首页 学校廉政风险点暨防范措施一览表



学校廉政风险点暨防范措施一览表学校廉政风险点暨防范措施一览表 , 学校廉政风险点暨防范措施一览表 , 作者:陈岳周 时间:03-20 14:02 点击: 891 , 廉政风险 风险 廉政风险序号 主要廉政风险点 防范措施 领域 责任人 等级 1(在招收学生、招聘教师工作中,不按章办事,收受贿赂或中 1、在招收学生、招聘教师工作中,走程序,规范操作。 徇私情。 2(在学校财务工作中,违规收费,私设小金库。 中 2、按照财务工作要求,规范收费,杜绝小金库。 3(在校舍维修、器材购置方面,违反政府采购相关规定,收中 3、按政府采购相关...

学校廉政风险点暨防范措施一览表 , 学校廉政风险点暨防范措施一览表 , 作者:陈岳周 时间:03-20 14:02 点击: 891 , 廉政风险 风险 廉政风险序号 主要廉政风险点 防范措施 领域 责任人 等级 1(在招收学生、招聘教师工作中,不按章办事,收受贿赂或中 1、在招收学生、招聘教师工作中,走程序,规范操作。 徇私情。 2(在学校财务工作中,违规收费,私设小金库。 中 2、按照财务工作要求,规范收费,杜绝小金库。 3(在校舍维修、器材购置方面,违反政府采购相关规定,收中 3、按政府采购相关规定流程操作,严格把关,及时公开。 王若慧 受钱物回扣。 校长室 1 4(利用学校食堂托管,向托管方收取租赁费、水电费和管理中 4、由学校食堂管理委员会负责,按上级要求办理,每月公示。 费,克扣学生伙食费,为教师和自己个人谋得钱物。 5(不按规定使用学校公用经费,或疏于管理,造成学校各项中 5、认真做好公用经费预算及使用,合理安排,规范操作,及时公示。 工作不能正常有效开展。 1(放松对党员的学习教育。 中 1、加强党员思想教育,加强三会一课,提高党员整体素质。 2(未履行管理职责,不按政策和程序依法办事。 2、建立健全党支部的各项管理制度,以身作则,确保党支部各项工作中 运转正常。 陈岳周 3(对学校三重一大事项的实施监督力度不够,监督不严。 中 3、严格按程序、制度办事。 党支部 2 4(对党员及党员领导干部廉洁从政教育管理不严。 4、加强党员干部的廉政教育和管理,经常开展警示教育,筑牢拒腐防中 变的思想防线,完善廉政教育长效机制。 5(发展党员中出现不规范、把关不严现象。 中 5、严格按照《党章》规定,以党员发展工作的“十六字”方针为指导, how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and 坚持党小组推荐、团支部推优、公示制、票决制,严格按照程序,规范 操作,把好“入口关”。 6(不按干部管理权限、规定程序,进行干部职务任免。 6、严格执行《干部任用条例》要求,坚持民主推荐、民主测评、公开中 考核、任前公示、设置 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 箱、任前谈话等程序。 7(学校党务公开力度不够、不规范。 7、建立党务公开责任制。对党务公开的内容、形式、程序、制度等方 中 面进行规范,科学确定党务公开的内容,做到 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 统一、内容全面,建 立起符合实际的党务公开运行机制和制度保障体系。 1(不依法履行维权职能,对学校依法治校工作监督不力;(如:教中 1(坚持校务公开,接受群众监督。 代会的执行,群众合法利益,校务公开的监督等) 2(工会经费管理不到位,发生违规使用现象; 中 2(按照《廉政 准则 租赁准则应用指南下载租赁准则应用指南下载租赁准则应用指南下载租赁准则应用指南下载租赁准则应用指南下载 》,带头遵守廉洁自律各项规章制度。 工会 黄武茂 3 (如:慰问走访、疗休养、开展活动、采购教师福利物品等) 3(利用职权和职务上的影响谋取不正当利益。 中 3(规范开展工会活动,程序合理细致。 4(所属部门下属工作存在违规违纪现象。 中 4(监督经费透明,按制度公开账目。 5(严格规范所属部门下属的工作,加强监督、管理。 1(各种重要信息没有及时向领导反馈。 中 1(规范信息管理程序,及时向领导汇报重要信息。 2(重要会议的准备和组织协调不到位。 中 2(提早准备好重要会议的筹备,确定会议议程,落实每一个程序。 3(保密工作措施不到位,出现重要机密泄露。 中 3(严格信息保密制度和会议制度,会上畅所欲言,会后沉默不语。 校长 4(加强与各部门的工作联系与沟通,积极主动协助和督促各部门落实4(对部门的管理服务和协调保障工作落实不到位。 中 柯祥发 4 各项工作,确保各项工作有序开展。 办公室 5(严格请假程序,做到有节、有据、有理,同时,主动关心教工的疾5(执行请假制度不严格、不公正。 中 苦,体现人本化管理。 6(公章使用不规范。 中 6(严格公章使用制度,做好请示与登记。 7(所属部门下属工作存在违规违纪现象。 