long. My tail is short. 猜谜故事学 I‟m a rabbit . 生很喜欢。 Are you my mother? No. My ears are big . My tail is short. I‟m a dog. Ask: What animal 3.Guessing game. is it? It has two small eyes and two long ears. Its teeth are sharp and small. 给出图片鼓 To elicit: It‟s a dog. 17 励学生多开 To describe the 口说英语。 4. Try to say: animals using the pattern that we have learned. e.g. A lion is big and strong. Its teeth are big and sharp. Presentation 1. Listen and 1)Play the dialogue follow on the cassette while students look 以听力的学 at the wallpicture. 习形式进行 Students learn the 新课的教 content through 学。 listening. 2)Students listen again and follow in their books. 3)Ask questions about the story,e.g. What‟s the dog‟s name? What can we call the rabbit? Who‟s her new friend? Is he a cat? What does he like? 2.Play the cassette again Students follow the tape and repeat. Divide students into pairs to act out the story. Invite pairs of students to act the dialogue to the class. Students vote for the best pairs. Assignment 1. Grammar Practice Book 4A page 21 18 2. Read the story Try to retell the story Feedback: 这一课时以复习为主,口语练习、听力练习、说短文练习、表演练习综合进行课程的复习。 Module 3 Unit 1 In the School Period 1 Teaching contents: P24 Teaching aims: Locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions. Identify key words by recognizing the stress. Use appropriate intonation in questions and statements Predict the meaning of unfamiliar words … Develop written texts my putting words in a logical order to make meaningful phrases. Focus and difficulty: 1. Using number to talk about quantity 2. Using the introductory „there‟ to express facts Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player. Teaching process: Procedures Contents Methods Notes 1. Review number: Pre-task One?ten preparation 2. Read the single Book-books chair-chairs 在复习一到 and plural form of Box-boxes crayon-crayons 十的数词的 the nouns Butterfly-butterflies, 基础上教学 . mouse-mice, class-classes 十一到二十 的数词,同 时拓展到两While-task 19 Count the ___. Count the books or the bags. 位数的教procedure: There are To elicit: There are … 学。 chairs. Divide the board into eleven boxes. Draw ten circles in the first box. Say: one circle, two circles, …ten circles Write: 11 circles to 20 circles in the other boxes. Replace the Latin numbers with the English form. Say: count the___. One, two,… There are__. Point to the stationeries to Practice ask There be句 Follow in their books. 型的学习刚 Play the cassette Listen and repeat. 开始鼓励学 Play it again Ask: What can you see? 生耐心学 Introduce: exercise books. 习。 The whole class counts Hold up an exercise book and show it to the students. 1. Say: Count the exercises books starting from the student of 2.Practice the first now, each student says the next number from eleven to twenty and then from 20 to 1 20 Look at P24 Counting. Post-task Count the things on activities: P24. Grammar book P22 Workbook P17 1. Copy new Assignment number words and sentences. 2. Recite the new words. Board Design Module 3 Places and activities Unit 1 In the school one eleven two twelve three thirteen four fourteen There is… five fifteen There are… six sixteen seven seventeen eight eighteen nine nineteen ten twenty Feedback: 数词的学习难度不大,只要讲解清楚数词之间的关联,在数词发音的学习 上一开始要帮助学生正确朗读单词后缀的发音规律,之后的学习就简单许多, 但是there be句型对于学生而言是初次全面的学习有一定的难度,要慢慢的 进行句型学习,鼓励学生多多进行口语练习。 21 Module 3 Unit 1 In the School Period 2 Teaching contents:P25 Teaching aims: Locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions. Use modeled words and phrases to communicate with other learners. Develop written texts my putting words in a logical order to make meaningful phrases. Focus and difficulty: Using nouns to identify object. Asking „How‟ questions to find out the quantity. Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player. Grammar book P23. A rope and a hoop ( picture ) Teaching process: Procedures Contents Methods Notes Sing a Ss Warming up song Say the phrases Numbers e.g. one desk two chairs Revision three chicks four hens 数词和there be句 1 Review: eleven to twenty by There are ___ 型相结合。 Pre-task drawing apple in the trees each time. in/on___. preparation: e.g. There are eleven apples in Tree A. Divide the board Say: There are 11 apples in the tree. into five columns. 2. For intermediate students, draw Draw a big tree in different kinds of fruit in different each column. trees. Write: A about the e.g. There are twelve oranges in Tree first tree, B about 以游戏形式进行 A. the second tree there be句型的进 Say: There are 12 oranges in the tree. and so on. 一步教学。 There are sixteen bananas in Tree B. Say: There are 13 bananas in the tree. 3. For more able students, draw a tree with eighteen apples on the 22 board and say: There are eighteen apples. In the tree. 4. Ask them to draw a kind of the fruits in one tree and describe their tree. 1.Using the pictures on the board to elicit : How many___? 5. Say: A:How many___? How many… ? Count the ____. 1.Ask the students B: There are___. to count the fruits 6. How many ___ are there in/on __? 用我们身边的东西 on the tree. 7(What`s____?There is\are____. 进行there be句型 Show pictures to elicit: rope hoop 的操练。 While-task procedure: Work in pairs: bookP25 2. Introduce: Count each item in the picture and fill rope and hoop. in the blanks. 3. Practice check each other‟s answers by asking and answer the model. 4. Play the cassette. Grammar book P23 Post-task activities: 1. Copy new Assignment words. 2. Make new sentences with “there be” 23 Board Design Unit 1 In the school How many+复? There are… There is… plant rope hoop Feedback: There be句型的教学进入了how many询问的学习过程中,在语言学习的基础上对于那些学习有困难的学生我给与他们改变句型的规律,并把此规律变成一些朗朗上口的口诀,让这些学生更容易学习。 Module 3 Unit 1 In the School Period 3 Teaching contents:P26 Teaching aims: Identify key words by recognizing the stress. Pronounce correcting words with initial. Develop written texts by adding personal ideas and information. Focus and difficulty: Using the introductory „there‟ to express facts. Using nouns to refer to more than one object Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player. Workbook 4A P18 A picture of a robot Teaching process: Procedures Contents Methods Notes Ss Warming up Sing a Review the shapes Revision song learned in Student‟s Book 3A by drawing a circle, a star, a square and a Shapes: star, triangle on the board. Ask: What shape is this? square, circle, To elicit : It‟s a circle. ( square, triangle) 24 triangle Draw shapes: Introduce: 新单词的朗Pre-task rectangle, as an addition 读学习有一preparation: to the shapes students 定的难度, have learned. 在学习的过 程引导学生 Look and say: book P26 以音节来学While-task 习发音。 procedure: 1. Look and say: some objects What‟s this? It‟s ___. What shape is it? It‟s a ___. What colour is it? It‟s___. 2.Practice 出示各类以 形状图形为 Introduce: rectangle Look at the picture in Ask 主的建筑 triangle? angle and answer. 物,给学生 ?rectangle List shapes that they can 创造有趣的 see in it. 