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耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕


耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 Well, go South with me today. 今天我们要讲的是南方 We're going to take up this question initially of 我们要继续探讨一个问题 it's an old, old, old American question 一个十分古老的美国问题 how peculiar, or distinctive,...

耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕
耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 Well, go South with me today. 今天我们要讲的是南方 We're going to take up this question initially of 我们要继续探讨一个问题 it's an old, old, old American question 一个十分古老的美国问题 how peculiar, or distinctive, or different is the American 美国南方究竟多么特殊 多么与众South? 不同 That used to be a question you could ask in quite some 这也可能是你以前随口问到的问题 comfort. The "Dixie difference," As a recent book title called it, 正如最近一本题为《不一样的南方》 or "Dixie rising" As another recent book title called it. 或另一本题为《崛起的南方》的书所 言 The South, of course, 南方地区 当然 is many, many, many things and many, many, many 代表了许许多多的事和许许多多的peoples. 人 There are so many South's today 现在南方有许多的东西 that it has rendered this question 看似和这个问题无关 in some ways almost irrelevant, 从某种角度而言甚至是毫不相关 but, in other ways, of course not. 但是 换个角度来说 当然不是这样 的 We still keep finding our presidential elections 我们知道南方在总统选举中 won or lost in the South. 有举足轻重的作用 Name me a modern American president 谁能告诉我现代哪一位美国总统 who won the presidency without at least some success 能够在失去南方诸州支持后 in the states of the old Confederacy. 还能赢得总统大选的 Look at the great realignments in American political 看看美国政治历史上的各项重大变history. 革吧 They've had a great deal to do with the way the South 他们都与南方的整体形势 would go, or parts of the South would go. 或局部形式紧密相关 We're on the verge now of the first southern primary 我们马上就要迎来在南卡罗来纳州 举行的 in this year's election, in South Carolina, 今年总统大选第一轮南方预选 and everybody is wondering, 每一个人都想知道 is there a new modern South Carolina or not? 是否会出现一个崭新的现代的南卡 罗来纳 Now, this question is fun to have fun with in some ways 探讨南方的特点很有意思 because it's fraught with stereotypes, isn't it? 因为这其中充满了我们的成见 不 是吗 The South, hot, slow, 南方就是 气候炎热 发展缓慢 long vowels, great storytellers, 长元音[南方口音] 故事大王 and so on. 诸如此类 Oh, and they love violence and football 对了 他们还酷爱暴力和橄榄球 and stockcar racing, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. 还有改装车比赛 等等等等 Well I grew up in Michigan 我在密西根州[美国中北部]长大 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 1 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 and I can assure you that Michiganders love all those 所以我敢保证密西根人也很喜欢这things too 些东西 and probably even more. 甚至比南方人更喜欢 But the idea of Southern stereotypes is very, very old. 但是我们对于南方的成见由来已久 It isn't a product of the Civil War by any means. 这些成见肯定不是内战的产物 The South as an idea, 南方作为一个概念 the South and its distinctiveness was very much there 指南方地区以及其特点 even in the Colonial Period. 早在殖民时期就已经存在 Travelers from England and elsewhere, France, 那些从英格兰 法国或其他地方 who would come to the American colonies 来到美国殖民地[指东部十三州] and would travel throughout the colonies, 四处游历的旅行者们 would often comment on this, 常常会做出这样的评价 that somehow Southerners were different 即南方人总是很特别 culturally, attitudinally, behaviorally. 他们的文化 观念 行为均与众不 同 And none other than Thomas Jefferson himself 最有代表性的便是托马斯•杰斐逊他 本人 left this famous description of 用这么一段人们耳熟能详的话 characterizations of Southerners and Northerners. 描述了南方人与北方人的不同特征 He wrote this in the mid-1780s. 他于十八世纪八十年代中期写下这 段话 He was writing to a foreign--a French--correspondent. 在写给一名外国 一名法国记者的 信中 And Thomas Jefferson described the people of the North 托马斯杰斐逊描述了北方人民 this was in the 1780s now, 那时候是十八世纪八十年代 this is before the cotton boom and all that 还是在棉花产业兴盛之前 he described the people of the North this way. 他是这么形容北方人的 Jefferson:"Northerners are cool, sober, 杰斐逊说 "北方人冷静 稳重 laborious, persevering, independent, 勤劳 坚毅 独立 jealous of their own liberties, chicaning, superstitious, 珍惜自身的自由 奸诈 迷信 and hypocritical in their religion." 还假装是虔诚宗教信徒" Take that Yankees. 好好听听 这是北方佬 But Southerners, he said, 至于南方人 他说 "They are fiery, voluptuous, "他们暴躁 贪图享乐 indolent, unsteady, independent, 懒惰 浮躁 独立 zealous of their own liberties" 热衷于使用他们的自由 he changed jealous to zealous there. 这里他把珍惜改成了热衷 If we're doing close readings 要是进行仔细的阅读比较 we might go into that for twenty minutes, 我们可能要花上二十分钟 but we're not. 但我们不这样做 He's not over: "Zealous of their own liberties 他还没说完 "他们热爱自由 but trampling on those of others, generous, 却肆意践踏他人的自由 他们慷慨 candid and without attachment 直率 崇尚自我 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 2 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 or pretensions to any religion but that of their own 不沉迷于也不虚伪地信仰任何宗教" heart." Now we can debate what Jefferson got right or wrong 现在我们讨论下他说的哪些对哪些there, 不对 or what's held up, 或者哪些还未有定论 but do note how he said both sides were either jealous 但是请注意他提到双方对于自由态 度是 or zealous of their own liberties. 用词的区别 一方珍惜一方热衷 That could be an epigraph on this course, if you like, 你愿意的话 也可以把这两个词记 下来 because in the end 因为在最后 when this Civil War will finally come 当内战最终打响的时候 both sides will say over and over and over again 双方都会一遍又一遍地重申 that they are only fighting for liberty. 他们只是为了自由而战 Everybody in the Civil War 参与内战的每一个人 will say they're fighting for liberty. 都会说他们是为了自由而战 In one of the greatest books 在所有由南方人撰写 ever written on the South, by a Southerner, 关于南方的伟大作品中 in particular Wilbur Cash's great classic in 1940 韦尔伯•卡什1940年的一本堪称经典 called The Mind of the South, 在这本叫做《南方的精神》的书中 he did something similar to Jefferson, 他如杰斐逊一般对南方人做了描述 although he's focusing only on Southerners here. 尽管这本书中他仅描述了南方人 Cash was a great journalist, 卡什是个杰出的记者 intellectual historian in his own right, 同时也是个卓越的历史学家 deeply critical of his beloved South. 他对自己挚爱的南方进行了深度批 判 In fact it was Cash who wrote a book 实际上卡什在他这本 called The Mind of the South in which he argued, in part, 名叫《南方的精神》中提出 that the South had no mind. 在某种程度上 南方没有精神可言 He didn't really mean it. 显然这不是他本意 He said Southerners are "Proud, brave, honorable by its" 他写道南方 "因自豪勇敢而可敬" The South is "Proud, brave, honorable by its lights, 南方人 "因自豪勇敢而可敬 courteous, personally generous, 他们彬彬有礼 对人慷慨 loyal, swift to act, often too swift, 他们忠诚 行动迅速 常常过于迅 速 but signally effective, sometimes terrible in its actions. 但他们效率显著 有时甚至不择手 段 Such was the South at its best," Said Cash, 这是南方好的一面" 卡什写道 "And such at its best it remains today." "这些优点一直保留到了现在" Then comes a "But." But the South, he says, 接着出现了一个"但是" 但是南方人 is also characterized by, quote, 他说 也有以下特点 比如 "Violence, intolerance, aversion, "崇尚暴力 观念偏狭 充满憎恨 suspicion toward new ideas, an incapability for analysis, 常常怀疑新观念 缺乏 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 能力 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 3 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 an inclination to act from feeling rather than from 做事凭感觉而不是思考 thought, attachment to fictions and false values, 沉迷于虚构的事物和错误的价值观 above all too great attachment to racial values 最后他们太过纠结种族问题 and a tendency to justify cruelty and injustice." 