中 7(严格规范所属部门下属的工作,加强监督、管理。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and 1(在教学管理中不按照制度操作,以人情代替制度,尤其在排课、1(进一步规范教导处的教学管理行为,以公开、公正、透明的原则按中 检查、评优、考核中偏袒老师,不透明、不公正。 制度进行教学管理。 2(认真学习教学管理相关文件、法规,熟悉业务,严谨工作,并定期2(在教学管理中由于自己的不尽责,导致出现重大教学事故。 中 向校长室汇报教学管理工作。 3(认真贯彻落实招生文件精神,规范学校办学行为,依法实施招生入3(招生工作不按规章制度、流程操作,出现违规事情。并可能存在 中 学工作,坚持公开、公平、公正的原则,维护家长和社会知情权,接受在招生规定外,家长为进我校或指定班级进行贿赂。 社会监督。 谌海兰、 4(书商为推销辅导书进行贿赂。 中 4(拒绝书商进入我校。拒绝书商提出的任何变相邀请等。 5(对评优、考核等严格按照相关标准进行操作,并做好教学常规检查 5(不按制度及时上报老师的加班费、绩效考核费等。 中 的过程性记录,并及时向老师进行反馈。对评优、考核结果上报校长室 审核。 6(明确教务处工作职责,并进行过程性监控,确保教务工作中正确有6(教务处学籍管理工作不按学籍管理规章制度违规操作。 中 序进行。 5 1(在教学管理中不按照制度操作,以人情代替制度,尤其在排课、1(进一步规范教导处的教学管理行为,以公开、公正、透明的原则按中 检查、评优、考核中偏袒老师,不透明、不公正。 制度进行教学管理。 2(认真学习教学管理相关文件、法规,熟悉业务,严谨工作,并定期 2(在教学管理中由于自己的不尽责,导致出现重大教学事故。 中 向校长室汇报教学管理工作。 3(认真贯彻落实招生文件精神,规范学校办学行为,依法实施招生入 3(招生工作不按规章制度、流程操作,出现违规事情。并可能存在 中 学工作,坚持公开、公平、公正的原则,维护家长和社会知情权,接受在招生规定外,家长为进我校或指定班级进行贿赂。 社会监督。 4(书商为推销辅导书进行贿赂。 中 4(拒绝书商进入我校。拒绝书商提出的任何变相邀请等。 5(对评优、考核等严格按照相关标准进行操作,并做好教学常规检查教导处 5.不按制度及时上报老师的加班费、绩效考核费等。 中 的过程性记录,并及时向老师进行反馈。对评优、考核结果上报校长室戴娟娟 审核。 6.教务处学籍管理工作不按学籍管理规章制度违规操作。 中 6(明确教务处工作职责,并进行过程性监控,确保教务工作正确有序 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and 进行。 1(按起初制定的年级组长、班主任考核制度执行,并按考核表逐级、1(年级组长、班主任工作考核过于主观。 中 客观地进行工作考核。 2(对学生评优、班级评优、班主任评优工作做到细致、明确、公开、2(学生评优、班级评优、班主任评优工作没按要求。 中 公正,按程序操作。 3(要按教育局规定,并与学校商议确定学生社会实践活动的合作旅行金燕连 3(在学生社会实践活动中,不与学校沟通,擅自与旅行社合作。 中 社。 4(在学生报刊征订时,严格按照教育局规定的报刊征订项目征订,并4(在学生报刊征订时,随意确定征订项目,违规操作。 中 坚持家长自愿征订原则。 5(利用职务便利,帮助社会商业部门推广其产品或服务。 中 5(绝不利用职务便利帮助社会商业部门推广产品或服务。 6(所属部门下属工作存在违规违纪现象。 中 6(严格规范所属部门下属的工作,加强监督、管理。 政教处 6 1(按起初制定的年级组长、班主任考核制度执行,并按考核表逐级、1(年级组长、班主任工作考核过于主观,不规范操作。 中 客观地进行工作考核。 2(学生评优、班级评优、班主任评优工作没按要求和相关程序考核、2(对学生评优、班级评优、班主任评优工作做到细致、明确、公开、中 评比。 公正,按程序操作。 3(要按教育局规定,并与学校商议确定学生社会实践活动的合作旅行王闽 3(在学生社会实践活动中,不与学校沟通,擅自与旅行社合作。 中 社。 4(在学生报刊征订时,严格按照教育局规定的报刊征订项目征订,并4(在学生报刊征订时,随意确定征订项目,违规操作。 中 坚持家长自愿征订原则。 5(利用职务便利,帮助社会商业部门推广其产品或服务。 中 5(绝不利用职务便利帮助社会商业部门推广产品或服务。 6(所属部门下属工作存在违规违纪现象。 中 6(严格规范所属部门下属的工作,加强监督、管理。 1(在指导教师开展科研工作与 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 发表、评奖中能否清正廉洁。 中 1(严格依照工作职责行事,时刻提醒自己遵章守规。 科研室 程立海 7 2(科研经费能否正当使用。 中 2(做好费用使用的审核、报批与记录等监控工作。