学习环节。 Students listen How many___ are there? There are___. Draw a Christmas tree It‟s___. using three triangles, one Post-task rectangle, one square and activities: one star, they can add other things they like in the picture. Talk about the robot with the drills Play the cassette Learn the sounds 25 1. Play the cassette 2. Play the cassette again Drawing (shapes) Express Assignment 1. Workbook P18 2. Copy new words. 3. Recite new words. Board Design Look and learn Star square triangle rectangle circle What shape is it? It’s a… Feedback: 有关形状单词的学习在发音上有一定的难度,而且单词也较长,学生对此有学习枯燥感,因此我在教学过程中结合多媒体课件向学生展示了各类以形状为主的建筑物,让他们去数数,对于小学生而言很有吸引力。在玩中学,学中玩。 至于单词发音的学习我引导学生开始尝试以音节发音来帮助学习单词的发音规律。 26 Module 3 Unit 2 Food Period 1 Teaching contents:P27 Teaching aims: Identify key words by recognizing the stress. Use appropriate intonation in questions and statements. Develop written texts by putting words in a logical order. Focus and difficulty: 1.Using noun phrases to refer to the quantity of something. 2.Using „How‟ questions to find out the price. Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player. Workbook P19-20. Grammar book P24 Work and Picture Cards, real food. Teaching process: Procedures Contents Methods Notes Ss Warming up T& S Review Rhyme How many___? What shape is it? Daily talk (Word and Picture Pre-task Cards) 有关食物的preparation: 单词学生已 经掌握了很 (Draw a large and a 多在复习的 1. Review: sweets, small a cake.) 基础上给以 an ice cream, a 多多拓展课While-task cake, a sandwich Show a packet of sweet, 外单词。 procedure: biscuits. biscuits and crisps of Introduce: large, different size. small Write: A large/small packet of 2. Write and introduce: A packet of Point and say: A 27 large/small packet of 注意一些不 sweets. 可数单词的 Hold up 2 packets. 教学。 Hold up a large/small bottle of water or juice. 3.Introduce: water Say: A large bottle of juice. water/A small bottle of juice. 4.Say some phrases: What can I do for you? ______, please. 4. What can I do for 对于有兴趣 you? Put a sticker on a packet 的学生可以 and ask: How much is 教授他们美 6.How much is it? 元和英镑的 it? …Yuan. Write ‟,6‟ on the 使用。 sticker and answer: Six Yuan. Post-task activities: Shopping Model: Listen to the tape Listen and repeat. Do the role-play. Practice with other food. Follow in their books. Workbook P19-20 Thinking: How can you say when you buy more things? Grammar book P24 Assignment 1. Copy new words and phrases. 2. Make a new dialogue about “ In the supermarket”. 28 Board Design Food packet bottle glass box juice biscuit sweets How much is it? It’s… yuan. How much are they? They are …yuan. Feedback: 有关食物的主题教学学生一直都很有兴趣,且对于此类单词的积累学生已经掌握了很多,我们可以再次进行课外拓展,拓宽学生的知识面和词汇量。这一课时中有比较多的量词词组,无论是朗读或运用对于初次接触学生都有一定的学习难度,在以后的学习过程中还要进行多多练习。 回家作业中对于优秀的学生我让他们自己编有关购物的对话。 Module 3 Unit 2 Food Period 2 Teaching contents:P28 Teaching aims: Identify key words by recognizing the stress. Open an interaction in questions and statements. Use the basic conventions of written English to combine letters to form words. Focus and difficulty: Using connectives to add information. Asking „Wh-„ questions to find out various kinds of specific information. Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player. Workbook P21. Grammar bookP25 Work and Picture Cards, some real food. Teaching process: Procedures Contents Methods Notes 29 Ss Warming up SONG Shopping Revision 鼓励学生多 I have got___. 多进行对话Pre-task He/She has/got___. 的表演。 preparation: Act dialogue Read: While-task a packet of sugar some 重点教学物procedure: Review sugar 质名词,讲 a loaf of bread 解不可数单 some bread 词的运用方 a carton of milk 法。 some milk Introduce: bread, jam, chocolate, 2.Play the cassette. sugar, butter, coffee, milk Introduce: fruit, Try to answer. flour Follow in their books. Listen and repeat. Try to say: I‟ve/have got some…, some… ,and Ask: What is in some… Kitty‟s trolley? 结合to have 句型进行综 What nave you got? Play the tape 合训练。 I‟ve got a____ again. I‟ve got Ask: What have Post-task some___(uncountable you got? activities: nouns, countable nouns) Practice Workbook P21 Grammar book 30 P25 Assignment 1. Copy new words and text. 2. Exercises. 3( Make new dialogues. Board Design Unit 2 Food What have you got? I’ve got… We’ve got… sugar, flour, butter, chocolate Feedback: 这一课时中以不可数名词为主,对于小学生而言理解物质名词这个概念还有一定的难度,只能举实例来进行教学,结合各种量词词组多不可数名词的用法进行深入的教学。To have句型学生有一定的遗忘,从口语练习着手进行复习和更为深入的学习。 回家作业还是可以鼓励学生再进行有关购物的主题对话编排。 Module 3 Unit 2 Food Period 3 Teaching contents: P29 Teaching aims: 31 Discriminate between words with different initial sounds. Pronounce correcting words with initial diagraphs cr- and br- in an utterance. Recognize familiar words in unfamiliar contexts. Focus and difficulty: Using attributive adjectives to show quantities. Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player. Work and Picture Cards. Teaching process: Procedures Contents Methods Notes Rhyme Warming up What can I help you? Daily talk How much is it? 结合前两课Revision What have you got? 时的学习, What has he/she got? 引导学生进 行语言的综 1.Review food Make a list of the things can 合训练。 Pre-task items using be found in those places in preparation: Picture Cards. groups. N 2.Write: The supermarket, the Try to say: We‟ve got …in toyshop, the the supermarket/ toy 以游戏的形 bookshop. shop/the book shop. 式进行复 习。 1. Invite pairs of While-task students to Listen procedure: report back. Repeat Individual student read the 2. Put more sentence. objects in Show photocopiable different shop. P33( same things to a shop) Each group do one part( supermarket, clothes shop, toy shop) 3.Learn the sounds. Play the cassette. Play the cassette again 32 Post-task Grammar book activities: P26,27 Collect some new Assignment words about food. Board Design Make and play Put the cards on the desk. Take the card. Read it. Put the card in the shop. Feedback: 游戏教学一直都是学生很感兴趣的学习方式,帮助学生在玩中学,学中玩。 Module 3 Unit 3 A Class Picnic Period 1 Teaching contents:P30 Teaching aims: Identify key words by recognizing the stress. Open an intonation by eliciting a response. Gather and share information, ideas and language. Focus and difficulty: Asking „yes/no‟ questions to obtain simple responses. Using „Wh-‟ questions to find out specific information. Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player. 33 Workbook P22. Grammar book P28 Work and Picture Cards, a sketchbook, a pair of sunglasses and a camera. Teaching process: Procedures Contents Methods Notes 1. Review: What Pre-task have you got? To elicit: I‟ve got a ruler, some preparation pencils. To have 句型的复 Fill in the blanks ___ book, ____ juice, ___ biscuits 习结合前两课时中 with “a, an, some” ____ruler,____water,____crayons 所学的单词。 ____orange,____ coffee,____dolls She‟s/He‟s got___. TO elicit: What has he/she got? While-task He‟s/She‟s got___ procedure 2.Write: School Practice( A ___, some juice, some Picnic. biscuits) 新单词的教学注意 3.Introduce: a 个别单词的发音训 sketch-book, a pair 练。 