并且有为残暴和不公行为正名的倾 向" Some of the South's greatest critics, of course, 一些南方问题上最伟大的批评家 显然 have been Southerners. 都是南方人 What's distinctive about the South, 南方有什么特别的呢 especially this Old South? 特别是内战前的南方 There's Shelby Foote to comment on this. 我们来听听谢尔比•富特对此的评论 None other than Shelby 谢尔比 the star of Ken Burns' film series on the Civil War, 即肯•伯恩斯的内战系列影片里的谢 尔比 that lovely, lovely, lovely geriatric in a blue shirt 那个可爱到爆的穿蓝衬衫的老头 that American women fell in love with in a documentary 那个仅因纪录片就俘获了美国女人film. 心的人 It's the only time in recorded history 这可能是有史以来唯一一次 that anyone fell in love with anybody in a documentary. 有人会爱上了纪录片里的人物 Shelby Foote said this 谢尔比•富特是这么说的 and who is he speaking for? 以及他代表了哪些人说的这些 "I'm not aware that 我并没有意识到 there is such a thing as Southern art," Said Shelby, 还有以南方为流派的艺术" 谢尔比 说 "At least not if you're defining it by technique. "至少没有从艺术技巧方面区分的流 派 If there's something distinct about it" 如果说它有什么独特的地方" Southern art 它指南方艺术 "It's subject matter and also inner heritage. "便是其主题和精神传承 All Southerners who try to 所有希望藉由艺术的方式 express themselves in art are very much aware 表达自身的南方人都很清楚 that they are party to a defeat." 他们是战败的一方" Now, that's Shelby Foote speaking for white 显然谢尔比•富特是在为南方的白人Southerners. 辩护 And when Shelby Foote uses the term 'Southerner' 当谢尔比•富特用'南方人'这个词的 时候 he means white Southerners. 他指的其实只是南方的白人 But party to a defeat. 不过也是战败的一方 Or as Walker Percy, 或者正如沃克•泊西 the great Southern writer, was once asked 这个伟大的南方作家 曾被问到 he was asked, in effect, 他被问到 老实说 "Why do Southerners have such long memories? "为什么南方人的记忆如此刻骨铭心 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 4 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 They don't seem to forget anything." 他们似乎什么都忘不了" And he gave a simple, straight, declarative answer. 他给出了一个简洁明了的答案 He said, "Because we lost the war." 他说"因为我们战败了" We lost. Loss always, 我们输了 失败一直是 I think, almost always, 在我看来 几乎一直是 especially in modern history, 特别是在近代历史上 has led to longer, deeper, troubled memories. 造成南方人长久深刻而苦痛的记忆 的根源 But Shelby wasn't speaking for all Southerners there. 但是谢尔比没能代表所有南方人 Toni Morrison was speaking for black Southerners in 托尼.莫里森藉由她的小说《宠儿》中 that, I think, fantastic line in her novel Beloved 用一句绝妙的句子表达了南方黑人 的心声 which I know many of you've read 我知道很多人都已经读过《宠儿》 because it's taught all the time 因为这本书一直被当做教材 but there's that marvelous little exchange 不过小说中男女主人公保罗和塞丝 at one point between Paul D and Sethe. 有这么一小段触人心弦的对话 And Paul D and Sethe are trying to 当保罗和塞丝正试图走出 imagine a new life out of the horror of their past, 过去的阴影 憧憬一个崭新未来 and at one point Paul D simply says to Sethe 那时保罗对塞丝说 Sethe, of course, is a former slave woman 塞丝 原先当然是个女奴隶 who birthed this child 她生了个孩子 which becomes this extraordinary ghost called Beloved, 这孩子后来变成了一个叫宠儿的奇 异鬼魂 and Paul D was a former slave 保罗原先也是个奴隶 who survived the worst brutalities of slavery 他在最残暴的奴隶制下存活了下来 and worse than chain gangs and so on and so forth. 他曾有过如被套上铁链之类的悲惨 遭遇 But at one point he just says to her, 但是那时他对她说 "Me and you Sethe, we got too much yesterday, "我和你 塞丝 过去经历的太多 we need more tomorrow." 我们要更好的拥抱明天" Too much yesterday, we need more tomorrow. 沉重的过去 我们需要美好的明天 Why does the South have such a long memory? 为什么南方人一直对过去念念不忘 Why is history and memory 为什么对于南方人来说 历史 sometimes a deep family matter, to Southerners? 有时是和记忆紧密联系在一起的 Whereas it isn't necessarily to Northerners, 然而对北方人来说却没那么重要 or so it seems. 或是看上去没那么重要 Faulkner captured this, 福克纳抓住了这种情绪 Faulkner captured this all over the place. 他所有的文章都弥漫着这种情绪 But I have a favorite line in his novel called The Hamlet, 但我最爱他在小说《村子》里的一句 话 where Faulkner has one of his characters say, 他笔下的一个角色说道 and I quote: "Only thank God men have done learned "感谢上帝 让人类学会了怎样 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 5 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 how to forget quick what they ain't brave enough to 迅速的忘记那些我们没勇气面对的cure." 事" Can't cure it, can't solve it, can't get rid of it? 你有无法解决 无法摆脱的记忆吗 Forget it. 把它忘掉吧 Or try to forget it, or work on forgetting it, 或者尝试着去忘记 说服自己去忘 记 or create a structure of forgetting; 编织一张忘却的网 which is, of course, 然而同样是这张网 always a structure of remembering at the same time. 却总是将那些想要遗忘的记忆留下 And then lastly there's Allan Gurganus, 最后我们要讲下艾伦•古尔加努斯 that wonderful Modern Southern writer 一位杰出的当代南方作家 who wrote that book called 他写了本书叫做 The Oldest Confederate Widow Tells All, 《往日情怀》 you know that bizarre 名字听起来很古怪 it's a wonderful read. 却是一本很值得一看的书 We've always been looking for the oldest Confederate 我们一直在寻找现存最年长的南部widow, 邦联寡妇 in case you haven't noticed. 要是你注意过这方面消息的话 They keep finding one. 总有人在寻找 The latest was just found another five years or so. 最近一个是大约在五年前找到的 She was, I don't know, 她大概有 大概有 ninety and she married some sixty-year-old Confederate 九十岁 她在某个时期嫁给了一个 veteran at some point in time. 六十岁的南部邦联老兵 We're always finding some woman alive 我们总能找到些仍然健在的老太太 who claims she was married to a Confederate soldier. 号称自己曾与南部邦联士兵结过婚 I don't know precisely why. 我不太清楚具体原因 That's one for an anthropologist to figure out. 那是人类学家的研究领域 But Allan Gurganus, he actually said this in The New York 不过艾伦•古尔加努斯在《纽约时报》 Times in a commentary he wrote on the Confederate flag, 写的一篇关于邦联旗帜的评论中 where as a Southern writer back during 以一个五到六年前 oh about five to six years ago 南方作家的角度 during the worst of 那时 the controversies over the Confederate flag flying 人们对邦联争议纷纷 因为邦联旗 帜 on the South Carolina capitol and so on, 再次飘扬在南卡莱罗纳州议会大厦 前 Gurganus wrote this wonderfully witty, wry, 古尔加努斯在《纽约时报》发表了这 篇 brilliant op-ed piece, long op-ed in The New York Times 用词诙谐反讽 妙笔生花的长篇社 论 where he talked about the depth of Southern memory 文中他谈到了南方人对此的耿耿于 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 6 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 怀 and why Southerners have such deep memories, 以及为什么南方人对过去的事无法 忘怀 and then he begged his fellow Southerners to fold 然后他乞求南方的同胞们把那个战 争旗帜 that battle flag and put it in museums. 好好收起来放到博物馆中 But the line I wrote down out of that piece was this. 不过除了那部分我还记下了这几句 What's distinctive about the South: 写的是南方的独特之处 "The South has a tradition," Said Gurganus, "南方有种传统" 古尔加努斯说 "Of attempting the impossible at great cost, "付出巨大的代价挑战命运 proudly celebrating the failure, 即便失败仍非常自豪 and in gaining admiration for the performance." 并因此而为他人所尊敬" Trying something, failing gloriously at it, 努力为之 虽败犹荣 and then getting everybody's admiration. 然后获得所有人的尊敬 If that's not a novelist's description of 这就是一个小说家所描述的失败的 代价 what a lost cause is I've never read one. 我从未读到过更贴切的说法了 One could go on and on here. 这块儿可以滔滔不绝讲个半天 In some ways the most distinctive literature America has 在某种程度上 美国最有特点的文 学 is a kind of Southern literature, white and black. 