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and 3(及时发布上级主管部门下发的文件、清单,接受学校领导与教师的3(学校与教师获奖奖金是否及时、足额发放。 中 监督。 4(评审条件、资格与结果及时公示。按照考评条件与规定,进行操作、4(区、校级骨干评审中可能的弄虚作假与偏向。 中 考核,并公开结果。 5(年终对教师的考核是否公平、公正。 中 5(按照考评条件与规定,进行操作、考核,并公开结果 1(在教师招聘工作中,严格按照规定流程办事,上报材料一律经校长1(在教师招聘工作中,收受贿赂,私自上报引进教师。 中 室审批通过。同时,本着公平公正的原则,做好相关信息的公开。 2(在月结构工资及年度奖金核算中,不徇私舞弊,认真、细致地做好2(在月结构工资及年度奖金核算中,徇私舞弊,违规操作。 中 每笔工资和奖金的核算,确保每个教工的利益。 3(严格遵照上级文件精神和学校制定的相关 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,做好教师职称评审3(在职称评审申报工作中,因偏袒而不按照规定程序办事。 中 的申报工作,并做好相应的工资晋升。 人事 张怡 8 4(按照学校规定的程序做好教工的调离手续,确保学校的财产等不受4(未按规定做好教工调离手续,给学校造成财产等方面的损失。 中 到任何损失。 5(未熟练掌握人事政策法规,发生严重偏差或影响学校教育教学工5(继续加强学习,熟练掌握人事方面的政策法规,为学校教育教学工中 作。 作保驾护航。 6(严格执行《干部人事档案管理工作制度》,及时做好档案的收集、6(人事档案管理不严,出现遗失、损坏,或泄漏有关内容。 中 整理工作,确保档案的安全、保密。 1(组织、开展各项活动、竞赛违规操作。 中 1(组织各项活动、竞赛按制度、按程序规范操作。 2(各项经费严格按照“尊重事实、遵循制度、符合规定”的原则进行申2(申报活动经费、教职工加班费与事实不符。 中 报。 艺体科卫 曾丽 3(食品安全卫生监督不力。 中 3(按制度、按要求加强食品安全卫生监督。 9 4(对药品购买进行监督、把关,依据“科学用药、合理用药、保质保量”4(药品购买与需求不符。 中 的原则进行。 5(所属部门下属工作存在违规违纪现象。 中 5(严格规范所属部门下属的工作,加强监督、管理。 信息处 赵晓群 1(信息化设备使用、管理不到位,未按制度执行。 中 1(严格按照信息化设备使用、管理制度操作,规范行为,加强执行力。 10 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and 2(信息化应用平台设备的申购未按流程规范操作,把控不严。 中 2(严格执行政府采购的相关制度,从严把关,做到公正公开透明。 3(加强信息化设备的保管,有专人负责,做好设备出借的登记工作和3(信息化设备疏于保管,出现遗失、人为破坏,或重大失误。 中 设备的常规检查工作。 4(所属部门下属工作存在违规违纪现象。 中 4(严格规范所属部门下属的工作,加强监督、管理 1(基建项目一定要按照闵行区政府采购的要求,该招标的一定要按照1(基建项目不按规范的招标形式操作。 高 招标形式进行操作。 2(学校的维修项目一定要按照规范的操作步骤,报教育局相关部门报2(维修项目不按规范的程序操作。 高 批审核。 3(建基项目的审计要按照闵行区政府采购定点项目供应商的目录进行3(对基建项目的预结算审核不清。 高 项目审计。 4(大宗商品的采购,该集中采购的必须集中采购,改协议采购的一定4(大宗物品和政府采购物品的添置不按政府的采购的规范来操作,按照市府平台进行采购,购买物品需货比三家,择优选购,采购一定数总务处 顾明德 11 购买的物品价格高于市场价,单独一人去采购物品,购置的物品质量高 量和金额的货物需二人以上,采购的物品数量一定要与发票的数量相一不合格的,购置的物品数量与发票金额不符的。 致。 5(在校舍维修中对工程所要求的建筑材料,必须把控材料的质量和对5(对进场的建筑材料质量检查不到位。 高 数量的验收。 6(对零星小工程量的确认不明。 高 6(对一些零星的工程修理项目必须逐项核实。 7(在教师领用的物品中有可能徇私舞弊,在仓库中拿用物品。 高 7(教师物品领用按照制度严格执行。 8(将报废的物品私自处理。 高 8(公家的物品一定不能随意拿用,进出货的手续必须齐全。 9(严格按照教育局有关财产处置的要求来执行,决不允许手续不全擅9(所属部门下属工作存在违规违纪现象。 高 自处理学校的报废物品。 10(严格规范所属部门下属的工作,按制度从严要求,加强监督、管理。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and
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