of sunglasses, a Follow camera List the things that they are going to bring. 1.Find out what each character has Say: got. Work in pairs: What have you got? 2.Play the cassette What has he/she got? 3.Play it again. 4.Ask: What‟s Kitty got in her bag? Listen and repeat. Role-play the dialogue in groups. 5.Ask: What‟s Eddie got? Look at Kitty‟s green bag. 猜谜游戏可以让学 Guessing game She‟s got … 生自己进行提问。 34 Workbook P22 Show student‟s some objects, look at Post-task Grammar book P28 them quickly, then ask: activities: What has he/ she got? He‟s/She‟s got__. 1. Copy new Assignment words and text. 2. Read the text after the tape. Board Design Look and learn Sketch-book camera picnic class Have you got…? Has he got…? Feedback: 野餐的主题需要学生课前进行一定量的预习工作,新单词的学习中量词词组a pair of的发音存在一定的困难。To have句型在前几课时的复习和学习后学生已经运用自如了,结合主题我让学生组成小组自己进行对话的编排和表演。 Module 3 Unit 3 A Class Picnic Period 2 Teaching contents: P31.33 Teaching aims: Identify key words by recognizing the stress. Pronounce correctly words with initial digraphs gr-, fr- and tr- in an utterance. Predict the meaning of unfamiliar words by using picture cards. Reproduce sentences from print. Focus and difficulty: Using prepositions to indicate position. Asking „Wh-‟ question to find out the position. Teaching aids: 35 Cassette 4A and a cassette player. Photo capable page, Workbook P23 Grammar book P29 Teaching process: Procedures Contents Methods Notes 1. Review: in, on, Read: Pre-task under, In the bag/ classroom/ playground/ preparation garden/ office 运用实物演示进行 On the book/ desk/wall/ swing/ table 表示方位的介词学 Under the desk/ bag/ tree/ swing/ slide 习。 Fill in the blanks: 1) The bird is the tree. The dog is the tree. 2) Don‟t walk the grass. Don‟t play the street. 3) The trees are the park. To elicit: It‟s on the box. etc. Practice 在where句型单数 2.Say: Where‟s the TO elicit: they‟re on/in /under___. 学习的基础上进行 book? Input: beside, behind, 复数的学习,注意 3.Where are the__ Practice 帮助学生掌握谓语 复数的运用。 Draw: trees, playground, etc. and write the words on it. Aviary, pond, fountain, plant house While-task 1. Write: city Park procedure Listen Listen. 2.Play the cassette Work in pairs. 3.Play it again. Ask and tell Where the things are? To elicit: It‟s/She‟s/He‟s/They‟re 4.Ask: Where‟s…? 结合课文内容进行 Where are …? 相关听力的训练。 36 Listening practice: Write down the answers: in a fountain, Where is the bird? on a hat. In a tree, under a tree, on a slide, under a swing 1. Page 33 2. Learn the sounds Post-task 3. Workbook P23 activities:: 4.Grammar book P29 1. Copy the new Assignment words and text. 2. Make new dialogues. Board Design Look and learn Where’s the …? It’s… Where are the …? They are… Where’s …? He’s/She’s… Feedback: 表示方位的介词学习学生学习中没有什么困难,只是在给别单词中有混淆的情况发生,在以后的学习中还要多加巩固。Where句型的学习学生掌握的较好。 课后作业可以引导优秀的学生收集有关上海公园内的一些设施的单词和词组。 Module 3 Unit 3 A Class Picnic Period 3 Teaching contents:P32 Teaching aims: Listening: Identify key words by recognizing the stress. Reading: Predict the meaning of unfamiliar words by using picture cards. 37 Focus and difficulty: Using verbs to describe actions. Using imperatives to express prohibitions. Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player. Wall chat, Word and Picture cards, Workbook P24. Teaching process: Procedures Contents Methods Notes Warming-up 1. Daily talk Ss 2. Act out the dialogue Revision 1. phrases Some phrases: in the pond 2. drills on the river under the tree 3. sentenses Some drills: Where is the 学生之间互相 fountain? It‟s near the tree. 进行问答练 Where are the birds? 习。 They‟re in the aviary. Ask and answer: Where is the…? It‟s in the… Presentation 1. Teaching the Open the door of the sign “ close the classroom, then draw a door” sign: Close the door on the board. Say and write: Close the door. Prompt an 在语言学习的 individual student to close 同时教授生活 the door. Introduce: a sign 中一些规则的 Show some signs to the 图形表示方 students 法。 2. Draw other Don‟t feed the birds. signs in Look Don‟t pick the flowers. and read on one Don‟t climb the trees. side of the Don‟t walk on the grass. board. Don‟t play in the pond. 1) Read these signs 2) Look and say 3) Guessing game 4) Talk about the park 3. Draw a park 5) Ask students to copy 鼓励学生思考 38 scene on the the signs you have 在不同场所所 board, then drawn on the board 运用的不同规 practice the and put them in the 则。 signs right places in the park. 6) Encourage the students to include other signs that they might find in the park. Consolidation Practice 1. Listen and repeat 2. Have the students work in pairs to write the numbers of the signs in the appropriate red circles. 3. Distribute a copy of photocopiable page 36 to each student. Find the correct signs. Assignment 1. Copy new words and text. 2. Write” Rules for school” Board Design Look and read Feed the birds. Don’t feed the birds. Pick the flowers. Don’t pick the flowers. Feedback: 有关规则的学习我们可以结合实际生活中不同场所所应该遵守的规则,帮助学生更好的运用好祈使句的肯定与否定的用法。在课堂学习之外让学生分小组自己去收集和整理有关教室、学校和图书馆的规则。 39 Module 3 Unit 3 A Class Picnic Period 4 Teaching contents: P34 Teaching aims: Listening: Identify key words by recognizing the stress. Speaking: Open an interaction by asking questions and eliciting a response. Focus and difficulty: Review all the language focuses in this unit. Using imperatives to give instructions and directions. Teaching aids: Cassette 4A and a cassette player. A packet of sweets. Teaching process: Procedures Contents Methods Notes Warming-up 1. Sing a song < Ss fishes, fishes, where are you> 2. Daily talk Revision There is/ are----. 1. phrases: 2. make sentences with “ there is/ are---“ 结合课文内 3. Hold up different 容复习there quantities of sweets, be句型。 then ask students: How many sweets? To elicit: There are… 4. Show a packet of sweets, saying: I‟ve got a packet of sweets. 量词词组的 5. Review some more 复习运用实 quantitative phrases, 物作为辅助 e.g. a pair of, a bottle of 物品。 with students and write the phrases on the board. Presentation How many? 1. give one pupil a packet Count them of sweet: what have 40 you got? How many sweets? Count them. One, two, there are ---. Say and Practice: 2. Play the dialogue on 鼓励学生把 the cassette. Students 这一单元中 learn the content 有关联的内 through listening. 容联系起来 3. Answer the following 自己编排小 questions: 对话。 1) What has Danny got? 2) Where is the packet of sweets? 3) How much is the packet of sweets? 4) How many sweets? 4. Practice: What have you got? Where is it? How much is it? Prompt them to talk about their bags, pens, pencils, etc. 5. Play cassette again, students follow and repeat. 6. Divide students into pair to practice the dialogue 7. practice: What have you got? Where are they? How much are they? How many? Consolidation Make dialogues 1. Make a new dialogue according to the text. 2. Exercises: Answer the questions 41 1) What have you got? 2) Where is your pencil? 3) How much is your bag? 4) How many books? 5) Where are the chairs? Assignment 1. Make new dialogues. 