就是一种南方文学 关于白人和黑 人 Every major African-American writer of the twentieth 二十世纪的每一个主流的非裔美籍century, 作家 at least until your lifetime, 至少到你们这一辈子所能接触到的 when black writers in this country are now 这个国家的黑人作家 现在 born and raised in cities, 都生于城市长于城市 in California or Minneapolis or New York or 在加州 明尼阿波利斯市或者纽约 市 and in modern Atlanta 或者现代亚特兰大 and they come from all the same places other Americas 他们从和其他美国人来自同一个地do. 方 Sometimes they come from the Caribbean and become 有时候他们从加勒比来 成为了美Americans. 国人 But that's recent. 不过那是最近的事情 Every major African-American poet and writer 大约十九世纪中期以后的 and artist from frankly the mid-nineteenth century on 每一位主流的非裔美籍诗人 作家 或艺术家 has always been reflecting on this nexus of North and 都一直在探讨南北关系的问题 South. South to a Very Old Place as in Albert Murray's famous 比如阿尔伯特•默瑞的著作《古国之book. 南》 Trouble the Water; 再如梅尔文•迪克逊的《水的困扰》 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 7 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 a novel about growing up in the South by Melvin Dixon, 是一本关于南方的成长经历的小说 a great novel that gets little attention, 一本伟大却不出名的小说 and his lifelong struggle to understand 他终其一生都在试图理解 just how Southern he was in New York. 为何他在纽约那么像个南方人 Ralph Ellison's famous 拉尔夫•埃里森关于 musings on being a Southerner come to Harlem; 哈林区南方人的著名沉思录 and on and on and on. 等等等等 But let's go back to the Old South, 但是让我们回到内战前的南方 this Old South that got the United States in so much 这个让美国陷入这么多的麻烦的地trouble. 方 Although it wasn't all their fault. 虽然这不全是南方人的错 First of all, it's worth remembering there are a lot of 首先 值得记住的是有很多明显的 clear, undeniable similarities of all kinds, 不可否认的共同点 各种各样的共 同点 things you can measure, 你在对比 between South and North in the 40 years before the Civil 内战发生前四十年里的南北双方时War. 就能发现 The North and the South had roughly, 北方和南方大致上 as the Northern and Southern states, 北方和南方的各州有 the Free states and Slave states, 自由州和蓄奴州的区别 had roughly the same geographic size. 但其地理大小总体上相同 They spoke the same language, English, 他们说的是同样的语言 英语 although in very different regional dialects, of course. 虽然他们的口音差异很大 They had common heroes and common customs 他们崇拜同样的英雄 有同样的习 俗 and a certain common heritage of the American 还有享有一定同样的美国革命遗产 Revolution; make no mistake. 这点不要弄错 John C. Calhoun, one of the great intellectual architects 约翰•卡胡恩 最重要的南方特性学 of Southern distinctiveness or Southern sectionalism, 或南方地方主义知识体系建构者之 一 and certainly of Southern States' Rights doctrine, 当然也参与了南方各州的权利学说 的构建 was very much an American nationalist, 他是一个典型的美国民族主义者 at least in the early parts of his career. 至少在他职业生涯的早期是 Northerners and Southerners shared basically 北方人和南方人基本上都信仰 the same Protestant Christianity, 相同的基督教新教教义 although they used it in different ways. 虽然他们从不同的角度去诠释它 They had very similar political ideologies, 他们有着相似的政治理念 borne of the republicanism, 即共和主义 they all kind of breathed in- that was breathed into 它仿佛注入了他们的思想 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 8 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 them, and they inherited from the age of the American 因为这是美国独立战争时代留下的Revolution. 遗产 A fierce belief in individual liberty. 极度崇尚个人自由 When you hear a slaveholder preach about 当你听见一个奴隶主鼓吹 his individual liberty and his rights, 他的个人自由和他的个人权利时 you sometimes wonder, 你有时候会想 "Come on, where do you get off?" "拜托 你是怎么做的呢" But as many of you know, 但是正如你们许多人知道的 and certainly you will find out here, 当然你们在这里也会发现 they had pretty clear ideas of 他们非常清楚 who ought to have those individual liberties and who 谁该拥有这种个人自由 而谁不该 would not, who indeed were born equal and who were not. 哪些人天生就是平等的 而哪些人 不是 Both shared, both sides, the leadership of both sides, 双方 双方的领袖 shared a rich kind of nationalism 关于这场美国政治改革 about this American experiment. 都有着同样浓厚的民族主义思想 You can find a whole- 你会发现 you can sort of find a deep and abiding kind of 可以说你会发现一种深层持久的 American nationalism still in a lot of 美国民族主义仍旧根植于许多 these budding Southern patriots, 南方爱国者们心中 even by the 1850s, 甚至到十九世纪五十年代还是如此 especially when they get scared about 特别是当他们开始害怕 what secession might actually mean. 脱离联邦会导致何种不可预料的结 果 You could argue that both Southerners and Northerners 你可以争辩说南方人和北方人 shared a certain degree of 都有一点 old-fashioned American localism, attachment to place. 旧式的美国地方主义 依恋着所处 的地方 New Englanders know something about attachment to 新英格兰居民对家乡有着深切的眷place, 恋 and so did people from the low country, South Carolina. 位于低地区域的南卡罗来纳人也一 样 States' Rights was nothing 州政府行使权利 that the South owned either, of course. 当然也并不是南方人的独创 Some of the most open exercises of states' rights, of 州政府最早开始尝试行使权力 course, before the 1850s, 还是在十九世纪五十年代之前 were conducted by Northerners, 由北方人主导的 like in the Hartford Convention of 1814, 就像1814年的哈特福德公约 like in personal liberty laws that we'll come to a bit later. 就像我们马上要说到的个人自由法 In resistance to the Fugitive Slave Act 为了抵制逃亡奴隶法 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 9 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 the state of Wisconsin enacted a Personal Liberty Law 威斯康辛州政府颁布了个人自由法 that said they were not going to enforce 规定他们不会执行 the Fugitive Slave Act and turn in fugitive slaves, 逃亡奴隶法并交出逃奴 and the justification was 理由是 that it was their state's right to do so. 该怎么做是他们州的权利 So it isn't just States' Rights that's distinctively Southern. 所以说 有独特的南方风格的不是 州权利 Southerners shared with Northerners a faith in progress, 南方人和北方人对发展有共同的信 念 if you breathed the air in American in the 1840s and 十九世纪四五十年代的美国就是例'50s. 子 The idea that America stood for some kind of progress, 那种美国代表了发展进步 that America meant a prosperous future was just 代表了繁荣未来的想法是双方共有common coin. 的 And both Southerners and Northerners shared 而且南方人和北方人都有 both the reality and the spirit of that westward 西进运动的历练和顽强的精神 movement. Both had participated in 他们都参与了 what David Donald used to 大卫•唐纳德曾经称为 call the great American practice or custom, 那场伟大的美国实践或美国习俗 tradition actually he called it, of compromise. 实际上他称之为传统 和解的传统 And both sides, both North and South, 而且南方和北方双方的 in their political leadership, 政治领导 in their economic leadership, 和经济领袖 were led by hard-boiled, believing, practicing, capitalists. 都是久经世故 信仰坚定的老练资 本家 Southern slave-holders were not pre-capitalists. 南方奴隶主并不是前资本主义者 There's historical scholarship that used to argue 几代以前有些历史学者曾经持这种 观点 that a couple of generations ago, but not anymore. 但现在没有了 And throw this statistic up. 我说个数据 You could argue that both sides 你就可以看出他们双方 had essentially the same kind of oligarchies. 都有点寡头主义本质 Less than one percent, 不到百分之一 less than one percent of the real and personal property, 不到百分之一的不动产和动产 in both South and North by the 1850s, 在十九世纪五十年代的南方和北方 一样 was held by approximately fifty percent of free adult 由大约百分之五十的自由成年男性males. 持有 The richest one percent in both sections, 南北两方的最富有的百分之一人口 put another way, 换句话说 held twenty-seven percent of all the wealth. 占有总体财富的百分之二十七 The North had budding oligarchies, 北方有寡头的趋势 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 10 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 just like the South did. 南方也一样 Now those oligarchies were based on different things, 但这些寡头是建立在不同基础之上 的 and that's where the rub came. 正是这一点导致了双方的摩擦 A little more on this distinct South. 关于南方的独特风格我再说一点 I said earlier that this is an old idea, 我之前说过这是一个陈旧的观点 I mean it goes back into the eighteenth 这是十八世纪的观点 you can find all kinds of examples 你能找到各种各样的例子 of these stereotypical conceptions 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 在法国 英国的游客心中 of the South in French, British visitors. 存在对于南方的偏见 One of the most famous, 其中最著名的一位是 Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, J•赫克托•圣约翰•克雷夫科尔 who in his famous fictional letters, 在他的著作 Letters from an American Farmer, 《一个美国农民的信》中 he invented a character, 他创造了一个形象 if you've ever read that great text, called Farmer James. 如果你读过这本书 农夫詹姆士 His typical American farmer, Farmer James, 是一个典型美国农民 was of course a Pennsylvanian 他是一个宾夕法尼亚人 sturdy, probably had some German blood in him. 强壮 也许还带有一些德国血统 Crevecoeur made the North the site of the true essence 克雷夫科尔把北方描述成了 of what he saw as this new American man being born in 真正美国人的发源地 America, not in the South. 而不是南方 He traveled in the South. 他去过南方旅游 He likened Charleston, South Carolina though 他把南卡罗来纳的查尔斯顿比作 this was in the 1780s 那是在十八世纪八十年代 he likened Charleston, South Carolina to what he called, 他把南卡罗来纳的查尔斯顿比作 quote, "The barbarous institutions and traits, especially slavery, "野蛮的制度和习性 尤其是奴隶制 the self-indulgence of the planters" 种植园主们醉生梦死 自我放纵" and then he concludes 然后他总结道 "Just like Lima, Peru." "就像秘鲁的利马一样" That's the only known 那是我听过的唯一一个 comparison of Charleston to Lima, Peru that I'm aware 将查尔斯顿比作秘鲁的利马的例子 of. Oh and on and on and on. 等等等等 There were travelers from Europe 有些欧洲旅行者 who came and would write these stereotypic stories. 来到这里后会写下这些带有成见的 故事 There's one by an English traveler, he entitled it, 其中有一个是英国游客写的 题目 叫 "A Georgia Planter's Method of Spending Time." 《一位格鲁吉亚种植园主的消磨时 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 11 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 间法》 And it's this litany of how a Georgia planter gets up early, 讲的是一位格鲁吉亚种植园主如何 早起 has his first draught of whiskey, 喝掉他的第一口威士忌 talks to his overseer, has another draught of whiskey, 跟他的工头交谈 再来一口威士忌 eight o'clock has breakfast, 八点吃早餐 another draught of whiskey, and the day goes on 再来一口威士忌 每日都如此 talks to his overseer again, 再次跟他的工头交谈 gets things started on the plantation that day, 让种植园工人开始进行这一天的工 作 and then he goes into the village, to the tavern, 然后他到村里 走进酒馆 to start drinking. Lots of these. 喝上几杯 诸如此类 不胜枚举 Most importantly, seriously, 最重要的是 说真的 the idea of the South as exotic, different, 认为南方有异国情调 独特 and dangerous is an old idea. 以及危险的想法是陈旧的 A new layer of danger 危险 sort of was put on top of images of the South 似乎成为了南方的代表形象 not just in Northerners' minds, for that matter 这不仅仅是北方人的看法 after the great Haitian Revolution, 在海地大革命 after the slave rebels of San Domingue 及圣多明各奴隶反叛之后 made Haiti the first black republic in modern history, 海地成为现代历史上第一个黑人共 和国 and some of those Haitian rebels 而一些海地反叛者 ended up in the American south. 最终到了美国南方 In the imagination of white Southerners 在南方白人的想象中 there were a lot more Haitian rebels 来到南方的海地反叛者 coming into the South than actually ever got here. 比实际上要多得多 But then if you look at the writings of New Englanders, 但是如果你看看十九世纪初期 by the early nineteenth century. 新英格兰人的文章 Take Jedidiah Morse, for example, the great geographer. 比如杰迪代亚•莫尔斯 伟大的地理 学家 He called the North a, quote, 他说北方是 "Happy state of mediocrity, "快乐的平庸之地 a hardy race of free, independent republicans." 这里住着一群自由独立的共和主义 者" And isn't that the image 这难道不是 that New Englanders always want of themselves? 新英格兰人自己想要的形象吗 They don't share anything, but they're free and 他们什么也不分享 但他们自由而independent. 独立 When my wife and I first moved to Amherst, 当我和我妻子刚搬到马萨诸塞的阿Massachusetts 默斯特 I took a job there once 我曾经在那里工作过 we took some baked goods over to our neighbors. 我们给新邻居送了一些烤的小点心 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 12 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 And we'd been warned about New Englanders and all 之前就有人告诉我们新英格兰人如that. 何如何 But we delivered the baked goods and said, 但我们还是把食物送了过去 说 "Hi, how are you? We're here now." "嗨 你好 我们刚搬来" And the woman said in effect, 那个女人却一板一眼地说 "Why have you brought this?" Anyway. "你干吗带这些来" 不管怎么样 Sorry. Jedidiah Morse 不好意思 杰迪代亚•莫尔斯 described Southerners however as, "Disconsolent" 形容南方人是 "铁石心肠的" "Represented," He said, by, quote, "南方人的特点是" 他说 "Disconsolent wildness and popular ignorance." Noah "冷酷的野蛮和普遍的无知" 诺亚•Webster, 韦伯斯特 of the great dictionary fame, said famously, 词典的创造者 曾说了这样著名的 话 "Oh New England, how superior are thy habits in morals, "哦 新英格兰 你的道德 文化 literature, civility and industry." 礼仪 工业 是多么优越啊" So, comparing the North and the South, 所以 对比南方和北方 try and understand how difference eventually 试着理解它们间的差异究竟 does boil into political crisis, 是如何演变成了政治危机 which eventually boils into conflict, 危机如何演变成双方的冲突 which eventually boils into disunion, 冲突如何演变成南北方的分裂 which eventually boils into war, 最终如何导致了战争的爆发 does have some root back in these kinds of perceived 上述差异或多或少也是这些问题的differences. 答案 As one of my favorite historians warned me once, 我最喜欢的一位历史学家曾如此警 告过我 "Don't leave out the politics." "不要忽略了政治" Don't leave out politics. 不要忽略了政治 Now, 现在 if I could hang your hat on one kind of Southern 如果我们现在好好思考一下南方的distinctiveness, 特点 perhaps above all 也许首先 it's fun to play with all these stereotypes and realize that 让我们想想所有关于南方的陈见 if so many people were writing this way, 不难意识到 如果那么多人通过个 人观察 from personal observation, 写出的南方都大同小异 yes, there must be something to all these differences. 那么这些南方特点一定有其根源 But what eventually evolved in the South 但南方特点究竟是如何形成的这个 问题 and we will return to this a good deal next Tuesday 下周二我们会细细讲 when I'll devote an entire lecture to 那时我将花整堂课的时间讲 this kind of slaveholder worldview and the pro-slavery 奴隶主的世界观和其支持奴隶制的argument 理由 the pro-slavery defense 他们对奴隶制的支持 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 13 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 and how that evolved into a political culture. 和奴隶制是如何演变为一种政治文 化的 But if there's one thing 但有一点 and this is a little risky 具有一定的风险 because there are always holes in any claim like this 因为任何论点中都会有漏洞 but if there's one distinct 如果说旧南方社会 feature of the Old South society and indeed 的领导层和大部分人民 its leadership and most of its people, 都有一个显著的特点 it would be what we might label anti-modernism. 那就是在我们看来 他们是反现代 的 It was a society 南方社会 that eventually developed a disdain for what 对他们认为的腐败的现代重商主义 they perceived as the corruptions of modern 持有一种相当鄙夷的态度 commercialism. Southern slaveholding leadership, in particular, 特别是南方蓄奴派的领导 were very suspicious of the spread of literacy. 