2. Do some exercises. Feedback: 这一课时没有什么新的教学内容,结合前几课时进行单元复习,口语练习与书面练习相结合,把课时中所出现的重难点让学生自己尝试梳理知识点。 Module 4 The natural world Unit 1 On the farm Period One Teaching contents: Sing a song Teaching Aims: 1. To learn the new words: farm , farmer 2. Using nouns to identify people, animals, events, objects and activities. (e.g. On his farm, he has three sheep„) Difficult and key points: Recognize familiar words in unfamiliar contexts. Teaching aids: Word and picture cards: cows, sheep, horses„ Teaching procedure: Procedures Contents Methods Notes 42 Warming-up Ss 1( Chart 2( Daily talk Revision Show picture cards 1( Review the words of 以图片形animal 式复习有From one to one hundred 2( Count the 关动物的numbers 3( Ask “Wh-”单词。 What do/ can you see? questions to Where is it? find out the Do you like it? animals 1( On the farm we can Presentation Introduce: farm (Show a find animals. picture) What are they? The ducks, 给学生看 the cows. etc. 一部有关 What does a duck/ cow/ 农场动物 sheep/ horse/ pig/ chick 的卡通 go? 片,为新 (quack/ moo/ baa/ nay/ 课的教学 oink/ chick.) 2((Show a farmer) 作下铺 陈。 This is Old MacDonald‟s farm. Ask: “What does Old MacDonald ‟s do?” He‟s a farmer. Play the 3:Sing a song. cassette Listen and follow in their books. 4(Have the students cover the lyrics of the song. Ask the students to pay attention to what animals Old MacDonald has got on his farm and the amount of each. 5(Ask students to look at 阅读课外 短文有关the five statements in 动物的。 Read and Write. Judge 43 true or not, when students listen to the song. 6(Play the cassette again. Students listen and decide whether the statements are true or not. 7(Play the cassete for the third time. Have students sing along. 8(Divide the class into six groups. Have each group 跟磁带学sing for the part of a 唱英语歌particular animal. 曲。 Play the cassette for the last time. Have students sing and act. 9. Groups of students take turns to stand up, sing and act without the cassette. 1(Have students look at ConsolidatioWorkbook n page 25 the picture in Count and write and name the animals 2(Complete the sentences in Read, count and write. 44 Assignment 1. Learn to sing a song after the tape. 2. Recite new words. Board Design Module 4 The natural world Unit 1 On the farm on Old MacDonald’s Farm five ducks quack two cows moo three sheep baa two horses nay six pigs oink ten chicks cheep Feedback: 有关动物的主题学习又是学生所深感兴趣的内容,但是这一单元要让学生学会区分农场动物和野生动物之间的区别。课中这一首英语歌曲语速较为快捷学生一时难以学会,可以在以后的课堂中反复进行播放让学生慢慢的学唱。在这一课时中要帮助学生学会几种动物的英语叫声。 Module 4 The natural world Unit 1 On the farm Period Two Teaching contents: Read and tick Teaching Aims: 45 1. To learn the new word: hay ,grass, corn. 2. Using phrases to identify people, animals, events, objects and activities.(e.g. Here‟s some hay.) Asking “Wh-”questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person, an object or an event.(e.g. What do ducks like?) Using the simples present tense to express simple truths .(e.g. They like corn.) Difficult and key points: 1) Use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with the teacher or other learners. 2) Use appropriate intonation in questions. Teaching aids: Word and Picture Cards: hay, grass, corn, cassette player, photocopiable (p39) Teaching procedure: Procedures Contents Methods Notes Sing a song T&S Warming-up Daily talk Revision 1. Review Show picture cards 多多复习 names of farm 各类动物 animals 的叫声。 2(Language of e.g. What does a duck go? farm animals Which food do 1(look at the pictures in Presentation animals like? Read and tick. Ask :“What animals can you see?” To elicit “I can see horses, etc.” “Which kind of animal is 注意句型 not mentioned in the here be中 song?” ”Hen.” be动词的 46 3. Use Word and Picture 用法,特别 Cards to introduce: hay, 是和绵羊 grass, and corn. 单词连用 4. Practice: e.g. Horses like 时。 hay best. 5. To elicit : What do horses like best? 6. Play the cassette: Students listen and follow in their books. Say : The horses like hay. 多进行小 Here‟s some hay. The cows 组问答练 like grass. Here‟s some 习。 grass. Work in pairs and act out. Read and 7. Work in pairs taking answer the turns to ask and answer questions in the questions.( p36) Ask and answer. ConsolidatiGuessing Ask the students to find on game out what animal likes 结合课程 hay/grass/corn. 内容进行 Listening Listen and tick 猜谜游戏。 practice ( photocopiable p39) Workbook (P27) & Grammarbook (P30) Assignmen1. Copy new 47 t words and text. 2. Recite the text. On the farm Board Here’s some… Design hay corn grass ---What do hens like? ---They like… Feedback: 这一课时的学习内容相对比较简单,单词的朗读发音也较容易学习, here be句型中主要是要注意be动词的运用,在回家作业中可以让学有余力 的学生尝试相关内容的写作。 Module 4 The natural world Unit 1 On the farm Period Three Teaching contents: Look and say Teaching Aims: 1. Using imperatives to express prohibitions (e.g. Don‟t throw stones.) 2. Using common expressions to express and respond to apologies. (e.g. I‟m sorry. Mr MacDonald. That‟s all right.) Difficult and key points: Maintain an interaction by using single words, formulaic, phrases to acknowledge, agree and disagree, ask questions and reply. Teaching aids: Pictures, recorder, tape. Teaching procedure: 48 Procedures Contents Methods Notes Warming-up Chart Ss 2. Daily talk Revision Describe the Show pictures ( Don‟t pictures feed the birds) Presentation A visit to Old 1. Tell students that MacDonald‟s Miss Fang and her Farm students are now 以听力形式 visiting Old 进行新课程 MacDonald‟s farm. 的教学引入。 Show:“A visit to Old 同时提高学 MacDonald‟s farm.” 生的听力能 then read. 力。 2. Listen carefully and find out what Miss Fang‟s students have done wrong. 3. Play the cassette: Say and act. Students listen and follow their books. 4. Ask: Who does something wrong? to elicit: Eddie, Alice etc. 让学生练习 Say: Look at Picture 2. 看图说话。 Eddie should not„to elicit: climb trees. Help students to understand the meaning of should not by using body language. Take this opportunity to introduce: leave 49 rubbish and throw stones. 5. Play the cassette: Say and act again. Students listen and repeat. 6. Ask students to look at Picture 8. Say: Miss Fang’s students are saying sorry. Is Old MacDonald still angry? To elicit: No. Ask: What is he saying? To 小组进行课 elicit: That’s all right. Help 文分图片表 students to understand: 演。 That’s all right. Students work in pair. 7. Invite groups to act the story. Students vote for the best group. ConsolidatioPhrases: Clime the tree/ leave n rubbish/ throw stones, 掌握动词词 paper/ pick the flowers/ 组。 chase the hens/ walk on the grass, street Describe in the Show a picture of a park park. Look at it,: What are the children Workbook page saying? 27 Grammar 50 Practice Book 4A page 31. Assignment 1. Copy new words and text. 2. Recite the text. 3. Act out the text. Board Design A visit to Old MacDonald’s farm Don’t chase the hens. The hens will be afraid. Don’t throw stones. The pond will be dirty… Feedback: 这一课时中主要是要帮助学生熟练掌握祈使句的否定句表达方式。