对传播文化教育有相当的成见 They were very suspicious of the democratic tendencies, 他们也对民主倾向表示怀疑 or so it seemed, 事实就是如此 the democratic tendencies of that northern society 有着民主倾向的北方社会 which was spreading literacy more widely, 文化教育的开展更为广泛 and eventually the right to vote more widely, 因而更广大人民有着投票权 at least among white people. 至少大部分白人有投票权 It is a society where the leadership for sure, 在南方社会 无论是领导还是非领 导层 and much of the non-leadership, were suspicious of 都不支持革命 reform, suspicious of change, suspicious of democracy itself. 他们怀疑变革 怀疑民主 Democracy, the slaveholding class of the South came to 民主 被南方蓄奴派视为 see small d--as a dangerous thing. 心腹大患 It was a threat to hierarchy 民主对阶级制度是一大威胁 and the South became quite 相对于北方 distinctively a very hierarchical society 南方的阶级制度 more on that in just a second. 更根深蒂固 It became a hierarchical society rooted very deeply 南方的阶级社会 深深地植根于 in open conceptions of class and 广大的阶级观念上和 obviously open conceptions of race. 普遍的种族观念上 Some were born to rule. 有些人天生是统治者 In the overall attitude of the planter class 美国南方的19世纪40年代和50年 代时 and the leadership class 在普遍的种植园主阶级观念 of the American South by the 1840s and 1850s, 和领导阶级观念中 some were born to rule and 有些人天生是统治者 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 14 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 some born to be ruled. 有些人天生是被统治者 Deal with it, was their attitude. 起关键作用的 就是观念 They became deeply protective 他们越来越保护和坚持 and insistent upon their own peculiar sense 自己一贯的特殊性 and there's a great scholarship on this 这里学问很深 their own peculiar sense of honor. Honor. 他们对荣誉问题特别敏感 荣誉 That old-fashioned concept 那是旧观念了 it's an old-fashioned word. 词也是过时的 How many of you even use that word anymore? 你们谁还会用这个词呢 "Do the honorable thing." Ah. 一切为了荣誉 "Oh, I didn't act today with much honor did I?" 我今天可没为荣誉而讲课 不是么 We're more likely to 我们更倾向于 we have other words for it now. 用其他的词来代替 What would the--? We might say class 是什么来着 是职责 "We did that with class." Or being effective. 为了职责而工作 或者用更精准的 词 I don't know, what would a synonym today be for honor? 我也不知道 现在荣誉的同义词是 什么 Anyone? 有谁知道么 A good synonym for honor. 和荣誉同义的词 "A person of character." Oh, I don't know. 高尚的人格吗 我也不知道 Work on that, will you? A synonym for honor. 你们继续想吧 和荣誉同义的词 Well, honor in the Old South. 在旧南方 There's a whole vast scholarship on this 荣誉的学问是很深的 and two or three of the teaching assistants in this class 这门课有两三位助教 are real experts on it. 对这方面很有研究 So check it out with Steve and Sam and others. 你们可以问问史蒂夫或者萨姆或其 他人 But it was essentially a set of values, 说到底那是一种价值观 and it was a deeply rooted 深深植根于 set of values in the planters' worldview. 种植园主的世界观里 It was a form of behavior, demeanor. 那是行为举止的一种表现形式 Yes, it meant a certain 同时也意味着 kind of gentleman's understanding of behavior. 绅士们对于行为举止的一定理解 It was the idea that a gentleman must be honest. 他们认为绅士就应该诚实 A gentleman must be trustworthy. 绅士应该值得信赖 A gentleman was a man of entitlement. 应该有一定权利 A gentleman was a man of property. 应该有一定财富 A gentleman had class, rank, 有一定阶级 地位 等级 and status, and you better recognize it. 还要被人认可 And the most important thing in the Southern code of 南方人所谓的荣誉的核心部分 honor, I think, safe to say, was reputation. 我以为 可以肯定的说 是声誉 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 15 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 A man of honor must be recognized, must be 正直的人一定会被认可 被承认 acknowledged. And indeed there must be virtually a ritual of that 实际上还要有承认其地位的某种仪recognition. 式 Now, honor's alive and 现在荣誉 well around the world today, make no mistake. 仍然存在于世界各地 这点毋庸置 疑 It's alive and well in diplomacy, 在外交中 it's alive and well in many, many cultures. 在许多许多文化中荣誉的概念依旧 存在 I was part of a huge conference last summer in West 我去年夏天曾参加过西非的一个大Africa 型集会 on the end of the slave-trade in Ghana, 纪念是加纳奴隶交易的结束 and we had representatives 会议上有来自各国的代表 we had people participating in that conference from 有15或16个非洲国家的代表 15 or 16 different African countries. 参与的这次大型会议 We had African chieftains involved, 当时还有非洲酋长参与 we had the Vice-President of Ghana and the President of 还有加纳的副总统和多哥的总统 Togo and on and on and on. 等等等等 We spent an entire day doing nothing but bowing and 我们一整天都在鞠躬和向他人表示doing honor. 尊敬 And for Americans, all our democratic experience 美国人也如此 我们都参与民主政 治 and do I have to put a tie on for this event or not? 知道在什么场合需要系领带 比如 现在 This kind of ritual honor all the time 这种走过场的形式到处都是 I mean after all we have a president 毕竟我们的总统在讲话的时候 who just likes to speak like a Texan, 很喜欢装成德州佬的样子 he doesn't do all that honor stuff. 他不喜欢做面子 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 I'm sorry, if I'm going 抱歉 如果我要是布什的话 to do Bush I got to work on that, don't I? 面子工程一定少不了的对吧 太可 怕了 That's terrible. Who's that guy that does those 当时为他做宣传的人是谁 commercials? He's brilliant at Bush. 布什执政时 他有着出色的表现 Forget it, anyway. 这不重要 跳过 James Henry Hammond of South Carolina once said, I 南卡的詹姆士•亨利•哈默德曾经这quote, 么说 "Reputation is everything. "名誉即是一切 Everything with me depends 我的一切 upon the estimation in which I am held." 都和对我的评价密不可分" That's honor, personal honor. 这就是荣誉 一个人的面子 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 16 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 For many Southerners it was more important than law, 对许多南方人来说 它比法律更重 要 more important than conscience. 比良心更重要 And when they started encountering these Northerners, 当他们数落北方人的时候 whether they were from Massachusetts or Ohio, 不管他们本身来自马萨诸塞州或俄 亥俄州 who started talking about a politics of conscience, 他们开始讨论对良知 or a politics of law, 或者政法的时候 they're not always talking on the same page. 他们总是牛头不对马嘴 So anti-modernism and honor 反现代 要面子 are two hooks you can hang your hats on. 是南方人两大特征 There are all those other claims. 当然还有别的种种特征 The South is distinctive because of 南方之所以与众不同是因为 its climate, hot weather, 他们只承认气候的原因 天气炎热 et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. 诸如此类 There's book after book after book on this, 关于南方特征的书籍铺天盖地 like Clarence Cason's famous book, 90 Degrees in the 像克来伦斯•卡森的著作《90度阴影》 Shade, which is supposed to explain all Southern behavior and 旨在解释南方人的思维和行为 ideas. Ruralness is often used to explain 一般来说 乡村气息通常被归结为 the distinctiveness of Southern writing and art and so 南方文学艺术的特色 on. I do love Eudora Welty's description of this. 我比较喜欢欧多拉•威尔第的描述 She didn't just say it's all because the South is rural. 她倒没有说因为南方就是农村 But Eudora Welty was once asked 但有一次她被问到 why Southerners can be such great writers, 为什么南方总是出伟大的作家 or such good storytellers 或者是杰出的小说家 and she was a wonderful storyteller. 她自己就是个很出色的小说家 Her answer was this 她是这么回答的 and it's got something to do with how a lost cause took 同时也解释了为何南方人始终无法hold too 释怀 but she said, "Southerners love a good tale. 她说 "南方人钟爱精彩的故事 They are born reciters, great memory retainers, diary 他们天生善背 记忆超群 爱写日keepers, 记 letter exchangers and letter savers, 乐于书信 尤喜收藏信件 history tracers and debaters, 爱追溯历史 天生的辩论家 and outstaying all the rest they are just great talkers." 总之他们就是很健谈" Now I've met a few New Englanders who were good 我也遇到过很健谈的新英格兰人 talkers too. Then there's this issue of conservatism. 这里还有个保守主义的问题 Why is the South the seat of American conservatism? 为什么南方总是美国的保守派呢 Why did a Southern strategy in modern American 为什么在美国政治历史上 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 17 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 political history re-invent the Republican Party? 南方人重新引入了共和党的概念呢 Even though some defenders of that 尽管一些参与这些运动的人辩护 particular movement claim it didn't happen, 说事实并非如此 like David Brooks tried to claim in The New York Times. 如戴维•布鲁克斯在《纽约时报》的 文章 David Brooks is a revisionist. 戴维•布鲁克斯是个修正主义者 Well, the taproot of conservatism 保守主义的根基 you could say is right there in the Old South. 你可以说它就在旧南方 It's exactly what Wilbur Cash once said. 正如威尔伯•凯什说的那样 He said, "If you want to understand the South," "如果你想读懂南方" 他说 he said, "Its taproot is back there in the Old South." "那你必须追溯到内战前的南方" We so long had this game of sort of always looking for 我们一直在苦苦寻找 the central theme of Southern history, 南方 南方的历史的 the central theme of the South. 中心内涵 And so often it does come back to this 最后常常归结出 overall claim of a kind of anti-reform, 那是一种反革命 sometimes even anti-intellectual, 有时候还有点反知识 conservative defense of a hierarchical civilization 还为阶级文明作保守性辩护 rooted in white supremacy and originally, indeed, 它植根于白人至上主义的土壤 in one of the biggest slave systems the world had ever 根植于世界上最大的奴隶制体系之created. 一 And there's the old business about violence. 还有暴力 老话重提 You can go way 你可以去查阅 there's lots of books on this and articles on this; 有很多相关的资料和书籍 why cockfighting was more popular in the South, 为什么斗鸡在南方更盛行 why country fighting and eye-gouging was--. 为什么打架和挖眼珠子更 Elliott Gorn, a wonderful historian up at Brown, 艾略特•龚是布朗时期一个伟大的历 史家 wrote a brilliant, fascinating, 他写了一本很有趣 很引人入胜 half-crazy essay 口味很重的一本小说 once about eye-gouging and Southern fighting. 是关于南方式打架和挖眼珠的 And I don't know, I used to love to quote from it 我以前讲课很喜欢从中引用 but then I began to realize I'm only quoting that 后来我意识到我引用它只是因为 because it's about a guy's eye being gouged out. 它写的是一个人的眼珠被刨出来而 已 So that's--I'm not going to do that anymore. 所以 我不会再引用了 Now, C. Vann Woodward weighed in on this, a great 现在还有个C•凡•沃德沃的历史学家 historian, worked here much of his life. 他一生很多时间都在研究南方 But he said, you know, finally the South--he said, 但是他说 南方最终 他说 finally the South got liberated from being the place 最终南方可以不再是美国的罪恶之 源了 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 18 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 that America always dumped its sins. 它被解放了出来 In his famous book of essays, The Burden of Southern 《南方历史的重担》 是他一本著名History. 的书 among many other things he argued 他观点独特 that the South actually had the chance to 他说南方事实上有过机会 finally be liberated from being the seat of 不再承担美国的所有罪恶 all of America's sins, by three things. 他列举了三点理由 And he didn't live long enough quite to 他最后没有完成就溘然长逝了 well he actually lived long enough 呃 他算活得够长的了 but he didn't really write about what I would add as a 但他没有加第四点 第四点我自己fourth one 补充的 but he said the Civil Rights revolution finally 他说民权革命最终 began to liberate the South. 将解放南方 And concomitantly a second reason is that 还有第二个理由就是 that Civil Rights revolution also brought, through its 民权运动的经过也带来了一个大发process, 现 a huge discovery at the same time of Northern racism, 那就是北方的种族主义 when Martin Luther King brought 当马丁路德金把运动带到了芝加哥 the movement to Chicago and nearly got killed doing it. 他差点因此丧命 And in a thousand other ways Americans realized 经历这些种种后 美国人意识到 racism isn't a Southern thing, 种族主义不仅仅局限于南方 it's everywhere, belongs to everyone. 它无处不在 所有人都与它脱不了 干系 And then Woodward argued quite directly 接着沃德沃直截了当地说 that the loss of the Vietnam War began to liberate the 越南战争的损失开始导致南方的解South, 放 in a sense that the South, 因为从某种程度上说 Southerners, white Southerners, 南方人 南方白种人 were the only Americans other than 是美国唯一除了印第安人之外 we always forget Native Americans 我们总忽略这些北美原住民 who had ever lost a war. 输掉过战争的人 And that a burden was taken 越南战争惨败 off the South by the loss of that Vietnam War. 卸下了南方的重负 Now, that's a debatable subject, isn't it? 但这个论点是有争议的 不是吗 Because there's a broad revisionism about Vietnam. 因为美国有众多的越南修正主义者 Ronald Reagan argued it was our noble cause in 里根说那是我们在越南的光荣使命 Vietnam. We could've won, should've won, were winning, 我们可以赢 应该赢 曾一度要赢 and so on and so forth. 等等等等 There's even a fourth idea you might add to 这里有第四点你们要加一下 how the South may have been a little bit liberated from 南方如何从过去中一点点解放的 this past by hat has happened in just the last twenty to 可参考美国政治历史上 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 19 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 twenty-five years of American political history, 近25年到20年的这段时期 and economic history, with Sunbelt migration, 经济史 桑贝尔特移民 with Southern industrialization and 还有南方工业化及工业化之前 post-industrialization, with massive immigration now from around the world; 伴随大量从世界各地来的移民 large Vietnamese populations in Louisiana, 比如在路易斯安那的越南人 large Hispanic populations in North Carolina, 在南卡州的西班牙人 a huge Cuban and other Hispanic populations in Florida. 在佛罗里达的大批古巴人和其他西 班牙人 You have a very, very changing 你可以想象 当时的美国南方 demographic situation in the American South 人口流动是非常厉害的 and its political culture has to respond to that. 所以当时的政治文化必须做出相应 的调整 So we may live, in your lifetime, to a time 也许我们 在有生之年 when this burden of Southern history may get all 不会看到这段历史给南方造成的阴 影 but lifted altogether from Southerners, 完全消散 unless we don't forget the Civil War. 除非我们将内战遗忘 And we don't seem to forget it. 但我们似乎不可能忘记这段历史 As I said the other day 正如我前段时间说过的 if that Confederate flag would just go away, 除非南北战争的邦联旗能够消失 just vanish, just stick it in the basement of museums 被放进博物馆的地下室 and no one would ever care about it anymore, 再也没有任何人去关注它 maybe, maybe the South's burden would go away. 那南方历史的阴影可能就真的不复 存在了 But there's another kind of burden, 但显然有另一种阴影 and again Woodward and many others have written 伍德沃德和许多其他作家对此都有about this. 过著作 One of the most distinctive things about Southern 关于南方最独特的东西之一 the South, is of course its history, 当然数它的历史 not just its culture, not just its attitudes, 不只是它的文化 它的观念 not just its behavior; 也不只是它的行为 not the kind of stuff. What's his name, 总之不是这类东西 他叫什么来着 John Shelton Reed, 叫谢尔顿•约翰•里德 the great sociologist, 著名的社会学家 is always doing these surveys of attitudes about 他常年致力于研究人们对于南方人Southerners, 的成见 of Southerners, by Southerners. 南方人自己的观念 及他们对外的 态度 But let's remember the South had a distinctive history. 但就让我们来回忆南方一段独特的 历史吧 The antebellum Southern economy became by the 从十九世纪二十年代起至内战前 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 20 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 1820s, without any question, a slave economy. 南方的经济毫无疑问就是奴隶经济 And by the 1820s and 1830s the American South 自十九世纪二三十年代起 美国南 方 became what I think you could safely say 绝对成为了 was the fifth slave society in human history; 人类历史上的第五个奴隶社会 maybe the sixth. This is debatable. 