至于规则学生已经在前几课时中有所接触而且已经学得较为扎实了,这篇课文中主要是要多学习几个新的动词词组,其中单词throw的发音要注意。 课后鼓励学生自己组成小组去表演所学的课文。 Module 4 The natural world Unit 2 More insects and plants Period One Teaching contents:Sing a song. Look and say Read and answer. 51 Teaching Aims: 1. Using nouns to identify animals. Using the simple present tense to express simple truth. Asking “Wh-” questions. 2. Sing and free talk. Difficult and key points: I like… They like…. Teaching aids: recorder ,pictures Teaching procedure: Procedures Contents Methods Notes Warming-up 1. Sing a T&S song. 2. Daily talk. Revision 1. Numbers. Ask and answer 2. I like… They like… She (He) likes… Presentation 1. Say a It is small. It has big eyes. It can riddle jump and swim. It eats flies. It is 注意单词 green. What is it? frog 和 To elicit: It‟s a frog. log的发 Show a picture of frogs. 音区别。 Count them. Write the first letter “f” on the board. f--- (Fill in the blanks.) write the first letter “l” on the board. l-- Read „log‟. Fill in the blanks.) Ask: Where are the frogs? 2. Learn the Listen to the song. song Sing after the tape. Divide the class into ten groups. Have each group sing a paragraph with the cassette. 52 What do you 1. Draw a frog and a fish like? swimming in the pond. They are 自编小对talking to each other. 话口语练Fish: What do you like? 习。 Frog: I like flies. 2. Listen to “Look and say” Ask: What do frogs like? To elicit: ladybird, bee, moth, Show a picture: ant 3. Free talk: What colour are they? Are they big or small? Consolidation 1. Photocopi able page 43. 2. Workbook page 28. 3. Grammar Practice Book 4A page 34. Assignment 1. Learn to sing a song. 2. Writing. Board Design Unit 2 More insects and plants What do frogs like? They like… (moth butterfly ladybird bee fly… ) Feedback: 这一课时中的英文歌曲学生都比较喜欢唱,对于新课的教学也较有帮助。 新课文的句型很简单学生在以前已经有所接触,但是单词fly, moth的复数形 式需要老师多加强调,学生对于单词moth的复数变换容易出错。 53 课后多鼓励学生去组合成小组自发进行歌曲演唱比赛。 Module 4 The natural world Unit 2 More insects and plants Period Two Teaching contents :Look and read Teaching Aims: Using possessive adjectives to show possession Using nouns phrases to identify people, animals, events, objects and activities Asking simple questions to obtain yes/no answers Communicate with teachers or other learners Difficult and key points: Its stalk are long. Has it got …? Teaching aids: pictures, recorder Teaching procedure: Procedures Contents Methods NNotes Warming –up Sing a song T&S Daily talk Presentation 1. Show a Ask: What is it? Is it a tree? picture of a To elicit: a plant plant with a Parts of the plant: roots, leaves, flower Stalk, flower 注意物主代词 Ask: What colour is the stalk? its 和的it‟s的 What colour are the leaves 54 区别。 What colour are the flowers? How are the roots? To elicit: Its stalk is---. Practice: Look at the plant. Its stalk is----. Its flowers are___. Listen to the tape. 先以口头训练 为主,从口语着Describe the Draw another plants. 手。 Plant Say: Look at this plant. Its stalk is---- Its flowers are___. ----- Has it got---? Point to the plant Ask: Has it got---? To elicit Yes, it has./ No, it hasn‟t. Practice: Work in pairs 2. Show a Introduce: a trunk, branches. picture of a tree. Talk about the tree: Just like 注意句型中谓 the plant 语单复数的运 e.g. Look at the tree 用。 Its trunk is big. It branches are long. ---- Ask and answer: Has it got---? Listen to the Listen and repeat. tape Play this game. Guess: What is it? Consolidation11 Exercises Photocopiable pages 44-45. Workbook page 29. Grammar practice book 4a page 35. Assignment 1. Copy the text. 55 2. Writing. Board Design Look and read Look at the plant. Its ______ is ________. Its ______ are _______. Has it got…? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t. Feedback: 植物和动物历来都是学生较为感兴趣的话题,这一课时中重点主要是教授 it’s混淆。新授单词主要注意发音物主代词its的用法,学生非常容易把its和 trunk,branch,单词中元音的发音是重点。 课后作业结合课程内容让学生进行写作练习,强调写作时的句型种类。 Module 4 The natural world Unit 2 More insects and plants Period Three Teaching contents: Look and write Learn the sounds Teaching Aims: Using demonstratives to refer to people or objects. Using possessive adjectives to show possession. Communicate with the teacher and other learners. Difficult and key points: This is/That‟s… Its leaves are… Its stalk is--- Teaching aids: pictures, recorder. Teaching procedure: Procedures Contents Methods Notes 56 Warming-up sing a song T&S Daily talk Revision Words plant, tree, stalk, trunk, leaves, roots, flowers, branches Describe Look at the --- a plant/ tree Its---- Presentation Talk about 1.Show a picture of a park which the park has plants, trees, animals, and insects etc. 写作练习要强调句型种类 Ask: What do you see? 的多样性运用。 2,Point at an object in the picture which is close to you and say: This is a… Its---is/are ---. Read after the teacher. 3. Describe sth. In the park e.g. This is ---.Its ---is/ are--- 4. Then point at an object which is far a way from you and say :That‟s a… Its ---is/ are---. Practice: 写完植物之后再写动物话 5. Distribute a copy of 题的作文。 photocopiable page 46 to each student. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. Check Answer Tom‟s questions Learn the 1,Play the cassette. sounds. 2,Play it again: Listen and repeat. 3,Read it. 4. Talk about the spider Consolidation Exercises 1,Workbook page 30 2,Write a paragraph about the plants or the trees or insects 57 Assignment 1. Writing: A Plant Board Design Look and write Look at the plant. Its ______ is ________. Its ______ are _______. Feedback: 这一课时内容很简单,在上一课时的基础上以练习课为主,重点讲解作文的写 作,注重各类句型的写句练习。 Module 4 Unit 3 The First Teaching Plan Teaching aims: Ask „Wh‟- questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person, an object or an event. eg . Whose kite is it? Using possessive adjectives to show possession. e.g It‟s her kite. Locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions. Use modeled phrases and sentences involving repetition or lists. Key points: 1. Asking „Wh‟- questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person, an object or an event. E.g. Whose kite is it? 2. Using possessive adjectives to show possession. e.g. It‟s her kite. Difficulty: Recognize familiar words in unfamiliar contexts. 58 Teaching aids: 1. Some toys (e.g. a bicycle, a skateboard, a ball. etc.) 2. Cassette 4A and a cassette player. 3. Workbook 4A page 31. Preparation: Ask students to bring in toys that they would play with in a park. Teaching procedure: Procedures Contents Methods Notes Warming Daily talk T&s up Revision Words and Countable nouns(single form, phrases plural form) my/ your/ his/ her PresentatioWhose --- is Collect classroom objects n it? from individual students and groups. Put them on your desk. Ask :Whose„is it? It‟s my / Whose句 your / his/ her/our/their„ 型要多从口 语着手让学 Say and practice: 生加强印 象。 Make What‟s this? dialogues: Whose --- is it? What colour is it? Whose --- are Show the objects : they? How can you ask? To elicit: Whose --- are they? They‟re----. Whose句 Say and act. 