也可能是第六个 这仍然处于争议 中 Now, for a long time in 在很长的一段时间中 American scholarship and in American classrooms 美国学术界和美国课堂 one of the deep mythologies about this whole story of 对于这个时代内战前的南方历史 the era of the American Civil War in the Old South is 存有一个疑点 that the Old South's plantation economy was dying out. 就是当时南方的种植园经济正在逐 渐衰退 Soil was being eroded and wasted along the Eastern 东部沿海地区的土地因被侵蚀而荒seaboard, 废掉 and they were using up the great soils of the Mississippi 密西西比河谷地区的土地资源即将Valley 被耗尽 and over time that slave 但就在这种情况下 system just somehow wasn't going to work out. 奴隶制依然能维持南方的经济 Now Ulrich Phillips argued this years and years and years 乌尔里希•菲利普斯多年前就一直在ago. 研究 Others argued it from real research, 而其他人则通过亲身研究也提出自 己的见解 but along came Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman 从罗伯特•福格尔和斯坦利•恩格曼 and a generation of other scholars from the 1960s on, 到二十世纪六十年代的那些学者的 研究 and there were people even before them 我们会发现甚至有人在他们之前 who looked at the Southern 就在研究南方经济时 economy through cleometrics and statistics 运用计量历史学和统计学 and a broad swath of new 通过广泛地使用 economic historical methods and analyses, 经济历史学的方法进行分析 and they discovered that--sorry folks 最终他们发现了 非常遗憾 slavery was extremely profitable. 他们发现奴隶制着实非常非常盈利 The Southern economy, thank you very much, was 南方经济也因此开始繁荣了 booming. The South had its greatest cotton crop ever in 1860. 1860年棉花产量是南方有史以来最 高的 It was affected by the major American depressions of 棉花产量只在两次美国经济大萧条1837, 1857, 时期 but not as much as the North. 1837年57年受到影响 但损失远不 及北方 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 21 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 And, lo and behold, 并且 看看这个 that idea we had of the Southern planter as this 我们脑海中的南方种植者 oh, you know, kind of anti-modern 有点反现代的形象 don't give up entirely on the anti-modern label, 不要忽视了这反现代的标签 I think there's still something to that 我发现对于这些即反现代又 but that anti-modern kind of backward-looking planter 固步自封的南方种植者们来说 who he didn't really like world markets, 他们不喜欢国际市场 he didn't like railroads and trains and all that stuff, 不喜欢如公路铁路等等这类交通设 施 he just wanted to make a decent little living 他们只想保持原有的生活方式 if he could off growing some hemp and some tobacco 种点大麻 烟草 and some indigo and some rice and some cotton, 种点颜料植物 稻米和棉花 and he was good to his slaves. 而且他们对奴隶也不错 They had a bad break coming from Africa 知道黑人奴隶自非洲来很不容易 but that's the way it goes. Uh-uh. 我们对他们的印象就是如此 错 We now know, if we know anything about the Old South, 如果我们对内战前的南方有所了解 the average American planter, the average American 就知道几乎每个种植园主 每个奴slaveholder, 隶主 small ones and big ones, were raging capitalists. 无论资产多少 都是精明的资本家 They understood markets, they understood profits. 他们懂得市场 懂得如何盈利 They were men of rational choice, 他们十分理智 and the way to wealth in the American South 知道奴隶制是南方通向财富的捷径 the way to wealth, even before the cotton gin 这捷径甚至在发明轧棉机之前就已 被挖掘 but especially after Eli Whitney's cotton gin; 当然在伊莱•惠特尼发明轧棉机后更 显著 and by the way folks, 顺便提一句 everybody knows Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin 我们每个人都知道是惠特尼发明的 轧棉机 and it was originally this little box, smaller than this 它原本只是个小盒子 比这个讲台lectern. 还小 If you don't know that 如果你不知道 somebody should've taught 那你们肯定是忘了 you that in the 6th Grade or the 4th Grade 在六年级或四年级的时候老师肯定 讲过 or the 1st Grade or somewhere. 或者 一年级 小学一年级数学20以内加减练习题小学一年级数学20以内练习题小学一年级上册语文教学计划人教版一年级上册语文教学计划新人教版一年级上册语文教学计划 无所谓具体什么时候 Good old Eli Whitney, 伊莱•惠特尼发明的轧棉机 it's his fault we had the cotton boom and slavery grew, 促使了棉花产业兴盛和奴隶需求量 猛增 and you get sort of Eli Whitney to the Civil War. 可以说惠特尼在某种程度上导致了 内战的爆发 And then we have a great war for weeks 随后这场持续数周的战争打响了 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 22 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 and it's all Eli Whitney. 这都归咎于伊莱•惠特尼 He's buried right across the street. 他的墓碑就在过街 Go into Grove Street Cemetery some 走进韦街公墓 会有人到他的坟前 悼念 go visit his grave and say, "It's not your fault Eli." 说 "这不是你的错 伊莱" "It's okay, 'cuz them planters, "好吧 全都是因为这些种植园主 they were raging capitalists just waitin' for you. 这些精明的资本家就等着你 All you did is give 'em a machine." 为他们创作出这么一台机器" The way to wealth. 这就是通向财富之路 Faulkner wrote about this too in that immortal character 福克纳同样写过这样的内容 那就 是 he created in Thomas Sutpen in Absalom, Absalom! 《押沙龙 押沙龙》中的托马斯•塞 德潘 Who was Thomas Sutpen? 托马斯•塞德潘是谁 Thomas Sutpen is that guy 托马斯就是带着 who arrives out in Alabama 一群来自海地的奴隶 with a group of Haitian slaves with him. 来到阿拉巴马州的人 He treats them like an absolute tyrant. 他残暴地对待他们 He carves down the forest, 他命令奴隶们砍倒树木 he begins to cultivate the land 他开始翻耕这片土地 and he declares what you got to have for success in the 同时他声称 在南方 成功就必须South is 要有 "A house, some land and some niggers." "一栋房子 一片土地和一些黑奴" That's another one of those sentences by Faulkner 还有福克纳写的另一部作品 that sort of captured this spirit of Alabama Fever, 作品谈到了十九世纪二三十年代的 as it was called, in the 1820s and '30s, 圈地狂潮 在阿拉巴马州 and Mississippi Fever in the 1830s, 十九世纪三十年代的密西西比 Louisiana/Texas Fever by the 18 在路易斯安那州和德克萨斯州 well Louisiana Fever is 路易斯安那州圈地潮相对出现得更 早 even earlier--but Texas Fever by the 1840s. 德克萨斯州圈地潮是在十九世纪四 十年代 The land was so rich 这片土壤十分肥沃 and it was really cheap at first. 并且最初还十分便宜 Now, how powerful-- 棉花产业 was the cotton boom once it took hold? 是怎么让南方发家致富的呢 This powerful. 我现在来说明 Sea Island cotton, the 乔治亚州 kind of cotton grown down there in the Georgia 有种海岛棉 where it was first grown in North America 最初是生长于美国北部的 in the Georgia, South Carolina islands, 在佐治亚州的南卡罗来纳州岛上 was a kind of long and silky kind of cotton. 最初有一种柔软光洁的棉花 They weren't very successful in growing it in huge 岛上的居民想大规模种植但没有成 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 23 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 amounts, 功 but that short stapled cotton 因而海岛棉 这种粗绒棉 that eventually was the form of cotton 逐渐成为了棉花产业的主流 that the cotton gin made into such a massive, 轧棉机的发明成为了种可大量生产 marketable world product, 且有利可图的产品 is what made the cotton boom boom. 也因而棉花产业越来越兴盛 By the 1820s, already, 截至十九世纪二十年代 within a decade of the War of 1812 这其中包括了1812年开战的十年战 争 and the opening of the frontier, 以及边疆的开拓 cotton's future seemed limitless. 棉花产业的未来似乎无限 And one of the best analogies 做个非常恰当的类比 you can think of is the oil rich nations of the world 你们可以把棉花想象成 in post-World War Two, in the post-World War Two era, 二战后时期的石油 whether it's Saudi Arabia, 想想沙特阿拉伯 Iraq and Iran, the Emirates, 伊拉克 伊朗 阿联酋 or Venezuela, name--today Russia. 委内瑞拉 和今天的俄罗斯吧 If you're an oil rich country today, 如果你今天是富油国 as long as that oil lasts, 并且能保持稳定的产油量 you got the world kind of at your knees. 那整个世界都会匍匐在你的跟前 You're in OPEC. 因为你是石油输出国 And that is exactly what the South began to see itself as, 当时的南方就开始有那种感觉了 at least Southern leadership began to see itself as, 至少南方的领导层就开始有那种感 觉了 as early as the 1820s and 1830s. 那还是十九世纪二三十年代 The cotton crop nearly doubled 从1820年到1860年 every decade from 1820 to 1860. 棉花的产量每十年就翻一倍 Four decades in a row the 美国棉花产量翻倍的传奇 production of American cotton nearly doubled. 持续了四十年 Now think of another product in American history 思考下在美国历史中有没有另一种 产品曾 that doubled every decade for four decades, 有如此辉煌的成就 and then imagine that that product became the 那么这个产品将毫无疑问地 country's, without question, absolute largest export. 成为美国最大的出口产品 General Motors at its height, 即使是通用汽车鼎盛时期 when I was growing up in Flint, Michigan, in boom times, 那时我还是个孩子生活在密歇根的 弗林特 would've wished it could've said that. 也没能有如此辉煌的成绩 Already by 1825--that early 截至1825年 the South was the world's 南方是全世界 largest supplier of cotton and fueling now 最大的棉花供应者并且促进着 this Industrial Revolution in textile production 在英国和其他国家的 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 24 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 in Great Britain and other places. 纺织工业的发展 And think of it this way. 现在顺着这个逻辑来思考 I need a map for this, excuse me. 我有一张地图 请等等 I don't know if you can see 我不太能确定你们是否能看清 those colors much at all, sorry about that. 这些颜色 不好意思 But what you've got at the top are the early 1790s 一般 你们会认为南方的奴隶数量 and I think 1820 in terms 达到高峰是在十八世纪九十年代 of slave population in the American south. 而我却认为1820年更准确 But if you look at 1860, the bottom map, 看看1860年 就在地图的最底部 if you can vaguely see those deep, dark, red areas, 如果你们能看到这些深红色的区域 you can see where cotton moved, 你们就能明白棉花种植地的扩大 where slavery moved in the domestic slave trade, 是如何导致奴隶需求量扩大的 and then where Southern political power moved. 同样变化的还有南方政权力量 And you will find, as we will in the next few weeks, 在接下来的几周课中你们会发现 the Southern political power 截至十九世纪五六十年代 by the 1850s and 1860s is really no longer in Virginia, 弗吉尼亚 南卡罗来纳州和密西西 比河谷 or even South Carolina, it's out in the Mississippi Valley. 已经不存在南方政权力量了 There's a very good reason Jefferson Davis becomes 杰斐逊•戴维斯之所以能在1860年 president of the confederacy in 1860. 成为南部邦联总统 It's because he's from Mississippi. 就是因为他来自于密西西比 Now, fortunes were made overnight; 当时一夜就可以暴富 new wealth, overnight. 奴隶制让人一夜暴富 A number of men, as one historian has written, 一些人就像一位历史学家写的那样 I think quite effectively, "Mounted from log cabin to 我觉得非常犀利 引述一段 mansion" and I quote "On a stairway of cotton bales "小木屋通往大厦的阶梯正是由 accumulating slaves as they went." 奴隶们用棉花包堆积成的" If you had five slaves 1820年 如果你在阿拉巴马州 and a good piece of land in Alabama in 1820, 拥有五个奴隶和一块肥沃的土地 you might very likely have fifty slaves 十年后你很可能就会拥有五十个奴 隶 and a hell of a lot more land a decade later. 以及更多的土地 But it's also worth knowing that 还有一点我们需要知道的是 that slaveholding population was also fluid, 奴隶主人数也是不稳定的 people moved in and out of it. 有的人加入有的人退出 There were approximately 400,000 slaveholders, 截至1860年 美国南部 white slaveholders, in the American South by 1860. 大约有四十万白人奴隶主 About one-third of Southern white families 大约三分之一的南方白人家庭 at one time or another had at least a toehold in slave 在某一段时期至少都拥有过奴隶 ownership. That means two-thirds did not, of course. 这当然也意味着三分之二的家庭没 有奴隶 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 25 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 Two-thirds of the white South remained in those classes 三分之二的白人家庭属于这个阶级 we've come to call the yeoman farmers, the poor whites, 我们称他们是约曼农民 贫穷的白 人 or the sand hill farmers, as they were sometimes called. 或者没有地的农民 In certain regions of the South, the yeoman farmer 在南方的某些地区 约曼农民 non-slaveholding, but land owning, usually 一般没有奴隶但有地 and the poor white farmer 而贫穷的白人 non-slaveholding, but usually not even land-owning, 是既没有奴隶又没有土地的人 usually renting or working for wage labor 他们一般被雇佣以获取劳动报酬 were forty, fifty, and even sixty percent of 这样的人占到了这些地区 the white population in a given region. 白人的百分之四十 五十甚至六十 Jefferson Davis is, in fact, 实际上 杰斐逊•戴维斯 a classic example of the cotton boom planter. 是棉花种植者暴富的典型例子 He was born in relatively 他出生在肯塔基州一个 meager and humble circumstances in Kentucky, 相对贫寒的家庭 not what, about 80 miles from where Abraham Lincoln 不过不是约80英里外林肯出生的 was born, in even meagerer circumstances. 那个更穷苦的地方 But his older brother, Joseph, 但他的哥哥约瑟夫 went out to Mississippi and struck it rich in cotton. 去了密西西比并且依靠棉花种植致 富 And Jefferson Davis went out to join him, 杰斐逊•戴维斯投靠了他 and Jefferson Davis became a millionaire. 并因此成为了百万富翁 On cotton. 靠的就是棉花 Of course Jefferson Davis 当然 杰斐逊•戴维斯 really preferred to be a military officer 更愿意成为军官 and went to West Point and on and on and on, 因此去了西点军校学习等等 and the rest is history. 他余下的生活就如历史所述 My watch says I've run out of time. 看来时间快到了 Now let me leave you with this. 我最后阐述几点关于 How successful was the cotton boom, 棉花业的兴盛是如何的成功 how important was the cotton boom, 如何的重要 what is the relationship between the spread of slavery, 奴隶制的传播 与棉花业的兴盛 the spread of cotton, and power? 以及权利的扩散之间有什么关系 By 1860 there were approximately 截至1860年 美国大约有 4,000,000 slaves in the United States, 四百万的奴隶 the second largest slave society 也因此使之成为了 slave population--in the world. 世界历史上的第二大奴隶社会 The only one larger was Russian serfdom. Brazil was 第一大是俄国农奴 巴西则和美国close. 接近 But in 1860 American slaves, as a financial asset, 但在1860年 美国奴隶作为财产所 有 were worth approximately three and a half billion dollars 市值约35亿美元 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 26 / 27页)= 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建 1845-1877 02中英字幕 作者:沈金河 that's just as property. 只是作为财产而言 Three and a half billion dollars was the net worth, 1860年 奴隶作为资产 roughly, of slaves in 1860. 市值约35亿美元 In today's dollars that would be 大约相当于如今的 approximately seventy-five billion dollars. 750亿美元 In 1860 slaves as an asset were worth 1860年 奴隶作为财产的产值超过 了 more than all of America's manufacturing, all of the 美国所有的制造业 所有的铁路 railroads, all of the productive capacity of the United States put 和所有产业的产值总和 together. Slaves were the single largest, by far, 截止至今 在美国经济中 financial asset of property in the entire American 奴隶是最庞大的经济资产 economy. The only thing worth more than the slaves 十九世纪五十年代的美国经济中 in the American economy of the 1850s was the land 唯一价值超过奴隶的就是土地 itself, and no one can really put a dollar value on 而且没有人能够真正对 all of the land of North America. 美国北部的土地进行估值 If you're looking to begin to understand 如果你开始思考 why the South will begin to defend this system, 南方为什么要保卫这个体制 这个 社会 and defend this society, and worry about it shrinking, 忧虑奴隶产业的萎缩 and worry about a political culture from the North 担心北方政权体制 that is really beginning to criticize them, 对他们的指责 think three and a half billion dollars 那让我们想想这35亿美元 and the largest financial asset in American society, 美国社会中最庞大的财富吧 and what you might even try to compare that to today. 你可能可以拿它们和今天作比较 Now I'll pick up with this next Tuesday; 下星期二我会来听听你们的想法 it's a perfect transition into the pro-slavery argument 我想它是亲奴制的发展和 and southern worldview. Thank you. 南方世界观形成的重要因素 谢谢 今天我们要讲的是南方 文档号:HSWK20131104001 创建时间:11/4/2013 10:45:03 PM(第 27 / 27页)=
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