型要多练习 其复数句Listen and 1. Play the cassette: Say and 型。 read act. Students listen and follow in their books. 2. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat. 59 3. Invite groups of eight students to come to the front of the class and do the role-play. 4. Have students act the play using their own toys. Students are to make necessary changes to the dialogues. Give each group ten minutes to prepare for the play. 5. Groups take turns to act their play in front of the class. 6. The class vote for the best group. ConsolidatiExercises Have students look at the on Workbook pictures on the page. page 31 a. Students work in pairs to ask and answer using the dialogue. b. Students fill in the blanks individually. c. Invite pairs of students to ask and the questions. The rest of the class check the answers. Grammar Practice Book 4A page 36 Feedback: Whose句型学生已经掌握的较好,但是有一种句型容易出错,例如: This is Peter’s ball. Whose ball is this? This ball is Peter’s. Whose is this ball? 课文内容比较简单,在学有余力之后引导学生多多进行课文表演。注意 60 学生句子朗读的语音语调。 The Second Teaching Plan Teaching aims: Asking „Wh‟-questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person, an object or an event , e.g. Whose shirt is it? Using possessive adjectives to show possession. Discriminate between words with different initial sounds. Use appropriate intonation in questions and statements. Develop written texts by putting words in a logical order to make meaningful phrases or sentences. Key points: 1. Ask „Wh‟-questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person, an object or an event. E.g. Whose shirt is it? 2. Using possessive adjectives to show possession. E.g. It‟s his shirt. Difficulty: 1. Use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with the teacher or other learners. Teaching aids: 1. Student‟s Book 4A P43 2. Cassette 4A and a cassette player. 3. Photocopiable page 47. 4. Workbook 4A P32. Preparation: 1. Make a copy of Photocopiable page 47 for each student. Teaching procedure: Procedures Contents Methods Notes Warming up Daily talk Revision 1.Make I have a book. My book is sentences new. 61 You have----. Your ____. 物主代词的填 He has----. His ------- 空要多多练 She has ___. Her ____. 习。让学生多 --- 大声朗读例子 2. Fill in the What‟s ___ name? My 的句子。 blanks with my, name is Sam. your, his, her, He‟s in the park. ___ dog our, their is with him. Kitty‟s bag is new. ___ dress is new too. We are in Class Two. ___ teacher is Mr Li. Jim and I are friends. ___ dogs are friends, too. They have nice balloons. _____ balloons are green and red. Presentation Ask and Ask students to look at answer( P43) the pictures on Student‟s Book page 43. Ask: How many photographs can you see? To elicit: Six photographs. Point at the photographs one by one. Ask: Who are they? What have they got? To elicit: They are„They‟ve got a„. Whose句型 书面加强练 习。 Exercises Whose dress __ it? It‟s my dress. ___ cat is it? It ___ his cat. Whose masks ___ they? They‟re our masks. ____ frogs are they? ____ their frogs ConsolidatioPhotocopiable 1. Have students look at 62 n page 47 the pictures. Tell students that Ben has now find some things lying on the floor. He is asking Kitty who those things belong to. Kitty remembers the photographs and answer Ben‟s questions. 2. Students work in pairs to do the role-play using the dialogue. 3. Invite pairs of students to tell the class who those things belong to using the dialogue. 4. Have students complete the task sheet. Workbook a. Have students look at page 32 the table on the page and find out what each character has. b. Students work in pairs to act as Miss Fang and Kitty. Students ask and answer using the dialogue. c. Students fill in the blanks indvidually. Invite pairs of students to do the role-play using the dialogues. The rest of the class check answer. Learn the 1. Play the cassette: sounds: Learn the sounds . Students listen and follow in their books. 63 2. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat. Assignment 1. Read: Ask and answer Grammar Practice Book 4A pages 37-38. Feedback: Whose句型在上一课时的教授基础上这一课时内容较为简单,学生学习的较为轻松。课余时可以多加入相应的书面练习。 64 The Third Teaching Plan Teaching aims: Using imperatives to express prohibitions. e.g. Don‟t play in the pond. Asking „How‟ questions to find out the quantity. e.g. How many boys? Asking simple questions to obtain „yes/no‟ responses. e.g. Do you like this game? Using modeled phrases and sentences to communication with the teacher or other learners. Develop written texts by putting words in a logical order to make meaningful phrases or sentences. Key points: 1. Using imperatives to express prohibitions. e.g. Don‟t play in the pond. 2. Asking „How‟ questions to find out the quantity. e.g. How many boys? 3. Asking simple questions to obtain „yes/no‟ responses. e.g. Do you like this game? Difficulty: Use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with the teacher or other learners. Teaching aids: 1. Student‟s Book 4A page 44. 2. Cassette 4A and a cassette player. 3. Photocopiable page 48 4. Toothpicks, scissors and glue. 5. Drawing paper. Preparation: Make copies of Photocopiable page 48 for each students . Asking students to bring toothpicks, scissors and glue. Bring each group of students a piece of drawing paper. Teaching procedure: 65 Procedures Contents Methods Notes Warming Daily talk T&S up PresentatioMake a spinner Divide the class 课前准备好n into groups of four. 陀螺。 Distribute a piece of drawing paper and a toothpick to each group. Each group makes a spinner as shown on Student‟s Book page 44. Play a game 1. Have students look at the board game. Go through 游戏在课后No.3,7,12,14,18 and 引导学生去19 with the 玩。 students. Make sure they understand why they have to miss a turn or spin again. Four their attention on the signs next to the footsteps. 2. Each group stars playing the board game. If time allows, have the winner of each group play the game again to find out the overall winner of the class. 。 Consolidati a. Distribute a on Practice copy of Photocopiable 66 page 48 to each student . Have students look at the picture for one student. b. Students then work in pairs to answer the questions at the bottom of the tasksheet. c. Students then write down the answers individually. d. Students can now look at the picture on the tasksheet again and check their answers. e. Find out which students have the best memories. ___ kite is it? It‟s your Exercises: Fill kite. in the ___ kites have you? I blanks( Special have four. question ____ is he? He‟s five. words) _____ are they? 50 yuan. _____ is Peter? In the classroom. ____ is the apple? It‟s sweet. ____ are these? 67 They‟re long rulers. ____ is that boy? He‟s Mike. ___ is that boy? He‟s a postman. Feedback: 此课时为游戏教学,教师在课上讲解游戏规则,引导学生在课后进行游 戏的游玩。 The Fourth Teaching Plan Teaching aims: 1. Using the simple present tense to express interests feelings and opinions. E.g. I like footboot. 2. Asking „Wh‟-questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person. E.g. Whose football is this? 3. Using possessive adjectives to show possession. e.g. It‟s my football. 4. Using imperatives to express prohibitions. e.g. Danny , Peter, don‟t play football in the classroom! 5. Using daily expressions to express and respond to apologies. E.g. We‟re sorry. That‟s all right. Key points: 1. Using the simple present tense to express interests, feelings and opinions. E.g. I like football. 2. Using imperatives to express prohibitions. e.g. Danny , Peter , don‟t play football in the classroom! 3. Using daily expressions to express and respond to apologies. E.g. We‟re sorry. That‟s all right. Difficulty: Maintain an interaction by providing information. Teaching aids: 1. Student‟s Book 4A page 45. 2. Cassette 4A and a cassette play. 68 Teaching procedure: Procedures Contents Methods Notes Warming up Daily talk Revision Revise the Don‟t ----. rules on a farm with students. Presentation Here‟s a new 1. Show a new football football. to elicit: Here‟s a ---. 2. Say: 3. add another words: basketball, 结合前一单元 volleyball 的规则学习结 4. Ask and answer : 合此单元进行 Whose football is it? 班级规则的学Don‟t play Can you play football? 习。 football ___. To elicit: Don‟t play football in the playground. 5. Ask students to turn to page 45 of their Student‟s Books. Play the dialogue on the cassette while students follow in 学有余力之后their books. 可以进行各类Students learn the 规则的写作练content through 习。 listening. 6. Ask individual students questions about the story . 7. Play the cassette again. Students follow and repeat. 8. Divide students into 69 groups of three to act out the story. 9. Select group to act the story to the class. For more able students, encourage them to made modified. ConsolidatioDialogue PP7 n Don‟t ride here. Don‟t ride here. Ride it in the Don‟t write on playground. the wall. Make dialogues by yourself Don‟t write on the wall. Write on the book. Feedback: 此课时内容较为简单,在前一单元规则学习的基础上进行班级规则的学习。在祈使句否定句的基础上进行句型转换练习,例如: Don‟t play football in the classroom. (意思不变,改变句型) You can‟t play football in the classroom. 课题 4A Revision 知识与技能:Module 1 中的知识点 过程与方法:通过练习的方法进行巩固。 教学目标 情感、态度与价值观:/ Module 1 中的单词,词组,课文以及重点地句型。 教学的重、 难点 教学过程 备注 1. Read the texts. 2. Review & recite the words. classmate, run, jump, swim, dive, fly, 正确朗读单词和句 cook, sing, paint, write, draw, read, 型。 70 birthday, dear, cut, ride, fire, telephone, bring, engine, fireman, policeman, policewoman, ambulance man, teacher, doctor, dentist, nurse, shop assistant, waiter, waitress, cook, but-driver, 默写单词,词组和 postman 句子。 3. Review some phrases. 早上好,我们的同班同学,几岁,生日快 乐,给你,过来,一位救护人员,骑自行 车,一些消防员。 4. Answer the questions. T: What’s his name? T: What can Supergirl do? T: How old are you? T: Is that your ruler? T: What does your father do? etc. 5. Exercises 细讲练习。 用单词的单复数填空 1. Those are ______ (strawberry) 2. She has got some ______ (chocolate). 3. Where are the ______ (Coke)? 4. There are some __ (peach) on the table. 5. Is that his ______ (bread)? 6. Whose ______ (butter) is this? 7. Alice has got some ______ (toy car). 8. The ______ (child) are in the classroom. 9. Here’s the ______ (grass). 10. Has your sister got any ______ (dress)? 11. What colour are the ______ (leaf)? 12. Are these ______ (fireman)? 改写句子 1. This is my pencil. Is ______ ________ _______? 2. How old are you? (主语改成he) _______ _______ _______ he? 3. Alice is ten today. (主语改成you) You _____ ______ _______. 4. My name’s Peter. What ______ _______ _______? 71 5. Linda’s mother is a cook. (划线提问) _______ _______ Linda’s mother ? 阅读短文, 回答问题 My father is 36 years old. He’s a doctor. His mother is a dentist. His brother is a policeman. My mother is a nurse. Her father is a teacher. Her sister is a policewoman. I love them. 1. How old is your father? 2. What’s your grandmother? 3. Is your brother a policeman? 4. What does your mother do? 5. Is your aunt(阿姨) a teacher? 6. What is your grandfather? 6. Check. 板书 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 多媒体演示、练习试卷 Module 1中的职业单词有个别学生拼读的错误率较高,询问职业的两种句型互换要多练习。练习中单词的复数变换要强 本课小结 调其中的特殊变化的单词运用。阅读短文之后可以结合主题让学生练习口语进行自我介绍。 1. These are ______ (library) 2. Mary has got some ______ (juice). 3. Where are the ______ (mouse)? 反馈教学效4. There are some __ (sandwich) on the table. 果的作业 5. Is that his ______ (butter)? 6. Linda’s mother is a waitress. (what) 7. What does your father do? (policeman) 72 课题 4A Revision 知识与技能: Module 2 中的知识点 过程与方法:通过练习的方法进行巩固复习。 教学目标 情感、态度与价值观:/ Module 2 中的单词,词组,课文以及重点地句型。 教学的重、 难点 教学过程 备注 1. Read the texts. 2. Review & recite the words. shoulder, knee, toe, finger, arm, face, foot, round, 教师自己 block, tired, have, full, afraid, angry, toilet, bell 领读单词 strong, tooth, sharp, branch, brave. 和课文,3. Review some phrases 强调发音 一条手臂,我的脚,我爸爸的汽车,我的家,谁的书的正确 包,又饿又渴,在厕所间,长头发,他的牙齿,在树性。 枝上,又大又尖,一条小狗,很高兴见到你。 4. Answer the questions. T: How is your hair? T: Are your eyes big? T: What does your brother do? T: Whose bag is that? T: How do you feel? T: A cake, Kitty? T: What have you got? T: What has he got? 5. Exercises 正确抄写句子 thats my grandmother you can call her grandma 结合课程____________________________________________主题让学_ 生到教室给下列问句和答句配对 前面进行 1. ( ) What’s your father? A. His name’s Ben. 有主题的 2. ( ) Whose ball is that? B. No, it’s big. free talk。 3. ( ) Can your father paint? C. He’s a teacher. 4. ( ) What’s your father’s name? D. Yes, they are. 5. ( ) Are your eyes big? E. It’s Peter’s. 73 6. ( ) Is Peter’s bag small? F. No, he can’t. 选择 ( ) 1. Kitty is hungry. She wants some _______. A. cakes B. Coke C. pizza ( ) 2. A Coke, Peter? No, _____. A. I’m not B. please C. thank you ( ) 3. Look _____ my bicycle. It’s new and nice. A. at B. in C. on ( ) 4. What’s your sister’s name? __ name is Jane. A. His B. Her C. Your ( ) 5. How do you feel? I’m _______. A. a boy B. ten C. tired ( ) 6. That is my grandmother. You can call ______ Grandma. 改变句型 A. me B. her C. she 要举一反改写句子 三的进行 1. That’s Kitty’s ball. (一问) 联系。 2. His name’s Peter. (划线提问) 3. I’m nine years old. (划线提问) 4. Supergirl can cook. (否定句) 5. This is Kally’s sister’s block. (划线提问) 6. Are you my classmate?(肯定句) 6. Check. 板书设计 多媒体演示、练习试卷 Module 2单元可以结合课程内容进行一定的情感教育,教育学生热爱同学,热爱朋友,热爱家人。课程中语法知识点难 本课小结 度不高,主要是whose句型的练习,whose句型要进行两种不同句型的区分练习。 例如:This is Kitty‟s dress. This dress is Kitty‟s. 1. This is Ben’s skateboard. (what) 反馈教学效 2. My name’s William. (划线提问) 果的作业 3. His brother is thirteen years old. (划线提问) 74 4. The old man can drive. (一般疑问句) 5. That is my sister’s block. (whose) 6. Is he her classmate?(肯定句) 课题 4A Revision 知识与技能: Module 3 中的知识点 过程与方法:通过练习的方法进行巩固复习。 教学目标 情感、态度与价值观:/ Module 3 中的单词,词组,课文以及重点的句型。 教学的重、 难点 教学过程 备注 1. Read the texts. 2. Review & recite the words. exercise book, rope, hoop, rectangle, large, packet, bottle, juice, water, crisps, some, bread, butter, sugar, fruit, milk, chocolate, coffee, flour, supermarket, bookshop, sketch-book, pair, 课前结合数 sunglasses, aviary, plant house, pond, fountain, 词进行连接 feed, walk, grass, pick, climb. 游戏。 3. Review some phrases 数椅子,练习本,20个呼拉圈,什么形状,多少个 圆,一小袋糖,两瓶水,多少钱,一些巧克力,在 超市里,一次班级野餐,一副太阳镜,暖房,在鸟 笼里。 4. Answer the questions. T: How many chairs are there in our class? T: How many teachers are there in our 练习中要注 classroom? 意可数名词 T: How many rectangles? 和不可数名 T: A large ice-cream, please. 次的区分。 T: How much is it? T: What have you got? T: What’s Eddie got? T: Where are the birds? T: Where’s Alice? T: Don’t walk on the grass. 5. Exercises 75 用括号里的词填空 1. Where _______(be) the trees? On the mountain. 2. Here _____(be) some corn for the horse and here ____ (be) some fish for the cats. 3. Min _____(like) fish, but it _______(do not) like grass. 4. Look! What are ______(this)? They are ________.(sheep) 5. Have you got ______(you) crayons? Yes, and Peter has got _____(he) sketch-book, Alice has got ______(she) camera. 改变句子 1. They like my camera. (用Sam代替) 进行快速反 __________________________ 应练习,让2. Feed the birds.(否定句) 学生口头多 _________________________ 练习改变句3. Don’t open the gate.(肯定句) 型。 __________________________ 4. Peter likes strawberries. (一问, 肯回) ____________________________ 5. My father’s under the tree. __________________________ 6. Where are you now?(实际情况回答) _____________________________ 阅读回答填空 This is Lotus(莲花) Shopping Centre. It’s a large supermarket. There are many things in it. Peter and mother are buying some food. They are going to have a birthday party tomorrow(明天). The party is for Peter’s father, Steven. What’s in their basket(篮子)? Have a look! They have got a small packet of sugar, a tin of butter, a box of flour and some strawberries, because she wants to make a fruit cake. She also buys a bottle of jam, two loaves(只) of bread, some biscuits, milk and some chocolate. Now mother is buying some noodles and beef(牛肉). She is going to cook some beef noodles for tomorrow’s party, because she thinks(认为) her beef noodles is wonderful(美味). 76 1. Is Lotus Shopping Centre a small supermarket? ______________________ 2. What are Peter and mother buying? _______________________ 3. Whose birthday is tomorrow? __________________________ 4. Have they got any strawberries? _____________________ 5. Peter’s mother buys a tin of ______, a ______ ______ of sugar, two loaves of _______ and so on. 6. Peter’s mother wants to make a ______ cake. 7. Peter’s mother thinks _______ ________ ________ is _________. 6. Check. 板书设计 多媒体演示、练习试卷 Module 3中难点较多,数词的表达、可数名次与不可数名词的区分,介词的运用等等,学生都较容易出错。新单词的朗本课小结 读也有一定的难度,特别是量词词组的连读,一定要多加练习。 阅读文章可以结合学生喜欢的食品进行一定的拓展单词。 1. We like his camera. (用she代替) _________________________ 2. Chase the dogs.(否定句) _________________________ 3. What’s in the school?(fountain) __________________________ 4. There’s an aviary in the park. (一问, 肯回) 反馈教学效____________________________ 果的作业 5. The small rabbit’s under the tree. ________________________ 6. How many boys are there in City Park?(实际情况回答) _____________________________ 77 课题 4A Revision 知识与技能: Module 4 中的知识点 过程与方法:通过练习的方法进行巩固复习。 教学目标 情感、态度与价值观:/ Module 4中的单词,词组,课文以及重点的句型。 教学的重、 难点 教学过程 备注 1. Read the texts. 2. Review & recite the words. farm, everywhere, cow, sheep, horse, hay, corn, leave, rubbish, throw, stone, chase, frog, log, moth, trunk, stalk, mask, answer, question, win, 用实物进行 game. 演示进行介3. Review some phrases 词的多方位 在农场上,给你一些草,乱扔垃圾,爬树,摘花,练习。 追母鸡,没关系,跳入水池,它的根,在公园的 一天,谁的滑板,踢足球。 4. Answer the questions. T: What do hens like? T: Don’t throw the stones. T: I’m sorry. T: What do frogs like? T: Has it got green leaves? T: Whose ball is it? 5. Exercises 选词填空 How many How much What Where 特殊疑问词How How old Who 的练习结束1. _______ is that man? He is a driver. 后要 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 它2. _______ is this small ice-cream? Six yuan. 们的特点。 3. _______ do you feel today? Thirsty, hungry and tired. 4. _______ ladybirds are there? Fourteen. 5. _______ are the policeman? In the police station. 6. _______ is John? Thirteen. 7. _______ is she? She’s my sister. 78 8. _______ dog is it? Eddie and Wendy’s. 改变句子 1. Pigs like corn. 添加连词成 __________________________ 句的练习,特2. Ben’s got two chicks. 别是多个句 _______________________________ 子的连词成3. The birds are in the aviary. 句。 __________________________ 4. I’ve got my camera.(一问, 否回) _____________________________ 5. The cat doesn’t like fish.(肯定句) ________________________________ 6. there , on, are , the, many, pictures, how, wall (连词成句) ____________________________________ 6. Check. 板书设计 多媒体演示、练习试卷 Module 4课程中祈使句的运用学生掌握的较好,但是在改变句型时一旦句子中带有人名和please时学生对于don‟t就容本课小结 易放错位置。植物的写作是四年级下半学期写作中的重点,错误主要集中在物主代词its的用法上。 一、写作:A plant 二、改变句子: 1. Whose shirt is it? (they) 反馈教学效2. Whose dresser are these? (May) 果的作业 3. This is our mask. (whose) 4. Please play football in the classroom. (否定句) 5. Danny, play football in the classroom, please. (否定句) 79 课题 4A Revision 知识与技能: 综合练习. 过程与方法:通过练习的方法进行巩固复习。 教学目标 情感、态度与价值观:/ 本册教材中的知识点 教学重、难 点 教学过程 备注 1. 按要求改句子 1. We have no books in the bag.(另写一句, 意思不 变) 书面练习2. This is our skateboard. 之前要先3. How many boys are there in your class?(20) (完整加入口语 回答) 练习,从4. The houses are under the tree. 说入手。 5. I like football. Jack likes football, too. (两句合并成 一句) 6. Can you throw stones in the classroom? (回答问 题) 7. Has a tree got a stalk?(同上) 2. 想一想, 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. How many ________(sandwich) are there in the 书面练习 bag? Two. 以综合形2. _______(not pick) the flowers! 式为主,3. What _____ (do) their uncle do? He _____(be) a 综合各项 worker. 知识点进4. How ______(many) is the cake? 行复习练5. This is a plant. ______(it) stalk is long. 习。 6. Here _____(be) some grass. 7. Tommy ______(like) giraffes. But he ________(not like) lions. 8. I can sing and dance. I like ______(sing) very much. 3. 阅读回答问题 This is Peter’s classroom. It’s big and bright. There are twenty desks and twenty chairs in the classroom. The classroom has got two blackboards. One is big, one is small. On the big blackboard, there is a red star. 80 What’s that on the wall? It’s a clock. What shape is it? It’s a circle. The classroom has got four windows and two doors. They are rectangles. Now there are twelve girls and eight boys in the classroom. Miss Fang is in the classroom, too. They are having a lesson(课). 1. Whose classroom is this? ________________________ 2. How many blackboards are there? _________________________ 3. What shape are the doors? ___________________________ 4. How many pupils are there? _________________________ 5. Is Miss Fang in the classroom? ____________________________ 4. 画一棵你喜欢的植物,并描写一下 This is a ________. Its ______________. Its _______________. It has got __________. It has got _________. I ___________. 板书设计 多媒体演示,练习试卷 综合练习在总结各项知识点之后做相应的练习试卷,出现本课小结 典型错误之后再举一反三的进行有重点的练习。 反馈教学效各项知识点的综合练习试卷。 果的作业 81
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